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This was extracted (@ 2025-01-15 21:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


27 Feb 2017

Terminate the Apache Abdera Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
 interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Abdera project
 due to inactivity;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Abdera project is
 hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with oversight
 over the software developed by the Apache Abdera Project; and be it

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Abdera" is
 hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Abdera PMC is hereby terminated.

 Special Order 7C, Terminate the Apache Abdera Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

27 Feb 2017 [Ant Elder / Brett]

No report was submitted.

18 Jan 2017 [Ant Elder / Jim]

No report was submitted.

@Mark: help Abdera transition to the Attic

21 Dec 2016 [Ant Elder / Isabel]

No report was submitted.

16 Nov 2016 [Ant Elder / Mark]

No report was submitted.

@Mark: pursue a report for Abdera; determine if the Attic is next

19 Oct 2016 [Ant Elder / Jim]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom Syndication
Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is in maintenance mode with minimal development activity. I believe
there are at least three PMC members providing oversight still. Recently there
have been a couple of user requests for a new release to pick up updated
dependencies, hopefully that will get done during the next quarter.

The last release was over two years ago, the last commiter / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

21 Sep 2016 [Ant Elder / Bertrand]

No report was submitted.

17 Aug 2016 [Ant Elder / Jim]

No report was submitted.

15 Jun 2016 [Ant Elder / Marvin]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom Syndication
Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is in maintenance mode with minimal development activity. I believe
there are at least three PMC members providing oversight still. Not much
at all going on in Abdera the last few months other than misfiled JIRA.

The last release was over two years ago, the last commiter / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

18 May 2016 [Ant Elder / Brett]

No report was submitted.

@Brett: pursue a report for Abdera

16 Mar 2016 [Ant Elder / Jim]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom Syndication
Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is in maintenance mode with minimal development activity. I believe
there are at least three PMC members providing oversight still. This quarter
the main activity was a user getting help with a problem upgrading their
application. Turned out to be an AXIOM bug that was fixed by a new AXIOM
release but the debugging was done in the Abdera JIRA which I think shows
again why retiring projects to the Attic is not ideal.

The last release was over two years ago, the last commiter / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

17 Feb 2016 [Ant Elder / Chris]

No report was submitted.

18 Nov 2015 [Ant Elder / Shane]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is in maintenance mode with minimal activity. I believe there
are at least three PMC members providing oversight still. This quarter
the only things going on were some misfiled and spam JIRA's the PMC
members dealt with.

The last release was over two years ago, the last commiter / PMC
member addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

19 Aug 2015 [Ant Elder / Bertrand]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Also reported just last month and there have been no changes since
then - Abdera is in maintenance mode with minimal activity. I believe
there are at least three PMC members providing oversight still.

The last release was over two years ago, the last commiter / PMC
member addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

15 Jul 2015 [Ant Elder / Rich]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is in maintenance mode with minimal activity. I believe
there are at least three PMC members providing oversight still.

The last release was over two years ago, the last commiter / PMC
member addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

17 Jun 2015 [Ant Elder / Rich]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

The last report was talking about moving to the attic, nothing has been
done about that yet though. Abdera still has minimal activity, a miss-
filed JIRA to get resolved though.

No board issues.

20 May 2015 [Ant Elder / Jim]

No report was submitted.

22 Apr 2015 [Ant Elder / Jim]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

No activity and it looks like Abdera will be retired to the attic now.
We need to mention this on the dev list and then if there are no
objections i'll endevour to get a retirement resolution by the next

No board issues.

18 Mar 2015 [Ant Elder / Ross]

No report was submitted.

18 Feb 2015 [Ant Elder / Rich]

No report was submitted.

21 Jan 2015 [Ant Elder / Rich]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is very very quiet with no activity for months, and I've been
missing doing the board reports for it. A few months ago i asked if
someone else would volunteer to be chair but had no offers, I've asked
again now and if no one steps up again by the next report i'll propose
the project is moved to the Attic.

No board issues.

17 Dec 2014 [Ant Elder / Greg]

No report was submitted.

19 Nov 2014 [Ant Elder / Sam]

Attachment B: Report from the Apache Ambari Project  [Yusaku Sako]

Apache Ambari simplifies provisioning, managing, and monitoring of Apache
Hadoop clusters.
Since the last report in Aug 2014, the community has been focused on the
1.7.0 release which will include resolution of more than 1500 JIRAs; a release
vote should be called within a week.
A major infrastructure improvement was made to set up automated Jenkins
jobs for running automated checks and unit tests on patches posted as well as
post-commit unit test runs that push results directly to relevant JIRAs;
this has helped the community to maintain a code base in which unit test
breakages are rare exceptions rather than the rule.

Mailing Lists:
 * 265 subscribers (+19 since last report)
 * 163 subscribers (+15 since last report)

 * 2014-07-16  1.6.1
 * 2014-05-25  1.6.0

 * 2014-10-27  Added Robert Nettleton
 * 2014-10-02  Added Scott Creeley
 * 2014-09-22  Added Jun Aoiki

 * 2013-11-20  Added 37 initial PMC members upon establishing TLP

 * There are no board-level issues at this time.

No report was submitted.

@Sam: pursue a report for Abdera

20 Aug 2014 [Ant Elder / Chris]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is very quiet. There are occasional emails and bug reports,
which sometimes take a little while to get actioned. The most frequent
activity is dealing with misfiled bug reports - Abdera is top in the
project list in the ASF JIRA system and the default project choice so
often gets bug reports for other ASF projects. While the code is not
being actively developed there are still a few PMC members watching
the lists so i don't see any problems with keeping on in this quiet
state for the time being.

The last release was over one year ago, the last committer / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

18 Jun 2014 [Ant Elder / Jim]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is very quiet. The only activity recently has been around
cleaning up the dist areas at the request of infra, and setting up
svnpubsub to help with that. While the code is not being actively
developed there are still a few PMC members watching the lists so I
don't see any problems with keeping on in this quiet state for the
time being.

The last release was over one year ago, the last commiter / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

21 May 2014 [Ant Elder / Chris]

No report was submitted.

AI Brett: pursue a report for Abdera

19 Mar 2014 [Ant Elder / Jim]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom Syndication
Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is very quiet, almost dormant. There was one bug report recently,
no one has had a chance to investigate it yet, other than that there has
been little activity in the project. It might be worth thinking about
moving to the attic but while there are still a few PMC members watching
the lists I think its probably ok to keep the project alive for now.

The last release was one year ago, the last committer / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

19 Feb 2014 [Ant Elder / Shane]

No report was submitted.

15 Jan 2014 [Ant Elder / Doug]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera is very quiet, almost dormant. There was a report of a security
issue last September which was dealt with (determined not to be a
problem as the vulnerabilities were only in test code) but other than
that no work has been going on. It might be worth thinking about
moving to the attic but while there are still a few PMC members
watching the lists I think its probably ok to keep the project alive
for now.

The last release was one year ago, the last committer / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

18 Dec 2013 [Ant Elder / Greg]

No report was submitted.

20 Nov 2013 [Ant Elder / Doug]

No report was submitted.

21 Aug 2013 [Ant Elder / Chris]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Very quiet quarter, other than a few JIRA issues not much going on at
all over summer.

The last release was 7 months ago, the last committer / PMC member
addition was Nov 2011.

No board issues.

15 May 2013 [Ant Elder / Roy]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications. The
previous board report was in March so this one is slightly early.

Activity in Abdera is low but there have been about 20 commits from a
couple of committers this year. The last release was 4 months ago.
There have been no committer or PMC member changes, its been 18 months
since the last PMC addition.

No board issues.

20 Mar 2013 [Ant Elder / Jim]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Activity in Abdera is low but there is a steady stream of commits,
mainly for bug fixes and minor updates. Three committers have been
committing since the last board report and we even managed to get a
release out in January this year.

There have been no committer or PMC member changes, its been a long
time since there has been any.

No board issues.

20 Feb 2013 [Ant Elder / Ross]

No report was submitted.

19 Dec 2012 [Ant Elder / Sam]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Activity in Abdera is still low but has picked up since the last
board report with commits from a couple of committers. A new
release is planned to get out those changes and we hope to get
that done before the end of this year.

There have been no committer or PMC member changes.

No board issues.

21 Nov 2012 [Ant Elder / Jim]

No report was submitted.

AI: Jim to pursue a report for Abdera

15 Aug 2012 [Ant Elder / Jim]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Activity in Abdera had died down and the last board report suggested
we'd start looking at retiring the project. We did have some
discussion about doing that but no decisions yet. However, that seems
to have spurred on a couple of committers and there now has been 25
commits in the last month. Hopefully that will continue and we'll now
be able to manage the votes necessary to get a release out, will have
to see how things go, but for now, retiring seems premature.

20 Jun 2012 [Ant Elder / Doug]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Activity in Abdera has died down. In the last quarter there have been
no releases, no new committers, no PMC membership changes, and no
commits since early March. Its been over a year since the last
release. There was an attempt at another release but it didn't manage
to get three votes. Earlier in the year a lot of work was done on an
Abdera v2 and there has been some discussion about spinning parts of
that off into a separate sub project around Activity Streams. There
are 3 or 4 PMC members intermittently active but its too sporadic and
the lack of activity makes it difficult for anyone contributing.

In the next quarter I expect we'll be discussing if its possible to
continue or if its time to be moved to the attic.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

16 May 2012 [Ant Elder / Sam]

No report was submitted.

AI: Sam to pursue a report for Abdera

15 Feb 2012 [Ant Elder / Doug]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

After being very quiet for months there has been a lot more activity
this quarter on a major update for a new version of the code. This has
a lot of cool new features and restructuring improvements, and has
made a lot of progress and is almost ready for the first v2.0 release.
It is though still largely the work of a single person but does look
like its attracting interest of the existing Abdera community which
we're trying to engage with and encourage to help so we can add more

Other than the talk and prep for the v2.0 release there have been no
other releases, and no new committers or PMC member changes.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

16 Nov 2011 [Ant Elder / Roy]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

After being fairly quiet there has been a lot more activity over the
last couple of months but still with a very small number of active committers.
A trunk release was made to get a few bug fixes and user patches released,
however that has not yet managed to get the required +1 votes to release it.

An old inactive committer has returned doing a lot of development on a new
Abdera version 2, and this appears to be making a lot of good progress.

21 Sep 2011 [Ant Elder / Larry]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera continues to be fairly quiet. There have been no releases for 7
months and no committer or PMC changes for a year. There have been
about 30 commits this year from three different committers, some as
recently as July. There are emails on the user list that mostly get
answered and occasionally patches get submitted and applied or bugs
get fixed, and so far whenever a new release has been asked for it has
been done.

17 Aug 2011 [Ant Elder / Bertrand]

No report was submitted and will be requested for next month.

19 May 2011 [Ant Elder / Shane]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera was very quiet this quarter. There were no commits or dev list
discussion and just a few posts to the user list and one new patch
from a user submitted.

There are no board level issues at this time.

In case of very quiet quarters, an indication of the last activity will be helpful for the board to judge the health of the project.

16 Feb 2011 [Ant Elder / Bertrand]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications.

Abdera continues with a fairly quiet low level of activity. There is
not much new development but bug fixing and related enhancements
continue, the user list has a small steady stream of user posts, often
which get answered by other users and/or fixed by developers. There
have been two releases this quarter, 1.1.1, and 1.1.2, no new
committers or PMC members.

There are no board level issues at this time.

17 Nov 2010 [Ant Elder / Doug]

Abdera continues with a fairly quiet low level of activity.

There have been no releases this quarter but a number of patches have
been submitted and a new release to get those out is now underway.

We voted in one new committer however so far he has been unable to get
approval from his employer to sign the ICLA. There have been no PMC
member changes.

The user list has a small steady stream of user posts, often which get
answered by other users or developers.

There are no board level issues at this time.

18 Aug 2010 [Ant Elder / Shane]

Abdera continues with a fairly quiet level activity. There was a
flurry of development around the time of the 1.1 release but it's been
fairly quiet since then though there are regular posts to the dev and
user lists which do get dealt with.

Abdera has done one release this quarter, 1.1, and there's a 1.1.1
maintenance release being discussed which should happen in the next

There has been one new PMC member has been added, Christine Koppelt.
There were no new committers.

The user list has a small steady stream of user posts, often which get
answered by other users.

There are no board level issues at this time.

Approved by general consent.

19 May 2010 [Ant Elder / Doug]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format and Publishing Protocol specifications. Abdera
graduated from the Incubator in November 2008 and then lost momentum
and has a fairly inactive developer community for most its life,
however this quarter there has been a lot of good progress and things
are looking brighter.

The old 1.0 release that was voted on back in Jan 2009 but never
published has now been published and the website updated.

The trunk code which has been unbuildable has been fixed, and nightly
builds are now running on Hudson. With the trunk buildable again old
JIRAs have had their patches applied, and a new release is planned in
the next week or two.

Two new committers have been vote in.

There is still a very small developer community but the future now
looks more promising.

Great to hear!

17 Feb 2010 [Ant Elder / Geir]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format (RFC 4287) and Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)
specifications. Abdera graduated from the Incubator in November 2008.

Abdera still has very low activity. We've almost published the 1.0
release that was done shortly after leaving the Incubator but never
quite released and that should happen in the next quarter. There
was discussion of code donation of a new Activity Streams extension
from some new users and one of the old inactive Abdera committers
said they'd have time again to help with Abdera development. So the
next quarter hopefully will be a more productive.

There have been no committer or PMC changes in the last quarter, and
there are no board level issues at this time.

18 Nov 2009 [Ant Elder / Roy]

Apache Abdera provides Java implementations of the IETF Atom
Syndication Format (RFC 4287) and Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)
specifications. Abdera graduated from the Incubator in November 2008.

Abdera has struggled to maintain a developer community, since
graduating there have been no releases, a total of 40 commits, and no
commits since June. A 1.0 release almost happened but a couple of main
developers left in the middle and the release was never published.
The last board reports were missed and last month I (not an Abdera
committer) became PMC chair as no one else would do it.

Despite the neglect Abdera has gained some traction as there's not
much else available for Java Atom support, there is still some
activity on the mailing lists, JIRAs get raised and patches get
posted, however its difficult to apply them as the last commits broke
trunk so it no longer builds. Since last month we've had some
discussion about resurecting the 1.0 release which looks like it will
now happen, then I'd like to get trunk fixed so it builds again and
start applying patches which may help get some old committers active
again, and also encourage some new ones. Realistically its going to be
tough, so in six months or so we may be looking at moving to the

Roy to suggest that Abdera recruit on the Atom lists.

21 Oct 2009

Change the Apache Abdera Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Garrett
 Rooney to the office of Vice President, Apache Abdera, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Garrett Rooney from the office of Vice President, Apache
 Abdera, and

 WHEREAS, the members of the Apache Abdera Project Management
 Committee have chosen by vote to recommend Ant Elder as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Garrett Rooney is
 relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
 the office of Vice President, Apache Abdera, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ant Elder be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Abdera, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board
 of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
 resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
 successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7F, Change the Apache Abdera Project Chair,
 was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

 The board also acknowledges that Ant Elder is added to the PMC.

21 Oct 2009 [Garrett Rooney / Brian]

 There has been little activity in the Abdera project in recent months.
 Other than the occasional user question (which generally gets
answered relatively quickly) there is little activity on the mailing
lists, and there is virtually no development work going on.  As far as
I can tell the committers are simply off doing other things.

In personnel matters, Garrett Rooney has stepped down as PMC chair,
and Ant Elder has been nominated to replace him.  While Ant is not
currently a member of the Abdera PMC, he is the PMC chair for Apache
Tuscany, which makes use of Abdera, so we have full faith in his
ability to handle the job.

The board notes that this effectively makes Ant a member of the PMC.

23 Sep 2009 [Garrett Rooney / Shane]

No report filed.

No report provided. Noted that Garrett had indicated an intention of stepping down and that development activity seems to have ceased.

19 Aug 2009 [Garrett Rooney / Justin]

No report provided.

20 May 2009 [Garrett Rooney / J Aaron]

Abdera has been largely quiet over the past few months.  Work on the
1.0 release stalled due to the personal lives of various committers
taking over their free time.  Fortunately, James Snell has been
picking things up off the ground over the past few weeks.  There have
been a number of threads about the future direction of the project,
and a large number of jira issues have been addressed and resolved.
Once the remaining backlog of issues is taken care of a 1.0 release
will hopefully be rolled.

Unfortunately, Garrett Rooney has not been able to give the project
the attention it deserves as PMC chair over the past few months, so
he'll be stepping down shortly.  Hopefully a new PMC chair can be
found by the next board meeting.

There are no other issues that require board attention.

15 Apr 2009

A report was expected, but not received

18 Mar 2009 [Garrett Rooney / J Aaron]

J Aaron to pursue a report for Abdera

18 Feb 2009 [Garrett Rooney / Bertrand]

Abdera has been relatively quiet since the last report.  Our 1.0 release is
still in the works, although work has slowed down due to real life interfering
in the free time available to the committers who were largely responsible for
pushing the release forward.  Traffic on the mailing lists remains low,
although there are occasional user questions from time to time.

There are no issues that require board attention at this time.

21 Jan 2009 [Garrett Rooney / J Aaron]

Abdera has been fairly quiet since the last report.  We finished the
last little bits of the transition to TLP status that were missed last
month, and have started to move towards releasing a 1.0 release.  Once
some packaging issues are taken care of that should go out the door,
as people seem pretty pleased with the state of the code.  Traffic on
the mailing lists is light, but questions from users keep coming in
and get answered in a reasonable period of time.

There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

17 Dec 2008 [Garrett Rooney / Jim]

Since graduating from the incubator Abdera has been largely concerned with
transitioning from the incubator to TLP.  All infrastructure related tasks
have now been completed and Abdera is completely out of the incubator.

The main discussion over the past month has been over the next release.  The
original plan had been to do a 0.5 release as soon as we had completed our
graduation, but now it is looking likely that we will simply call the next
release 1.0, as there are no planned changes to the API expected in the near
future.  With luck the release should happen within the next few weeks,
although the holidays may delay that.

There have been no changes in committers or PMC members, and there are no
other issues the board needs to be aware of at this time.

19 Nov 2008

Establish the Apache Abdera Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
 interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
 purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
 the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
 a framework for building clients and servers for the Atom
 Publishing Protocol and other related technology, for distribution
 at no charge to the public.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
 Committee (PMC), to be known as the "The Apache Abdera Project",
 be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
 Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that The Apache Abdera Project be and hereby is
 responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
 project related to a framework for building clients and servers
 for the Atom Publishing Protocol and other related technology.

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Abdera" be
 and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
 at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of The
 Apache Abdera Project, and to have primary responsibility for
 management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
 The Apache Abdera Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
 hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of The
 Apache Abdera Project:

   - Jim Ancona (
   - David Calavera (
   - Ugo Cei (
   - Dan Diephouse (
   - Stephen Duncan Jr. (
   - Garrett Rooney (
   - James M. Snell (

 and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President,
 Apache Abdera, to serve in accordance with and subject to
 the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
 Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
 disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Abdera PMC be and hereby is
 tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
 encourage open development and increased participation in the
 Apache Abdera Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Abdera Project be and hereby
 is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
 Incubator Abdera podling; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
 Incubator Abdera podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
 PMC are hereafter discharged.

 Special Order 7F, Establish the Apache Abdera Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

19 Nov 2008

Abdera has been incubating since May 2006.  It is a framework for building
Atom publishing protocol clients and servers.

At the time of writing, Abdera is in the process of composing our graduation
to TLP proposal for the Incubator PMC.  Depending on how quickly that gets
done we hope to have a proposal for the board for either the November or
December meeting.

Other than that progress is steady but slow.  We have a continuing stream of
minor issues and fixes, and a few relatively new committers who have been
taking care of them.  There has been little major progress but a fair amount
of minor changes and fixes.  All in all the project seems healthy and we
anxiously await graduation and our next release, which should come soon

20 Aug 2008

 Technical accomplishments:

 * Support for AtomPub multipart creation:
 * OpenSearh support improved, it covers the openSearch specification
 * RequestProcessors refactor.
 * A lot of bugs fixed.


 * Jim Ancona and David Calavera joined the project as committers.
 * Traffic is increasing in both users and developers lists.

Issues before graduation:

   Currently we've more than three active committers from diferent
companies. Although we have to finish the documentation and solve some
controversial stuff we are hoping to bring the issue to a vote in the next

21 May 2008

Abdera released it's 0.4.0-incubating release on April 11th.

We've been in incubation since June 2006 and main focus moving forward will
be working towards graduation and a 1.0 release. Main item to resolve before
graduation is more active committer involvement. 0.4.0 saw a marked increase
in community contributions.  We also need to continue improving

20 Feb 2008

Abdera is an implementation of the Atom Syndication Format and Atom
Publishing Protocol standards.

The Abdera project is preparing release 0.4.0 which includes many new
features and improvements including a new StreamWriter interface and a
complete refactoring of the Atompub server APIs. The community has
continued to grow with patches for bugs and improvements being actively
submitted by members of the user community. Once the 0.4.0 release it out
the door, the Abdera PMC will likely begin working towards graduation.

14 Nov 2007

 Abdera is an implementation of the Atom feed format and publishing protocol.

 * Release 0.3.0-incubating was released with many new features and fixes.
 * Dan Diephouse joined the project as a committer and has been working on
significant improvements to the Abdera server code
 * Documentation for the project has been greatly improved.
 * There are ongoing performance improvements
 * The project is working towards graduation, with the primary remaining
goal being diversity of committers.


=== Buildr ===

Description - Buildr is a build system for Java applications written in

Date of Entry - Nov. 2007

Buildr is a brand new project (see the proposal at [1]), it's just been
accepted in the Incubator this month. Most of the project infrastructure has
been setup: status page, svn, jira, mailing lists. The code grant has been
submitted (and ack'ed), the buildr community has been notified of the
migration and the code import will probably be done during ApacheCon in


29 Aug 2007

Date of entry: May 2006

Abdera is an implementation of the Atom feed format and publishing protocol.

Code wise there has been a bunch of work done to update the publishing
protocol implementation to match the latest versions of the internet draft
(which will become the RFC). The code is currently being prepared for a new

On the community side we added a new committer (Brian Moseley) who has been
using Abdera's server side code in the Cosmo project and has contributed
back various improvements. We continue to see a steady stream of questions
about the project, which implies that it is being used.

The only remaining goal to be reached before graduation is diversity
related, while we do have more than the minimum number of committers from
separate companies there remains some concern about the fact that many of
them are not overly active.


16 May 2007

Abdera is an implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol and Atom
Syndication Format.

Incubating since: 2006-06-05

Abdera has continued work on version 0.3.0, and is waiting for the Atom
Publication Protocol to be completed by the Atom WG so that we can finalize
support for it.

Additionally, there was some discussion of the best way to handle vendor
specific extensions in Abdera.  The consensus seems to be that there was no
objection to having them as long as the extension was clearly defined in a
public spec that was available under reasonable licensing terms.

We continue to see questions from new community members, which indicates
that the code is being used, and when possible we've been trying to
encourage them to contribute back to the project.  Hopefully that will
result in some new committers in the reasonably near future.

21 Feb 2007

iPMC Reviewers: brett, dims, jerenkrantz, yoavs, jukka, twl, noel

Abdera is an implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol and Atom
Syndication Format.

Items to complete before graduation:

* Continue to expand the community
* Handle any legal issues related to crypto code


* Currently undergoing a release vote on general@incubator
* Starting to see the Abdera code used in a variety of notable applications


* A number of minor bug fixes (see README in proposed release zip files for
* Work has been done on using ivy for our ant based build, but has not yet
 been completed
* Plans have been made to extract the IRI code so that it can be used
 outside of Abdera

iPMC questions / comments:
* yoavs: It'd be nice to know which notable applications are using
 Abdera, or have a linked to a "Powered By Abdera" page
* rooneg: The ones that were mentioned were Joost (on the back end)
 and some Lotus applications from IBM.
* noel: "legal questions related to crypto" and "release vote" seem
 at odds.  What issues are believed to exist?
* rooneg: This has been resolved now.  It was just the crypto
 notification stuff because we use bouncy castle.


15 Nov 2006

Abdera is an implementation of the Atom Publishing Protocol and Atom
Syndication Format.

Items to complete before graduation:

 * Continue to expand the community
 * Handle any legal issues related to crypto code


 * Added Ugo Cei as a committer/PPMC member
 * Decided to work towards a new release Real Soon Now (tm)


 * Added new code that implements IRI support
 * Tweaked extension API to improve code reuse across parser
 * Implemented more unit tests
 * Added more extensions
 * Added experimental bidirectional character support

16 Aug 2006

Work continues on the 0.1.0 release, with luck it should be released

Stephen Duncan is still working with his employer about getting a CLA

Work on an Atom Publishing Protocol client implementation has begun.

There are no current issues that require the board's attention.

19 Jul 2006

 1. Continued work on the code, working towards a 0.1.0 release
 1. Added two new committers to the project (Stephen Duncan and Garrett
Rooney). Stephen is still in discussions with his employer regarding his
 1. Rob Yates' ICLA has been received and account set up
 1. Jira has been set up