This was extracted (@ 2025-03-06 15:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
Income Total Public Donations $150,000 Total Sponsorship $2,600,000 Total Programs $0 Interest Income $0 Conference $250,000 Total Income $3,000,000 Expense General & Administrative $125,000 Brand Management $80,000 ComDev $10,000 Conferences $200,000 Fundraising $108,000 Infrastructure $1,900,000 Privacy $5,000 Publicity $222,750 Travel Assistance $60,000 Treasury $50,000 Security $6,000 Governmental Affairs $100,000 Legal Affairs $25,000 Total Expense $2,760,750 Net $239,250 The board approved the budget by unanimous vote.
Discussion around the in-progress FY2025 budget proposal from President/operations; including any increases related to CRA or other legislative compliance, or around VP, Tooling and other operational improvement proposals.
WHEREAS, the Apache Software Foundation has the Legal Affairs Board Committee that is tasked with handling legal issues; and, WHEREAS the Apache Software Foundation anticipates that there may be material non pro bono legal expenses needed to execute this function; and WHEREAS the Apache Software Foundation has previously directed the President to fund updating the Foundation's logo and brand imagery; and WHEREAS the Apache Software Foundation has previously recognized need for the President, and more recently the VP, Public Affairs to be charged with being aware of policy interactions that impact the Foundation and our development communities. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an additional budget category be created for "Legal Affairs" to be used for expenses incurred, as authorized by VP, Legal Affairs; and, RESOLVED, that an initial budget of $25,000 be allocated for Legal Affairs; and, RESOLVED that an incremental budget increase of $50,000 be allocated for Marketing & Publicity for expenses related to rebranding; and, RESOLVED that the previously created Governmental Affairs budget category be re-instantiated; and, RESOLVED that an budget of 100,000 be allocated for Governmental Affairs. Special Order 7D, FY2024 Incremental Budget Requests, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has created the Apache Security Team as an Executive Committee, and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the Foundation to promote and explain the work of the Security Team to our members and communities at Apache events and other security conferences; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a budget of $6,000 be allocated in the current fiscal year to the Security Team to be used for expenses relating to travel for accepted speakers at events. Special Order 7A, Create a budget for security team speaker event attendance, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Income Total Public Donations $130,000 Total Sponsorship $1,825,000 Conference $150,000 ----------------------------------------------- Total Income $2,105,000 Expense General & Administrative $131,900 Bank charges $6,000 Board F2F $30,000 General Office $5,000 Legal Counsel Fees $25,000 Licenses/Insurance $2,000 Office Supplies $7,000 President Discretionary $50,000 Shipping $900 Brand Management $80,000 Trademark Management $80,000 ComDev $24,000 Swag $10,000 Travel Assistance $10,000 Misc Stickers $4,000 Conferences $100,000 ApacheCon NA $100,000 Fundraising $108,000 HALO Fundraising Admin $72,000 HALO Ambassador Services $36,000 Infrastructure $1,536,000 Staffing $1,425,000 Credit Card $1,200 Hetzner $42,000 Dinosource (lists.apache) $24,000 SSL/DNS Renewals $800 Code Signing $2,700 Bitwarden $1,200 Amazon Web Services $0 Meetups $40,000 Privacy $10,000 Publicity $210,000 PR Services / Editorial $180,000 Promotional / Giveaway $5,000 Press release / distribution $4,000 A/V production $3,711 Misc. Subscription svcs $5,000 Analytics & Stats (Snoot) $12,289 Travel Assistance $55,000 Community Over Code NA $55,000 Treasury $31,210 Accounting Services $20,160 Software (bill.com) $2,100 Banking Fees $5,000 990 Preparation $2,000 1099 Preparation $50 D&O Insurance $1,900 ----------------------------------------------- Total Expense $2,286,110 The board has approved this budget. @David: Follow up with VP, Legal, on budget
Income Total Public Donations $100,000 Total Sponsorship $2,025,000 Total Programs $150,000 Conference $200,000 ----------------------------------------------- Total Income $2,475,000 Expense General & Administrative $120,900 Bank Charges $6,000 Chairmans Discretionary $25,000 General Office $5,000 Legal Counsel Fees $25,000 Licenses/Insurance $2,000 Office Supplies $7,000 President Discretionary $50,000 Shipping $900 Brand Management $90,000 Trademark Management $90,000 ComDev $15,000 Conferences $250,000 ApacheCon NA $100,000 ApacheCon Asia $100,000 Hopin (Online Platform) $50,000 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion study $150,000 Fundraising $198,100 HALO Fundraising Admin $72,000 Discretionary Funds $21,600 Sponsorship prospecting $58,500 HALO Ambassador Services $36,000 CRM Implementation $10,000 Infrastructure $1,319,500 Staffing $1,203,000 Credit Card $1,000 Travis CI $0 Online.Net $9,000 Hetzner $33,000 Dinosource (lists.apache) $24,000 SSL/DNS Renewals $800 Code Signing $2,500 LastPass $1,200 Amazon Web Services $0 ApacheCon $22,500 F2F $22,500 Privacy $10,000 Publicity $241,500 PR Services/Editorial $180,000 Promotional/Giveaway budget $7,000 Press release/distribution $3,500 Central Services $20,000 A/V production $8,000 Misc. Subscription svcs $5,000 Analytics & Stats (Snoot) $18,000 Travel Assistance $115,000 ApacheCon NA $60,000 Berlin Buzzwords $10,000 Fosdem $10,000 TBA $10,000 TBA $10,000 TBA $10,000 Hoodie/Shirt $5,000 Treasury $29,825 Accounting Services $18,480 Software (bill.com) $1,200 Banking Fees $6,600 990 Preparation $1,700 1099 Preparation $45 D&O Insurance $1,800 ----------------------------------------------- Total Expense $2,539,825 The board approves the budget by general consent.
While not ready to submit a finalized draft in resolution form, a read-only copy of the spreadsheet that is being used to draft the budget is available for the board to peruse and think about: https://s.apache.org/ProposedFY23Budget The budget will be on next months agenda. Board to discuss details on budget over next month via mailing lists.
Expected Income Public Donations 170,000 Sponsorship 2,025,000 Conference Revenue 55,000 Interest 6,000 Programs 101,000 [GSoC Mentor Stipends 11,000] [D&I Programs 90,000] --------- Total Income 2,357,000 Budgeted Expense Infrastructure 1,089,000 Staffing 1,000,000 Hosting 64,000 SSL/DNS Renewals 1,500 Code Signing 2,500 Travel 20,000 Infra Discretionary 1,000 Publicity 213,000 Outside PR Services - HALO 150,000 Central Services 20,000 Analytics Services 18,000 Clipping Services 15,000 Press Release Distribution 10,000 Brand Management 90,000 Conferences 30,000 Travel Assistance Committee 0 Fundraising 173,500 Fundraising Services HALO 72,000 Ambassador Services HALO 36,000 Sponsorship Prospecting 58,500 Bank Fees 5,000 Fundraising Discretionary 2,000 Privacy 15,000 Treasury Services 27,500 Tax & Audit 2,500 Software & Online Services 5,000 Finance Services IgniteSpot 20,000 Diversity and Inclusion 150,000 General & Administrative 50,400 Office Supplies 7,000 President Discretionary 14,500 Chairman Discretionary 5,000 Legal Counsel 15,000 Licenses/Insurance 2,000 HQ Charges 5,000 Bank Charges 1,000 Shipping 900 --------- Total Expense 1,838,400 Special Order 7F, FY22 Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Current Draft FY22 Budget: https://s.apache.org/DraftFY22Budget For comparison here is the approved FY21 Budget: https://whimsy.apache.org/board/minutes/Budget.html
Expected Income Public Donations 60,000 Sponsorship 1,650,000 Conference Revenue 45,000 Interest 0 --------- Total Income 1,755,000 Budgeted Expense Infrastructure 982,954 Staffing 868,000 Hosting 77,724 SSL/DNS Renewals 1,500 Code Signing 2,500 Travel 20,000 Infra Discretionary 13,230 Publicity 292,500 Outside PR Services 150,000 Central Services 20,000 Analytics Services 18,000 Clipping Services 15,000 Graphics Production 2,500 Promotional Videos 70,000 Promotional Giveaways 7,000 Press Release Distribution 10,000 Brand Management 90,000 Conferences 25,000 Production 20,000 Legal Services 5,000 Travel Assistance Committee 35,000 Committers Travel 20,000 Application Development 15,000 Fundraising 196,000 Fundraising Services 96,000 [HALO 72,000] [Virtual 24,000] Ambassador Services 75,000 [HALO 36,000] [Virtual 39,000] Bank Fees 5,000 Fundraising Discretionary 20,000 Privacy 10,000 Treasury Services 58,200 Tax & Audit 7,000 Software & Online Services 5,000 Finance and HQ Services 46,200 Diversity and Inclusion 15,000 General & Administrative 37,400 Office Supplies (Treasurer) 7,000 President Discretionary 14,500 Chairman Discretionary 5,000 Legal Counsel 7,000 Licenses/Insurance 2,000 Bank Charges 1,000 Shipping 900 --------- Total Expense 1,742,054 Special Order 7E, FY21 Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
FY19 FY24 FY20 Income Total Public Donations 140 190 135 Total Sponsorship 1,299 2,149 1,625 Total Programs 14 31 14 Conference Registration 0 0 410 Conference Sponsorships 184 184 290 Interest Income 14 2 5 Diversity and Inclusion 0 0 0 ---- ---- ---- Total Income 1,835 2,740 2,479 Expense Infrastructure 966 1,082 1,083 Technical Writer 0 0 40 Publicity 238 388 238 Anniversary Promotions 0 0 115 Central Services 0 0 50 Brand Management 98 143 98 Conferences 245 245 795 Roadshows 0 0 50 Small Event Fund 0 0 15 Travel Assistance 65 65 65 Committers Travel 0 0 100 Treasury 46 64 42 Fundraising 208 234 193 General & Administrative 16 12 25 Board F2F 10 10 20 Diversity and Inclusion 0 0 70 ---- ---- ---- Total Expense 1,892 2,243 2,999 Net -57 497 -520 Cash 3,803 2,142 3,283 Notes: * Units are in thousands of dollars US. * FY19 income/expense represents budget authorization, not actuals FY19 Cash, however, represents the cash on hand at the end of the FY19 and DOES include the Pineapple fund and restricted donation. * FY24 column is for informational purposes only Special Order 7D, Approve the 2020 FY ASF Budget, was approved by Unaminous Vote. An informal poll was taken on the anniversary project budget item where Joan voted -0.5, Myrle voted -1, Danny abstained, and the remaining Directors voted +1. As such, this budget item was kept in the final approved budget in Special Order 7D.
FY20 budget FY19 FY24 FY20 Income Total Public Donations 140 190 150 Total Sponsorship 1,299 2,149 1,309 Total Programs 14 31 171 ? Conference Sponsorships 184 184 184 Interest Income 14 2 11 ? ---- ---- ---- Total Income 1,651 2,556 1,825 Expense Infrastructure 966 1,082 1,053 Program Expenses 4 32 9 ? Publicity 238 388 403 Brand Management 98 143 98 Conferences 245 245 175 Travel Assistance 65 65 65 ? Treasury 46 64 49 ? Fundraising 208 234 193 General & Administrative 16 12 15 ? Board face-to-face 10 10 10 ---- ---- ---- Total Expense 1,896 2,275 2,070 Net -245 281 -245 Cash 3,657 2,142 3,412 Notes: * Units are in thousands of dollars US. * FY19 income/expense represents budget authorization, not actuals FY19 Cash, however, represents current (conservative) projections and DOES include the Pineapple fund. * FY24 column is for informational purposes only Wishlist: Technical writer: 40 ASF Travel Fund 50 Small Event Funding 125 Information Architect Unsized Expense tracking tool Unsized
FY19 FY23 FY24 Income Total Public Donations 140 180 190 Total Sponsorship 1,299 1,859 1,959 Total Programs 14 28 31 Conference Sponsorships 184 0 184 Interest Income 14 4 2 ---- ---- ---- Total Income 1,651 2,071 2,366 Expense Infrastructure 966 1,099 1,126 Program Expenses 4 27 32 Publicity 238 387 333 Brand Management 98 225 143 Conferences 245 60 245 Travel Assistance 65 25 65 Treasury 46 61 64 Fundraising 208 223 234 General & Administrative 16 44 12 Chairman's Discretionary 10 10 10 ---- ---- ---- Total Expense 1,896 2,161 2,264 Net -245 -90 102 Cash 2,016 595 2,142 Notes: * Units are in thousands of dollars US. * FY19 income/expense represents budget authorization, not actuals FY19 Cash, however, represents current (conservative) projections and does not include the Pineapple fund. * FY23 column is for informational purposes only
Income Total Public Donations 140,000 Total Sponsorship 1,299,000 Total Programs 14,400 Conference Sponsorships 184,000 Interest Income 14,400 ====== Total Income 1,651,800 Expense Infrastructure 965,540 Program Expenses 4,400 Publicity 238,300 Brand Management 98,000 Conferences 244,500 Travel Assistance 65,000 Treasury 46,200 Fundraising 208,000 General & Administrative 16,400 Chairman's discretionary 10,000 ========= 1,896,340 Notes: * Infrastructure includes a $150k correction for the Staffing expenditure issue raised to the Board in November 2017. * Both conferences sponsorships and expenses are now shown as budget items, whereas in previous years sponsorship revenue went primarily to the producer, keeping expenses low. * Marketing and Publicity includes $24K of expenses for Apache Way Outreach. * Fundraising includes $176K of new expenses for VP, Fundraising and for Ambassador services from Virtual and HALO. * General and Administrative reduced approximately $100K due to the elimination of the EA role. Special Order 7A, Approve the 2019 FY ASF Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
FY18 FY22 FY23 Income Total Public Donations 111 135 220 Total Sponsorship 1,084 1,500 1,665 Total Programs 28 28 28 Interest Income 4 4 4 ---- ---- ---- Total Income 1,227 1,667 1,917 Expense Infrastructure 818 868 1,099 Program Expenses 27 27 27 Publicity 182 352 387 Brand Management 89 141 225 Conferences 60 12 60 Travel Assistance 50 79 25 Treasury 49 51 61 Fundraising 46 53 283 General & Administrative 118 139 44 Chairman's Discretionary 10 0 10 ---- ---- ---- Total Expense 1,418 1,722 2,211 Net -212 -55 -294 Cash 1,767 595 1,261 Notes: * Units are in thousands of dollars US. * FY18 income/expense represents budget authorization, not actuals FY18 Cash, however, represents current (conservative) projections * FY22 column is for informational purposes only
With the lay-off of the EA, the bottoms up five year projections now show a modest positive balance. This likely is understated for the following reasons: 1. Even conservative projections show us doing better than projected for FY18. While much of that was due to FY17 timing issues, it still represents an increased amount in the bank. 2. The model the projections use is a linear change (mostly growth) in expenses and revenue by category. While there may be some offsetting expenses we will need to incur without an EA, this amount is unlikely to equate to the amount projected. The budget worksheet has been updated to reflect the above.
The board is requested to approve the following budget for FY18. Notable increases include Infrastructure, Publicity, Fundraising, and a new item for Chairman's discretionary. Income Total Public Donations 111,000 Total Sponsorship 1,084,000 Total Programs 28,025 Interest Income 3,515 ====== Total Income 1,226,540 Expense Infrastructure 818,218 Program Expenses 27,200 Publicity 182,000 Brand Management 89,000 Conferences 12,418 Travel Assistance 50,000 Treasury 49,200 Fundraising 38,000 General & Administrative 118,350 Chairman's discretionary 10,000 ========= 1,394,386 Income targets are based on a combination of the outcome of the F2F and an intent that additional fundraising expenses are recovered. TAC budget is based on two ApacheCon in this FY. Should we only have one, $25K will be unspent. Special Order 7F, Approve the 2018 FY ASF Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
The following inputs have been collected as input to the board. See the President's report for context and associated request. FY17 Min FY22 FY22 Max FY22 Income Total Public Donations 89 90 110 135 Total Sponsorship 968 900 1,000 1,100 Total Programs 28 28 28 28 Interest Income 4 4 4 4 ----- ----- ----- ----- Total Income 1,089 1,022 1,142 1,267 Expense Infrastructure 723 868 868 868 Program Expenses 27 27 27 27 Publicity 141 273 352 540 Brand Management 84 92 141 218 Conferences 12 12 12 12 Travel Assistance 62 0 79 150 Treasury 48 49 51 61 Fundraising 8 18 23 23 General & Administrative 114 50 139 300 ----- ----- ----- ----- Total Expense 1,219 1,390 1,693 2,199 Net -130 -369 -552 -933 Cash 1,656 290 -259 -1,403 Notes: 1) Units are thousands of US dollars 2) Cash projections are based on linear change in budgets for FY18-FY21 Discussion: First, a clarification that the first column is the approved budget for FY17 and the next three columns are possible fy22 budgets: Second column is minimal FY22 budget Third column is “nominal”, linearly projecting the FY17 budget to FY22 Fourth column is if we expand the services in many areas Jim: looks like brand management and publicity are the most malleable parts Sam: there are several areas that could be changed Jim: we should try to see what a reasonable budget should be and then see if we can adapt sponsorship to match our needs; thinking we could really get more sponsorship Sam: but e.g. should we even have a TAC? Marvin: Those areas (TAC etc) are investments that we believe are wise, but which we might choose not to make in slim times Ross: some of the expanded publicity could lead to more sponsorship Marvin: going for minimal budget also implies shutting down incubator Jim: we should go for the middle column and see if we can figure out how to get there Shane: we should set a target about halfway between the minimal and expanded budget Bertrand: could we consider a really minimal “survival” budget? Jim: that was supposed to be the minimum column Sam: survival is a bit less than the first column; would prefer not to pursue survival budget Brett: it’s worthwhile to try to be ambitious about the budget; at least meet the nominal budget Sam: recommend a f2f meeting in March to resolve direction on fundraising; maybe in Washington or Boston; with a follow-on meeting in Miami Sam: sounds like we have consensus to try to strive for the nominal budget and see if we can achieve income to meet it
The board is requested to approve the following budget for FY17. Notable increases include Infrastructure, Publicity, Brand Management, Travel Assistance, and a new item for Fundraising. Income Total Public Donations 88,874 Total Sponsorship 968,295 Total Programs 28,025 Interest Income 3,515 ======= Total Income 1,088,709 Expense Infrastructure 723,068 Program Expenses 27,200 Publicity 140,900 Brand Management 84,292 Conferences 12,418 Travel Assistance 61,519 Treasury 47,700 Fundraising 7,750 General & Administrative 113,904 ========= 1,218,751 Special Order 7B, Approve the 2017 FY ASF Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
The board is requested to approve the following budget for FY16. This budget includes budget for using a Professional Services Organization for appropriate US contractors. The additional costs for using a PEO are $40k on Infrastructure and $20k on General & Administrative. Income Total Public Donations 60,000 Total Sponsorship 815,000 Total Programs 17,200 Interest Income 250 ======= Total Income 892,450 Expense Infrastructure 636,216 Progam Expenses 2,200 Publicity 124,000 Brand Management 39,250 Conferences 7,500 Travel Assistance 50,000 Treasury 49,200 General & Administrative 134,877 ========= 1,043,243 Special Order 7I, Approve the 2016 FY ASF Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Call for board approval of the May 2014 - April 2015 budget for the ASF (incorporates the Interim budget approved in Special Order G. of the 21 May 2014 meeting. INCOME Public Donations One-Time 2,400.00 PayPal 36,000.00 Amazon Payments 3,000.00 Car Program LLC 1,600.00 ---------- Total Public Donations 43,000.00 Sponsorship Program Platinum Sponsors 600,000.00 Gold Sponsors 130,000.00 Silver Sponsors 60,000.00 Bronze Sponsors 35,000.00 ---------- Total Sponsorship Program 825,000.00 Programs GSoC Mentor Stipends 19,500.00 GSoC Strato Mentor Stipends 1,500.00 GSoC Travel Reimbursements 4,400.00 ---------- Total Programs 25,400.00 Interest Income 3,600.00 ---------- 897,000.00 Expenditure Infrastructure Staffing 520,000.00 Training 17,500.00 Hosting 6,216.00 Hardware Replacement 70,000.00 Build Farm 60,000.00 Disks/Ram 20,000.00 ---------- Total Hardware 150,000.00 Service Contracts Dell 25,000.00 HP 5,000.00 ---------- Total Service Contracts 30,000.00 SSL/DNS Renewals 2,000.00 Third Party "Thank You's" 500.00 Travel AC Event 10,000.00 F2F Event 10,000.00 ---------- Total Travel 20,000.00 Total Infrastructure 746,216.00 Sponsorship Program Expense Fundraising Rep. at OSCON 3,700.00 Fundraising Rep. ApacheCon EU 1,450.00 ---------- Total Sponsorship Program Expense 5,150.00 Programs Expense GSoC Mentor Summit ASF Travel 3,800.00 GSoC Mentor Summit Srato Travel 2,200.00 ---------- Total Programs Expense 6,000.00 Publicity Outside PR Services 90,000.00 Press Releases 8,000.00 Travel 5,000.00 Consultant Expenses 2,500.00 Conference Participation 1,500.00 Conference Support 5,000.00 Conference Signage 4,500.00 Collateral Printing 2,500.00 Clipping Service 5,000.00 ---------- Total Publicity 124,000.00 Brand Management Register/Record Trademarks US 6,825.00 International 8,500.00 ---------- Total Register/Record Trademarks 15,325.00 Declarations/Renewal Fees 3,800.00 Register/Record TLPs US 16,250.00 International 15,000.00 ---------- Total Register/Record TLPs 31,250.00 Registrations of Apache Marks 25,000.00 ---------- Total Brand Management 75,375.00 Conferences Local Events & Hackathons 7,500.00 Travel 5,000.00 ---------- Total Conferences 12,500.00 Travel Assistance Committee Sponsored Attendees 50,000.00 ---------- Total Travel Assistance Committee 50,000.00 Treasury Services Tax & Audit 12,000.00 Software & Online Services 1,500.00 Virtual MSA One Time Fees 1,500.00 Monthly Staff Management 6,000.00 Monthly General Fees 34,200.00 ---------- Total Virtual MSA 41,700.00 ---------- Total Treasury Services 53,200.00 General & Administrative Office Supplies (Treasurer) 500.00 President Discretionary 5,000.00 Chairmans Discretionary 5,000.00 Executive Assistant 71,470.00 Legal Counsel Fees 19,000.00 Legal Discretionary spending 2,500.00 Licenses/Insurance 6,012.00 Bank Charges 3,725.00 Shipping 500.00 PayPal 100.00 ---------- Total General & Administrative 113,807.00 ---------- 1,191,248.00 -294,248.00 Special Order 7B, Approve the 2014-2015 FY ASF Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
Call for Board approval of proposed 2014 Interim 3 month budget for the ASF. The three month interim budget is summarised below: Income Expenditure Balance Bank Charges and Interest $900 $950 $(50) Public Donations $9,400 $25 $9,375 Sponsorship Program $590,000 $3,700 $586,300 Programs $25,400 $6,000 $19,400 Administration $- $23,823 $(23,823) Infrastructure $- $241,804 $(241,804) Publicity $- $54,000 $(54,000) Conferences (President) $- $- $- Travel Assistance Committee $- $- $- Legal $- $1,100 $(1,100) Brand Management $- $16,000 $(16,000) Board $- $1,100 $(1,100) Treasury Services $- $20,550 $(20,550) Licenses/Insurance $- $1,750 $(1,750) Shipping $- $200 $(200) ==================================================================== Total $625,700 $371,002 $254,698 ==================================================================== Discussion: Publicity looks like it's enough for the entire year. Right. It's an up front payment of a retainer plus a monthly fee. Trademarks shows registering all podlings before graduation. The line item should be for registering "key podlings". Special Order 7G, Approve the Interim 3 Month ASF Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
President requests that the board approve an increase in the Executive Assistant budget of $15,500. This brings the total budget request for FY13 to $55,500. Special Order 7B, Increase Executive Assistant Budget, was approved by unanimous vote of the directors present.
The proposed budget change discussed here is recorded in Attachment 2: Report from the VP of Brand Management Discussion: Greg: There are very few problems with open source marks. Shane: There is a very low cost for registering. It's money well spent. Greg: What's the cost/benefit? Shane: If/when a project runs into trademark issues, costs are hundreds of times more. Greg: No issue registering our major brands, but not smaller projects. Shane: We will not be able to register our marks if a company registers a possibly conflicting name. Doug: Seems like a relatively small amount of money to spend to get ahead of potential problems. Roy: If we do register, we have a fiduciary responsibility to actively (including legal process) defend them. Shane: Not necessarily. Roy: Agree with registering important marks, but not wholesale. Shane: Once we register, companies are less likely to infringe or challenge the brands. Registration makes it much easier to deal with companies. Jim: It's not a guarantee; we might still have to go to court to defend our marks. Shane: It makes it less likely that companies will challenge us. Jim: Registering actually ramps up our duties to police our marks. Doug: Registering our minor marks seems to be a good idea to reduce risk and effort to defend our marks. Brett: We appear to have consensus on registering our major marks. Shane: There are several proposals that could be implemented, grouped into seven items as above. We should start by approving the budget and work through details on the trademarks@ list. Brett: The fiscal year ends in April. Should these figures be pro-rated? Shane: Some expenses will be lower but some would be incurred immediately. I would like to approve a change for half of the proposed increase. VP Brand Management requests that the board approve an increase in the Brand Management budget of $32,000. This brings the total budget request for FY13 to $45,400.00. Special order 7A was approved by unanimous vote of the directors present.
ASF budget for FY May 1 2013 - Apr 30 2014 APPROVED by the board: ------------------- INCOME (projected) == Interest == Interest income : $3,600.00 == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (5) : $500,000.00 Gold sponsors (4) : $160,000.00 Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $740,000.00 == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,600.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $740,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $781,600.00 EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $100.00 == Administrative == Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 President Discretionary : $5,000.00 Exec. Assistant (PT) : $55,500.00 Category Total : $61,000.00 == Infrastructure == Staffing System Admin : $ 420,000.00 (+17%) (4.5 FT) Hosting : $ 8,216.00 Cloud : $ 2,000.00 OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $ 0.00 SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $ 0.00 Traci.net (FL, USA) : $ 6,216.00 Hardware : $ 65,000.00 (+3%) Replacement : $ 20,000.00 (-20%) Expansion : $ 30,000.00 (+50%) Build farm : $ 10,000.00 Disks/RAM : $ 5,000.00 (-36%) Service contracts : $ 000.00 (-100%) Dell : $ 000.00 Silicon Mechanics : $ 000.00 Sun : $ 000.00 Other : $ 000.00 Misc : $ 1,500.00 Spamhaus RBL : $ 0.00 SSL / DNS renewals : $ 700.00 3rd Party Thank yous : $ 800.00 Travel : $ 000.00 (-100%) 4 Staff+VP @ AC Event : $ 000.00 AC Event food 1 mtg : $ 000.00 Category Total :$ 494,716.00 (+7%) == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $75,000.00 Press releases (prepaid) : $12,000.00 Travel : $7,500.00 Consultant Expenses : $2,500.00 Conference Participation : $1,500.00 Conference Support : $5,000.00 Conference Signage : $4,500.00 Collateral Printing : $2,500.00 Contact Database : $1,500.00 Clipping Service : $5,000.00 Category Total 2013 : $117,000.00 (-0.9%) == ConCom == Local events & hackathons : $50,000.00 Travel : $5,000.00 Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $60,000.00 == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (4 events) : $50,000.00 (-30%) Category Total : $50,000.00 == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Brand Management == Register key trademarks : $8,400.00 Register project marks : $2,000.00 Register mark ownership : $3,000.00 Category Total : $13,400.00 == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00 Administrative :$ 61,000.00 Infrastructure :$494,716.00 Publicity :$117,000.00 ConCom :$ 60,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 50,000.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Brand Management :$ 13,400.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$816,441.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $781,600.00 Expense Total : $816,441.00 Net Total : $-34,841.00
Special Order 7C, Approve the proposed 2013-2014 Budget (see Attachement BF), was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
ASF budget for FY May 1 2013 - Apr 30 2014 APPROVED by the board: ------------------- INCOME (projected) == Interest == Interest income : $3,600.00 == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (5) : $500,000.00 Gold sponsors (4) : $160,000.00 Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $740,000.00 == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,600.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $740,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $781,600.00 EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $100.00 == Administrative == Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 President Discretionary : $5,000.00 Exec. Assistant (PT) : $40,000.00 (+33%) Category Total : $45,500.00 (+28%) == Infrastructure == Staffing System Admin : $ 420,000.00 (+17%) (4.5 FT) Hosting : $ 8,216.00 Cloud : $ 2,000.00 OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $ 0.00 SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $ 0.00 Traci.net (FL, USA) : $ 6,216.00 Hardware : $ 65,000.00 (+3%) Replacement : $ 20,000.00 (-20%) Expansion : $ 30,000.00 (+50%) Build farm : $ 10,000.00 Disks/RAM : $ 5,000.00 (-36%) Service contracts : $ 000.00 (-100%) Dell : $ 000.00 Silicon Mechanics : $ 000.00 Sun : $ 000.00 Other : $ 000.00 Misc : $ 1,500.00 Spamhaus RBL : $ 0.00 SSL / DNS renewals : $ 700.00 3rd Party Thank yous : $ 800.00 Travel : $ 000.00 (-100%) 4 Staff+VP @ AC Event : $ 000.00 AC Event food 1 mtg : $ 000.00 Category Total :$ 494,716.00 (+7%) == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $75,000.00 Press releases (prepaid) : $12,000.00 Travel : $7,500.00 Consultant Expenses : $2,500.00 Conference Participation : $1,500.00 Conference Support : $5,000.00 Conference Signage : $4,500.00 Collateral Printing : $2,500.00 Contact Database : $1,500.00 Clipping Service : $5,000.00 Category Total 2013 : $117,000.00 (-0.9%) == ConCom == Local events & hackathons : $50,000.00 Travel : $5,000.00 Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $60,000.00 == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (4 events) : $50,000.00 (-30%) Category Total : $50,000.00 == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Brand Management == Register key trademarks : $8,400.00 Register project marks : $2,000.00 Register mark ownership : $3,000.00 Category Total : $13,400.00 == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00 Administrative :$ 45,500.00 Infrastructure :$494,716.00 Publicity :$117,000.00 ConCom :$ 60,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 50,000.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Brand Management :$ 13,400.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$740,941.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $781,600.00 Expense Total : $800,941.00 (+4%) Net Total : $-19,341.00
Call for Board approval of proposed 2013-2014 FY budget for the ASF. See https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/foundation/Finances/budgets/2013-budget.txt. /* private also Attachment BH */ Special Order 7E, Approve the 2013-2014 FY ASF Budget, was Tabled. AI: Greg update board meeting template to include visibility into the EA activity AI: Jim update Chairman/President's discretionary budget AI: Sam update infrastructure budget; discuss with Jim AI: Jim revise budget by middle of next week to approve before start of May AI: Jim where is budget for outside audit?
ASF budget for FY May 1 2013 - Apr 30 2014 APPROVED by the board: ------------------- INCOME (projected) == Interest == Interest income : $3,600.00 == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (5) : $500,000.00 Gold sponsors (4) : $160,000.00 Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $740,000.00 == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,600.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $740,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $781,600.00 EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $100.00 == Administrative == Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 President Discretionary : $10,000.00 (+100%) Exec. Assistant (PT) : $40,000.00 (+33%) Category Total : $50,500.00 (+31%) == Infrastructure == Staffing System Admin (4FT) : $ 360,000.00 Hosting : $ 8,216.00 Cloud : $ 2,000.00 OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $ 0.00 SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $ 0.00 Traci.net (FL, USA) : $ 6,216.00 Hardware : $ 65,000.00 (+3%) Replacement : $ 20,000.00 (-20%) Expansion : $ 30,000.00 (+50%) Build farm : $ 10,000.00 Disks/RAM : $ 5,000.00 (-36%) Service contracts : $ 000.00 (-100%) Dell : $ 000.00 Silicon Mechanics : $ 000.00 Sun : $ 000.00 Other : $ 000.00 Misc : $ 1,500.00 Spamhaus RBL : $ 0.00 SSL / DNS renewals : $ 700.00 3rd Party Thank yous : $ 800.00 Travel : $ 000.00 (-100%) 4 Staff+VP @ AC Event : $ 000.00 AC Event food 1 mtg : $ 000.00 Category Total :$ 434,716.00 (-6.03%) == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $75,000.00 Press releases (prepaid) : $12,000.00 Travel : $7,500.00 Consultant Expenses : $2,500.00 Conference Participation : $1,500.00 Conference Support : $5,000.00 Conference Signage : $4,500.00 Collateral Printing : $2,500.00 Contact Database : $1,500.00 Clipping Service : $5,000.00 Category Total 2013 : $117,000.00 (-0.9%) == ConCom == Local events & hackathons : $50,000.00 Travel : $5,000.00 Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $60,000.00 == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (4 events) : $50,000.00 (-30%) Category Total : $50,000.00 == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Brand Management == Register key trademarks : $8,400.00 Register project marks : $2,000.00 Register mark ownership : $3,000.00 Category Total : $13,400.00 == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00 Administrative :$ 50,500.00 Infrastructure :$434,716.00 Publicity :$117,000.00 ConCom :$ 60,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 50,000.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Brand Management :$ 13,400.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$745,941.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $781,600.00 Expense Total : $745,941.00 (-0.04%) Net Total : $ 35,659.00
to make this a President's function. This is a good idea. Jim and Ross agreed to draft a policy for approval by the board. Interim, requests for travel should be sent to president@ for approval. Jim and Ross will draft the policy for travel.
Call for Board approval of proposed 2012-2013 FY budget for the ASF. See Attachment AT. Special Order 7J, Approve the 2012-2013FY Budget, There is nothing in the budget for an audit, but this can be added later once the cost is known. The budget was approved unanimously.
Also available: https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/foundation/Finances/budgets/2012-budget.txt ASF budget for FY May 1 2012 - Apr 30 2013 ------------------- INCOME (projected) == Interest == Interest income : $3,600.00 == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (5) : $500,000.00 (+25%) Gold sponsors (4) : $160,000.00 (+33%) Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $740,000.00 (+22%) == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,600.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $740,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $781,600.00 (+6%) EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $100.00 == Administrative == Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 President Discretionary : $5,000.00 Exec. Assistant (PT) : $30,000.00 Category Total : $35,500.00 == Infrastructure == Staffing System Admin (4FT) : $ 360,000.00 (+69%) Hosting : $ 8,216.00 Cloud : $ 2,000.00 OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $ 0.00 SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $ 0.00 Traci.net (FL, USA) : $ 6,216.00 Hardware : $ 63,000.00 (-33%) Replacement : $ 25,000.00 (-44%) Expansion : $ 20,000.00 Build farm : $ 10,000.00 (-58%) Disks/RAM : $ 8,000.00 (+60%) Service contracts : $ 9,500.00 (+35%) Dell : $ 7,000.00 (+55%) Silicon Mechanics : $ 1,500.00 Sun : $ 500.00 Other : $ 500.00 Misc : $ 1,500.00 (-17%) Spamhaus RBL : $ 0.00 (-100%) SSL / DNS renewals : $ 700.00 3rd Party Thank yous : $ 800.00 OpenOffice release overflow traffic : ??? # a work in progress with sourceforge admins, tbd Travel : $ 20,400.00 (+17%) 4 Staff+VP @ AC Event : $ 20,000.00 AC Event food 1 mtg : $ 400.00 Category Total :$ 462,616.00 (+36%) == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $75,000.00 Press releases (prepaid) : $10,000.00 Travel : $5,000.00 Consultant Expenses : $2,000.00 Conference Participation : $4,000.00 Conference Support : $1,000.00 Conference Signage : $3,500.00 Collateral Printing : $1,500.00 Contact Database : $2,500.00 Clipping Service : $5,000.00 Category Total :$109,500.00 == ConCom == Local events & hackathons : $50,000.00 Travel : $5,000.00 Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $60,000.00 == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (7 events) : $72,500.00 (+81%) Category Total : $72,500.00 == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Brand Management == Register key trademarks : $8,400.00 Register project marks : $2,000.00 Register mark ownership : $3,000.00 Category Total : $13,400.00 (+312%) == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00 Administrative :$ 35,500.00 Infrastructure :$462,616.00 Publicity :$109,500.00 ConCom :$ 60,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 72,500.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Brand Management :$ 13,400.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$773,841.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $781,600.00 (+22%) Expense Total : $773,841.00 (+25%) Net Total : $ 7,759.00 = == NOTES == Infra: There is a significant increase in this years budget, over last year. This is due to the sharp increase in staffing costs. We have effectively added a new FT post over above last years budget. There is a reduced hardware budget, as there are fewer hosts requiring replacement. Brand Management: With the growth in commercial popularity of many of our projects - and the corresponding growth in third parties who use (and sometimes abuse) our project brands, and on the advice of counsel, we plan to register a number of trademarks in the coming year, primarily in response to approved project requests. We also plan to register the change of ownership of several trademarks, to deal with key project's brand image and to ensure third parties clearly understand our ownership of these marks (there have been several questions about our legitimacy). We also plan to work with DLAPiper on trademark issues going forward. They have offered detailed docket tracking - a huge help to us - completely pro bono, but also note that to ensure the registration process is smooth, higher fees may be expected when processing actual registrations or transfers. All requested budget is for national registry fees or for legal expenses directly related to registered trademarks.
Call for Board approval of proposed 2012-2013 FY budget for the ASF. See Attachment AW. Special Order 7H, Approve the 2012-2013FY Budget, was tabled. Discussion: The budget for infrastructure needs additional work.
ASF budget for FY May 1 2012 - Apr 30 2013 ------------------- INCOME (projected) == Interest == Interest income : $3,600.00 == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (5) : $500,000.00 (+25%) Gold sponsors (4) : $160,000.00 (+33%) Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $740,000.00 (+22%) == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,600.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $640,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $781,600.00 (+6%) EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $100.00 == Administrative == Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 President Discretionary : $5,000.00 Exec. Assistant (PT) : $30,000.00 Category Total : $35,500.00 == Infrastructure == Staffing : $ 306,200.00 (+44%) System Admin (FT) : $92,400.00 (+6%) System Admin (FT) : $85,200.00 (+7%) System Admin (FT) : $78,000.00 (new) System Admin (PT) : $42,600.00 (+9%) Bonus Pool : $ 8,000.00 Hosting : $ 8,216.00 Cloud : $ 2,000.00 OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $ 0.00 SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $ 0.00 Traci.net (FL, USA) : $ 6,216.00 Hardware : $ 60,000.00 (-63%) Replacement : $ 25,000.00 (-55%) Expansion : $ 20,000.00 Build farm : $ 10,000.00 (-41%) Disks/RAM : $ 8,000.00 (+60%) Service contracts : $ 9,500.00 (+35%) Dell : $ 7,000.00 (+55%) Silicon Mechanics : $ 1,500.00 Sun : $ 500.00 Other : $ 500.00 Misc : $ 1,800.00 Spamhaus RBL : $ 0.00 SSL / DNS renewals : $ 700.00 3rd Party Thank yous : $ 800.00 OpenOffice release overflow traffic : ??? # a work in progress with sourceforge admins, tbd Travel : $ 20,400.00 (+17%) 4 Staff+VP @ AC Event : $ 20,000.00 AC Event food 1 mtg : $ 400.00 Category Total :$ 408,816.00 (+20%) == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $75,000.00 Press releases (prepaid) : $10,000.00 Travel : $15,000.00 Consultant Expenses : $6,000.00 Conference Participation : $4,000.00 Conference Support : $5,000.00 Conference Signage : $3,500.00 Collateral Printing : $2,500.00 Contact Database : $2,500.00 Clipping Service : $5,000.00 Category Total :$128,500.00 == ConCom == Local events & hackathons : $50,000.00 Travel : $5,000.00 Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $60,000.00 == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (7 events) : $72,500.00 (+81%) Category Total : $72,500.00 == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Brand Management 2012 Request == Register key trademarks : $8,400.00 Register project marks : $2,000.00 Register mark ownership : $3,000.00 Category Total : $13,400.00 (+312%) == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00 Administrative :$ 35,500.00 Infrastructure :$408,816.00 Publicity :$128,500.00 ConCom :$ 60,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 72,500.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Brand Management :$ 13,400.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$739,041.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $781,600.00 (+22%) Expense Total : $739,041.00 (+17%) Net Total : $ 42,559.00 = == NOTES == Infra: There is a significant increase in this years budget, over last year. This is due to the sharp increase in staffing costs. We have effectively added a new FT post over above last years budget. There is a reduced hardware budget, as there are fewer hosts requiring replacement. Brand Management: With the growth in commercial popularity of many of our projects - and the corresponding growth in third parties who use (and sometimes abuse) our project brands, and on the advice of counsel, we plan to register a number of trademarks in the coming year, primarily in response to approved project requests. We also plan to register the change of ownership of several trademarks, to deal with key project's brand image and to ensure third parties clearly understand our ownership of these marks (there have been several questions about our legitimacy). We also plan to work with DLAPiper on trademark issues going forward. They have offered detailed docket tracking - a huge help to us - completely pro bono, but also note that to ensure the registration process is smooth, higher fees may be expected when processing actual registrations or transfers. All requested budget is for national registry fees or for legal expenses directly related to registered trademarks.
The President has proposed a 2011-2012 FY budget for the Foundation, as provided in Attachment AK. By roll call vote, the board unanimously approved the budget for the Foundation's 2011-2012 fiscal year as proposed in Attachment AK, without modification.
ASF budget for FY May 1 2011 - Apr 30 2012 ------------------- INCOME (projected) == Interest == Interest income : $3,600.00 (+12.5%) == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (4) : $400,000.00 (+33%) Gold sponsors (3) : $120,000.00 Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $600,000.00 (+20%) == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,600.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $600,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $641,600.00 (+18.5%) EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $100.00 == Administrative == Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 President Discretionary : $5,000.00 Exec. Assistant (PT) : $30,000.00 Category Total : $35,500.00 (+545%) == Infrastructure == Staffing :$212,624.00 System Admin (FT) : $86,904.00* System Admin (FT) : $79,560.00* System Admin (PT) : $39,000.00 Bonus Pool : $7,160.00 (4260/3900) Hosting : $8,216.00 Cloud : $2,000.00 OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $0.00 SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $0.00 Traci.net (FL, USA) : $6,216.00 Hardware : $94,000.00 Replacement : $45,000.00 Expansion : $20,000.00 Build farm : $24,000.00 Disks/RAM : 5,000.00 Service contracts : $7,000.00 Dell $4,500.00 Silicon Mechanics $1,500.00 Sun $500.00 Other $500.00 Misc : $1,800.00 Spamhaus RBL : $300.00 SSL / DNS renewals : $700.00 3rd Party Thank yous : $800.00 Travel : $17,400.00 3 Staff+VP @ ACNA2011 : $12,000.00 1 infra mtg : $5,000.00 ACNA2011 food 1 mtg : $400.00 Category Total :$341,040.00 (+28%) == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $75,000.00 (+25%) Press releases (prepaid) : $10,000.00 Travel : $15,000.00 Consultant Expenses : $6,000.00 Conference Participation : $4,000.00 Conference Support : $5,000.00 Conference Signage : $3,500.00 Collateral Printing : $2,500.00 Contact Database : $2,500.00 Clipping Service : $5,000.00 Category Total :$128,500.00 (+11%) == ConCom == Local events & hackathons : $50,000.00 Travel : $5,000.00 Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $60,000.00 (-33%) == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (5 events) : $40,000.00 Category Total : $40,000.00 (-39%) == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Brand Management == Register key trademarks : $1,950.00 Register project marks : $1,300.00 Category Total : $3,250.00 == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00 Administrative :$ 35,500.00 Infrastructure :$341,040.00 Publicity :$128,500.00 ConCom :$ 60,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 40,000.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Brand Management :$ 3,250.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$611,615.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $641,600.00 Expense Total : $628,615.00 Net Total : $ 12,985.00
Executive Assistant position is out for bid although it is not in the current budget. Once a suitable candidate is approved, the budget will be amended to include the cost. In any event, the budget should be updated mid-year (November).
See attachment AE. Special Order 7G, Approve the 2010-2011FY Budget, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
ASF budget for FY May 1 2010 - Apr 30 2011 ------------------- INCOME (projected; unchanged from '09) == Interest == Interest income : $3,200.00 == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (3) : $300,000.00 Gold sponsors (3) : $120,000.00 Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $500,000.00 == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,200.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $500,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $541,200.00 EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $100.00 == Administrative == Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $0.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 President Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $5,500.00 == Infrastructure == System Admin (FT) : $78,000.00 System Admin (FT) : $72,000.00 Hosting - OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $0.00 Hosting - SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $0.00 Hosting - Traci.net (FL, USA) : $6,216.00 Hardware - Replacement : $80,000.00 8 machines/arrays Hardware - Expansion : $0,000.00 Hardware - Build farm : $5,000.00 1k for EC2 stuff Hardware - Service contracts : $2,000.00 Spamhaus RBL : $300.00 SSL / DNS renewals : $700.00 Travel (FT & PT @ AC's) : $8,000.00 Category Total :$252,216.00 == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $65,000.00 Press releases (prepaid) : $10,000.00 Travel : $15,000.00 Consultant Expenses : $6,000.00 Conference Participation : $4,000.00 Conference Support : $5,000.00 Conference Signage : $3,500.00 Collateral Printing : $2,500.00 Contact Database : $2,500.00 Clipping Service : $5,000.00 Category Total :$116,000.00 == ConCom == Local events, up to 4 ($15k ea) : $60,000.00 Hackathons : $15,000.00 Travel : $10,000.00 Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $90,000.00 == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (4 events) : $66,000.00 Category Total : $66,000.00 == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Brand Management == Register key trademarks : $1,950.00 Register project marks : $1,300.00 Category Total : $3,250.00 == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 100.00 Administrative :$ 5,500.00 Infrastructure :$252,216.00 Publicity :$116,000.00 ConCom :$ 90,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 66,000.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Brand Management :$ 3,250.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$557,291.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $541,200.00 Expense Total : $557,291.00 Net Total :-$ 16,091.00 === PUBLIC SUPPORT TEST === Interest Income : $ 3,200.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $500,000.00 Eligible income : $531,200.00 2% support tesg : $10,624.00 / donor One-time donations : $28,000.00 Bronze Sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Silver Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00 Gold Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00 Platinum Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00 Public Donations Total : $143,616.00 Public Support : 27.04% ====
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has heretofore appointed a Apache Conference Planning Committee, and WHEREAS, the Apache Conference Planning Committee has chosen to hold an "Apache Retreat" for the benefit of Apache members, committers and contributors, in Ireland during April 2010, and WHEREAS, the Apache Conference Planning Committee is working on plans to hold one or more Apache events, for the benefit of Apache members, committers and contributors, in Asia, in November-December 2009, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors recognize that the aims and purpose of these events are in-line with the aims of the Foundation, and WHEREAS, the funding required for these events is estimated at approximately $12,000 for the Retreat, and $12,000 for the events in Asia, and WHEREAS, the Conference Planning Committee judges it in the best interests of the contributors and the Foundation to have a small discretionary fund available to support other events, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a budget of $30,000 be allocated to the Conference Planning Committee, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the treasurer will work with the Conference Planning Committee to ensure that these funds are made available as necessary and duly accounted for in accordance with the Bylaws of the Foundation. Special Order 7A, Budget $30,000 for the Conference Planning Committee, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
See Attachment AC. Sam is concerned that the time would go unused, as with the previous EA. Sander would like the flexibility to be able to budget for a full time EA. Bill indicates that a manager is a full time job. Collectively, we previously had indicated that we wanted a doer not a manager. Jim recited a set of input, and feels that we need to offload the work that is not the best use of our time. Justin suggests removing the word "commission" from the budget item for sponsorship, and strike the word "build farm" from the part time sysadmin. These changes were applied during the course of the meeting. Additionally, the "Program Event Budget is moved to" line was also struck. Geir notes that we are voting on a partial budget. Bill notes that we have updated the budget, and suggests that if anybody wants to modify that the budget, they are welcome to bring forward resolutions. Geir continues to be concerned with the rather large amount (the actual dollar amount is in question) that we aren't considering. In response to questions to Henri: sponsor "Dir" isn't meant to be a director, but could be a Liaison. EA amount quoted is a ceiling. If approved, this means that the individual committees have an authorization to spend these amounts without requiring additional board approval. We would we deal with projected income shortfalls when (and only if) such events occur. If this budget is approved, we have the ability to renegotiate the HALO contract. Jim's preference is to extend the HALO contract. Bertrand considers the following to be "experimental" and would like sponsorship director, EA, outside PR services to be reevaluated next year. Aaron doesn't see any [VOTE] on the PRC list representing a concrete proposal for the $30K Sponsorship Dir line. Sander indicates that there isn't a full consensus on an RFP, but believes that $60K is in line with what we need. A vote was held, reflecting on the contents of the budget as contained in Attachment AC. Bertrand - yes, including comments above Justin - yes J Aaron - no Jim - yes, with Bertand's comments Geir - no William - yes Sam - no Henning - abstain The motion passes.
The following are projected and still under review. INCOME (projected) == Interest == Interest income : $3,200.00 == Public donations == One-Time (by chk, etc) : $2,400.00 PayPal ($2000 x 12 mos) : $24,000.00 Car Program LLC : $1,600.00 ($400 x 4 contributions) Category total : $28,000.00 == Sponsorship Program == Platinum sponsors (3) : $300,000.00 Gold sponsors (3) : $120,000.00 Silver sponsors (3) : $60,000.00 Bronze sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Category total : $500,000.00 == Program Income == Google Summer of Code : $10,000.00 Category Total : $10,000.00 == Unrelated Business Income (royalty, licenses, etc.) == Category Total : $0.00 Income Category Summaries: Interest Income : $ 3,200.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $500,000.00 Program Income : $ 10,000.00 Unrelated Business Income : $ 0.00 INCOME Total : $541,200.00 EXPENSES == Fundraising Overhead == Sponsorship Dir : $30,000.00 PayPal (@ ~ 3.74%) : $100.00 Car Program LLC : $ 0.00 Category Total : $30,100.00 == Administrative == Exec. Assistant/SA Staff : $60,000.00 Office Supplies (EA) : $1,000.00 Office Supplies (Sec'y) : $500.00 Office Supplies (Treasurer) : $500.00 Equipment (EA) : $1,500.00 Office Expenses (EA) : $1,500.00 Travel (EA) : $5,000.00 President Discretionary : $5,000.00 Category Total : $75,000.00 == Infrastructure == SysAdmin (FT) : $72,000.00 SysAdmin (PT) : $30,000.00 Hosting - OSU OSL (OR, USA) : $0.00 Hosting - SURFnet (AMS, NL) : $0.00 Hosting - Traci.net (FL, USA) : $6,216.00 Hardware - Replacement : $10,000.00 Hardware - Expansion : $10,000.00 Hardware - Build farm : $15,000.00 Hardware - Service contracts : $5,000.00 Spamhaus RBL : $300.00 SSL / DNS renewals : $700.00 Travel (FT & PT @ AC's) : $8,000.00 Category Total :$157,216.00 == Publicity == Outside PR Services : $65,000.00 Collateral Printing : $2,000.00 Press releases (prepaid) : $5,000.00 Sponsor outreach : $3,000.00 Travel : $7,000.00 Category Total : $82,000.00 == Travel Assistance Committee == Sponsored Attendees (Need Based): $40,000.00 Category Total : $40,000.00 == Legal == Discretionary : $2,500.00 Category Total : $2,500.00 == Board == Chairman Discretionary : $5,000.00 Conference Calls : $0.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Banking Fees == (need to be reviewed) Checks : $ 150.00 Safe-deposit box : $ 75.00 Monthly fees : $1,000.00 Lockbox : $2,500.00 Category Total : $3,725.00 == Treasury Services == Tax Filing : $2,000.00 Online services : $1,500.00 Category Total : $3,500.00 == Licenses / Insurance == Corp. Service Co. (DE Agent) : $ 299.00 D&O Insurance : $1,500.00 Property/Asset Insurance : $1,000.00 Misc. Insurance : $2,201.00 Category Total : $5,000.00 == Shipping == (need to confirm) Federal Express / Courier : $500.00 Category Total : $500.00 == Misc. == Category Total : $0.00 Expense Category Summaries: Fundraising overhead :$ 30,100.00 Administrative :$ 75,000.00 Infrastructure :$157,216.00 Publicity :$ 82,000.00 Travel Assistance :$ 40,000.00 Legal :$ 2,500.00 Board :$ 5,000.00 Banking Fees :$ 3,725.00 Accounting Services :$ 3,500.00 Licenses / Insurance :$ 5,000.00 Shipping :$ 500.00 Misc :$ 0.00 Expense Total :$404,541.00 === SUMMARY === Income Total : $541,200.00 Expense Total : $404,541.00 Net Total :+$136,659.00 === PUBLIC SUPPORT TEST === Interest Income : $ 3,200.00 One-time donations : $ 28,000.00 Sponsorship Program : $500,000.00 Eligible income : $531,200.00 2% support test : $10,624.00 / donor One-time donations : $28,000.00 Bronze Sponsors (4) : $20,000.00 Silver Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00 Gold Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00 Platinum Sponsors (3) : $31,872.00 Public Donations Total : $143,616.00 Public Support : 27.04% Legend:
There was a discussion about someone managing the sponsors. A concern was raised by Geir on that. J. Aaron mentions we dropped the ball on keeping sponsors up to date, and following up with them. We lost sponsorship dollars in the past, which alone warrants doing this. It was remarked that skill-set between an executive assistant and someone managing sponsorship is not expected to overlap. Jim takes the action item to kick off budget discussion on list.
WHEREAS, The Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish an ASF Board Committee charged with creation of an annual budget; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Board Committee, to be known as the "Budget Committee", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Budget Committee be and hereby is responsible for preparing and presenting an Annual Budget for approval by the Board of Directors by March 30 for the fiscal year starting May 1; and be it further RESOLVED, that Willam Rowe Jr. shall serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Budget Committee and have primary responsibility for managing the Budget Committee; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as members of the Budget Committee: * Justin Erenkrantz <jerenkrantz@apache.org> * Jim Jagielski <jim@apache.org> * William Rowe Jr <wrowe@apache.org> We discussed whether three people are adequate, and as long as this group has access to the books and are able to ask rare questions to the previous (and continuing) treasurer, three is fine. We discussed whether this should be a board committee. In lieu of proceeding with this vote, we all acknowledged that the President has created a Budget Committee with Justin, Jim, and William as members.
Bank Service Charges $3,500.00 Licenses and Permits $350.00 Office Supplies $1,000.00 PayPal Charges (% of Paypal) Postage and Delivery $500.00 Program Expenses Hardware Purchases $3,000.00 Colocation expense (.5yr) $10,500.00 Sysadmin Position (.5yr) $30,000.00 Sysadmin Contract (.5yr) $30,000.00 Total Expense $78,850.00
WHEREAS, the Treasurer has collected and reviewed requests from Officers for financial expenses necessary for the continued operation of the Foundation; and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to authorize the following financial expenses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the sum of $5,000 be and hereby is authorized to be expensed by the Vice President, Conference Planning for the purposes of face-to-face Conference Committee meetings as needed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the sum of $2,000 be and hereby is authorized to be expensed by the President to cover expenses related to the Infrastructure Search Committee; and be it further RESOLVED, that the sum of $2,000 be and hereby is authorized to be expensed by the Treasurer to cover expenses related to the filing of 2004 year tax returns; and be it further RESOLVED, that the sum of $1,500 be and hereby is authorized to be expensed by any Officers to cover expenses related to shipping and courier services; and be it further RESOLVED, that the sum of $750 be and hereby is authorized to be expensed by the Treasurer to cover expenses related to banking fees; and be it further RESOLVED, that the sum of $500 be and hereby is authorized to be expensed by Directors to cover expenses related to board conference calls. The above Spending Resolution (Special Order 3-A) was approved by unanimous vote.
https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/foundation/Finances/2005-budget.txt It was recommended that the review of the budget continue on the board@ mailing list. Further discussion would be held at a special board meeting, set for September 29, 2005.
This item was tabled in the interests of time.
Ben Laurie commented that the event is still being planned for the weekend prior to ApacheCon 2000 Europe, but that he wasn't yet aware of the budget requirements. He will inform the board when estimates are available.
This item was tabled until a future meeting when Ben Hyde might be present.
There was a general discussion of whether we should defray the attendance fee for all ASF members attending ApacheCon 2000 Europe, or only for those who need it. The following resolution was approved by unanimous vote of the directors present (Brian, Ken, Roy, Ben, Rasmus, Doug, Randy, Dirk). WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the Foundation to encourage as many of its members as possible to attend and participate in the ApacheCon 2000 Europe conference; and further WHEREAS, the conference committee has determined that a fee of $150 is necessary to cover the basic expenses of attendance at the conference for members who are not speakers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an amount up to but not exceeding USD $150.00 per ASF member in attendance at ApacheCon 2000 Europe, but not speaking at the conference, is hereby authorized for payment to the conference organizer, up to but not exceeding a maximum of USD $6,750.00, for the purpose of obtaining a complete fee-waiver for all ASF members attending ApacheCon 2000 Europe.
This item had previously been discussed on the board mailing list. The following resolution was approved by unanimous vote of the directors present (Brian, Ken, Roy, Ben, Rasmus, Doug, Randy, Dirk). WHEREAS, Ralf S. Engelschall, a member of the Foundation, has requested that the Foundation obtain counsel for the purpose of obtaining permission under U.S. export regulations to publish open-source software containing various forms of cryptographic algorithms and/or hooks; and further WHEREAS, Ben Laurie has contacted Cindy Cohn as an appropriate legal expert on matters related to crypto export and has begun negotiations on a suitable fee agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an amount up to but not exceeding USD $5,000.00 is hereby authorized for expenditure on counsel for the purpose of determining the correct procedures for the Foundation to legally publish open-source software containing various forms of cryptographic algorithms and/or hooks; and further RESOLVED, that Cindy Cohn be retained as legal counsel to the Foundation for this purpose.