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## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (15 years ago) There are currently 52 committers and 43 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6. Community changes, past quarter: - Drew Foulks was added to the PMC on 2024-08-30 - Chris Wells was added to the PMC on 2024-08-30 - Drew Foulks was added as committer on 2024-08-31 - Chris Wells was added as committer on 2024-08-31 - MJ Foulks was added as committer on 2024-10-29 ## Project Activity: ### Working Groups The Working Groups [WG1] initiative is thriving. Rich Bowen also presented a talk on this topic at Community Over Code NA, which was very well received. We also received a proposal for a new working group 'targeting mentoring' to connect Apache projects seeking new contributors with companies that indirectly depend on them. The group aims to coordinate efforts, share best practices, and provide signposting. Discussions for this working group are ongoing. The Website Working Group made excellent progress in updating the website. More details in ComDev Website section below. [WG1] - https://github.com/apache/comdev-working-groups ### ComDev Website We made several significant updates to our website [W1]. Highlights include: 1. Rewrite of the Contributors page 2. Menu restructuring 3. Revamped home page with new images and improved navigation 4. Merged duplicate pages 5. Content reorganization Huge thanks to the Website Working Group, Rich Bowen, and others who provided feedback on pull requests. The full list of PRs and detailed changes can be found at: https://s.apache.org/71c0j [W1] - https://community.apache.org/ ### Google Summer of Code 2024 We had 22 participants (mentees) this year, out of which 20 successfully passed the final evaluation. Unfortunately, 2 participants couldn’t pass the final evaluation. Thank you to all our mentors and Sanyam Goel, Priya Sharma, Maxim Solodovnik, and Swapnil M Mane for their continued support and making it happen. Sanyam Goel also participated in the GSoC 2024 Mentor Summit as an ASF delegate. He delivered a talk titled “Managing GSoC at umbrella orgs @ Apache Software Foundation and The Linux Foundation” in collaboration with the Linux Foundation. He also engaged in discussions about GSoC guidelines, project lifecycle management, and feedback mechanisms with the Google Open Source team. ### Community Over Code NA 2024 We had 18 talks in the Community Track at CoC NA, which were very well received. These sessions attracted a significant audience, showcasing strong interest in the topics. Thanks to our Community Track Chairs, Rich Bowen, Shane Curcuru, and Jiang Nadia, for their invaluable support and coordination during CoC NA. ### ALC ALC Indore was primarily involved in Open Source India 2024. Swapnil M Mane delivered a talk on this topic at CoC NA, where many people personally expressed interest in starting ALC Chapters in their regions. We also received interest for establishing an ALC in Islamabad, Pakistan, over the mailing list, and discussion is ongoing around it. We don’t have many activities in other ALCs as most of them wrapped up CoC Asia. Additionally, some members were engaged in CoC NA. #### Open Source India 2024 ALC Indore members managed the ASF booth at Open Source India 2024 [OSI1], held on October 23-24 in Bengaluru. Thanks to Aditya Sharma and Priya Sharma, for coordinating and successfully executing this entire activity with the support of other members. The team engaged a diverse audience, including tech professionals, students, and Apache project contributors, many of whom shared insights on their projects. The team introduced the ALC initiative, encouraging attendees to participate in regional open-source activities. Students showed excitement about open-source opportunities, enjoying ASF-branded swag and learning about beginner pathways like Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and Outreachy. Additionally, the team connected with Apache project users interested in learning how they can receive support and contribute back to the community. [OSI1]- https://www.opensourceindia.in/ ### Others The HelpWanted service, formerly at helpwanted.apache.org, has been retired. This service had been dormant for over six years. ## Community Health: We had another fantastic quarter, with activities in various areas, as mentioned above, demonstrating significant progress on multiple fronts, thanks to our community members.
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (15 years ago) There are currently 49 committers and 41 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ayush Saxena on 2024-02-27. - No new committers. Last addition was Ayush Saxena on 2024-02-27. ## Project Activity: ### Google Summer of Code 2024 Over the past quarter, all 22 participants (mentees) began work on their respective projects, and mentors have submitted mid-term evaluations, with all participants successfully passing mid-term evaluations. ### Working Group We are making good progress in our working group initiatives, with multiple discussions and activities across different groups. Here are some key updates: Website Working Group: We discovered valuable content on topics such as "How to Become a Committer" and a "Developer Onboarding Guide" from DataFusion and Arrow project wiki. Some of this content could be integrated into our ComDev site. Advisors Working Group: Rich Bowen shared ideas for short instructional videos on various topics. The video scripts are well-developed for some topics, including: - Voting on a release - Apache Brand informational video - PMC member responsibilities Proposed New Working Group - Code of Conduct: We proposed creating a new working group focused on developing a recommended template Code of Conduct that projects could customize and adopt. The detailed proposal can be found at [WG-1]. [WG-1]: https://s.apache.org/1xipa ### ALC We had good activities from various ALCs this quarter. Notably, we established a new chapter, ALC Shanghai, which held its first meetup on August 3rd, attracting around 70 attendees. ALC Beijing played a very active role in organizing CoC Asia 2024 and coordinated efforts to bring together all ALC chapters in China. ALC Shenzhen hosted couple of meetups and also participated in CoC Asia 2024. ### Others We responded to inquiries from few candidates interested in contributing to Apache projects, as well as a few queries from users looking to contribute their projects to the ASF. ## Community Health: We observed a slight drop in activity on our dev mailing list, which was expected after the spike in the previous quarter due to GSoC inquiries and related activity. However, looking at the overall engagement, we had another strong quarter, staying active across various initiatives, thanks to the efforts of our community members.
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (15 years ago) There are currently 49 committers and 41 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6. Community changes, past quarter: - Ayush Saxena was added to the PMC on 2024-02-27 - Craig L Russell was added to the PMC on 2024-02-22 - Zili Chen was added to the PMC on 2024-02-15 ## Project Activity: ### Working Groups Working Groups have been a highlight topic for our past quarter's activities. Working groups [1] are informal groups that work on specific tasks or topics. Each group has a mission and operates independently, reporting back to the PMC on any activities they wish to make visible to the Membership. ComDev has begun proposing a structure for creating working groups around specific topics or problem spaces. There are currently 7 proposed Working Groups: -- wg-wg: Defining how working groups work, in general -- wg-advisors: Advising PMCs on best practices -- wg-badging: Creation and maintenance of an accomplishment badging system -- wg-social: Orchestrating local gatherings of Apache enthusiasts -- wg-social-media: Managing social media -- wg-website: Maintenance of the website -- wg-welcome: Helping projects and the ASF in general be more welcoming You can find more details about each working group and the progress made so far at the ComDev Working Groups GitHub repository [2]. A huge thanks to Rich Bowen for initiating this, and to all community members who actively participated in discussions and planning the execution for the Working Groups. Based on the response and involvement we've seen so far with the Working Groups, we are very hopeful that this will help us organize ComDev efforts that will result in more impactful results in specific topics or problem spaces. ### Google Summer of Code 2024 This year, we started the GSoC season with 37 proposed project ideas from 17 different Apache projects. We have secured 22 slots for GSoC this year. In the last quarter, we were majorly involved in collecting project ideas and reviewing contributor proposals from interested contributors and ranking them. Thanks to Maxim Solodovnik, Sanyam Goel, Priya Sharma, and Swapnil M Mane, who are the GSoC org admins for ASF and helping us execute this program. Registration for the GSoC 2024 Mentor Summit is also open, and we will send one mentor from ASF; it is sponsored by Google. We have started working on the process to select the mentor who can represent ASF. ### ALC ALC Beijing is gearing up for the CoC Asia conference. They have completed the CFP (received 216 proposals) and reviewed them. We haven't seen much activity from other ALCs this quarter. ### Others We also had other activities, like the new ASF volunteers page [3]. It will replace the Community Zones app [4] because we were no longer maintaining it, thanks to Bertrand Delacretaz. Thanks to Zili Chen for contributing a new website template based on Docusaurus that can be used by new projects to set up their project site. We also added a new article about an overview of boardresponsibilities [5], thanks to Rich Bowen. [1] https://community.apache.org/workinggroups/ [2] https://github.com/apache/comdev-working-groups [3] https://community.apache.org/contributors/asf-volunteers.html [4] https://community.zones.apache.org [5] https://community.apache.org/board/overview.html ## Community Health: Our dev@community.apache.org list had a 179% increase in traffic in the past quarter (592 emails compared to 212), and gsoc@community.apache.org had a 9900% increase in traffic in the past quarter (100 emails compared to 1). It is mainly because we had Google Summer of Code 2024 discussions and various discussions related to working groups. Overall, we had a great quarter, being active in various different activities, thanks to our community members.
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (14 years ago) There are currently 46 committers and 38 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Justin Mclean on 2023-07-18. - No new committers. Last addition was Carolina Escobar on 2023-08-11. ## Project Activity: ### Google Summer of Code 2024 We have filled out the application for GSoC 2024. So far 13 projects submitted 26 project ideas. Currently, the GSoC team is reviewing all the applications, and the results of accepted mentoring organizations will be published on February 21, 2024. ### ALC We have established a new ALC, the ALC Hangzhou (China) Chapter, and have received a great response to setting up this new ALC. In total, 27 volunteers have shown their interest, out of which 5 are ASF members. ALC Beijing is currently preparing for CoC Asia 2024, which will be held in Hangzhou from July 26-28, 2024. This time, we had fewer ALC activities compared to the previous quarter, likely due to the holiday season. ### ASF Booth at OpenSource Experience, Paris We had an ASF booth at OpenSource Experience, Paris [OSE 1]. Our booth attracted attendees with varying levels of familiarity with the Foundation; most of the people were aware of the HTTP server project. Among the attendees were students and individuals transitioning their careers towards software and technology. Many expressed interest in contributing to open-source projects to enhance their skills. Overall, we received a good response and positive feedback. Huge thanks to Olivier Heintz, Ryan Skraba, Hervé Boutemy, Jean-Baptiste Onofré, and Ismaël Mejía for volunteering and managing our booth at the event. [OSE 1] https://www.opensource-experience.com/en/ ### Working Groups Around Specific Topics or Problem Spaces ComDev has begun to propose a structure for creating working groups around specific topics or problem spaces, as a way to encourage people to get involved in work that they might not take on individually. These are being discussed on the dev@community.apache.org mailing list, and there’s a repo at https://github.com/apache/comdev-working-groups where suggestions of some of these groups are being worked out. All are welcome to come be part of this process, and to bring your ideas for possible other working groups that have not yet been suggested. ### Community Building Guide Rich Bowen has begun crafting concrete, practical advice for our project communities on growing their developer communities. Here is the outline: https://community.apache.org/communitybuilding/ More progress is expected this quarter. Huge thanks to Rich for initiating this valuable asset, with additional members joining to contribute. ### ASF volunteers Page Previously, we had a "nearby ASF people" app at [1], aimed at helping individuals find mentors or ASF speakers. However, it was not effectively maintained and contains outdated information. To address this, Bertrand Delacretaz suggested and created a page listing ASF community members who volunteer to mentor new members or speak at ASF-related events. Thanks so much to Bertrand for these efforts. The initial draft and progress can be found here [2]. [1] https://community.zones.apache.org/map.html [2] https://s.apache.org/uwhba ## Community Health: On our dev@community.apache.org mailing list, we had a slight 12% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (303 emails compared to 343) but overall, we had a good quarter, thanks to our community members.
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (14 years ago) There are currently 46 committers and 38 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Justin Mclean on 2023-07-18. - Carolina Escobar was added as committer on 2023-08-11 - Mara Ruvalcaba was added as committer on 2023-08-11 - Pedro Galván was added as committer on 2023-08-11 - Teyza Ponce was added as committer on 2023-08-11 ## Project Activity: ### Google Summer of Code 2023 We successfully wrapped up GSoC 2023. Our mentors have submitted all the proposals final review and out of 26 selected proposals 25 candidates completed there projects successfully. Our sincere congratulations to our 42 mentors and Org Admin team for their significant contributions to this program. This year, Google restarted its annual GSoC Mentor summit. Suresh Maru and Swapnil M Mane from ASF attended the event, and it turned out as a very fruitful summit. During the summit, we also brainstormed on new ideas that we plan to implement next year to make our GSoC participation even more impactful. ### Community Over Code 2023 We had a 2 day track with a wide range of community topics. It was really good to see so many different projects and contributors represented. We had people who were totally new to the ASF as well as some that were well established. There were some talks sparked discussions including the possibility of discussion panels, and more curated content. We will take these suggestions forward and see how we could incorporate them when planning the next event. The total attendance for Community track was 183 with the following 3 talks being the most attended. 1. Outreach: The Two-Way Street of Open Source Projects 2. A Journey through the ASF! 3. Category X for AI? Are LLM / ML projects repeating our licensing mistakes? ### ALC ALC Indore organized two events: 1 in-person and 1 virtual event. 1. GitHub Workshop with around 50 attendees [ALC1] 2. Session on Open Source and Internships opportunities with around 20 attendees [ALC2] ALC Beijing hasn't had any activities following the CoC Asia 2023 conference. However, they are planning to hold an annual meeting next month. ### Other We continue making improvements to various content on our website, such as: --- consolidate the various pages about voting/deciding --- community building advice - new docs about how to grow and retain community in an Apache project. --- added etiquette section and added some new links to Navbar, fixing some typos on the website --- added RSS feed links to section pages (/blog, /pmc, etc.), with a feed per section Thanks so much to Rich Bowen and Bertrand Delacretaz for their valuable contributions. All these changes can be found at [PR3] Improving Onboarding Experiences To ensure that newcomer onboarding experiences are welcoming, informative, easy to read, and accurately reflect how our communities work, Shane Curcuru started this proposal and he made great progress in it [IOE4]. We are also having an ongoing discussion on having valid languages and valid categories mention in the Apache project DOAPs files and how we can effectively manage and maintain these DOAPs files across ASF projects [DOAP5]. [ALC1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/rpizDw [ALC2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/sJizDw [PR3] https://s.apache.org/40abw [IOE4] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/-4mzDw [DOAP5] https://s.apache.org/zgg9m ## Community Health: On our dev@community.apache.org mailing list, we had a slight 17% increase in traffic in the past quarter (372 emails compared to 317). Overall, we had a good quarter and we continue our momentum of various activities, thanks to our community members.
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Project Status: Current project status: Ongoing with high activity Issues for the board: none ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (14 years ago) There are currently 42 committers and 38 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - Justin Mclean was added to the PMC on 2023-07-18 - Justin Mclean was added as committer on 2023-07-18 ## Project Activity: ### Google Summer of Code 2023 This year, our 26 project proposals were accepted for GSoC 2023. These proposals will be mentored by 42 mentors. After proposal acceptance, the community bonding phase started, during which all contributors began interacting within their respective project communities. By the end of May, the coding phase had started, and in July, we submitted our midterm evaluations. Kudos to all the mentors for their timely evaluations. Google also announced the Lead Belay Leadership program for former GSoC contributors this year. We proposed Sanyam Goel from our side because of his long-term commitment to ASF's GSoC activities and contributions. ### ALC We had another good quarter for our ALC activities. All the volunteers from Bangalore, India have accepted roles and responsibilities associated with an ALC. We will soon commence the voting process to establish ALC Bangalore. We have also received interest in establishing ALCs in various places like Sydney, Frankfurt, and Cyprus. However, it seems that we don't currently have sufficient volunteers available in these locations. We are keeping an eye on it, and as we gather more volunteers for these areas, we will assess the feasibility of establishing ALCs there. ALC Beijing is actively engaged in preparing for the Community Over Code Asia 2023 conference, which is scheduled to be held in Beijing from August 18th to August 20th, 2023. ALC Indore successfully organized an in-person workshop on Apache Kafka [ALC1], with approximately 20 attendees. ### Community Over Code 2023 We received an overwhelming number of submissions for the community track, totaling around ~50 talks. From these submissions, we have accepted 12 talks. We extend our thanks to our track chairs, Sharan and Swapnil, and to Michel Sumbul, Daniel Gruno, Dave Fisher, and Priya Sharma, who generously contributed their time to review the Community track submissions. ### Other We also improved various content on our website, such as: --- consolidating redundant beginner pages --- consolidating pages related to voting/deciding --- What makes a good board report - advice on writing a good board report. Huge thanks to Rich Bowen for leading this effort and improving this content. Improving Onboarding Experiences To ensure that newcomer onboarding experiences are welcoming, informative, easy to read, and accurately reflect how our communities work, Shane started working on the proposal. A big thanks to Shane Curcuru for leading this effort and drafting the proposal. More details can be found here [2]. Changing the defaults for GitHub-generated email titles This is a very interesting discussion we are having in ComDev. Over the years, we have added additional options for discussing project matters on a wide variety of alternate locations and systems besides email lists, such as JIRA and GitHub. Especially notifications from GitHub (issues, PRs, GH Discussion notifications) have resulted in many dev-lists being swamped with emails, making it difficult to consume the other important threads that are initiated on these lists. Christofer proposed changing the default settings for auto-generated emails sent out by GitHub and improving the GitHub-generated email titles. This improvement will make the dev-lists more usable and improve their readability. The ongoing discussion on this topic can be found here [3]. A big thanks to Christofer Dutz for addressing this issue and also collaborating with the infra team. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list has seen a decrease in traffic compared to the previous quarter (362 emails compared to 730. In the past quarter, traffic on our dev mailing list was high due to the GSoC activity). Even with the decrease, we did get a lot of community involvement and activity on various topics as shared above. [ALC1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/Ew00Dw [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/-4mzDw [3] https://s.apache.org/5zzmp
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (14 years ago) There are currently 41 committers and 37 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Aditya Sharma on 2022-06-23. - No new committers. Last addition was Ted Liu on 2021-10-18. ## Project Activity: ### Google Summer of Code 2023 The ASF has once again been accepted as a GSoC mentoring organisation. Our 17 projects proposed 124 project ideas that is supported by 62 mentors. We received a total of 139 proposals from the interested contributors, which saw a rise from 111 last year. After the evaluation, we selected a total of 43 proposals from 17 projects with a minimum of 2/3 proposals per project and a maximum of 5 proposals per project. Apache Dubbo topped the list with 6 projects due to an overwhelming proposal count. We have received slots for a total of 26 Contributor Projects for GSoC 2023 to be mentored by 42 mentors. This time the count is lower than the previous year(33) perhaps because of GSoC's budget limitations. Thanks to Maxim Solodovnik, Priya Sharma, Sanyam Goel, and Swapnil M Mane for managing GSoC activities for us. ### ALC We are happy to share that we established one more ALC, ALC Xi'an (China) and got interest to establish a new ALC in Banglore (India). We had another good quarter for the ALC Chapters' activities. ALC Beijing team worked on planning Community Over Code Asia 2023 (formally ApacheCon), the CFP is open now [ALC1]. ALC Indore organized two in-person events: -- GSoC with the ASF (~30 attendees) [ALC2] -- Workshop on Apache Solr (~20 attendees) [ALC3] Members from the ALC Shenzhen team delivered the talk on a couple of topics [ALC 4] -- How to build influence in the open-source community -- OSPO, ChatGPT in Open Source ### Back to basics: What we do @ComDev This is one of the important and engaging activity that we are currently undertaking in the ComDev community, and huge thanks to Rich Bowen for initiating and leading this effort. As we evaluate our current website, we've identified various activities and tools that we had previously focused on but are no longer supporting or maintaining. Rich has created a proposal outlining our priorities for ComDev website improvements [ComDev1], and we are gradually working on these changes. Valuable insights from Rich and inputs from community members can be found in this thread [ComDev2]. ### Community Over Code 2023 (ApacheCon) The CFP for the Community track at Community Over Code 2023 is open and we shared the details with the community. ### Events We participated in a couple of conferences. We had a booth in Devnexus [Event1]. Thanks to Bob Paulin for managing it. And various members from our community participated and delivered talks at FOSS Backstage 2023 [Event2]. ### Other One more interesting discussion that we are having is around building a new contributor guide tool. Thanks to Shane Curcuru for sharing the detailed proposal around on it [Other1]. ## Community Health: Our dev@community.apache.org list had a 358% increase in traffic in the past quarter (734 emails compared to 160). It is mainly because of Google Summer of Code and also we done various content improvements to our site and these notifications also goes to our dev list which also affects this number. Along with this, the Jira notification for GSoC issues also goes to this list. Overall, we had a great quarter, we were active in various different activities, thanks to our community members. [ALC1] https://www.bagevent.com/event/cocasia-2023-EN [ALC2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/65RbDg [ALC3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/jwoNDw [ALC4] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/COMDEV/ALC+Shenzhen+Events [ComDev1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/YIzFDg [ComDev2] https://s.apache.org/pipam [Event1] https://devnexus.com/ [Event2] https://23.foss-backstage.de/ [Other1] https://s.apache.org/g77fz
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (13 years ago) There are currently 41 committers and 37 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Aditya Sharma on 2022-06-23. - No new committers. Last addition was Ted Liu on 2021-10-18. ## Project Activity: ### ALC We had another good quarter for the ALC Chapters' activities. ALC Indore organized three virtual events with community members of four Apache projects: -- Getting started with Apache APISIX (~50 attendees) [1] -- Tech Talk on BigData Infrastructure with Apache DolphinScheduler (~20 attendees) [2] -- Tech Talk on BigData Infrastructure - 2 - Apache DevLake & Apache SeaTunnel (~20 attendees) [3] ALC Beijing held a face-to-face annual meeting on January 15, 2023, attended by 20 members to plan for the year ahead. ALC Shenzhen organized a two-day event on October 30, 2022, with a day for hacking. Approximately 25 people from Apache RocketMQ Dubbo EventMesh (incubating), Linkis (incubating), APISIX, and Inlong communities attended the meeting. -- ALC Shenzhen held an online meetup for Apache APISIX & EventMesh on November 16, 2022. -- Shenzhen also helped Apache Linkis to graduate from the incubator and discussed plans and suggestions for EventMesh's graduate. ### FOSDEM Once again, we had an ASF booth at FOSDEM and volunteers from various projects were present to talk to attendees about their projects and the ASF in general. We had been allocated a new location on the ground floor. Our position meant that people had to pass by us to get in or out - so we got a lot of foot traffic. We had 2 full days of good engagement with attendees. People also came to talk to us about other open source events that were being organised that they hoped we or our communities might be interested in participating in. One of these was the Open System Days Croatian Linux Users Conference [4]. We also got offered a free meeting room for community meetups for any developers based in and around Portugal. ### GSoC We have applied for the GSoC 2023 program and are awaiting the final update from the GSoC team on February 21, 2023. Meanwhile, we will be working on collecting project ideas from various PMCs. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list had almost similar traffic as compared to the past quarter. (164 emails compared to 158 in the past quarter) and we continue our momentum of various activities and events to spread the Apache awareness through ALC. [1] https://s.apache.org/knotz [2] https://s.apache.org/918ph [3] https://s.apache.org/gdfmr [4] https://www.dorscluc.org
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (13 years ago) There are currently 41 committers and 37 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Aditya Sharma on 2022-06-23. - No new committers. Last addition was Ted Liu on 2021-10-18. ## Project Activity: We had a pretty fantastic past quarter in terms of ComDev activities. ApacheCon We successfully executed Community Track. The Community Track ran over two and a half days. We had a great range of topics that were cross-project, so it was great to hear about what Cassandra, Lucene, Airflow and PLC4X, and others had done around the community - especially the lessons learned. The format was more storytelling about real situations, real problems and real solutions - which seemed to strike a chord with the audience. On the booth, we think we had the largest queue of any of the booths on the first couple of days as people came along to check out the latest swag. The items seemed popular and it pretty much all went. Thanks to our track chairs Sharan Foga & Swapnil M Mane and our wonderful ApacheCon team. Open Source India 2022 We joined Open Source India 2022 [1] conference as a community partner. ComDev PMC members Aditya Sharma and Priya Sharma joined the conference and took care of our booth. We received a very good response in the conference and good footfall in our booth. Multiple discussions were placed on our booth, including people showing interest in joining Apache Local Community (ALC) initiative, various developers enquire about how they can contribute to Apache; a lot of students also shown their interest and a few members also got the information about our incubation process. Thanks to our Travel and Assistance team, who took care of all the travel arrangements for Aditya and Priya. ALC We started collaborating with Chitkara University to establish Open Source Chandigarh [2] in their University. As a part of it Swapnil M Mane, Chair, ALC took a 4 day session at Chitkara University (2 days each for their two different colleges) to spread Apache and Open Source awareness. 160+ students attended these sessions, and it helped us spread Apache awareness in the student community. ALC Beijing team hosted an Apache track[3] at the CCF(China Computer Federation) China Open Source Conference this month to introduce the stories of ASF in China (by Willem Jiang) and Apache projects such as Apache DolphineSchedular (by Tianqi Yan), Apache SeaTunnel (by Qiang Guo), and Apache Doris (by Mingyu Chen). ALC Indore team is working on virtual events to spread the Apache project's awareness. This month ALC Indore is planning two Webinars on Apache APISIX & Apache DolphinSchedular project and invited Navendu Pottekkat (from APISIX) and William GUO (from DolphinSchedular)as a speaker for these virtual events. GSoC This year in GSoC, we have mentored 37 participants across 14 Apache projects, GSoC mentors did the final evaluation and 33 participants passed in the the final evaluation, more details are available at [4]. Huge thanks to our GSoC org admins Maxim Solodovnik, Sanyam Goel, Swapnil and all our mentors who made our GSoC participation successful. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list had reduced traffic as compared to the past quarter (158 emails compared to 273 in the past quarter) The Dev mailing list in October was mostly quiet - seems our community was enjoying ApacheCon and meeting in person instead of the mailing list. Although mailing list stats are dropped but looking at the activities mentioned above, we have had a great quarter in terms of our ComDev activities. [1] https://www.opensourceindia.in/ [2] https://s.apache.org/meqn2 [3] https://s.apache.org/vclsd [4] https://s.apache.org/ps9dt
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (13 years ago) There are currently 41 committers and 38 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - Aditya Sharma was added to the PMC on 2022-06-23 - Priya Sharma was added to the PMC on 2022-06-22 - No new committers. Last addition was Ted Liu on 2021-10-18. ## Project Activity: ALC We had another good quarter for the ALC Chapters' activities. ALC Beijing hosted a virtual online event ApacheCon Asia 2022 at the end of the previous month. The conference had 210+ sessions with 256 speakers. We got 2.5K people registered and more than 50K people watched the live broadcast (There are some channels that don't need registration). ALC Shenzhen members supported in the execution of ApacheCon Asia and helped and guided Apache Inlong and ShenYu for their graduation process. We also collaborate with Chitkara University to establish Open Source Chandigarh [1] in their University. Swapnil M Mane from the ALC will have multiple sessions next month in their University to spread the awareness on ASF and Open Source. GSoC This year in GSoC, we are mentoring 38 participants across 14 Apache projects, more details are available at [2]. Currently, mentors are evaluating mid term status report of the participants and planning to finish the projects in the defined timelines of the GSoC. ApacheCon NA We had a successful response to the CFP for ApacheCon NA and received over 25 submissions, and we selected 13 proposals for the two day Community track [3] (please refer to the Community section). ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list had slightly reduced traffic (17% decrease in traffic) as compared to the past quarter (178 emails compared to 213 in the past quarter) because in the past to past quarter, the majority of traffic was because of GSoC discussions, proposals, and activities related to it in Jira which was not the case for the past quarter. [1] https://youtu.be/5oi6jWSx3dE [2] https://s.apache.org/ps9dt [3] https://s.apache.org/r51ng
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (13 years ago) There are currently 41 committers and 36 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - Willem Ning Jiang was added to the PMC on 2022-02-22 - No new committers. Last addition was Ted Liu on 2021-10-18. ## Project Activity: ALC We had various good activities from the ALC Chapters. ALC Indore organized the first in-person event for the year (almost after 1.5 years) on the topic 'Open Source and ASF Awareness' and had ~50 participants in the event. ALC Beijing worked on ApacheCon Asia with ALC Shenzhen and worked on setting up track chairs, website, and calling for presentations. ALC Shenzhen helped and guided Apache projects (RocketMQ, EventMesh, Inlong, Linkis, Shenyu, and KVRocks) to prepare meetups, on GSoC front, and also guided some incubating projects regarding board report. GSoC Our application as mentoring organization is accepted this year also. We have 74 mentors and received 112 proposals from people who are interested in contributing to Apache projects. Currently, our mentors are reviewing these proposals and ranking them. ApacheCon NA Announcements have been made for ApacheCon NA in New Orleans. Community development will provide support for the event and promote it and coordinate in the booth to help attendees. FOSS Backstage Various members from our Apache Community were the part of FOSS Backstage [1] Program Committee and we had a good presence in the event and some members also delivered the talk at the conference. Other We fixed some typos and improved the statements on the website, thanks to Andrew Wetmore, who submitted various pull requests related to this. We also had various discussions (some are still in conversation) on topics like alternative communication channels for our communities [2]. And Effective ways of getting individuals funded to work on ASF projects [3]. [1] https://foss-backstage.de/home/program/# [2] https://s.apache.org/gekgl [3] https://s.apache.org/axlp7 ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list had seen increased traffic as compared to the past quarter (621 emails compared to 194 in the past quarter). The majority of traffic rise is because of GSoC discussions and activities related to it in Jira. Various mentors and students contacted us on the mailing list for their queries.
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (12 years ago) There are currently 41 committers and 35 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ted Liu on 2021-10-18. - No new committers. Last addition was Ted Liu on 2021-10-18. ## Project Activity: ALC We established the ALC Shenzhen (China), and Shenzhen team has had 4 meetings so far to discuss how to spread awareness of ASF in the region and how they can better help the incubating projects in an efficient way. GSoC We started getting a good amount of enquiries from the students for GSoC 2022. Our experience with GSoC has been great so far; we will apply again this year as a mentoring organization for GSoC 2022. Other Logging Services PMC was approached by Tidelift offering to provide monetary support either to the project or individual committers. We had a good discussion on it and community shared some good pointers and options available to proceed with it [1]. Also, we got a proposal to add release requirements check in the reporter tool. Good thoughts have been exchanged on this with the existing available options and on improving the existing tools [2]. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list had slightly reduced traffic as compared to the past quarter (178 emails compared to 213 in the past quarter) because two of our major events, ApacheCon and GSoC were concluded in the past to past quarter, so we didn't have much discussion around these topics in the past quarter. The new mailing list 'security-discuss@community.apache.org' (established in September 2021) also had good traction in this quarter (46 emails). [1] https://s.apache.org/sqs8s [2] https://s.apache.org/klxch
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (12 years ago) There are currently 41 committers and 35 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 6:5. Community changes, past quarter: - Ted Liu was added to the PMC on 2021-10-18 - Ted Liu was added as committer on 2021-10-18 ## Project Activity: ApacheCon Our Community track ran over three days and attracted a good audience. We had 15 community tracks in ApacheCon@Home. All the session tracks are uploaded to the ASF YouTube channel. Also, for ApacheCon Asia, along with YouTube, the sessions are uploaded to the Bilibili platform for the Chinese audience. ALC We established the ALC Lagos (Nigeria) and the Lagos team had its first team meeting in October 2021. We also received a request to establish the ALC Shenzhen (China). The response was overwhelming. 18 people showed their interest in joining the ALC Shenzhen including 3 existing ALC members that have shown interest in becoming mentors to the new ALC. GSoC GSoC 2021 has concluded. ASF GSoC mentors evaluated 48 projects in August 2021 and in total 28 proposals were accepted, more details are available at [1]. Other We got the proposal and set up a new security-discuss mailing list. The purpose of the mailing list is to provide guidance to ASF projects on security best practices. It will also enable interested participants and members of the ASF to share best practices and build a collaborative community around infosec [2]. We might have our presence in the FOSS Backstage event. Some community members expressed their interest and submitted proposals for it [3]. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list had almost the same traffic as compared to the past quarter, with a minor drop. (183 emails compared to 194 in the past quarter). The new mailing list 'security-discuss@community.apache.org' (established in September 2021) also started getting traction (15 emails). [1] https://s.apache.org/GSoC-2021 [2] https://s.apache.org/x81a6 [3] https://s.apache.org/s0sje
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (12 years ago) There are currently 40 committers and 34 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Brian Proffitt was added to the PMC on 2021-06-14 - Brian Proffitt was added as committer on 2021-06-14 ## Project Activity: ApacheCon ALC Beijing team played a vital role in the execution of ApacheCon Asia 2021. We had 14 community tracks in ApacheCon Asia, out of which seven were in the English language and seven were in the Mandarin language. Sharan Foga from ComDev PMC also delivered the keynote on 'Welcoming Diversity'. The team is now working on uploading the videos to the YouTube channel and on the Bilibili platform for the Chinese audience. ALC We are happy to report that ComDev PMC successfully passed the vote to establish the ALC Lagos (Nigeria) [1]. Although the ALC Lagos team is relatively small in size but it is a good opportunity for us to spread Apache's awareness in the Nigeria region. For smooth execution and training, for the initial few months, Swapnil M Mane from ComDev PMC will work very closing with the ALC Lagos team to help, guide and mentor them to various Apache and ALC aspects. GSoC We finalised 28 project proposals in GSoC from ASF this year, more details are available at [2]. In the past quarter, the ASF mentors ranked various proposals and executed the midterm evaluations for the respective mentee. The GSoC coding phase is underway, and final results will be announced on August 31, 2021. Other The community had a good discussion, suggestions, and proposal for hosting special interests groups by the Comdev PMC. The idea and discussion were initiated from having a website for our projects in the healthcare "space" [3][4]. Some other notable discussions included the new committer invitation mail template proposal [5] and GitHub ID in ICLA as an optional field [6]. Apart from this community answered some general questions related to community and projects in general. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list has seen a significant decrease in traffic compared to the previous quarter (199 emails compared to 429, in the past to past quarter, traffic on our dev mailing list was very much up due to the GSoC activity). Even with the decrease, we did get a lot of community involvement and activity on various topics as shared above. As a result of website updates, our GitHub and commit activity was significantly up. Here are the stats of pull requests: 6 PRs opened on GitHub in the past quarter (50% increase) 10 PRs achieved on GitHub in the past quarter (233% increase) [1] https://s.apache.org/1n8cn [2] https://s.apache.org/GSoC-2021 [3] https://s.apache.org/pp3xe [4] https://s.apache.org/j6el1 [5] https://s.apache.org/g1yjg [6] https://s.apache.org/qtd32
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (12 years ago) There are currently 39 committers and 33 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Roy Lenferink on 2020-05-04. - No new committers. Last addition was Priya Sharma on 2020-10-27. ## Project Activity: ALC In the previous quarter, we had a request to create an ALC in Lagos, Nigeria and were looking for volunteers from the community to help establish the new chapter. We are happy to report that the minimum requirements to establish an ALC is achieved for ALC Lagos (Nigeria) [1]. We are now working on starting a formal vote to establish the ALC Lagos. ALC Beijing celebrated its first anniversary.[2] ApacheCon The CFP for the Community track at ApacheCon@Home has been successful, and we are now reviewing submissions. GSoC The ASF has once again been accepted as a GSoC mentoring organisation and we are now currently ranking the various project proposals. Other We have received some feedback on the tools we have provided[3][4]. The Nearby Apache people service was stopped due to lack of interest, so we will continue to monitor for volunteers willing to help revive it if necessary. ## Community Health: We have had lots of active discussions this quarter with one of the most popular being about the possible introduction of digital merit badges.[5] The thread received lots of feedback both for and against the idea. A new discussion on bringing together ASF projects that are related to Healthcare [6] has been discussed. ComDev has been suggested as being responsible to oversee and manage this initiative. Traffic on our dev mailing list and especially JIRA is up significantly this quarter probably due to the GSoC activity as well as general discussions. [1] https://s.apache.org/2lttu [2] https://s.apache.org/m2q2l [3] https://s.apache.org/znpff [4] https://s.apache.org/6vov2 [5] https://s.apache.org/j9cod [6] https://s.apache.org/tgh0l
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Sharan Foga (sharan) to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Sharan Foga from the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Community Development project has chosen by vote to recommend Swapnil Mane (swapnilmmane) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Sharan Foga is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Swapnil Mane be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7E, Change the Apache Community Development Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (11 years ago) There are currently 39 committers and 33 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Roy Lenferink on 2020-05-04. - No new committers. Last addition was Priya Sharma on 2020-10-26. ## Project Activity: Apache News Video Swapnil Mane has been experimenting with a new format for the Apache News Roundup [1] and has been trialling it with the community. Some other videos have been created on the the OpenSourceWave [2] Youtube channel. Community feedback has been extremely positive. We also used one of these videos, Apache By the Digits 2020 [3] during FOSDEM. Apache Roadshow China During December an Apache Roadshow [4]was held in conjunction with COSCon. The event was a success and thanks Ted Liu for organinsng and managing the Apache participation. ALC We have had a request to try to establish an ALC in Nigeria and are currently seeking an ASF member and project PMC members as these are part of the minimum requirements.[5] FOSDEM We applied for and were accepted for an online booth at FOSDEM. Even with very short timeframe several volunteers worked to put together an online presence for us during the event. GSoC We have been gathering ideas from our projects for GSoC and are in the final stages of our application. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list has seen a large increase in traffic compared to the previous quarter (363 emails compared to 257). Even with the New Year break it is good to see the discussion activity grow. Some of this increase is related to the GSoC project requests and also github notifications for changes to the comdev website. [1] https://youtu.be/daud_G6YyV0 [2] https://s.apache.org/OpenSourceWave [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX49JEaPtAE [4] https://s.apache.org/rh3z2 [5] https://s.apache.org/y3iuw [6] https://community.apache.org/gsoc.html
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (11 years ago) There are currently 39 committers and 33 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 7:6. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Roy Lenferink on 2020-05-04. - Aditya Sharma was added as committer on 2020-10-23 - Willem Ning Jiang was added as committer on 2020-10-23 - Priya Sharma was added as committer on 2020-10-26 - Tomasz Urbaszek was added as committer on 2020-10-23 ## Project Activity: ApacheCon@Home Our Community track ran over 3 days and 2 timezones and attracted a good audience. For the first time we presented content in Hindi. Many of the sessions achieved a good interaction via audience questions. Videos from all the sessions are now available on the ASF Youtube channel.[1] During the event, we ran the Trillions video. We need to investigate new ways for managing an online booth as it was difficult to understand when and how we could interact with the community. New Committers We welcomed 4 new committers in recognition of the community building work they have done as part of the ALC initiative.[2] GSoC We have started preparing for GSoC 2021 including our application as a mentor organisation. An initial announcement has been sent out to gather ideas for potential projects. [3] ALC During this quarter the ALC Indore has held a range of meetings focussed on promoting the Apache Way [4][5][6] Other Events Around this time we usually apply for a booth at FOSDEM but due to it being an online event for 2021 will be investigating how we can participate. Other upcoming events have been promoted via our mailing lists including the Apache Roadshow China and FOSS Backstage. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list has seen a significant decrease in traffic compared to the previous quarter (257 emails compared to 566).Even with the decrease we did get a lot of community involvement and activity in ApacheCon@Home which is not reflected in the mailing list statistics. [1] https://s.apache.org/093qs [2] https://s.apache.org/0pzsj [3] https://s.apache.org/8sutv [4] https://s.apache.org/l47h0 [5] https://s.apache.org/682uv [6] https://s.apache.org/0sjh6
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (11 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 33 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Roy Lenferink on 2020-05-04. - No new committers. Last addition was Roy Lenferink on 2020-05-04. ## Project Activity: Community Track CFP We had a successful response to the CFP for Apachecon@Home and received over 35 submissions. We will have a 3 day Community track [1] that will present content in 2 timezones. For the first time we will have presentations in other languages than English. Apachecon@Home We are working with the conference team to ensure a good transition to an online conference. We are working on ensuring that all speakers are registered in the platform and that we have coverage for Q&A sessions during the presentations. We also plan to have an online booth available so need to think about how it will work and what activities we can do. Feathercast We have kick started Feathercast as tool for promoting projects. The objective is to have all projects represented. We sent out a request for people to be interviewed about specific projects. We have had a lot of interest and feedback has been very positive. We currently have 12 interview featured[2].and hope that this will continue to increase. ALC We now have branding for ALC chapters and thanks to the Kenneth Paskett from the Central Services team [3][4][5] ALC Beijing held their first meetup [6] ALC Indore held two webinars [7][8]and will be presenting a range of talks in Hindi for Apachecon@Home GSOC Student evaluations were completed in July. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list has seen a decrease in traffic compared to the previous quarter (557 emails compared to 696). This is probably due to the holiday season. We expect to see increased activity levels as we continue towards the buld up to Apachecon@Home. [1] https://s.apache.org/rn661 [2] https://s.apache.org/dlocj [3] https://s.apache.org/pa3ga [4] https://s.apache.org/ukt1q [5] https://s.apache.org/g6lkv [6] https://s.apache.org/izsw3 [7] https://s.apache.org/ycvx9 [8] https://s.apache.org/w4jou
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (11 years ago) There are currently 35 committers and 33 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 1:1. Community changes, past quarter: - Roy Lenferink was added to the PMC on 2020-05-04 - Roy Lenferink was added as committer on 2020-05-05 ## Project Activity: ### GSOC This year we have had 71 student proposals and 36 mentors. 33 proposals were marked as "Want to mentor". We requested 21-24 slots, and 21 slots were allocated to us by Google. Unfortunately due to a mailing list subscription issue, mentors from RocketMQ and IoTDB didnt receive the reminders for scoring their proposals. This resulted in both of these projects missing out in participating in GSoC this year.The problem subscribing to the GSoC mentors list has been reported to the Infra team [1]. In total we have 20 students participating this year. ### Apache Local Community (ALC) ComDev has been actively worked on Apache Local Community (ALC) initiative. The ALC comprises local groups of Apache (Open Source) enthusiasts, called an 'ALC Chapter [2] Here are some major activities for this quarter. -- Establishment of ALC Beijing, China Chapter [3] on Feb 18, 2020 -- Establishment ALC Warsaw, Poland Chapter [4] on Mar 16, 2020 -- Establishment ALC Budapest, Hungary Chapter [5] on Apr 28, 2020 -- Discussion on ALC Branding (Website and Logo) Kenneth Paskett from ASF Central Services / Creative Lead is working on the ALC logo and has made good progress -- Volunteers from 'ALC Indore' are mentoring new ALC Chapters so we have assigned mentors from Indore Chapter to the newly founded ALCs to provide guidance for the initial few months. -- Every ALC Chapter had held regular internal meetings to plan their activities. These have been virtual meetings due to to Covid-19. -- As the purpose of ALC is to connect with local their local audience, the ALC Chapters are prefer using native language. Below are the details of activities organised by each ALC chapter during this quarter. #### ALC Beijing -- Seven internal meetings held. [6] -- ALC Beijing is working on creating a series of podcasts in Mandarin to promote the ASF and ASF projects. The first podcast has been published and is an interview with Apache Skywalking community.[7] -- ALC Beijing is also working on writing/translating various ASF related blog posts into Mandarin and have written around 9 posts on the following topics. - Why did we set up ALC (Apache Local Community) Beijing? - DolphinScheduler Introduction - How to become an ASF contributor - ASF Annual General Assembly Procedure - Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors Introduction in 2020 - ASF structure and governance - How Apache Software Foundation incubates so many successful open source projects. - Apache Graduation - Apache ShardingSphere - blog posts have been published about the the ups and downs on the road to open source [8] #### ALC Indore -- Five internal meetings held [9] -- Webinar on Open-Source and ASF Awareness was held on 09 May 2020. It attracted over 80 attendees including students and professionals.Many registered for the event from the Indore region. [10]. The event was run in Hindi #### ALC Warsaw -- Three internal meetings held [11] -- Webinar on Apache Local Community, The Apache Way, and Welcoming Community. The meetup was attended by 14 people. from the Warsaw region. All events were held in Polish. ### Feathercast Efforts to get more regular content for our Feathercast podcast channel Feathercast has been relaunched.[12] The initial focus is to get a basic introduction to every ASF project. So far interviews with 5 projects (Sling, Airflow, OFBiz, Mahout and Ignite) have been published. ### ComDev Website Migration Following a discussion [13] and vote [14] on the mailing list it was agreed to migrate the content from our existing community.apache.org website from the existing CMS/SVN to be Git based and use Hugo. Huge thanks to Roy Lenferink for working on and managing the migration and in recognition we have invited Roy to join the PMC. ## Community Health: Our dev mailing list has seen a significant increase in traffic compared to the previous quarter (703 emails compared to 243). This is probably due to a combination of: GSoC where mentors and potential students have requested information, and, also the activities and discussions around running and establishing ALCs. It would be good to see if we can maintain these increased activity levels into the next quarters. [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-20205 [2] https://s.apache.org/alc [3] https://s.apache.org/alc-beijing [4] https://s.apache.org/alc-warsaw [5] https://s.apache.org/alc-budapest [6] https://s.apache.org/6dkl1 [7] https://s.apache.org/8awcs [8] https://s.apache.org/bgs3u [9] https://s.apache.org/weq4w [10] https://s.apache.org/dljhp [11] https://s.apache.org/kv5nr [12] https://s.apache.org/ltwmm [13] https://s.apache.org/orqd9 [14] https://s.apache.org/yjxxf
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: There are no issues needing Board feedback at this time. ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (10 years ago) There are currently 34 committers and 32 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - Swapnil Mane was added to the PMC on 2020-01-02 - Swapnil Mane was added as committer on 2020-01-02 ## Project Activity: We have had a very active quarter with discussions on a wide range of topics. Apache Local Community (ALC) ComDev has been actively worked on Apache Local Community (ALC) initiative. Swapnil Mane has been a key co-ordinator responding to all community feedback. The ALC comprises local groups of Apache (Open Source) enthusiasts, called an 'ALC Chapter'.[1] Following various discussions we have agreed the following steps to help ComDev establish solid oversight of the ALC initiative -- Process to establish ALC Chapter and requirement for it (like it is mandatory to have at least 1 ASF member plus 2 PMC members in the ALC Chapter team)[2] -- ALC Roles and Responsibilities -- Code of conduct, rules, and regulations for ALC Chapter [3] -- Process to dissolve the ALC Chapter [4] -- Guidelines to organize ALC Event[5] -- How we make sure that we are not having people use the Apache name to promote messages that are not *our* message. The guidelines to organize an event, qualifications to establish ALC and code of conduct will help us in spreading the right messaging.[6][7][8] We have received the requests from the following places to establish the ALC Chapters. ComDev PMC is analyzing these requests. -- Beijing, China -- Warsaw, Poland -- Budapest, Hungary It is likely that our second ALC to be approved and formed, will be ALC Beijing. The ALC Indore Chapter executed the following event in this quarter: - Session on 'Open Source and ASF Awareness' for school students And their reports can be found at http://s.apache.org/alc-indore-reports FOSDEM Once again we had an ASF booth at FOSDEM. Volunteers from several projects were present or spent time on the booth talking to attendees about their projects or the ASF in general. We gave away stickers, ballons, hats, pens and coffee cups and encouraged people to buy the ASF a coffee by donating the cost of a cup of coffee to the ASF. We received invitations to participate at other open source events so will be promoting this on the mailing lists. GSOC We have applied on behalf of the ASF to be a GSoC mentoring organisation for 2020. Maxim Solodovnik from the ComDev PMC will be s the main administrator with Kevin McGrail helping co-admOuin. A wiki page has been created to collect GSoC ideas.[9] [1] https://s.apache.org/alc [2] https://s.apache.org/establish-alc-chapter [3] https://s.apache.org/alc-code-of-conduct [4] https://s.apache.org/dissolve-alc-chapter [5] https://s.apache.org/alc-guidelines [6] https://s.apache.org/tb177 [7] https://s.apache.org/qxdby [8] https://s.apache.org/zte2s [9] https://s.apache.org/iugko
## Description: The mission of Community Development is to help, support and create resources for people to become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: - No issues require board attention at the moment ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (10 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 31 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - No new PMC members. Last addition was Christofer Dutz on 2019-06-21. - No new committers. Last addition was Christofer Dutz on 2019-06-21. ## Project Activity: Redbubble Projects have continued to request setup for the Redbubble store and we now have nearly 50 different logos available. Some training has been done so that we have additional administrators to help setup new logos when requested. ApacheCon In preparation for both ApacheCon NA and ApacheCon EU we asked projects to let us know if they wanted stickers ordered for the event. We especially let incubating projects know they too could be included. In total approx 50,000 stickers were ordered and the Apache booth at booth was completely covered. Feedback from attendees was extremely positive and for some projects this was the first time that they had their stickers available New Reporter Tool One of the tools provided for projects to use, is a reporter tool for preparing their quarterly reports to the ASF Board. This tool has been updated and now includes a new interface, additional community statistics and is integrated into the Board agenda itself.The new version was trialled and has now been adopted. Apache Local Community One of the discussions this quarter was around setting up local groups of Apache and open source contributors that would be responsible for organising meetings and events.A new organisational structure has been proposed and it is still unclear if these will form part the general ASF initiative around Apache Small events, or if it will be managed as part of ComDev.Two events (24th August & 28th September) have already been held, both in Indore, India Events Members from the community participated in events such as All Things Open, where we had a booth and CCOSS 19 in Guadalajara, Mexico. There was an Apache track with talks ranging from Getting Started to Governance and Open Source Licences. This was a great opportunity to connect with potential new contributors to open source. We have applied for a booth at FOSDEM and are awaiting the result. We are still receiving requests to participate at events and have recently offered a booth at Devnexus in Atlanta in March 2020. ## Community Health: Mailing list traffic has decreased significantly this quarter. This could be as a result of the holiday season and also that both ApacheCon NA and ApacheCon EU took place this during this period. dev@community.apache.org had a 46% decrease in traffic in the past quarter (292 emails compared to 531):
## Description: The mission of Community Development is the creation and maintenance of software related to Resources to help people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: - No issues require board attention at the moment ## Membership Data: Apache Community Development was founded 2009-11-01 (10 years ago) There are currently 33 committers and 31 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:8. Community changes, past quarter: - Christofer Dutz was added to the PMC on 2019-06-21 - Christofer Dutz was added as committer on 2019-06-21 ## Project Activity: Diversity & Inclusion With the establishment of the separate D&I mailing list, discussions and topics related to D&I have been moved to that list. Apachecon We have been busy helping support Apachecon NA and EU. We are organising the Apache booth and have called for volunteers from our community. Several people from various projects have offered to spend time on the booth others about their projects. We are also ordering giveaways and stickers for the boot and have had an amazing response from our communities wanting have some of their own stickers available. Due to the demand, we are preparing an additional sticker order. Redbubble The Redbubble store was setup in April 2018 as an easy way for ASF projects to order their own branded item such as t+shirts, mugs, etc. In preparation for Apachecon many projects have asked to have their logos added to the store so they can buy their own merchandise and promote their projects visually. Some additional volunteers have offered to help Mark Thomas who has been the main administrator for the Redbubble site and a training session is planned. Community Track NA & EU The CFP for both Apachecons provided a lot of submissions around community related topics. As a result we have a 3 day Community track at Apachecon NA and a 2 day Community track at Apachecon EU. To help promote our track a Feathercast interview [1] and blog post has been published. GSoC GSoC is coming to an end and the final evaluations will start next week. We are currently deciding who to send to the mentor summit in Germany. Events We are still investigating opportunities for Apache Roadshows in 2020 including the possibility of one in India. We have also been invited to participate with an Apache track in CCOSS 2019 [2] in Mexico ## Community Health: Mailing list traffic has decreased this quarter probably due to the holiday season. dev@community.apache.org: - 884 subscribers (down -7 in the last 3 months): - 545 emails sent to list (763 in previous quarter) We are starting to track some task via Jira so this has increased activity this quarter. - 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1] https://s.apache.org/lt4a8 [2] https://ccoss.org/
## Description: - The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache Projects ## Issues: - No issues require board attention at the moment ## Activity: - GSoC: The ASF was selected to be a mentor organisation for GSoC. As usual the co-ordintation and mentor registration is being managed by ComDev. We have received a lot of ideas and are currently in the final stages of finalising the list of projects and students. - Season of Docs: After some discussion on the mailing list we applied on behalf of some of our projects to be a mentoring organisation for the new Season of Docs program but unfortunately were not selected. Two other ASF projects Apache Cassandra and Apache Airflow were successful in being accepted and allocated a technical writer. - Events:- We have requested feedback on the events that the community would like us to participate in for 2019. The next step is to finalise it, and then plan our participation. - Diversity:- Diversity and inclusion has been a key topic this quarter with several discussions being raised on several aspects. One suggestion is to separate out these efforts into a focussed group that can co-ordinate activities. - Community Tracks at Apachecon :-We are hoping to fill three days of community related content at ApacheCon NA, Las Vegas and two days of community related content at ApacheCon EU, Berlin. Several reminders have been sent to the community highlighting the range of areas that we would be keen to see covered. We have also requested volunteers from the community to help review the CFP proposals that have been submitted. ## Health report: - We have a very active mailing this yet may be missing out of ways to promote and communicate all the things that are happening. This is the third quarter where our monthly blog has slipped. ## PMC changes: - Currently 30 PMC members. - Gris Cuevas was added to the PMC on Mon Apr 22 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 32 committers. - New commmitters: - Paul Berschick was added as a committer on Thu Apr 04 2019 - Gris Cuevas was added as a committer on Mon Apr 22 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - Mailing list traffic has increased this quarter with a lot of active discussions around potential diversity initiatives and also ways to improve understanding of meritocracy and the Apache Way. - dev@community.apache.org: - 890 subscribers (up 4 in the last 3 months): - 799 emails sent to list (404 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: - The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache Projects ## Issues: - No issues require board attention at the moment ## Activity: Ideas and Material for Contributor Onboarding - One of the main topics raised this quarter was around the ways to encourage new contributors by lowering barriers to entry [1] and ways that could help onboard them. Some new contributor onboarding material tailored to Apache is currently being developed by the Open Source Strategy team at Google and community feedback has been very positive [2]. A discussion has also been started about how to recognise non technical contributions [3]. This is an area where community development could help develop materials and processes as well as provide guidance to projects. Paris Open Source Summit - In December we again participated at the Paris Open Source Summit, which is the main open source events in France. We had an ASF booth and over the 2 day summit saw lots of attendees who were keen to know more about the ASF. We also participated in a workshop discussing how the administrative sector could help increase their collaboration with open source foundations and communities. Thanks very much to Herve Boutemy and Olivier Heintz for managing the Apache booth and our participation at this event. Apache Roadshows 2019 - Two Apache Roadshows are currently planned for 2019. The DC Roadshow is being run on 25th March and is being co-ordinated by Kevin McGrail. It will feature over twenty presentations in two tracks and will also include career fair. The Chicago Roadshow is being run on 14th and 14th May and is being co-ordinated Trevor Grant. Several tracks are planned incuding Apache in Adtech, Fintech and Startups. New PMC Member - In January we invited Myrle Krantz to become a new member of the PMC. Myrle has been very active in promoting Apache and as well as helping out at many Apache related events. She will be a great addition to our PMC. FOSDEM - Once again we participated at FOSDEM in Brussels. This year we were located on the ground floor and so had a lot more foot traffic. Thanks very much to Daniel Gruno for the great assortment of Apache giveaways (including some nice warm fleece hats) that people were queuing up to talk to us to get. Several projects were represented at the booth includin Beam, Httpd, Tomcat, Fineract, OFBiz, Kibble and Jena. FOSDEM is great for visibility of the Foundation and as a result we have been invited to participate at even more events for 2019. Thanks very much to all the volunteers that helped out. One thing we trialled a little was the idea of getting people to ‘buy the ASF a coffee’ or ‘buy the ASF a beer’ to get people to think about donating 2 – 5 euro especially if any of the ASF projects had helped them in someway. This could potentially be something to look into further for future events. GSOC - The ASF has applied to be a mentoring organisation for GSoC and projects have been asked to start recording their ideas for tasks on the ComDev JIRA or labelling them with the GSoC tag. ## Health report: This is the second quarter where our monthly blog has slipped and although we have an active mailing list, we are perhaps missing out at promoting things to a wider audience. We are looking at being more organised in our event participation and have asked the community for the events [4] that they think we need to be involved in for 2019. ## PMC changes: - Currently 29 PMC members. - Myrle Krantz was added to the PMC on Mon Jan 07 2019 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 30 committers. - Myrle Krantz was added as a committer on Mon Jan 07 2019 ## Mailing list activity: - Mailing list traffic has decreased probably due to the holiday break even though we have had a lot of popular discussions. - dev@community.apache.org: - 886 subscribers (up 19 in the last 3 months): - 443 emails sent to list (491 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 10 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1] https://s.apache.org/WYpU [2] https://s.apache.org/3ss1 [3] https://s.apache.org/p0LS [4] https://s.apache.org/fKKu
## Description: - The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache Projects ## Issues: - No issues require board attention at the moment ## Activity: Apache Project Logos: A key activity this quarter was the co-ordination and set up a central logo page and repository [1] for high resolution logos for all ASF projects. Feedback and participation from projects was extremely positive and we have up to date versions of all ASF project logos available in several formats. New PMC Members and Committer: Two new PMC members have been added, Trevor Grant and Ruth Suehle. Both have been very active in community development efforts. We have also added a new committer, Kristopher Traquair in recognition of the photographic work done during Apachecon NA in Montreal. This is in line with our commitment to highlight that noncoding contributions as well a coding contributions earn merit. Events: We are continuing to be active in external events. During September we participated at Solutions Hamburg and have several events coming up including Codemotion in Madrid, Berlin and the Paris Open Source Summit. Diversity Survey: It has been nearly two years since we ran the Committer Diversity survey and have had discussions around re-running it. The community has been very positive and many offers of help have been received to help with review and support. ## Health report: - In our previous report there was some concern regarding not having enough volunteers to participate in the increased number of events we have been invited to. Fortunately we have found that new people are coming forward to volunteer to take on these co-ordination roles - Our monthly blog update has slipped and we are actively looking for people from the community to help provide content or help with putting it together. ## PMC changes: - Currently 28 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Trevor Grant was added to the PMC on Wed Sep 26 2018 - Ruth Suehle was added to the PMC on Wed Sep 26 2018 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 29 committers. - New commmitters: - Kristopher Traquair was added as a committer on Tue Oct 16 2018 ## Mailing list activity: - Mailing list traffic has increased over the quarter with a lot of active and interesting discussions. The increase could also be linked to the number of events we are participating in (e.g CFP notifications and event reminders) - dev@community.apache.org: - 869 subscribers (up 22 in the last 3 months): - 498 emails sent to list (344 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 8 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1] https://s.apache.org/32Cc
@Sally: work with Sam and Tom to request more budget for stickers for events
# Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache Projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. Please note that a response to the board feedback on our last report was sent on 16th July 2018 [1] ## Activity: Apache EU Roadshow / FOSS Backstage The co-located Apache EU Roadshow with FOSS Backstage was successful. Links to all videos, photos and presentations from the event can be found on the event website [2]. We asked for and have already received feedback from attendees to help us improve any future events. FeatherCast During the EU Roadshow several interviews were recorded with speakers or attendees. As well as audio, video interviews were recorded. A short series of interviews called 'Board Conversations' was also launched where ASF Board Members can talk about their role. OpenExpo Madrid We participated again at the Open Expo Europe in Madrid. We had a booth and also several presentations about open source, community development and the Apache Way. Feedback from our volunteers about the event was very positive. Our involvement here at this event has been a good way to spread the ASF message to Spanish speaking audiences. OSCON It has been a while since we participated at OSCON and so were very happy to have a booth and several ASF related presentations there. The booth had a constant stream of visitors and the stock of stickers/giveaways ran out quickly. Other Events We have been invited to participate in three Codemotion events later this year in Berlin, Milan and Madrid and are looking for speakers and volunteers to help out. For the second year in a row we have been invited to participate at Solutions Hamburg. This time as well as presentations we will also have an Apache booth. We are still looking for booth volunteers to help out at this event. ## Health report: With the increased event participation activity, we have an ongoing need for volunteers to help out at events. We are seeing new people beginning to volunteer at a regional level. To help support this we are now locating banners and other booth related supplies at various locations so have setup a page to give more visibility [3]. ## PMC changes: - Currently 26 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Maxim Solodovnik on Wed Mar 28 2018 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 27 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Maxim Solodovnik at Wed Mar 28 2018 ## Releases: - No release data could be found ## Mailing list activity: Although we have an increase in subscribers, out mailing list traffic is lower. This could partly due to the annual holiday period. - dev@community.apache.org: - 846 subscribers (up 31 in the last 3 months): - 358 emails sent to list (703 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 4 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 1 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1] https://s.apache.org/5zcg [2] https://s.apache.org/qtJt [3] https://s.apache.org/JgMu
# Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache Projects ## Issues: No issues require board attentions at the moment. ## Activity: OpenExpo As part of our involvement with the OpenExpo, there was a request for volunteers to write short articles on open source trends for the conference e-book. Several volunteers came forward and the ebook was published in both English and Spanish versions. [1][2]. Thanks very much to Sally for co-ordinating this effort. Ignasi Barrera has taken over the event co-ordination from Sharan for the OpenExpo as she is now fully focussed on managing the EU Roadshow. A wiki page [3] has been setup to track the details. Apache EU Roadshow The CFP for the Roadshow ended with 72 talks being submitted. A request for reviewers was made on the mailing list. The Tomcat and Httpd PMCs selected their own tracks and while the others were based on reviewer scores. 28 talks were finally selected and the schedule has been announced.[4] We will now be focussing on promoting the event to attract as many attendees as possible. ApacheCon NA The CFP for ApacheCon NA ended with 249 submissions. To help promote the event across as many projects as possible an apachecon "ad" has been created that projects can add to their websites. [6] Other Events GOTO Chicago : Thanks to Trevor Grant talking to the organisers, we also had a booth presence at GOTO Chicago.Feedback was very positive and a proposal has been made to run an Apache Roadshow in Chicago for 2019 [5] OW2Con Paris: We were given a track but unfortunately had only one submission so have cancelled our involvement. OSCON: We have been allocated a free booth and there are quite a few Apache project related talks (Spark, OpenWhisk, Kafka, PredictionIO, Ignite, MXNet, Mesos and Fineract) on the schedule. GSoC The ASF was accepted as a GSoC mentor organisation again this year and our mentors mailing list is being used to co-ordinate the work. Both Uli and Maxim have been very active in finalising the list of accepted students. Ongoing Discussions: Producing new member orientation material How to improve the Help Wanted experience and/or site ## Health report: We are recieving an increasing number of requests to participate at conferences either with a booth presence or with track presentations. We perhaps need to think about introducing better co-ordination, visibility and planning if we want to be able to participate more effectively in future events. We have also had a lot of interest from people using the Help Wanted site and are currently discussing ways to improve the experience. ## PMC changes: - Currently 26 PMC members. - New PMC members: - Olivier Heintz was added to the PMC on Tue Feb 20 2018 - Maxim Solodovnik was added to the PMC on Wed Mar 28 2018 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 26 committers. - Maxim Solodovnik was added as a committer on Wed Mar 28 2018 ## Releases: - No release data could be found ## Mailing list activity: Increased activity due to GSoC and also requests coming in from Help Wanted, and various event participation requests. Mail traffic from our involvement in GSoC has also contributed to the increase. - dev@community.apache.org: - 816 subscribers (up 12 in the last 3 months): - 709 emails sent to list (535 in previous quarter) - mentors@community.apache.org: - 325 subscribers (up 14 in the last 3 months) ## JIRA activity: - 30 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 4 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months [1] https://s.apache.org/wTcp [2] https://s.apache.org/xxYP [3] https://s.apache.org/cDT6 [4] https://s.apache.org/AgEP [5] https://s.apache.org/czM6 [6] https://s.apache.org/7QYX
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: During the last quarter our main focus on promoting the ASF by participation in several events. We have found that this means that we are working more with Sally for advice and feedback regarding marketing and publicity at these external events. Open Source Summit Paris In December, we participated at the Open Source Summit in Paris. The event attracts around 6000 attendees and we were given a free booth and a half day track. Our ASF track presentations were were a mix of French and English and attendance numbers varied from around 10 to 30.(Room size was 35 people max). We had a lot of booth traffic and discussions and it showed that we still have some work to do in promoting what Apache is and does to the French community. Thanks very much to our speakers (Bertrand, Luciano, Martin, Ismael, and Olivier) and to everyone who helped out on the booth. It was a great event to be involved in and hope that we get invited to participate again next year. Apache Business Cards Following a mailing list discussion a couple of months ago we have helped facilitate the introduction of Apache business cards that anyone involved with Apache projects can use when they are promoting their Apache project at an event or representing their Apache project. Two formats are agreed, one that is a formal ASF role card that is based card n the existing ASF business cards, and another less formal community business card. The main difference between the two cards is that the official role card needs to contain your official role at Apache e.g. Board Member, Officer of the Foundation, Member, PMC Member, VP of a project or an Apache Committer) and include an apache.org email address. The Apache Community Business Card can contain all the official roles as well as other role descriptions e,g. Developer, Contributor. It can also include other details related to involvement in Apache such as PGP key and does not need to include an apache.org email address. This means that contributors who are not yet committers may be able to use the card. For convenience we have created an ASF account with moo.com where people can order business cards in both formats. People do not have to order business cards from MOO, they can choose another supplier. A wiki page with information and FAQs about the business cards has been setup on the ComDev wiki. OpenExpo Following our participation last year we have been invited to participate again in 2018. This time we have been given a keynote (Jim has volunteered to do this) and other presentation slots that could help us promote Apache within Spain and the Spanish speaking community. An e-Book featuring articles from several people from with Apache is due to be published soon. Thanks very much to Sally for managing and co-ordinating the preparation of articles. Also Ignasi has taken on the lead co-ordination role for this event. ApacheCon NA and Apache EU Roadshow Announcements have been made for ApacheCon NA in Montreal and the Apache EU Roadshow in Berlin. Community development will be providing support for both events, and will also continue to help market and promote both events. GSoC The ASF has registered to be a mentoring organisation and projects have been asked to start recording their ideas for tasks on the ComDev JIRA or labelling them with the GSoC tag Community Sponsor Developer Week Conference- The ASF were offered some free and discounted tickets in return for a short blog post and a social media tweet. ## PMC changes: - Currently 24 PMC members. - Ignasi Barrera was added on Tue 30 Jan 2018 - Piergiorgio Lucidi was added on Wed Nov 2017 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 25 committers. - Ignasi Barrera was added on Tue 30 Jan 2018 - Piergiorgio Lucidi was added on Wed Nov 2017 ## Releases: - No release data could be found ## Mailing list activity: Some mailing list activity has increased partly due to the re-direction of the ComDev JIRA notifications to the dev mailing list. There has also been some clean up of old JIRA tickets and also projects have started to register their GSoC ideas on JIRA. We Will continue to monitor the number of JIRA emails coming to the dev list to see if it is manageable. - dev@community.apache.org: - 803 subscribers (up 17 in the last 3 months): - 546 emails sent to list (548 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: Some cleanup of old tickets has been done which is wny the closed/resolved figure is high. - 28 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 93 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: Our last board report for August was missing so those items are included as part of this report. During the last two quarters our main focus was to promote an Apache presence at existing conferences with a booth or presentation content. OpenExpo We participated for the first time at the OpenExpo Madrid event in June. We received an invitation to the event because of a contact made at FOSDEM. We recruited two Spanish speaking booth volunteers (Ignasi Barrera and Jan Iversen). Ignasi created a small ASF brochure that has been approved by Sally. The conference attracted over 3000 visitors and approx around 10% stopped to talk to us at the Apache booth. We found that many people didn't really know that there was a Foundation behind Apache projects so being there helped fill this knowledge. As a follow up Ignasi was invited for an interview at a local Spanish radio station to talk about the ASF. Following on from this, the organisers are planning the 2018 conference and would like more English content so have asked the ASF to become more involved and to organise a track around on open source governance, trends and best practices. Solutions Hamburg In early September we participated in a 3 day Apache track at Solutions Hamburg. Nine ASF speakers participated include a keynote from Greg Stein. Attendance was mixed and the talks about microservices were the most attended. This was the first time at this event and need to review how we could improve our participation. Thanks to the speakers and especially to Myrle Krantz and Chris Dutz for their work in organising, facilitating and generally liaising with the organisers. Open Source Summit Prague Although we did not have a booth at this event, there were several Apache related presentations including a Keynote from Neha Narkhede about Apache Kafka, Rich Bowen talked about Mentoring,Piergiorgio Lucidi talked about the incubation process for Apache ManifoldCF and Sharan Foga spoke about the Committer Diversity Survey at the Diversity Empowerment Summit. MesosCon Prague The Apache Mesos community were happy to have an Apache presence with a booth and also a Keynote from Rich Bowen. Feedback on the keynote was very positive and we received several enquiries about future ApacheCons. ComDev Jira We have started using the ComDEV Jira again to help track tasks. Some cleanup of old / existing tasks are in progress. Notifications have been moved to the dev list to allow better communication and this has been successful as seen by the ASF Brochure translations. Open Source Summit Paris We have been given a booth and also a half day track at OSS Paris. The track has been filled with presentation from several projects. We have also been given a keynote slot which will be presented by Bertrand Delacretaz. FOSDEM A request for an Apache booth has been made and decisions will be announced in late November. Based on community feedback, we also put together a proposal for an Apache Community Collaboration devroom but this was unsuccessful. Another Community devroom was accepted and we are encouraging people to make submissions to this. Rotation of PMC Chair In September we rotated the PMC Chair from Uli Stark to Sharan Foga. Many thanks to Uli for all his hard work and effort as VP ComDev over the last few years. FOSS Backstage The schedule for FOSS Backstage Micro Summit has been announced and focusses on community, governance and the legal aspects around open source. Several speakers from Apache have been selected to present. GSoC Update Uli is keeping track and following up on GSoC progress for the various projects involved. Marketing With the help of various volunteers, the ASF Brochure has been translated into several languages. This will be available for people to use at events. Discussions around the introduction of Apache Community business cards has been very positive so we will be looking at promoting it to committers and projects. ComDev Mission A discussion is currently in progress about the mission of Comdev to adjust the description, scope and focus of activities. ## PMC changes: - Currently 22 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Sharan Foga on Tue Nov 15 2016 ## Committer base changes: - Currently 22 committers. - No new committers added in the last 3 months - Last committer addition was Sharan Foga at Tue Nov 15 2016 ## Releases: - No release data could be found ## Mailing list activity: - Mailing list activity has increased partly due to re-direction of Jira notifications to dev list and also because several interesting discussion proposals have been raised. Increased Jira activity for the clean up of old / existing tickets and also creation of new tickets to manage the work on ASF Brochure translations. - dev@community.apache.org: - 793 subscribers (up 7 in the last 3 months): - 530 emails sent to list (362 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 18 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 21 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ulrich Stärk (uli) to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Ulrich Stärk from the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Community Development project has chosen by vote to recommend Sharan Foga (sharan) as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ulrich Stärk is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sharan Foga be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Community Development Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
No report was submitted.
@Ted: pursue a report for Community Development; look at previous examples of good reports; look at the blog post for ideas
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: Apache Way Track @ApacheCon An Apache Way track has been put together for Apachecon. This is the first time that a full track has been designed in this way and the aim is to have something that is portable that could be used in isolation for other conferences or events. The 6 talks cover different aspects of the Apache Way in a clear and logical way. FeatherCast FeatherCast has been re-branded as the voice of the ASF. Previously it was informal. It is now being used Community Development as our main podcast / news channel. In the past it has been generally used to record presentations from events such as ApacheCon and make them available online for people who didn't have the chance to attend, and also for general reference. We also share news and interviews about what is happening in our projects. A separate FeatherCast mailing list has been setup and people that are interested in helping are encouraged to subscribe. As part of the lead up to ApacheCon we have been busy recording short interviews with some of the ApacheCon and Big Data speakers. So far 10 interviews have been published and we can follow and analyse the views to gauge the popularity of specific topics. A communication was sent about interviews and we have already received feedback from people in various projects wanting an interview during ApacheCon. FeatherCast could be a great tool to bring the projects together and learn about each other. Tools Inventory and Hackathon We have started putting together a list of all the tools and applications that the Community Development team has at its disposal. This includes what websites (internal or external), social media accounts, or other applications that we use, manage or are responsible for. Having this will give us greater visibility and more flexibility to share and co-ordinate activities. Benjamin Young has suggested a ComDev tools hackathon for ApacheCon in Miami. The session will be used not only to get familiar with the tools and applications, but also work on cleanup, coding and anything that can help make our tools more effective. OpenExpo - Madrid We have been offered a free booth at the OpenExpo conference in Madrid on 1st June. We have 3 volunteers including 2 Spanish speakers (Jan Iversen, Ignasi Barrera and Sharan Foga) who will be managing the booth. The conference has content in both Spanish and English, though we are expecting that attendees will be mainly Spanish speakers. This is a new conference for us so we will be looking to see if it is a good fit and also what we can do to develop the Apache Spanish community. ASF on Facebook Raphael Bircher discovered that the ASF had an automatically generated Facebook site with over 9000 likes. Facebook automatically generates pages for highy requested pages that don't already exist, so highlights that we have a significant amount of followers looking for us. We have now created our official ASF page and are focussing on actively building our following. We are encouraging projects already on Facebook to also link to us. Thanks to Raphael for taking this on and getting it setup. Committer Survey Feedback During March the detailed comments from the Committer Diversity Survey were posted on our mailing list. We had a range of feedback from improvements for the structure of the survey to comments about diversity and the role of the Apache Software Foundation itself. Some comments referred to specific projects and these were passed onto the project PMCs. It was good to be able to engage with our committer group and get their feedback. We are now looking at following up on some of the ideas for improvements, including finding a way to better inform and engage committers across all our projects. Apache Way Resource A new resource is available that simply and easily explains the main concepts of the Apache Way. The new site put together by Shane Curcuru and breaks down the Apache Way into 6 key concepts as in an easy understandable concepts. This is a helpful reference resource that can be used to expand our materials. ## PMC changes: The PMC currently features 22 members. The last addition has been Sharan Foga on 2016-11-1 Currently 22 PMC members. Sharan Foga was added to the PMC on Tue Nov 15 2016 ## Committer base changes: Currently 23 committers. Sharan Foga was added as a committer on Tue Nov 15 2016 ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: dev@community.apache.org: 756 subscribers (up 27 in the last 3 months): 407 emails sent to list (524 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity 13 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months 3 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: Community Development Strategy A key discussion topic this quarter was looking at the refining or re-defining the goal of Community Development. The project was established with a very flexible description of 'helping people become involved with Apache projects' and the discussions highlighted that this was no longer enough and that more detailed goals, strategies or plans are needed to focus efforts on various areas. No one has a clear picture of what community development activities are planned, in progress or completed, or how they fit in any other greater initiative. By having at least an outline this would allow Community Development to co-ordinate activities and give potential contributors clear guidance on what tasks need to be done. An outline, based on the mailing list discussion, has been created in the documentation, and we will work towards fleshing that out over the coming weeks. This is (temporarily) at http://community.staging.apache.org/about/ One comment on the strategy thread highlighted that Community Development as a mailing list was not very well known (so this links in with some of the proposed strategy ideas to improve the awareness with the ASF communities about the role of ComDev and what it does). Committers Diversity Survey The Committer Diversity Survey was run in November / December. In total we received 765 responses (out of a 5861 committer base at the time the survey was run) which was approx 13% response rate. The survey also got 111 feedback comments some of which did not give their permission to share or from quote their comments. A key condition for respondents providing the data was that The data collected will be used to generate consolidated and aggregated statistics for the Apache Community Development team and the Apache Software Foundation. These details may be published as part of Apache presentations and reports, and made publicly available. The data from individual responses will not be released. The survey also got 111 feedback comments some of which can be quoted from. Those that cannot be quoted will be raised as a general discussion theme. Next steps will be: Continue to analyse the information and identify any potential Community Development related actions Start discussion threads on the various themes and topics raised to see if they will result in additional actions Discuss feedback and diversity ideas and if necessary, integrate into diversity strategy FOSDEM A lot of activity this quarter was focussed on preparing for FOSDEM 2017 in Brussels. The ASF was allocated a booth for the second consecutive year with the main focus of building awareness of Apache and its projects to the FOSDEM attendees. An email message was sent out to all ASF projects dev mailing lists asking if projects wanted to use the opportunity to promote their projects. Four projects signed up to be present at the booth (Mesos, OpenOffice, Zeppellin and Lucene/Solr) and 20 presentations at FOSDEM were from ASF community members. Daniel worked together with Sally to get some new banners were produced including one with all the current logos for all ASF projects. This was very useful for raising ASF brand awareness as many attendees knew many project names but had not associated them with Apache.This means that there is more work to be done in reinforcing the ASF brand externally. Daniel Gruno and Sharan Foga were present at FOSDEM thoughout the weekend at the ASF booth and received support from other ASF community members. Relaunch of ComDev Blog The Community Development Blog was relaunched in November and currently has 2 monthly updates published. A third will be published in February. The aim is to continue to provide simple regular updates to keep people informed about key things that have happened or are planned in Community Development. Google Summer of Code Another big discussion topic discussed this quarter month was around ASF involvement in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and how we might be able to gather data and statistics that show more clearly how GSoC benefits our projects and communities. Apache Community Development's main goal is about developing Apache communities so it would be good to have actual data about the GSoC program within the ASF and how it supports us in achieving this. Addition of Statistics on Projects Directory A new "Projects Statistics" page has been added to Projects Directory: https://projects.apache.org/statistics.html Global ASF statistics on code and discussions evolution are published using Snoot.io service data. ## PMC changes: The PMC currently features 22 members. The last addition has been Sharan Foga on 2016-11-15 Currently 22 PMC members. Sharan Foga was added to the PMC on Tue Nov 15 2016 ## Committer base changes: Currently 23 committers. Sharan Foga was added as a committer on Tue Nov 15 2016 ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: Mailing list activity has been high despite a slight drop off over the holiday period. Many interesting topics have been raised that have resulted in significant discussions and it is a good sign that mailing list traffic is increasing because people want to join discussions. dev@community.apache.org: 728 subscribers (up 9 in the last 3 months): 557 emails sent to list (321 in previous quarter)
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: Google Summer of Code 2016 has ended and Google will be invoiced shortly. Although we applied the rules for ranking and accepting students stricter this year we still saw only 35 of the 49 projects succeeding. 6 students failed at midterm evaluation, another 7 failed during the final evaluations. The reasons for failure are numerous with lack of skills, other commitments and students simply disappearing being the most frequent. We will now discuss how to better mitigate the risks of students failing for 2017. We briefly discussed participating in Google Code-In, a project with goals similar to GSoC where high school students would work on small tasks given out by participating organizations. Concerns about the program's organization agreement and the indemnification rules in particular in the end prevented us from applying. Since a similar agreement is being used for GSoC we will submit the agreement to V.P. Legal for advice on whether it is ok to sign for GSoC 2017. Sharan Foga has written an extensive update on the encouraging diversity efforts spearheaded by her which can be found at https://s.apache.org/n097 In the past few months ComDev has operated without a clear strategy with GSoC and pointing random people into the right direction being the main tasks. An effort has been started to get a strategy/roadmap into place. ## PMC changes: The PMC currently features 22 members. The last addition has been Sharan Foga on 2016-11-15. ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: A lot of discussion around guiding newcomers, ApacheCon and general community-related discussions are happening on dev@. Subscriber count is up in the past months, number of messages slightly down which is probably just usual fluctuation. GSoC-related discussions are happening on mentors@ with number of messages fluctuating with GSoC phase.
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: Google Summer of Code is approaching final evaluations. 43 of our initial 49 students made it through the midterm evaluations. We will shortly start discussion about who to send to the mentor summit in October. Sharan Foga is heading our diversity efforts and succesfully held a webinar on the ASF for Hackbright Academy's students on the 28th of July. ## PMC changes: The PMC currently features 21 members. There were no additions in the past 3 months. The last addition has been Roman Shaposhnik on 2015-08-26. We expect to report some changes for the next report. ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: A lot of discussion around guiding newcomers, ApacheCon and general community-related discussions are happening on dev@. Subscriber count is up in the past months, number of messages slightly down (~ 8%) which is probably just usual fluctuation. GSoC-related discussions are happening on mentors@ with number of messages fluctuating with GSoC phase.
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: The ASF has been accepted again as an organisation for Google Summer of Code 2016. We received numerous applications from students from which we accepted 49. This year Google made significant changes to their rating and student management system which required us to come up with new workflows compared to the old system. The Community Development Project is now home to the code behind helpwanted.apache.org. Helpwanted is a system that allows projects to record areas for contributions and make them easily available to newcomers by providing a list to browse through by certain criteria or include them as a widget on their project website. Kudos to Daniel Gruno for yet another great tool! ## PMC changes: The PMC currently features 21 members. There were no additions in the past 3 months. The last addition has been Roman Shaposhnik on 2015-08-26. ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: A lot of discussion around guiding newcomers, ApacheCon and general community-related discussions are happening on dev@ with both subscriber count and number of messages up in the past months indicating a healthy discourse and relevance of the list. GSoC-related discussions are happening on mentors@ with number of messages fluctuating with GSoC phase.
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: Preparations for Google Summer of Code 2016 have started, the application is due on Feb 19. Discussion on the mailing lists is high with a focus on guiding newcomers, ApacheCon preparation and how to better help newcomers find the right project to start contributing to. ## PMC changes: - Currently 21 PMC members. - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months - Last PMC addition was Roman Shaposhnik on Wed Aug 11 2015 ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: - cfp-review@community.apache.org: - 37 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months) - dev@community.apache.org: - 637 subscribers (up 75 in the last 3 months): - 462 emails sent to list (397 in previous quarter) - mentors@community.apache.org: - 266 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) - students@community.apache.org: - 56 subscribers (up 1 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 9 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 7 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Issues: No issues require board attention at the moment. ## Activity: No updates regarding ApacheCon since the EVP report in October. We are still waiting for a CFP and a unified ApacheCon NA website. GSoC 2015 has concluded. This year we accepted an all-time high of 56 proposals of which 49 passed midterm and 47 final evaluations. Unfortunately we were not able to send any candidate to this year's mentor summit because no mentor expressed interest and all admins as well as other PMC members were unable to attend. ## PMC changes: - Currently 21 PMC members. - Hervé Boutemy was added to the PMC on 2015-08-11 - Roman Shaposhnik was added to the PMC on 2015-08-26 - Sebastian Bazley was added to the PMC on 2015-08-11 - Tony Stevenson was added to the PMC on 2015-08-11 ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: - mentors@community.apache.org: - 266 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) - cfp-review@community.apache.org: - 36 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) - students@community.apache.org: - 55 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - dev@community.apache.org: - 558 subscribers (up 67 in the last 3 months): - 420 emails sent to list (678 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 22 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 13 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Activity: It has been a silent period (July) with little activity GSoC is approaching the pencils down date with final evaluations due Aug 28. Of the 56 students that started, 49 made it through the midterm evaluations. For the first time in our GSoC history we had to deal with a mentor not submitting their evaluation on time. The situation was resolved with no negative consequences for the ASF. The resaon for this mishap was a combination of oversight on the mentor's side as well as lack of communication on the admin's side. ACEU is prepared from our side. All schedules are done. ## Issues: No issues require board attention at this time. ## PMC/Committership changes: Currently 19 committers and 21 PMC members. Sebastian Bazley was added to the PMC in Aug 2015 Herve Boutemy was added to the PMC in Aug 2015 Tony Stevenson was added to the PMC in Aug 2015 Herve Boutemy was added as a committer in Aug 2015 ## Mailing list activity: - mentors@community.apache.org: - 266 subscribers (down -2 in the last 3 months) - cfp-review@community.apache.org: - 36 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) - students@community.apache.org: - 55 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - dev@community.apache.org: - 487 subscribers (up 53 in the last 3 months): - 703 emails sent to list (917 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 27 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 16 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
## Description: The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects ## Activity: ComDev's SVN repository has been opened up for every Apache committer, mainly due to interest in contributing to projects-new which is constantly improving. ComDev is also now home to reporter.apache.org, a tool written by Daniel Gruno that allows to pre-fill board reports with statistics gathered from different sources. Jim had made intros between Infra and Sourceforge, who offered to create a neighborhood to replace Apache Extras. Dave N was handling that and then asked that someone else take it on, at which point Jim grabbed it again. Jim needs to follow-up. Rich Bowen has written some scripts extracting Apache-related events from meetup.com and is providing the general public with the results at http://apache.org/events/meetups.html. Google Summer of Code has started with coding commencing until Aug 21. We have 56 projects accepted this year - an all time high. ApacheCon: CFP for the "apache: bigdata" event in Budapest has been officially opened and runs until july 15. CFP for the "apacheCon: CORE" event in Budapest has been officially opened and runs until July 1. Initial response from the PMCs have been good (5 of 14 track days are marked) ## Issues: No issues require board attention at this time. ## PMC/Committership changes: - Currently 18 committers and 18 PMC members in the project. - Jan Iversen was added to the PMC on Wed Apr 29 2015 - New commmitters: - Jim Jagielski was added as a committer on Thu Mar 12 2015 - Jan Iversen was added as a committer on Wed Apr 29 2015 ## Releases: None. ## Mailing list activity: - mentors@community.apache.org: - 268 subscribers (up 25 in the last 3 months) - cfp-review@community.apache.org: - 36 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months) - students@community.apache.org: - 55 subscribers (up 0 in the last 3 months): - 0 emails sent to list (0 in previous quarter) - dev@community.apache.org: - 441 subscribers (up 56 in the last 3 months): - 842 emails sent to list (676 in previous quarter) ## JIRA activity: - 5 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months - 2 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
No report was submitted.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. PMC changes ----------- Daniel Gruno has been voted into the Community Development PMC on 2015-01-08. Since artifacts produced by ComDev are usually documentation on our website which is writable for all Apache committers, we usually do not add committers to the ComDev project. Google Summer of Code --------------------- GSoC applications are open for organizations and the ASF will submit an application again this year. A call for project ideas has been issued to projects. Initial responses were low in numbers but in the meantime we have gathered 88 project ideas at http://s.apache.org/gsoc2015ideas which should be enough for getting started. ComDev & Events --------------- Most of the discussions on the dev@community.apache.org mailing list currently revolve around ApacheCon 2015 in Austin with feedback and contributions coming from all corners of the foundation. Other ----- Daniel Gruno is spearheading an overhaul of projects.apache.org. The current work in progress is at https://projects-new.apache.org/. Bertrand has initiated a discussion about a maturity model for our projects that describes - on a high level - how our projects operate. A first version can be found at http://community.apache.org/apache-way/apache-project-maturity-model.html.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. PMC changes ----------- Jim Jagielski has been voted into the Community Development PMC on 2014-05-21. Since artifacts produced by ComDev are usually documentation on our website which is writable for all Apache committers, we usually do not add committers to the ComDev project. Google Summer of Code --------------------- GSoC is over. Of the initial 42 students 36 passed the midterm evaluations and 35 passed the final evaluations. Uli and Suresh attended the mentor summit and will soon start discussion on some topics that came up in talks with fellow mentors and students at the summit regarding project participation within Apache (which is low), visibility of GSoC within Apache projects, and lack of response from projects directly approached by students that wanted to participate in GSoC. ComDev & Events --------------- The ComDev PMC is now a "home" for some of the ConCom responsibilities. Most of the recent discussions on our dev mailing list are about ApacheCon EU 2014. Other ----- Replacement for Apache extras is making progress with feedback coming mostly from the OpenOffice community. It is unclear to us what the next steps to be taken are and who is responsible for driving them. While historically responsiblity for Apache Extras was with ComDev it now seems to be with VP Infra but this is unclear. Invoices -------- Once all travel costs are known we will approach fundraising and treasurer to invoice Google for mentor stipends and travel reimbursement.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Luciano Resende to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and WHEREAS, Luciano Resende has requested the Project Management Committee of the Apache Community Development project to nominate a successor for the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Community Development project has chosen by vote to recommend Ulrich Stärk as the successor to the post; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Luciano Resende is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ulrich Stärk be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Community Development Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. PMC changes ----------- Jim Jagielski has been voted into the Community Development PMC on 2014-05-21. Google Summer of Code --------------------- GSoC is over. Of the initial 42 students 36 passed the midterm evaluations and 35 passed the final evaluations. The ComDev PMC decided to send Suresh Marru and Ulrich Stärk to the GSoC Mentor Summit in Mountain View in October. We had one case of alleged admittance to the program of one person using multiple identities but the case could be dismissed after a video conference and proof of identity has been submitted. ComDev & Events --------------- The ComDev PMC is now a "home" for some of the ConCom responsibilities. Most of the recent discussions on our dev mailing list are about ApacheCon EU 2014. Other ----- Replacement for Apache extras is still an open issue. Ross offered to put somebody willing to drive the effort in contact with folks at Sourceforge but nobody stepped up to take the responsibility for driving it. Invoices -------- We will shortly approach the Fundraising team to prepare the invoice for GSoC travel reimbursement and mentor stipends.
No report was submitted.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects. Project Status -------------- We have submitted via the ASF President, a budget that includes GSoC income and expenses as well as money related to helping with small events (Event in a Box). Other then that, there are no issues requiring board attention at this time. PMC changes ----------- A new PMC member is being discussed/voted, but the latest official addition has been Suresh Marru on 2013-04-26. Google Summer of Code --------------------- It’s GSoC time again, we have been accepted as a Mentoring Organization and were given 42 slots for this year program. Ulrich Stark has volunteered as GSoC Admin and has been doing an excellent work handling all the Organization registration and mentoring registration and validation with the respective PMCs and working trough the students proposals and rankings. Related to GSoC, the Stratosphere project which just joined Apache and had also been accepted as a mentor organization for this year GSoC will be receiving the GSoC mentor stipends and travel costs for their attendance at the mentor summit via the ASF organization. Also, there has been some discussions related to vouching for other open source organizations that are new to GSoC, and currently the consensus with the Community Development PMC seems to be not to vouch for external organizations. ComDev & Events --------------- The ComDev PMC is now a "home" for some of the ConCom responsibilities. In the last few months, Rich Bowen has been leading the organization of ApacheCon Denver and based on all the reports I read from different members, this was a very successful conference, with 43% more registrants compared to ApacheCon 2013. We are now working on the ApacheCon Europe which is going to happen in Budapest in November 17 to 21. Others --------------- There have been some Apache PMCs that have brought to the attention of the Community Development PMC that Google has changed the rules for Google Code, which is where Apache Extra is hosted, and there is going to be issues related to new downloads. We have had some discussions around the topic and we are going to evaluate the possibility of finding a new home for Apache Extras.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. PMC changes ----------- No Changes. The latest addition has been Suresh Marru on 2013-04-26. Google Summer of Code --------------------- It’s GSoC time again, we have been accepted as a Mentoring Organization and we are currently accepting students proposals. Ulrich Stark has volunteered as GSoC Admin and has been doing an excellent work handling all the Organization registration and mentoring registration and validation with the respective PMCs. ComDev & Events --------------- The ComDev PMC is now a "home" for some of the ConCom responsibilities. In the last few months, Rich Bowen has been leading the RFP for ApacheCon Denver and the schedule is now up and live at the conference website : http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-north-america/program/schedule. There has also been discussion about a community panel where people would discuss some of the Apache “hot topics” such as the “Release Process”. The panel topic hasn’t been finalized yet and is being discussed on the comdev AT apache DOT org. Other ----- There has been a few threads recently about Apache Releases and how to support a faster release process for Apache projects.
AI: Sam: Discuss with ComDev the vouching process. If ComDev decides to vouch for other organizations, the decision should be made public. This might raise questions from others about how to qualify for vouching and the ComDev PMC should be prepared to discuss criteria that they use.
No report was submitted.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. PMC changes ----------- No Changes. The latest addition has been Suresh Marru on 2013-04-26. Google Summer of Code --------------------- GSoC is over. Of the initial 51 students, 45 passed the midterm evaluations and 44 passed the final evaluations. The ComDev PMC initially decided to send Lewis John McGibbney and Ulrich Stärk to the GSoC Mentor Summit in Mountain View in October. Uli could not attend and we haven't contacted Lewis for a summary yet so there is nothing we can report on the summit. A blog post featuring 5 of our student's projects has been published in Google's Open Source Blog. Several other blog posts, most notably from the Apache CloudStack community have been written as well. Overall, GSoC seems to have been a success again. ASF-ICFOSS Mentoring Programme ------------------------------ The ASF-ICFOSS mentoring program has finished as well. The results are disappointing. It seems that no student actually finished their project. There is a discussion going on on mentors@community.apache.org (formerly known as code-awards@apache.org) exploring possible reasons for this failure. ComDev & Events --------------- The ComDev PMC is now a "home" for some of the ConCom responsibilities. Recently there have been discussions about the planned "Event-in-a-Box" and some progress has been made thanks to Melissa. Several events have been added to the event calendar and Melissa has been granted access in order to help with maintenance. Other ----- There is uncertainty among our projects due to upcoming changes to Google's Google Code platform. In the future, projects won't be able to host files there anymore. It is unclear how that will affect PMCs that rely on file hosting on apache-extras.org which runs on Google Code. Luciano said he'd check with Google. Invoices --------
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. PMC changes ----------- No changes on this report period. Last PMC addition was on April 2013 (Suresh Marru). Google Summer of Code (section contributed by Ulrich Stärk) ----------------------------------------------------------- GSoC is well under way. Of the initial 51 students, 45 made it through the midterm evaluation. AFAICT the majority of the failed students failed due to missing commitment and only a minority because of lack of skills or other reasons we could have foreseen. I am contemplating ideas how to improve our selection process for next year. After a call for proposals the ComDev PMC has decided to send Lewis John Mcgibbney and Ulrich Stärk to the GSoC Mentor Summit in Mountain View in October. The goal there is to network with other mentors and organization administrators and discuss the program and ideas for improving it. At the moment we are preparing a post for Google's Open Source Blog where the ASF and some of its GSoC projects will be featured. ASF-ICFOSS Mentoring Programme ------------------------------ This ASF and India ICFOSS joint program was kicked off with a local workshop in Kerala - India presented by Luciano Resende to a group of about 60 students. From these 60 Students, we have received 10 proposals and selected 7 proposals. The accepted students are now starting the coding phase. Note that this program is different from GSoC, where these students are having no monetary incentives, which can be an explanation for the number of proposals compared to the number of students that initially attended the kick off workshop. ComDev & Events --------------- The ComDev PMC is now a "home" for some of the ConCom responsibilities, but there hasn't been much discussion/requests around events on the ComDev lists yet. Invoices --------
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. PMC changes --------------- Suresh Marru has been added to the Community Development PMC Rich Bowen has been added to the Community Development PMC GSoC -------------- The ASF has been accepted to GSoC 2013, and Ulrich Stärk has volunteered to be our Admin for the program this year. Currently we are in the reviewing students proposal phase, and Google should communicate accepted students by end of the month. Mentoring Projects -------------- We have been discussing a pilot mentoring project with India ICFOSS and we are finalizing the schedule of the program before start recruiting mentors from the foundation projects. This project should be similar to GSoC where students will be matched with ASF mentors and work on projects for a specific period of time, but there are NO monetary incentives for either parts. Other -------------- - There has been various talks about expanding the ComDev responsibilities, such as taking the policy documentation responsibilities from Incubator and handling pieces of event management from ConCom. Most of these discussions started due to overwhelmed PMCs that have grown out of control and have taken a lot more responsibilities that they can handle. Although these discussions are good and should be happening, I want to make sure we don't overwhelm the ComDev PMC with all these new responsibilities all at once. Anyway, this is my particular view, and so far we haven't heard concrete plans to implement these discussed items. - The Community has revamped the ComDev website, with the goal to enhance site navigation and information categorization to users.
General discussion about a reluctance to assign responsibities to ComDev that it does not readily accept.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. GSoC -------------- GSoC 2013 has just been announced and we need to start updating website, and finding a volunteer for being the admin for 2013. GSoC invoice for the GSoC and Mentor Summit has been submitted and are being processed by Google. Other -------------- Outstanding: * Need to verify that GSoC invoice has been properly processed and that ASF has received the proper funds.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- Ross Gardler has set down as Community Dev Chair, and Luciano Resende has been elected new Chair. No issues require board attention at this time. GSoC -------------- GSoC mentor summit happened on November 20 and 21, and ASF was represented by Ulrich Stärk and Luciano Resende. There was one session where different organizations presented the benefits for projects joining their foundation and ASF was represented by Uli. GSoC invoice for the GSoC and Mentor Summit has been submitted and are being processed by Google. Other -------------- Outstanding: * Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation process * No progress * Start discussions on how to simplify the process for new people to find tasks to work on based on areas of interest, programming language, level, etc. This would benefit GSoC students and overall new contributors. * No progress
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ross Gardler to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development Project, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of Ross Gardler from the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ross Gardler is relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development Project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Luciano Resende be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed. Special Order 7G, Change the Apache Community Development Project Chair, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.
The Community Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. GSoC ---- 40 GSoC students passed mid-term, one failed to submit a midterm evaluation: in future, we should include a request to remind their students in the reminders we send out to mentors about evaluations. Feedback from admins regarding the applications process this year was that there was confusion and chaos around the selection process. Many orgs had the same issues as the Melange webapp has changed significantly this year. This has been the case each year so far, yet we continue to be hopeful that next year will go more smoothly as a result! We haven't heard any complaints about the projects that did (or didn't) get selected in the end, and in fact, we ended up giving back a couple of slots because we didn't have the proposals to fill them out. This is the first time this has happened, normally we take extra slots rather than give them back. It is also notable that a few projects have a larger than normal number of students. We need to explore whether this is a change of attitude towards GSoC within the ASF or a lack of outreach work on the part of the ComDev PMC. It is my opinion (Ross) that the annual chaos of the selection process puts mentors off - it's simply too much work tracking the moving goalposts. Actions: * Evaluate reasons for reduced interest from mentors this year * provide feedback to Google relating to complications cause by last minute process changes Events and Speakers ------------------- Outstanding: * Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support * two members of ComDev are co-chairing an ACEU track * three members of ComDev are seeking to assist with ACEU * Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials * some small progress made, needs concerted effort as part of ACEU and ACNA * Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA12 slide decks) * No progress Website ------- Some discussion about making our website "friendlier" but not work as yet. Some minor improvements to small areas of the site. Outstanding: * Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation process * No progress
The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. GSoC ---- GSoC is underway with two experienced admins and a newcomer learning the ropes. Google's insistence on changing the process on the fly without consulting orgs continues to frustrate admins who have to adapt quickly and communicate this to our 150+ projects. Our thanks go to this years Admins. We have 41 GSoC projects spread across 26 Apache projects (17 TLPs and 9 Podlings). Participating TLPS are: Xerces, Pig, OODT, Hive, James, Tapestry, Ofbiz, Gora, Synapse, Derby, Axis, POI, Whirr, Lucene, Velocity, Libcloud, Xalan Participating Podlings are: ODF Toolkit, Airavata, Stanbol, Photark, Wookie, OpenMeetings, Nuvem, Hama, VXQuery Completed: * Publish updates to the GSoC Admin guidelines * Verify that new mentor selection process is documented for GSoC * Verify infra is OK with temporary accounts for GSoC * Submit ASF to GSoC * Work with projects to identify suitable GSoC tasks Events and Speakers ------------------- Very little progress here as ConCom has been busy dealing with the RFP for US and the proposal for EU. A number of ComDev members are helping out in ConCom activities. Outstanding: * Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support * Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials * Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA12 slidedecks) Website ------- During the IPMC reboot discussions it was suggested that ComDev should take ownership of some aspects of Incubation. This was rejected as ComDev felt that moving the problem was not solve it, however, it was agreed in principle that overlaps existed. Now that Jukka seems to be be settling in nicely at the IPMC it is time to restart these discussions. Outstanding: * Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation process
The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. GSoC ---- GSoC 2012 was announced at FOSDEM on 4th February. ComDev has commenced our organisation. We've already had two experienced admins step forwards, with a further two newcomers expressing interest. This is very encouraging. Outstanding: * Publish the GSoC Admin guidelines * Verify that new mentor selection process is documented for GSoC * Verify infra is OK with temporary accounts for GSoC New Tasks: * Submit ASF to GSoC * Work with projects to identify suitable GSoC tasks Events and Speakers ------------------- Ross (ComDev chair) met face to face with Nick Burch (ConCom chair) to discuss a stronger relationship between ConCom and ComDev. As a result Nick has done a little work on the speakers application. The intention is to make a number of web widgets (via the Wookie podling) available for hosting via the CMS that can be embedded in project and foundation pages. Work is ongoing. Nick and Ross also discussed the potential relationship relating to events. Nick has shelved this work in preference to working on the RFP for producers. Outstanding: * Agree scope of ConCom and ComDev collaboration on event support * Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials * Integrate speaker app with Lanyrd (hosts all ApacheCon NA11 slidedecks) Website ------- There was considerable discussion about the use of org.apache package names on apache-extras. This has now been clarified in the FAQ and Guidelines. In the last few days before this report there has been a great deal of discussion on general@incubator.a.o It seems that reform is in the air and many people are suggesting that some of the key functions move to ComDev. However, there is no consensus in the IPMC about what the future should look like and thus no clarity around what ComDev is expected to pick up. Some members of ComDev are involved with the discussion, but until there is more clarity in the IPMC there seems little point in taking the discussion to ComDev lists. New Tasks: * Work with the IPMC to clarify any future role for ComDev in the incubation process
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project [NOTE] This is the second consecutive month we have reported due to late reporting last quarter. We are now back on schedule. The Commmunity Development PMC is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. GSoC ---- Uli, our outgoing GSoC for this year has put together an admin guide which should be very useful for future admins. This will include press relations activities, something we have not done well on in the past. Outstanding: * Verify that new mentor selection process is documented for GSoC * Verify infra is OK with temporary accounts for GSoC Events and Speakers ------------------- We made plans at ApacheCon to progress the speakers and local mentors app forwards. We hope to see some work integrating this, and the speaker slidedecks we currently link to, with Lanyrd soon. Nick Burch and Ross Gardler VP ConCom and ComDev met to discuss further collaboration on ASF event support. Proposals will be presented to each PMC for discussion during the next reporting period. Outstanding: * Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials Website ------- No major changes this month, just a few minor tweaks to the Speakers section. Objectives for next period -------------------------- * propose opportunities for further collaboration between ConCom and ComDev with respect to events.
This report is two months overdue - my sincere apologies. We will report again next month to bring us back onto schedule. Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. GSoC ---- GSoC went well overall, although there was one serious issue regarding a mentor who was approved but is not a committer. This situation was resolved in consultation with Google. We have proposed modifications to the process to prevent this happening again. In the future, mentors have to notify their respective PMC that they intend to mentor a GSoC project. The PMC has to acknowledge and a waiting period of 72 hours starts during which objections can be voiced. A notification template will be made available to prospective mentors. In addition, we will ask infrastructure to create a special group which holders of temporary accounts, i.e. GSoC students, have to be a member of. This group will be modifiable by pmc-chairs and comdev-pmc, and will allow such temporary accounts to be reviewed and if needed closed in due time. Some stats: * Students accepted: 40 * Students who passed midterm: 38 * Students who passed final: 36 Unfortunately we, once again, failed to do any press around our GSoC activities. This needs to be made an explicit responsibility of the GSoC admin (at present it is not in the Admin support materials) Events and Speakers ------------------- ConCom are using the ComDev web space to host an ASF events calendar [1], this has yet to gain significant traction. Similarly the "speaker" application is not being used by either ConCom or press@. ComDev to work with both to figure out how best to promote use of these resources. Nick Burch and Ross Gardler (along with anyone else who cares) will be meeting to come up with a plan for these resources at ApacheCon. There are still many requests for standard slide decks about the ASF. We have collected a few slide decks for reuse and linked to them on our website [2]. These collections need to be extended and, possibly, linked to the speaker application. Website ------- ComDev website is slowly growing to include very high level information about how ASF communities work. Rather than duplicating content held elsewhere on the a.o site we are seeking to provide a minimum fuss entry point leading towards the appropriate detail heavy documents. The arrival of OpenOffice prompted the production of a fair amount of appropriate materials to help combat some of the initial confusion over what an ASF project looks like. Mentoring --------- Mentoring activity (other than GSoC) is almost non-existent, at least as coordinated through ComDev. The EU project which was supposed to be sending people our way is currently evaluating why students did not come to us (report due before next board report). Objectives for next period -------------------------- Raise awareness of Speaker and Event support materials [1] http://community.apache.org/calendars/conferences.html [2] http://community.apache.org/speakers/slides.html
No report was received this month. AI Ross: report next month.
No report was submitted and will be requested for next month.
Project Status -------------- No issues require board attention at this time. Community --------- Google Summer of Code is underway and once again we have plenty of eager students and mentors. Even more refreshing is that we have a completely new team of admins to spread the load around. We are still not doing a good job of foundation level PR around our mentoring opportunities. Other mentoring activities are slow, with 5 interested parties approaching us over the last quarter. The third pilot of the OpenSE project which keeps promising to bring waves of students to us is now underway, but no signs of significant activity yet. Use of apache-extras.org is increasing (100 projects at time of writing). We are noticing a number of projects suggesting it as a home for extension projects that cannot use the Apache licence as a result of dependencies. There is some work underway to formally document Apaches expectations that projects will be run independently of company affiliation. Objectives for next period -------------------------- Complete GSoC and make an appropriate press release upon completion. Improve documentation about independence of Apache projects
The Community Development is progressing well, although a little more slowly than some would have hoped. No issues require board attention at this time. Community Google Summer of Code 2011 is in preparation stages. For the first time we have more admin volunteers than we need - which is great. The EU project (OpenSE) that planned to bring students to our mentoring programme is about to commence its second pilot run. In the first run we had a number of interested enquiries but nobody actually started work as a mentee. On the one hand this is a dissapointment, on the other it is good to know that our ASF volunteers are not wasting time on the initial phases of engaging mentees that, ultimately, bring nothing to the project. The OpenSE team believes the main barrier is the high expectations we have of students - we make it clear that they must be self-motivated and results oriented. This coupled with the reputaton of the ASF appears to be intimidating potential mentees. In the next pilot the learning assistants are focussing on the career advantages experience with ASF projects can bring and are introducing a "community game" which will introduce students to the idea of engaging in public. Apache-extras.org was launched. As agreed the committee is hands off on the management of this site. There are currently 89 projects listed. Objectives for next period * Coordinate Google Summer of Code * Analyse use of apache-extras.org
Status report for the Apache Community Development Project Project Status -------------- The Community Development is progressing well, although a little more slowly than some would have hoped. The planned mentoring project has still not been formally launched. Largely due to the loss of the labels module in JIRA which was previously used by projects to indicate issues appropriate for mentoring. An alternative will be put into place very soon. Work on a project to provide hosting for Apache related software projects is progressing. Legal documents have all been signed, draft usage guidelines and a FAQ are available and PMCs have been contacted to reserve project names. We have taken ownership of party@ mailing list (no changes in usage are proposed). Google Summer of Code completed - thanks to all involved. It is noticeable that once again we have failed to generate any press (we never produced a press release for press@). We applied for the Google Code-In (Google's contest to introduce pre-university students to the many kinds of contributions that make open source software development possible) but were, unfortunately, unsuccessful. Ross Gardler has spoken at a reasonably large number of events around Europe addressing two key themes - The Apache Way and Innovation at the ASF. No issues require board attention at this time. Community --------- An increasing number of volunteers are becoming engaged with Community Development PMC and contact from external participants is increasing (although still low). Objectives for next period -------------------------- - Gain support from at least 5 PMCs for the mentoring programme - Formally launch mentoring programme - Launch hosting facilities for Apache related projects
Project Status -------------- The Community Development Project is starting to ramp up again after the Google Summer of Code efforts. We have merged the women@a.o list into the dev@community.a.o and are commencing work on rolling out the mentoring program. No issues require board attention at this time. Community --------- The women@a.o mailing list has been closed and an autoresponder inviting people to post to dev@community.a.o has been set up. The vote to merge the women@a.o list was passed unanimously. One, previously unknown, community member voted -1 (non-binding). However, the owners of the women@.a.o list reassured the ComDev PMC that the list had been largely unsuccessful in meeting the defined objectives and welcomed the opportunity to work with the ComDev PMC in ensuring that the successes of women in the ASF are duly recognised. The local mentors program and local speakers program both continue to grow. We now have 53 local mentors, and 27 local speakers. If discussions on them on foundation-wide lists is anything to go by, they continue to be of use! Interest is growing in the mentoring programme with a number of enquiries to the development list. Ross Gardler reports that there will be between 10 and 40 students approaching the ASF for mentoring as part of their formal education in September. The draft process is already [defined|http://community.apache.org/mentoringprogramme.html] and will be refined during August in consultation with interested PMCs. There was one appeal from a GSoC student that failed in the mid-term evaluation. This was examined by both Google and the ASF admins. It was felt the mentors decision was fair and that our selection process was not at fault. A minor tweak relating to the communication of our expectations to the students has been implemented. Full details can be reviewed at http://markmail.org/thread/dsn6v2dagrm5nv7q Objectives for next period -------------------------- * Gain support from at least 5 PMCs for the mentoring programme * Launch the mentoring programme in September (no press at this stage)
Approved by general consent.
No issues require board attention at this time. Apologies for not submitting last month. Website ------- Documentation about mentoring has been moved from the wiki to the comdev website A beta site for finding local mentors and speakers has been set up at http://community.zones.apache.org/ This is reasonably well populated via members@ and we expect to start pushing it to the wider community@ soon. Google Summer of Code --------------------- 44 Students accepted, this will generate income of $22,000 For the first time there were no major complaints about the selection process. Student work is underway. Mentoring Programme ------------------- We had planned to roll out the mentoring programme after the GSoC selection process. However, this has not yet happened. Documentation is in place and a pilot is being run with a single student. However, we have not yet rolled it out across the ASF. A lack of volunteer time is the real block here, this is expected to be resolved in coming months (a day job project for one of the ComDev team relating to this activity commences in July) The Apache Way -------------- Prompted by various discussions on members@ we started a community dev blog (http://blogs.apache.org/comdev/) This will be used to post useful pointers to existing resources and expertise. We are considering which activities discussed in the members@ threads can and should be implemented by comdev
Some discussion on the lack of participation in GSoC this go around. No board actionable item resulted.
Jim to pursue a report for Community Development
The community development project aims to help newcomers to The Apache Software Foundation take their first steps on their way to being a part of our community. Issues for board attention -------------------------- GSoC invoicing process The ComDev PMC would like the board to evaluate the process for making claims for GSoC payments from Google. For the board's convenience, the process is currently: a) GSoC admin informs Google of total amount owing b) Google issue a PO c) GSoC admin liaises with ASF treasurer d) ASF issues an Invoice e) Google pays invoice At present the processes seems to get stuck at c). The GSoC admin is unaware of the issuing of an invoice for 2009 and we suspect other years may have been missed as well. This not only impacts ASF income but increases our costs since travel to the mentor summit is reimbursed through the same invoice. Main items to report -------------------- - addition of Isabel Drost, Nick Birch, Noel J. Bergman and Kathey Marsden to the Community Development PMC - documentation of proposed mentoring programme [1] - commencement of our first mentored participant [2] - two press interviews in response to word of mouth discovery of the project - GSoC has been officially announced and will be run this year with Noirin Shirley as admin, Ross Gardler and Luciano Resende as co-admins - creation of a "people near you" webapp populated with people available for presenting or meeting those interested in the ASF - this is not yet public as we are awaiting the creation of a zone on which to host it Main items for next period -------------------------- - Move documentation of GSoC from wiki.apache.org to community.apache.org - Launch of the "people near you" webapp - Launch of the ASF GSoC engagement - Preparation for the official launch of the ASF mentoring programme (which will occur after GSoC has commenced) [1] http://community.apache.org/mentoringprogramme.html [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COMDEV-11
Todo: Geir to invoice Google for GSOC
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with coordinating community development efforts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Community Development Project", be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Apache Community Development Project be and hereby is responsible for helping people become involved with Apache projects; and be it further RESOLVED, that the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development Project, be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Community Development PMC, and to have primary responsibility for management of the projects within the scope of the Apache Community Development project; and be it further RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Community Development Project PMC: * Ross Gardler <rgardler@apache.org> * Luciano Resende <lresende@apache.org> * Santiago Gala <sgala@apache.org> * Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacretaz@apache.org> * Ted Dunning <tdunning@apache.org> * Noirin Shirley <noirin@apache.org> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ross Gardler be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Community Development Project, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Community Development PMC be and hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open participation in the Apache Community Development Project. Special order 3A, establish the Apache Community Development Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present. Furthermore, the board requested that this PMC take over the stewardship of the community@ and women@ mailing lists.