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This was extracted (@ 2025-01-15 21:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


21 Aug 2019

Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

### Three most important unfinished issues to address before graduating:

 1. Re-creating a working community
 2. Re-populating the PPMC
 3. Replenishing the group of mentors

### Are there any issues that the IPMC or ASF Board need to be aware of?

 For the past months, there has been very few activity in the project
 There have been a hand full of Emails from external peoples in the
 last 3 months but the activity in the project has been solely by me

 Julian started an Approach for „Edgent Next“. This is a suggestion to
 re-activate activities in the edgent community and integrate it as a
 middle layer between several other IoT or Edge relared Projects.

 This was also announced on the new<>
 Mailing list but on both lists no feedbackl was responded yet.

 The main problem we have is that the only active people in the project
 came in Late and are not that firm with the codebase. Currently, we
 have a codebase for which we have a detailed understanding of the build,
 but almost none of the code itself. Furthermore, there has been a lot of
 activity in other projects and generally edge processing has developed
 further in the recent years.

 Thus, there is some discussion going on about the core or the aim of the
 project to keep its significance and uniqueness.

### How has the community developed since the last report?

 * Total, we have 82 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase of 5
 since the last report.
 * There have been four questions asked by users and little discussions
 about these issues on the list
 * On April, 4th, Julian Feinauer has Talked about Edgent on the building
 iot 2019
 * On July 16th Julian Feinauer started a discussion About „Edgent Next“
 on the edgent and iot Mailing lists

### How has the project developed since the last report?

 According to JIRA, 0 new issue were added and none were resolved in the
 last 90 days

### How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 After the withdrawal of most of the active committers and PPCM members
 currently a new committer, PPMC and mentor-base has to be built.
 Currently we try to re-gain the focus of edgent to
 Start to rebuild the community and resume development.

 - [ ] Initial setup
 - [ ] Working towards first release
 - [X] Community building
 - [ ] Nearing graduation
 - [ ] Other:

### Date of last release:

 2017-12-14  Apache Edgent 1.2.0

### When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 * In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer and PPMC
 * In November 2018, we added Julian Feinauer as a new committer and PPMC

### Have your mentors been helpful and responsive?

 I just double checked, but it seems our mentors are not existent
 there had been one or two issues where feedback was explicitly
 asked for, but both the PPMC as well as all mentors remained silent.
 Except Justin mentioning the absence of mentors. Christofer Dutz
 joined as new Mentor and is active in the project.

### Signed-off-by:

 - [x] (edgent) Luciano Resende
 - [X] (edgent) Justin Mclean
 - [X] (edgent) Christofer Dutz

### IPMC/Shepherd notes:

15 May 2019

Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Re-creating a working community
 2. Re-populating the PPMC
 3. Replenishing the group of mentors

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 For the past months, there has been very few activity in the project
 There have been a hand full of Emails from external peoples in the
 last 3 months but the activity in the project has been solely by me
 (Julian) and Christofer Dutz writing emails without getting any form
 of response from the rest of the committers, PPMCs or mentors

 Julian held a Talk on the conference buildingiot 2019 with very positive
 response and we have an Edgent Meetup on May, 6. Where we hope to see
 some new faces.

 The main problem we have is that the only active people in the project
 came in Late and are not that firm with the codebase. Currently, we
 have a codebase for which we have a detailed understanding of the build,
 but almost none of the code itself. Furthermore, there has been a lot of
 activity in other projects and generally edge processing has developed
 further in the recent years.
 Thus, there is some discussion going on about the core or the aim of the
 project to keep its significance and uniqueness.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 * Total, we have 82 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase of 5
 since the last report.
 * There has been one questions asked by users and little
 discussions about these issues on the list
 * On April, 4th, Julian Feinauer has Talked about Edgent on the building
 iot 2019
 * On May, 6th, a Edgent Meetup is planned in Frankfurt

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * According to JIRA, 0 new issue were added and none were resolved in
 the last 90 days

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 After the withdrawal of most of the active committers and PPCM members
 currently a new committer, PPMC and mentor-base has to be built.
 Currently we try to re-gain the focus of edgent to
 Start to rebuild the community and resume development.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [X] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

 2017-12-14 Apache Edgent 1.2.0

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
 and PPMC member.
 In November 2018, we added Julian Feinauer as a new committer
 and PPMC member.

Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling
through the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues
that need to be addressed.

 I just double checked, but it seems our mentors are not existent
 there had been one or two issues where feedback was explicitly
 asked for, but both the PPMC as well as all mentors remained silent.
 Except Justin mentioning the absence of mentors. Christofer Dutz
 joined as new Mentor and is active in the project.


 [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean
 [X](edgent) Christofer Dutz

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

20 Feb 2019

  Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
  that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
  local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
  from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
  all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
  conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
  efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
  center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1.  Re-creating a working community
  2.  Re-populating the PPMC
  3.  Replenishing the group of mentors

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  For the past months, there has been very few activity in the project
  There have been a hand full of Emails from external peoples in the
  last 3 months but the activity in the project has been solely by me
  (Julian) and Christofer Dutz writing emails without getting any form
  of response from the rest of the committers, PPMCs or mentors

  The main problem we have is that the only active people in the project
  came in Late and are not that firm with the codebase. Currently, we
  have a codebase for which we have a detailed understanding of the build,
  but almost none of the code itself. Furthermore, there has been a lot of
  activity in other projects and generally edge processing has developed
  further in the recent years.
  Thus, there is some discussion going on about the core or the aim of the
  project to keep its significance and uniqueness.

How has the community developed since the last report?

  *   Total, we have 82 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase of 5
      since the last report.
  *   There has been one questions asked by users and little
      discussions about these issues on the list
  *   Julian Feinauer has joined the PPMC on 2018-11-29
  *   On April, 4th, Julian Feinauer will Talk about Edgent on the building
      iot 2019

How has the project developed since the last report?

  *   According to JIRA, 0 new issue were added and none were resolved in
      the last 90 days
  *   The repositories were migrated to gitbox
  *   2 commits were made in the last 90 days.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

  After the withdrawal of most of the active committers and PPCM members
  currently a new committer, PPMC and mentor-base has to be built.
  Currently we try to re-gain the focus of edgent to
  Start to rebuild the community and resume development.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

  2017-12-14  Apache Edgent 1.2.0

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

  In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
  and PPMC member.
  In November 2018, we added Julian Feinauer as a new committer
  and PPMC member.

Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling
through the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues
that need to be addressed.

  I just double checked, but it seems our mentors are not existent
  there had been one or two issues where feedback was explicitly
  asked for, but both the PPMC as well as all mentors remained silent.
  Except Justin mentioning the absence of mentors. Christofer Dutz
  joined as new Mentor and is active in the project.


 [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean
 [x](edgent) Christofer Dutz

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

21 Nov 2018

 Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
 that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
 local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
 from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
 all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
 conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
 efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
 center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1.  Re-creating a working community
 2.  Re-populating the PPMC
 3.  Replenishing the group of mentors

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 For the past months, there has been absolutely no activity in the project
 Even if there has been an occasional Email from an external entity in the
 last 3 months, the activity in the project has been solely me (Christofer)
 writing emails without getting any form of response from the rest of the
 committers, PPMCs or mentors

 The main problem here is, that when being voted into the project, I had
 been working on the build, but before I was able to start digging in the
 code the rest of the team disappeared without me having had the chance to
 do a reasonably significant amount of know-how transfer. Currently, we
 have a codebase for which we have a detailed understanding of the build,
 but almost none of the code itself.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 *   Total, we have 82 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase of 5
     since the last report.
 *   There have been two questions asked by users and two little
     discussions about these issues on the list
 *   Discussions started on the private list have been left unresponded
 *   On 19th September 2018 Christofer had a talk about Apache Edgent on
     the Solutions.Hamburg TechCamp

How has the project developed since the last report?

 *   According to JIRA, 0 new issue were added and none were resolved in
     the last 90 days
 *   0 commits were made in the last 90 days.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 After the withdrawal of most of the active committers and PPCM members
 currently a new committer, PPMC and mentor-base has to be built. Being
 working hard on the PLC4X podling, I am currently evaluating if I am
 going to be willing and able to achieve this goal.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [X] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

 2017-12-14  Apache Edgent 1.2.0

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
 and PPMC member.

Have your mentors been helpful and responsive or are things falling
through the cracks? In the latter case, please list any open issues
that need to be addressed.

 I just double checked, but it seems our mentors are not existent
 there had been one or two issues where feedback was explicitly
 asked for, but both the PPMC as well as all mentors remained silent.
 Except Justin mentioning the absence of mentors.


 [x](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean

IPMC/Shepherd notes:
     Dave Fisher: If the project is to be rebooted then the PPMC needs to
         be grown.
         I think you might find at least one candidate from dev@ activity.
         Also I noticed a JIRA - EDGENT-450 about creating an Edge
         Connector for Apache Pulsar.
         I've sent a note to dev@pulsar suggesting they join at dev@edgent
         to help.

15 Aug 2018

Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project.
 2. Attracting at least another independent committer/ppmc member.
 3. Finding further real world users of Edgent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 Community participation, implying interest in Edgent, continues
 to be an issue.  One of the two active committer/PPMC members has
 retired at the end of February and the level of their continuing
 participation is has been significantly reduced since then. When a
 security problem had been brought up on the private list, not a single
 response from a second PPMC had been received.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 * An article on Apache PLC4X has been published in the German iX magazine.
    This article co-featured Apache Edgent
 * The previous JavaSPEKTRUM article was published on the codecentric blog
    and is now free to read for all.

 * Total, we have 77 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase
   of 1 since the last report.
 * It was almost silent on the mailing lists until two new names popped up
    asking question about a week ago.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * Even if no vulnerabilities were found in Edgent, we updated some of our
    Dependencies no longer depend on third party artifacts that might
 * According to JIRA, 1 new issue was added and none were resolved
   in the last 90 days
 * 2 commits were made in the last 90 days.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 After withdrawal of most of the active committers and PPCM members
 a new committer and PPMC base has to be built. We are still very hopeful
 we will be able to accomplish this task.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [X] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

 2017-12-14  Apache Edgent 1.2.0

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
 and PPMC member.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean
 [ ](edgent) John D. Ament

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

16 May 2018

Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project.
 2. Attracting at least another independent committer/ppmc member.
 3. Finding further real world users of Edgent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 Community participation, implying interest in Edgent, continues
 to be an issue.  One of the two active committer/PPMC members has
 retired at the end of February and the level of their continuing
 participation is has been significantly reduced since then. The second
 active committer was also very consumed with finishing his house-
 building, which is now finished. So we are hoping to see increased
 activity again.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 * An article on Apache Edgent has been published as cover-story in the
   German JavaSPEKTRUM magazine in March
 * At the Techcamp.Hamburg in April we had one well attended talk about
    Apache Edgent
 * Total, we have 76 subscribers to our mailing list, an increase
   of 4 since the last report.
 * We have seen a new name on the list, which seems to be interested in
   contributing. Especially in the Kafka area. We are hoping to see more
   activity in the near future.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * We have updated the Kafka module to the latest Kafka version
 * According to JIRA, 2 new issues were added and none were resolved
   in the last 90 days
 * 12 commits were made in the last 90 days.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

  [ ] Initial setup
  [ ] Working towards first release
  [X] Community building
  [ ] Nearing graduation
  [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

 2017-12-14  Apache Edgent 1.2.0

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
 and PPMC member.


  [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
  [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
  [X](edgent) Justin Mclean

21 Feb 2018

Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project.
 2. Attracting at least another independent committer/ppmc member.
 3. Finding further real world users of Edgent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 Community growth and participation continues to be an issue. One of the
 two active committer/PPMC members is retiring at the end of February
 and the level of their continuing participation is unclear.
 But synergy with Apache PLC4X is encouraging.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 * Apache PLC4X is very interested in and promoting Apache Edgent as
   part of their overall story.  An initial Edgent connector was created
   and contributed to PLC4X.  Christofer Dutz demonstrated Edgent
   working together with PLC4X at the IoT Hessen Meetup at end of
   December and at Nortec Hamburg (Industrial fair).
 * subscribers to our mailing list are steady

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * Apache Edgent 1.2.0 was released.  The release is the culmination
   of the conversion to Maven and includes a number of enhancements and
   bug fixes. Binaries are now available from Nexus and Maven Central
   to make it easier to use Edgent.
 * Edgent Samples are now available via the new GitHub repository
 * JIRA and commits show continued activity on the project.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 Edgent is making slow but consistent progress towards graduation. While we
 don't yet meet the diversity requirements, we put emphasis on community
 growth through outreach which will ultimately pave the way for additional
 committers and contributors.

 Additionally, before we graduate it is important that we find users
 outside of IBM. As most Edgent committers are employed by IBM, external
 stakeholders help ensure long term contribution to the project.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [X] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:

 2017-12-14  Apache Edgent 1.2.0

When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
 and PPMC member.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean
 [X](edgent) John D. Ament

15 Nov 2017

Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project.
 2. Attracting at least another independent committer/ppmc member.
 3. Finding further real world users of Edgent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 While two contributors are still quite active working on
 the conversion to maven and towards getting out the next release,
 there has been very little other community or dev list activity.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 * Will Marshall had a meetup in San Francisco on the 20th of September
   to demonstrate an Edgent video analytics application which was
   initially presented at ApacheCon 2017 (Video Analytics at the Edge:
   Fun with Apache Edgent, OpenCV and a Raspberry Pi).
 * Christofer Dutz gave a presentation at Solutions Hamburg that
   included Apache Edgent.
 * There was one new non-committer enhancement/PR merged.
 * There was one JIRA from a new individual: asked & answered.
 * Total, we have 73 subscribers to our mailing list, an improvement
   of 3 since the last report.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * Two contributors/committers have been very active overhauling the
   Edgent build system to Maven from Gradle on the features/maven
   branch. We are very close to merging and working on a release.
   Maven provides benefits over Gradle, including a more rigid build
   structure, the Maven package system, and ASF release process integration.
   The work includes a variety of other cleanup / usability items,
   such as how we distribute Edgent samples and how users build them.
 * According to JIRA, 6 new issues were added to the project and
   2 issues have been resolved or closed between August 2017 and October 2017.
   11 issues are in progress as part of PR-309 (the maven work).

How would you assess the podling's maturity?

 Edgent is making slow but consistent progress towards graduation. While we
 don't yet meet the diversity requirements, we put emphasis on community
 growth through outreach which will ultimately pave the way for additional
 committers and contributors.

 Additionally, before we graduate it is important that we find users
 outside of IBM. As most Edgent committers are employed by IBM, external
 stakeholders help ensure long term contribution to the project.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [X] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In August 2017, we added Christofer Dutz as a new committer
 and PPMC member.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [ ](edgent) Justin Mclean
 [X](edgent) John D. Ament
    Comments:  The podling is still growing.  I don't believe things have changed
    since I joined as mentor a few months ago.  To be able to graduate, they need
    to have a truly viable community with actual features coming in.

IPMC/Shepherd notes:
Development and the number of developers working on the project have fallen off. Dave Fisher.

16 Aug 2017

Apache Edgent is a programming SDK and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project.
 2. Attracting at least another independent committer/ppmc member.
 3. Finding further real world users of Edgent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

   * Total, we have 70 subscribers to our mailing list, an improvement
       of 5 since the last report.
       * We have had a noticeable increase in the number of information-seeking
       emails on the mailing list from new Edgent developers.
       * A San Francisco meetup has been scheduled for the 20th of September
   to demonstrate an Edgent video analytics application which was
       initially presented at ApacheCon 2017 (Video Analytics at the Edge:
       Fun with Apache Edgent, OpenCV and a Raspberry Pi).
       * In addition to Chris Dutz, we have had one non-committer PR merged.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * With the contributions of Christoper Dutz and Dale LaBossiere, the
       Edgent build system is undergoing an overhaul to Maven from Gradle.
       Maven provides benefits over Gradle, including a more rigid build
       structure, and the Maven package system.
 * According to JIRA, 13 new issues were added to the project and 6
   issues have been resolved or closed between May 2017 and August 2017.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Edgent is making slow but consistent progress towards graduation. While we
don't yet meet the diversity requirements, we put emphasis on community
growth through outreach which will ultimately pave the way for additional
committers and contributors.

Additionally, before we graduate it is important that we find users
outside of IBM. As most Edgent committers are employed by IBM, external
stakeholders help ensure long term contribution to the project.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [X] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In May 2016, we added two new committers and PPMC members,
 Kathy Saunders and Queenie Ma.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [x](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [x](edgent) John Ament
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean

17 May 2017

Apache Edgent is a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime
that can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming
from equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of
all kinds (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in
conjunction with centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides
efficient and timely analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the
center to the edge.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project.
 2. Checking of all items in the project's Maturity Model
 3. Although not required to graduate, it might be good to attract at
    least another independent committer/ppmc member.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 * Three speakers will present their experience with Edgent at the
   ApacheCon North America in May 2017:

   * Video Analytics at the Edge: Fun with Apache Edgent, OpenCV and a
     Raspberry Pi - Dale LaBossiere and William Marshall, ppmc members and
     committers for Edgent.

   * Having fun with Raspberry(s) and Apache Projects - Jean-Frederic Clere.

 * Since the last report, 2 individuals have subscribed to the Apache
   Edgent dev mailing list.  There were 65 subscribers as of the end of
   April 2017.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * Release 1.1.0 of Edgent as part of the Apache incubator was created on
   17 March 2017. This represented 26 bug fixes and improvements,
   including more usage examples, application autoSubmit capability to
   IotProvider, support for publishing WIoTP device events using HTTP,
   and many others.
 * According to JIRA, 33 new issues were added to the project and 81
   issues have been resolved or closed between February 2017 and April 2017.

How would you assess the podling's maturity?
Please feel free to add your own commentary.

 [ ] Initial setup
 [ ] Working towards first release
 [X] Community building
 [ ] Nearing graduation
 [ ] Other:

Date of last release:


When were the last committers or PPMC members elected?

 In May 2016, we added two new committers and PPMC members,
 Kathy Saunders and Queenie Ma.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [x](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [ X ](edgent) Katherine Marsden
    Comments:  Great product. Great Apache way attitude. Everything in place,
    but just need to focus community growth and diversity.  I am hoping the
    Apachecon presentations will help bring this great product and project on
    the radar.
 [ ](edgent) Justin Mclean

IPMC/Shepherd notes:

27 Feb 2017

Edgent is a stream processing programming model and lightweight runtime to
execute analytics at devices on the edge or at the gateway.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project
 2. Checking of all items in the project's Maturity Model
 3. Create a second release of Apache Edgent with additional features and

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 * A well attended meetup in San Francisco, CA about Apache Edgent was held
   on January 18th. It covered introductory concepts of datastreaming, the
   positioning of Edgent in the datastreaming universe, and examples and
   use cases of Edgent. The meetup was attended by roughly 40 developers.
   "Apache Edgent: Datastreaming and Analytics for IoT Devices "
 * There has been at least one question both asked and answered on
   Stackoverflow by a non-committer non-PPMC member of the community.
 * Since the last report, at least 5 individuals have subscribed to the
   Apache Edgent dev mailing list.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * The first release of Edgent as part of the Apache incubator was created
   on 2016-12-15. This represents a large amount of work, including
   numerous improvements to connectors, the console, and a complete
   overhaul of the build system to use Gradle.
 * According to JIRA, the project has added the following:
   * November 2016: 6 new issues; 18 issues resolved.
   * December: 18 new issues; 29 issues resolved.
   * January: 15 new issues; 12 issues resolved

Date of last release:

 * The most recent release of Apache Edgent was 2016-12-15.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 * In May 2016, we added two new committers and PPMC members, Kathy
   Saunders and Queenie Ma.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Katherine Marsden
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean

Shepherd/Mentor notes:

 Katherine Marsden:

   Checking of the Maturity model is not yet complete and is just being
   used as an aid to help assess our progress.  Hopefully now that we have
   a release and with the meetup we will have more people get interested
   and involved. The active development community, while still small seems
   to be communicating well on the list and it was great to see the

 Justin Mclean:

   Great work on the release, project progressing along well.

16 Nov 2016

Edgent is a stream processing programming model and lightweight runtime to
execute analytics at devices on the edge or at the gateway.

Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around the Edgent project
 2. Create the first Apache release of Edgent
 3. Document a repeatable release process.

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 * A well attended meetup in Plano, TX about Apache Edgent was held on
   September 9th "Sensor Data Analytics Acceleration with Apache Edgent"
 * A presentation about Apache Edgent was presented on October 21st @ Open
   Source India 2016. Approximately 400 attendees were present.
 * A presentation about Apache Edgent, Streaming Analytics and Weather
   Company Data was presented at World of Watson in Las Vegas on October
 * A demo about Apache Edgent was presented at World of Watson in Las Vegas
   on October 24th.  "IoT Device Events to Streaming Analytics in 15 Minutes
   with Bluemix"
 * For the months of September and October four new community members either
   subscribed to the edgent-dev mailing list, or opened JIRAs.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * A new build system was created using Gradle. The initial contribution for
   this work came from two community contributors.  The follow up work was
   done by committers.

 According to JIRA, the project has added the following:

 * September: 11 new issues; 15 issues resolved.
 * October: 46 new issues; 23 issues resolved.
 * October activity was almost exclusively due to readying for the first
   Edgent release.

Date of last release:

 * We have not created an Apache release, but are working on one to be ready
   soon. During the September and October time period we made build changes
   and handled licensing work and are poised to create our first release.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 * In May, we added two new committers and PPMC members, Kathy Saunders and
 * Queenie Ma.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [x](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Katherine Marsden
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean

21 Sep 2016

 Apache Edgent is a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime that
 can be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling
 local, real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming from
 equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of all kinds
 (for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in conjunction with
 centralized analytic systems, Apache Edgent provides efficient and timely
 analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the center to the edge.

 Edgent has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around Edgent project
 2. Set up new build system, allowing us to remove code dependencies from
    our repository
 3. Create the first Apache release of Edgent

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?


How has the community developed since the last report?

 Significant progress has been made on a new build system, using  Gradle.
 One of the goals is to remove third party code, so we can work toward a

 The community has been active and participating in voting.  Heavy commit
 activity, but light Jira activity, recently as the name change was
 implemented in the code, documentation and web site.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 According to JIRA, the project has added the following:

 * June: 29 new issues; 22 issues resolved.
 * July: 20 new issues; 15 issues resolved.
 * August: 7 new issues; 7 issues resolved.

 August activity was largely build and renaming activities, tracked under a
 few Jira issues.

 The name for the project was changed from Apache Quarks to Apache Edgent.
 The new name went through a suitable name search and was approved.  The
 infrastructure, code and documentation changes have been completed.

 A logo was voted on and chosen, and a wiki was set up for the Edgent

Date of last release:

 We have not created an Apache release as of yet.  We need to complete build
 changes and licensing work to create a release.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 In May, we added two new committers and PPMC members, Kathy Saunders and
 Queenie Ma.


 [ ](edgent) Daniel Debrunner
 [ ](edgent) Luciano Resende
 [X](edgent) Katherine Marsden
 [X](edgent) Justin Mclean

15 Jun 2016

Apache Quarks is a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime that can
be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling local,
real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming from
equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of all kinds
(for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in conjunction with
centralized analytic systems, Apache Quarks provides efficient and timely
analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the center to the edge.

Quarks has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around Quarks project
 2. Create the first Apache release of Quarks
 3. Complete the product name search and select a suitable name

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 Due to trademark concerns with "Quarks", the Quarks PPMC voted to change
 the project's name. A renaming discussion and public vote was held on the
 dev mailing list. The voting results are being discussed privately by the

How has the community developed since the last report?

 We have added two new committers and PPMC members, Kathy Saunders and
 Queenie Ma. Kathy has taken the lead on the name search process for
 Quarks, and her positive attitude and helpfulness are an incredible asset
 for the Quarks community. Queenie has contributed content to the website
 and is a frequent participant in community discussions. The Quarks
 community is still small, as Quarks has just recently incubated, therefore
 we aim to continue growing our list in the near future.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * According to JIRA, the project has added 27 new issues in May, and 22
   issues have been resolved.
 * On May 12, several Quarks contributors hosted an "Apache Quarks on
   Raspberry Pi" webcast where they showed how to use Quarks to work with
   real sensor data on a Raspberry Pi, and demonstrated a smart sprinkler
   application using Quarks.

Date of last release:

 Quarks is still new, so we haven't created an Apache release as of yet.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 In May, we added two new committers and PPMC members, Kathy Saunders and
 Queenie Ma.


 [ ](quarks) Daniel Debrunner
 [x](quarks) Luciano Resende
 [X](quarks) Katherine Marsden
 [X](quarks) Justin Mclean

18 May 2016

Apache Quarks is a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime that can
be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling local,
real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming from equipment,
vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of all kinds
(for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in conjunction with
centralized analytic systems, Apache Quarks provides efficient and timely
analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the center to the edge.

Quarks has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around Quarks project
 2. Create the first Apache release of Quarks
 3. Complete migration of website to host all content at Apache (javadoc is
    still on Github).

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware

 Nothing jumps to mind.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 We have added a new committer and PPMC member, Cazen Lee.  Cazen started
 making valuable contributions almost immediately when Quarks went into
 incubation. The Quarks community is still small, as Quarks has just
 recently incubated, therefore we aim to continue growing our list in the
 near future.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * According to JIRA, the project has added 59 new issues in April, and 34
   issues have been resolved.
 * On April 13th, the committers hosted an "Introduction to Quarks" webcast
   where they presented a high-level overview of the project and demonstrated
   how to write, monitor and debug Quarks applications.

Date of last release:

 Quarks is still new, so we haven't created an Apache release as of yet.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 In April we added a new committer and PPMC member, Cazen Lee.


 [ ](quarks) Daniel Debrunner
 [x](quarks) Luciano Resende
 [X](quarks) Katherine Marsden
 [X](quarks) Justin Mclean

20 Apr 2016

Apache Quarks is a programming model and micro-kernel style runtime that can
be embedded in gateways and small footprint edge devices enabling local,
real-time, analytics on the continuous streams of data coming from
equipment, vehicles, systems, appliances, devices and sensors of all kinds
(for example, Raspberry Pis or smart phones). Working in conjunction with
centralized analytic systems, Apache Quarks provides efficient and timely
analytics across the whole IoT ecosystem: from the center to the edge.

Quarks has been incubating since 2016-02-29.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

 1. Create and expand a diverse community of contributors and committers
    around Quarks project
 2. Create the first Apache release of Quarks
 3. Complete migration of website to host all content at Apache (javadoc is
    still on Github).

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

 Nothing jumps to mind.

How has the community developed since the last report?

 The Quarks community is keeping dev-related conversations on the mailing
 list. Because of this, it's allowed for the participation of independent
 contributors in mailing list discussions. Although our list of independent
 contributors is small, Quarks is still very new as an Apache project and
 we aim to actively grow our list in the near future.

How has the project developed since the last report?

 * The project has successfully migrated from Github-based development to
   using the Apache git repo, Jira, and the mailing lists.

Date of last release:

 Quarks is still new, so we haven't created an Apache release as of yet.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

 No changes from the initial committers.


 [ ](quarks) Daniel Debrunner
 [ ](quarks) Luciano Resende
 [X](quarks) Katherine Marsden
 [X](quarks) Justin Mclean