This was extracted (@ 2025-03-06 15:10) from a list of minutes
which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note
The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the
beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not
normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.
WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).
A report was expected, but not received
No issues to report at this time
* Coordinated with SES (ATO’s exhibition service) re all logistics for the show, including negotiating a deep discount to compensate for our box of swag they misplaced (it was leftover inventory). * Special thanks to Sam, Sam’s wife, and everyone who helped setup/breakdown and staff the booth!
* All logistics completed for the booth at ATO * Still looking for volunteers to assist in the setup and tear down of the booth, as well as staffing the booth. Contact me if you’re interested in helping.
* Working with JimJag re shipping of swag to All Things Open * Coordinated w/Sally and Sharan re booth equipment (banners and table cloth) for European events.
* Working with Regina (Frenkel & Co.), Tom, and Kevin regarding D&O insurance renewal. * Working with JimJag re shipping of swag to All Things Open * No issues at this time
No issues to report at this time.
*Monitoring of all email and following up with appropriate personnel when needed *Handled booth logistics for ACNA’17, ordered banners (as per Sally’s request), shipped the existing inventory of swag for giveaways *Set up and tore down booth – shipped banners and some swag back to my house – Sharan took the majority to have on-hand for the Europe events. *Staffed the booth at ACNA’17 – attendance was great, as always! We had lots of traffic stopping by every day! *Attended the ApacheCon Planner’s Meeting at ACNA’17
A report was expected, but not received
EA Report: Monitoring of all email and following up with appropriate personnel when needed Handling booth logistics and collaborating with Sally on the banner orders and placing the orders Collaborated with all re the “past-due invoice” from CSC, which was for the processing of the annual report. Fundraising * Hope to meet up with the VPs of Fundraising at ACNA’17 to discuss the problems w/in the fundraising system and how I can be of assistance. Trademarks: * Hope to meet up with Shane at ACNA’17 to catch up on Trademarks issues and discuss how I can be of assistance.
Monitoring of all email and following up with appropriate personnel when needed. Gearing up for ACNA’17. Collaborating with Sally and Sharan Foga on swag and booth logistics, etc.
Monitoring of all email and following up with appropriate personnel when needed Gearing up for ACNA’17. Will be working with Sharan Foga on swag and booth logistics, etc. Handled/processed CSC invoice for payment for renewal of Corporate registration
Nothing to report; I've been catching up on emails from my absence.
As usual, this is the slow time of year. I’ve been working with Accounting to obtain the actuals for ACEU (had to wait for the credit card statement to get the currency conversion). All actuals are in, and we came in $4,809.96 under budget (as seen in my VP TAC report). The booth was very busy, as it always is! We had a prime location, and I was able to convince the LF to let us keep the booth up an additional day (ASFers like to use the booth as a common meeting area/mingling spot). Due to the lack of sponsors in the “technology showcase”, the booths were scheduled only for Tuesday and Wednesday – I hope this improves for Miami!? The leftover swag was sent back with Sharan Foga for use at FOSDEM 2017. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy/Healthy New Year to all!!
Interim VP, TAC Report: • Busy month working on the final details and distributing that information to the TACers • Working on a solution for an online schedule so the TACers can pick the sessions they wish to attend/chair. Having it online is more efficient than working off of paper copies, and by doing so, everyone at any given time knows who is the session host of what session. This is important in the event of schedule clashes/missing session host/etc. so that we can get a new host assigned immediately. • Setup a HipChat channel for onsite communication • In addition to the TAC session host responsibilities, the recipients will also be responsible for setting up the digital audio recordings in each room every morning and retrieving them at the end of the day • Preliminary numbers show we are under budget EA Report: Most of the month was spent on TAC ApacheCon: • Recently discovered that the booth is only up for two days – Tuesday and Wednesday • Travel, hotel, and registration completed for the new Infra hires
This report represents the roles of the EA as well as the Interim VP of TAC: • 27 applications submitted; 14 approved, 1 declined assistance due to last minute work obligations • All flights and lodging booked • Request for (out-of-cycle payment) wire transfer for the hotel sent 10.17.2016 • All visa invitation letters and pertinent documents sent • Preliminary numbers show we are under budget • Everything is running very smoothly ApacheCon: • Collaborations continue with Sharan re promotional items for the ASF booth • Sharan and Jean-Frederic Clere will be co-facilitating the BarCamp – I have put them in touch w/the LF to work out the details. Misc: • Assisted VP, Infra with setting up interviews • Sent package to Jim for him and Shane to distribute at “All Things Open”
Acting VP, TAC Report: August 25th Ross appointed me as the Acting VP of TAC. Since then: • Assembled new TAC Team consisting of four new folks; two of which are past TAC recipients (one was an undergrad at the time of receiving the TAC acceptance for ACNA New Orleans). • Timeline/planning doc updated and shared w/TAC team members – everything is currently on schedule • Confirmed the reg fees with LF ($550 pp to attend both events; $100 pp as co-presenter) • Webapp up and applications opened on Aug 22nd; 17 applications submitted and 3 pending • Emails announcing applications open were sent to committers@, members@, pmcs@, dev@community, announce@, and discuss@apachecon. Also sent to Sally for her to buzz it around her networks. • The suggested changes to the application questions will be incorporated into the webapp for ACNA Miami • Budget confirmed w/Ross and Tom • Applications close on Sept 16th; judges call is scheduled for Sunday, the 19th. • Ross asked for a comparison of application numbers (at the one-week prior to closing apps) from ACEU'16 to ACNA'16.... o ACEU'16 one week to close: 10 submitted; 4 pending - APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR 19 DAYS!! o ACNA'16 one week to close: 24 submitted; 3 pending - APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR THREE MONTHS!!! o o ACNA'16 had 7 submitted; 4 pending at the 19 days mark, so we're actually up on numbers ApacheCon: • Collaborating with Sally and Sharan re preparations for the ASF booth at ACEU. • Sharan will facilitate the BarCamp
TAC: Despite repeated emails to VP, TAC over the past month and a half, I am not receiving responses. I spoke w/Ross about this in July; Ross sent an email to Nick on July 14th – no response. Meanwhile: • I created a DRAFT timeline for ACEU16 and sent to the TAC team (~July 14th) to review/edit/modify/etc. – no response. • TAC has received a few emails advising of tac applications submitted (they’re not full applications – just a name and answer to the first question). Again, despite several emails to Nick inquiring about this, I still have not received a response. • TAC was supposed to be reviewing/revising the application questions based on feedback received from past participants and with speaking with folks at ACNA16 and OSCON. – Despite repeated emails re this and if it’s being done, I have heard nothing. • Main page on http://apache.org/travel/ still reflects all the info for ApacheCon Vancouver – despite my emails re this. • There is no obvious info on the website for ACEU 16 (since it still has info for ACNA16)…the only way to get any info on ACEU 16 is to click on the “online application” – from there, it pulls up info for Seville. Which, oddly enough, I see the dates have now changed… “Time is very tight for this event, so applications will open on Aug. 14, 2016 and will end on Sept. 30, 2016 - to give enough time for travel arrangements to be made. Notifications will be sent out by Oct. 5, 2016.” …. Last I knew, the applications were due to open on July 23rd??!! But then again, what do I know since no one has responded to my (repeated) inquiries.?!!? ApacheCon: * Collaborating with Sally and Sharan re preparations for the ASF booth at ACEU. Operations: * Following up on the past-due invoice received for the Directors and Officers insurance (payment already sent – advised CSC of this). Fundraising and Trademarks: *Continuous monitoring of both Misc: *Handled misc requests for Apache stickers
TAC: * Post-conference surveys were sent to the TACers. The responses have been slow, therefore, a reminder has been sent. We plan on including these stories on the website. * Waiting on the TAC to confirm essential dates in order to create a timeline for ACEU16 * TAC reviewing/revising the application questions based on feedback received from past participants and with speaking with folks at ACNA16 and OSCON. ApacheCon: *Assisting Rich with sending emails to the user@ and dev@ project lists to “spread the word” re CFP open Operations: * Handled the renewal for the Directors and Officers insurance; advised relevant parties that the executed renewal documents and invoice will be sent upon receipt * Handled the renewal of the Delaware Corporate Tax Filing; sent paperwork to all for filing in svn and paying invoices Fundraising and Trademarks: * Continuous monitoring of both Misc: *Handle misc requests for Apache stickers and other swag
TAC: * Post-conference surveys were sent to the TACers. Some of the stories will be included on the website. * Final expenses will be provided by Nick when finalized. In the process of reconciling with the Linux Foundation (they owe the ASF for reimbursement on the speakers they agreed to fund, but we paid for upfront for convenience; and we owe them for the TACers registration fees). Fundraising * Handled the requests for new bronze sponsorship
ApacheCon and TAC: TAC: * 16 applicants attended; (19 initially approved - 1 dropped out and 2 were denied visas - one from Cuba, one from India) * Final cost will be provided by Nick ApacheCon (Booth Duties): * Due to father’s medical condition, I was unable to attend ACNA’16 * Lined up booth replacements and sent the pertinent information/documents to the replacements * Claim filed for refund of my flight. If, for some bizarre reason it is rejected, the credit can be used on a future flight. Fundraising * Fielded any inquiries that came in during ACNA’16 on Hadrian’s behalf
ApacheCon and TAC: TAC: * After receiving a record-breaking number of applications (48), 19 were accepted (this includes the folks that were accepted after the Board agreed to increase the budget, as well as the LF-funded folks [3]). One applicant dropped out of the LF-funding due to indecision; we’ve advised the LF re this since he is a speaker. * All flights have been secured and sent to the applicants * All rooms have been secured and confirmation numbers sent to the applicants * All visa invitation letters have been sent to the applicants * I continue to field and respond to the applicants’ queries * Hotel invoice and flights reimbursement have been submitted to svn and accounting@ is doing an out-of-cycle payment for this and the flights – thank you, Accounting Team!! ApacheCon: * Made hotel reservations, conference registrations, and in one case, made flight arrangements for the Infra folks * Collaborating with the LF personnel re booth logistics, shipping logistics, etc. * Order placed for the giveaways Fundraising: * Hope to meet up with the VPs of Fundraising at ACNA’16 to discuss the problems w/in the fundraising system Trademarks: * Due to my time commitment to TAC, Trademarks have fallen behind on my end, but luckily, Shane has been staying on top of the issues.
ApacheCon and TAC: TAC * Since the last board report, where TAC only had 14 submitted applications and 4 pending, we closed out at 48 applications and 1 pending – a record! Kudos to the TAC Team for the extensive PR coverage and pulling in more applications!! This is the highest number of applications to date!! *Awaiting budget approval from the board for increased budget, but to date nine acceptance letters have been sent out, and all rejection letters have been sent out. *Preparing flight proposals and rooming assignments *Working on a VERY tight timeline, so everything has to be done very quickly and efficiently Quarterly Report *Melissa completed the missing section from Craig Fundraising *There are holes everywhere, we have no accurate records, sponsors are not getting answers * Melissa will look at how we can ensure we get clarity on this Trademarks: * Tracking of registrations and follow-up items continues
ApacheCon and TAC: * Melissa sent out the "time is running out" email to members@ and dev@community on 2.5.16, and a reminder on 2.10 that the CFP closes in two days. * Melissa talked to Sally re social media * TAC sent a reminder email to their channels * TAC have received 14 submitted applications and 4 pending Trademarks: * Tracking of registrations and follow-up items continues
TAC: * 10 submissions; 2 pending * Will be preparing the "behind-the-scenes" spreadsheets shortly in preparation for the close of application FOSDEM * Working with Daniel on swag; awaiting response from Sally regarding whether the new logo will be "production ready", if not, we'll use old logo. Daniel sourcing swag locally, I left a lot of swag from ACEU with a few folks to carry to FOSDEM. * Agreed Melissa will not attend, due to the cost, since there are plenty of local volunteers
ApacheCon and TAC: The TAC have been working on a plan to attract more newbies and more students. One way in which we are doing this is by having past recipients complete a “TAC Interview”. This interview is a questionnaire consisting of a few personal questions, and a list of 13 questions that we ask that they choose between 2-4 to answer. The request was sent out to the last two ACEUs and the last two ACNAs (43 total), and we’ve received 8 responses back. We are going to post these “testimonials” on our website, and also have them linked to the LF’s site - these details remain to be worked out. Application questions have been revised to make some areas clearer. TAC Application announcements have been revised and sent out. Working w/LF on areas that need improvement between TAC/LF. ComDev Meetup Webapp: Still having problems accessing the CMS; awaiting fix info from Infra
ApacheCon and TAC: • The completed surveys were dropped into the travel assistance file in svn • Final figures not in yet from TAC Chair • As a result of our call w/LF, it was agreed that LF will remove their travel funding info from the CFP and their site and direct people to TAC instead. TAC will inform LF of any speakers not accepted from TAC, in the event they would like to fund. • Efforts being taken to get more visibility/publicity within the universities • Working with Nick to revise/revamp application questions ComDev Meetup Webapp • Getting caught up-to-speed on how to do this so I can take it over from Rich
ApacheCon and TAC: It was a very successful week. We had a total of 11 TACers, 10 of which were first-time recipients of the program. All shared their enthusiasm and appreciation for being there and expressed that it was a wonderful experience and they learned a lot. Through the sessions and discussions with other attendees, many have expressed their eagerness to join in on different projects. As usual, booth traffic was very busy. I will be assisting Nick in the TAC “re-boot” effort.
ApacheCon and TAC: • All flights booked • Rooming assignments done and wire transfer requested • Registrations done • Giveaways ordered • Booth logistics sorted • Lodging and registration sorted for Daniel Gruno, our TAC OTG (on-the-ground) helper • TAC Welcome Dinner and subsistence money being paid by Daniel; he will submit for reimbursement afterwards
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel OSCON: • Special thanks to Geoff Corey who took on the responsibility of booth coordinator in my absence, as well as all of the other wonderful volunteers that helped Geoff with the booth! • All receipts submitted in svn and sent to Accounting ApacheCon and TAC: • We had a total of 27 submissions; 12 successful recipients ranging the globe from: Korea, France, Russia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Australia, Netherlands, India, Denmark, China, Toronto and France. • All flights booked, with the exception of the young man coming from China; however, that is expected to be booked by the 13th. His flight exceeds the maximum limit of $1,750, and we (the committee, backed by Ross) have advised him that he/his company will be responsible to pay the difference prior to my booking his ticket. o Special thanks to the wonderful Accounting Dept for accommodating my wire transfer request out-of-cycle, which ended up saving the Foundation money in fare increases expenses. o Flight expenses paid to date are GBP 7693.10; one remaining flight of GBP 1123.36, makes the grand total for flights GBP 8816.46, which is $13,734.58 USD, which is way over the estimated budget of $8,809!! • All visa letters sent out • Preliminary rooming assignments sent in o Will submit the wire transfer request for the lodging prior to the 15th of September. • Processing of the registrations is undergoing – awaiting the discounted code from LF D&O Insurance: • Worked with Tom from Virtual on obtaining quotes for our D&O insurance • Opted to renew with Connie at Carolina Casualty MISC • Donation sent to St. John's Ambulances - http://www.stjohn.ie - in Nóirín's name on behalf of the ASF. • Package of stickers sent to a colleague of Chris Mattmann's, per Sally's request. • Fruit & nut basket sent to Craig @LF for the loss of his brother, per Rich’s request.
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel OSCON: • All of the logistics completed • As it turns out, due to medical issues, I will be unable to attend OSCON; however, I will be coordinating with the folks who have volunteered their services re staffing the booth and booth set up and tear down • I will be able to use my unused flight ticket for Budapest; therefore, that expense will not be a loss. ApacheCon and TAC: • Applications opened on July 4th and will close on July 17th • Gav, Jan, Daniel, and Ross have volunteered their time to be judges • We will be working on a very tight timeline; however, I have confidence in our team in completing our tasks on schedule! • Gav sent an email to the community seeking more TAC volunteers; to date, we have three new recruits
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel OSCON: • Our application for a booth in the non-profit pavilion has been accepted • Contract signed and returned to the OSCON Team • Currently working with the OSCON Team on the booth logistics • Dennis Hamilton (AOO) has agreed to participate in booth duty again this year, along with Shane and Roman. • Giveaways have been discussed with Sally; we have agreed to eliminate the current inventory, thereby no additional expenses will be incurred there. ApacheCon and TAC: • Nothing to report here – my involvement hasn’t started yet Misc: • Collaborating with Sally on future events that having an ASF presence at will be beneficial o Sally will poll the community to see who will be at what events, and if there is any availability/willingness to have a booth; we will then prioritize from there.
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising: • Payments received for renewals: • $50k charitable donation (not a regular sponsor) • As of the time of submitting this report (May 13th, 2:35pm), I have not received a response from Virtual re sponsor payments rec’d; therefore, I have no further info to report on payments. • AmazonSmile registration completed • MS Matching Volunteer Time registration completed Virtual: • Became an official employee as of May 1st ApacheCon and TAC: • Booth attendance was great, as always! I had a lot of “old faces”, but I also met a lot of new people that I was able to spread the ASF love to! Including a couple of new potential sponsors. • TAC’ers did a great job in their roles of assisting • As always, Nick and Jan did an awesome job in their TAC roles! • One thing I would like to point out for future events is that it would be great if the booth set-up time didn’t clash with the TAC meeting/dinner; I was not able to attend the TAC meet and greet dinner due to the tight booth set-up restrictions! This is the first time this has happened, so hopefully it will be the last time too! Trademarks: • Work resumes with Shane on registrations • I now have the resources available to be able to assist Shane more effectively with the incoming queries. Misc: • Application for non-profit pavilion for OSCON completed on May 1st. Accepted applicants to be announced May 26th • Collaborating with Sally on future events that having an ASF presence at will be beneficial • Sally will poll the community to see who will be at what events, and if there is any availability/willingness to have a booth; we will then prioritize from there. • Stickers ordered for Marcel Kinard for Cordova as part of Sally’s “ProjectApache Project sticker request [was: Apache project S: let's work together.]” initiative.
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising: • Hadrian has migrated the information from the spreadsheet over to Zoho CRM. We will be meeting in Austin to discuss workflow processes with Zoho • Payments received for renewals: • $50k for the first of two installments from a platinum • $5k for a bronze • $110 – prorated amount for a gold that upgraded to platinum (great work, team!!) • $40k from a gold Virtual: • Upon receiving and reviewing the employment offer from Virtual, I had discussions with Ross and Virtual to confirm salary details. Upon receiving feedback from Virtual, it was decided that the salary terms were not acceptable and the paperwork was not signed. The ASF is seeking an alternative. ApacheCon and TAC: • All work with TAC completed • Booth logistics all sorted • Giveaways all en route to the venue • Sorted hotel reservations for a few last-minute folks Trademarks: • Flowing smoothly – all requests have been caught up- some projects still need to provide the information to us in order to process the application, but they are aware of this and just need a little time to compile all of the data. Misc: I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you for being nominated and voted in as a Member. This is truly a huge honor, and it really made my heart smile! So, thank you very much!
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel. Fundraising: • Work continues with Hadrian on past-due and upcoming renewals • Will be migrating the information from the spreadsheet over to Zoho CRM • Payment received from a platinum sponsor Virtual: • After discussions with Ross and Tom, it was agreed that I will be switching over to a Virtual employee • Had discussions w/Virtual’s HR folks and completed the paperwork for them to proceed ApacheCon and TAC: • I’d like to give a great shout out to Jan Iversen for all of his hard work and diligence with the handling of the TACers! Thank you, Jan!! • With the exception of one (waiting to receive a passport), all flights have been booked. Despite the fact that it took approximately two weeks to get the wire transfer sent/received, we were lucky in that the original estimates of the fares remained the same (we usually get zapped here with fares going up). • The initial payment for the flights didn’t cover all of the flights, so Nick decided rather than waiting for another transfer and risk the flights going up, he put the remainder on his credit card. • For the first time since I’ve been assisting TAC, we overturned and withdrew an acceptance due to discovering false information that was submitted on the application. The applicant did not disclose the fact that he was receiving financial aid from another source and tried to hide it and deny it after he brought it up. The TAC judges ruled on dismissing him, and Gav as VP of TAC supported that decision. • Working with the hotel now for securing the TACers lodging; sent the financial information to Nick in order to request a wire transfer. • I’ve registered the TACers for the conference using Craig’s cc and submitted that info to Accounting. • Collaborated with Sally on giveaways • Working with LF regarding the booth logistics • Made hotel reservations for two Infra personnel and Sally Trademarks: • Now that there is a clear process in place, work has resumed with Trademarks • Sent several follow-up emails to PMCs that had previously expressed interest in registering their projects’ marks. As a result, a few have progressed into the stage of their application being submitted to the USPTO.
Fundraising/Virtual: • Working with a few new folks that have requested sponsorship info; one of which has become a silver sponsor (payment already received) • Work continues with Hadrian on upcoming renewals • Hadrian heading up the CRM for Fundraising effort • Responded to inquiry from Virtual re 2014 990 info ApacheCon: • Remaining ACEU 2014 exchange rates calculated and submitted to Nick • Invoice submitted to LF for reimbursement of $950 for three TACers they agreed to fund for ACEU 2014 • ACNA 2015: 8 applicants approved, 7 accepted. Info sent to the travel agent for 5 TACers to obtain proposed itins; prepping visa invitation letters, and secured hotel for the three that will require visas • Collaborating with Sally on giveaways • Working with LF regarding the logistics for the TACers and the conference in general
Fundraising/Virtual: • Credit cards have all been received and activated • $65k received in sponsorship payments; Obtained a new silver sponsor this past month, and there are two new requests for info on becoming a sponsor (one silver, the other not specified) • CRM for Fundraising – Hot Wax Media putting together a team to start working on the CRM this week Misc: • Stickers ordered for Jan I for FOSDEM and European events • Apache Bigtop stickers ordered for Kostantin
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising/Virtual: • Work still continues with Virtual re credit cards. Citizens requested additional paperwork/ID from Chris two weeks ago, which was provided. Virtual is doing their part – Citizens needs to step up and get the cards issued! • Spoke with Tom and Lynsey on 12.11 re the cc situation. Tom will be on the board call and will answer any questions. • The credit card situation has gone on WAY TOO LONG, and we need a resolution – we need credit cards in hand. No more excuses, let’s get it done. • As of this writing, the sponsorship payments received since the last Board Report are: $20k WANdisco (re-instated sponsorship); $50k Comcast; and $10k Cerner – final installment (upgraded from Bronze and paid six months early!). • CRM for Fundraising – should have a proposal within a week from Hot Wax Media with their recommendation (they’ve been busy with traveling to/from India, Thanksgiving, etc.). • Fundraising up-to-date at the moment; Jim and Hadrian transitioning into their roles like pros! ApacheCon Europe: • TAC: Final hotel bill (436,48 EUR) received on 12.2 – sent to Accounting for payment • ACEU was a huge success – thanks to Rich for all of his hard work!! As always, I had a lot of traffic at the booth! Everyone that I spoke with thoroughly enjoyed the conference and the giveaways!
I'm keeping this month's report short... Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising/Virtual: • Work continues with Virtual re credit cards. Application has been submitted to Citizens Bank for a $30k monthly limit – cards should be received by the end of the month. A special thank you to Lynsey from Virtual for her assistance! • You can refer back to my previous board reports re renewals, if you’d like. Due to the lack of response, I’ve sent out the past-due and upcoming renewals, which one company did not take kindly to. Ross will elaborate, I’m sure. • Discussions underway for a CRM for Fundraising – no update here – I haven’t received a proposal from Hot Wax Media yet. • Knowledge transfer has initiated between myself and Hadrian/Jim wrt to the Fundraising activities. • WANdisco reached out on the Nov 3rd to reinstate their silver membership. From start to finish, all was said and done in three days (and that includes payment!) • HP requested their renewal invoice early ApacheCon Europe: • TAC: All flights booked; rooming assignments have been finalized and a wire transfer has been requested • BarCamp: Work ongoing w/updating wiki, etc. Lewis McGibbney has been instrumental in making this happen – thank you, Lewis! • Sent materials list to Annie (LF) for what is needed onsite • “Ask Me” pins, and stickers (advertising the 15th anniversary logo) have been ordered Misc: • Stickers sent to Nithya Ruff, SanDisk, per David’s request. The package was just returned today due to non-sufficient postage – will re-send. • Craigslist donation acknowledgment letter sent to Tiffany, per her request.
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising/Virtual: • Work continues with Virtual re credit cards. We’ll be submitting an application to Citizens Bank for a $30k monthly limit (AmEx didn’t suit our needs) to be divided amongst five cards with limits set according to needs (Prez, EVP, Secretary, Treasurer, and VP Infra). • Payments received from Bluehost (new bronze sponsor), Basis Technology, Cerner (rec’d ½ now with the balance due in six months - upgraded from bronze to silver), and EILEO SAS/Hertz (new donation of 1,500 EUR) • Reminders have been sent to the sponsors that we are awaiting payment from (Comcast and Liip AG SA Ltd) • Reminders have been sent to Upayavira wrt the past-due and upcoming renewals for the gold and platinum sponsors; Samsung sponsorship agreement received and awaiting a signature from ASF for processing payment (reminders have been sent) • Discussions underway for a CRM for Fundraising • ApacheCon Europe: • TAC: All flights booked; rooming assignments have been sent to the hotel – awaiting their invoice in order to request a wire transfer • We have one TAC’er that is pushing it close for a visa – his appointment is Nov 5th – he has been advised by both Jan I and myself to seek an early appointment date. • Jan I has been an amazing shepherd - I thank him so much for all of his hard work!! • In the process of researching giveaways that will have a special 15th anniversary logo! • Flight, hotel, and registration made for Infra’s new contractor; hotel and registration made for Gav • BarCamp: Linux Foundation awaiting info from Nick
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising/Virtual: * Work continues with Virtual re obtaining information on credit card options with AmEx. I had several conversations with Tom wrt AmEx options, as well as the block on the existing WF cards * Invoices sent to new sponsors: Bluehost and Samsung * Revised invoice also sent to new sponsor EILEO SAS/Hertz for EUR 1,500 (I’ve been working with them since last fall). * Renewal invoices have been obtained from Lynsey and sent out for the folks I’m responsible for * Reminders have been sent to the sponsors that we are awaiting payment from * Reminders have been sent to Upayavira wrt the past-due and upcoming renewals for the Platinums * Complete analysis was performed on the “Thanks” page of our website to ensure it matches with our current sponsors and the necessary modifications were made (LucidWorks was removed from the thanks page, as they are no longer an active sponsor) ApacheCon Europe: * It was a busy month with the TAC work. To date, all of the flight bookings have been made, minus three folks from whom we’re awaiting further details from in order to book the flights, but we anticipate this happening within a week. * Preliminary rooming assignments have been made based upon the information I have. I will send the rooming assignments to Nick for review/approval prior to submitting to the hotel. * Wire transfer information has been obtained from the hotel, and I will submit a request to Michelle Ball (Virtual) closer to the date when everything is finalized. * Requested visa invitation letters from the Corinthia Hotel for two TAC’ers; composed invitation letters on behalf of the ASF for the same and sent to the shepherd for passing on * Registered the TAC’ers requiring registration * In communications with Sally and Rich re budget for ACEU giveaways; will be using a new vendor out of England for these items Trademarks: Per Ross, I have pushed trademarks to the back burner for now MISC: * Sent two boxes to Rich for LinuxCon Chicago * Sent a box of stickers to Lewis McGibbney for CodeFest * Assisted Lewis with his inquiries regarding the Hadoop meetup for the end of Sept
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel OSCON: • Setup booth, staffed it, and tore it down • As per usual, we had very heavy booth traffic Fundraising/Virtual: • Worked w/Virtual to obtain contact at AmEx for credit cards • Working with AmEx on obtaining information on credit card options • As of this writing, I’m awaiting further information from AmEx on the possibility of obtaining cards that are tied to the Foundation for financial responsibility, rather than to the primary card holder personally and the Foundation. • Participated in bi-weekly call with Virtual; working with Lynsey on current sponsors and invoicing procedures ApacheCon Europe: • In communications with Nick and Jan I re assisting with TAC (this should be in full speed by EOW/early next week • Participated in a conference call with a potential new vendor for European events • Introduced Angela to Christian Grobmeier for a possible collaboration for t-shirts for European events Trademarks: • Coordinating with Shane re TM issues • Created a trademarks tracking s/s – captured all of the trademarks issues (that I’m aware of) and sent to Shane – awaiting comments/further information from him MISC: • Misc changes and additions to the Lands’ End online store • Coordinated with Helene (our travel agent) to change the hotel reservation for the Infra F2F from Joe’s name to Rainer Jung (the res was non-cancellable and non-refundable) • Ordered Flowers for Ross and family; ordered gift card for Jake Farrell • EA contract renewed • D&O insurance renewal completed and submitted
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, tm-registrations@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising: • Created email and sent to Upayavira to send to current sponsors (26 customized emails sent to Upayavira) to arrange a meetup at OSCON • Coordinating sponsor meetings at OSCON; forwarded original meet-up request to internal contacts to help facilitate the meetings • Participated in bi-weekly call with Virtual OSCON: • Keeping calendar of booth staff availability, as well as setting up sponsor meetings • Hotel reservations secured for Melissa and Upayavira – awaiting a scanned copy of Jim’s CC (front and back) and ID to send to the hotel for pre-authorization • Collaborated with Sally for new artwork for a new 8x8 wall banner and new table cloth; both of which have been ordered and received • Set up call w/Cat Allmann of Google and GSoC mentors • Sent 20 packages via FedEx ApacheCon Europe: • Participated in call with Angela, Dana, and Rich • In communications with Nick to ramp up for assisting with TAC • Working with Dana re lodging, visa letters, etc. for the TACers • Provided ACEU past attendees registration information to Rich (for Angela) • Provided past TAC registration fees to Nick for aiding in calculating ACEU fees Trademarks: • Coordinating with Shane re TM issues • Created a trademarks tracking s/s – captured all of the trademarks issues (that I’m aware of) and sent to Shane – awaiting comments/further information from him MISC: • Sent package of Apache swag to Rich, and a package of stickers to Chip • Researched and created an online store at Lands’ End where folks can purchase products with the ASF logo • Completed and sent D&O Insurance application for review to Ross, Treasurer, and Sam for completion • Worked with David Nalley to secure flights and hotel for an Infra F2F in Cambridge • Coordinated with Helene (our travel agent) re our options of cancelling Joe’s flight and hotel for the Infra F2F
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising: • Renewals sent; followed up on invoices previously sent • Great month = $185k in renewals received; thank-you emails sent • Completed further paperwork for EMC for Pivotal’s vendor system • Created new tab to track activity with potential sponsors • Created sponsor payment schedule for Virtual • Will be helping to coordinate sponsor meetings at OSCON OSCON: • Submitted application, contract, boilerplate and logo for our booth; furniture and electricity have been ordered • Giveaways have been researched, ordered, and received • Researched flights and hotel; hotel also secured for Upayavira ApacheCon Europe: • In communications with Nick to ramp up for assisting with TAC • Coordinated with Angela to have travel application info put on website and CFP Trademarks: • In communications with Shane wrt how to effectively assist him; will be setting up a call to discuss and will follow-up discussions while at OSCON MISC: • Coordinated travel for the Infra F2F meeting • Coordinated with Michael Strehmann to send stickers to Jan Iversen • Stickers sent to Chip Childers
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel ApacheCon - TAC: • Received final hotel bill from The Westin; submitted in svn, Gav approved, awaiting payment from Chris Fundraising: • Created new task sheet in the Sponsorship spreadsheet to streamline the process of renewals and follow-ups • Received acknowledgements from Yahoo! and Pivotal on invoices submitted; completed vendor form for Pivotal’s AP System; issued revised invoice to FB to include their PO# • Sam and Chris will work with Wells Fargo to add me to the account for “read access” so that I can monitor the incoming payments and follow-up on the past-due renewals more efficiently and effectively. OSCON: • Submitted application for a non-profit pavilion booth; application has been approved; process has begun to complete the exhibitor application and contract • In discussions with Sally re giveaways MISC: • Created and shared an Infra Vacation calendar that I will be maintaining • Participated in a ConCall with Sam and Virtual, Inc. for introductory purposes pertaining to Sponsorship issues • Sorted out the 1099 error with Chris; Chris to send an amended 1099
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel ApacheCon: 90% (includes TAC) Very busy month; progressing well - Rich will provide more information Placed orders for this year's giveaways and shipped to the venue Shipped the Apache booth material to the venue Finalized the booth logistics with the venue Staffed the booth at ApacheCon and the Cloudstack Collaboration Conference Assisted with getting the BarCamp organized and set-up It was a very successful week, with 100% positive feedback from everyone that I spoke with TAC: Continued to work with the TAC applicants to answer all their inquiries prior to arriving in Denver, as well as on-site Followed through with the direct bill application to the Westin for the TAC'ers and staff lodging with the Westin’s Accounting rep. Fundraising: 10% Continuing to follow-up on renewals sent out Monitoring and preparing invoices for upcoming renewals Sam and Chris will work with Wells Fargo to add me to the account for “read access” so that I can monitor the incoming payments and follow-up on the past-due renewals more efficiently and effectively. Sent out invoices for the sponsors due for renewal Met with Upayavira at ACNA to discuss fundraising activities and processes in which to improve upon
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel ApacheCon: 90% (includes TAC) Very busy month; progressing well - Rich will provide more information Researched items for this year's giveaways (to be used for ACNA, OSCON, ACEU and community events throughout the year) and awaiting shipment. Assisted Rich with helping "spread the word". Please forgive the inundation of emails received on March 5th - I misunderstood Rich's instructions and sent an email for each Project and Track to comdev@ rather than to dev@PROJECT. Well, on the plus side, ya can't say we haven't gotten the word out!! ;) Currently working on the booth logistics TAC: Sent all rejection and acceptance letters out All flights and hotel reservations have been made and sent to the successful applicants All documentation required for the applicants needing a visa have been sent. 4 out of the 5 needing a visa have successfully received it; the 5th has a visa appointment the week of March 10th. I've submitted a direct bill application to the Westin for the TAC'ers and staff lodging (rather than doing a wire transfer) - awaiting approval on that from the Westin. Fielded a very large amount of inquiries from the TAC'ers. A handful of folks were full of questions and uncertainty on what to do and how to proceed; with a little TLC, I was able to guide them through the entire process and ease their nerves. Fundraising: 10% Continuing to follow-up on renewals sent out Working with the Treasurer's Office for a solution for me to gain visibility into payments. This will alleviate some of the workload on their end, as well as enable me to gain the information needed in a more timely manner for following up on the past-due invoices. Sam has fixed the info in svn so it is now readable. Sam and Chris will determine what is needed from WF in order for me to gain read access into the account so that I can have "real-time" info (the info in svn is only posted after Chris writes his board report). Sent out invoices for the sponsors due for renewal A great big thank you to Sally, who has been in communications with our Platinums. As a result, we've obtained a PO# for Google's Platinum renewal, and I've submitted the invoice through their online portal (invoice is showing as approved; just awaiting payment), and I've sent out the Yahoo! renewal. She is awaiting responses from Microsoft (they just came off of vacation, so she's giving them adequate time to catch up) and Facebook.
Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel ApacheCon: 70% (includes TAC) Very busy month; progressing well - Rich will provide more information Placed a reorder for the "Ask Me" pins and stickers (half of which is being sent directly from the vendor to Michael Stehmann in Germany for OOO's 2014 events, as well as for distributing amongst others in the EU. By doing so, this will reduce our shipping costs tremendously). Researched items for our giveaways (will be placing an order within a week or so) Sent email for a volunteer to edit the website to update the ApacheCon info at the top right of all pages (still reflects Portland info) Sent email for volunteer to create the Speaker Slide Template TAC: Initial preparations made so we can proceed immediately with the planning on Feb 10 after the judges make their decision Fundraising: 25% Updated "Thanks" page on website Sent letter to Craigslist acknowledging their payment Call w/Upayavira on Jan 22 to discuss pending renewals and upcoming renewals. We will be having bi-weekly calls starting on Feb 6 Continuing to follow-up on renewals sent out Sent quote to Produban (per their request) for Silver renewal (not due until Aug 1) Sally (per Upayavira's request) reached out to the Platinum sponsors regarding their renewal and approached the subject of the proposed new "Diamond" level Misc: 5% Sorted FedEx invoice for a shipment sent to Lewis McGibbney and committed to svn for processing Prepared package to Michael Stehmann for FOSDEM (Rich graciously agreed to take with him so we could avoid the $176+ in shipping costs...thanks again, Rich!!) Completed the annual report questionnaire received from CSC. Sent to Ross for review of a couple of missing bits of information Contract renewal - signed on Jan 20 Weekly status calls with Ross and Rich
I've been told that the Board would like a % breakdown of where I spend my time. This is tricky because every day and every month is different!! For December, I'd say I spent about 50% Fundraising, 20% ApacheCon, 10% Event-in-a-Box, 15% on emails, and 5% on Trademarks. I'm sure these figures are not totally accurate, but they are my best "guesstimate", and they will vary every month. * Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel * Fundraising: * Fundraising still progressing very well. I'm actively following up on the gold, silver, and bronze renewals that have been sent out; as well as sending out new renewals. * Sent Upayavira and Sally (per Upayavira's request) an email wrt the Platinum sponsorship renewal status. * ApacheCon: * Progressing well - Rich will provide more information * Weekly status calls with Ross and Rich * Event-in-a-Box: * Provided all the cost estimates to Ross and Rich; Ross has indicated that this is now in his hands * Contract renewal - June's contract was never renewed due to Ross's busy schedule; we're in negotiations for the Dec renewal. December's contract has still not been renewed. * Trademarks: * Nothing new added to the manual this month * A lot of emails have come through to trademarks@, and Shane has been handling them immediately * Audit: * Stalled, no progress. Jim can provide more details
* Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel * Fundraising: * Fundraising has been progressing very well. We're now in the maintain/follow-up on the invoices sent out phase, as well as preparing for the upcoming renewals to be sent out The "How-To" manual continues to be a WIP; we (Upayavira and I) add to this document as we go along * ApacheCon: * Progressing well - Rich will provide more information * Weekly status calls with Ross and Rich * Event-in-a-Box: * Provided cost estimate for the physical contents and shipping costs for the minimal list; awaiting call back wrt insurance costs * Further information is needed for the maximum list * Trademarks: * Working with Shane to create a "How-To" manual for Trademarks * Treasurer's Office: * Will be creating a "How-To" manual for the Treasurer's Office (this has been put as a low priority for now) * Will be assisting in the Audit in parallel with taking notes to incorporate into the manual
* Daily monitoring of all email activity (ea@, fundraising@, trademarks@, treasurer@, comdev@, and board@) and following-up with appropriate personnel * Fundraising: * Fundraising has been progressing very well. The backlog of sponsorship renewal invoices to be sent out have all been sent out, so now it's a more manageable system of "maintaining". * Upayavira and I have agreed upon a three-strike system. 1) Renewal invoice sent out; 2) send a f/u email three weeks after the invoice was sent for a status update; 3) three weeks after the first reminder, another reminder will go out for another status update. In this reminder, we will be advising them that their sponsorship info will be removed from the "thanks" page as a sponsor. * The "How-To" manual continues to be a WIP; we (Upayavira and I) add to this document as we go along. * ApacheCon: * Progressing well - Rich will provide more information * Treasurer's Office: * Will be creating a "How-To" manual for the Treasurer's Office (this has been put as a low priority for now) * Will be assisting in the Audit in parallel with taking notes to incorporate into the manual * Weekly status calls with Ross and Rich * Event-in-a-Box: * Received a lot of valuable feedback from the community * Started a "How To Guide" * Will need two boxes; one for the US, and one for the UK * Will be getting an estimate for materials of two boxes (minimal list and maximum list); the estimate will also include shipping/insurance charges, etc. * ApacheCon EU & NA videos: * The recordings from Portland are done and posted online at http://www.youtube.com/user/TheApacheFoundation * Martin working on the ApacheCon EU (Germany) videos * Trademarks: * Working with Shane to create a "How-To" manual for Trademarks
* Daily monitoring of all email activity and following-up with appropriate personnel Fundraising: * PayPal - Our PayPal account is "locked" and cannot accept donations. Chris, Upayavira, and I have been working to get this situation rectified. * Verizon - we received a matching gift notification. Followed the online procedures to claim the matching gift, which should hit our account by the end of October. * Started creating a "How-To" manual - it is designed to be like a "Fundraising for Dummies"...step-by-step directions complete with screenshots. ApacheCon: * We've made a lot of progress with this. We're in the pre-contract negotiations stage with the Linux Foundation. We've received a proposal from LF, we sent back our feedback on that proposal and are having a ConCall at the end of this week to discuss it. * We're interested in doing a joint event in the May/June timeframe, which we are very excited about - details to follow. Treasurer: * Follow-up needed to secure estimates for outsourcing the taxes to a CPA * Will be creating a "How-To" manual for the treasurer's duty Weekly status calls with Ross and Rich * Event-in-a-Box: * Created and sent out an initial content list to ComDev for comments and feedback * Will create a "How To Guide"
Due to a very serious personal issue, I had to focus my activities and life around handling that situation for a couple of weeks in the past reporting month. Unfortunately; with that being said, my activity and production level was lower than normal. I thank you greatly for your patience and understanding during this difficult period. * Daily monitoring of all email activity and following-up with appropriate personnel * Continued work with Upayavira re fundraising * Working with Chris to secure estimates for outsourcing the taxes to a CPA * Working with Ross and Rich to setup weekly calls * Contract renewal is still not completed; awaiting contract from Ross * ApacheCon NA 2013 videos: Rich has been working on this. He was able to reduce a 17G movie file to a more reasonable 250M range and put it on his YouTube account. More work is needed before it can be put up on the ASF’s YouTube account, I believe.
* Daily monitoring of all email activity and following-up with appropriate personnel * Sent stickers to Uli Stark for his upcoming (early fall) events; sent FedEx receipt to Chris Mattmann for accounting purposes * OSCON 2013: Sent exhibit packages, forwarded receipts to Chris; completed registration information for booth staff and submitted to the O’Reilly contact. As usual, the Apache booth at OSCON was an overwhelming success! There were some newbies that weren’t aware of what Apache is, but they left with an abundance of information and understanding; however, the majority of folks were involved in Apache projects and just wanted to stop by to give appreciation and thanks! A HUGE thanks goes to Justin Erenkrantz, Martin van den Bemt, and Florian Mueller who were my main men in supporting me at the booth. Of course I’d like to thank everyone else who stopped by during their availability to socialize with the attendees and answer questions!! * Communication re getting the D&O insurance paperwork filed and paid * Worked with Ross and Chris regarding updating the corporate calendar * Continued work with Upayavira re fundraising and how I can assist; next step is a call between Upayavira, Ross, and myself to discuss the plan Upayavira has suggested. * Met with Ross and Rich at OSCON to discuss the new roles and responsibilities * Discussed w/Ross and Rich the future of ApacheCons and how to proceed going forward. It was agreed that we are going to seek alternative prospects as producers. I had a meeting with Angela Brown of the Linux Foundation re the possibility of them organizing future events. The informational email that she sent has been forwarded to Ross and Rich for their review. Rich has provided two other leads.
* Daily monitoring of all email activity and following-up with appropriate personnel * Further follow-up w/ComDev re CloudStack Collab Conference * Submitted the newthinking invoice to Treasurer for the 18.72 eur duty/tax for the shipment of stickers sent for the Berlin Buzzwords. Also submitted the CSC invoice for the Corporate Registration Renewal for processing. * OSCON 2013 - production of stickers and new 8x8 banner; submitted the required paperwork for the designated passes and for the furniture/booth rental. Secured hotel reservation for Martin van den Bemt, who has volunteered to assist with the booth. Also secured my flight and hotel reservations. * Reviewed the financial breakdown of the costs in question from TOB for ACNA 2013. * Followed up on the status of the videos from ACEU 2012 and ACNA 2013 * Email communications with Upayavira re Fundraising Foreseeable activities for July: * Follow-up with ex-ConCom regarding the status of the "event-in-a-box" conversation * Send a package of stickers to Uli * Finalizing logistics of OSCON and shipping out the packages * Ross, Rich, and I will be meeting at OSCON re future ApacheCons and the direction thereof
* Daily monitoring of all email activity and following-up with appropriate personnel * CloudStack Collaboration Conference * Monitoring/responding to emails between Pat Barton (The Open Bastion) and Sally regarding the logo for the t-shirts * Distributed the information to the CloudStack Community re the six free conference passes; also sent this information to Luciano Resende for distributing to ComDev * Sent a FedEx shipment (the Apache table skirt and misc swag) to Matt Franklin for the Apache BarCamp Boston. Sent the FedEx receipt and info to Treasurer@ so that they were aware of the charges and could process the payment. * Sent a package (stickers) via USPS to newthinking on behalf of Isabel for the Berlin Buzzwords * An additional 18.72 eur was charged for duty/tax, which newthinking paid; therefore, I will be submitting the invoice for a wire payment to them. * Working with Upayavira regarding the issues he has as the VP of Fundraising and how we can rectify the situation going forward * He (and I) need visibility into the account information that is received in the lock box. As it currently stands, if a payment is received in the lockbox, he just knows how much but not who it is from. We’ve been working with Chris and Sam to fix this with Wells Fargo so that we have visibility into this information. * Working with Chris and Sam to rectify the auto-pay problems that we’ve been experiencing with Wells Fargo. * Sent a couple of email reminders to Ross to commit his expenses for reimbursement for travel expenses relating to the 2012 Board Get Together. * Forwarded email from John Kreisa (Hortonworks) regarding use of the Hadoop elephant mark for the upcoming Hadoop Summit June 26th and 27th in San Jose to Shane to review for trademark issues. * Sent repeated emails to Steve Holden (The Open Bastion) requesting the financials from ApacheCon NA 2013. There are still very few actual expenses reported for the conference. They plan to have upgrades to their accounting systems up and running by the end of this quarter, so they will be able to be rather more definitive for future events. * Communications with Sally re starting production/orders for Apache stickers/signage, etc. * Email communications with Sam (O'Reilly) regarding Apache’s involvement/space requirements/etc. for OSCON 2013. Foreseeable activities for June: * Follow-up with ex-ConCom regarding the status of the “event-in-a-box” conversation * Review TOB's contract against the financial summary; follow-up with Steve w/questions, concerns, etc. * After the review of the financials (from above), if everything is satisfactory, we can then proceed with contract negotiations for the future ApacheCons. * OSCON 2013 – signage and sticker production for an on-time arrival @the OCC; completing the required paperwork for the designated passes and for the furniture/booth rental.
Since this is my first report, I'm not sure exactly what format you'd like it in, but here goes: I've only started tracking/documenting my activities after April's Board Meeting, when I was advised to start reporting. It's been a relatively slow month. * Daily monitoring of all email activity to ensure action items, and follow-up with appropriate personnel on said emails. * I've been involved in the discussions with ConCom regarding the "event-in-a-box" topic. To date, I haven't heard of a confirmed date/time/city that these discussions will be taking place. * I've been monitoring email discussions from Citrix with ConCom and Brand Management in regards to Texas Linux Fest 2013. Citrix wants to choose the silver sponsorship package @Texas Linux Fest 2013 and donate it to the Apache CloudStack project in an effort to increase visibility to the project. * I've been monitoring the progress of BarCamp Boston, and I've been in communication with Matt Franklin and Ryan Baxter wrt how I can be of assistance. * I've been monitoring, and responding to, emails from Elizabeth re Lucene/Solr Revolution Europe 2013, and following up with ConCom to ensure they provided her the information she requested. I also contacted Sally for an .eps of the ASF logo for this event. * I've been involved in email communications with Sally and Sharon (Strategic Account Manager for O'Reilly) regarding the application process for ASF's presence @OSCON as a non-profit exhibitor. * I've been in communication with Steve Holden re The Open Bastion listing me as the community sponsor contact on the CloudStack Collaboration Conference's website. I also brought ConCom and Sally into the email thread to cover all bases. ConCom so they were kept in the loop and to advise me if there is anything else I need to be aware of/doing as part of the "community sponsor contact"; and Sally for Marketing/PR purposes, obviously, and also because TOB are requesting a graphic (which is Sally's forte). Foreseeable activities for May: * Continuing discussions with ConCom regarding the event-in-a-box. * Continuing discussions with Citrix regarding Texas Linux Fest 2013. * Shipping the Apache table skirt and swag to Matt Franklin for the Boston BarCamp. * Ramping up for OSCON 2013. * Continuing discussion with TOB regarding the CloudStack Collaboration Conference. I believe that should do it. Let me know if there is something else I need to do with this report, or if you will incorporate it into your President's report.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary to contract support and organizational services to support the work of the President, and WHEREAS, Jon Jagielski has been determined to meet the requirements of the Foundation, and WHEREAS, the current six-month contract expires as of August 31st, 2008, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has determined that the contract should be revised and renewed for another six month term; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President of The Apache Software Foundation, Justin Erenkrantz, is hereby directed to proceed with contracting Jon Jagielski for the services necessary to support the work of the President. Special Order 7D, Executive Assistant Renewal, was approved with 6 Yes votes and one Abstention. This was based on the understanding that Justin will convert the contract into an hourly rate and expand the scope to allow others to task the EA, on the proviso that Justin be kept in the loop on such activities. Bill agreed to seed a STATUS file with potential tasks, primarily for the Executive Assistant, but also potentially for the Secretarial Assistant, to pick up.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary to contract a position to support the work of the President, and WHEREAS, Jon Jagielski has been determined to meet the requirements of the Foundation; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President of The Apache Software Foundation, Justin Erenkrantz, is hereby directed to proceed with contracting Jon Jagielski for the services necessary to support the work of the President. Special order 7C, Resolution for Executive Assistant, was approved with 8 Yes votes and one Abstention.