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This was extracted (@ 2025-03-06 15:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


16 Nov 2011

Termination of the Apache Harmony PMC

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
 interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Harmony
 project due to inactivity

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Harmony
 project is hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
 oversight over the software developed by the Apache Harmony
 Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Harmony" is
 hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Harmony PMC is hereby terminated.

 Special Order 7B, Termination of the Apache Harmony PMC,
 Motion passes with a single no vote; Larry wishes it to be
 noted that he is not against termination, he simply would have
 preferred to have more time to work on the messaging.

21 Sep 2011 [Tim Ellison / Greg]

At the time of the last report, the Apache Harmony community were
undertaking discussions to identify a new goal for the project.  Those
discussions have failed to establish an alternative effort, and without
any active development underway it now seems time to propose moving
Apache Harmony to the Attic.

There have only been very minor code changes and mailing list traffic
for several weeks, and all the requests for further information relevant
to the Oracle vs. Google subpoena seem to have been satisfied.  Winding
up the project and PMC should, therefore, not be a problem for the needs
of the Foundation.

The Board should expect to see a resolution at the next meeting.

15 Jun 2011 [Tim Ellison / Shane]

Apache Harmony developers' list remains very quiet at the moment with
only a limited amount of discussion on new directions for the project,
a few specific technical questions, and some day to day housekeeping.

While there was a brief exploration of creating a specialized VM for
Groovy, at this point there is no evidence that the community will rally
around a new goal in absence of a JCK license for Java SE.

Discussions that included the Board and Incubator PMC were held to
decide whether Apache Harmony should move back to the Incubator to help
define a new objective.  The rationale being any new goal should be to
the standard expected of an incubator proposal, including diversity and
mentoring, and that it be done with the oversight of the IPMC.  The
general opinion was that the Harmony PMC could handle such a task just
as well.  If no viable proposals are forthcoming after giving people
plenty of time to consider such, the PMC will propose moving the
project to the Attic.

The PMC have been proactive to the requests for documentation in regards
to the Oracle vs. Google subpoena.  Communications on this subject have
been through the V.P. Legal Affairs.

One security incident was reported to the Apache Harmony private list
regarding a virus scanner warning on one of the project's distributed
binary files. The report was promptly addressed, and concluded to be a
false alarm.

There were no changes to PMC or committer membership during this
reporting period.

16 Mar 2011 [Tim Ellison / Shane]

Board level issues:

The Apache Harmony development community has seen a significant
reduction in capacity over the last few months, and as a consequence
there is no longer an active Harmony PMC quorum to oversee the actions
of the project.  The current Chair has stated an intention to step down.


As written in the previous report, the majority of developers were
working on Apache Harmony code with a view to achieving a fully
compliant and compatible implementation of the Java SE specifications.

The recognition that Harmony will never receive an acceptable Java SE
JCK license, and the withdrawal of a number of corporate sponsored
developers has had a negative impact on the project's development
progress.  The rate of commits and bug fixes has fallen to near zero as
the community seeks to re-form around a new project objective.


There remains a few developers who are posting to the list, and there
may be interest in rebooting the goals of the project.  There is an
acknowledgement that Harmony manages significant and interesting runtime
technology.  Developer discussions are exploring a variety of options,
including defining an alternative runtime.

We therefore feel that moving to the Attic is premature, however, we
recognize that maintaining PMC oversight and responsibility for the project
is important.

There has been some discussion about maintaining the Harmony project
identity, but asking that the Incubator PMC provide a level of mentoring
and oversight not currently possible with the reduced Harmony PMC.
A call within the current project PMC to find a replacement Chair has
gone unanswered.


We shall continue to support the developer discussions around the
roadmap for Harmony, and seek to find volunteers to provide a PMC and
Chair structure from amongst experienced Apache participants.

15 Dec 2010 [Tim Ellison / Shane]

Since the last report the Harmony community have published two new
milestones, 5.0 Milestone 15 and 6.0 Milestone 3, and are currently in
code freeze in preparation for new milestones of both branches.  These
milestones are bug fixes to existing functionality as there is no
significant new functionality being worked on in the project at the

The ongoing issues around Apache Harmony's TCK license have had a
negative impact on the project's development progress, since it is
deemed most unlikely now that the project will be able to achieve our
original goal.  The majority of developers were working on Harmony code
with a view to achieving a fully compliant and compatible implementation
of the Java specifications.  Some developers have asked to be removed
from the project, and some have gone inactive.

Although we have received support from the Foundation for making a
release of the current code, the Harmony PMC and discussion on the dev
list has focused on the potential for adoption of such a runtime release;
summarized best in the quote from Harmony's dev list "[releasing a
non-compliant runtime] misses the important point that no matter how
safe we, the ASF, think we are there is no point making releases that no
one (with more to lose?) would risk using."  This is reinforced by the
Oracle vs. Google case which serves as a notable indication of the
potential risk to other consumers.

While other diverse points of view certainly exist, it would appear at
present that nobody is stepping forward to develop and release a
non-certified implementation of the specifications.  Until somebody
comes forward with a specific proposal to take the code in a new
direction no options will be ruled out.

On a more positive note, a number of new developers have posted to the
dev list and a community member posted details of his success running
Apache Hadoop on Apache Harmony!

We believe that Apache Harmony has implemented all the requirements of
the Foundation branding guidelines.

20 Oct 2010 [Tim Ellison / Noirin]

Apache Harmony are not scheduled to report to the Board on this cycle,
but given recent events are choosing to file a brief report.

There are two recent issues that The Harmony PMC would like to bring
to the Board's attention.

 - Oracle's definitive statement on the TCK dispute

The VP of JCP is expected to report on the details of the recent
statement made by Oracle during the last EC meeting, regarding Apache's
request for the Java SE JCK.  The statement is a direct challenge to
Apache Harmony achieving its goal of becoming an independently
implemented certified Java SE implementation.

The Apache Harmony PMC are discussing the implications in private at
the moment since Oracle's statement is not yet public.

 - IBM's indication of future participation in OpenJDK

Within the last few days IBM have issued a press release stating that
OpenJDK will be their primary location for open source Java SE
development.  It is unclear how this will affect the IBM sponsored
PMC members and contributors to Apache Harmony.

Approximately half of the Apache Harmony PMC members, including the
PMC Chair, and half of the committers who have made a change within
the last six months are recognized to be IBM employees.

The Apache Harmony PMC will continue to keep the Board abreast of
significant project events.

The board appreciates the out-of-cycle report, considering the current situation with Oracle and the JCK license.

22 Sep 2010 [Tim Ellison / Greg]


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy, and has recently
created new milestone builds.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an
issue for Harmony, with still no end in sight.

Development and Releases

The Harmony community continues to publish regular milestones from the
5.0 SE and 6.0 SE branches.  We have just finished a vote on the
Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 15 and Apache Harmony 6.0 Milestone 3
source and are in the process of pushing them out to the mirrors.
These new milestones are primarily bug fix releases with about 70 JIRAs
having been fixed between them.

In addition to code defect fixing, there is work on a new JSSE
implementation based upon OpenSSL.  There is also continued work on
"Harmony Select", which is a headless runtime profile derived from the
existing code, with regular builds now taking place on the Apache
Hudson servers.

We have had new developers in the project, producing a jdb debug client,
and improving our imageio functionality.

Traffic on the developer mailing list is steady, representing the
increased maturity of the code.  People remain responsive to questions
and comments.


There were no changes to the Harmony PMC or committers during the last
reporting period, and there are now 50 committers of which ~7 were
active this period.

The Harmony community includes Google Summer of Code participants who
are making a good contribution to the code and community, and a number
of new contributors from face-to-face community events.


As the Board is aware, a recent lawsuit concerning Oracle vs. Google
has resulted in various commentators speculating about Google's use
of Apache Harmony code.  The Apache Harmony PMC have not been
notified of any involvement.

16 Jun 2010 [Tim Ellison / Greg]


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy, and has recently
released new milestone builds.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an
issue for Harmony, with no end in sight.

Development and Releases

The Harmony community continues to publish regular milestones from the
5.0 SE and 6.0 SE branches.  On June 1st we published Apache Harmony
5.0 Milestone 14 and Apache Harmony 6.0 Milestone 2.  These are
primarily bug fix releases with about 42 JIRAs being fixed between

In addition to code fixing, there are a steady stream of build system
improvements being committed; and some experimentation talking place
on a separate, temporary branch to enable community comment before
merging back to head.  There is also continued work on
"Harmony Select", which is a headless runtime profile derived from the
existing code.

Traffic on the developer mailing list is steady, representing the
increased maturity of the code.  People remain responsive to questions
and comments.


There were no changes to the Harmony PMC or committers during the last
reporting period, and there are now 50 committers of which ~9 were
active this period.

The Harmony community includes Google Summer of Code participants who
are making a good contribution to the code and community.

17 Mar 2010 [Tim Ellison / Doug]


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy, and has recently
released new milestone builds.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an
issue for Harmony.

Development and Releases

The Harmony community published Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 12 on
December 5th.  We later discovered that one source file had a
questionable header comment [1], so we replaced it with
Harmony 5.0 Milestone 12a on January 27th.

The next regular milestone, Apache Harmony 5.0 M13, was released on
March 10th, comprising a number of bug fixes and test case
enhancements.  On the same date we also released the first milestone
from our 6.0 code stream.  Apache Harmony 6.0M1 is the first stable
build available from the Java SE 6.0 API code stream, and while there
are still known missing APIs, this first milestone is already very

Harmony build and test is running smoothly on the Hudson systems.


There were no changes to the Harmony PMC or committers during the last
reporting period, and there are now 50 committers of which ~9 were
active this period.

The Harmony community have raised a number of proposed projects for
consideration by the Google Summer of Code participants.


16 Dec 2009 [Tim Ellison / Geir]


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy, and has recently released
a new milestone build.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an issue for

Development and Releases

There was no work on the core JVM and JIT code during the reporting
period, but we continue to receive a steady stream of patches to the
Java 5 and Java 6 class library branches.

The Harmony community published Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 12 on
December 5th.  This latest milestone build contains a number of bug
fixes and enhancements across numerous modules.  Our previous release
was in August 2009.

We are currently stabilizing the Java 6 stream with a view to making the
first stable release of that stream in the next few days.

Harmony build and test is running smoothly on the Hudson Ubuntu systems,
and we look forward to infra bringing on-line a wider variety of
platforms that can be used in test, including Windows.


The Harmony PMC appointed one new committer during the last reporting
period, and there are now 50 committers of which ~9 were active this
period.  There were no changes to the PMC membership.

Xiao-Feng gave a talk on Apache Harmony at the Apache Roadshow Asia 2009

23 Sep 2009 [Tim Ellison / Shane]


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy, and has recently released
a new milestone build.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an issue for

Development and Releases

The Harmony community published Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 11 on
August 31st.  This latest milestone build contains over sixty bug fixes,
plus numerous enhancements across all modules.  Our previous release was
in June 2009.

There was also an attempt to publish the first Apache Harmony 6.0 stream
milestone, but after a period of community testing we decided we were
not quite ready, and to ensure acceptable quality the 6.0 stream
milestone has been postponed until a number of technical issues are

Our involvement with the Google Summer of Code programme produced mixed
results. Some students went through to the full term and produced useful
results, others either didn't make it to the mid-term review, or failed
at the final assessment.

The Harmony community voted to accept two code contributions during this
period.  The first was an updated JDWP agent capable of Java 6 level
functionality and debugging non-Java stratum code (e.g. JSPs).  The
second was made up of native code modifications and additions to allow
wider platform portability, giving the class library natives the ability
to build and execute on AIX and z/OS.


No reported security incidents this period.


There were no changes to the committership during this period. There are
currently 39 committers, of which ~9 were active this period.

We did some housekeeping on the PMC membership, moving 12 inactive folk
to emeritus status.  That resulted in the PMC being reduced to 11 active

17 Jun 2009 [Tim Ellison / Greg]


The Apache Harmony community is healthy, and has recently released a new
milestone build. The lack of a JCK continues to be an issue for Harmony.

Development and Releases

The Harmony community continues to improve the quality of the existing
code, with the latest release of Apache Harmony 5.0 Milestone 10
containing over fifty bug fixes, plus numerous JavaDoc enhancements.
Our last release was in April 2009.

Contributions into the 5.0M10 code base includes:
 - compatibility: enhancements to ensure the behavior of the runtime
     is equivalent to that of the reference implementation.
 - documentation: tidy-up of the license/notice/readme files, and
     substantial improvements to the JavaDoc in a number of modules.
 - porting work: in the class libraries for AIX and zOS operating
 - performance: improvements to string handling and start-up speed were
 - testing: additional tests, and enabling of existing tests across all

We have also discussed the option of releasing a reduced footprint
runtime, based on the Java 6.0 branch, called Harmony Select, which
would be targeted specifically at headless applications.  This would be
an opportunity to publish the 6.0 code stream early in a useful


No reported security incidents this period.


Apache Harmony featured in a general session at JavaOne this year, with
a demo of Harmony running the Eclipse IDE, and Harmony running Roller on

There were no changes to the committership or PMC during this period.
There are currently 39 committers, of which ~10 were active this period.

The Harmony project are participating in the Google Summer of Code
program, and discussion with the students who have a project with
Harmony is underway on the developer mailing list.

Confidential, not for inclusion in public minutes:

A prospective downstream consumer of Apache Harmony contacted us with
details of a US patent application that may read on an algorithm we
have implemented.

The issue was raised with legal-internal where it was noted that the
algorithm was described publicly more than one year before the
application was submitted.

We have decided not to proactively remove the code implementing the

General discussion about publishing regular builds until we get approval for the TCK. Tim Ellison confirms that Harmony is publishing regular builds.

18 Mar 2009 [Tim Ellison / Greg]


The Apache Harmony community remains healthy and continues to enhance
the body of Java runtime technology under its management.  There is a
new  project milestone build imminent and a new committer has recently
been appointed. The lack of a JCK continues to be an issue for Harmony.

Development and Releases

The Harmony community is focused on improving the quality of the
existing code, and completing the last remaining providers and tools
usually associated with Java runtimes.  The code is currently undergoing
release management towards a Java 5.0 M9 release expected to be declared
by the end of this month.  Our last release was in November 2008.

Contributions into the code base are numerous.  New work being delivered
in the upcoming release includes:
 - performance: across multiple areas, including class library
   improvements and JIT compiler global propagation optimizations,
   integer MUL/DIV/REM strength reduction, and so on.
 - pack200: a new implementation of the JSR-200 compression technology
   for Java bytecodes.
 - porting work: in the class libraries for AIX and zOS operating
 - bug fixing: focus on our test case enhancements, and on passing the
   Eclipse Test Suite.

We have enhanced the community-hosted builds with new jobs running on
the Apache Hudson infrastructure.  This gives a valuable insight into
the state of the builds for developers who do not run their own
continuous integration server.


No reported security incidents this period.


We are delighted to have Aleksey Shipilev accept an offer to become a
committer for Harmony.  Aleksey has contributed to many areas of Harmony
including performance and community discussion over a sustained period.

There were no changes to the PMC during this period.  There are
currently 39 committers, of which ~14 were active this period.

After a discussion around our use of Google Analytics, we decided to
remove the analytics tracker code from our website rather than update
the privacy policy.

The Harmony project intends to participate once again in the Google
Summer of Code program, and discussion around suitable projects is
underway on the developer mailing list.

Greg to approach PMC to inquire what the Harmony project plans would be if no JCK were forthcoming for an extended (two+ years) time...

17 Dec 2008 [Tim Ellison / Bertrand]

The Apache Harmony community is healthy and continues to release increasingly
capable builds on a regular schedule.  The lack of a JCK continues to be an
issue for Harmony.

Development & Releases
Harmony now has over 99% of the required Java SE 5 APIs completed.  The
missing pieces of functionality are primarily providers for different
protocols, such as sound file formats, kerberos authentication, and so on.
It goes without saying that we are ready to run the JCK and claim compliance
to the Java specification.

Milestone build 5.0M8 was declared on November 17, 2008.  This milestone
includes a number of fixes and enhancements including 51 JIRA issues resolved
and approximately 240 commits.  Our last milestone was published three months
earlier in August.

Beyond the day to day business of fixing bugs, there is a steady stream of
improvements to performance, both throughput and start-up times; and
enhancements to the usability and maintainability of the code.

No reported security incidents this period.

The community continues to operate in a healthy manner.  We continue to
interact with other projects, both within the ASF and hosted elsewhere.
Of note this period is the ja.NET project who are using Apache Harmony in
conjunction with Mono to run Java programs on .NET.

There were no changes to committers or PMC membership during this period.
There are currently 38 committers, ~10 of whom were active this period.

17 Sep 2008 [Tim Ellison / Greg]

The Apache Harmony project delivered another milestone release containing
Google Summer of Code contributions, bug fixes, and a notified security
fix.  The community is quiet but steady at the moment.  The lack of a JCK
continues to be an issue for Harmony.

Development & Releases
Development continues to be focused primarily on the Java 5 SE code stream
and associated development tooling, with work on the Java 6 SE stream being
limited to core areas of the class library.  Work on the VM, JIT, and GC
has slowed noticeably.

Milestone build 5.0M7 was declared on August 21, 2008.  This milestone
includes a number of fixes and enhancements, as evidenced by over
125 JIRA issues resolved and over 600 commits since our last milestone
published at the start of May.

Noteworthy enhancements include:
 * improved performance, especially in object serialization
   and pack200 decoding.
 * a new 'javap' tool for class file disassembly, and good
   progress on 'policytool' the security policy management tool.
 * lots of fixes in the Swing widget toolkit.

Six Google Summer of Code projects were assigned for mentoring by members
of the Harmony community, but only two of those completed.  We would
particularly like to thank András Belicza (policytool) and Tharindu Mathew
(Swing enhancements) for their contributions to the project!

In July, the ASF security group advised the Harmony PMC of a vulnerability
in our code.  The issue is fixed in the milestone 7 release.  The details
of the vulnerability have not been fully publicly disclosed yet.

The community continues to operate in a healthy manner, with a noticeable
quiet period over summer.

We are pleased to see some Harmony code is being used in Sun's performance
release of Java SE 6 (an improved TreeMap), and work done in the
JikesRVM 3.0 project that enables that VM to run Harmony class library code.

There were no changes to committers or PMC membership during this period.
There are currently 38 committers, ~18 of whom were active this period.

25 Jun 2008 [Tim Ellison / Jim]

Harmony continues to make good progress in the Java 5 SE code stream, and has
accepted a contribution in the area of Java ME.  There have been a number of
new committers and PMCers elected recently.  The lack of a JCK continues to
be an issue for Harmony.

Development & Releases
Development continues to be focused primarily on the Java 5 SE code stream,
with work on the Java 6 SE stream being limited to core areas of the class
library.  There is also significant ongoing development in the build and
testing infrastructure resulting in enhanced application, stability, and
performance testing on Harmony builds.

Milestone build 5.0M6 was published on May 22, 2008 containing a significant
number of bug fixes and new functionality.  Milestone 6 includes over 290
JIRA issues resolved and over 650 commits since our last Milestone at the end
of February.

Noteworthy advancements have been made in the following areas:

 * new JIT optimizations
 * functional and coverage enhancements throughout the class libraries
 * improved VM threading design
 * support for full hardware addressability on 64 bit platforms
 * completion of the unpack200 implementation
 * ...and much more

In addition, Harmony accepted a substantial code contribution from the
authors of Microemulator.  Microemulator is a pure Java implementation of
Java ME APIs in Java SE.  With the emulator code it becomes possible to run
MIDlet (MIDP/CLDC) based applications as a standalone Java application or as
a web browser applet.

There are six Google Summer of Code projects being mentored by members of the
Harmony community.

There were no reported security issues this period.

The community continues to operate in a healthy manner, with a noticeable
turnover recently in the participants on the mailing list.

We have had constructive interactions with other Apache projects, and the
Eclipse TPTP project who are consuming the Harmony bytecode verifier code.

The PMC appointed six new committers this period, Alexei Fedotov,
Chunrong Lai, Igor Stolyarov, Ilya Berezhniuk, Pavel Rebriy, and
Xiao Xia (Sean) Qiu.  In addition, seven committers were appointed to the
PMC membership: Egor Pasko, Jimmy Lv, Mikhail Fursov, Pavel Pervov,
Sian January, Tony Wu and Vasily Zakharov.

There are currently 38 committers, ~22 of whom were active this period.

19 Mar 2008 [Tim Ellison / J Aaron]

The Apache Harmony community and code continue to be working well.  We
are still looking to the Board to help resolve the JCK license issue,
but this is not stopping us delivering useful software to our users.

Development & Releases
The development team continues to be focused primarily on the Java 5 SE
code stream, and we have successfully delivered two milestone releases
since our last report.

Milestone build 5.0M4 was published on Dec 19, 2007, and 5.0M5 on
Mar 1, 2008.  Each of these milestones contain a significant number of
bug fixes and new functionality, as evidenced by the over 370 JIRA
issues resolved and over 730 commits since our last report.

Noteworthy advancements have been made in the following areas:

 * new JIT optimizations
 * functional and coverage enhancements throughout the class libraries,
 * improved VM threading design
 * support for full hardware addressability on 64 bit platforms
 * new appletviewer tool
 * initial version of unpack200 tool

We continue to test with a variety of applications to ensure completeness
and compatibility with the specification, and have made good progress in
adding Apache Geronimo to our list of fully functional apps.

The Java 6 APIs are being steadily filled-out and kept in synch with the
Java 5 branch changes.

There were no reported security issues this period.

The community continues to operate in a healthy manner with a vibrant
developer list, including a number of new participants on the mailing

The PMC elected three new committers this period, Pavel Pervov,
Sian January, and Vasily Zakharov.  There were no changes to the PMC
membership.  There are currently 32 committers, ~23 of whom were active
this period.

Export Controls
The Apache Harmony PMC have reviewed the ASF export controls procedures
and confirm that we are in compliance.

19 Dec 2007 [Tim Ellison / Geir]

Apache Harmony is making good progress towards releasing a full
Java SE implementation, and the community is working well.  We
are still looking to the Board to help resolve the JCK license

The development team have been very busy since our last report. We
declared Milestone build 5.0M3 on Oct 9, 2007, and since then have been
working towards Milestone 4 which is scheduled for the week of Dec 17.
The team is settling into a rhythm of delivering stable, well-tested,
development drivers approximately every eight weeks.

Besides the steady and continuous work of bug fixing and enhancements
across all aspects of the codebase (over 570 JIRAs resolved/closed, and
over 1000 commits since our last Board report), there has been
noteworthy advancements in the following areas:

 * build-test infrastructure : regular testing of nightlies with more
     applications and scenarios.
 * code coverage : additional tests have improved functional coverage.
 * JIT : lots of new optimizations such as operator strength reduction,
     loop versioning, array/string search and comparison optimizations,
     and stack alignment when using SSE instructions; and new features
     such as bytecode-based edge profiling.
 * awt : printer job implementation.
 * nio : improvements in selector code, including epoll support.
 * pack200 : good progress on implementing this complex spec.
 * sql : implementing SQL rowset.
 * ldap : we now have a working ldap provider.
 * JVMTI : ported to x86_64 platforms (both Linux and Windows).
 * java 6 class library : steady progression towards Java 6 APIs.
 * platform support : support for full hardware addressability on
     64 bit platforms, work on z/OS support.

We also received a contribution of JVMTI Extension: Native Code Access
Interface (NCAI) implementation by Intel which allows seamless debugging
of Java and native code across the JNI boundary.

At infra's request our stable milestone builds are being mirrored to
reduce the pressure on ASF servers. However, we are keeping a number of
snapshot builds and test results on-line to enable simpler regression
analysis, and these can be quite large.

We continue to look to the Board for a successful resolution to the JCK
license impasse so that we can go for Java SE certification.

After consultation with the Board and legal-internal, the Harmony PMC
plan to make an end-user release available once we complete our best
effort to demonstrate compliance with the specifications.  We are 99%
API complete for Java 5, and achieving a reasonable set of providers.

There were no reported security issues this period.

The community continues to operate in a healthy manner with a vibrant
developer list.

To facilitate broader community involvement we are in the process of
translating some webpages, and now accept bug reports, in Russian and
Chinese. A number of PMC members are fluent in these languages so can
provide due oversight. The bug reports are translated into English by
native speakers upon receipt.

We are fortunate to have developers from EIOffice (a large Java office
suite) contributing to Harmony's development effort, and have been
encouraged to see the uptake of Harmony code in highly visible releases
such as Google Android and IBM Java SDK.

The PMC elected three new committers this period, Andrey A. Pavlenko,
(Jimmy) Jing Lv, and Mikhail Markov; and one new PMC member,
Xiao-Feng Li. There are currently 30 committers, ~21 of whom were active
this period.

Approved by General Consent.

19 Sep 2007 [Tim Ellison / Henning]


Throughout the reporting period Harmony has had active development
across all aspects of the project. There are no issues requiring the
Board's attention.


The project produced another successful Milestone build at the end
of June 2007.  The entire development team collaborated in producing
a stable, well-tested, snapshot build that we called Apache
Harmony 5.0 M2.

Since then there has been the steady and continuous work of bug fixing
and enhancements across all aspects of the codebase.  Of particular
note is the effort from a variety of contributors on:

 * bytecode verifier : integrating and testing the new Java
       bytecode verifier code contribution
 * creating download bundles : tested combinations of Harmony
       5.0 M2 with Eclipse 3.3 & Tomcat 6.0.13
 * code coverage : enhancing tests to increase code coverage
 * build-test infrastructure : testing snapshots with more
       applications and scenarios
 * performance : new JIT and GC algorithms for improved code
 * debian packaging : produced some deb packages of Harmony builds
 * vm thread redesign : rationalisation of the VM threading model
 * vm class unloading : new class unloading feature in the VM
 * pack200 : picked-up implementation of complex JSR200 spec
 * AWT&Swing : focused attention on stability and robustness
 * bootvm : additional work on alternate VM implementation
 * java 6 class library : patchy, but steady progression towards
       Java 6 APIs

The dev list have been discussing the current practice of producing
milestone builds every two months in addition to our nightly snapshots.
Some would prefer a milestone every three months to enable more
sophisticated work completion, and this topic is still under discussion.
We continue to look to the Board for a successful resolution to the
JCK license impasse.


There was a concern raised about the security of our File.createTempFile
code, and after a short discussion on the dev list our implementation
was changed to the satisfaction of all involved.

There were no other reported security issues.


The community continues to operate in a very healthy manner. Several
developers have published material about Apache Harmony (linked from
the project website), or spoken about the project at developer
conferences.  We are collaborating with other projects, both at the
ASF and beyond, including evaluating opportunities to reuse their code
in Harmony.

There have been no new committers or PMC members this period. Upon
receiving Geir's resignation the PMC voted to recommend Tim Ellison as
the new Chair, and Tim was subsequently appointed as such by the Board
in July.  There are currently 27 committers, ~22 of whom were active
this period.

In addition, the chair for this project provided the following statement:

IMO there is a huge pent-up frustration with the lack of JCK for Harmony, and if it were to be made available it would unlock a phenomenal effort to get the code passing, and a real release out.

Approved by General Consent.

18 Jul 2007

Change the Apache Harmony Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Geir Magnusson Jr.
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Harmony, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Geir Magnusson Jr. from the office of Vice President, Apache Harmony;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Geir Magnusson Jr is relieved
 and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
 of Vice President, Apache Harmony, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tim Ellison be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Harmony, to serve
 in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
 Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
 resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
 successor is appointed.

 Special order 7D, Change the Apache Harmony Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote.

18 Jul 2007 [Geir Magnusson Jr.]

Issues requiring the Board's attention: none.

We have no outstanding infrastructure issues.

Along with the continuous work of bug fixing and enhancements across all
aspects of the codebase, the project accepted several new contributions
of code from Intel Corp.  These were voted upon on the project dev list
and have been incorporated into the project codebase, or are in the
process of being incorporated :

1) Various character set encoders/decoders
2) A font library
3) Java Management Extensions (JMX) APIs and associated tests
4) JMSMP and HTTP connections for Java Management Extensions (JMX)
5) An alternative bytecode verifier
6) JVM function test suite comprising 4400 tests
7) A further 1500 runtime tests
8) Stress testing suite

A branch was created in SVN for those wanting to start work on the Java
6 SE class library specification.  Some developers have started
submitting patches to the Java 6 branch but it is still in very early
days of development.

This work is supported by additional effort in the supporting build and
test infrastructure code which now contains thousands of functional
tests, adapters to run system/integration tests, and more recently some
performance tests.

At the end of June 2007 the project published a Milestone build.  The
entire development team collaborated in producing a stable, well-tested,
snapshot that we called Apache Harmony 5.0M2.  This Milestone has been
tested with a number of open source applications, and the Harmony
community have expressed an interest in producing downloads of
standalone applications, such as Apache Tomcat and Apache Geronimo,
based on the Harmony runtime.

There were no reported security issues.

The community continues to operate in a very healthy manner with
discussions and decisions being made on the project mailing list.
Several developers have published material about Apache Harmony in
various places (linked from the project website), or spoken about the
project at developer conferences.  We collaborated with the Eclipse
Foundation in their venture to produce an "In Harmony with Eclipse" CD
for JavaOne 2007, containing the Eclipse IDE running on an Apache
Harmony runtime.

We're continue to watch the OpenJDK project for opportunities to
collaborate, but so far, there has been little activity there since our
last update.

We have voted in seven new committers, bringing the total to 27 (of
which 22 were active in the last 2 months).  Our new committers are:

 Alexey A Ivanov (Intel)
 Andrew Zhang (Independent)
 Egor Pasko (Independent)
 Leo Li (IBM)
 Mikhail Fursov (Intel)
 Tony Wu (IBM)
 Vladimir Ivanov  (Intel)

Approved by General Consent.

20 Jun 2007 [Geir Magnusson Jr.]

No report provided or submitted. Geir did mention that he was going to resign the Harmony chair position, due to his serious time constraints, but was concerned about the (mistaken) impression that might cause.

28 Mar 2007 [Geir Magnusson Jr.]

Issues requiring the Board's attention: none.

We have no outstanding infrastructure issues, and are happy to
report that things are working well.  Thanks, infra :)


Development has been continuing, best described as "block and tackle"
work.  The activity is centered around the VM, with the efforts focused on
stability and performance, and the class library, where there's been most
activity around bugfixing.  There has been some slight progress towards
completion, but most of the efforts have been focused on the code that is

We've had a bit more activity around the testing infrastructure, working
to add new tests and scenarios to help us do a better job at early
detection of bugs.  Additionally, we have had several contributions of
testing software to the project.

There were no reported security issues.

Collectively we're looking at putting together a formal release plan,
deciding on features and timing.   We're also working to ensure that the
generated snapshots pass their own unit tests.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Feb 2007 [Geir Magnusson Jr. / Justin]

Issues requiring the Board's attention: none.

We have no outstanding infrastructure issues.  We added a new
mailing list for build alerts from the community-run build system.


BEA released a version of the JRockit virtual machine (not open
source) that works with the the Harmony class library.  This is a
production-grade, high-performance JVM.  Not only is this a very
useful tool for the project as we can use it to help isolate class
library bugs because the JVM is "known good", it's also a good
demonstration of the adaptability of the Harmony class library.

Along with the continuous work across all aspects of the codebase,
the project accepted several new donations of code.  These were
voted by the project on the dev list and have been incorporated
into the project codebase, or are in progress :

1) "" package from IBM for the classlibrary
2) JSSE test suite from Intel
3) Reliability test suite from Intel
4) HTML parser for Swing from ITC
5) "javax.naming.ldap" package from ITC

There were no reported security issues.

We're still watching the OpenJDK project for opportunities to
collaborate, but so far, there has been little activity there
since our last update.

We have voted in one new committer :

 Xiao-Feng Li

We have added 7 committers to the PMC :

 Alexei Zakharov
 Alexey Varlamov
 Gregory Shimansky
 Alexey Petrenko
 Richard Liang
 Oliver Deakin
 Nadya Morozova

Justin asked if OpenJDK was Sun's GPL-released version of Java. Geir responded that it was, but as Sun retains copyright, we have encouraged them to relicense things the ASF can collaborate on, such as javac, etc...

Approved by General Consent.

17 Jan 2007 [Geir Magnusson Jr. / Sander]

[ no report received ]

[ no report received ]

Geir to submit a report in February.

20 Dec 2006 [Geir Magnusson Jr.]

Issues requiring the Board's attention: none.

We have now completed our second full month of TLP, and with the
recent creation of our Solaris Zone, we have no outstanding
infrastructure requests, and thank the ASF infrastructure team
for helping us with our transition from the Incubator.  We plan
on adding a few new mail lists, one for our community-distributed
build/test system alerts, and eventually one for users.

The project continues to make progress towards it's primary goal
of a complete implementation of Java SE 5.  We have over 96% of the
Java SE 5 class library complete, and the virtual machine continues
to make substantial progress.  We look forward to securing the JCK
for Java SE 6 to start integrating it into our build/test frameworks
as to immediately begin testing the portions of the classlibrary that
we believe are spec complete.

While I can't quantify the VM as I can the class library in terms of
measurable completeness, it's clear we're making good progress due to
the continued improvements in stability, functionality and performance.
We also have quite a bit of progress in the area of documentation and
website, with a committed set of community members focused on that.

In the last month we completed substantial work on our "JDK tools"
part of the project, which is the code and build infrastructure for
the additional programs that come with the runtime environment in the
"Java Development Kit" (aka JDK).  As of now, we have a JDK that has
"java" (the runtime), "javac" (the Java language to bytecode compiler,
based on the Eclipse ECJ compiler), "javah" (C header and stub file
generator), and "keytool" (used for manipulating keys and certificates),
and will continue to work to complete the full toolchain.

Mid November, a user identified a potential vulnerability in the
codebase pertaining to a thread being able to mine values owned by
other threads in the so-called "ThreadLocal" storage.  This was
identified on the private@ list, and after the PMC determined that
there was no real need continued discussion in secrecy, we moved the
discussion to the public list and resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

On the community front, things are fairly static.  We are seeing a small
drop in our dev list participation numbers, but there are no known reasons
why, other than seasonal variability.

In late November, Sun announced the creation of their open source Java
project called "OpenJDK".  They will be releasing over the next 6
months the source code to Java SE 6, under the GPLv2 and
GPLv2+Classpath Exception licenses.  As of now, they have released
their "javac" Java-language-to-bytecode compiler and their VM to the
community under the GPLv2 license.  Currently, they are still working
out the details regarding their community structure.  We expect that
this action will have at least a short term affect on our community,
simply because it's a more advanced codebase, and an alternative
community for people to participate in.  Overall, though, this is a
positive thing for the open source Java ecosystem, and we'll continue
to look for ways to bridge the two communities.

One final community note - the Apache Gump project has been working
towards using Harmony as a "base" for their activities, and with the
recent completion of the "javac" compiler in Harmony, we're hoping
that we'll soon start seeing full Gump runs on the Harmony JDK.

Justin asked what criteria was used to guage 'dev list participation'. Geir responded just the number of messages to the list.

Approved by General Consent.

15 Nov 2006 [Geir Magnusson Jr.]

Currently, we have no issues requiring board attention.

We are ready to switch our infrastructure to that of
a TLP - website URL is ready, group created, and we
expect to bring that live this week.

Of interest was Sun's recent announcement of their
implementation of Java SE licensed under GPLv2.  As
advocates of open source Java SE, we think this is a
positive thing and validate our work for the last 18
months - more open source Java is great.  While their
choice of license precludes immediate collaboration
between the projects, we've already floated one idea
of how we can work together - asking Sun to relicense
the javac compiler under CDDL so Harmony can
redistribute - and we will keep exploring other ideas.

We have added one new committer, Nadya Morozova, who has
been doing lots of good work in the area of our
documentation and website.  Currently this hasn't been
announced on the dev list as we're waiting for ICLA.

We continue to make progress - we have achieved 95%
completeness on the class library for Java SE 5 and
the DRLVM continues to improve in performance,
stability and completeness.

Approved by General Consent.

25 Oct 2006

Establish the Apache Harmony project

  WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
  interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
  Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
  Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
  open-source software implementing Java virtual machines,
  related class libraries, and other software that is commonly
  associated with Java platforms, for distribution at no charge
  to the public.

  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
  Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Harmony Project",
  be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
  Foundation; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the Apache Harmony Project be and hereby is
  responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
  related to Java virtual machines, related class libraries, and
  other software commonly associated with Java platform
  implementations; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Harmony" be and
  hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
  the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
  Apache Harmony Project, and to have primary responsibility for
  management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
  of the Apache Harmony Project; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
  hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
  Apache Harmony Project:

    * Nathan Beyer       (
    * Tim Ellison        (
    * Mark Hindess       (
    * George Harley      (
    * Mikhail Loenko     (
    * Geir Magnusson Jr. (
    * Stepan Mishura     (
    * Weldon Washburn    (
    * Paulex Yang        (

  be appointed to the office of Vice President, Harmony, to serve
  in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
  Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
  resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
  a successor is appointed; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Harmony Project be and hereby
  is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
  encourage open development and increased participation in the
  Harmony Project; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Harmony Project be and hereby
  is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
  Incubator Harmony podling; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
  Incubator Harmony podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
  PMC are hereafter discharged.

 Special Order 6E, Establishing the Apache Harmony Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote.

25 Oct 2006

Entered incubation in May, 2005. Apache Harmony is primarily focused
on the creation of an independent, compatible implementation of Java
SE 5.

The project has voted to ask to graduate from the Incubator, and is
currently discussion the topic with the Incubator PMC.

Progress continues in both code and community:


The project has added 6 new committers

The project has added 3 committers to the PPMC

Diversity continues to increase in participants

Pure development list traffic hit a record of 1961 message with a
combined volume of JIRA and commit messages of 2851

The ApacheCon technical session and BOF on Harmony were reasonably

Our interaction with the Yoko community has been constructive in terms
of community - they elected a Harmony commmitter to be a Yoko
committer - as well as technology (see below)

We have the support with the external MX4J project to "gently fork"
their codebase as the foundation for our JMX 1.2 extentions as
required by the Java SE 5 spec


The project is in the process of updating it's license headers in the
codebase. The classlibrary and DRLVM virtual machine have been
updated, with the rest still in progress.

Classlibrary coverage has reached 94%

DRLVM is stablizing and running at a reasonable level of performance

We've incorporated the binary milestone from Yoko as our
implementation of pCORBA, and will update with their release when that

We've accepted several tool contributions (javah, javap) and expect to
produce a JDK snapshot complete with javac, javap, javah, rmic and

JBoss now "runs" on Harmony (for certain values of "runs")

MX4J as source (it has the Apache License) will be integrated into the
project codebase as the starting point for our required JMX
implementation in the classlibrary.


July 2006
Identity Management

While progress has still been a bit slow, some good milestones have
been reached in the past month.

Majority of commiters from initial proposal now have accounts

Project page updated as well as now linked to from the Incubator's

Code contribution of the Ruby identity provider has been made

Yadis test code has been checked in

Ruby OpenID plugin has been contributed

We're also now very close to having the OpenID and Yadis libraries
contributed to the project, just waiting on two or three more accounts
to be created.


April 2004
Java Crypto

No activity in months.  Appears dormant.


Feb 2005

The project is dormant. Retired during ApacheCon.


March 2006
Lucene for .NET environment.

Lucene.Net continues to grow. Recently Lucene.Net 1.9.1 "final" was
released. In addition, Lucene.Net 2.0 is now in "beta". The mailing
list is seeing more traffic with questions, bug reports and
enhancement requests. In September, Jeff Rodenburg was added as a
committer to Lucene.Net. And finally, a new logo Lucene.Net logo was
added to the incubation site (


XAP is a declarative framework for building, deploying and maintaining
Ajax-based rich internet applications with the goal of dramatically
simplifying Ajax application development. XAP entered incubation in
May 2006.

Top three items to resolve before graduation:

Bring the codebase to a level that contributors can make contributions
without significant pain;

Create a XAP incubating release with proper packaging and quality

Engage a higher level of community activity and contribution


Various discussions on the XAP dev list on technical issues such as
application initialization and DOM model;

Attended ApacheCon and gave a lightening talk on XAP

A session called "Introduction to XAP" was presented at AjaxWorld
Conference and the upcoming Ajax Experience conference

Various third party expressed interest in learning more about XAP, but
complained that not easy to get infomation and not easy to figure out
what XAP code does.


Achieved milestone 3: added more widgets and streamlined

Various bug submission and JS unit tests submitted by Trevor Oldak

Update demo applications with improved performance

Working towards the next milestone: more widgets and some appealing
demos to attract more developers

19 Jul 2006

The Harmony project continues to grow in both community and code.

On the community side, our mail list traffic continues to increase, with an
all-time high of 1495 messages on the dev list in June.  As of this writing,
there are 895 messages so far for July. These numbers do not include any
commit or JIRA traffic.  Content of the list is fairly healthy, concerned
with the technical aspects of both our virtual machines as well as the class
library.  Recent donations are increasing the diversity of participation in
terms of individuals, with the majority of new faces participating in and
around the virtual machine donation from Intel.  Mail list traffic on the
ppmc list is very low, and with the exception of one issue related to a
contribution, pertains only to new committer and ppmc member discussion and
votes.  We have added 4 new committers, have several identified as
potential, and have recently voted to add committers to the PPMC (although
they haven't been notified as of this moment).

On the technical side, we have been fortunate to continue to receive code
from 3rd parties, primarily Intel.  These donations represent code that was
intended for Harmony but due to a combination of internal "process" backlog
at Intel, as well as a sensitivity to the rate at which the community can
digest and adopt the code, not all code was donated at once.  We are very
sensitive to ensuring that after a donation happens, any development on that
continues in the project, and we constantly look for ways to enable people
to help.  We have recieved significant additions like Swing/AWT/Java 2D for
the class library, as well as the "DRLVM" modern virtual machine, which now
gives us about 81% coverage of the Java 1.4 API (estimated at 78% of the
Java 5 API, our target), as well as a VM to run that with modern garbage
collection and JIT.

We are currently working through the details of using public-domain code
from Doug Lea for the "java.util.concurrent" package.  This is the
'reference implementation' for this package, and used by Sun, among others.
We wish to use this code (as it's considered the best implementation as well
as the only one available to us), and further build a bridge between our
community and the community surrounding this code (mainly the JSR-166 expert
group, and organizations like us that use it...)

18 Jan 2006

Harmony project has moved out of it's initial phase in which it formalized
contribution and other governance issues and has now accepted two major
class library code contributions, one from IBM and one from Intel. Work
continues on those two codebases, with topics ranging from bug fixing,
enhancements, as well as other topics such as how to organize test framework
and documentation.

Two releases of snapshots are imminent, one of a basic VM implementation
(JCHEVM) and one of the current classlibrary. We are doing this to make it
easier for users to work with the software.

Our focus in the upcoming quarter is to continue our emphasis on community
building through adding new committers and expaning the scope of our
activities to include other kinds of committers (test, documentation, qa...)
and continue to solicit donations to our codebase as well.

26 Oct 2005

Project is moving along.  Recent quarter has focused on creating the
contribution and committer process for the project.  The result has been the
creation of an "Authorized Contributor Questionnaire" to allow contributors
to declare what portions of the project codebase they could have problems
working in due to contraints imposed on them through prior work. (For
example, being under NDA to an employer.)  We also have worked out the
process for accepting "bulk contributions", those works that have been
created elsewhere and are being donated to Harmony.  This process builds on
the standard Apache Incubator process - a CCLA or SG is still required and

Other highlights :

 * We have accepted 3 new code contributions
  * Componentization proof of concept
  * "bootVM" a new basic VM nucleus
  * "JCHEVM", a re-licensing of JCVM
 * We have added two new committers
 * We expect to continue to add new committers and new code at an
    accelerating rate

28 Jul 2005

In it's first month+ of existence, Harmony has attracted quite a bit
of attention, and we are now settling down to resolve some of the
issues we've identified in the beginning.  We have on our website our
proposed policy framework to monitor contributions and technology
contributions.  This policy is in addition to the standard ASF policy
and we do not believe that it will cause any concerns.  It will be
posted for review by the Apache Incubator PMC before it goes into
effect, but we're working to get the last nips and tucks done.

On the technology side, there's been a slow start, in part due to the
contribution framework getting established, but I plan to push hard
for contributions now that we're almost done and people can get a
sense of how things work.

We have the following outstanding issue that I will be talking to the
Apache Incubator PMC about - parts of the community have asked that
we change our default license for mail list contributions to a
license compatible with the GPL, as the Apache License is deemed
incompatible by the FSF.  It's in our interest to ensure that we can
have the broadest participation possible, but also recognize that we
wish to balance that with the aspects of the Apache License that are
important to us.  Expect more on this soon.