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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).

New Business

18 Sep 2024

@Jeff: Start discussion of communications on board@ specifically the
 use of non-archived tools like Slack, Discord

19 Jul 2023

 The board would like to change the title of VP, Public Policy, to
 VP, Public Affairs. The board has approved this change by a vote of
 7-1 with Craig's no.

21 Jun 2023

 Informal discussion around updating the PMC Guide page

19 Apr 2023

The board will work on organizing a board face-to-face.

22 Mar 2023

 A. Review Renaming of ApacheCon to Community Over Code [requested by akm]

 The decision to rename ApacheCon was made without informing or getting the
 blessing of the Membership. This can be seen as a premature change given
 that the discussion of branding changes for the Foundation are in early
 stages. ApacheCon is a highly visible part of ASF outreach, and for many
 Members and Committers is an important part of the valuable branding of
 the Foundation.

18 Apr 2018

Sam Ruby appointed Daniel Ruggeri to the position of VP, Fundraising

22 Apr 2015

* Self-Service ICLAs: There has been some discussion regarding
 automating our ICLA submission process to the point that it
 is completely self-service.  There are some concerns about us
 exposing the ASF to risk by using a web form to submit the
 ICLAs.  We need legal counsel to advise us. - James Carman

 - I talked to Jim at ApacheCon.  I don't think that legal will
   be a problem.  I have a demo that people can play with and
   contribute to:

   - Sam Ruby

21 May 2014

 New contract for auditing services looks like it will come in around
 $13,000. The budget estimate was $10,000. When the contract comes in
 it will be distributed for review and approval.

21 Dec 2011

AI: Craig add Melissa Warnkin to

07 Nov 2011

 Should the board meet face-to-face more than once per year?
 Consensus is that once is fine, but it should be soon after the election
 of the new board.

 When should the board meet?

 Most Apache board members attend OSCON so that would seem to be a good
 venue for a face-to-face. But OSCON is in July so it is problematic to
 have an election after May and expect newly elected board members to
 schedule a trip to Portland early in July. The decision was taken to
 move up the election in 2012 to May in order to allow proper planning
 for a face to face for the new board coincident with OSCON, currently
 scheduled for July 16, 2012.

15 Jun 2011

 Google has asked for some information on the Oracle lawsuit, without
 going through the exercise of serving Apache with a subpoena.
 Board consensus is that we should give Google whatever we have already
 given Oracle. No need for formal process.

19 May 2011

A. Executive session (Doug)

20 Apr 2011

* OSUOSL+others thank yous.

 We want to thank OSUOSL with a donation "in kind" of a refrigerator
 packed with potables of an intoxicating nature. We should be sure to
 invite jerenkrantz to participate in this action.

20 Oct 2010

 A. Discuss EA budget. [Jim]

 An RFP was issued with multiple responses. The major issue is whether
 there is money in the budget to pay for the position.

 The board agreed that the budget needs a mid-year update anyway, and
 gave the go-ahead for Jim to follow up with the best candidate.

 AI Jim: work on the mid-year budget update and follow up with the
 EA candidate.

 B. Discuss one-year extension of ApacheCon contract [Noirin]

 There was no consensus that we can get the kind of ApacheCon that we want
 without making major changes to the contract.

 AI Noirin: arrange a face to face meeting with Stone Circle at ApacheCon
 next month.

 C. Schedule a board meeting at ApacheCon. [Doug]

 AI Doug: Just Do It.

11 Sep 2010

 The future of ApacheCon:

 It is generally agreed that Apache as a public charity needs
 to justify expenditures and activities consistent with its charter to
 provide software to the public at no charge. Activities in direct
 support of this charter include recruiting new projects, recruiting
 new committers to projects, and education of the public as to how to
 use the projects.

 With that in mind, it's hard to justify big, expensive conferences in
 big, expensive hotels. It's easy to justify small, inexpensive
 conferences such as barcamps, retreats, etc. But it's difficult to
 find people willing to do the local coordination (venue planning).
 Apache does and should continue to work with local coordinators,
 including corporate planners, to put on local events.

 Just for example, it would be fine to have an ApacheCon-style event
 that cost $400 per head for 1200 people, but not $1200 per head for
 400 people. And it's probably worthwhile for outreach for Apache to
 spend $50 per head to reach people who might not come to a big
 conference. It's also good to target specific (underrepresented)
 demographics when deciding whether to support an event. And it's
 not good for Apache to take on the risk of failed conferences since
 that could put a big bite on our finances.

 So let's turn the problem around, and solicit proposals from people
 who want to run events with the right target demographic, with the
 right cost per person, and the right event organizers. These events
 will earn the Apache branding rights.


 It would be good to have a goal of having smaller contributions, and
 many more of them. Are there things that we can offer the community,
 like logos for individual business cards, individual web pages?
 Honorifics like "founder", "contributor" that can be applied to
 individuals and corporations?

 The state of the financial books:

 Jim intends to have an internal audit of the books this year. He will
 work with Geir to accomplish this goal.

19 May 2010

 A. Place holder for Santuario resolution

 No action taken.

21 Apr 2010

Sander to put out an RFP for $25-30K part/time.

01 Nov 2009


19 Aug 2009

 Does the board wish to address the vacancy in the VP, PRC?

 The consensus is that this is something the PRC needs to handle. Jim
 indicated that he is still active and providing oversight.

 Roy suggests changing this to a president's committee. Greg believes
 that it is important that the PRC remains a board committee to make
 it obvious that the PRC has oversight. Roy notes that infrastructure
 has authority. Upon further discussion, Greg agreed with Roy; Roy
 indicated that he can review this with Larry after the meeting.
 Justin notes that president committees are not set by board
 resolutions, they are created and destroyed by the president at
 will. In the process, it was noted that the TAC does not need to be
 a board committee. Sam expressed no opinion as to whether Legal
 Affairs should be a board committee or a presidents committee.
 Justin reiterated that infrastructure has had no issues with
 perception of authority.

15 Jul 2009

    A. Change of HTTP Server PMC Chair

    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Roy T. Fielding
    to the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, and

    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation of
    Roy T. Fielding from the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server,

    WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache HTTP Server
    project has chosen by vote to recommend William Rowe Jr. as the
    successor to the post;

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Roy T. Fielding is
    relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
    office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, and

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that William Rowe Jr. be and hereby is
    appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache HTTP Server, to
    serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
    Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
    retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is

 New Business item 11A, Change of HTTP Server PMC Chair, was approved by
 Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

17 Dec 2008

 Chair officially tasks Bill Rowe with the task of creating a budget,
 and is open to the idea of creating a Finance committee in the

21 May 2008

* QPid wants to buy the SPECjms SPEC kit for benchmarking their
   implementation. According to a mail to the board list, this
   would be $450 for a non-profit organization. Can we do this, do
   we do this, if yes, how do we do this?

   Geir to work with QPid on rationale and licensing

 * The issue surrounding the purchase of the TREC Terabyte Collection
   and a possible restriction to just one PMC, even though it has been
   licensed to the ASF. Quote from "Iadh Ounis":

   > The licenses are not site-wide.  It is only for a homnegeneous
   > unit such as a research group with a department. For example,
   > it is not uncommon to have university X having a Department of
   > computer science with more than one license, for a given test
   > collection - eg an IR research group and a ML research
   > group. In your case, you should license for the Lucene
   > top-level project at most. In terms of the contract, the
   > "organisation" is the research group (Lucene project), the
   > legal entity is in your case, ASF.

   Discussed creating a new committee for TREC Terabyte Collection
   users.  Likely interest from Lucene, UIMA, probably Hama, potentially
   Hadoop and Jackrabbit.

   Jim to follow up with Grant Ingersoll

28 Mar 2007

 Justin brought up the subject of the board sponsoring the
 hackathon. The general consensus was that it was too late in
 the game for the AC EU 2007 conference, but, if in a similar
 situation for the AC US 2007 show, it should be considered and

16 Aug 2006

 A. Someone has suggested, very cautiously and with great
 sensitivity, the possibility of arranging freelance
 contracts for Apache people, potentially with a percentage
 of the contract being donated to the ASF.  How would
 we feel about this sort of thing?

 Discussion: The actual "mechanics" of such a thing were
 discussed, and the board wondered why it was even required.
 It was noted that we already had processes in place
 for such a "job announcement" capability. It was agreed
 that this could be more visible and well-noted on the

27 Jun 2006

 Sander reported that he had received a proposal for
 secretarial support services, for things such as FAX
 acceptance and scanning and sending out the required
 IRS Thank You notes. The cost was $1000 euros per
 month (a 3 month term is required). Jim was to obtain
 other proposals for comparison purposes.

21 Dec 2005

 Ken took the opportunity to report to the board an
 early and preliminary assessment of ApacheCon US 2005. Ken
 reported that there was no real bad reports regarding the
 show, and that attendees and especially speakers and
 sponsors were very happy with how the show was managed.
 The show appears to have been in the black 6 weeks
 before the start of the show. It is expected that FCP will
 be doing next year's US ApacheCon, and there was some
 preliminary discussion in having an ApacheCon Sri Lanka.

26 Oct 2005

Request was made for $1200 for press releases, Justin is OKed for $1500

29 Sep 2005

 Jim has an application for D&O Insurance that needs to be
 signed by either Greg or Sander. Jim was to send to Greg,
 who would sign and then return to Jim via the new ASF
 FedEx account. It was noted that this was simply an application,
 to obtain pricing. Jim is still negotiating with other
 insurance brokers as well.

17 Aug 2005

No New Business.

30 Mar 2005

 There was a long discussion regarding (or re-regarding) the topic
 of the ASF obtaining an Executive Director. There were 3 main
 opinions: (1) That the ASF requires a "true" Executive Director (ED)
 with position, title and "power" normally associated with such;
 (2) That the ASF requires an Administrative Assisstant (AA), to help
 with such items as Fund Raising, etc; (3) That the ASF is doing
 fine as it is.

 The main voiced concern regarding an ED is that it would be
 unprecedented for any single individual within the ASF to be so
 publically known as "Mr./Ms. ASF." The ASF has historically actively
 avoided any single person being uniquely so distinguished or
 acknowledged. There is the concern on how this would affect the
 developer and user community.

 The main voiced concern regarding an AA is that the person would lack
 any real power or authority with which to do their job.

 One topic in the discussion which seemed to strike a chord with
 most directors is the need for someone who has the time and
 bandwidth to "stay on the ball" regarding issues.

 Other than that, there was no real consensus within the board, being
 split maybe 3-3-1 over the 3 opinions.

23 Feb 2005

    A. OASIS response

    There was discussion whether the ASF should develop or otherwise
    contribute to the development of code which implements protocols
    or standards that are, or may be, patent encumbered.  It was
    generally agreed that such encumbrances go against some basic
    foundations of the ASF, which is to foster open standards.  Dirk
    was tasked with sending out an Email to all projects asking them
    to check the standards and protocols they are implementing for
    possible conflicts.

 B. Google grant program

    Greg reported the Google Grant program is still progressing and
    that Google is "OK" with our list of limitations which we feel
    we can comfortably abide by.

14 Nov 2004

No new business.

18 Aug 2004

 It was asked whether the ASF had a corporate seal.  Jim reported
 that he had obtained one when the ASF was initially incorporated
 in 1999 and has it.

 There was some discussion regarding the continued way that
 JBoss is referring to Tomcat.  For example, they are not
 referring to it as Apache Tomcat.  Also, in their descriptions
 they are creating the mistaken impression that they "control"
 or "direct" Apache Tomcat development.  Geir volunteered to
 contact them regarding our concerns.

21 Apr 2004

 It was agreed by general consent to give a budget of US$100 a month
 to the Secretary for general office supplies.

17 Mar 2004

 Discussion of implications of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on ASF financial
 structure and responsibilities

 Chuck reported that this act could have substantial effect
 on the current running of the ASF regarding fundraising and
 accounting.  Chuck noted that having an independent audit
 of the ASF books would be in keeping with the act.  He also
 noted that having the ASF Treasurer also act on the fund-
 raising team should be discouraged.  Greg said that
 he would look into some people to do the independent

18 Feb 2004

 It was noted that Dirk will follow up on the HP Apache
 trademark usage.  It appears that HP is incorrectly using
 the Apache mark.

 OSI was sent a copy of Al 2.0 and recommended that it
 be formally approved.

 Ken noted that he is working on the trademarking issue for
 the feather and other ASF marks.

21 Jan 2004

No new business.

17 Dec 2003

No new business.

16 Nov 2003

 Geir brought up the topic of Geronimo and the "code similarity" letter from
 JBoss's lawyers.  He indicated that the PMC is preparing responses to the
 exhibits mentioned.  He asked if  the ASF will want to do a letter back to
 JBoss's lawyers and asked the next steps.  It was agreed that we
 should continue generating the responses, with help from Geronimo
 contributers, at which point these will be reviewed by the ASF lawyers.

 Geir indicated some TCK issues.  He noted that the ASF will get a side letter
 to approve distribution and asked if he could sign the TCK agreement?

 Greg moved that Geir Magnusson Jr. be named VP, Java Community Process of
 the Apache Software Foundation (a more proper proposal text will be
 formulated later). This was agreed upon by unanimous vote.

 Board acknowledged that Ken added Rich Bowen, Shane Curcuru, and Cliff Skolnick
 to the Apachecon committee.

22 Oct 2003

 The main topic of discussion was regarding general
 CLA issues. Guest Jennifer Machovec provided 2 proposed
 CLAs (see exhibit B and C), one for corporate
 clients and the other for individuals. The concept is
 that the company would provide to the ASF a full and
 complete list if all employees so authorized to provide
 IP to the ASF. The CLA would be the legal entity which
 states that any IP from anyone on that list is
 so contributed.

 It was noted that this would increase the amount of
 paperwork involved, as well as requiring ASF contributors
 to more formally inform the ASF of changes to their
 employment. There was also discussion on the requirement
 of an actual signed copy, rather than accepting a
 FAXed or other electronically verified copy.

17 Sep 2003

    A. Discussion of consistent PMC policies.
    It was the general consensus that such a list of
    consistent PMC policies would be beneficial, but that
    such a list should be quite small; only the bare
    minimum required.

 B. Discussion about ApacheCon 2002 and 2003.
    It was discussed that, as of this date, several AC2002
    speaker had still not gotten paid. This is having a
    somewhat chilling effect on obtaining speakers and
    exhibitors for AC2003.

 C. Discussion on ASF obtaining their own phone/web conferencing
    Jim noted that he has been investgating obtaining a
    phone/web conferencing system for the ASF. This is
    for not only board meetings but also to help with
    internal PMC discussions as well (which would be
    beneficial at times). Currently we are using donated
    services, but it might be a Good Idea for the ASF to
    obtain this for themselves. This was not considered
    a high priority item.

 D. Discussion on whether and when to hold a (Special) Members
    Meeting at ApacheCon 2003 in Vegas.
    It was decided that the ASF would indeed hold such a
    meeting to coincide with AC2003. Time and Location
    would be arranged with Planners via Jim.

 E. Discussion about Incubation procedures and projects. Is there
    anything the Board can do or recommend to assist? And/or do we
    feel the Incubator is moving forward properly?
    It was noted that the "energy level" within Incubator
    was low. An example was the fact that the Incubator PMC
    chair had requested to step down and getting the PMC
    members to take time to vote for a replacement was
    difficult. There was still discussion on whether the
    Incubator was even "needed", but the general consensus
    was that it most definately filled a need.

20 Aug 2003

 It was desired that the Conferences Committee chair be empowered
 to change the composition of the committee without requiring
 ratification by the board.  Jim noted that the Conferences
 Committee was actually a PMC and not a Board Committee, so the
 chair already has this capability.

 There was discussion regarding the chair postion for the
 Apache Incubator and the Apache Commons projects.  Both
 current chairs (Jim and Ken, respectively) have offered
 to step down.  Despite suggested replacements, interest in
 each project to select/elect new chairs was minimal at
 best.  It was noted that it was requested within the Incubator
 project that Jim stay on "for a bit" while the level of
 activity within the Incubator was still high.  It was
 decided that maybe it was time anyway.  Both Jim and Ken
 were to try to reboot the "new chair" efforts in their
 respective projects.

21 May 2003

 A. Credit card to associate with PayPal.

 It was noted that having a credit card associated with our
 PayPal account results in better rates for us.  The ASF does
 not have such a card, however.  Chuck was tasked with
 determining the best course of action to resolve this,
 whether it means using a "personal" card for the association
 or whether the ASF can and should obtain such a card.  It
 was noted that having one would be quite beneficial.

16 Apr 2003

    A. OpenORB and Intalio.
    There was discussion regarding liability concerns regarding
    Intalio and the OpenORB codebase.  Concepts such as a "click
    through" license were discussed, but with no significant
    result. Jim reported that the following OpenORB committers
    have signed CLAs on file:

       Stephen McConnell
       Jesper Pedersen
       J. Scott Evans
       Michael Rumpf
       Shawn Boyce
       Gary Shea
       Lars Kühne
       Polar Humenn

 B. New fax machine for Jim.
    The board approved a budget not-to-exceed $300 to Jim to
    purchase a new FAX machine.

 C. Colocation.
    It was reported that the ASF had finalized a new colocation
    agreement with United Layer.  The ASF has a full rack and a
    great bandwidth allocation for $1500/month.

 D. Security Lists.
    There was discussion regarding the security lists in place
    for the various ASF projects.  The main concerns were the large
    number of subscribers to those lists as well as the potential
    for leaks and premature vendor "leaks".  BenL indicated that
    he would work on helping all the lists alleviate these

19 Mar 2003

    A. 3Genius query.
    See, message-ID <3E75E31D.8050806@Apache.Org>
    <<need to determine exactly how to word this>>

 B. The Maven proposal, as presented during the supplimental
    meeting on February 26, 2003, was recorded as approved.

19 Feb 2003

    A. Migration of XML Security back to XML PMC

    WHEREAS, the XML Security sub-project has requested to remain
    within the purview of the XML Project Management Committee (PMC)
    rather than the Web Services PMC, as assigned on 22 Jan 2003.

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all responsibility
    pertaining to the XML Security sub-project be and hereby is
    encumbered upon the XML PMC; and be it further

    RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the XML Security
    sub-project encumbered upon the Web Services PMC be hereafter

 This resolution passed by unamimous consent of the directors present.

18 Dec 2002

 Empower PMC chairs to change the membership of their PMCs without
 requiring ratification by the board.  This changes a previous
 resolution which specifically defined which PMCs had this
 power and authority.  The new resolution is crafted to allow
 any and all ASF PMCs.

 The following resolution [R1] is proposed:

    WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
    interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
    Foundation's purpose to delegate the ability to appoint the
    membership of Project Management Committees to the officers
    of the corporation given charge of them,

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Vice President
    positions charged with the management of each of the Project
    Management Committees of the Apache Software Foundation are
    hereby assigned the further authority to and responsibility
    of appointing the membership of their respective Project
    Management Committees, which will be effective 72 hours
    after a Director of the Board acknowledges receipt of a
    notification from the Vice President to the Board specifying
    the change in membership of the committee.

 By unanimous vote, Resolution R1 was passed.

 Sam noted that a potential new project, focusing on "Web Services"
 might be proposed in the near future.  Roy expressed some concern
 over use of the marketing phrase "Web Services" as a project name,
 since most ASF projects, including HTTPD, would be in that scope.

18 Nov 2002

 The following proposal was offered by the Jakarta PMC Chair: Pending
 further investigation, that commit priv's, ASF wide, for Peter Donald
 be placed on suspension for a period of up to 90 days at the request
 of the Jakarta PMC Chair.

 By Unanimous Vote, the proposal was Approved.

 Sam has been tasked, as ASF Director, to contact Peter Donald and
 all affected PMCs, regarding this item.

18 Sep 2002

    A) discussion about a Code Donation committee.
    This was tabled.

 B) There was discussion regarding whether it was useful that
    Concom have the means and authority to provide supplemental
    funds to ASF members for the purpose of attending ApacheCon
    if they were unable to afford the expense. The general consent
    was that such authority was beneficial.

21 Aug 2002

 Brian proposed that the board to approve a budget for the purchase
 of a disk array to increase capacity for the collabnet-hosted machines.  The purpose would be to provide additional
 storage and to serve as a backup solution as an alternative to a
 tape drive solution.  The board voted unanimously to approve a budget,
 not to exceed $8000, for such a purchase.

27 Feb 2002

There was no new business.

16 Jan 2002

 Sam Ruby reported that the Jakarta PMC Chair election is due soon. Sam
 also reported that the Jakarta PMC will also hold a renewal of all
 members in the PMC.

 Roy reported his intent to have each ASF project submit status
 updates to the board at the monthly board meetings, on an ongoing
 rotating basis.

28 Nov 2001

There was no New Business.

17 Oct 2001

None announced or discussed.

18 Jul 2001

 It was approved by consent that Sally Khudairi has been selected as the
 ASF Public Relations contact. Her membership in the ASF will be
 re-discussed at a later time.

18 Apr 2001

 A. Discussion of suitability and next steps with proposed "License 1.2".
 There was extensive discussion regarding the proposed "License 1.2"
 designed to specifically address the misconception that the Apache
 License is incompatible with the GPL. Some points raised were:

   1. We should not adjust our License to work around the
      deficiencies of other licenses.
   2. The general consensus is that there is no conflict.
   3. That up to now, the ASF has been silent on this issue,
      which has allowed for more vocal "opinions" to sway
      people. It is most likely in the ASF's best interest,
      as well as the board's obligation, to become an educational
      resource to the public regarding some basic facts about our

 It was agreed that the Licensing subproject would seriously
 discuss and work these concerns.

21 Mar 2001

There was no new business.

22 Oct 2000

 A Round-table discussion was held on 2 topics:

 A. Scheduled Board Meetings

    It was agreed that a Board Meeting would be held on the 3rd
    Wednesday of every month at 9:00am Pacific Time. It is
    anticipated that by having monthly meeting they will be short
    and concise. These could be supplimented by the use of irc.

    Jim was to determine the feasibility of procuring telecon
    services under the ASF directly, instead of using telecon
    services provided on the ASF's behalf.

 B. Webmaster Employee for ASF

    It was agreed that it made sense for the ASF to look into
    hiring support to serve as a "webmaster" for the ASF sites.
    Brian was to generate a Job Description for such a position
    to be reviewed and possibly voted for at the next board

24 Jul 2000

 A. Authorization to enable donation of funds by credit card

 The Treasurer requested that the board provide specific authorization
 to enable the donation of funds by credit card.  The following
 resolution was approved by unanimous vote of the directors present
 (Brian, Ken, Roy, Ben, Rasmus, Doug, Dirk):

    WHEREAS, it is in the interests of the Foundation to encourage
    donations from as many sources as possible; and further

    WHEREAS, being able to accept major credit cards is considered

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Treasurer is tasked on
    behalf of the Foundation to pursue and take those actions needed
    to allow the Foundation to accept donations by major credit cards.