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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2025-01-15 21:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


20 Nov 2024 [Robbie Gemmell / Sander]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M22 was released on 20th Sept 2024.
- Qpid JMS 2.6.0 was released on 25th Sept 2024.
- Qpid JMS 1.12.0 was released on 25th Sept 2024.
- Qpid JMS 2.6.1 was released on 4th Oct 2024.
- Qpid JMS 1.12.1 was released on 4th Oct 2024.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 22nd January 2024

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 17th February 2023

# Development:

- ProtonJ2 had its 1.0.0-M22 release with some improvements, bug fixes and
 dependency updates. Work continues on more as arising toward M23,
 including some cleanup of experimental support for Netty 5 with a view
 toward 4.2 support as it now seems the path forward in the near term.

- Qpid JMS had its 1.12.0 and 2.6.0 releases, with bug fixes and various
 dependency updates. It was followed by 1.12.1 and 2.6.1 bug fix releases
 to address an issue introduced in the earlier changes. Work continues on
 more as arising.

- Activity continues on cleaning up older areas of Proton C and its language
 bindings, along with improvements around areas such as session flow
 control and fairness of delivery transfer. A 0.40.0 release will be done
 once some new APIs are introduced, to aid transition before later removal
 of deprecated APIs/features in a new major version release.

- Work continues on Proton-Dotnet towards a future 1.0.0-M11 release,
 with some related bug fixes already made and more as arising.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

21 Aug 2024 [Robbie Gemmell / Christofer]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M21 was released on 19th July 2024.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 22nd January 2024

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 17th February 2023

# Development:

- ProtonJ2 had its 1.0.0-M21 release with some bug fixes and dependency
 updates. Work continues on more as arising toward M22, including some
 improvements to the test peer around message transfer testing for use
 in both ProtonJ2 and testing of other components.

- Work continues on Proton-Dotnet towards a future 1.0.0-M11 release,
 with some related bug fixes already made and more as arising.

- Work continues on cleaning up older areas of Proton C and its language
 bindings, with activity of late around Python and C++. A 0.40.0 release
 will be done once some new APIs are introduced, to aid transition before
 later removal of deprecated APIs/features in a new major version release.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

15 May 2024 [Robbie Gemmell / Jeff]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Broker-J 9.2.0 was released on 12th February 2024.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M20 was released on 28th March 2024.
- Qpid Proton-Dotnet 1.0.0-M10 was released on 15th April 2024.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 22nd January 2024

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 17th February 2023

# Development:

- ProtonJ2 had its 1.0.0-M20 release, with various bug fixes, improvements,
 and dependency updates. Work continues on more as arising toward M21.

- Proton-Dotnet had a 1.0.0-M10 release, with various bug fixes,
 improvements, and dependency updates. More of the same as arising.

- Broker-J had a 9.2.0 release with various bug fixes, improvements,
 dependency updates, and addition of a docker image. Work will turn to
 more of the same for future releases.

- Work continues on cleaning up older areas of Proton C and its language
 bindings. A 0.40.0 release will be done once some new APIs are introduced,
 to aid transition before later removal of deprecated APIs/features in a
 following new major version release.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

21 Feb 2024 [Robbie Gemmell / Christofer]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid JMS 1.11.0 was released on 30th October 2023.
- Qpid JMS 2.5.0 was released on 30th October 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M18 was released on 7th November 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M19 was released on 12th January 2024.
- Qpid Broker-J 9.2.0 was released on 12th February 2024.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- Daniil Kirilyuk was added as a PMC member on 22nd January 2024.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 17th February 2023.

# Development:

- ProtonJ2 had its 1.0.0-M18 and M19 releases, with various fixups,
 improvements, documentation updates, and dependency updates. Work
 continues on more as arising.

- Broker-J had its 9.2.0 release, containing various bug fixes, general
 improvements, dependency updates, and addition of docker image. Work will
 turn to more of the same for future releases.

- Qpid JMS had its 1.11.0 and 2.5.0 releases, updating its test suite to use
 JUnit 5, and updating various dependencies. More of the same continues.

- Work continues on cleaning up older areas of Proton C and its language
 bindings. A 0.40.0 release will be done once some new APIs are introduced,
 to aid transition before later removal of deprecated APIs/features in a
 following new major version release.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

15 Nov 2023 [Robbie Gemmell / Rich]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Broker-J 9.1.0 was released on 8th September 2023.
- Qpid JMS 1.11.0 was released on 30th October 2023.
- Qpid JMS 2.5.0 was released on 30th October 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M18 was released on 7th November 2023.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Tomas Vavricka, added 16th February 2023.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 17th February 2023.

# Development:

- Broker-J had its 9.1.0 release, containing various general improvements,
 dependency updates, transitioning the tests to using JUnit 5, and doing
 some code clean-up. More improvements, such as create a docker image, are
 being made toward a future release.

- ProtonJ2 just had its 1.0.0-M18, with various documentation improvements
 and dependency updates. Work continues on more as arising.

- Qpid JMS had its 1.11.0 and 2.5.0 releases, updating dependencies and also
 transitioning its test suite over to using JUnit 5.

- Work is progressing on cleaning up various older areas of Proton C and its
 language bindings. A 0.40.0 release is planned to introduce some new APIs
 and allow for later application transition, with a new major version then
 later expected to make various updates and/or removals of older bits, with
 changes such as using OpenSSL for TLS support on Windows like with other
 platforms rather using Schannel for Windows as before.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

16 Aug 2023 [Robbie Gemmell / Willem]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M8 was released on 15th May 2023.
- Qpid JMS 1.9.0 was released on 15th May 2023.
- Qpid JMS 2.3.0 was released on 15th May 2023.
- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M9 was released on 26th May 2023.
- Qpid Proton 0.39.0 was released on 6th June 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M16 was released on 30th June 2023.
- Qpid JMS 1.10.0 was released on 30th June 2023.
- Qpid JMS 2.4.0 was released on 30th June 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M17 was released on 31st July 2023.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Tomas Vavricka, added 16th February 2023.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Daniil Kirilyuk, added 17th February 2023.

# Development:

- Work is progressing on cleaning up various older areas of Proton C and its
 language bindings. A 0.40.0 release is planned to introduce some new APIs
 and allow for later application transition, with a new major version then
 later expected to make various updates and/or removals of older bits, with
 changes such as using OpenSSL for TLS support on Windows like with other
 platforms rather using Schannel for Windows as before.

- ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M16 + M17 releases were made to address some issues
 and add various conveniences and improvements to the test peer to support
 self-tests and use in other components. Work continues on more as arising.

- Proton DotNet had 1.0.0-M8 and 1.0.0-M9 releases with various improvements
 and bug fixes since its M7 release, work continues on more as encountered.

- Various general improvements, such as transitioning to using JUnit 5 and
 doing some code clean-ups, are being made toward a future Broker-J release.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

17 May 2023 [Robbie Gemmell / Bertrand]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton-J 0.34.1 was released on 6th March 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M13 was released on 31st March 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M14 was released on 14th April 2023.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M15 was released on 5th May 2023.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- Tomas Vavricka was voted in as a PMC member, added on 16th February 2023.

- Daniil Kirilyuk was voted in as a committer, added on 17th February 2023.

# Development:

- Work is progressing toward cleaning up various older areas of Proton C
 and its bindings, including related updates such as migrating the Python
 binding to use CFFI. A 0.39.0 release vote is imminent, just awaiting
 changes to address a deprecation warning=error build failure from an
 example using a recently-deprecated component.

- ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M13 to M15 releases were made to address issues identified
 in the earlier releases, and add various conveniences and improvements
 to the test peer. Work continues on more.

- Proton DotNet has had related fixes and improvements made since its prior
 M7 release was done, it will proceed to 1.0.0-M8 vote in the coming days.

- A Proton-J 0.34.1 release was done to address a couple of bugs around
 the handling of events within the transport that could no longer be
 actioned. Work on more bug fixes/improvements continues as need arises
 from dependent components.

- Various general improvements, such as transitioning to using JUnit 5,
 and updating dependencies are being made toward a future Broker-J release.

- Some Qpid CPP updates are being made to enable building on more up to date
 operating systems etc.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

15 Feb 2023 [Robbie Gemmell / Bertrand]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M11 was released on 11th November 2022.
- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M6 was released on 11th November 2022.
- Qpid Proton 0.38.0 was released on 11th November 2022.
- Qpid Broker-J 9.0.0 was released on 23rd November 2022.
- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M7 was released on 12th December 2022.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M12 was released on 13th January 2023.
- Qpid JMS 1.8.0 was released on 13th January 2023.
- Qpid JMS 2.2.0 was released on 13th January 2023.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Roddie Kieley, added 17th February 2022.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Tomas Vavricka, added 14th July 2021.

# Development:

- Work is progressing toward cleaning up various older areas of Proton C
 and its related bindings. For example, a long-discussed migration of the
 Python binding to use CFFI has recently been landed and is being polished
 as work continues on other areas.

- Broker-J 9.0.0 released, moving to a Java 11 minimum and better supporting
 running on Java 17. More general improvements, such as transitioning to
 using JUnit 5, and various fixes are being made toward a follow-up release.

- ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M11 + M12 releases were made to address issues identified
 in the earlier releases, make some performance improvements, and adapt to
 be able to work with Netty 4 or Netty 5 alphas. Work continues on more
 such changes.

- Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M6 + M7 releases were made to address issues found
 in the earlier releases. Work continues on more.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

16 Nov 2022 [Robbie Gemmell / Sharan]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, .Net, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M3 was released on 11th August 2022.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M8 was released on 29th August 2022.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.34.0 was released on 2nd September 2022.
- Qpid JMS 1.7.0 was released on 20th September 2022.
- Qpid JMS 2.1.0 was released on 20th September 2022.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M9 was released on 27th September 2022.
- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M4 was released on 27th September 2022.
- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M5 was released on 28th October 2022.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M10 was released on 31st October 2022.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Roddie Kieley, added 17th February 2022.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Tomas Vavricka, added 14th July 2021.

# Development:

- Proton 0.39.0 is almost complete, with a candidate currently under vote
 containing various bug fixes, improvements such as reworking the
 C core object system to simplify it and enhance performance, and new
 features such as OpenTelemetry based distributed tracing support for
 the C++ client binding.

- ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M8 to M10 releases were made to address issues identified
 in the earlier releases and make some performance improvements, with more
 improvements and fixes since being made towards inclusion in an an M11
 release, with a candidate now under vote.

- Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M3 to M5 releases were made to address issues
 identified in the earlier releases and make some performance improvements,
 with more improvements and fixes since being made towards inclusion in an
 an M6 release, with a candidate now under vote.

- Work continues on Broker-J changes toward moving it to a Java 11 minimum
 and better support running on Java 17. Finishing touches are being made
 with aim of doing a 9.0.0 release imminently.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

17 Aug 2022 [Robbie Gemmell / Sander]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M6 was released on 27th May 2022.
- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M1 was released on 9th June 2022.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M7 was released on 30th June 2022.
- Qpid Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M2 was released on 18th July 2022.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Roddie Kieley, added 17th February 2022.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Tomas Vavricka, added 14th July 2021.

# Development:

- Development for Proton 0.38.0 continues, including rework of the
 Python binding packaging and installation handling, various bug fixes,
 and a rework of the C core to simplify its event and object handling
 and improve performance.

- ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M6 and M7 milestone releases were made to address issues
 identified in the earlier releases and make some performance improvements,
 with more improvements and fixes now being made towards an M8 release.

- A Proton DotNet 1.0.0-M1 release was made, along with M2 followup to
 to fix some issues in the initial release. A further 1.0.0-M3 release is
 currently under vote, containing build/test improvements and also tweaks
 to resolve some issues inhibiting performance in the earlier releases.

- Work continues on Broker-J changes toward moving it to a Java 11 minimum
 as well as better supporting running it on Java 17.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

18 May 2022 [Robbie Gemmell / Christofer]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.37.0 was released on 21st March 2022.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.19.0 was released on 22nd March 2022.
- Qpid JMS 1.6.0 was released on 31st March 2022.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M5 was released on 7th April 2022.
- Qpid JMS 2.0.0 was released on 27th April 2022.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- Roddie Kieley was added to the PMC on 17th February 2022.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Tomas Vavricka, added 14th July 2021.

# Development:

- Development for Proton 0.38.0 is under way, including rework of the
 Python binding packaging and installation handling, various bug fixes,
 and a rework of the C core event and object handling to simplify it
 and improve performance.

- A ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M5 milestone release was made to fix some issues
 identified in the earlier releases, with more improvements and fixes
 having been made since towards a future M6 release.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had 1.6.0 and 2.0.0 releases with some bug
 fixes and improvements, work continues on more as they arise.

- A proposal was made to make Broker-J require a Java 11 minimum for
 its next major release, and some work has begun towards that as well
 as better supporting Java 17.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

16 Mar 2022 [Robbie Gemmell / Sander]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Dispatch 1.18.0 was released on 19th Nov 2021.
- Qpid JMS 0.60.1 was released on 17th Dec 2021.
- Qpid JMS 1.4.1 was released on 17th Dec 2021.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M4 was released on 23rd Dec 2021.
- Qpid JMS 0.61.0 was released on 23rd Dec 2021.
- Qpid JMS 1.5.0 was released on 23rd Dec 2021.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- Roddie Kieley was added to the PMC on 17th February 2022.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Tomas Vavricka, added 14th July 2021.

# Development:

- Work on a Dispatch router 1.19.0 release is nearing completion, having
 already branched for finalisation, aiming for an initial candidate
 going to release vote next week. The main developers for Dispatch have
 however also indicated on the mailing lists that they will be focusing
 their efforts elsewhere going forward and so feature development for
 Dispatch will slow significantly unless new folks join in to evolve it.

- The development of Proton 0.37.0 is nearing completion, including a
 rewrite of various encoder and decoder processing to improve
 efficiency and significantly increase performance, and also an initial
 cut of a new library reworking the TLS support. An initial candidate
 was taken to vote but cancelled last week, after a few issues were
 identified with the codec changes. Fixes are under way to resolve them
 with aim of taking it to vote again next week. Refinement work
 continues on OpenTelemetry based tracing for the C++ binding.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had 0.60.x and 1.x releases with some bug
 fixes and improvements, including updates around Log4J and Netty.
 Work continues on more as they arise.

- Work progressed on a new ProtonJ2 protocol engine with an imperative
 API client built upon it. A 1.0.0-M4 milestone release was made to fix
 some issues identified in the earlier releases, with more having been
 fixed since towards a future M5 release.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

16 Feb 2022 [Robbie Gemmell / Sharan]

Attachment AX: Report from the Apache Ranger Project  [Selvamohan Neethiraj]

## Description:
Apache Ranger is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data
security - consistently across various data processing services.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time

## Membership Data:
Apache Ranger was founded 2017-01-17 (5 years ago) There are currently 30
committers and 20 PMC members in this project. The Committer-to-PMC ratio is

Community changes, past quarter:
 - No new PMC members. Last addition was Sailaja Polavarapu on 2019-09-18.
 - No new committers. Last addition was Dhaval Shah on 2021-01-20.

## Project Activity:
 - Apache Ranger 3.0.0 has been progressing well within the community
   - Support for reading audit logs from Amazon Cloud-watch
   - Support macros to support user/group attribute based row-filtering
   - Ranger KMS integration with Google Cloud HSM / TencentKMS
   - Updated to handle log4j2 issues
 - Apache Ranger 2.3.0 release is being planned for key bug fixes

## Community Health:
 - as the stats below show, the community is active and continue to improve
   Apache Ranger is adding more features to support enterprise data security
 - Community is scoping for next minor release (with bug-fixes) - 2.3.0 next
   major release - 3.0.0
 - Stats
  - had a 0% increase in traffic in the past quarter
    (1089 vs 1083)
  - had a 84% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
    (5 vs 31)
  - 101 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter   (- 28% change)
  - 113 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter   (+ 36% change)
  - 129 commits in the past quarter           (- 12% change)
  - 23  code contributors in the past quarter (+ 35% change)
  - 9   PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter    (- 18% change)
  - 5   PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter    (+150% change)

No report was submitted.

17 Nov 2021 [Robbie Gemmell / Justin]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Dispatch 1.17.0 was released on 24th Aug 2021.
- Qpid Broker-J 8.0.6 was released on 28th Aug 2021.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.9 was released on 30th Aug 2021.
- Qpid JMS 1.2.0 was released on 29th Sept 2021.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.10 was released on 18th Oct 2021.
- Qpid JMS 1.3.0 was released on 21st Oct 2021.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M3 was released on 25th Oct 2021.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.17.1 was released on 2nd Nov 2021.
- Qpid Proton 0.36.0 was released on 4th Nov 2021.
- Qpid Interop Test 0.3.0 was released on 5th Nov 2021.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and
 JIRAs are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Tomas Vavricka, added 14th July 2021.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Jiri Danek, added on 11th May 2020.

# Development:

- Work on a Dispatch router 1.18.0 release is nearing completion, having
 already branched for finalisation. An initial candidate for release
 should go under vote next week. It contains many bug fixes and
 improvements, with focus on performance and improving the test suites
 reliability in CI.

- Work on changes for Proton 0.37.0 are under way after 0.36.0 was
 released with various bug fixes and improvements. Changes for 0.37.0
 include a rewrite of various encoder and decoder processing, improving
 efficiency significantly to increase performance.

- The Outreachy internship around enabling distributed tracing support
 for the Proton C++ binding concluded. The changes still need some build
 work and a little tidy before integration, but as the related
 opentelemetry-cpp bits have since had their first release this can now
 target a coming proton release. The intern will now be contributing to
 the project more generally going forward also, a good result.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 releases with some
 bug fixes and improvements, both in itself and in Proton-J via its
 0.33.9 and 0.33.10 releases. Work continues on more for both.

- Qpid Broker-J had an 8.0.6 release containing various bug fixes and
 improvements, with work continuing on more since towards inclusion in
 a future release.

- Work progressed on a new ProtonJ2 protocol engine with an imperative API
 client built upon it. A 1.0.0-M3 milestone release was made to fix some
 issues identified in the earlier releases, with more having been fixed
 since towards a future M4 release.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

18 Aug 2021 [Robbie Gemmell / Roy]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Dispatch 1.16.0 was released on 17th May 2021.
- Qpid JMS 0.59.0 was released on 24th May 2021.
- Qpid JMS 1.0.0 was released on 24th May 2021.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M2 was released on 31st May 2021.
- Qpid Broker-J 8.0.5 was released on 18th June 2021.
- Qpid Proton 0.35.0 was released on 30th June 2021.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.16.1 was released on 2nd July 2021.
- Qpid JMS 1.1.0 was released on 8th July 2021.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- Tomas Vavricka was voted in as a committer, and after accepting the
 invitation and processing his account was added on 14th July 2021.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Jiri Danek, added on 11th May 2020.

# Development:

- Work on changes for Proton 0.36.0 are under way after 0.35.0 was released.
 Changes include adding type annotations for the Python binding to improve
 its API doc, testability, and aid in checking the correctness of work on
 switching from SWIG to CFFI for generated code, being undertaken by a
 student participating in the Red Hat Open Source Contest. Work also
 continues well on the Outreachy internship around adding distributed
 tracing support for the Proton C++ binding.

- Work on a Dispatch router 1.17.0 release is nearing completion, with it
 branching for hardening recently, and an initial release candidate now
 under vote. The release contains many bug fixes, improvements, and test
 changes to increase reliability of the test suite.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had 0.59.0, 1.0.0, and 1.1.0 releases, with the
 1.x stream moving to requiring Java 11+. Work continues on more bug
 fixes and improvements.

- Qpid Broker-J had an 8.0.5 release containing various bug fixes and
 improvements, with work continuing on more since towards inclusion in a
 future 8.0.6 release.

- Work progressed on a new ProtonJ2 protocol engine with an imperative API
 client built upon it. An 1.0.0-M2 milestone release was made to fix some
 issues identified in the earlier milestone, with more having been fixed
 since towards a future M3 release.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

19 May 2021 [Robbie Gemmell / Roy]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Dispatch 1.15.0 was released on 11th February 2021.
- Qpid Broker-J 8.0.4 was released on 18th February 2021.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.12 was released on 18th February 2021.
- Qpid JMS 0.57.0 was released on 22nd March 2021.
- Qpid Proton 0.34.0 was released on 12th April 2021.
- Qpid JMS 0.58.0 was released on 13th April 2021.
- Qpid ProtonJ2 1.0.0-M1 was released on 11th May 2021.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Jiri Danek, added on 11th May 2020.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ben Hardesty, added on 20th Sept 2019.

# Development:

- Work on changes for Proton 0.35.0 are getting under way after 0.34.0
 having been released. As well as typical bug fixes and improvements, the
 expected changes include removing Python 2 support and C++ 03 support.

- An Outreachy project was submitted for adding distributed tracing support
 for Protons C++ binding. Several students showed initial interest, with one
 going on to contribute some fixes and improvements for other areas of the
 binding to gain experience and then applying for the internship itself.

- A student participating in the Red Hat Open Source Contest is working on
 updating the Proton Python binding to use CFFI instead of SWIG for its
 Proton-C integration code, aiming for various usability etc improvements.

- Work progressed on a new ProtonJ2 protocol engine with an imperative API
 client built upon it. An initial milestone release was made to allow for
 initial usage and feedback toward additional changes.

- Work on a Dispatch router 1.16.0 release is nearing completion, with an
 initial candidate now under vote. The release contains many bug fixes and
 improvements to the routers new protocol adapters, and also many changes
 around improved test stability.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had 0.57.0 and 0.58.0 bug fix releases. Work
 continues on more fixes and improvements as encountered. Discussing was
 also held on doing a 1.0.0 release requiring Java 11+ in the near future.

- Qpid Broker-J had 7.1.12 and 8.0.4 releases containing various
 bug fixes and improvements, with work continuing on more 7.1.x and 8.0.x
 releases as items arise.

- We transitioned our git repositories to use 'main' as their default branch
 name, liaising with Infra to make use of the GitHub rename tooling to do
 so and achieving a slightly nicer result versus pushing a new branch.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

17 Feb 2021 [Robbie Gemmell / Patricia]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.33.0 was released on 11th November 2020.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.8 was released on 17th November 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.55.0 was released on 24th November 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.56.0 was released on 17th December 2020.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.11 was released on 13th January 2021.
- Qpid Broker-J 8.0.3 was released on 13th January 2021.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Jiri Danek, added on 11th May 2020.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ben Hardesty, added on 20th Sept 2019.

# Development:

- Work on changes for Proton-C 0.34.0 is progressing, including various fixes
 and improvements, such as initial steps to rework the supported Python
 versions ahead of dropping Python 2 support in the followup 0.35.0 release.

- Work on a Dispatch router 1.15.0 release nears completion, with an initial
 candidate undergoing its release vote now. This contains lots of changes
 centred around additional HTTP[2] and TCP protocol adapter support,
 building upon earlier IO additions to Proton-C.

- Qpid Broker-J had 7.1.11 and 8.0.3 releases containing various
 bug fixes and improvements, with work continuing on more 7.1.x and 8.0.x
 releases as items arise.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had 0.55.0 and 0.56.0 bug fix releases, picking
 up Proton-J fixes plus some other fixes and improvements of its own. Work
 continues on more fixes and improvements as encountered.

- Proton-J had a 0.33.8 bug fix release addressing a UTF-8 decoding issue
 with multi-byte encodings crossing multi-component buffer boundaries. More
 fixes and improvements occur as needed for its dependent components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

18 Nov 2020 [Robbie Gemmell / Sander]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Dispatch 1.13.0 was released on 18th August 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.54.0 was released on 18th August 2020.
- Qpid Proton 0.32.0 was released on 26th August 2020.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.14.0 was released on 14th September 2020.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.9 was released on 18th September 2020.
- Qpid Broker-J 8.0.1 was released on 18th September 2020.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.10 was released on 21st October 2020.
- Qpid Broker-J 8.0.2 was released on 21st October 2020.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.7 was released on 30th October 2020.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Jiri Danek, added on 11th May 2020.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ben Hardesty, added on 20th Sept 2019.

# Development:

- Work on changes for Proton-C 0.33.0 is nearing completion, with aim to
 start a release in the next week or so. This will include various fixes
 and improvements, particularly around the raw socket support being used
 to add additional protocol support to the Dispatch router.

- Work toward a 1.15.0 Dispatch router release continues apace, centred
 largely around additional HTTP and TCP protocol adapter support,
 building on the latest IO additions from Proton-C.

- Qpid Broker-J had a couple of 7.1.x and 8.0.x releases containing various
 bug fixes and improvements, with work continuing on more as items arise.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had a 0.54.0 bug fix release. Work continues on
 more fixes and improvements as encountered.

- Proton-J had a 0.33.7 bug fix release. More fixes and improvements
 occurring as needed for its various dependent components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

19 Aug 2020 [Robbie Gemmell / Patricia]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.31.0 was released on 12th May 2020.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.5 was released on 2nd June 2020.
- Qpid JMS AMQP 0-x 6.4.0 was released on 3rd June 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.52.0 was released on 8th June 2020.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.6 was released on 24th July 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.53.0 was released on 28th July 2020.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Jiri Danek, added on 11th May 2020.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ben Hardesty, added on 20th Sept 2019.

# Development:

- Work is nearing completion on changes toward Proton-C 0.32.0, including
 various new IO functionality for use in Dispatch, and improvements and
 general bug fixes. Efforts will be getting underway soon with aim to
 release in the next week or so. Work is also in progress on improvements
 around SASL interfaces and fixes for the subsequent release.

- Work on more changes toward a Dispatch 1.13.0 release continues, including
 various improvements and bug fixes, with aim to release in the next week
 or so. Work is also progressing on adding HTTP support to the router,
 building on the new IO additions above from Proton-C.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.52.0 and 0.53.0 releases containing a
 few bug fixes and improvements, work continues on more as items arise.

- Proton-J had 0.33.5 and 0.33.6 releases fixing some bugs and improving
 error messages to clarify decoding issues. More fixes and improvements
 occurring as needed for its various dependent components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

20 May 2020 [Robbie Gemmell / Roy]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.8 was released on 12th February 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.49.0 was released on 27th February 2020.
- Qpid Broker-J 8.0.0 was released on 11th March 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.50.0 was released on 14th March 2020.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.11.0 was released on 19th March 2020.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.4 was released on 7th April 2020.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.9 was released on 8th April 2020.
- Qpid JMS 0.51.0 was released on 24th April 2020.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.12.0 was released on 30th April 2020.
- Qpid Proton 0.31.0 was released on 12th May 2020.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- Jiri Danek was added as a PMC member on 11th May 2020.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ben Hardesty, added on 20th Sept 2019.

# Development:

- Dispatch router had its 1.11.0 and 1.12.0 releases including various bug
 fixes and improvements. Work on more continues toward a 1.13.0 release,
 with changes around improved large message handling, better performance
 while adding a lot of config entries, improved flow control, and more.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.31.0 release, incorporating
 various bug fixes and improvements. Work on more changes toward a 0.32.0
 release is now getting underway, likely to include various additional bug
 fixes plus some some new IO improvements.

- Broker-J had its 8.0.0 release with many improvements and bug fixes. Work
 continues on more fixes/improvements toward an 8.0.1 release, with any
 backports to the 7.1.x line as appropriate.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.49.0 - 0.51.0 releases containing a few
 bug fixes and improvements, and work continues on more.

- Proton-J had a 0.33.4 release fixing some bugs, with more fixes and
 improvements occurring as needed for its various dependent components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

19 Feb 2020 [Robbie Gemmell / Craig]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.6 was released on 5th December 2019.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.3 was released on 6th December 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.48.0 was released on 10th December 2019.
- Qpid Proton 0.30.0 was released on 13th December 2019.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.10.0 was released on 20th December 2019.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.7 was released on 14th January 2020.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ben Hardesty, added on 20th Sept 2019.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Dispatch router had a 1.10.0 release including various bug fixes and
 improvements, some in concert with Proton changes below. Work on more
 continues toward a 1.11.0 release.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.30.0 release, incorporating
 various bug fixes and improvements around reducing memory usage. Work on
 more updates toward a 0.31.0 release continues.

- Broker-J had its 7.1.6 and 7.1.7 releases, including various bug fixes
 and improvements. Work continues on more toward an 8.0.0 release, with
 backports to the 7.1.x line as appropriate. A candidate for a 7.1.8 release
 is currently under vote.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.48.0 release containing a few bug fixes
 and work continues on more.

- Proton-J had a 0.33.3 bug fix release, with more fixes and improvements
  occurring as needed for its various dependent components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

20 Nov 2019 [Robbie Gemmell / Craig]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.2 was released on 13th August 2019.
- Qpid Proton 0.29.0 was released on 16th August 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.45.0 was released on 24th August 2019.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.9.0 was released 19th September 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.46.0 was released on 27th September 2019.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.5 was released on 10th October 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.47.0 was released on 5th November 2019.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- Ben Hardesty was added as committer on 20th September 2019.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Dispatch router had its 1.9.0 release including various bug fixes, feature
 changes, and work on improving performance. Work on more fixes and
 improvements toward a 1.10.0 release is well progressed, with a release
 planned in the next couple of weeks.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.29.0 release, incorporating
 various bug fixes. Work on more toward a 0.30.0 release continues.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.45.0 - 0.47.0 releases which included
 various bug fixes and improvements, work continues on more.

- Broker-J had its 7.1.5 release, including various bug fixes
 and improvements. Work continues on more toward an 8.0.0 release, with
 backports to the 7.1.x line as appropriate.

- Proton-J had a 0.33.2 bug fix releases, with more fixes and improvements
  occurring as needed for its various dependent components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

21 Aug 2019 [Robert Gemmell / Joan]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.28.0 was released on 10th May 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.42.0 was released on 10th May 2019.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.3 was released on 14th May 2019.
- Qpid JMS AMQP 0-x 6.3.4 was released on 17th May 2019.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.1 was released on 3rd June 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.43.0 was released on 7th June 2019.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.8.0 was released 11th June 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.44.0 was released on 2nd July 2019.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.8 was released on 8th July 2019.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.4 was released on 8th July 2019.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.2 was released on 13th August 2019.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Jiri Danek, added on 23rd February 2019.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.28.0 release,
 incorporating various bug fixes and improvements, including some internal
 rework of the Python bindings. A candidate for a 0.29.0 release with
 various fixes and improvements is currently under vote.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.42.0 - 0.44.0 releases with various bug
 fixes and improvements. Work continues on more, with aim to prepare a
 0.45.0 release in the coming days.

- Dispatch router had its 1.8.0 release, and work is under way toward a
 1.9.0 with various bug fixes and improvements, including some work on
 increasing performance.

- Broker-J had 7.0.8 and 7.1.3 + 7.1.4 releases, adding various bug fixes
 and improvements. Work continues on more toward 8.0.0, with backports to
 the 7.1.x line as appropriate.

- Proton-J had 0.33.1 and 0.33.2 bug fix releases. Work continues on more
 fixes and improvements as needed for its dependent components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

15 May 2019 [Robert Gemmell / Rich]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.27.0 was released on 9th February 2019.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.7 was released on 28th February 2019. [1]
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.1 was released on 28th February 2019. [1]
- Qpid Dispatch 1.6.0 was released on 28th March 2019.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.32.0 was released on 1st April 2019.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.2 was released on 4th April 2019.
- Qpid JMS 0.41.0 was released on 8th April 2018.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.7.0 was released on 16th April 2019.
- Qpid Proton 0.27.1 was released on 22nd April 2019. [2]
- Qpid Proton-J 0.33.0 was released on 4th May 2019.

[1] Broker-J 7.0.7 and 7.1.1 addressed CVE-2019-0200.
[2] Proton 0.27.1 addressed CVE-2019-0223.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- Jiri Danek was added as a committer on 23rd February 2019.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.27.0 and 0.27.1 releases,
 incorporating various bug fixes and improvements. A candidate for a 0.28.0
 release is currently under vote.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.41.0 release with various bug
 fixes and improvements. Work continues on more, with a candidate 0.42.0
 release currently under vote.

- Dispatch router had its 1.6.0 and 1.7.0 releases, and work is under way
 toward a 1.8.0 with various improvements and bug fixes.

- Broker-J 7.0.7 and 7.1.1 + 7.1.2 were released, adding various
 improvements and bug fixes. Work continues on more toward 8.0.0, with
 backports to the 7.1.x line as appropriate.

- Proton-J had its 0.32.0 and 0.33.0 releases with various fixes and
 improvements for its dependent components. Work continues on more.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

20 Feb 2019 [Robert Gemmell / Mark]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid JMS 0.38.0 was released on 16th November 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.31.0 was released on 27th November 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.39.0 was released on 3rd December 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.40.0 was released on 20th December 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0 was released on 4th January 2019.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.5.0 was released on 14th January 2019.
- Qpid Proton 0.27.0 was released on 9th February 2019.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- Roddie Kieley was added as a committer on 26th Nov 2018.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.38.0 - 0.40.0 releases with various bug
 fixes and performance improvements, and work continues on more.

- Qpid Dispatch had its 1.5.0 release, and work is under way toward a 1.6.0
 with various improvements and bug fixes.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.27.0 and release,
 incorporating various bug fixes and improvements. More have been made
 since and work continues toward 0.28.0.

- Proton-J had its 0.31.0 release with various fixes and improvements. It
 continues to get more as appropriate to support various dependent
 client/broker/etc components using it.

- Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0 was released, adding various improvements to the
 7.0.x base and refining the test suite following the AMQP 0-x JMS client
 being made independent. Work continues on more bug fixes and improvements,
 with backports to the 7.0.x line as appropriate.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

21 Nov 2018 [Robert Gemmell / Brett]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Dispatch 1.3.0 was released on 10th August 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.29.0 was released on 14th August 2018.
- Qpid JMS AMQP 0-x 6.3.3 was released on 17th August 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.36.0 was released on 20th August 2018.
- Qpid Interop Test 0.2.0 was released on 24th August 2018.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.7 was released on 31st August 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.25.0 was released on 6th September 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.37.0 was released on 2nd October 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.26.0 was released on 8th October 2018.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.4.0 was released on 15th October 2018.
- Qpid CPP 1.39.0 was released on 26th October 2018.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.4.1 was released on 30th October 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.30.0 was released on 9th November 2018 [1].

[1] Proton-J 0.30.0 addressed CVE-2018-17187.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter, though a vote was
 taken/passed to offer Roddie Kieley commit rights, with the invite process
 under way as of November 13th 2018.
 The most recent new committer is Chris Richardson, added on 15th Nov 2017.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.36.0+0.37.0 releases with various bug
 fixes and performance improvements. A 0.38.0 candidate with more is
 currently under vote, and work continues on more of the same.

- Work on Qpid Dispatch continues toward 1.5.0, including various bug fixes,
 improvements, and new features such as work on an 'edge' router mode.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.25.0 and 0.26.0 releases,
 incorporating various bug fixes and improvements. More have been made
 since and the 0.27.0 release is expected later this month.

- Proton-J saw 0.29.0 and 0.30.0 releases to incorporate various bug fixes
 and improvements, and work continues on more as appropriate to support
 dependent client/broker/other components.

- Work continues on Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0, adding various improvements to the
 7.0.x base and refining the test suite following the AMQP 0-x JMS client
 being made independent. Bug fixes continue to be backported to the 7.0.x
 and 6.x lines for intermediate releases as needed.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

15 Aug 2018 [Robert Gemmell / Mark]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid JMS AMQP 0-x 6.3.1 was released on 18th May 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.23.0 was released on 26th May 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.4 was released on 31st May 2018.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.1.0 was released on 11th June 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.33.0 was released on 14th June 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.5 was released on 15th June 2018 [1].
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.6 was released on 22nd June 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.34.0 was released on 28th June 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.24.0 was released on 29th June 2018.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.2.0 was released on 2nd July 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.27.2 was released on 17th July 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.28.0 was released on 17th July 2018.
- Qpid JMS AMQP 0-x 6.3.2 was released on 18th July 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.35.0 was released on 23rd July 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.27.3 was released on 7th August 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.28.1 was released on 7th August 2018.

[1] Broker-J 7.0.5 addressed CVE-2018-8030.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Chris Richardson, added on 15th Nov 2017.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Work on Qpid Dispatch 1.3.0 nears completion, incorporating various
 bug fixes and improvements, with a candidate now under vote for release.

- Work continues on Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0, adding various improvements to the
 7.0.0 base and refining the test suite following the AMQP 0-x JMS client
 being made independent. Bug fixes continue to be backported to the 7.0.x
 and 6.x lines for intermediate releases as needed, with a Broker-J 7.0.7
 release likely soon.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.23.0 and 0.24.0 releases,
 incorporating various bug fixes and improvements, and reorganising the
 source tree to better accommodate its contents. Various additional
 improvements and bug fixes have been made since and a 0.25.0 release is
 likely later in the month.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.33.0 to 0.35.0 releases, adding some new
 functionality, fixing some bugs, and including changes to improve
 performance. Work continues on more toward a 0.36.0 release soon.

- Proton-J saw 0.27.2 to 0.28.1 releases to incorporate various improvements
 and fixes useful to dependent client/broker/other components, and work
 continues on more as they arise.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

16 May 2018 [Robert Gemmell / Shane]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a message router,
and client libraries for C, C++, Go, Java/JMS, Python, and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton-J 0.26.0 was released on 25th February 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.30.0 was released on 1st March 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.2 was released on 2nd March 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.21.0 was released on 5th March 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.31.0 was released on 26th March 2018.
- Qpid CPP 1.38.0 was released on 28th March 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.22.0 was released on 2nd April 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.3 was released on 4th April 2018.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.6 was released on 4th April 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.27.0 was released on 23rd April 2018.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.27.1 was released on 29th April 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.32.0 was released on 3rd May 2018.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Chris Richardson, added on 15th Nov 2017.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Work on a 1.1.0 release of Dispatch nears completion, with a couple of
 candidates proceeding to vote but having issues found in testing. A new
 candidate should proceed to vote soon. Work on various other improvements
 and new functionality continues toward additional feature releases, plus
 work on any further bug fixes needed for 1.1.x.

- Work continues on Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0, adding various improvements to the
 7.0.0 base and refining the test suite following the AMQP 0-x JMS client
 being made independent. Bug fixes continue to be backported to the 7.0.x
 and 6.x lines for intermediate releases as needed, with a Broker-J 7.0.4
 and 6.3.1 AMQP 0-X JMS client release planned for the coming days.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.21.0 and 0.22.0 releases,
 incorporating various bug fixes and improvements, and removing some
 deprecated bindings. The source tree has been reorganised to better
 accommodate its remaining contents, after these and earlier changes when
 proton-j was moved to its own independent repo. Work continues on fixing
 additional issues ahead of a 0.23.0 release.

- Proton-J saw releases 0.26.0 to 0.27.1 to incorporate various improvements
 and fixes useful to dependent client/broker/other components, and work
 continues on more.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.30.0 to 0.32.0 releases, adding some new
 functionality and incorporating various bug fixes, work continues on more.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

21 Feb 2018 [Robert Gemmell / Ted]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.0 was released on 14th November 2017 [1].
- Qpid Interop Test 0.1.0 was released on 15th November 2017.
- Qpid Dispatch 1.0.0 was released on 20th November 2017 [2].
- Qpid JMS AMQP 0-x 6.3.0 was released on 20th November 2017.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.5 was released on 22nd November 2017 [1].
- Qpid CPP 1.37.0 was released on 24th November 2017.
- Qpid Python 1.37.0 was released on 25th November 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.24.0 was released on 11th December 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.28.0 was released on 14th December 2017.
- Qpid Proton 0.19.0 was released on 23rd December 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.25.0 was released on 15th January 2018.
- Qpid JMS 0.29.0 was released on 22nd January 2018.
- Qpid Proton 0.20.0 was released on 29th January 2018.
- Qpid Broker-J 7.0.1 was released on 7th February 2018 [3].
- Qpid Dispatch 0.8.1 was released on 13th February 2018 [2].

[1] Broker-J 7.0.0 and 6.1.5 both addressed CVE-2017-15701.
[2] Dispatch 1.0.0 and 0.8.1 both addressed CVE-2017-15699.
[3] Broker-J 7.0.1 addressed CVE-2018-1298.

CVE-2017-15702 was logged for an issue identified in historic releases but
previously resolved by changes existing in Qpid for Java 6.0.0 in Dec 2015.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- Chris Richardson was added as a committer on 15th November 2017.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Work progresses towards a 1.1.0 release of Dispatch router, with various
 improvements and new functionality adding to the 1.0.0 release. A 1.0.1
 release is also under discussion to get some fixes out for important
 defects before 1.1.0.

- Work continues on Qpid Broker-J 7.1.0, adding various improvements to the
 7.0.0 base and refining the test suite following the AMQP 0-x JMS client
 being made independent with its 6.3.0 release. Some broker fixes are also
 being backported to the existing 6.x line for a further bug fix release.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.19.0 and 0.20.0 releases,
 incorporating various bug fixes and improvements, particularly for the
 Ruby binding, and work continues on more. It is also planned to reorganise
 the Proton repository to better accommodate its existing contents, after
 earlier changes when proton-j was moved to its own independent repo. Work
 continues on Proton-J to incorporate various improvements and fixes useful
 to dependent client/broker/other components.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.28.0 and 0.29.0 releases, incorporating
 various bug fixes and improvements, and work continues on more.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

15 Nov 2017 [Robert Gemmell / Jim]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton-J 0.21.0 was released on 4th September 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.22.0 was released on 15th September 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.25.0 was released on 21st September 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.26.0 was released on 6th October 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.23.0 was released on 15th October 2017.
- Qpid Proton 0.18.0 was released on 22nd October 2017.
- Qpid Proton 0.18.1 was released on 3rd November 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.27.0 was released on 5th November 2017.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- Adel Boutros was added as a committer on 9th August 2017.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Work progresses towards a 1.0.0 release of Dispatch router, with various
 new features and an overhaul of its IO handling based on new functionality
 from Proton-C in 0.18.0. A 1.0.x branch has been created and a couple of
 testing candidates created, with progress being made on resolving some
 final issues ahead of calling a 1.0.0 release vote.

- A 7.0.0 Qpid Broker-J release is imminent, with voting open on a second
 candidate for release. The AMQP 0-x JMS client will soon proceed to a
 6.3.0 release vote to complete making it independent going forward. Some
 broker fixes are going to be backported to the existing 6.x line for a
 further bug fix release.

- Proton-C and its language bindings had their 0.18.0 release, incorporating
 some extensive work on new IO handling, as well as a 0.18.1 bug fix to
 clear up some niggles. Work on 0.19.0 is under way, aiming to build on
 some of this work and making improvements to the Ruby binding. Work
 continues on Proton-J to incorporate fixes and changes needed to enable
 bug fix and feature additions in dependent client/broker/other components.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.25.0-0.27.0 releases, incorporating
 various bug fixes and improvements, and facilitating building and using
 on JDK9. Work on additional fixes and improvements continues.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

16 Aug 2017 [Robbie Gemmell / Brett]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid JMS 0.23.0 was released on 15th May 2017.
- Qpid for Java 6.0.7 was released on 1st June 2017.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.3 was released on 1st June 2017.
- Qpid for Java 6.0.8 was released on 29th June 2017.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.4 was released on 29th June 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.20.0 was released on 4th August 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.24.0 was released on 8th August 2017.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- Adel Boutros was added as a committer on 8th August 2017.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

# Development:

- Work on the Dispatch router continues apace to add new functionality,
 resolve various defects, and overhaul its IO handling around the work
 being done for Proton-C 0.18.0, all building towards Dispatch 1.0.0.

- Work continues towards a 7.0.0 java broker release and a 6.3.0 AMQP 0-x
 JMS client release since their migration from Subversion to individual
 Git repositories, as well as bug fixes in the existing 6.x lines.

- Proton-C and its language bindings continue to see significant work
 implementing improvements around IO level integrations, including porting
 the C++ binding to this new model, all working toward a 0.18.0 release in
 the weeks ahead. Proton-J just had its 0.20.0 release, incorporating some
 changes needed to facilitate some bug fix and feature additions in
 dependent client/broker components.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.23.0 and 0.24.0 releases, incorporating
 various bug fixes and improvements since the 0.2X.0 releases added support
 for JMS 2.0. Additional fixes and improvements continue, with some work
 just done to allow building and testing on JDK9 going forward.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

17 May 2017 [Robbie Gemmell / Jim]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton-J 0.18.0 was released on 10th March 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.21.0 was released on 14th March 2017.
- Qpid Python 1.36.0 was released on 14th March 2017.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.2 was released on 21st March 2017.
- Qpid JMS 0.22.0 was released on 20th April 2017.
- Qpid Dispatch 0.8.0 was released on 1st May 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.19.0 was released on 6th May 2017.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- There were no new PMC additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new PMC member is Ganesh Murthy, added on 30th Jan 2017.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ganesh Murthy, added on 29th Feb 2016.

# Development:

- Following prior discussion around making the AMQP 0-x JMS client and
 Java broker independently releasable components going forward, work was
 undertaken to that end. The components were then additionally migrated
 from Subversion to individual Git repositories, now aligning all project
 components on using Git. Work continues towards a 7.0.0 broker release and
 a 6.3.0 client release, as well as bug fixes in the existing 6.x lines.

- Proton-J had its 0.18.0 and 0.19.0 releases, incorporating various bug
 fixes and improvements. Proton-C and its language bindings continues to
 see significant work implementing improved support for alternate IO level
 integrations, working toward a 0.18.0 release.

- Dispatch router had its 0.8.0 release, incorporating a significant set of
 improvements and bug fixes over the prior release. Work is now well under
 way to overhaul its IO handling, based on the work for Proton 0.18.0,
 building towards a Dispatch 1.0.0 release.

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.21.0 and 0.22.0 releases, incorporating
 various bug fixes and improvements since the 0.20.0 release added support
 for JMS 2.0. Additional fixes and improvements continue, with the next
 release planned in the coming weeks.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

27 Feb 2017 [Robbie Gemmell / Chris]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid for Java 6.1.0 was released on 15th Nov 2016.
- Qpid Dispatch 0.7.0 was released on 18th Nov 2016.
- Qpid Proton 0.16.0 was released on 12th Dec 2016.
- Qpid CPP 1.36.0 was released on 13th Dec 2016.
- Qpid for Java 6.0.6 was released on 23rd Dec 2016.
- Qpid for Java 6.1.1 was released on 23rd Dec 2016.
- Qpid JMS 0.20.0 was released on 19th Jan 2017.
- Qpid Proton 0.17.0 was released on 7th Feb 2017.
- Qpid Proton-J 0.17.0 was released on 7th Feb 2017.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to be active and JIRAs
 are being raised and addressed, in line with prior activity levels.

- Ganesh Murthy was voted in for the PMC, added on 30th Jan 2017.

- There were no new committer additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ganesh Murthy, added on 29th Feb 2016.

# Development:

- The AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.20.0 release adding support for JMS 2.0,
 and moving to requiring Java 8. Various bug fixes and improvements have
 been made since, and a followup release is planned in the coming weeks.

- Following previous discussion around future direction for Proton, its
 C (+language binding) and Java components have been made independently
 releasable, and each has since undergone a new 0.17.0 release. Work now
 continues toward their respective 0.18.0 releases.

- Development on the Java broker and AMQP 0-x JMS client continues, with
 discussions undertaken around moving the broker to require Java 8 and
 separating the AMQP 0-x JMS client out as an independently releasable
 component going forward as more emphasis is placed on AMQP 1.0 support,
 with work on these changes now under way.

- Work is ongoing towards a 0.8.0 release of the Qpid Dispatch router
 incorporating numerous improvements and bug fixes.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

16 Nov 2016 [Robbie Gemmell / Brett]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Dispatch 0.6.1 was released on 15th Aug 2016.
- Qpid Proton 0.14.0 was released on 26th Aug 2016.
- Qpid Python 1.35.0 was released on 26th Aug 2016.
- Qpid CPP 1.35.0 was released on 6th Sept 2016.
- Qpid JMS 0.11.0 was released on 8th Sept 2016.
- Qpid JMS 0.11.1 was released on 3rd Oct 2016.
- Qpid Proton 0.15.0 was released on 13th Oct 2016.
- Qpid for Java 6.0.5 was released on 1st Nov 2016.

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to see good activity,
 and JIRAs are being raised and addressed, both in line with prior levels.

- There were no new committer or PMC member additions in this quarter.
 The most recent new committer is Ganesh Murthy, added on 29th Feb 2016,
 with the most recent PMC addition being Lorenz Quack on 7th March 2016.

# Development:

- Work continues towards a Qpid Dispatch 0.7.0 release incorporating
 various improvements and bug fixes. An initial candidate was taken to
 vote, but some blocking issues were found and are being worked through.

- Development toward Qpid Proton 0.16.0 is well under way, containing
 various fixes and further work on improving integration with frameworks.
 There has been some discussion to clarify direction for Proton going
 forward and how to progress this, including suggestion to make the
 C (+bindings) and Java components independently releasable as we have
 with various other components previously.

- Good progress is being made on implementing JMS 2.0 support in the
 AMQP 1.0 JMS client, with aim to release in the coming weeks.

- Development on the broker and AMQP 0-x JMS client continue toward a new
 Qpid for Java release. An initial 6.1.0 candidate was taken to vote, but
 testing identified some issues that are currently being resolved ahead of
 a new vote.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

17 Aug 2016 [Robbie Gemmell / Brett]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Java 6.0.3 was released on 25th May 2016 [1].
- Qpid Dispatch 0.6.0 was released on 13th June 2016.
- Qpid Proton 0.13.0 was released on 15th June 2016.
- Qpid JMS 0.10.0 was released on 1st July 2016 [2].
- Qpid Java 6.0.4 was released on 1st July 2016 [2].
- Qpid Proton 0.13.1 was released on 11th July 2016 [3].

[1] Addressed CVE-2016-3094 and CVE-2016-4432 along with other updates.
[2] Addressed CVE-2016-4974 along with other updates.
[3] Addressed CVE-2016-4467 along with other updates.

# Community:

- There have been no new committer or PMC member changes in the previous
 quarter. Ganesh Murthy was added as a committer on 29th February 2016, and
 Lorenz Quack was added to the PMC on 7th March 2016.

- The main user and developer mailing lists continue to see good activity,
 and JIRAs are being raised and addressed, in line with previous levels.

# Development:

- Work continues towards the Qpid Dispatch 0.7.0 release incorporating
 various improvements and bug fixes. A 0.6.1 patch release has passed vote
 and will be announced soon.

- The release process for Qpid Proton 0.14.0 is getting under way,
 containing various fixes and further work on the C++ reactive API
 bindings, aiming for a release in the next couple of weeks.

- A 0.11.0 release of the AMQP 1.0 JMS client with various bug fixes and
 improvements is aimed for the next few weeks. Work is also getting started
 on updating the client to suppport JMS 2.0 for later releases.

- Craig Russell raised a concern with the Qpid Java naming used on more
 recent independent releases of some Qpid components written in Java.
 After discussion looping in trademarks@ and legal-internal@, updates have
 been made to transition the website and future releases to reference
 "Apache Qpid for Java", "Qpid for Java" etc going forward.

- Development on the broker and AMQP 0-x JMS client continue toward new
 Qpid for Java releases, with both a larger 6.1.0 release and smaller 6.0.5
 patch release planned.

- The components written in C++ and Python have been reorganised and their
 code migrated to Git repositories, with work progressing toward new
 releases for these.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

18 May 2016 [Robbie Gemmell / Chris]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.12.0 was released on 15th February 2016.
- Qpid JMS 0.8.0 was released on 19th February 2016.
- Qpid Java 6.0.1 was released on 25th February 2016.
- Qpid Proton 0.12.1 was released on 23rd March 2016 in order to address
  CVE-2016-2166 (python binding silently ignored request for 'amqps' if
  SSL/TLS was not supported).
- Qpid JMS 0.9.0 was released on 11th April 2016.
- Qpid Proton 0.12.2 was released on 17th April 2016.
- Qpid Java 6.0.2 was released on 18th April 2016.

# Community:

- We merged the mailing list traffic back into the
  dev@ and users@ lists then retired proton@. This was done mainly to make
  things simpler to follow and reduce confusion + duplication, and partly
  because the reasons for it originally being created no longer apply.

- The main user and developer mailing lists remain active. Quarterly stats:
    394 subscribers (up 44), 734 emails (440 previous).
    192 subscribers (up 7), 2891 emails (2020 previous).

- JIRAs are being raised and addressed:
  397 JIRA tickets were created and 311 resolved in the last 3 months.

- Ganesh Murthy was added as a committer on 29th February 2016.

- Lorenz Quack was added to the PMC on 7th March 2016.

# Development:

- The Qpid Dispatch 0.6.0 release process is under way, with alpha/betas and
  an RC having been proposed for testing. A second RC is due this week
  before progressing to a final release vote.

- The release process for Qpid Proton 0.13.0 is getting under way,
  containing various fixes and further work on the C++ reactive API
  bindings. A beta and RCs will be progressed over the next few weeks.

- A 0.10.0 release of the new AMQP 1.0 JMS client with various bug fixes and
  improvements will be made after Proton 0.13.0 is released.

- Development on the Qpid Java broker and AMQP 0-x client continue toward a
  6.1.0 release, with various fixes also being backported towards doing
  a 6.0.3 patch release.

- Work has been done to reorganize the Qpid C++ and Qpid Python code in
  Subversion to better facilitate independent releases. These reorganised
  bits will now be migrated to Git repositories. After Proton 0.13.0 is
  available, new releases of qpid-cpp and qpid-python will be made.

- The website was moved to a Git repository to ease maintenance by improving
  performance when updating the large content set.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

17 Feb 2016 [Robbie Gemmell / Rich]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.11.0 was released on 16th Nov 2015
- Qpid Java 6.0.0 was released on 8th Dec 2015
- Qpid Proton 0.11.1 was released on 18th Dec 2015
- Qpid JMS 0.7.0 was released on 21st Dec 2015

# Community:

- The main user and developer mailing lists remain active. Quarterly stats:
    350 subscribers (down 4), 450 emails (421 previous).
    187 subscribers (up 1), 2070 emails (1927 previous).
    98 subscribers (up 6), 1034 emails (581 previous).

- JIRAs are being raised and addressed:
  339 JIRA tickets were created and 364 resolved in the last 3 months.

- There were no new committers since the previous report. The last new
  committer added was Lorenz Quack on 9th Oct 2015.

- There were no new additions to the PMC since the previous report. The last
  addition to the PMC was Jakub Scholz who joined on 22nd May 2015.

# Development:

- The release process for Qpid Proton 0.12.0 is now well under way,
  containing various fixes and further work on the C++ reactive API
  bindings. A release vote was initiated but halted after a blocker was
  found, a new vote is being progressed now that a fix has been made.

- The new AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.7.0 release as noted earlier, and a
  0.8.0 release with various bug fixes and improvements will be made as
  soon as Proton 0.12.0 is released.

- Development on the Qpid Java broker and AMQP 0-x client continue toward a
  6.1.0 release, with various fixes also being backported towards doing
  a 6.0.1 patch release in the near future.

- Qpid Dispatch is undergoing some significant internal refactoring, and
  is aiming for a 0.6.0 release containing those improvements in the next
  month or so.

- Work toward an updated Qpid CPP release will begin once Proton 0.12.0 is
  available, including some repository updates to better align related
  components for future releases.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

18 Nov 2015 [Robbie Gemmell / Shane]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid Proton 0.10 was released on 14th Aug 2015
- Qpid JMS 0.4.0 was released on 17th Aug 2015
- Qpid JMS 0.5.0 was released on 31st Aug 2015
- Qpid Dispatch 0.5 was released on 14th Sep 2015
- Qpid JMS 0.6.0 was released on 12th Oct 2015

# Community:

- Lorenz Quack was added as a committer on 9th Oct 2015.

- There were no new additions to the PMC since the previous report. The last
  addition to the PMC was Jakub Scholz who joined on 22nd May 2015.

- The main user and developer mailing lists remain active. Quarterly stats:
    185 subscribers (up 4), 1989 emails (1616 previous).
    353 subscribers (down 4), 435 emails (443 previous).
    92 subscribers (up 8), 588 emails (1300 previous).

- JIRAs are being raised and addressed:
  298 JIRA tickets were created and 247 resolved in the last 3 months.

# Development:

- The release process for Qpid Proton 0.11.0 is under way, containing
  various fixes and initial work on a C++ and Go reactive API bindings. An
  initial candidate will proceed to vote this week.

- The new AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its 0.6.0 and preceding releases as noted
  earlier, and a 0.7.0 release with various bug fixes and improvements will
  be made once Proton 0.11.0 is released.

- Qpid Dispatch is aiming for a 0.6.0 release in the next few weeks.

- Work is under way on a new release of the Qpid Java broker and AMQP 0-x
  client, with an alpha having previously been cut and a beta imminent.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

19 Aug 2015 [Robbie Gemmell / Sam]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid JMS 0.2.0 was released on 16th May 2015.
- Qpid JMS 0.3.0 was released on 14th Jun 2015.
- Qpid CPP 0.34 was released on 29th Jun 2015.

# Community:

- Jakub Scholz was added as a committer and PMC member on 22nd May 2015.

- The main user and developer mailing lists remain active. Quarterly stats:
    182 subscribers (down 1), 1685 emails (1664 previous).
    360 subscribers (up 2), 437 emails (543 previous).
    84 subscribers (down 4), 1292 emails (987 previous).

- JIRAs are being raised and addressed:
  301 JIRA tickets were created and 271 resolved in the last 3 months.

# Development:

- The 0.10 release process for Qpid Proton 0.10 is under way. The first RC
  had some issues discovered, a second is currently under vote.

- Work continues on features planned for Proton 0.11 such as reactive API
  support in additional languages like Go and C++.

- The new AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its second and third releases as noted
  earlier, and a 0.4.0 release will be performed as soon as Proton 0.10 is

- Qpid Dispatch will be aiming for a 0.5 release soon to add support for
  the SASL related changes available in Proton 0.10.

- Work is under way towards a new release of the Qpid Java components,
  aiming for a September time frame.

- A new qpid-interop-test effort was established to aid cross component
  testing between various components such as the different client language
  bindings for Proton and the JMS client.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

20 May 2015 [Robbie Gemmell / Brett]

Apache Qpid is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message router, and client libraries for C++, Java / JMS, .Net,
Python, Perl and Ruby.

# Releases:

- Qpid 0.32 was released on 19th March 2015.
- Qpid JMS client 0.1.0 was released on 19th March 2015.
- Qpid Proton 0.9 was released on 31st March 2015.
- Qpid Dispatch router 0.4 was released on 9th April 2015.
- Qpid Proton 0.9.1 was released on 2nd May 2015.

# Community:

- The main developer and user lists continue to be active.
    184 subscribers (no change), 1992 emails (1287 previous).
    360 subscribers (down 1), 557 emails (338 previous).
    88 subscribers (up 6), 1004 emails (580 previous).

- JIRAs are being raised and addressed.
  277 JIRA tickets were created and 296 resolved in the last 3 months.

- There were no new committers added since the last report.
  The last new committer was Dominic Evans on 12th Dec 2014.

- There were 7 new PMC members added since the last report:
  Alex Rudyy was added on 3rd March 2015
  Dominic Evans was added on 3rd March 2015
  Ken Giusti was added on 3rd March 2015
  Timothy Bish was added on 3rd March 2015
  Pavel Moravec was added on 4th March 2015
  Cliff Jansen was added on 6th March 2015
  Darryl Pierce was added on 6th March 2015

# Development:

- The new AMQP 1.0 JMS client had its first release as mentioned earlier.
  We have been working on improvements and fixes since then and will be
  looking to do a 0.2.0 release imminently.

- Discussions and work to begin preparing for a Qpid Proton 0.10 have
  begun, incorporating some major SASL related changes since 0.9. Work
  also continues on expanding language support for the new Reactor API's
  to Go, C++, Ruby, and Java, some of which may be aimed at the following

- Following the Qpid 0.32 release there was intent to reorganise the
  repository structure to better support releasing the various components
  on their own schedules going forward, as has been the case for newer
  components. The Java broker, earlier clients and associated items have
  been relocated to a new trunk, with further relocations still to come
  for other components.

# Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

18 Feb 2015 [Robbie Gemmell / Rich]

Apache Qpid™ is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, a
message 'router', and client libraries for C++, Java (including JMS),
.Net, Python, Perl and Ruby.

* Releases:

Qpid Dispatch Router 0.3 was released on 22nd January 2015.

The most recent Qpid release, 0.30, occurred on 26th September 2014.
The most recent Qpid Proton release, 0.8, occurred on 6th November 2014.

* Community:

The main developer and user lists continue to be active. JIRAs are
being raised and addressed.

Ernest Allen became a committer on the Qpid project on 21st Nov 2014.
Dominic Evans became a committer on the Qpid project on 12th Dec 2014.

There were no new additions to the PMC since the last report. The last
addition to the PMC was Fraser Adams who joined on 6th March, 2014.

* Development:

- CVE-2015-0203 and CVE-2015-0224 were raised, fixes were made available
 and announcements made.

- The release process has kicked off for Qpid 0.32, an alpha has been
 created and trunk is scheduled to branch for beta around 18th February.

- Following the 0.32 branch there is intent to reorganise the trunk
 structure to better facilitate releasing different components
 independently in future.

- There have been a couple of alphas for Qpid Proton 0.9, to verify
 process following migration from svn to git. Work progresses with
 intent to release in the next few weeks.

- Work on the new AMQP 1.0 compliant JMS client is progressing well, we
 will begin thinking about an initial release in the near future.

* Issues:

There are no Board-level issues at this time.

19 Nov 2014

Change the Apache Qpid Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Gordon Sim
 to the office of Vice President, Apache Qpid, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
 resignation of Gordon Sim from the office of Vice President,
 Apache Qpid, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Qpid
 project has chosen by vote to recommend Robbie Gemmell as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Gordon Sim is relieved
 and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
 office of Vice President, Apache Qpid, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Robbie Gemmell be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Qpid, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
 Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
 or until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7A, Change the Apache Qpid Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

19 Nov 2014 [Gordon Sim / Ross]

Apache Qpid™ is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java,
client libraries for C++, Java (including JMS), .Net, Python, Perl and
Ruby and a message 'router'.

* Releases:

Qpid 0.30 was released on 26th September 2014. Qpid Proton 0.8 was
released on 6th November 2014.

The most recent release of Qpid Dispatch Router, 0.2, was on 14th
April 2014.

* Community:

The main developer and user lists continue to be active. JIRAs are
being raised and addressed.

Tim Bish (already a committer on the ActiveMQ project) became a
committer on the Qpid project on 15th September. Božo Dragojevic
became a committer on 16th September 2014.

There were no new additions to the PMC since the last report. The last
addition to the PMC was Fraser Adams who joined on 6th March, 2014.

* Development

- CVE-2014-3629 was reported, a fix was made available and an
 announcement made

- The new AMQP 1.0 compliant JMS client work is going well. Tim Bish
 and Robbie Gemmell have combined efforts on this.

- For greater clarity, we changed our process a little for the 0.30
 Qpid release. This comprises several different components, though
 they all share the same svn tree at present. Where previously we had
 voted for the release as a whole, we now vote separately on each
 individual components sources, to ensure that every component that
 gets released has been sufficiently verified.

* Issues:

The Qpid PMC has voted[1] to change the Chair. See the resolution
submitted for the board's approval in 7A above.


20 Aug 2014 [Gordon Sim / Greg]

Apache Qpid™ is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java,
client libraries for C++, Java (including JMS), .Net, Python, Perl and
Ruby and a message 'router'.

* Releases:

Qpid 0.28 was released on the 3rd June 2014.

The last release of Qpid Dispatch Router, 0.2, was on 14th April
2014. The last release of Qpid Proton 0.7 was on 29th April, 2014.

* Community:

The main developer and user lists continue to be active. JIRAs are
being raised and addressed.

Andrew MacBean became a committer on 1st June 2014. There were no new
additions to the PMC since the last report. The last addition to the
PMC was Fraser Adams who joined on 6th March, 2014.

* Development

As well as ongoing fixes there has been a focus on the management UI
and security requirements in the Java broker. Work on the c++ broker
and client has been focused around AMQP 1.0 enhancements. An ActiveMQ
NMS implementation using AMQP 1.0 has been built on top of the .Net
Qpid.Messaging client.

In Qpid Dispatch Router, there is now support for more dynamic
configuration. The addressing model has been expanded to allow
aggregation of disparate brokers.

The proton library has been moving to a more event driven design as a
result of feedback received. It is believed that this will make it
easier to use and allow extra functionality to be offered within the
proton toolkit itself. Javascript support for proton is also being

Qpid 0.30 is now in alpha with a first beta due shortly. During this
cycle we have identified the need to adjust our procedure a little to
better cope with the evolution of the codebase. Previously we had a
single vote on a single release that covered several different source
bundles. The details are still being discussed but it is likely that
we move to having multiple distinct votes on specific source bundles,
with these perhaps eventually diverging into independent cycles
matching the different needs that different components have. An update
on this will be included in the next board report.

* Issues:

There are no items requiring board attention at this time.

21 May 2014 [Gordon Sim / Doug]

Apache Qpid™ is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, and
client libraries for C++, Java (including JMS), .Net, Python, Perl and

AMQP 1.0 became an ISO standard on the 1st May, 2014:

* Releases:

Qpid 0.26 was released on the 19th Feb 2014[1].

Qpid Dispatch Router 0.2 was released on 14th April 2014.

Qpid Proton 0.7 was released on 29th April, 2014.

[1] The first release candidate for Qpid 0.28 was made available for testing
on the 25th April. A second release candidate is expected shortly.

* Community:

The main developer and user lists continue to be active. JIRAs are
being raised and addressed.

No new committers were added since last report (February 2014). The
last committer added was Pavel Moravec on 30th Aug, 2013.

Fraser Adams joined the PMC on 6th March, 2014.

* Issues:

There are no items requiring board attention at this time.

19 Feb 2014 [Gordon Sim / Roy]

Apache Qpid™ is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, and
client libraries for C++, Java (including JMS), .Net, Python, Perl and

* Releases:

Qpid Proton 0.6 was released on 16th January.

Qpid Dispatch Router 0.1 was released on 17th January.

The Qpid 0.26 release vote has concluded (we have changed the
publishing process we use and publication is currently waiting on
infra-7201, but should be complete soon). The previous Qpid release
(0.24) was in 7th Sep, 2013.

* Community:

The main developer and user lists continue to be active. JIRAs are
being raised and addressed.

No new committers were added since last report (November 2013). The
last committer added was Pavel Moravec on 30th Aug, 2013. The last PMC
members to be added were Andrew Stitcher, Chuck Rolke, Justin Ross and
Keith Wall, who were originally voted in during September 2011. It was
brought to our attention however that there was no record of
notification to - or acknowledgement from, as at that time required -
the board at that time. This was rectified by a vote in Dec 2013 and
an acknowledgement was received from Jim Jagielski.

* Development Highlights:

AMQP 1.0 continues to be an area of activity as issues are reported
(often in conjunction with other AMQP 1.0 implementations) and fixed.

Development is underway on a new AMQP 1.0 based JMS client, in line
with the JMS Mapping being developed at OASIS.

The existing JMS over 1.0 client and the java broker now support
WebSockets, tracking the specification for that being developed at

Though not part of Qpid per se, an AMQP based NMS implementation
(using qpid::messaging under the covers) has been developed in
conjunction with the ActiveMQ project, increasing options for
interoperability between the two projects.

Dispatch Router added support for both competing and non-competing
patterns, based on patterns specified in the configuration file. (Will
be part of 0.2 release). The Dispatch Router is tracking the
specification development for AMQP management.

Proton Messenger added support for dynamic nodes. (Included in 0.6
release). Some ideas have also been discussed to simplify using the
Proton engine API, namely adding an event-oriented interface and some
generic container support.

* Issues:

There are no items requiring board attention at this time.

20 Nov 2013 [Gordon Sim / Roy]

Apache Qpid™ is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a
protocol engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, and
client libraries for C++, Java (including JMS), .Net, Python,
Perl and Ruby.

* Releases:

There have been no releases since the last report in September 2013.

Qpid 0.26 release is currently in alpha and due to branch for beta any
day now. It is targeted for release early December. The last Qpid
release (0.24) was in 7th Sep, 2013.

Qpid Proton 0.6 release is in planning. The last Qpid Proton release (0.5)
was on 29th Aug, 2013.

* Community:

The main developer and user lists continue to be active. JIRAs are
being raised and addressed. Posts and questions around AMQP 1.0 are
becoming more frequent.

No new committers or PMC members added since last report (Sep
2013). Last committer added was Pavel Moravec on 30th Aug, 2013. Last
PMC members to be added were Andrew Stitcher, Chuck Rolke, Justin Ross
and Keith Wall in September 2011.

Development since last the report has been mainly maintenance & bug
fixing on the various components. Development of a proposed new
component, the Qpid Dispatch Router, has continued along with some
discussion regarding its scope and aims.

Increased PMC and committer diversity would be desirable. At present
all but two of the active committers - and all but one of the PMC
members - are paid to work on the project by one of two
organisations. Some discussions have begun to try and find ideas for
proactively improving this situation.

* Issues:

There are no items requiring board attention at this time.

18 Sep 2013

Change the Apache Qpid Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Carl
 Trieloff to the office of Vice President, Apache Qpid, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Carl Trieloff from the office of Vice President, Apache Qpid,

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Qpid
 project has chosen by vote to recommend Gordon Sim as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Carl Trieloff is relieved
 and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
 of Vice President, Apache Qpid, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Gordon Sim be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Qpid, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
 Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
 until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Qpid Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

18 Sep 2013 [Carl Trieloff / Jim]

Apache Qpid™ is a project focused on creating software based on the
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), currently providing a protocol
engine library, message brokers written in C++ and Java, and  with client
libraries for C++, Java (including JMS), .Net, Python, Perl and Ruby.


Proton 0.5; 29th Aug, 2013
Qpid 0.24; 7th Sep, 2013


Now have a new website which not only looks a lot better, but also provides
better information on the components offered.

There has been some refactoring of the Java broker to turn the various
protocol versions into plugins.

For the c++ broker, the work on a new approach to high availability is
progressing well with transaction support being finalised. AMQP 1.0 support
has also progressed well, as it has for the c++ qpid::messaging client.

In proton, the API has been extended to provide better non-blocking support
and proton-j (java) has been brought into line with the development on proton-c.

There is work underway to build a new JMS client using proton-j. A separate
JIRA instance has been set up for this.

There is also a new component being worked on (yet to be released), called
Qpid Dispatch Router, which is a lightweight message router using proton-c.


The main developer and user lists continue to be active. The proton sub-project
also has a list. Issues are being raised and fixed.

Have added Pavel Moravec as a committer. Carl Trieloff is standing down as
Chair. Gordon Sim will take over and the plan is to rotate this role more
frequently in future.


No issues to report.

21 Aug 2013 [Carl Trieloff / Chris]

No report was submitted.

AI: Chris to pursue a report for Qpid

19 Jun 2013 [Carl Trieloff / Bertrand]

Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++,
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

There are no issues requiring the board's attention.

There have been a few CVEs of low severity that the project has worked
in the prior period.

Solid community activity. User list activity continues and here is
quite a bit of interaction between project around the AMQP1.0 work
from project like ActiveMQ.

0. Some great presentations (user cases) done at ApacheCon on deployments like eBay.
1. Fraser Adams was nominated as a committer.
2. Fraser contributed a Java version of QMFv2 + a web based console.
3. We are in the process of working towards a 0.22 release for Qpid and 0.5
release for Proton.
4. We are in the process of re-vamping our website.

0.20 has is the current release, released since the last report.
Project is maintaining its time based release schedule.

15 May 2013 [Carl Trieloff / Brett]

No report was submitted.

Ross notes that there was some confusion as to whether QPid should report or not and has requested that they report next month.

17 Apr 2013 [Carl Trieloff / Ross]

Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which implements
the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing message brokers written in
C++ and Java, along with clients for C++, Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

There are no issues requiring the board's attention.

There have been a few CVEs of low severity that the project has worked in the prior

Solid community activity. User list activity continues and here is quite a bit
of interaction between project around the AMQP1.0 work from project like ActiveMQ.

0. Some great presentations (user cases) done at ApacheCon on deployments like eBay.
1. Fraser Adams was nominated as a committer.
2. Fraser contributed a Java version of QMFv2 + a web based console.
3. We are in the process of working towards a 0.22 release for Qpid and 0.5
release for Proton.
4. We are in the process of re-vamping our website.

0.20 has is the current release, released since the last report.
Project is maintaining its time based release schedule.

20 Mar 2013 [Carl Trieloff / Doug]

No report was submitted.

20 Feb 2013 [Carl Trieloff / Roy]

No report was submitted.

21 Nov 2012 [Carl Trieloff / Ross]

Apache Qpid™ is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++,
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

The release cadence is continuing, with a release made since the last
board report.

AMQP 1.0 support is furiously being working into the brokers. The protocol
support is being created in the sub-project proton, which i also been
picked up by ActiveMQ and other projects. It appears that the project will
have complete AMQP 1.0 protocol support in the few releases.

The traffic on the lists seem to be consistent with prior reporting periods.

No issues to report.

15 Aug 2012 [Carl Trieloff / Sam]

Apache Qpid™ is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++,
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

The project has expanded to include a protocol lib -- proton.

Proton is a high performance, lightweight messaging library. It can be
used in the widest range of messaging applications including brokers,
client libraries, routers, bridges, proxies, and more. Proton is based
on the AMQP 1.0 messaging standard. Using Proton it is trivial to
integrate with the AMQP 1.0 ecosystem from any platform, environment,
or language.

Key developments:
1. We are ready to release 0.18
2. Perl binding for Qpid Messaging API
3. New HA for the C++ broker.
4. Web based management console for the Java broker.
5. Proton has it's own JIRA and mailing list and development has been
 picking up with more folks joining in.

No major change, positive or negative to report. Things still humming

As mentioned above, 0.18 release about complete.

AI Sam: ask chair to make private item public since it is already public.

16 May 2012 [Carl Trieloff / Brett]

Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which implements
the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

None to report at this time

0.16 is on the cusp of going out the door

- Releasing the JCA component.
- We have a lot of on going work on AMQP 1.0 checked in under
- Kim has started to move in the c++ store component into into Qpid.
- Rob has done work to make our doc pages look the same as the website.

Steady mail list traffic

Committer/ PMC
Weston Price voted onto the committer role.

15 Feb 2012 [Carl Trieloff / Roy]

Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++,
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

Qpid has released 0.14. The release schedule has become consistent,
with the 0.16 release dates and freeze coming up

Things are ticking along nicely from a project perspective. Nothing
out of the ordinary to report.

List remain active.

Nothing to report at this time.

16 Nov 2011 [Carl Trieloff / Sam]

Apache Qpid™ is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing message
brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++, Java JMS, .Net,
Python, Ruby and more...

Qpid 0.12 has been released since the last report
Qpid 0.14 is busy making its way out

Generally the release speed and quality seem to be good, having the 3
month cycle is a good thing for the project. QMFv2 is not making its way
through all the clients. The JMS client is getting face lift and AMQP 1.0
also getting some attention, plus a lot of other features rolling in.

User and Developer lists active.
Keith Wall has been added as a committer
Andrew Stitcher, Chuck Rolke, Justin Ross, Ken Giusti, Keith Wall have been
voted onto the PMC.

None to report at this stage.

17 Aug 2011 [Carl Trieloff / Jim]

Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++,
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.


The current release is 0.10, with the 0.12 release currenty undergoing
vote for final release. The project has succesfully met it goal in
moving to a time based release schedule. The 0.10 and 0.12 release
have brought many new improvements from additional client binds to JCA
support for example.


None to report.


User activity continues to be active, and there is quite a lot of
patch activity from new developers, which hopefully will earn
committership Keith has earned committership recently.

19 May 2011 [Carl Trieloff / Roy]

Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system
which implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP),
providing message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with
clients for C++, Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

The project has just released the 0.10 release of the project, a
great release with a lot of improvements and features. Also the
first release done on the new 3 month release schedule from 0.8

One new committer has been voted onto the project, Justin Ross,
still awaiting account creation from root.

We have a newly contributed PHP client, have Java Hudson added
and a C++ CI during the last release cycle.

User list is as active as ever, if not increased a bit.

None to report.

16 Feb 2011 [Carl Trieloff / Doug]

Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which
implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing
message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++,
Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby.

The current release is 0.8, which has been released I believe since
the last board report. The Qpid project is in the middle of close down
for the 0.10 release. This is the fastest cycle yet between releases
reflecting the project's goal to move to a more frequent time-based
release cycle.

None to report.

User activity continues to be active, and there is quite a lot of
patch activity from a new dev, which hopefully will earn

Updated and based on feedback we believe that we have updated the site
to the new branding guidelines. Any inconsistencies will be addressed
if we become aware of any are not implemented correctly.

17 Nov 2010 [Carl Trieloff / Roy]

November 2010 Status report for Apache Qpid.

Apache Qpid implements the latest AMQP specification, providing transaction
management, queuing, distribution, security, management, clustering, federation
and heterogeneous multi-platform support and a lot more. And Apache Qpid is
extremely fast. Apache Qpid aims to be 100% AMQP Compliant.

We have no issues to report at this time.

- Qpid is at RC1 for the 0.8 release of Qpid, expected to be released soon.
- This release brings support of 0-10 to all brokers and client
- Brings new API's, and many enhancements.

Community and Project
- Chuck Rolke voted into the project as committer
- Steady churn of questions/ activity on users list
- Continued work on the project from the dev community.

No issues to report at this time.

18 Aug 2010 [Carl Trieloff / Greg]

Since the last report, not too much to report. Project remains very
active with steady work to the upcoming release. Additional API
bindings have been added, and continual stream of patches from the
community. Project has also updated the web site, and format.

Most noteworthy is that an additional committer has been voted onto
the project (Andrew Kennedy) last month. One new committer (Cliff)
voted on in previous period also.  Qpid will probably start preparing
for the next release in a month or so as there are a large number of
enhancements and changes on the trunk. The next release date has not
yet been set, but I expect I will be reporting on that in our next

No concerns from PMC or myself to report at this time.

Approved by general consent.

19 May 2010 [Carl Trieloff / Brian]

Qpid 0.6, a major release has been completed and released. This
release includes many improvements including new addressing support
and high level APIs. The release took a while to get out, but is a
solid update from 0.5. The discussion for next release has
started. The project is working to increase the number of releases
made each year.

The community of users and those submitting patches continues to
increase. There seems to be a notable increase in patch submissions
from new names to the project.

There is currently an effort under-way to rework the website and
documentation to improve the user experience with regard to the

No issues to report at this time.

17 Feb 2010 [Carl Trieloff / Brett]


Qpid 0.6 a major release is completing, hopefully released by the
date of the board meeting. It brings a large additional feature
set with including interop between all the components using AMQP
0-10 and the best support for all AMQP version for any AMQP project
around.  This is substantive release we will be proud of once voting
is complete, which includes large non-committer contributions (via JIRA).


New committers voted onto the project: Ken Giusti.


Long debate on private lists around mixing committer votes with
improving our governance. It seems like we are maturing and improving
our game with a consequence that we may have raised the bar mid stream
on those working to committership. The improving our game is good but
we need to carefully manage those that are in process of working to


The community continues to grow both from patches and users.


No issues to report at this time.

Brett to take over Roy's action item suggesting a number of improvements required in Qpid's report.

18 Nov 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Greg]

Currently there are no items requiring specific board attentions.

Project status:

Some good interactions at ApacheCon, however it was noted that Qpid is not
widely known around the ApacheCon attendance. this is something which has
generated some discussion and may need some attention from the project to
promote itself.

List activity and interaction as strong and continue to grow

0.6 release coming should be out soon, some of the larger pieces of work
featured include:

- includes Windows installer, SQL-based persistence, WCF channel additions,
 funded by Microsoft.
- a common API initiative.
- update to the Java broker so both C++ and Java broker are on AMQP 0-10,
 latest published AMQP specification
- 0-9-1 and 0-10 support in the Java Broker... Meaning Qpid now supports all
 versions of AMQP that have been released


No new committers to report at this time, however there are a few
individuals we hope cross the bar soon to be voted into the project.

23 Sep 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Roy]

Qpid is continuing its development towards the 0.6 release, with good
contributions, feedback and patches from the community.

Since the last board report:
- Michael Goulish has been voted onto Qpid as a committer
- The PMC membership has added robbie
- Qpid now has Windows installers
- Contrib builds are being done for the Windows platform
- robbie@a.o has done excellent work as part of his GSoC project this
 year (i.e. two GoSC success stories for project so far GSoC -> active
 committer, 1 failed)
- We have good traffic on the user list.
- Red Hat has contributed an external module to Qpid (process review
 from Apache legal)
- Microsoft is funding the refactor of this contributed module to allow
 substituting DB/store and inclusion into Qpid
- Request was made to PMC to create a list for QMF (Qpid Management
 Framework) user list traffic. PMC recommended to use [QMF] on user
 list until traffic was high enough to warrant another list.

We expect that 0.6 will be released later this year. There are no
current concerns to be raised to the Apache Board at this time.

Roy to get with Carl and suggest improvements to the report meet what the board expects.

19 Aug 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Doug]

No report provided.

20 May 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Geir]

Carl reported Feb, Mar, Apr as required. The board requests a report for next month and then resume back on track. Jim to update Marvin.

15 Apr 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Jim]

For the last month there is not much to report for Qpid.

In short,

- Good community actively & user list traffic.
- 0.5 release branch has been created and is in close down.
- Good list of contributors that are interacting with the project
 and progressing towards possible committership.
- Ben Hyde joined PMC list as observer being an Apache member

18 Mar 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Bill]

- Voted on Robbie Gemmell as committer
- Lots of new people supplying patches, and contributing,
 good list of people working towards committership.

- Working on our next release close down, will most likely
 complete next month.

18 Feb 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Bill]

The report was received on time, but wasn't added to the agenda. Will consider that report next month.

21 Jan 2009 [Carl Trieloff / Jim]

- Andrea Gazzarini (independent) successfully voted onto Qpid as
- M4, still not quite out yet, in vote process/ corrections being
 done as needed

- I believe that all the setup is now complete
- Clean up from Incubator, etc, not yet complete.
- Delays, primarily do to me not having power for extended periods
 of time due to ice storms
- Updated checklist to be completed.

17 Dec 2008 [Carl Trieloff / Greg]


- We are in the process of performing post graduation hand off. DNS, domain
 and site has been moved. Still working svn, & mail. Hope to complete
 hand-off from the incubator by the end of the year, and established board
 reporting schedule.
- We are in the process of completing our 4th major release of the project.
 First RC spun this week

-None to report.

Graduation Thanks:

I believe it would be appropriate to thank all those that have helped us
get to graduation. I would like to start with Cliff, who helped me create
all the initial documents, work through legal, source code grant, and
initial mentoring & championing the project. Since then we have had 4
additional mentors who have provided great support, namely Craig, Paul,
Scott & Yoav. They have been with the project over the last 2+ years
providing advise, support and asking the hard questions as needed. And of
course the IPMC, and all those on the incubator list that have helped us.

We graduated the project with the follow committer base {Aidan Skinner,
Alan Conway, Arnaud Simon, Andrew Stitcher, Carl Trieloff , Gordon Sim, Jim
Meyering , John O'Hara, Jonathan Robie, Kim van der Riet, Lahiru
Gunathilake, Manuel Teira, Marnie McCormack, Martin Ritchie, Nuno Santos,
Paul Fremantle, Rafael Schloming, Rajith Attapattu, Robert Godfrey,  Robert
Greig, Rupert Smith,  Steve Huston, Yoav Shapira} it is you who have got
the project to where it is.

Then we have those that have contributed or where contributing in the early
stages to Qpid, and those that continue to contribute and are hoping that
of you will be joining us as committer on the project soon. And to {Colin
Crist(use case work),  Bhupendra Bhardwaj(eclipse tool), Kevin
Smith(security), Steve Vinoski(build), Steven Shaw(.net), Tomas
Restrepo(.net), Andrea Gazzarini(Qman)} for your larger contributions. And
of course the many users and patch submitters, those that have announced
support for Qpid & those on the lists.

19 Nov 2008

Establish the Apache Qpid Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
 interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
 purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
 the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
 distributed messaging, for distribution at no charge to the

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
 Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Qpid Project", be and
 hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
 be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Qpid Project be and hereby is
 responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related
 to distributed messaging; a multiple language implementation
 providing daemons and APIs for publish & subscribe, eventing and
 a wide range of message distribution patterns based on the
 Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and related technologies
 such as (transaction management, federation, security,
 management); and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Qpid" be and hereby
 is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
 direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache
 Qpid Project, and to have primary responsibility for management
 of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache
 Qpid Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
 are appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Qpid

     * Rajith Attapattu   (
     * Alan Conway        (
     * Paul Fremantle     (
     * Robert Godfrey     (
     * Robert Greig       (
     * Steve Huston       (
     * Marnie McCormack   (
     * John O'Hara        (
     * Martin Ritchie     (
     * Jonathan Robie     (
     * Ted Ross           (
     * Craig Russell      (
     * Nuno Santos        (
     * Rafael Schloming   (
     * Yoav Shapira       (
     * Gordon Sim         (
     * Arnaud Simon       (
     * Aidan Skinner      (
     * Manuel Teira       (
     * Carl Trieloff      (
     * Kim van der Riet   (

 appointed to the office of Vice President, Qpid, to serve in
 accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
 Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
 resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
 successor is appointed; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Qpid
 encumbered upon the Apache Incubator be hereafter discharged.

 Special Order 7E, Establish the Apache Qpid Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

15 Oct 2008

Qpid is an enterprise messaging broker which implements the AMQP protocol.
It has been incubating since 2006-08-27.


  * Oct 08 - Completed our M3 release
  * Sep 08 - Lahiru Gunathilake was voted in as a committer. He contributed
a CLI management tool as part of the GSoC project
  * Sep 08 - Manuel Teira was voted in as a committer. He is working on a
solaris port for the c++ broker
  * Sep 08 - Steve Huston was voted in as a committer. He is working on a
windows port for the c++ broker
  * Two GSoC students, one successfully completed
  * Continuing to attract new contributers.

Issues before graduation:

   * From last board report: PPMC diversity needs to be improved --
Progress, we now have 7 independent entities on the project


 It took ~1 month to get a vote on our last release candidate completed,
some on general@ seem happy to pick holes when somethings wrong but seem
uninterested in acknowledging when the issues has been resolved. There was
plenty of activity on other threads, but repeated reminders seemed
ineffectual. This was a bit disappointing.

16 Jul 2008

Qpid is an enterprise messaging broker which implements the AMQP protocol.
It has been incubating since 2006-08-27.


* A new release timetable and source management process was agreed on
* We're completing our mid-term evaluations of our two GSoC students
* Continuing to attract new contributers, hopefully a more rapid and
reliable release schedule will help
* Prototype forrest-based website has comitted to svn to replace the
existing confluence-backed one

Issues before graduation:
* PPMC diversity needs to be improved

16 Apr 2008

Qpid is an AMQP implementation, providing an interoperable messaging

In incubation since 2006-08-27

 * We attempted a graduation vote. Going into our graduation vote we had
thought that we needed a diverse committer base (which we have), however we
came to learn that the PMC also needs good diversity (yes - thinking about
this it is logical). So we stopped our graduation vote in order to add
representation on our PPMC, even though we do have at least 3 legally
independent members. We will take some time to add committers to our PPMC.
To be specific, we took away to (a.) increase our committer base + (b) have
a more diverse PMC for graduation (The project at graduation vote time
included Red Hat, another employer + Rupert Smith(independent)). So we will
add committers and PPMC members before re-requesting a vote.

 * No other issues (other than diversity) for graduation.

 * M2.1 release in progress
 * Lots of new people doing stuff on project
 * Working through GSoC submission (8)
 * New Camel supports Qpid:

 * Seem to have had our status page revert, must have fat fingered it --
need to recover the correct version and fix

17 Oct 2007

The Apache Qpid Project provides an open and interoperable, multiple
language implementations of the Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

Date of entry to the Incubator : 2006-09

Top three items to resolve before graduation

We aborted the M2 release vote mid way due to some key bugs. We are building
new RC's and will re-vote. Once M2 is out we will seek graduation.


1. There don't seem to be any major issues currently, or items that need to
be raised. Most notable is that the Qpid community and users have had quite
a lot of debate on code and practices in the last period. Some debates where
quite intense, but all very productive furthering team work and community.

* Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be

From last report:
The whole project has not gone through release review and the license files
and notices need to be checked for all languages and components.

Done - Legal review was done prior to M2 vote for the full code base. M2
vote was aborted for key bug, and is being restarted Oct 8th.

* Latest developments.

 * Since entering into incubation we have had one release of the java code
base (M1).
 * We have migrated our java build system from ant to maven.
 * Development has been moving forward. with improvements in memory
footprint management passing the JMS TCK in with the java broker.
 * Addition of .NET client
 * Successfully voted to give 7+ new committers access rights
 * Successfully voted to give a new member contributor rights to cwiki.
 * The creation of the Web site
 * General progress on all code bases
 * Created python test suite
 * Added Ruby language support
 * We have stabilized our M2 release, voted, aborted vote - and re-vote Oct
 * Lots of code and clean up and new functionality
 * Increase in user mail to the point of requesting and creating a user list
 * Requests from other projects to integrate with us
 * Building M3 / V1 if graduated.

* Plans and expectations for the next period?

During the next period, once we have M2 out I believe we will see if we can

18 Jul 2007

The Apache Qpid Project provides an open and interoperable, multiple
language implementations of the Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

Date of entry to the Incubator : 2006-09

Top three items to resolve before graduation

None at present, however the project is going to complete the release of M2
before seeking / evaluating graduation readiness


1. Understanding the details between JCP and announce compliance...
        Resolution: We don't believe that there is going to be any outcome soon on
this issue given the ongoing issues with Apache / JCP. As we pass all the
tests in the TCK, the project has concluded to just state that we pass all
the tests but not claim compliance until JCP / Apache issues have been

2. Our STATUS file needs to be updated wrt this report and the addition of
our new committers.
        Resolution: Done.

3. Making sure we are comfortable with the working relationship between Qpid
and the AMQP Working Group.
        Resolution: A discussion thread has been had on the Qpid dev list to
identify any concerns. Some issues where identified with accessing some of
the pages of the Working group, no issues where raised about obtaining
information / interacting with the WG. These resources incorrectly posted
where highlighted to the working group and have been fixed or are being
fixed. We the Qpid project will re-check for concerns on the dev list, and
make sure all resources required are accessible by all qpid committers on a
periodic basis.

* Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be

The whole project has not gone through release review and the license files
and notices need to be checked for all languages and components.
        This is being done as post of M2, and should be complete in the next few
days, M2 took longer than expected to close. The following comments thus
carried from last board report
 * Brett: is it 'has now gone through release review', or 'has not' as
stated? How was M1 released if license files and notices have not been
checked, or has that only been done for Java?
 * Response by Martin(Qpid PPMC): The M1 release only included the Java code
base as a result only the license/notice files for Java were checked. The
other language variants are being checked to ensure the correct files are in
place for when they are ready to release.

* Latest developments.

 * Since entering into incubation we have had one release of the java code
base (M1).
 * We have stabilized our M2 release, and will be closing that shortly
 * We have migrated our java build system from ant to maven.
 * Development has been moving forward. with improvements in memory
footprint management passing the JMS TCK in with the java broker.
 * Addition of .NET client
 * Successfully voted to give 7+ new committers access rights
 * Successfully voted to give a new member contributor rights to cwiki.
 * The creation of the Web site
 * General progress on all code bases
 * Created python test suite
 * Added Ruby language support

* Plans and expectations for the next period?

During the next period we plan on improving the stability of all language
variants. Clustering, DTX, 0-10 AMQP for C++, and 0-8 & 0-10 AMQP client
support for Java will most likely be the focus of the next period.

25 Apr 2007

iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

The Apache Qpid Project provides an open and interoperable, multiple
language implementations of the Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

Date of entry to the Incubator : 2006-09

Resolved issues

 * None to report

Top two items to resolve before graduation

 * Understanding the details between JCP and announce compliance
 * Making sure we are comfortable with the working relationship between Qpid
and the AMQP Working Group.

* Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be
 * We need another Mentor, it has become clear that a project can't function
smoothly without at least 3 Mentors, looking for another mentor.... This has
delayed getting new committers onto the project, as most of the committers
we are attracting are net new to Apache and the long cycles to get them on
due to IPMC votes etc does not create a great impression for Apache new

* Latest developments.

 * Since entering into incubation we have had one release of the java code
base (M1).
 * We have migrated our build system from ant to maven.
 * Development has been moving forward. with improvements in memory
footprint management, passing the JMS TCK in with the java broker.
 * Addition of .NET client
 * Contributions from new non committers
 * Successfully voted to give 3 new committers access rights
 * Successfully voted to give a new member contributor rights to cwiki.
 * The creation of Web site
 * General progress on all code bases
 * In progress voting on 3 more new committers
 * Definition of test suite
 * Merge in branches relating to next spec version (C++, Python - Java in

* Plans and expectations for the next period?

 * Release a M2 of the full project
 * Merge in branches relating to next spec version 0-10
 * Move trunk to 0-10 of AMQP specification
 * Imporoving tests and coverage
 * Close question on JCP.

iPMC questions / comments:

28 Mar 2007

iPMC Reviewers: jukka, yoavs, jim, noel

The Apache Qpid Project provides an open and interoperable, multiple
language implementations of the Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

Date of entry to the Incubator : 2006-09

Resolved issues
 * We have defined our policy for adding new commiters (3 new committers
voted in, 3 currently being voted on)
 * It should be noted that no issues working with the AMQP working group
have been identified yet

Top two items to resolve before graduation

 * Understanding the details between JCP and announce compliance
 * Making sure we are comfortable with the working relationship between Qpid
and the AMQP Working Group.

Our STATUS file has been updated wrt to reports and the addition of our new
committers. (should be published by the time this is read)

* Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be

The whole project has not gone through release review and the license files
and notices need to be checked for items not in M1. All areas will be done
for M2.

* Latest developments.

    * Since entering into incubation we have had one release of the java
code base (M1).
    * We have migrated our build system from ant to maven.
    * Development has been moving forward. with improvements in memory
footprint management, passing the JMS TCK in with the java broker.
    * Addition of .NET client
    * Contributions from new non committers
    * Successfully voted to give 3 new committers access rights
    * Successfully voted to give a new member contributor rights to cwiki.
    * The creation of Web site
    * General progress on all code bases
    * In progress voting on 3 more new committers
    * Definition of test suite

* Plans and expectations for the next period?
    * During the next period we plan on improving the stability of all
language variants.
    * Release a M2 of the full project
    * Merge in branches relating to next spec version
    * Move trunk to 0-10 of AMQP specification
    * Improving tests and coverage

iPMC questions / comments:


21 Feb 2007

iPMC Reviewers: brett, jerenkrantz, yoavs, twl, noel

The Apache Qpid Project provides an open and interoperable, multiple
language implementations of the Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol
(AMQP) specification

Date of entry to the Incubator : 2006-09

Top three items to resolve before graduation
1. Defining a policy for adding new committers
2. Understanding the details between JCP and announce compliance
3. Making sure we are comfortable with the working relationship between
  Qpid and the AMQP Working Group.

Our STATUS file needs to be updated wrt this report and the addition of our
new committers.

* Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be

The whole project has not gone through release review and the license files
and notices need to be checked for all languages and components.

* Latest developments.

* Since entering into incubation we have had one release of the java code
 base (M1).
* We have migrated our build system from ant to maven.
* Development has been moving forward. with improvements in memory
 footprint management passing the JMS TCK in with the java broker.
* Addition of .NET client
* Contributions from 5+ non committers
* Successfully voted to give 3 new committers access rights
* Successfully voted to give a new member contributor rights to cwiki.
* The creation of the first draft of Web site
* General progress on all models in the code base

* Plans and expectations for the next period?

During the next period we plan on improving the stability of all language
variants. Working towards a standard interoperability test suite and
improved test code coverage of the whole code base. To this end we would
like to get all the languages passing each others tests. We will also be
pushing forward official JMS compliance certification for both brokers.
Would like to create a release of the full code set.

iPMC questions / comments:
* Brett: is it 'has now gone through release review', or 'has not' as
 stated? How was M1 released if license files and notices have not been
 checked, or has that only been done for Java?
* Response by Martin(Qpid PPMC): The M1 release only included the Java code
 base as a result only the license/notice files for Java were checked. The
 other language variants are being checked to ensure the correct files are in
 place for when they are ready to release.

* noel: Can you elaborate on Top Item #1, in light of having elected new
      Are the new Committers listed in the STATUS file?  The STATUS files
      does not show any record of the decisions.
