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This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


21 Mar 2012

RAT started incubation as a Java library that scans files for known licenses
and reports files that lack any of them.  By now more tools that help
collecting, aggregating and validating licenses have been added.

After some soul-searching the RAT community is preparing to vote on
graduating as a TLP under the name Creadur.  The voting process is not
likely to complete in time for the next board meeting, though.

Signed off by mentor:

21 Dec 2011

A suite of tools focusing on the comprehension and auditing of
software distributions. Entered incubation 2008-01-06

* Added David Blevins as a new committer.
* Various new people are making contributions.
* Issue tracker and mail lists are attended to.

* 15 November 2011 - apache-rat-incubating-0.8 released.
* Improved the download facility.
* Initial contributions of a new tool, Tentacles, to download all the
archives from a staging repo, unpack them and create a little report of
what is there.
* Commenced improvement of branding.

Current and next steps:
* In process of choosing a suitable project name.
* In process of deciding project scope and description.
* Commenced the search for a project chair.

Issues before graduation:
None. We seem to be getting there.

Apache Rave is a new web and social mashup engine. It will provide an
out-of-the-box as well as an extendible lightweight Java platform to host,
serve and aggregate (Open)Social Gadgets, W3C Widgets and services through a
highly customizable and Web 2.0 friendly front-end.

Rave entered incubation on 2011-03-01.

Current Status:
 * Releases
    * Two additional releases (0.4-incubating & 0.5-incubating) have been
released since the last report
    * A 0.6-incubating release is currently being voted on on the dev list
 * Community Growth
    * Rave committers & PPMC members have attended multiple events to meet
and engage additional community members
    * The ApacheCon Rave meetup & hackathon were well attended
    * The Rave community is actively engaging projects that are building on
or leveraging Rave
    * Jasha Joachimsthal was voted in as a new PPMC member in November
    * Sean Cooper was voted in as a new committer and PPMC member in
    * Dev mailing list is saw increased traffic from new users/contributors
    * A community request (Sakai project) for a git mirror was honored:
Rave is now also available from
 * General
   * A preliminary integration with Apache Wookie is now provided with the
0.6-incubation release (pending), full integration (bundling Wookie) is
slated for the next release
   * The commit rate remains high (~75 commits / month)
   * Website documentation is steadily improved and extended
   * A presentation about Rave, focusing on Apache, community and
collaboration, was given by Matt Franklin and Ate Douma at ApacheCon 2011
November 11th
Next steps:
 * Continue to build up awareness of Rave and grow the community
 * Further collaboration and coordination with Shindig and Wookie
 * Further modularize Rave to support extending and customizing for end
 * Keep up the pace for the monthly release schedule, working towards a
0.7-incubating release by end December 2011

Issues before graduation:
 * Complete 1.0 release
 * Expand the community/user base

26 Oct 2011

Rat audits releases.

A renewed push started to find a final status for Rat. A consensus emerged
that the best destination for Rat would be a top level project, even if the
scope is broad enough to allow a suite of related products to be developed
by the community. Hopefully, Rat will be in a position to graduate soon.

Work has started on new code complementing the classic plugins:

* Apache Rat Eye assists bulk reviews (coded in Python)
* Apache Rat Whisker automates the verification and generation of legal
documents (LICENSE, NOTICE, etc) for application composed from many
components (coded in Java)

The 0.8 release of the classic plugin is expected soon.

Trademark, branding and marketing issues remain unresolved. The Incubator
guides no longer accord well with developments in ASF policy in this area.
It seems appropriate that before graduation these issues should be sorted
out, though this may require work to develop incubator policy, which may
potentially delay graduation.

21 Sep 2011

Rat audits releases.

A renewed push started to find a final status for Rat. A consensus emerged
that the best destination for Rat would be a top level project, even if the
scope is broad enough to allow a suite of related products to be developed
by the community. Hopefully, Rat will be in a position to graduate soon.

Work has started on new code complementing the classic plugins:

* Apache Rat Eye assists bulk reviews (coded in Python)
* Apache Rat Whisker automates the verification and generation of legal
documents (LICENSE, NOTICE, etc) for application composed from many
components (coded in Java)

The 0.8 release of the classic plugin is expected soon.

Trademark, branding and marketing issues remain unresolved. The Incubator
guides no longer accord well with developments in ASF policy in this area.
It seems appropriate that before graduation these issues should be sorted
out, though this may require work to develop incubator policy, which may
potentially delay graduation.

15 Jun 2011

Rat is (still) a small and mature code base without a clear home at Apache
to aim for.

Unlike the last two quarters there has been some development activity with
commits by four different committers.  Some JIRA issues have been opened and
not all of them have been addressed by now.

16 Mar 2011

RAT is a Java library that scans files for known licenses and reports files
that lack any of them.  Three front-ends to said library exist in form of a
command line client, an Ant task and a Maven plugin.

RAT entered the Incubator in January 2008.

Two issues have been opened in JIRA, one has been closed as WONTFIX.  No
other activities during the past quarter.

15 Dec 2010

RAT is a Java library that scans files for known licenses and reports files
that lack any of them.  Three frontends to said library exist in form of a
command line client, an Ant task and a Maven plugin.

RAT entered the Incubator in January 2008.

There a has been zero activity in RAT during the last quarter.

22 Sep 2010

RAT is a Java library that scans files for known licenses and reports files
that lack any of them.  Three front-ends to said library exist in form of a
command line client, an Ant task and a Maven plugin.

RAT entered the Incubator in January 2008.

RAT 0.7 incubating has been released at June 30th.

After the release of RAT 0.7 a discussion of what a matching graduation
target for RAT could be started.  It seems that most users of RAT think a
TLP would be the best fit.

Development activity on RAT is very low, a total of six people have committed
59 changes in 2010 - only two people performed more than five commits.  At
least twenty of the total commits were due to the release process of 0.7.

Hyrum Wright is working on a Python based reimplementation of RAT's ideas
under the name Mouse inside a lab

16 Jun 2010

No IPMC or Board issues requiring attention.

Both the Ant task (RAT-73) and Maven plugin (RAT-74) have been extended to
optionally create reports in RAT's XML format rather than plain text.  This
will not only allow custom styling of the reports but also easy report
federations like the one currently created by BuildBot.

Discussion for a new release of RAT to make this feature available has
started but hasn't come to a conclusion, yet.

17 Mar 2010

No IPMC or Board issues requring attention.

RAT remains quiet but steady. A major PITA of the website not building
correctly was solved by Brian Fox. Some Jira issues were attended to and
patches committed. More and more projects are using RAT for their checks,
some adding as a Maven goal before doing a release, others via Buildbot or
other CI tools as part of their commit and check process.

16 Dec 2009

A number of patches have been (belatedly) applied and elections of some
contributors new to RAT but well known to the ASF are in progress.

The issue of final destination would probably be best solved by the creation
of a new TLP with a charter slightly wider than just RAT to allow the
development of other similar auditing tools useful to the Apache

23 Sep 2009

RAT has been reasonably quiet though the summer of code project has been
very active over at Google. Initial enthusiasm for developing crawling
capabilities was stalled by the lack of quick progress towards a release by

Progress on graduation is still stalled by the lack of a suitable TLP to
home the project. RAT illustrates well the inability of the incubator system
to work for existing small but open projects without a nominating TLP. If
Apache wants to accept more projects of this nature, some process rethinking
is needed.

17 Jun 2009

Rat was accepted into the incubator in November 2007

Rat audits releases.

Since the last report:

* The first release here at Apache was cut (which drew assistance from
* The code has been simplified with the aim of making it more accessible to
new developers

We hope to extend RAT to provide a central way of verifying the status of
source code in Incubator projects (and eventually all ASF projects). The hope
is that by making it more useful to the wonderful ASF committers we will see
RAT becoming more functional.

The biggest problem that needs to be resolved before graduation is final

To graduate as a top level project, significant numbers of new developers
would need to be attracted. This would probably require significant energy
to be devoted first into extending it's usefulness beyond Apache-like open
source projects then raising it's profile.

Conversely, ATM there is no candidate top level project which could home Rat
as a sub-project (suggestions welcomed).

18 Mar 2009

After a long quiet period, there seems to have been a definite change of
momentum. A major stumbling block has been the absence of released version
of the codebase after the move to Apache. Once this has happened, it should
be possible to start on some more interesting topics.

Preparation of a 0.6 release ongoing (and looking good). Hopefully due in

The scan code that generates (by auditing
the distribution directories) is probably just about good enough for wider
distribution and use by other projects at Apache. This will be targeted for
release before May.

Discussions are ongoing about a Google SoC originating in Harmony but more
naturally in scope at RAT

Top Issues Before Graduation:
1. ATM RAT is too small for a TLP but not clearly in scope for any existing
2. Regain momentum

17 Dec 2008

RAT has struggled to gain any additional development community since joining
the incubator. The small developer base means that releases are not really
possible. Without releases, it's hard to find motivation for development of
new functions for - what is - a mature code base. As a component of the
Apache and Incubator release infrastructure, it made sense to bring RAT
here. From the RAT project perspective, it made much less sense.

17 Sep 2008

Did not report.

16 Jul 2008

Incubating since November 2007. RAT is an auditing tool for automated
checking of compliance with ASF requirements (e.g., licensing).

* Work has continued on ''scan'' a utility that audits distribution
directories on and create reports on any changes. This should
be complete soon.
* Ross Gardler contributed a significant contribution supporting the
optional updating of headers. This is a major improvement over the ad-hoc
scripts used in the past.
* Work continued rationalising the organisation of the codebase

25 Jun 2008


19 Mar 2008

RAT is audit and code comprehension for releases and source.

Been very quiet this month. Infrastructure is now mostly setup. Import of
RAT main has been completed but the source still need tidying up.

Incubating since: October 2007

20 Feb 2008

RAT is auditing and comprehension for source code and binary releases.

RAT entered incubation in October 2007 but only in the last few weeks
started to setup the required infrastructure. Most of this is now in place
and the IP clearance for the code import is being worked upon now.