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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).

The Board's 2018 vision statement

17 Jan 2018

 The following vision statement is proposed for approval by the
 Board, to be published on our Foundation blog and used as a basis
 for our 5-year plan:

 Our mission is to support communities that create and distribute
 Open Source software at no charge under the Apache License, per our
 Bylaws. To this end we provide (virtual) space and resources,
 including mentoring, for project communities to flourish, produce
 and release software under our legal umbrella.

 We are strongly committed to our projects' independence from any
 external influences, be they corporate, organizational or otherwise.
 This allows us to provide a neutral space for our communities.

 As a Foundation we intentionally do not define a technical strategy;
 that is determined by our projects. The Foundation's goals center on
 communities, as opposed to technologies.

 The Foundation is managed and directed by its Members, who are
 individual volunteers. Companies or organizations cannot be members
 of the Foundation, nor take a role in the governance of our

 We help our communities understand and practice the Apache Way, a
 collection of practices for collaboration and project sustainability
 that we document and clarify on an ongoing basis.

 We expect our community members to act as individuals. Their rights
 and responsibilities are based solely on their merit, defined by
 what they individually do in project communities, not on any
 external affiliation, title, or degree they may have, nor on their
 contributions to external projects or other organizations.

 We provide very reliable and highly automated core infrastructure
 services to our projects. We allow projects to use external non-core
 services based on their specific needs, allowing our own services to
 remain simple and focused. For durability, all our critical data and
 services are managed or mirrored on systems that we fully control.

 Our marketing and outreach is focused on activities that directly
 support our mission, educate the public about Apache projects and
 the Apache Way, and help attract the types of communities for which
 our Foundation is a good home.

 Our fundraising-related activities help find and retain the sponsors
 and donations on which our operations depend. We seek donations from
 corporations and individuals who support our mission.

 We provide legal and brand management services to our projects based
 on demonstrated needs, and define branding policies and best
 practices to help our projects benefit from the strong Apache brand
 in an appropriate way.

 We welcome new projects via our Incubator, where experienced mentors
 help them learn to operate as Apache communities and projects.
 Incubation is where communities are defined, so we put a strong
 emphasis on guidance during the incubation phase to promote
 self-governance and preserve our core values as the Foundation

 The board adopts this mission statement as proposed by general

 @Sally: review the mission statement for publication