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The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).

Unfinished Business

20 Jan 2021

    A. Prepare a notice for the members regarding the bylaws
    amendment approved in October so that the formal approval
    clock can commence.

 B. Find a way to make use of our github repo to assist with
    collaborative writing of ASF documentation and provide a
    place for meaningful tracking of board issues.

 C. Work on a binary release policy.

 @Matt: find out about updating bylaws for a DE corp

16 Dec 2020

    A. Prepare a notice for the members regarding the bylaws
    amendment approved in October so that the formal approval
    clock can commence.

 B. Find a way to make use of our github repo to assist with
    collaborative writing of ASF documentation and provide a
    place for meaningful tracking of board issues.

 C. Work on a binary release policy.

 @Bertrand: take over the GitHub repo ASF docs repo initiative

18 Nov 2020

@Roy: get last CoI signature

 @Roy: notify members about bylaw updates

21 Oct 2020

 A. Conflict of Interest affirmations are not complete for 2020.

 @Roy: remind CoI slackers that affirmation is an ASF requirement

16 Sep 2020

 A. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to publish binary artifacts

 B. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to request Continuous Integration resources

 C. Follow up on member vote to update Bylaws to change
    gender-specific terms.

19 Aug 2020

 A. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to publish binary artifacts

 B. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to request Continuous Integration resources

 C. Follow up on member vote to update Bylaws to change
    gender-specific terms.

    @Craig: prepare a board resolution for bylaw changes

15 Jul 2020

 A. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to publish binary artifacts

 B. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to request Continuous Integration resources

 C. Determine how directors and officers register their annual
    Conflict of Interest statements

20 May 2020

 A. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to publish binary artifacts

 @Roy: start working on binary release policy

 B. Clarify guidelines for PMCs to request Continuous Integration resources

 C. Determine how directors and officers register their annual
 Conflict of Interest statements

 @Craig: start working with Matt and Sam to create a CoI form and process

15 Apr 2020

 Clarify guidelines for PMCs to publish binary artifacts

 Clarify guidelines for PMCs to request Continuous Integration

 Determine how to accept Restricted Donations

18 Mar 2020

Clarify guidelines for PMCs to publish binary artifacts

Clarify guidelines for PMCs to request Continuous Integration resources

Determine how to accept Restricted Donations

16 Dec 2009

* [Treasurer] list of donor contact information for thank-you letters.

 Jim notes that this is the Fund-raising report.

01 Nov 2009


21 Jan 2009

 Deferred discussing dissolving audit committee to the board mailing

16 Jul 2008

 Discussion of the need to approve the expense of a GAAP review. This
 was tabled to the board@ mailing list.

20 Feb 2008

Henning to try to pursue "Apache Attic"

27 Jun 2006

Tabled due to time constraints.

29 Sep 2005

    A. Apache Geronimo project

    There was continued significant discussion on what actions,
    if any, the board should take regarding the problems within
    the Geronimo PMC. The general consensus was that a change
    of PMC chair was likely required. There was discussion on
    who should make the selection, and, assuming it was the
    board's decision, who the board would appoint. Candidates
    and their appearances of conflicts-of-interest were
    noted and discussed. Methods of "empowering" the PMC
    were also discussed.

 B. Budget

    The general consensus was that the focus should be on
    the creation of a good, solid 2006 budget, that could
    be authorized in January 2006.

 C. Retain counsel to review our 501(c)3 legal status

    Justin was to draft and submit a Letter Of Engagement to
    SFLC (NOTE: Need correct contact here). It was noted that
    all work was to be pro bono.

22 Jun 2005

 At the Board IRC meeting, it was noted that the board requires a
 better, more efficient way, to track tasks to closure. The updating
 of STATUS and the listing of Action Items was one solution that
 the board has approved. It was agreed that all Action Items should
 be classified as "lazy consensus" unless specifically noted

16 Nov 2003

 A. Proposed 2.0 license and related CLA, software grant changes

 Roy said that he plans to put up a revised version of the license soon.
 More public review is required and if we get more serious comments, then we
 should revise again, otherwise it gets put to a vote.

 Greg brought up the "the PHP thing".  Greg volunteers to communicate with PHP
 about new ASF license and software-grant, to get to closure on this issue.

16 Apr 2003

 A. Brian was waiting for a check for Net Express for the
 new server he is awaiting delivery for.  Jim reported
 that Chuck was to be sending a check to Jim for him to
 co-sign.  As soon as received, Jim reported that he would
 sign the check and FedEx it to Brian.

18 Dec 2002

 A. STV instead of FPP for members meeting votes

 Tabled until further action by Ben Laurie.

18 Nov 2002

 A. STV instead of FPP for members meeting votes

 Ben Laurie proposed this.  It was generally agreed that STV was
 the preferred mechanism.  Ben was tasked with informing members
 of the benefits of STV and getting/coordinating feedback from

 Executive summary: each voter lists all the people they want to see
 elected in order of preference. Excess votes for people who have
 already reached their quota (i.e. enough votes to ensure election)
 and also for the candidate with the least votes are redistributed
 to lower-numbered choices. Process is repeated until the required
 number are elected.

30 Oct 2002

 A. Sam Ruby was asked about his discussions with the PHP Group. He
 reported that he has been busy with other ASF activities, so
 he has not made any progress on this item yet.

16 Oct 2002

    A. STV instead of FPP for members meeting votes

 B. PeerMetrics proposal for a project based on Rabbit (P2P)
    It was noted that the newly formed Incubator Project would
    handle this.

 C. Sam Ruby was designated to take the action item for talking with
    Rasmus and the PHP project about the relationship between the
    ASF and the PHP Group.  Sam noted that the PHP Group had
    already been discussing this very issue.  Jim noted that, at
    the lowest core, any ASF project must be under the Apache License
    and that the ASF must have copyright of the code.

18 Sep 2002

    A) STV instead of FPP for members meeting votes

    Ben Laurie was tasked with bringing the matter up to members
    to obtain their comments and feedback.

    Executive summary: each voter lists all the people they want to see
    elected in order of preference. Excess votes for people who have
    already reached their quota (i.e. enough votes to ensure election)
    and also for the candidate with the least votes are redistributed
    to lower-numbered choices. Process is repeated until the required
    number are elected.

 B) PeerMetrics proposal for a project based on Rabbit (P2P)

    Ken volunteered to research and provide information for the next
    board meeting.

    Message-Id: <20020528165522.F18518@Lithium.MeepZor.Com>
    forwarded from May 22, "Tim Motika" <>

21 Aug 2002

    A. Election of Officers

    1) Chairman

       nominees: Roy Fielding, Greg Stein
       By majority vote, Greg Stein was elected as Chairmain.

    2) President

       nominees: Brian Behlendorf, Dirk-Willem van Gulik
       By majority vote, Dirk-Willem van Gulik was elected as President.

    3) Treasurer

       nominees: Ken Coar, Randy Terbush
       By majority vote, Randy Terbush was (re)elected as Treasurer.

    4) Exec. V.P. and Secretary

       nominees: Jim Jagielski
       By unanimous vote, Jim Jagielski was (re)elected as Exec. V.P./

     Therefore, the new officers for the ASF consist of:
       Greg Stein: Chairman
       Dirk-Willem van Gulik: President
       Randy Terbush: Treasurer
       Jim Jagielski: Exec. V.P./Secretary

     Randy volunteered to investigate the procedure required to provide
     the new officers with signatory authority on the ASF bank account.
     Jim volunteered to investigate the procedure required to inform
     CSC of the change in officers.

 B) STV instead of FPP for members meeting votes

    Executive summary: each voter lists all the people they want to see
    elected in order of preference. Excess votes for people who have
    already reached their quota (i.e. enough votes to ensure election)
    and also for the candidate with the least votes are redistributed
    to lower-numbered choices. Process is repeated until the required
    number are elected. See:

    There was much discussion over the relative "fairness" of STV over
    FPP, and whether such a chance would require approval from the
    members as well as a change in the bylaws.  It was pointed out that
    the present voting scheme could be interpreted as not completely
    within the scope of the bylaws itself.  The general consensus was that
    STV was most likely the correct scheme to be used and the board
    voted unanimously to proceed with the use of STV.  Ben Laurie
    volunteered to further investigate the impact of switching to STV.

 C) PeerMetrics proposal for a project based on Rabbit (P2P)

    Message-Id: <20020528165522.F18518@Lithium.MeepZor.Com>
    forwarded from May 22, "Tim Motika" <>

    Ken volunteered to provide further information regarding this
    business as required, as well as follow-up on the proposal.

20 Mar 2002

 A. Chuck Murcko proposes that the bylaws be changed to make the board
 membership a rotating three-year term (1/3 of the board would be
 elected each year). He proposes to implement this by electing the
 next board and then having the new board members draw straws to see
 who serves 1, 2, or 3 year initial terms.  From then on, newly
 elected board members would serve 3 year terms. We would still
 have a board election (again, for 1/3 of the board members) each year.
 This was further discussed, and a formal Bylaw ammendment is being
 formulated by Chuck.

27 Feb 2002

 A. Java Community Process

 Chuck and Jason updated the board on the disagreement with Sun over the
 JSPA and JCP.  They informed the board of their disatisfaction, along
 with others, with the current proposed agreement and that a community
 ballot is scheduled for the first week of March.  Possible long-term
 options and paths were also discussed, such as new reference

 B. ASF License 2.0

 There was some update on discussions within the licensing mailing list.
 In general, little progress had been made on the effort, but they
 are progressing.

16 Jan 2002

 A. ASF License 2.0
 Roy has made some changes to his suggested License, and received
 some additional feedback from Drew. Further discussion will be held
 at the next meeting.

28 Nov 2001

A. Request from IBM to make a BSF project within Jakarta.  [Bill]

17 Oct 2001

    A) ASF virtual office

    Roy wants to be able to distribute access to the ASF corporate records
    and business accounts, including basic things like a shipping account
    and a teleconferencing account.  We need to have a low-barrier access
    to setting up organizational meetings, whether that be in the form of
    on-line access to the office or designating a specific office person
    who will be responsible for setting these things up for us [responsible
    as in they can place orders and coordinate minor things without having
    to jump through hoops].

    It was agreed that Roy will investigate this via a contact in Oracle,
    regarding their Oracle Small Business offering:


 B) Contributor logos

    It was discussed that some sort of "Apache contributor" or "Apache
    sponsor" logo would be an easy way to improve recognition for the
    companies that pay salaries or donate money to Apache projects. Having
    tiers of such sponsorship was also discussed, as was the control
    issue, and having corresponding information on for
    those logos. Roy will post an announcement about this mini-project
    on the members mailing list.

 C) ASF License

    The board discussed various issues regarding copyright and patents
    and the work of the licensing committee. Several groups want the ASF
    to address contribution and use of patented software in contributors
    agreement and/or copyright license, while others wish the ASF would
    solve the FSF's claim of our license's incompatibility with the GPL.
    We have a set of goals in foundation/Licenses, but no sense of
    direction or ownership.  Ben Laurie volunteered to head this effort.

15 Aug 2001

 A) ASF virtual office

 Tabled due to lack of quorum.

18 Jul 2001

    A. Amending the bylaws to prevent a situation where more than half
    of the board of directors consisted of employees/owners of the
    same company. This was tabled due to time constraints.

 B. ASF License. It was agreed that the Licensing List has been
    relatively quiet lately. Ken has agreed to "reboot" the list
    and re-submit the charter to the list as well. Brian will
    continue his "personal" discussions with RMS regarding licensing
    issues as well, with respect to the GPL.

21 Mar 2001

       A. Reestablishing the Jakarta PMC

       =========== R1: Sam Ruby [w/Roy's edits] ============

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
       of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
       and maintenance of commercial-quality, open-source, server-side
       software solutions for the Java Platform, for distribution at no
       charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Project Management
       Committee known as the "Jakarta Project Management Committee",
       be and hereby is reestablished pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Jakarta Project Management Committee be and
       hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
       commercial-quality, open-source, server-side solutions for the Java
       Platform based on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the person holding the office of "Vice President,
       Jakarta" shall continue to serve at the direction of the Board of
       Directors as the chairman of the Jakarta Project Management
       Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Jakarta Project
       Management Committee; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
       are appointed to serve as members of the Jakarta Project Management

           James Duncan Davidson     <>
           Peter Donald              <>
           Pier Paolo Fumagalli      <>
           Diane Holt                <>
           Ted Husted                <>
           Ceki Gülcü                <>
           Geir Magnusson Jr.        <>
           Craig McClanahan          <>
           Sam Ruby                  <>
           Daniel F. Savarese        <>
           Jon Stevens               <>
           Jason van Zyl             <>


    Resolution R1 passes by unanimous consent.

 B. Reestablishing the XML PMC

       =========== R2: Roy/Dirk ============

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
       of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
       and maintenance of commercial-quality open-source software related
       to XML, for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Project Management
       Committee known as the "XML Project Management Committee",
       be and hereby is reestablished pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the XML Project Management Committee be and
       hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
       commercial-quality open-source software related to XML, based
       on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the person holding the office of "Vice President,
       XML" shall continue to serve at the direction of the Board of
       Directors as the chairman of the XML Project Management
       Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the XML Project
       Management Committee; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
       are appointed to serve as members of the XML Project Management

           Scott Boag
           Ted Leung
           Sam Ruby
           Davanum Srinivas
           Dirk-Willem van Gulik


    With the modification of the addition of a comma (",") 3rd paragraph,
    3rd line, after the words "related to XML", Resolution R2 passes by
    unanimous consent.

 C. Status of relationship with Cooley Godward LLP

    C1. Agreement and contact info
    C2. Plan for registering Apache trademarks
    C3. Plan for engagement regarding ASF license revision
    C4. Plan for engagement regarding employee agreements

    Regarding the ASF relationship with Cooley Godward LLP, it was
    discussed and agreed that the board needs to give serious consideration
    on how to best utilize and control the "use" of their services. One
    method would be to have a single "point of contact" at the ASF that
    interacts directing with CG LLP, and that CG LLP would only accept
    "work" through that contact.

    Randy agreed to continue to work the issues with item C2 (trademarks)
    whereas Ken agreed to work the issues regarding item C3 (ASF license).
    Randy is to "post" a list of CG LLP contacts to the ASF board.

15 Nov 2000

 A. Funds for legal review of member employee agreements

 Ben Hyde has proposed that the Foundation budget funds for legal
 review of the employee agreements that many of our members are
 asked to sign as part of their full-time jobs outside the foundation.
 These agreements impact the foundation because they often stipulate
 that all of the employee's intellectual property must be assigned to
 the hiring company by default, along with other egregious clauses.

 Roy emphasized that this would only be legitimate use of our funds
 if the review was requested by the Foundation and the results of that
 review published to all members, since otherwise we would be covering
 what would normally be a personal expense.

 Further discussion of this item was tabled until after we have
 established a relationship with Cooley, at which time the process
 (and typical cost to the ASF) for doing this type of review can be
 more accurately determined.

28 Feb 2000

   A. Modifications to Trademark Assignment agreement

   WHEREAS, The Apache Software Foundation desires that trademarks
   used in conjunction with the Apache open-source software projects
   be formally transferred from their individual owners to the Foundation.

   Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the trademark assignment form
   attached hereto as Exhibit I is approved for use by members wishing
   to transfer ownership of any trademarks to the Foundation.

       Yea:     Ken, BenH, Jim, Randy, Dirk, Roy
       Nay:     none
       Abstain: none
       Absent:  Brian, BenL, Sameer

 B. Project Management Committees
    1) should the PMC report directly to the board
    2) should the PMC consist entirely of ASF members
    3) should the PMC chairperson be an ASF member
    4) should the PMC composition be set by the board or delegated
       to the project after the initial PMC creation
    5) should the appointment of the PMC chairperson be restricted to
       candidates proposed by the project

    It was agreed that these discussions would be best held at the
    member's meeting and so was tabled until then.

 C. Initial Foundation Budget

    Randy proposed to create a preliminary budget for the ASF.  It
    was noted that our fiscal year ends April 30.