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Apache Events The Apache Software Foundation
Apache 20th Anniversary Logo

This was extracted (@ 2024-07-17 21:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).

Vice Chair

19 Jun 2024 [Justin Mclean]

 Nothing that needed help with this month.

15 May 2024 [Justin Mclean]

 No significant activity this month.

17 Apr 2024 [Justin Mclean]

 I helped the Chair out with a couple of minor things, including setup for the board face-to-face.

20 Mar 2024 [Sharan Foga]

 No report was submitted.

21 Feb 2024 [Sharan Foga]

 - Minor admin tasks
 - Supporting chair prepare for annual members meeting

17 Jan 2024 [Sharan Foga]

 - Nothing to report this month

20 Dec 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Chair unavailable to attend previous meeting (November) due to illness
 - As Vice Chair ran board meeting in their place

15 Nov 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Nothing to report this month

18 Oct 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Continuing to support Chair with various admin tasks
 - Planning to follow up on recent suggestions for improving
   communications to committers after board meetings

20 Sep 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Help chair with facilitation of various admin tasks

16 Aug 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Nothing to report this month

19 Jul 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Assisted Chair by helping moderate during the Board Face to Face
 - General Tidy Up of notes and actions post Board Face to Face

21 Jun 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 Main work has been helping prepare for Board Face to Face in Berlin
 Currently assisting with:
 - Meeting logistics, planning and organisation
 - Finalisation and preparation of the meeting agenda

17 May 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Reached out to fellow Board members regarding a potential Board Face
   to Face meeting
 - Some possible options have been suggested so have added the topic to
   this month's meeting discussion items to try to finalise a date and

19 Apr 2023 [Sharan Foga]

 - Currently working with the Chair to identify any meeting related
   tasks that can help with.

22 Mar 2023 [Shane Curcuru]

 Assisted chair with Member's meeting related tasks and improving
 tooling and runbook to make next year smoother.

15 Feb 2023 [Shane Curcuru]

 Assist the Chair with annual member meeting preparations.

18 Jan 2023 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report!

21 Dec 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 No report was submitted.

16 Nov 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report this month.

19 Oct 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report this month.

21 Sep 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report this month.

17 Aug 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report this month.

20 Jul 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report for the month.

15 Jun 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 No activity this month.

18 May 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report for the month.

20 Apr 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Nothing to report for this month.

16 Mar 2022 [Shane Curcuru]

 Assisted Chair with data for our recent Member's meeting & process

16 Feb 2022 [Shane]

 Assist Chair with testing data files for upcoming Member's meeting.

19 Jan 2022 [Shane]

 No particular activities this month.

15 Dec 2021 [Shane]

 No activities this month.

17 Nov 2021 [Shane]

 Nothing to report.

20 Oct 2021 [Shane]

 No activity for this month.

15 Sep 2021 [Shane]

 Nothing to report this month.

18 Aug 2021 [Shane]

 No activity this month.

21 Jul 2021 [Shane]

 Nothing to report for this month.

16 Jun 2021 [Shane]

 No activity to report for this month.

19 May 2021 [Shane]

 No particular activities to report.

21 Apr 2021 [Shane]

 Happy to continue serving as Vice Chair at the board's request, just
 to help out where needed.

17 Feb 2021 [Shane]

 Nothing to report this month.

20 Jan 2021 [Shane]

 Big thanks go out to the many staff and volunteers who led the
 successful and smooth transition of many back office services to the
 ASF.  We always thank our many project volunteers for their work;
 let's also take the time to thank myriad organizational volunteers who
 keep our corporate being healthy too!

16 Dec 2020 [Shane]

 No special activities to report this month.

18 Nov 2020 [Shane]

 Nothing new to report.

21 Oct 2020 [Shane]

 Nothing to report this month.

16 Sep 2020 [Shane]

 Nothing to report for this month.

19 Aug 2020 [Shane]

 Nothing to report this month.

15 Jul 2020 [Shane]

 Recorded a keynote on the Apache Way for the 15th Open Source China
 Open Source World Summit, being held the day of our board meeting!

17 Jun 2020 [Shane]

 Nothing to report this month.

20 May 2020 [Shane]

 Assisted documenting some of the new process changes around board
 meetings and project reporting.

15 Apr 2020 [Shane]

 Assisted the Chairman in preparing various records and email reminders
 for our annual Member's Meeting.

18 Mar 2020 [Shane]

 Assisted with preparing files and communications for our Annual
 Member's Meeting this month.

 As an all-online organization, the recent COVID-19 disruptions are not
 a direct issue for most of our operations.  However, as an
 all-volunteer organization, many development activities may take
 longer than expected, as our volunteer committers spend time keeping
 their families safe.  A big thank you to all of our communities for
 their help in this turbulent time.

19 Feb 2020 [Shane]

 Assisted Chairman with preparing records and emails relating to our
 upcoming Annual Member's meeting, where the Membership will elect a
 new board and potentially new individual Members.  Created an
 automated overview page and other tooling to simplify the meeting

15 Jan 2020 [Shane]

 Nothing in particular to report this month.

18 Dec 2019 [Shane]

 Nothing of note to report this month.

20 Nov 2019 [Shane]

 Nothing to report this month.

16 Oct 2019 [Shane]

 Served as acting chair for the September board meeting when the
 Chairman was unavailable.

18 Sep 2019 [Shane]

 No specific Apache activity this month.

21 Aug 2019 [Shane]

 No activity to report this month.

17 Jul 2019 [Shane]

 No notable activity other than a busy summer.

19 Jun 2019 [Shane]

 In the absence of the recently resigned Chairman, Chaired both our
 regular May monthly board meeting and our two day in-person board
 planning meeting in Chicago.  Many thanks to the directors, officers,
 and members who attended our in-person meeting for keeping it on track
 in the face of recent resignations, and special thanks to those who
 provided the meeting space and services.

15 May 2019 [Shane]

 Assisted with organizing agenda for upcoming Board F2F; this meeting
 will be a great opportunity to welcome new faces to the board and make
 progress on strategic planning for the ASF's future.  Thanks in
 advance to our hosts and all our officer attendees.

 Kicked off an informal New Member Mentoring program, to help newly
 elected Members find their way around our corporate operations and

17 Apr 2019 [Shane]

 Setup data in the Whimsy Board Agenda tool so that our new directors
 could see how we use homegrown tooling to run our monthly board
 teleconferences so efficiently.  Credit goes both to the many PMCs and
 officers that submit well-written reports, the Whimsy PMC and the
 agenda tooling, and especially all of our past directors for honing
 our all-volunteer governance structure to keep as many decisions as
 practical on our mailing lists, just like our projects are expected to

20 Mar 2019 [Shane]

 Not much to report other than some Whimsy and documentation work
 trying to make our annual Member's meetings even easier to understand,
 attend, and manage.

20 Feb 2019 [Shane]

 As we approach the 20th anniversary of the ASF's corporate founding,
 it's impressive to review the ever-lengthening list of Apache project
 reports and consider the incredible number of successes that our many
 communities of volunteers have built for the public good.

 More importantly from a board perspective, it's heartening to see the
 continually improving organization and communications coming from our
 many operations groups.  The volunteers and the paid staff working
 together to keep everything behind the scenes (infra, legal,
 treasury/fundraising/finances, etc.) and our public face (brand,
 conferences, publicity!) running smoothly are doing an incredible job.

 I'm looking forward to the retrospectives on our history as well as
 the expanded and improved guides to the Apache Way that will be coming
 out in the next few months to celebrate our anniversary!

16 Jan 2019 [Shane]

 Sadly due to unforeseen health issues, nothing to report this month.

19 Dec 2018 [Shane]

 No activities taken this month.

21 Nov 2018 [Shane]

 Nothing to report this month, unfortunately!

17 Oct 2018 [Shane]

 Published the "How To Escalate Issues At The ASF" guide to board@ and
 dev@community; got a few generally positive comments.  I will send
 this in a committers@ email to ensure all our community contributors
 can see some of the most effective ways to raise issues across
 communities here at Apache.

 Read: best ways to raise concerns at the ASF (improvements welcome!):

19 Sep 2018 [Shane]

 A common issue with communication comes up when contributors escalate
 concerns or issues across communities or mailing lists; all too often
 we spend additional volunteer cycles on tangents or how things are
 written, instead of focusing on the root issue and what works best for
 the ASF and our projects.

 I've drafted "How To Escalate Issues At The ASF" under
 board/escalation for discussion, as a specific guide for helping our
 communities better discuss hard issues across different groups at the
 ASF.  Feedback welcome before wider publication & linking.

15 Aug 2018 [Shane]

 While we have several conduct and etiquette guides for our
 communities, there is a lack of clear explanations of which lists to
 use or how to escalate concerns at the Foundation level or across
 projects.  Focus areas for the fall will be drafting guides for
 effective communications.

 Updated services available listing and working to announce those and
 release policy improvements recently made by infra and other Members.

18 Jul 2018 [Shane]

 Nothing to report but summer vacation!  Starting work on "How to
 better communicate with the board", whether via email, wiki, or
 wherever ideas this month.

20 Jun 2018 [Shane]

 Met with a potential Sponsor at Apache EU Roadshow - which was also an
 amazing event!

 ASFP wiki and issues space are still quiet; still working on suggested
 guidelines for use.  Often the speed of large-subscription mailing
 lists is so fast to require a conscious decision to keep topics

16 May 2018 [Shane]

 No specific activity in the past month; life issues got in the way.

 Going forward, I hope to spend time working on improvements for how
 projects and officers engage with the board, and keeping discussions
 on changes focused and productive for all.  One effort will include
 the new Board JIRA queue to allow us to decide on some kinds of
 specific proposals for change.

18 Apr 2018 [needs-to-be-appointed]

 No report was submitted.

21 Mar 2018 [Jim]

 Nothing to report. Thanks for all the fish.

21 Feb 2018 [Jim]

 Just a few external responses w/ my Vice-Chairman hat on.
 Nothing requiring board attention at this time.

17 Jan 2018 [Jim]

 Nothing to report.

20 Dec 2017 [Jim]

 I provided the December "Success At Apache" blog post. Other than
 that, nothing to report.

15 Nov 2017 [Jim]

 I am working on a short video introduction for COSCon 2017. Other than that, nothing to report.

18 Oct 2017 [Jim]

 With my Vice-Chairman hat on, I vetted and OKed Sally's "Apache is
 Open" blog entry. Nothing else to report.

20 Sep 2017 [Jim]

 In keeping with long-standing tradition, nothing to report.

16 Aug 2017 [Phil]

 Nothing to report qua Vice Chair this month.

19 Jul 2017 [Phil]

 I have nothing to report this month.

21 Jun 2017 [Chris]

 I have resigned as Vice Chairman and the board will appoint a new VC at the meeting. Thanks for the confidence of the Board in appointing me originally into the position.

17 May 2017 [Chris]

 Nothing to report.

19 Apr 2017 [Chris]

 Nothing to report.

15 Mar 2017 [Chris]

 Nothing to report.

27 Feb 2017 [Chris]

 Nothing to report.

18 Jan 2017 [Chris]

 Nothing to report.

21 Dec 2016 [Chris]

 Nothing to report this month.

16 Nov 2016 [Chris]

 Nothing to report.

19 Oct 2016 [Chris]

 Nothing to report. Just booting up in the role.

21 Sep 2016 [Greg]

 My last report is empty.

 Oh. Wait.

17 Aug 2016 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

20 Jul 2016 [Greg]

 Nothing to report at this time.

15 Jun 2016 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

18 May 2016 [Greg]

 Performed some minor "outward facing" work with my V.C hat on,
 but nothing particular to report.

20 Apr 2016 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

16 Mar 2016 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

17 Feb 2016 [Greg]

 Provided an email-interview for a story about open source
 communities and benefits/costs to companies seeking to move
 their proprietary code to F/OSS communities.

20 Jan 2016 [Greg]

 Nothing to report.

16 Dec 2015 [Greg]

 Sent a couple emails with my "hat" on, but nothing of substance to report.

18 Nov 2015 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

21 Oct 2015 [Greg]

 I believe I added "Vice Chairman" to an email signature line this
 month. Things are looking up.

16 Sep 2015 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for this month.

19 Aug 2015 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

15 Jul 2015 [Greg]

 Sam's work on Whimsy has enabled easy review/management of the Action
 Items held by Directors and other Officers. His tech solution has
 obviated any need for a social/manual solution. ++Kudos.

17 Jun 2015 [Greg]

 I've discovered that I have an Action Item to get action items
 into the agenda for review and prodding :-P ... and will dig in
 for next month.

20 May 2015 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month. Sent a reminder about action items, but
 I intend to figure out a more structured/helpful approach than a
 simple reminder. Something to grow into, over the next months.

22 Apr 2015 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

18 Mar 2015 [Greg]

 I participated in a couple marketing/PR events under my title
 this past month, but otherwise: quiet as usual.

18 Feb 2015 [Greg]

 Apologies for the short report, yet upon substantive matter:
 after speaking with Ross (President) and David (VP Infra), we
 have decided to move one contractor to an employee status via
 the PEO (professional employer organization) framework provided
 by Virtual as an experiment for the next two months. At the May
 Board meeting, a complete solution for all US-based contractors
 will be provided for Board review and consideration.

 Background: there are two options remaining open: PEO-based
 employment, and a third-party whole-option contract. Moving one
 contractor to the PEO solution will provide us needed detail.

 The goal for resolution of the contractor issue is to have a
 recommendation for the incoming board.

21 Jan 2015 [Greg]

 Options for handling our service provider contracts have been gathered from
 discussions and placed into version control. Refinement is now occurring, and
 expansion on the best options.

 At the moment, the two best options are to use Virtual's PEO (Professional
 Employment Organization) or to contract with a (corporate) third-party for our

17 Dec 2014 [Greg]

 I have started work on the contractor issue, but have nothing
 to report at this time.

19 Nov 2014 [Greg]

 I have been tasked to shepherd the discussion/research on our
 practices around contracting with service providers. There is
 nothing to report at this time, but progress will occur and be
 reported for the December report.

15 Oct 2014 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

17 Sep 2014 [Greg]

 Nothing of consequence to report, beyond a few wearing-hat emails.

20 Aug 2014 [Greg]

 A verbal report was provided, stating the Vice Chairman had
 nothing to report for the prior month.

16 Jul 2014 [Greg]

 The Quiet and The Stillness ... remains.

18 Jun 2014 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

21 May 2014 [Greg]

 Nothing significant to report at this time.

16 Apr 2014 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

19 Mar 2014 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for this month.

19 Feb 2014 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for this month.

15 Jan 2014 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for January.

18 Dec 2013 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

20 Nov 2013 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

16 Oct 2013 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

18 Sep 2013 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

21 Aug 2013 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

17 Jul 2013 [Greg]

 Announced the new PMC membership alteration policy, updated the
 appropriate web page, and provided several followup answers to
 questions that arose.

19 Jun 2013 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

15 May 2013 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

17 Apr 2013 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for this month.

20 Mar 2013 [Greg]

 Nothing to report.

20 Feb 2013 [Greg]

 Nothing to report at this time.

16 Jan 2013 [Greg]

 Another month with zero official activity.

19 Dec 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing of consequence to report; minor tasks performed to
 support the operation of the Board.

21 Nov 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

17 Oct 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing particular to report, beyond that I will act as the
 meeting Chair for this month.

19 Sep 2012 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

15 Aug 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing to report beyond some Fundraising activities where I
 got to use my Vice Chairman title.

25 Jul 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for the month.

20 Jun 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing to report this month.

16 May 2012 [Greg]

 There is nothing particular to report/advise at the moment.
 Over the past month, my Vice Chairman hat has been observed
 with a bit of Fundraising and a bit of conference support for
 Apache BarCamp DC.

18 Apr 2012 [Greg]

 Over the past month, we've had a sudden flurry of new
 sponsors. Twitter at the Bronze level, GoDaddy at the Silver
 level, and Citrix at the Platinum level. I have spent time on
 the phone with Citrix, and worked with on-boarding each of
 these sponsors. I am working with their accounting departments
 and will shortly get them listed on our Thanks page. We expect
 to have some additional tweets/blogs talking about these new
 sponsors, in addition to the work done around Citrix' publicity
 about two weeks ago.

 As part of the above work, I've also formally signed, and
 committed to svn, a W-9 that we can provide to sponsors.

 Discussion: We need to be careful to make clear that the
 donation of code by Citrix and their sponsorship are
 unrelated. The incubator may yet reject the proposed code
 donation and proposed incubation of the code.

21 Mar 2012 [Greg]

 I've done a bit of fundraising work, but otherwise a quiet month.

15 Feb 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for the period.

24 Jan 2012 [Greg]

 Nothing to report. There was an intent for me to run the
 January meeting, but the date was moved to allow Doug to Chair
 the meeting.

21 Dec 2011 [Greg]

 no report was submitted.

16 Nov 2011 [Greg]

 No report filed

26 Oct 2011 [Greg]

 Greg gave a keynote at Apache Asia road show, and is going to Brazil
 for LinuxCon.

21 Sep 2011 [Greg]

A report was expected, but not received

17 Aug 2011 [Greg]

 In my role as Vice Chairman, I spoke with the Financial Times (DE)
 and with the Economic Times (India), and performed a video
 interview in support of the Foundation.

20 Jul 2011 [Greg]

 In my role, I backstopped a request for our Chairman to speak
 at LinuxConf Brazil this November. I also did a press interview
 for a Git/Subversion story; it is unclear whether I'll be
 credited in my Vice Chairman role, or as VP, Apache Subversion.

15 Jun 2011 [Greg]

 Active as usual (Subversion and OOo), but not in my official capacity.

19 May 2011 [Greg]

 Still hanging out, doing the Vice Chairman thang. Nada to report.

20 Apr 2011 [Greg]

 The Vice is still here, and ready for action.

16 Mar 2011 [Greg]

 I have been working with Serge, Sally, and Geir to finalize a
 couple of our Platinum Sponsors. Otherwise, all is quiet...

16 Feb 2011 [Greg]

 As usual... all quiet, which I interpret as Goodness.

19 Jan 2011 [Greg]

 No report was submitted.

15 Dec 2010 [Greg]

    While not actually part of my Vice Chairman duties: I met with
    two of our platinum sponsors (Yahoo! and Microsoft) while
    traveling to the San Francisco Bay Area on a personal
    vacation. Our primary contact at Google (our third platinum
    sponsor) was abroad, so a meetup was not possible. A writeup
    and summary will be submitted to the Fundraising group within
    the week.

 Executive officer reports were approved by general consent.

17 Nov 2010 [Greg]

 This past month, I signed an agreement (as Vice Chairman) with
 Google regarding the operation of the upcoming Apache Extras
 hosting site. This was a sticking point in the project's
 forward progress, and the Community Development Project is now
 pushing it forward for a launch. The agreement was cleared by
 Legal and signed copies are present in foundation/legal/.

 No other activity or requests to report at this time.

20 Oct 2010 [Greg]

 The Chairman has not requested any support this past month, nor
 have I defined any additional tasks for myself/role. Thus,
 there are no activities or concerns to report at this time.

22 Sep 2010 [Greg]

 Nothing to report for the 11 days of holding this role. :-P