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This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


18 Mar 2009

Termination of the HiveMind PMC

  WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
  interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache HiveMind project
  due to the inactivity of the community

  WHEREAS, the HiveMind PMC is unable to further fulfill the
  responsibilities of creation and maintenance of open-source
  software based on the HiveMind services and configuration
  microkernel, for distribution at no charge to the public

  NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache HiveMind Project is
  hereby terminated; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
  maintenance of the HiveMind framework software; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the Apache HiveMind PMC be and hereby is no longer
  responsible for the creation and maintenance of open-source
  software based on the HiveMind services and configuration
  microkernel, for distribution at no charge to the public, based
  on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache HiveMind" is
  hereby terminated; and be it further

  RESOLVED, that the Apache HiveMind PMC is hereby terminated.

 Special Order 7A, Termination of the HiveMind PMC, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

18 Feb 2009 [James Carman / J Aaron]

J Aaron to pursue a report for HiveMind

19 Nov 2008 [James Carman / Henning]

The HiveMind project has remained quite inactive during the last 3
months.  There are currently no active developers on the project.

Henning will follow up and ask for a community report.

20 Aug 2008 [James Carman / J Aaron]

The HiveMind project has remained quite inactive during the last 3
months.  There are currently no active developers on the project.

Aaron to request more information. Does "no active" mean nobody is available? Hivemind will be requested to submit a report with this information next month.

21 May 2008 [James Carman / Bill]

The HiveMind project has remained quite inactive during the last 3
months. There are currently no active developers on the project.

Board pleased to see that the report triggered discussion. The concern isn't inactivity, but an inability to respond should an issue arise. It was noted that operationally it may be difficult to tell the difference between the two. As a suggestion to the incoming board: the board should seriously consider ensuring that one of the directors quietly monitor this project.

20 Feb 2008 [James Carman / Henri]

The HiveMind project has remained quite inactive during the last 3
months. There are currently no active developers on the project.
However, some of the users have expressed interest in becoming
contributors. They have been asked to begin providing patches to JIRA

After I sent this out to the development list for review (Feb 9th),
the JIRA issues started to get some attention. In particular, Johan
Lindquist and Jochen Zimmerman started commenting and attaching

We discussed the health of the project. The consensus was that while it is not exactly healthy, it is not harmful.

Henri to follow up with James re: crypto-policy.

Approved by General Consent.

14 Nov 2007 [James Carman / Justin]

The HiveMind project has remained quite inactive during the past three
months.  Howard removed his name from the HiveMind JIRA issues
assigned to him.  A few new JIRA issues have been entered, but no work
has been done on them, since we really have no active developers.
There has been some interest from Tapestry users in some of the
HiveMind-based libraries (hibernate, acegi, etc.) that I've written in
the past.

Henri and Aaron to ping James regarding "no activity"

Approved by General Consent.

29 Aug 2007 [James Carman / Justin]

There is really not much to report.  The HiveMind project has remained
almost completely inactive during the last 3 months.  There have been
a few questions asked/answered on the mailing lists and maybe some
JIRA issues filed (mainly because of a release of Tapestry 4.x which
uses HiveMind).  As for development, I do not believe there are
currently any active committers.

Some concerns were expressed by the lack of details and activity described by this report.

Approved by General Consent.

16 May 2007 [James Carman / Ken]


- A HiveMind-2.0-apha-1 release was cut.
- I have requested that someone else take over the reigns as chair of the
 HiveMind project.  My work schedule has left me with little time.  As of
 yet, none of the committers has taken me up on the offer.  They all
 seem to be just as busy as me.

SVN ACTIVITY (02/14/2007 - 03/15/2007)

HiveMind2: There were 236 commits with the last one occurring on 02/19.
          Achim performed all commits.

HiveMind1: There were no commits.


The HiveMind development community struggles to maintain itself.  All of
our active committers are busy with other endeavors (work, other projects
like Tapestry5, etc.).  What happens to a top-level project if its
development community dwindles away?

The board discussed the issue of a "Call for new chair" returning NULL from the committers. It was agreed that if there are no candidates for the chair, and the current chair steps down, there is no real alternative but to close down the PMC, the chair being the most visible part of the PMC -- at least from a board perspective. The board will find out how long ago the call went out.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Feb 2007 [James Carman / Greg]

- The HiveMind team is actively working on the HiveMind 2.0 API.

- We're trying to migrate the HiveMind 1.x branch(es) over to use
Maven for releases since we've had requests from our users that the
jars in the maven2 repositories need a real POM with dependencies and

- We've replaced the website with a maven-based one.

Approved by General Consent.

15 Nov 2006 [James Carman / Sam]

The HiveMind team is working on the architecture for HiveMind 2.0.

The HiveMind TLP move is finally finished.  Thanks to all who helped
us (actually me; I'm still learning) in the process.

We are also in the process of cutting a 1.1.2 release.  I believe we
are going to switch to a new release strategy, much like what Tapestry
is doing.  Basically, we cut a release, but don't declare it
"official" until we have a vote on it.  That's my understanding at
least.  Does this go along with what the rest of Apache does?

Henri suggested that Sam chat with James about release management, just to make sure they and Tapestry are looking good. Sam agreed to take that action item

Approved by General Consent.

25 Oct 2006 [James Carman / Sam]

The HiveMind team is working on the architecture for HiveMind 2.0.

The HiveMind TLP move is still in progress.  The website content has been
moved, but we still need to get the containing websites (Apache main and
Jakarta) updated to reflect the move.

We are also in the process of cutting a 1.1.2 release.

It was noted that both the main Apache and Jakarta sites have been updated to reflect TLP status of HiveMind.

Approved by General Consent

20 Sep 2006 [James Carmen / Sander]

The HiveMind team is working on the architecture for HiveMind 2.0.

The HiveMind TLP move is still in progress.  We still need the websites
directory and the hivemind unix group created.

We are also in the process of cutting a 1.1.2 release.

Jim noted that they state that the TLP migration is still in progress even though it's been over 2 months and asked where is the holdup: at the infrastructure level or within the PMC itself. It was noted that many new TLP PMCs are not aware of the ins and outs of what is required to actually bootstrap a new TLP. The board decided that it was a good idea to implement a policy that all new TLPs are assigned a director to help them make that transition. Jim volunteered to be the Hivemind assignee.

Greg will write up a description of this policy.

Approved by General Consent

26 Apr 2006

Establish the Apache HiveMind Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
 interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
 Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
 Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
 open-source software based on the HiveMind services and
 configuration microkernel, for distribution at no charge to the

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
 Committee (PMC), to be known as the "HiveMind PMC", be and
 hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
 be it further

 RESOLVED, that the HiveMind PMC be and hereby is responsible
 for the creation and maintenance of software related to
 creation and maintenance of open-source software and
 documentation related to the HiveMind Framework based on
 software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, HiveMind" be and
 hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
 the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
 HiveMind PMC, and to have primary responsibility for management
 of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the
 HiveMind PMC; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
 hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
 HiveMind PMC:

   James Carman (
   Achim Huegen (
   Harish Krishnaswamy (
   Howard M. Lewis Ship (
   Knut Wannheden (

 appointed to the office of Vice President, HiveMind, to serve
 in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
 Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
 resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
 a successor is appointed; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial HiveMind PMC be and hereby is tasked
 with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
 development and increased participation in the HiveMind
 Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial HiveMind PMC be and hereby is tasked
 with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Jakarta
 PMC HiveMind subproject; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Jakarta
 HiveMind sub-project and encumbered upon the Apache Jakarta PMC
 are hereafter discharged.

 There was some discussion regarding the self-referential/
 recursive nature of the charter. The concern was that it
 does not adequately define the exact definition of the
 project, nor provide adequate controls over what aspects
 would fall under the charter of the project. It was agreed
 that this is hardly unique to HiveMind. The board decided to
 leave the resolution "as is" since normal PMC and board
 oversight should be sufficient to avoid any problems.

 Special Order 6B, Establish the Apache HiveMind Project, was approved
 via Unanimous Vote.