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This was extracted (@ 2025-03-06 15:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


16 Jun 2010

Terminate the Apache iBatis Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
 interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache iBATIS project
 due to inactivity

 project is hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
 oversight over the software developed by the Apache iBATIS
 Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache iBATIS" is
 hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache iBATIS PMC is hereby terminated.

 Special Order 7A, Terminate the Apache iBatis Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

16 Jun 2010 [Clinton Begin / Shane]

See Attic resolution.

19 May 2010

What to do about iBATIS.

 First question to be resolved: have they ever produced an Apache release,
 and is there anybody interested in continuing at the ASF. If there are
 releases which were not approved by the PMC, those links need to be
 removed. If there is a release, then the ASF certainly would retain the
 name, it not the ASF may consider abandoning further use. Doug to inquire
 on the public dev list.

 = = =

19 May 2010 [Clinton Begin / Justin]

No report. Deferred to the discussion item.

21 Apr 2010 [Clinton Begin / Greg]

Jim to follow up

17 Mar 2010 [Clinton Begin / Doug]

Doug to pursue a report for iBATIS

20 Jan 2010 [Clinton Begin / Geir]

iBATIS 3 is a greenfield reimplementation of iBATIS. We've been
releasing betas about every 3 weeks. Beta 8 was released on January
10th. There were only 4 issues discovered during this beta period,
but more importantly, they were quite minor and quite low level. Two
could be classified as non-functional/performance related. So the
kinds of issues we're finding now are in the "tweaks and tuning"
classification. This gives me a lot of confidence that iBATIS 3 is
nearing GA.

16 Dec 2009 [Clinton Begin / Justin]

No report received.

Justin sent an email to private at ibatis, Shane to follow up.

23 Sep 2009 [Clinton Begin / Brett]

No report required.

No report provided due to having reported last month.

19 Aug 2009 [Clinton Begin / Shane]

 * Michael McCurrey has joined iBATIS as a committer (.NET)
 * Gilles Bayon is MIA.  Hope he is well, but in the meantime we are
   restructuring the team from contributors nominated by the community.

 * iBATIS for Java 3.0 is in Alpha.  The Ibator tool is being updated
   to support iBATIS 3.
 * iBATIS.NET 3.0 is already is Alpha quality, and is already being
   used by some projects.

 * iBATIS continues to be among the top choices among Persistence
   Frameworks for Java.
 * No major impediments.
 * Website redesign to begin soon.

15 Jul 2009 [Clinton Begin / Geir]

Geir to pursue a report for iBATIS

17 Jun 2009 [Clinton Begin / Justin]

Justin to pursue a report for iBATIS

18 Mar 2009 [Clinton Begin / J Aaron]

We'll expect another report from iBatis in June following their normal schedule.

18 Feb 2009 [Clinton Begin / Henning]

Very little has changed since the last report.  iBATIS for Java is quickly
nearing an Alpha release.  Only the dynamic SQL component remains for

iBATIS.NET 3.0 is already is Alpha quality, and is already being used by
some projects that are running from their own source build.  No official
Alpha release has been made.

iBATIS continues to be among the top choices among Persistence Frameworks
for Java.  The latest Spring book from Manning included a section on
iBATIS, as did a recent publication from IBM on the subject of Java

No changes to the team.  No major issue.

21 Jan 2009 [Clinton Begin / Henning]

Henning requested a report for iBATIS

17 Dec 2008 [Clinton Begin / Jim]

No report provided. Jim sent an email to the PMC.

17 Sep 2008 [Clinton Begin / Bertrand]

iBATIS is currently undergoing its greatest evolution since its
creation six years ago.  The iBATIS 3.0 Core is a complete rewrite and
a significant redesign of the foundation of iBATIS.  The new Core
enables new APIs to be built on top of the iBATIS framework more
easily than predecessors, which were heavily bound to an XML based

Two new APIs have already been developed: a Compatibility API (for 2.0
backward compatibility), and the new Monarch API. The iBATIS 3.0
Compatibility Kit runs the full iBATIS 2.0 unit test suite.  The core
itself includes over 500 tests of its own, thus doubling the number of
tests and significantly improving the test coverage overall.  The
Monarch API will bring iBATIS into 2009 with full support for JDK 1.5
language features and modern configuration and development paradigms.

iBATIS.NET has aligned its version numbers with iBATIS, and thus its
next major version will be 3.0 as well.  iBATIS.NET will implement the
same features as the Monarch framework as described on the iBATIS 3.0
Whiteboard Wiki and is is actually closer to a beta release than its
Java counterpart.

RBatis will likely be deprecated and replaced with Ruby bindings for
JRuby that will run on top of the iBATIS 3.0 Core.  It is our
intention to also consider Groovy and even JavaScript bindings.

The iBATIS team has changed since the last board report.  This is the
first board report by Clinton Begin as iBATIS Chair.  Ted Husted will
remain a PMC member.  Roberto Rabe has stepped down from the iBATIS
PMC and has entered emeritus status.  Sven Boden, Brice Ruth and Jon
Tirsen have also entered emeritus status.

25 Jun 2008

Change the Apache iBATIS Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Ted Husted
 to the office of Vice President, Apache iBATIS, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Ted Husted from the office of Vice President, Apache iBATIS,

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache iBATIS
 project has chosen by vote to recommend Clinton Begin as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ted Husted is relieved and
 discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
 of Vice President, Apache iBATIS, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Clinton Begin be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache iBATIS, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
 Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
 until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7C, Change the Apache iBATIS Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

25 Jun 2008 [Ted Husted / Sam]

The latest maintenance release of iBATIS, 2.3.3 will be released by
the end of June.  2.x will continue to be supported with bug fixes and
minor features, but new innovations and further development will be
focused into the 3.0 major release.  iBATIS 3.0 is a ground up rewrite
of iBATIS and represents the most significant redevelopment since 1.0.

The iBATIS 3.0 Java Core is complete with a programmatic configuration
API.  New configuration options including XML and annotations are
planned, but the first priority is a 2.0 compatibility kit that will
be used for functional and performance testing (using the existing
iBATIS 2.0 as a base).  Focus on unit testing and code quality
continues -- already has double the code:test ratio of iBATIS 2.  In
addition, a vote has passed to switch from Ant to Maven 2 as the
official build tool for iBATIS 3.0.

iB3.NET 3.0 has moved ahead with a new XML configuration API and is
currently implementing some of the new features from the iB3 Java
Core.  The two project remain in regular communication to maintain an
acceptable level of consistency without limiting each platform.

Due to a trademark infringement claim against our use of the name
"Abator", we've voluntarily renamed the tool to "ibator".  We're happy
with the new name and it has resolved the issue for the claimant. To
implement the change a new code base for ibator is in SVN, but has not
yet been formally released.

Finally, Ted Husted has indicating an interest in resigning as PMC
Chair. Accordingly, the PMC has provided the Board with a draft
resolution that proposes Clinton Begin as the new PMC Chair.

19 Mar 2008 [Ted Husted / Henri]

Since our December 2007 report, the Apache iBATIS project has
continued work on iBATIS 3, which is avialable in the sandbox for
evaluation. A beta is expected sometime over the summer. We are also
expecting a new version of Abator over the next quarter.

As may be reported elsewhere, there was a legal incident with the
Apache iBAITS Abator subproject. A company which uses the word Abator
in another context raised issue with our use of the name, and the
matter was turned over to the legal-internal list.

Ted Husted has expressed an interest in resigning as PMC chair, and
the PMC is working to nominate a successor and submit a proposed
resolution to the board.

Henri to report back that the VP of Legal Affairs and the Board consider the legal issue closed until we are provided with more details.

19 Dec 2007 [Ted Husted / Greg]

Since our August 2007 report, the Apache iBATIS project continues to provide
routine user support. The codebase is stable, and some preliminary coding
has begun as to the iBATIS 3.0 whiteboard. No community issues to report.

Approved by General Consent.

19 Sep 2007 [Ted Husted / Geir]

Since our June 2007 report, the Apache iBATIS project has spent a
quiet summer providing routine user support. The current codebase is
stable, and over the course of the year, we've put together an
extensive community whiteboard regarding the next generation of
IBATIS, but coding has not yet begun. No community issues to report

Approved by General Consent.

20 Jun 2007 [Ted Husted / Jim]

Since our March 2007 report, the Apache iBATIS project has promoted
iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.61 and DataAccess 1.9.1 to GA. Work continues
on an iBATIS 3.x whiteboard. Key topics for 3.x include test driven
development, Code cleanliness over performance, Simple design over
flexible design, Single binary, No required 3rd party dependencies,
and Better plug-in support. Very recently, new discussions have begun
as to enhancing our support for Ajax/JavaScript. No community issues
to report.

Approved by General Consent.

28 Mar 2007 [Ted Husted / Sam]

Since our December 2006 report, the Apache iBATIS project has begun
public whiteboard discussions as to the design and scope of iBATIS
3.0. The framework has contained both a "DataMapper" component and a
"Data Access Object" component. The DAO component has been deprecated
and is being removed, since better, alternative solutions have been
available for some time. Some members of iBATIS group have authored
the book "iBATIS in Action", published by Manning. We have added two
new members to the PMC (board ack pending). Along the way, we also
managed to promote iBATIS for Java 2.3.0 to "General Availability"
grade, and release a new beta of iBATIS.NET.

Approved by General Consent.

20 Dec 2006 [Ted Husted / Sander]

Since our September 2006 report, the Apache iBATIS project has marked
version 2.2.0 for Java as a "General Availability" release, and we
have also made version 2.3.0 available for testing.

For some time, iBATIS has included a "Data Access Objects" framework.
However, most people in the community now use other solutions,
especially Spring, to serve the same purpose. We've been discussing
deprecating and archiving the DAO component on and off for over a
year. As of iBATIS for Java 2.3.0, the DAO framework is deprecated.

Since the beginning, the iBATIS for Java release manager has been
Clinton Begin. However, these latest releases were managed by Jeff
Butler, from beginning to end. The entire group congratulates both
Jeff and Clinton for broadening support for the critical task of

A new release of iBATIS for .NET is expected early in 2007. iBATIS.NET
1.5.1 is the current "best available" release and was voted GA in
August 2006. The 1.5.x series is available for both .NET 1.1 and .NET
2.0. We expect that the next release of iBATIS.NET to begin the 2.0.x
series. After surveying the user community, we decided to support .NET
2.0 only starting with our own version 2.x.

The new iBATIS for Ruby product is in the community-building stages,
and we are beginning to receive patches from the general public.

Unfortunately, the iBATIS tutorial for ApacheCon US 2006 was among
those that were cancelled. Other proposals by iBATIS group members
that would have covered iBATIS were passed over by the ConCom, so the
iBATIS project was not represented. Hopefully, we will have better
luck in 2007.

There was discussion at this time regarding if the board needed to encourage ConCom or the actual ASF projects to have the ApacheCon events better "spread-out" the visibility of all ASF projects (this in response to the note in the iBATIS report about a tutorial being cancelled). The general feeling was that although ApacheCon is a great place to do that, sessions about "popular" projects are the most well attended and have the better "draw"; it was agreed that ConCom should consider how to provide a better mix.

Approved by General Consent.

20 Sep 2006 [Ted Husted / Dirk]

Since our June 2006 report, the Apache iBATIS project has introduced a
Ruby implementation of our data mapper software, joining the existing
implementations for Java and C#.

Jeff Butler, an iBATIS PMC member is hosting a tutorial for ApacheCon
US 2006. Three other PMC members, Clinton Begin, Brandon Goodin, and
Larry Meadors have collaborated on a book about iBATIS, which is now
available from Manning Publications, "iBATIS in Action".

iBATIS for Java 2.2.0 is available as beta grade. A 2.2.1 release is
expected, to fix some DTD issues.

Cliff noted that it might have been nice if book noted in the report was called "Apache iBATIS in Action" for better mark protection. The board agreed that it was likely too late to make this request, but that the PRC should be a central point for these types of issues.

Approved by General Consent

19 Jul 2006 [Ted Husted / Cliff]

Since our March 2006 report, the iBATIS community has continue to
make positive advances.

The team has been using "issue driven development" with good effect.
Development discussions are being attached as comments to JIRA
tickets, helping to keep the discussions focussed, organized, and easy
to find for future reference. Since the comments are posted to dev@,
it's still easy to follow along with only a mailreader.

iBATIS continues to find acceptance in the wider development
community.  High profile sites like MySpace, DevX, JavaLobby, and
dzone, all use either the .NET or Java implementation in production.

Also since our last report, one new committer (Jon Tirsen) has joined
the team, and the 1.3 version of our .NET implemented was found to be
of "General Availability" quality.

Team Member Clinton Begin has been invited to join the ASF as a
Member.  Other team members are submitting proposals for iBATIS talks
for ApacheCon 2006 US, which will hopefully draw additional iBATIS
developers to Texas this year.

Approved by General Consent

27 Jun 2006 [Ted Husted / Cliff]

Since our March 2006 report, the iBATIS community has continue to
make positive advances.

The team has been using "issue driven development" with good effect.
Development discussions are being attached as comments to JIRA
tickets, helping to keep the discussions focussed, organized, and easy
to find for future reference. Since the comments are posted to dev@,
it's still easy to follow along with only a mailreader.

iBATIS continues to find acceptance in the wider development
community.  High profile sites like MySpace, DevX, JavaLobby, and
dzone, all use either the .NET or Java implementation in production.

Also since our last report, one new committer (Jon Tirsen) has joined
the team, and the 1.3 version of our .NET implemented was found to be
of "General Availability" quality.

Team Member Clinton Begin has been invited to join the ASF as a
Member.  Other team members are submitting proposals for iBATIS talks
for ApacheCon 2006 US, which will hopefully draw additional iBATIS
developers to Texas this year.

Tabled due to time constraints.

15 Mar 2006 [Ted Husted / Greg]

Since our December Report, iBATIS has nominated one new committer,
Chad Humphries, and another committer, Rob Grabowski, has joined the
PMC. The project now hosts implementations for Java and C#, and we
hope to add Ruby. Several PMC members have shown an intertest in
working with Ruby, and a new "committer-in-waiting", Jon Tirsen, has a
Ruby implementation that he would like to donate to the foundation.
However, Jon's CLA seems to be stuck in limbo. It was sent to post
office box several weeks ago, but it is still not on file. If the
postal mail has been collected recently, and the Secretary does not
have the CLA, please let the iBATIS PMC know, and we will ask Jon to
fax in another copy. Jon has a CCLA on file, but we are looking for
his individual CLA.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Dec 2005 [Ted Husted / Greg]

Since our September Report, iBATIS.NET has posted new distributions of
our Data Mapper and Data Access products (version 1.3.0 and version
1.7.0) along with a major update of the Java version of our reference
applications (v5.0). One of our PMC members, Clinton Begin, presented
a well-attended talk at ApacheCon US regarding iBATIS.

Currently, there are implementations of iBATIS for two languages, Java
and C#. We were following a potential candidate for a Ruby
implementation, but that process has stalled for the time being. We
are now reviewing the work of two other developers who are interested
in an iBATIS PHP implementation. A key issue is being able to
collaborate with new developers outside of the ASF, so that we can
determine whether a developer would make a good ASF committer.

Approved by General Consent.

21 Sep 2005 [Ted Husted / Stefano]

[ received Aug 17, 2005 ]

Since our July report, the iBATIS PMC has nominated four new
committers, Sven Boden, Jeff Butler, Nathan Maves, and Brice Ruth.
Three have submitted CLAs that await acknowledgement by the Secretary,
and the fourth (Brice Ruth) is awaiting creation of his account by
root. The team is beginning to make plans for a 3.0 release series,
which may also include implementations for PHP and Ruby.

[ received Sep 20, 2005 ]

Since our August Report,the iBATIS PMC has nominated one new
committer, Jon Tirsen. Jon has a keen interest in open source, iBATIS,
and the Ruby programming language. Jon's been in has been working on a
port of iBATIS to Ruby, which we hope will become our third
implementation of Apache iBATIS, joining the Java and C# products.
One of our PMC members, Clinton Begin, will be presenting a talk
on iBATIS at ApacheCon 2005 San Diego.

Approved by General Consent.

22 Jun 2005 [Ted Husted]

The transition from incubator to top-level project goes smoothly. The
repository and mailing lists have been rolled over, and the website
updated. The last step is to integrate the ASF mirroring with our
release process. Our iBATIS.NET product is nearing a GA release, and
so we will need to do that soon. We installed a new committer this
month, Ron Grabowski.

I have been keeping the PMC updated as to general developments in the
LGPL/GPL discussions. Before moving to Apache, iBATIS bundled a
Hibernate extension along with the JARs. During incubation, we removed
the JARs and substituted stub API files so that our object files
compile without the Hibernate library.

Stefano volunteered to take the Action Item to check on the validity and legality of linking to Hibernate, since this appears a common concern.

Approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

18 May 2005

Estalish the Apache iBATIS Project

   WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
   interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
   Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
   Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
   open-source software related to moving data between objects
   and a database by mapping objects to SQL statements and
   stored procedures, for distribution at no charge to the public.

   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
   Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache iBATIS PMC", be and
   hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
   be it further

   RESOLVED, that the Apache iBATIS PMC be and hereby is
   responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
   related to the iBATIS DataMapper, based on software licensed to
   the Foundation; and be it further

   RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache iBATIS" be
   and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
   at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
   Apache iBATIS PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
   management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
   of the Apache iBATIS PMC; and be it further

   RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
   hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
   Apache iBATIS PMC:

     Clinton Begin          (
     Gilles Bayon           (
     Ted Husted             (
     Brandon Goodin      (
     Larry Meadors         (
     Roberto Rabe          (

   and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
   iBATIS, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
   of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
   until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
   disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

   RESOLVED, that the initial Apache iBATIS PMC be and hereby is
   tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
   encourage open development and increased participation in the
   Apache iBATIS Project; and be it further

   RESOLVED, that the initial Apache iBATIS PMC be and hereby is
   tasked with the migration and rationalization of the incubating
   Apache iBATIS project; and be it further

   RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the incubating
   Apache iBATIS project encumbered upon the incubator PMC be
   hereafter discharged.

 By unanimous vote, Special Order B, a Resolution to
 Establish the Apache iBATIS Project, was approved.

27 Apr 2005

Estalish the Apache iBATIS Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
 interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
 Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
 Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
 open-source software related to the iBATIS DataMapper, for
 distribution at no charge to the public.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
 Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache iBATIS PMC", be and
 hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
 be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache iBATIS PMC be and hereby is
 responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
 related to the iBATIS DataMapper, based on software licensed to
 the Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache iBATIS" be
 and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
 at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
 Apache iBATIS PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
 management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
 of the Apache iBATIS PMC; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
 hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
 Apache iBATIS PMC:

   Clinton Begin         (
   Gilles Bayon          (
   Ted Husted            (
   Brandon Goodin        (
   Larry Meadors         (
   Roberto Rabe          (

 and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
 iBATIS, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
 of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
 until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
 disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache iBATIS PMC be and hereby is
 tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
 encourage open development and increased participation in the
 Apache iBATIS Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache iBATIS PMC be and hereby is
 tasked with the migration and rationalization of the incubating
 Apache iBATIS project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the incubating
 Apache iBATIS project encumbered upon the incubator PMC be
 hereafter discharged.

 Special Order C, a Resolution to Estalish the Apache iBATIS
 Project, was tabled to allow the board to investigate some

20 Oct 2004

All needed CLAs are on file. Code grants are in transit. Accounts for
the committers are created. Mailing lists are created. Committers are
subscribing. The Jira setup for the project is being finalized. The
project incubator page is created. Committers are preparing the
SourceForge CVS and third-party SVN for import to Apache.