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This was extracted (@ 2025-02-19 17:10) from a list of minutes which have been approved by the Board.
Please Note The Board typically approves the minutes of the previous meeting at the beginning of every Board meeting; therefore, the list below does not normally contain details from the minutes of the most recent Board meeting.

WARNING: these pages may omit some original contents of the minutes.
This is due to changes in the layout of the source minutes over the years. Fixes are being worked on.

Meeting times vary, the exact schedule is available to ASF Members and Officers, search for "calendar" in the Foundation's private index page (svn:foundation/private-index.html).


21 Oct 2015

Terminate the Apache Shindig Project

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Shindig
 project has chosen by vote to recommend moving the project to the
 Attic; and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
 interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Shindig project
 due to inactivity;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Shindig
 project is hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Attic PMC be and hereby is tasked with
 oversight over the software developed by the Apache Shindig
 Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Shindig" is
 hereby terminated; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Shindig PMC is hereby terminated.

 Special Order 7C, Terminate the Apache Shindig Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

21 Oct 2015 [Ryan Baxter / Shane]

No report was submitted.

15 Jul 2015 [Ryan Baxter / Brett]


Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by both
social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the Incubator
in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


The Shindig community has saw a noticeable decline in mailing list activity as
well as contributions to the code base over the past few months.  Some of this
might have to do with the OpenSocial Foundation being dissolved and portions
of the OpenSocial specification being taken over by the W3C
(  The Shindig community has not
seen any contributions due to specification changes coming from the W3C since
the move has taken place. This quarter we have seen a couple (2-3) fixes from
a single community member.


No PMC member changes.


Apache Shindig 2.5.2 was released the 2014-10-26.  The community is currently
working towards a 2.5.3 release.

22 Apr 2015 [Ryan Baxter / Bertrand]


Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


The Shindig community has seen a noticeable decline in mailing list activity as
well as contributions to the code base over the past few months.  Some of this
might have to do with the OpenSocial Foundation being dissolved and portions of
the OpenSocial specification being taken over by the W3C
(  The Shindig community has not
seen any contributions due to specification changes coming from the W3C since
the move has taken place.


No PMC member changes.


Apache Shindig 2.5.2 was released the 2014-10-26.  The community
is currently working towards a 2.5.3 release.

21 Jan 2015 [Ryan Baxter / Jim]


Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.  The community has been
working on a plan to develop a deployment guide for Shindig to address recent
questions and issues users have been experiencing around properly deploying


No PMC member changes.


Apache Shindig 2.5.2 was released the 2014-10-26.  The community
is currently working towards a 2.5.3 release.

15 Oct 2014 [Ryan Baxter / Rich]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.  The community has been
working on a plan to develop a deployment guide for Shindig to address recent
questions and issues users have been experiencing around properly deploying


No PMC member changes.


Apache Shindig 2.5.1 was released on 2014-03-04.  The community
is currently working towards a 2.5.2 release.

16 Jul 2014 [Ryan Baxter / Rich]


Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.  The community was
asked to back a new proposal from the W3C as some portions of the
OpenSocial specification are being moved to a new group that is
part of the W3C.  No one in the community objected to backing
any of the charters.  Here are the relevant charters.

Working Group:
Interest Group:


No PMC member changes.


Apache Shindig 2.5.1 was released on 2014-03-04.  The community
is currently working towards a 2.5.2 release.

16 Apr 2014 [Ryan Baxter / Shane]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

General Comments
The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.

Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.

Committer/PMC Changes
No PMC member changes.

Apache Shindig 2.5.1 was released on 2014-03-04.

15 Jan 2014 [Ryan Baxter / Jim]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software. Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.

Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.

Andreas Kohn was added as a committer and PMC member.
Henry Saputra has requested to go emeritus.

Apache Shindig 2.5.0-update1 was released the 2013-10-21

16 Oct 2013 [Ryan Baxter / Greg]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


* The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


* Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady


* No new PMC members or committers were approved.
* Ryan Baxter was appointed the PMC Chair.
* Jesse Ciancetta has requested to go emeritus.
* The last PMC addition (Stanton Sievers, Dan Dumont, Jesse Ciancetta)
 was made on 2011-11-29.


* Working towards a 2.5.0-update1 release.  This should be completed before the next report.
* The last release was Shindig 2.5.0 on 2013-08-04.

21 Aug 2013

Change the Apache Shindig Project Chair

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Paul
 Lindner to the office of Vice President, Apache Shindig, and

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
 of Paul Lindner from the office of Vice President, Apache
 Shindig, and

 WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Shindig
 project has chosen by vote to recommend Ryan Baxter as the
 successor to the post;

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Paul Lindner is relieved
 and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
 office of Vice President, Apache Shindig, and

 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ryan Baxter be and hereby is
 appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Shindig, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
 Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
 until a successor is appointed.

 Special Order 7D, Change the Apache Shindig Project Chair, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

21 Aug 2013 [Paul Lindner / Greg]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.


No new PMC members or committers were approved.
Paul Lindner stepping down as chair to be replaced with Ryan Baxter.
Last PMC change 11/2011 - Jesse Ciancetta added.


August 4, 2013 - Released 2.5.0

17 Jul 2013 [Paul Lindner / Chris]

No report was submitted.

AI: Chris to pursue a report for Shindig

17 Apr 2013 [Paul Lindner / Ross]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.


No new PMC members or committers were approved.


March 15, 2013 - Released 2.5.0-beta6

Work continues on an official 2.5.0 version.

16 Jan 2013 [Paul Lindner / Doug]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

Note: Previous board report was 12/2012.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list traffic and contributions remain steady.


No new PMC members or committers were approved.


No new releases since last 12/2012 report.

19 Dec 2012 [Paul Lindner / Doug]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list traffic and contributions are about the same as last
quarter.  Shindig is a mature project.

Shindig participated in two events at OSCON
- Social & Widgets pre-conference session
- Shindig & Rave Meetup


No new PMC members or committers were approved.


* 2.5.0 beta-3 released August, 2012
* 2.5.0 beta-4 released September, 2012
* 2.4.0 beta-5 released October, 2012
* Work continues on a finalized 2.5.0 version.


* The website moved to CMS.
* Official Shindig jenkins builds now use Apache Infrastructure.

21 Nov 2012 [Paul Lindner / Bertrand]

No report was submitted.

17 Oct 2012 [Paul Lindner / Jim]

No report was submitted.

25 Jul 2012 [Paul Lindner / Bertrand]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


Mailing list and contributions remain healthy.  We have seen some new
contributors and have spread out the build-release responsibilities.

Shindig will be participating in the Apache@OSCON events.


No new PMC members or committers were approved.


* 2.5.0 beta-2 released June, 2012
* Work continues on a finalized 2.5.0 version.


* The website is moving to CMS.
* We now support deploying release artifacts using svnpubsub.


18 Apr 2012 [Paul Lindner / Doug]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


The project continues to enjoy broad contributions with an active
community and mailing list.

As a community we decided to renumber our releases.  We have abandoned
the 3.0.0 beta series and re-released as 2.5.0 beta series.  This puts the
major version of shindig in alignment with the OpenSocial spec that it
implements (similar to the way Tomcat aligns with servlet specifications)

For 2.5.0-beta1 we also had assistance in cleaning up our NOTICE
and LICENSE files to be in better conformance.

There has been some work on converting to use
Apache CMS.


* 2.5.0-beta1 released March 2012

24 Jan 2012 [Paul Lindner / Jim]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


The project continues to enjoy broad contributions with an active
community and mailing list.  The Apache Rave project is using
Apache Shindig and has provided patches and assistance.

We voted in four new committers and PMC members this quarter.  Six
members requested emeritus status after the chair asked inactive
members about their status.


* 3.0.0-beta3 released October, 2011
* 3.0.0-beta4 released November, 2011

26 Oct 2011 [Paul Lindner / Doug]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention.


New PMC members have been very active and involved with the OpenSocial 2.0
standardization effort where Apache Shindig serves as the reference

Ryan Baxter was voted in as a new committer.

Four new committers are in the voting pipeline.

Apache Code Review system has been working very well for the Community.


* None this quarter.  3.0.0-beta3 release planned for week of
 October 24, 2011.
* Final 3.0.0 release is blocked on implementing more standards.


Mostly complete, but final publication of the new Apache Shindig site is blocked
on some problems with site layout/css.

Completed this quarter but not yet deployed:
- Project Naming and Descriptions
- Trademark Attributions
- Website Navigation Links

Remaining work:
- Logo and Graphics (need to add TM to graphics)

20 Jul 2011 [Paul Lindner / Sam]

General Comments

There are no issues that require Board attention.


Added four new committers: Felix Lee, Jacobo Tarrio, Eric Woods, Mat Mannion.


Apache Shindig 3.0beta2 on June 13, 2011


Active development coming from many areas.  Opensocial V2 features
are being developed and prototyped on Shindig.  Most new code
reviews are using

Renewing usage of Apache Jenkins servers in July.

Revamped based on HTML5  will launch in July.

Project Branding Requirements

- Project Website Basics
- Project Metadata
- Other Trademark Guidelines
- Powered By... Logos

In progress (ETA July)
- Project Naming And Descriptions
- Trademark Attributions
- Website Navigation Links

Not Started
- Logos And Graphics (need to add TM to graphics)

20 Apr 2011 [Paul Lindner / Sam]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention

We voted in three committers this quarter.  All were active contributors and
continue to contribute patches and help out on the mailing lists.

Codebase remains in active development with contributions from
many individuals.

Shindig continues to be used as the testbed for many upcoming features of
OpenSocial 2.0.

* 3.0.0-beta1 release built, but not released.
* 3.0.0 release now planned for Q2, 2011.

No work this quarter on the Shindig website or branding guidelines.
More definitely needs to be done.

19 Jan 2011 [Paul Lindner / Bertrand]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention


No new committers voted in this quarter.

Codebase remains in active development with contributions from
many individuals.  We anticipate that some of the new contributors
will make good committers/PMC members.

Shindig is being used as the testbed for many upcoming features of
OpenSocial 2.0.


* 2.0.2 maintenance release shipped November 1, 2010.
* 3.0.0 release planned for Q1, 2011.


Some work started on meeting the guidelines.  (DOAP, Links, etc.)
More needs to be done.  Expect to complete this quarter.

20 Oct 2010 [Paul Lindner / Greg]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention


 * New committers Gagandeep Singh, Bastian Hofmann and Han Ngyen
 * We started using a dedicated external hudson host for doing Shindig
   builds and testing.
 * Diversity level of committers has gone up overall.  New committers
   from IBM and have expanded the projects base.


 * 2.0.0 released September 9, 2010
 * 2.0.1 maintenance release in process, expected to ship October.

Why is an external Hudson host being used here?

AI Greg: find out whether an internal Hudson can be used.

21 Jul 2010 [Paul Lindner / Greg]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention


 * One new committer and PMC member - Henry Saputra,
 * Shindig was featured at the 'State of OpenSocial' event on May 18th, 2010.
 * Our Google Summer of Code student chose another project.
 * Worked with Infrastructure team to setup a remailer alias for This is used to Cc the dev list for code
   reviews posted on
 * The VP Apache Shindig, Paul Lindner was elected to the OpenSocial Board.


 * A 2.0.0-RC1 release was prepared, but not released.

Jim congratulated Paul on being elected to the OpenSocial Board.

21 Apr 2010 [Paul Lindner / Jim]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.


 * Two new committers and PMC members, Jasvir Nagra and Ziv Horesh.
 * There will be an Apache Shindig presentation at the upcoming 'State
   of OpenSocial' event on May 18th, 2010.
 * We have one student proposing a Google Summer of Code Project.
   Mentor is Paul Lindner
 * The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention

 * no project releases

Ongoing Work

* Work (still) continues on a 1.1 release.  Most of a large refactor
  has been completed.

17 Mar 2010 [Paul Lindner / Brian]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010.

 * New committer Jacky Wang, giving us better PHP support
 * Increasing activity on dev list
 * The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention

 * no project releases
 * shindig web site now updated to reflect graduated status

Ongoing work
 * Work on a 1.1 release is ongoing.
 * Major refactor of the gadget rendering pipeline taking place.

17 Feb 2010 [Paul Lindner / Justin]

Apache Shindig is an Opensocial Reference implementation in wide use by
both social networks and enterprise software.  Shindig graduated from the
Incubator in January 2010 and has migrated all resources from there.

 * PMC Approved new committer Chirag Shah
 * Continued healthy discussions on dev list
 * Many new contributions in form of patches submitted to Jira
 * New users list set up as part of TLP migration
 * The Shindig PMC has no issues that require board attention

* no project releases
* Moved all incubator resources to TLP status (site, mailing lists, jira, etc.)

Ongoing work
* Work on a 1.1 release is ongoing.
* Finish modifications to web site to reflect graduated status

20 Jan 2010

Establish the Apache Shindig Project

 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
 interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
 Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
 Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
 open-source software related to the implementation of an OpenSocial
 container and OpenSocial API specifications for distribution at no
 charge to the public.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
 Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Shindig Project",
 be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
 Foundation; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Shindig Project be and hereby is
 responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
 related to the implementation of an OpenSocial container and
 OpenSocial API specifications; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Shindig" be
 and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
 serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
 of the Apache Shindig Project, and to have primary responsibility
 for management of the projects within the scope of
 responsibility of the Apache Shindig Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
 hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
 Apache Shindig Project:

   * Ian Boston                <ieb at apache dot org>
   * Kevin Brown               <etnu at apache dot org>
   * Chris Chabot              <chabotc at apache dot org>
   * Chico Charlesworth        <chico at apache dot org>
   * Cassie Doll               <doll at apache dot org>
   * Evan Gilbert              <evan at apache dot org>
   * John Hjelmstad            <johnh at apache dot org>
   * Paul Lindner              <lindner at apache dot org>
   * Daniel Peterson           <dpeterson at apache dot org>
   * Louis Ryan                <lryan at apache dot org>
   * Henning Schmiedehausen    <henning at apache dot org>
   * Vincent Siveton           <vsiveton at apache dot org>
   * Upayavira                 <upayavira at apache dot org>
   * Adam Winer                <awiner at apache dot org>
   * Santiago Gala             <sgala at apache dot org>

 be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Shindig, to
 serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
 Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
 death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
 or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Shindig PMC be and hereby is
 tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
 encourage open development and increased participation in the
 Apache Shindig Project; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that the Apache Shindig Project be and hereby
 is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
 Incubator Shindig podling; and be it further

 RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
 Incubator Shindig podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
 Project are hereafter discharged.

 Special Order 7A, Establish the Apache Shindig Project, was
 approved by Unanimous Vote of the directors present.

16 Dec 2009

Apache Shindig is an OpenSocial container and helps you to start
hosting OpenSocial apps quickly by providing the code to render
gadgets, proxy requests, and handle REST and RPC requests. Apache
Shindig entered the incubator 2007-12-03.

The following tasks have been completed since the last reporting period.

 * Multiple licensing issues have been cleaned up and we have
successful RAT tests in place.
 * Successful release of shindig 1.1-BETA5 on 11/24/2009, we now
have multiple committers that can cut releases.
 * Approval of two new committers.
 * Created distribution area with KEYS and our 1.0.0 and 1.1-BETA5 releases.
 * Updated Website

The following items are planned for the next reporting period:

 * Start graduation process.
 * Official 1.1 release.

23 Sep 2009

Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack.
The active community has built two parallel implementations of the
OpenSocial and gadgets spec; one in Java and one in PHP.

Incubating since: 2007-12-06

High-level status summary during last quarter:

* stable release compliant to OpenSocial v0.9 currently being reviewed by
* updates for OpenSocial v0.9 are implemented and in production on several
sites that support OpenSocial
* two new committers joined the community. The committer base on the Java
side is relatively varied. However, until now we have had a single committer
working on the PHP implementation. This changed with the addition of two new
committers focussing on PHP. The lack of committer count (and thus
diversity) on PHP was a graduation issue. The addition of these two
committers certainly moves the project in the right direction regarding

Requirements for graduation:
* Discussion about graduation is ongoing. The most pressing need that was
identified was to diversify our committer base for PHP. In many other ways,
the project and community are in very good shape.

17 Jun 2009

Shindig is a reference implementation of the !OpenSocial and gadgets stack.
The active community has built two parallel implementations of the
!OpenSocial and gadgets spec; one in Java and one in PHP.

Incubating since: 2007-12-06

High-level status summary during last quarter:

   * stable release compliant to !OpenSocial v0.8.1 currently being
reviewed by PMC
   * updates for !OpenSocial v0.9 are implemented and in production on
several sites that support !OpenSocial
   * updated with a new layout and
more resources
   * held a logo contest and adopted a new logo

18 Mar 2009

Shindig failed to report.

Reviewing the Shindig mailing list shows considerable activity, with in the
realm of 1000+ messages per month.

17 Dec 2008

Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack,
incubating since: 2007-12-06.  The active community has built two parallel
implementations of the OpenSocial and gadgets spec; one in Java and one in
PHP.  Currently the Shindig community is working toward an incubation
release of the OpenSocial v0.8.1 spec as well as implementing the new
functionality defined in OpenSocial v0.9.

Top 2 things to resolve prior to graduation:
 * Improve diversity of committers (progress, but on-going)
 * Run through at least one release (first release scheduled to go out by
   end of year)

17 Sep 2008

Shindig is a reference implementation of the !OpenSocial and gadgets stack.

Incubating since: 2007-12-06

High-level status summary: Shindig preparing for an incubation release of
the v0.8 !OpenSocial spec

* On track for an incubation release of Shindig on September 30,
 compliant to !OpenSocial v0.8.1
* Active community, code base is maturing well, and is in use by many
 very large sites
* Apache-provided Zone is up and running
* 2 new committers, actively seeking more
* Top 2 things to resolve prior to graduation:
 * Improve diversity of committers (progress, but on-going)
 * Run through at least one release (0.8 release will be a good

21 May 2008

Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack.

Incubating since: 2007-12-06

High-level status summary: Shindig community growing and working on
OpenSocial v0.8 implementation.

 * Community presence/growth: JavaOne, OpenSocial Summit, Google I/O
 * Aiming to get Infrastructure to provision a Zone (but progress is slow):
 * Retired 10 inactive committers (from Google)
 * Shindig docs are coming together:
 * Formally update the incubator status page (in progress)
 * Technical progress:
    * Initial work towards implementing OpenSocial v0.8
    * Lots of progress getting new RESTful server implemented
    * Implemented full OAuth support
 * Top 3 things to resolve prior to graduation:
    * Improve diversity of committers (progress, but on-going)
    * Run through at least one release (seems like 0.8-compliance is a good
    * <there seem to be only 2>

16 Apr 2008

Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack.

Incubating since: 2007-12-06

High-level status summary: Shindig making rapid progress since inception in
December 2007.

 * Introduced a new committer, primarily focused on PHP server
 * Participating in Summer of Code to help build the community
 * Giving Fast Feather talk and hosting Shindig BoF at ApacheCon EU
 * Technical progress:
       * Initial infrastructure for OAuth and signing keys, and completed
crpyto compliance
       * Discussions around RESTful implementation design
       * Refactoring to introduce a proper sample container, especially
for OpenSocial data
       * Improved integration and extension support

19 Mar 2008

Shindig is a reference implementation of the OpenSocial and gadgets stack.

Incubating since: 2007-12-06
(Note this report covers since inception, as we've not yet submitted any
other reports, and will submit for the next 3 months to compensate)

High-level status summary: Shindig making rapid progress since inception in
December 2007.

 * Accepted a couple rounds of "bootstrapping" Java and JS code
contributions from Google (with appropriate IP licensing)
 * Large patch written by a community member for PHP port committed
 * Healthy community growing, though committers still Google-heavy
 * JIRA queue moving in full force
 * Initial website created: