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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
13 May 1999
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 11:30am PDT -0700. It was started at 11:35am
PDT. A quorum was recognized by Brian Behlendorf, Chairman pro tem while
Roy Fielding is in New Zealand.
2. Roll Call
The following directors were in attendance:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Jim Jagielski
Randy Terbush
3. Minutes
Ken commented that the draft minutes for the meeting of 4/27 did not
accurately state his intentions regarding the proposal of additional
responsibilities to board members (Special Order 6B). The draft was
modified and then approved as: board_minutes_1999_04_27.txt
4. Officer Reports
A. President. [Brian]
Brian reported that as of yet, he had had little luck in finding
lawyers willing to do pro-bono work for ASF. On his "To Do" list
is the "Position Description" for the legal services required,
which we can then distribute to possible interested parties.
Randy reported that he had some possible contacts regarding
pro-bono work, and would pursue those possibilities.
B. Treasurer. [Randy]
Randy reported that the ASF will have no problem obtaining and
using a merchant account, with the ability to accept credit
card transactions. The idea is that ASF could accept credit card
donations if desirable.
The Signature Card for the ASF's Checking Account is being distributed
to the required board members. At this time, it has been received and
signed by Jim, who will then forward it to Brian, who will then
return in to Randy.
C. Secretary. [Jim]
Jim reported on that status of the receipt of the required member
and director forms. At the time, forms had not been received from:
Brian Behlendorf
Ralf S. Engelschall
Alexei Kosut
Ben Laurie
Sameer Parekh
Marc Slemko
Jim also reported that he had received signed membership applications
from Chuck Murcko and Dave Robinson, enabling ASF to continue
Emeritus standing for these individuals. Jim also reported that
he had been in contact with Aram Mirzadeh, who had expressed
an interest in maintaining his relationship with ASF and becoming
more involved. His signed forms were also received.
It was questioned whether ASF should have "contingency plans" in
case one, or more, AG members refuse to sign the required forms.
After discussion, it was decided that such plans would most likely
not be required.
Jim had been sending Email reminders to all AG members reminding
them of who had signed and who ASF still needed forms from. It was
suggested that Brian also request that the "hold outs" sign and
send their forms. This was agreed to by all. Additionally, Dirk
indicated that he would talk to Ralf. It was also suggested that
Roy talk to RST.
5. Committee Reports
A. Apache Conferences Committee. [Ken]
Ken reported that ASF and LKE had officially "parted ways." It
was increasingly obvious that LKE was either unable or unwilling
to appreciate the special nature of ASF and to organize a
conference that did not limit or restrict outside activities
of ASF members.
Ken has a proposed RFP for ApacheCon which he will send out to ASF
for comments. He will then send the RFP out to 2 to 4 management
companies of which he is aware. Also, Ken and Drew are "working over"
the old, proposed LKE contract to be used as a reference for ASF.
6. Special Orders
It was proposed that a "deadline" or "drop dead date" be set for the
receipt of required ASF forms from members. The reasons were:
1. It would be nice to be ready to incorporate when Roy returned
2. Past experience has clearly shown that most members work
better, and plan better, when a schedule and/or deadline is
in place.
May 18th, 1999 was proposed as the deadline. This was agreed to by
all. Brian was selected to make a post to apache-core regarding
this date.
The movement of the domain was discussed. At present,
the domain contact and address information points to C2. It was
suggested that this domain, and then all Apache domains, have their
Internic records changed to point to ASF. The actual address to use
as ASF was then discussed since it is possible that it could change
each year as new officers are elected. Randy suggested that we look
into a company in Delaware that provides virtual addresses (they
accept postal mail and then forward it as specified). Jim questioned
whether this was required. If, after a year, Jim decided not to rerun
for secretary, or was not elected, he could just as easily forward
the mail as this company, and ASF would save money. This was generally
agreed to as acceptable but some directors wondered "how long Jim
would be there at that address." Jim reported that he would not be
leaving for quite a long time. It was finally agreed that Randy would
look into the Delaware company as background, but that most likely,
ASF would use the 1901 Munsey Drive address as the official ASF
address and Jim would forward postal mail if, and as required, in
the future.
Randy reported that he knew Rob Kolstad and that maybe Rob K. could
help us with ApacheCon in same way, or provide us with more contacts.
Brian reported that he also knows Rob K. It was agreed that Randy
should contact Rob Kolstad regarding ApacheCon.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
9. Announcements
Brian reported that his project at O'Reilly was almost ready for
prime time and gave a URL for the board to look at. Because of
the "sensitive nature" of this, these minutes will not provide
more information.
It was suggested and agreed to that we should reconsider the use
of IRC to conduct the board meetings. The New Robert's Rules of
Order state that IRC is acceptable. It was suggested and agreed
to that the meeting after next might be a "good time" to try
an IRC meeting, assuming that it's not our first official ASF
The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for May 27, 1999 at 10:00am
PDT. Final and official setting of the meeting would be done via
10. Adjournment
The motion to adjourn was moved and seconded. The meeting was
adjourned at 12:35pm PDT.