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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
01 June 1999
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am PDT -0700. The meeting was
called to order at 10:04am.
2. Roll Call
Roll was called at 10:05am. In attendence were:
Ken Coar
Roy T. Fielding
Ben Hyde
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie
Randy Terbush
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Guests: Drew Wright (counsel)
Sameer joined at 10:37am
3. Minutes
By general consent, the minutes available at
were approved. The minutes were renamed as
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Since Brian was not available, there was no report
B. Treasurer [Randy]
Randy had no new information to report.
C. Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that he had received the required forms from all
ASF members. This enables ASF to finalize their incorporation
At present, Jim had not yet received any of the asset
transfer forms, required for the transfer of the "feather"
logo and the various Apache domain names to ASF. Jim reported
that he had an ASF minute binder but, at present, had not obtained
the corporate seal. Drew suggested a possible vendor to obtain
the seal.
5. Committee Reports
A. Apache Conferences Committee [Ken]
Ken re-reported that negotiations with LKE had resulted in a
stand-still and that both parties agreed to terminate negotiations
regarding ApacheCon 2000. Ken had sent out RFPs to 3 possible
conference coordination companies; 2 of which had declined to
bid on the RFP. At the present time, Ken had not yet received
word from the 3rd.
Ken reported that he greatly desired that the ApacheCon domain
be moved to ASF's "taz" server.
6. Special Orders
A. Effective date of incorporation
By general consent, it was agreed that the official effective
date of incorporation for the Apache Software Foundation is
to be set as June 1, 1999.
B. Budget discussion
1) Incorporation expenses [Roy $419.67, Jim ??]
Discussion was held concerning how those who had incured
expenses would be reimbursed. The original concept was that
IBM would reimburse people for the incorporation expenses
and ASF would subsequantly reimburse IBM. Roy expressed his
dissatisfaction with this approach since it required that
he give his Social Security Number (SSN) to IBM. It was
generally agreed that instead, ASF would reimburse people
directly. This still requires that ASF obtain people's
SSN, but being a smaller company, it will be easier to
control the use and distribution of this information.
All receipts and invoices are to be sent to Randy.
2) General plan
See discussion for item 6-B-3, directly below.
3) Sources for initial funds
The board discussed several issues regarding the raising of
funds and the subsequant use of those fund for ASF. Roy asked
the generic question "Are there any things right now that we
could use funds for." Ken reported that a serious shortcoming
regarding ApacheCon was our lack of monetary resources. Having
funds available would give ASF more freedom and flexibility
regarding our options in coordinating ApacheCon.
Some noteworthy items that board members could envision
funds being used for included:
o Funds for ASF Meetings (annual or more frequent)
o Infrastructure
o Web Design fees
o Possible payment for code related services
o Apache sponsered user group
There was concern that we wanted to tread very carefully, to avoid
the appearance that ASF's prime goal was to "raise money." It
was noted that ASF would be looked at very closely for signs
of "selling out" and that ASF should tend towards conservatism
in this area to avoid any concerns in the user community.
Discussion was held regarding ASF becoming either an
or Barnes&Noble "associate", where links to ASF related publications
on these 2 vendors would be located on the ASF site. Publications
ordered via these links result in ASF getting a percentage of
the purchase price. Ken agreed to look into these programs.
The general agreement was that a discussion would be started
on apache-core regarding (1) what avenues would people prefer
as far as raising funds for ASF, and (2) how would those
funds best be used. Ben Hyde agreed to coordinate this effort.
Regarding this effort, the following Action Items were assigned:
Brian was given the AI to write up a short description of
what the ASF is, why we exist, our guidelines for raising
and using funds, and how people can donate.
Roy was given the AI to prepare a Press Release regarding the
incorporation of ASF. It was agreed that notice of the incorporation
would not be made public until the PR was available. June 27, 1999
is the tentative date for this release.
Randy was given the AI to determine the actual fiscal and
banking procedure detailing how people, companies and organizations
could donate funds to ASF, including the use of credit card
It was specifically stated that we need to ensure that it is
well known and understood that ASF is not, at present, a 501 C3
non-profit organization and that donations are thus not tax
deductable. ASF needs to wait at least 1 year before it can
gain 501 C3 status.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
The "incorporation" of other projects under the ASF umbrella was
discussed, motivated by an Email by Rasmus Lendorf concerning his
desire to investigate the possibility of having the PHP project
"folded" under the ASF structure. This is in keeping with the
guidelines and vision of ASF.
Roy was given the Action Item to generate the formal procedure
by which projects would be added under the ASF. Due to his close
proximity to Rasmus, Ken agreed to discuss the matter with Rasmus
and get a list of Rasmus' main desires and motivation for adding
mod_php to ASF, enabling us to better provide the exact functionality
and capability prospective ASF projects would desire.
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:36am. The next scheduled meeting would
be coordinated offline via EMail.