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                     The Apache Software Foundation

                    Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                             13 July 1999

1. Call to order

    The meeting was called to order at 10:15am PDT -0700. A quorum was
    recognized by the Chairman.  Due to the previously notified absence
    of the Secretary, Brian Behlendorf volunteered to take notes.

2. Roll Call

    Board members in attendance:
      Brian Behlendorf
      Ken Coar
      Roy T. Fielding
      Ben Laurie
      Randy Terbush
      Ben Hyde (at 10:40am)

    Board members not in attendance:
      Jim Jagielski
      Sameer Parekh
      Dirk-Willem van Gulik

      Rasmus Lerdorf (PHP project)

3. Minutes

    Due to a procedural error, the minutes from the 22 June 1999 meeting
    were not approved.  This item is postponed until the next meeting.

4. Officer Reports

    A. President  [Brian]

	Brian reported that the ASF announcement appeared to go very well.

    B. Treasurer  [Randy]

	Randy reported that the ASF's current balance stood at $81.77.
	Randy is investigating whether we can support Diner's Club
	  contributions.  He thinks we can, though it may involve an
          annual fee.

    C. Secretary  [Jim]

        No report was presented since Jim was not available.
	Previous to the meeting Jim had reported that the ASF had
	been ordered and received.

5. Committee Reports

    [Apache Conferences Committee]

    Ken reported that the committee had selected Camelot/SIGS as the 
      leading candidate for ApacheCon.  The next step is to set up a
      meeting, perhaps at RTP, perhaps with some assistance to help 
      some other concom members attend.  It had not been decided whether
      a flat fee or a royalty would be pursued, but Ken is leaning towards
      royalty.  Ken suggested we announce the selection of Camelot to the
      community, but Brian felt that this would be premature.

6. Special Orders

    A. PR post-mortem from June 30 announcement of The ASF

       1) press experiences [Roy/Brian/Ben]

         Roy was extremely happy with the way it was handled.  Randy
         commented that he felt the press's attention was more evenly
         balanced over the whole of the ASF rather than on specific
         individuals this time, which he saw as a good thing.

         Brian suggested that we try and draft more members to participate
         in press activities, to make their names available, so we can
         distribute those opportunities even more.

       2) contract with ZOT Group

         Roy expressed happiness at the way Sally from ZOT Group conducted
         the ASF announcement.  This began a discussion of the process by
         which the ZOT Group was hired, which was by Roy directly without
         a formal board action.  By general consent, the board approved of
         Roy's actions and the contract with ZOT Group.

         A discussion began on the topic of officer actions with or without
         board pre-approvals.  A consensus seemed to be reached that officer
         actions should at least require a straw poll of the board, but
         no parameters were set on that, so the discussion ended without

    B. Status on setting up projects

       1) Jakarta

         Brian reported that he was still waiting for a contract 
         back from Sun for the code, and was not comfortable 
         proposing the formal creation of the project until that
         was in hand.  He also commented that the project had been
         partially created, to the extent that there is a web site
         and mailing lists for it which are very active.  Roy 
         suggested formally creating the project anyways, with or
         without Sun's code.  Action was postponed until a formal
         resolution could be drafted with candidates for the PMC.

       2) Java-Apache

         Brian reported that this project would most likely be
         transitioned to Jakarta once Jakarta built up some steam,
         and that proposing it as a separate project may thus not
         be necessary.

       3) mod_php

         Rasmus started to talk about PHP.  He noted that the license
         concerns are being wrapped up in all but one situation, for which
         he asked for some assistance in convincing the developers of a 
         crucial part of the new PHP code to allow their code under the ASF.
         Brian and BenL volunteered to help Rasmus with that issue.  

         It was generally agreed that we need to do a better job of
         articulating why being an ASF project is a desirable thing for
         something like the PHP developers.

       4) mod_perl

         Doug had not been talked with recently.  Randy volunteered to 
         speak with him.

       5) ASF as an open source incubator

         Brian expressed an interest in supporting projects that are a
         good match for our existing direction, that are either currently
         productive projects or have a good chance (in our view) of
         becoming one.  Brian also suggested we not try and "hoover" a lot
         of smaller projects.  Randy likened the potential to something
         like a business incubator, and suggested we focus on smaller
         projects more than large existing ones.  Roy said he preferred
         helping smaller projects as well.  Consensus seemed to be around
         finding small, promising projects.
         Ben Hyde suggested we need to do a better job of managing what
         we've got on our plate today before taking new projects.

    C. Handling funds marked for use by specific projects
       1) Policy for accepting general and project-specific funds
       2) Policy for storing project-specific funds
       3) Policy for accessing project-specific funds
       4) Communication between accountant and projects

         These discussion points got rolled together into a sizable
         discussion about fundraising.  The first point made by Randy
         was that very few people have contributed so far.  Brian opined
         that without a solid set of documents describing what funds would
         be used for, soliciting donations is more difficult.  Ken
         volunteered to write a document for the web site that would
         summarize our thoughts and needs, both short-term (incorporation
         expenses, etc.) and long-term (sysadmin, machines, etc.).
         Brian asked if it might be wise to have tiers of contributions,
         Ken suggested we bring it to the board list for discussion.

         As for contributions to specific projects, there was heated
         discussion.  Randy expressed that it would be beyond his current
         capabilities to keep track of project-specific donations. 
         Rasmus expressed a strong desire to be able to have the PHP
         community support PHP-specific development, without having to go
         through the ASF asking for apportions from the general fund. 
         Others, however, expressed concern that the focus would turn away
         from the ASF, and that the precedent this was establishing would
         be dangerous.  Roy felt that it was inevitable that we'd have to
         eventually offer this. No vote was taken and no consensus

    D. Licensing issues regarding projects
       1) How do we decide what licenses are acceptable?
       2) How do we update the Apache license?
       3) GPL/LGPL discussion

          Tabled due to time (it was past noon PDT by now).

    E. Finishing up the corporate loose ends
       1) Apache Group assignment of license/rights to The ASF
       2) Members ballot for adding new members
       3) Preparing a budget
       4) Planning for quarterly/yearly reports

          Tabled due to time.

7. Unfinished Business


8. New Business

    A licenses committee was proposed by Brian, one whose charter would be
    to come up with a strategy for the ASF with respect to licenses we would
    use and we would allow ASF projects to use.  This committee would endeavor
    to seek input on its ideas from the community at large, beyond ASF 
    membership.  By general consent, the Board established a licenses
    committee with Brian Behlendorf as chairperson.  Brian was tasked to
    put together a list of other people to include on this board committee.

9. Announcements

10. Adjournment

    The meeting was adjourned at 12:20pm PDT -0700. The time and date
    of the next meeting was to be discussed and arranged via the
    mailing list.
