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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
01 November 1999
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am PST -0800. The meeting
was called to order at 10:12am. The meeting was held on IRC using
the server at and channel #ASF.
2. Roll Call
Present: Ben Laurie, Brian Behlendorf, Roy Fielding, Randy Terbush,
Jim Jagielski, Dirk-Willem van Gulik, Ken Coar
Absent: Ben Hyde, Sameer Parekh (arrived at 11:36am)
Guests: None
3. Minutes from the meeting of 22 September 1999
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the
following amendment: Modify minutes to reflect Dirk voted +1
on item 7.
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Brian reported that he has been working with Dirk on the XML/Apache
roll-up and announcement as well as talking with Sally Khudairi
about the announcement logistics. In addition, he has been working
on plans for a new server, to be used by the ASF, that would be
hosted in's space at Level3. This would be a donation
to ASF from After his report, Brian had
to temporarily leave, signing off at 10:40.
B. Treasurer [Randy]
Randy reported that as of November 1st, the ASF account had a
balance of $25,172.52 with the following donations:
Siemens $20,000.00 $5,000.00
These funds had no suggested target.
Randy also reported that he had incorrectly reported at the last
meeting that Roy had been reimbursed for $419.62. Instead, the check
was going out that day.
The ASF officially has an EIN number and Randy is proceeding to
finalize the credit card merchant accounts that were waiting on
the EIN. He will, some time in the near future, be putting a
donations form online to begin receiving donations via credit card.
Randy also reported that he was in contact with an accountant regarding
the 501c3 issue and would provide more information as it develops.
C. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that he had not received signed forms from all members
concerning the addition of the new members. The number of forms
received, however, was sufficient for the action to pass.
5. Committee Reports
A. Conferences Committee [Ken]
Ken reported that the committee was a little late in opening the CFP.
However, 90 submissions were received by the deadline. There were
originally 38 speaking slots to fill, but that number was increased
to 41. The 41 slots were selected from the 90 submissions, so
a preliminary program is now available.
Ken reported that IBM had not yet committed to being a sponsor at any
level but that Collab.Net and Covalent have both made sponsorship
commitments. Ken also reported that the committee decided to reward
various people with discount registrations: (1) people who attended
AC'98, (2) people whose employers are exhibiting, and (3) people who
submitted proposals but didn't get any of them accepted.
There was some discussion concerning sponsorship credits.
At 11:15am, the IRC server crashed. The meeting resumed at
11:36am with the following members present: Brian, Roy, Randy, Dirk,
Ben Laurie, Jim, Sameer, Ken
B. Apache XML PMC [Dirk]
Dirk reported that they were working on the lining up the code,
finishing the web site, polishing the charter and bylaws, and
coordinating the supporting infrastructure (mailing lists and CVS).
The logistics of the announcement was also being worked on.
C. Apache Server PMC [BenH]
Tabled, since Ben Hyde could not attend.
6. Special Orders
A. Adopting the contributor license agreement.
A proposed contributor license agreement was discussed.
Brian made a motion to modify clause 4 of the proposed
contributor license agreement to read as follows:
4. You represent that, except as disclosed in your Contribution
submission(s), each of your Contributions is your original
creation. You represent that your Contribution submission(s)
include complete details of any license or other restriction
(including, but not limited to, related patents and trademarks)
associated with any part of your Contribution(s) (including a copy
of any applicable license agreement). You agree to notify the
Foundation of any facts or circumstances of which you become
aware and which would make Your representations in this Agreement
inaccurate in any respect.
This motion was passed by the following vote:
Yes: Roy, Brian, Dirk, Ken, Jim, Ben Laurie
No: Sameer
Absent: Randy
A vote was then called to approve R1 as amended above and the
following resolution was approved by unanimous consent.
WHEREAS, Project Management Committees within The Apache Software
Foundation have an immediate need for an approved text to be used as
a Contributor License Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Contributor License Agreement
attached hereto as Exhibit A may be used by all Project Management
Committees within The Apache Software Foundation.
B. Modifications to Trademark Assignment agreement
Tabled due to time considerations
7. Unfinished Business
A) Initial Foundation Budget
Tabled due to time considerations
B) Project Management Committees
1) should the PMC report directly to the board
2) should the PMC consist entirely of ASF members
3) should the PMC chairperson be an ASF member
4) should the PMC composition be set by the board or delegated
to the project after the initial PMC creation
5) should the appointment of the PMC chairperson be restricted to
candidates proposed by the project
Tabled due to time considerations
8. New Business
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 12:33pm.
Exhibit A: Contributor License Agreement
The Apache Software Foundation
Contributor License Agreement
Thank you for your interest in The Apache Software Foundation (the
"Foundation"). In order to clarify the intellectual property license
granted with contributions of software from any person or entity
(the "Contributor"), the Foundation would like to have a Contributor
License Agreement on file that has been signed by the Contributor,
indicating agreement to the license terms below. This license is for
your protection as a Contributor of software to the Foundation and does
not change your right to use your own contributions for any other purpose.
If you have not already done so, please complete this Agreement
and send it by facsimile to the Foundation at +1-410-803-2258, or send a
photocopy by regular mail to The Apache Software Foundation,
1901 Munsey Drive, Forest Hill, MD 21050-2747, U.S.A. Please read this
document carefully before signing and keep the original for your records.
name: ___________________________
Address:___________________________ Telephone: ___________________
___________________________ Facsimile: ___________________
Country:___________________________ E-Mail: ___________________
I hereby accept the following terms and conditions:
1. Your "Contributions" means all of your past, present and future
contributions of object code, source code and documentation to the
Foundation, however submitted to the Foundation.
2. You hereby grant to the Foundation a non-exclusive, irrevocable,
worldwide, no-charge, transferable copyright license to use,
execute, prepare derivative works of, and distribute (internally
and externally, in object code and, if included in your
Contributions, source code form) your Contributions.
3. You represent that you are legally entitled to grant the above
license. If your employer(s) have rights to intellectual property
that you create, you represent that you have received permission
to make the Contributions on behalf of that employer, or that your
employer has waived such rights for your Contributions to the
4. You represent that, except as disclosed in your Contribution
submission(s), each of your Contributions is your original
creation. You represent that your Contribution submission(s)
include complete details of any license or other restriction
(including, but not limited to, related patents and trademarks)
associated with any part of your Contribution(s) (including a copy
of any applicable license agreement). You agree to notify the
Foundation of any facts or circumstances of which you become
aware and which would make Your representations in this Agreement
inaccurate in any respect.
5. You are not expected to provide support for your Contributions,
except to the extent you desire to provide support. You may provide
support for free, for a fee, or not at all. Your Contributions are
provided AS-IS, without warranty of any kind (either express or
implied) including, without limitation, any implied warranty of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any
warranty of non-infringement.
Please sign: ________________________________ Date: _____________________