Links: 2001 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
21 March 2001
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 9:00am PST -0800. A quorum was recognized
at 9:06am and the meeting was called to order. The meeting was held by
teleconference hosted by Covalent (Randy Terbush):
2. Roll Call
At roll call, the following Directors were present:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar
Roy T. Fielding
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie
Randy Terbush
At roll call, the following Directors were present:
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Rasmus Lerdorf
Doug MacEachern
At roll call, the following Guests were present:
Sam Ruby, V.P., Jakarta
The following Directors arrived late:
Dirk-Willem van Gulik (9:09am)
Rasmus Lerdorf (???)
3. Minutes from the meeting of 21 Feb 2001
The minutes from the meeting of 21 Feb 2001 were approved by consent.
See <
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Brian reported on his continued efforts in supporting the
ASF infrastructure. This includes the '.org' web site, members
email and user/contributor accounts. On a personal note, Brian
informed the board of his continued discussions with Richard
Stallman regarding the Apache License and the GPL.
B. Treasurer [Randy]
Randy reported a current balance of $118,706.51 in the ASF account.
A detailed balance sheet, in PDF format, is available in CVS. The
ASF is current at the end of the fiscal year, and thus we will
incur accounting costs due to that close-out.
Randy also (re-)reported that the ASF had obtained official 501c(3)
status "in consideration." There was some discussion on whether this
could be applied ("grandfathered") to contributions made in the past.
Since our status will only take effect our next fiscal year, it
appears that this is not the case. There was additional discussion
on updating the ASF site to reflect the news of our 501c(3) status.
There was also discussion on possibly implementing something similar
to what the Python Software Foundation (correct name??) has with
"Corporate Supporter Fees." In this setup, the donation fee structure
is clearly defined.
Randy also noted that because of the problems the ASF has been
having in trying to obtain a merchant account with Well Fargo,
he is recommending we search for a new merchant account vendor.
C. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that he has been matching the current list of ASF members
with their signed ASF forms. In particular, the first priority is to
ensure that all ASF members have a signed ASF Membership Application
on file. The online 'members.txt' file will contain the list of forms
onfile for each member.
Jim reported that he has sent out to all ASF members (and will send
an additional reminder) regarding the annual members meeting, and
the 2 elections/votes being held at the meeting. He is reminding
members that if they cannot attend, that they can, and should,
select a proxy.
5. Committee Reports
A. Conference Planning [Ken]
Ken reported that the initial attendee numbers for ApacheCon 2001
are low, on the order of around 124 paid attendees and 314 "expo
only." The reality is that this show will most likely be noticably
smaller than either the AC2K or AC2K-Euro shows.
Ken also reported that there appears to be a conflict between the
ApacheCon 2001-Euro show (scheduled for Dublin, Oct 14-16) and
O'Reilly's Open Source Conference in London. The Conference
Committee is working with Camelot Communications and O'Reilly
to obtain a solution.
Discussion was held on how we should handle the cases where the
ASF "should" pay for members' travel and expenses to ApacheCon.
It was debated on whether the ConCom should have a budget to be
used for such expenses or whether it should be an actual expense
of the Conference itself (and thus handled by Camelot). Dirk and
Jim offered to consider the problem and offer to the board solutions.
Ken reported the ConCom's desire to sign Camelot to a longer-term
contract, on the order of 3 years or so. The board agreed that the
ConCom should investigate and pursue this option.
B. Jakarta Project [Sam Ruby]
Sam reported that the first meeting of the "revamped" PMC was
held on IRC on March 19. Full IRC notes can be found on:
Sam further reported the addition of 7 new "members" of the
project, and the departure of 2.
C. XML Project [Dirk]
Dirk reported that the XML project still has no chairman
and no charter. There was a recent election of the new PMC
(Jim and BenL "officiated" the election and tallied the votes)
and Dirk expressed concern of a voter turn-out of less than 50%.
Dirk reported that one item that the voting process brought to
light was the serious need to "scrub" the member and committer
lists for the project.
6. Special Orders
A. Allocation of $2500 for Batik press announcement
ZOTGroup has requested $2500 to offset the costs related to the
press release for Batik 1.0.
This was approved by consent.
B. Covalent request for permission to use Apache name
See foundation/Licenses/Covalent-PB.txt
This request has been granted. The board recognizes that Jim
has sent the required authorization to Covalent.
C. Tripwire request for permission to use Apache name
Tripwire has requested written approval to use the Apache name
in a new product implemented as a plugin module for the Apache
HTTP server. The name would be
"Tripwire for web pages, Apache edition, powered by Covalent"
This request has been granted. The ASF will await the formal written
request to be received, at which point Jim will sign and return.
D. Discussion of things we need to do to advertize 501(c)(3) status
This was already discussed during the Treasurer's report, item 4B.
E. Amending the bylaws to prevent a situation where more than half
of the board of directors consisted of employees/owners of the
same company.
It was agreed that this would be discussed both on-list and at the
members meeting.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Reestablishing the Jakarta PMC
=========== R1: Sam Ruby [w/Roy's edits] ============
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
and maintenance of commercial-quality, open-source, server-side
software solutions for the Java Platform, for distribution at no
charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Project Management
Committee known as the "Jakarta Project Management Committee",
be and hereby is reestablished pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Jakarta Project Management Committee be and
hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
commercial-quality, open-source, server-side solutions for the Java
Platform based on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it
RESOLVED, that the person holding the office of "Vice President,
Jakarta" shall continue to serve at the direction of the Board of
Directors as the chairman of the Jakarta Project Management
Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
projects within the scope of responsibility of the Jakarta Project
Management Committee; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
are appointed to serve as members of the Jakarta Project Management
James Duncan Davidson <>
Peter Donald <>
Pier Paolo Fumagalli <>
Diane Holt <>
Ted Husted <>
Ceki Gülcü <>
Geir Magnusson Jr. <>
Craig McClanahan <>
Sam Ruby <>
Daniel F. Savarese <>
Jon Stevens <>
Jason van Zyl <>
Resolution R1 passes by unanimous consent.
B. Reestablishing the XML PMC
=========== R2: Roy/Dirk ============
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
and maintenance of commercial-quality open-source software related
to XML, for distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Project Management
Committee known as the "XML Project Management Committee",
be and hereby is reestablished pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the XML Project Management Committee be and
hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
commercial-quality open-source software related to XML, based
on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the person holding the office of "Vice President,
XML" shall continue to serve at the direction of the Board of
Directors as the chairman of the XML Project Management
Committee, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
projects within the scope of responsibility of the XML Project
Management Committee; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby
are appointed to serve as members of the XML Project Management
Scott Boag
Ted Leung
Sam Ruby
Davanum Srinivas
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
With the modification of the addition of a comma (",") 3rd paragraph,
3rd line, after the words "related to XML", Resolution R2 passes by
unanimous consent.
C. Status of relationship with Cooley Godward LLP
C1. Agreement and contact info
C2. Plan for registering Apache trademarks
C3. Plan for engagement regarding ASF license revision
C4. Plan for engagement regarding employee agreements
Regarding the ASF relationship with Cooley Godward LLP, it was
discussed and agreed that the board needs to give serious consideration
on how to best utilize and control the "use" of their services. One
method would be to have a single "point of contact" at the ASF that
interacts directing with CG LLP, and that CG LLP would only accept
"work" through that contact.
Randy agreed to continue to work the issues with item C2 (trademarks)
whereas Ken agreed to work the issues regarding item C3 (ASF license).
Randy is to "post" a list of CG LLP contacts to the ASF board.
8. New Business
There was no new business.
9. Announcements
There were no announcements.
10. Adjournment
The meeting was scheduled to adjourn by 10:30am PST -0800. The actual
adjournment time was 10:38am.
End of minutes