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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
18 April 2001
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 9:00am PST -0800. A quorum was
recognized at 9:08am and the meeting commenced. The meeting was held
by teleconference hosted by Covalent (Randy Terbush):
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Ken Coar
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Jim Jagielski
Greg Stein
Bill Stoddard
Randy Terbush
Directors Absent:
Brian Behlendorf
Roy T. Fielding
Ben Laurie
3. Minutes from the meeting of 21 Mar 2001
See <>.
Not all directors had read the minutes; the minutes of the meeting of
21 Mar. 2001 were not approved at this time.
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Brian was not available and so the President report was tabled.
B. Treasurer [Randy]
Randy reported no changes since the last meeting.
C. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that work has been continuing on matching all
ASF members with signed CLAs.
5. Committee Reports
A. Conference Planning [Ken]
Ken reported on the preliminary results of ApacheCon 2001. Early
numbers indicate that the show did at least break-even. Ken
reminded the board of the conflict of the Dublin-based ApacheCon
2001 European show with the O'Reilly Open Source Conference
scheduled for the following week in London. Jim reported on the
meeting between members of the planning committee, Camelot
and the O'Reilly conference planners while at ApacheCon. During
the meeting, the ASF planners were given the opportunity to
"re-craft" the conference topics for the O'Reilly conference,
to avoid as much as possible the conflict between the ApacheCon
topics; the O'Reilly show was heavily web-services based. A
mutually agreeable charter was determined. It was also agreed
that O'Reilly would present to planners their final conference/
session lineup, at which point, if it was agreed to by all
parties, cross-promotion and other mutually benefical arrangement
would be considered.
There was some discussion at this time regarding the fact that the
Zot Group, which had been performing PR work for the ASF was "going
away" and, in fact, 2 members of Zot were hired by Camelot to expand
their PR and Marketing capabilities. Because of the already existing
relationship between the ASF and Camelot, it was agreed that the ASF
should consider making Camelot the prime PR firm for the ASF. It
was further agreed that Ken and Jim would contact Camelot to
arrange for a RFP from Camelot to address this opportunity. Final
decisions would be based after the ASF received the proposal and
quote from Camelot.
Ken further reported that the ConCom is seeking a 3 year term
with Camelot, subject to our conditions and qualifications.
6. Special Orders
Dirk reported no addition work or effort had been done on the
XML list.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
A. Discussion of suitability and next steps with proposed "License 1.2".
There was extensive discussion regarding the proposed "License 1.2"
designed to specifically address the misconception that the Apache
License is incompatible with the GPL. Some points raised were:
1. We should not adjust our License to work around the
deficiencies of other licenses.
2. The general consensus is that there is no conflict.
3. That up to now, the ASF has been silent on this issue,
which has allowed for more vocal "opinions" to sway
people. It is most likely in the ASF's best interest,
as well as the board's obligation, to become an educational
resource to the public regarding some basic facts about our
It was agreed that the Licensing subproject would seriously
discuss and work these concerns.
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:19am.
End of minutes