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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
15 August 2001
1. Call to order
The meeting was held via on-line IRC ( #apacheboard)
and called to order at 10:14am PDT -0700 on 15 August 2001.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar (joined after item 4)
Roy T. Fielding
Dirk-Willem van Gulik (joined after item 5)
Ben Laurie
Greg Stein
Bill Stoddard
Directors Absent:
Jim Jagielski
Randy Terbush
Guests: none
3. Minutes from the meetings of 21 Mar 2001, 18 Apr 2001 and 18 Jul 2001
The board meeting minutes for 21 Mar 2001 were approved by unanimous
vote of the directors present [Roy, Brian, Bill, Greg, Ben].
The board meeting minutes for 18 Apr 2001 were approved by unanimous
vote of the directors present [Roy, Brian, Bill, Greg, Ben].
The board meeting minutes for 18 Jul 2001 were approved by unanimous
vote of the directors present [Roy, Brian, Bill, Greg, Ben].
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Brian reported that, operationally, things seem to be much smoother now
that CVS has been moved to a dedicated box. He plans to move mail to a
dedicated box in the future, though will probably wait until after
moving both boxes to a new colo facility, abovenet in SF,
where we will be (not immediately, but before Oct 1st) multihomed with
Brian still has on his "to do list" the item of restarting communication
with Richard Stallman w/r/t GPL/ASL compatibility. He has also received
a couple queries now about whether the ASF wants to be involved in a
.Net and Hailstorm-competitive effort.
5. Committee Reports
A. Conference Planning [Ken]
Ken received a detailed breakdown of the outstanding speaker payments:
Airfare: US $ 2538.76
Hotel/meals: US $ 6075.76
Misc travel: US $ 366.50
Fees for notes: US $ 2500.00
Speaking fees: US $ 3700.00
Total US $15181.02
In terms of the RFP for future conferences, the ConCom voted to extend
the deadline; the new deadline is 24 August 2001.
6. Special Orders
A) ApacheCon speaker payments from Santa Clara ApacheCon 2001
The board discussed Ken Coar's proposal that the ASF pay all speaker
payments, including non-expense fees. Although it was believed that
$10,000 was budgeted for the payment of expenses at the last meeting,
the minutes failed to show it as a decision of the Board. There was
extensive discussion regarding whether it is possible for us to pay
speaking fees given that their contract was with Camelot, not the ASF,
and whether doing so would destroy the separation of accounts between
the ApacheCon conference operations and those of the ASF (something
we were very careful to preserve in the contract with Camelot), as well
as what we would have to do in regards to tax obligations.
A proposal was made to formalize the decision regarding payment of
speaker expenses. The following resolution was approved by unanimous
vote of all directors present [Brian, Ken, Roy, Dirk, Ben, Greg, Bill]:
RESOLVED, that $10,000 be allocated as a budget for reimbursement
of speaker and ASF Conference Planning Committee expenses that were
left unpaid by Camelot, such budget to be managed by the
Conference Planning Committee.
The Board requests that, when communicating our reimbursement of expenses,
that the ConCom ask speakers to contact us if they feel that not paying
their speaking fees would present a hardship.
At this point, Brian Behlendorf, Bill Stoddard and Ben Laurie had to
leave the meeting for separate reasons. Due to lack of quorum, the
remainder of the agenda was tabled.
B) Red Hat request for use of "for Apache" and "powered by Apache"
Red Hat would like to obtain formal written permission from the
Apache Software Foundation to include the phrase "for Apache" to
describe Apache plug-in modules distributed by Red Hat and the phrase
"powered by Apache" to be used in association with products based on
Apache and distributed by Red Hat. Since this is consistent with prior
board decisions, Roy will communicate the formal permission.
C) Contributor logos
Tabled due to lack of quorum.
7. Unfinished Business
A) ASF virtual office
Tabled due to lack of quorum.
8. New Business
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00am PDT -0700.