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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
17 October 2001
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am PDT -0700. The meeting was held by
teleconference hosted by IBM.
At 10:10am, a quorum was recognized by the chair and roll was called.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar
Roy T. Fielding
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie (arrived 10:23am)
Bill Stoddard
Directors (expected to be) Absent:
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Greg Stein
Randy Terbush
Drew Wright, Lawyer with IBM, attended at 10:30am
3. Minutes from the meeting of 15 Aug 2001
By unanimous consent, board_minutes_2001_08_15.txt in board were approved.
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Brian reported that the infrastructure transitions have been going
smoothly, although email is a bit slower than other services. Brian
also reported on the move of the servers from Exodus to AboveNet in
San Francisco. Additional connectivity is being implemented via
InterNap, although it is not yet completed. Some routing problems
have been encountered while the InterNap link is being added.
Brian also reported on the ASF Membership in Project Liberty,
but that there was no additional status over and above the
membership announcement. Brian also reported that there was no
further status on the "no pay" W3C membership item.
B. Treasurer [Randy]
No report due to Randy's absence.
C. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that, due to the amount of "strange" mail that
the ASF receives, especially from non-US locations, he is
taking normal precautions with mail. Jim reported that when
a signed Contributor License Agreement is received, it is
mentioned on the members mailing list, unless Jim was given a
"head's up" to expect it from a PMC. It was also noted that
up to now, the ASF has not been active in requiring signed
CLAs from all committers. Jim will be sending email to all
those with commit access reminding them that it is required.
5. Committee Reports
A. Conference Planning [Ken]
Ken reported that Security Travel has been selected as the
conference organizers for ApacheCon. The next show will most
likely be held in Las Vegas in the summer of 2002, with the
European show 6-9 months past that. The ConCom is looking into
Security's "recommendation" of possibly making Las Vegas the
normal location of the US ApacheCons. Ken also mentioned that
he has been approaching the speakers who have not been paid
for the previous ApacheCon, due to Camelot Communication's
bankruptcy, and is organizing their reimbursement.
6. Special Orders
A) Request from IBM to make a BSF project within Jakarta. [Bill]
Bill had posted to the members mailing list a revised license
that covered both contributors to and end users of ASF software.
The proposed license, and the comments to it, were discussed. Of
particular interest was in the phrasing to ensure that the agreement
would also apply to those that did the actual work and not just the
person or entity that donated the work. Bill will work with Drew to
address the concerns and suggestions offered on the member's list
and in this meeting.
7. Unfinished Business
A) ASF virtual office
Roy wants to be able to distribute access to the ASF corporate records
and business accounts, including basic things like a shipping account
and a teleconferencing account. We need to have a low-barrier access
to setting up organizational meetings, whether that be in the form of
on-line access to the office or designating a specific office person
who will be responsible for setting these things up for us [responsible
as in they can place orders and coordinate minor things without having
to jump through hoops].
It was agreed that Roy will investigate this via a contact in Oracle,
regarding their Oracle Small Business offering:
B) Contributor logos
It was discussed that some sort of "Apache contributor" or "Apache
sponsor" logo would be an easy way to improve recognition for the
companies that pay salaries or donate money to Apache projects. Having
tiers of such sponsorship was also discussed, as was the control
issue, and having corresponding information on for
those logos. Roy will post an announcement about this mini-project
on the members mailing list.
C) ASF License
The board discussed various issues regarding copyright and patents
and the work of the licensing committee. Several groups want the ASF
to address contribution and use of patented software in contributors
agreement and/or copyright license, while others wish the ASF would
solve the FSF's claim of our license's incompatibility with the GPL.
We have a set of goals in foundation/Licenses, but no sense of
direction or ownership. Ben Laurie volunteered to head this effort.
8. New Business
None announced or discussed.
9. Announcements
Brian reported that he has assumed the role of V.P. of Engineering
at CollabNet.
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55am PDT -0700.