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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
16 January 2002
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am PST -0800. At 10:19 a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held by teleconference
hosted by Covalent.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present At Roll (or soon thereafter):
Brian Behlendorf (10:26am)
Ken Coar
Roy T. Fielding
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Bill Stoddard
Randy Terbush
Jason Hunter
Chuck Murcko
Sam Ruby
3. Minutes from the meeting of 28 Nov 2001 were approved via unanimous
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Brian had no news to report.
B. Treasurer [Randy]
Absent, hence no report.
C. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that he was collecting the 2nd round of data from
ASF committers and members, with the intent of populating a
MySQL database with the info for our internal and public use.
The data is required so that the ASF can have a complete and
comprehensive list of all those working on the various projects.
5. Committee Reports
A. Conference Planning [Ken]
Ken reported that there has been very little discussion with
Security Travel over the last few months regarding the ApacheCon
events. It has only been in the last weeks that discussion has
re-started, with the items for discussion being posted on the ConCom
list. A summer event in Las Vegas is still baselined for this year.
6. Special Orders
A) Conference supplies
Ken requested a budget for the ConCom for purchasing wireless
network equipment for use at ASF meetings and ApacheCon. The general
consensus was that at least 4 units would be needed. Rasmus Lerdorf
had indicated offline that he had obtained at least 2 units that he
could "hold" for the ASF. By unanimous vote, the board authorized a
budget of $1,000 (US) to the ConCom to purchase wireless equipment for
the above specified purposes.
B) Trademarks
Ken requested formal approval for reimbursement on potential
expenses related to registering the Apache name and feather
as trademarks. By unanimous vote, Ken was tasked to obtain
the required trademarks, as previously discussed as being
the 2 trademarks in 4 classes, on behalf of the ASF, and, as
such, reimbursement was authorized.
C) Java Community Process
Sun has not made visible progress towards making the JCP specs
acceptable to open source implementations. There was much discussion
among the board and guests on whether it would be best to discountinue
association with an organization that generates closed standards, or
if it would be possible to create a plan to convince them to open
the JCP specs. In addition to the ASF's mission of open standards,
there is also the restriction the ASF faces that our efforts in the
Java specification environment can be perceived as benefiting a
sole organization. The general consensus was that the team should
work on a Position Paper, creating a statement on what is wrong with
the current specifications/JSR. In addition, by unanimous vote, the
board authorized a budget of $6,000 (US) to Jason Hunter in order to
obtain legal advice, information and feedback on the current JSPA and
other ASF-related interests in this matter.
7. Unfinished Business
A. ASF License 2.0
Roy has made some changes to his suggested License, and received
some additional feedback from Drew. Further discussion will be held
at the next meeting.
8. New Business
Sam Ruby reported that the Jakarta PMC Chair election is due soon. Sam
also reported that the Jakarta PMC will also hold a renewal of all
members in the PMC.
Roy reported his intent to have each ASF project submit status
updates to the board at the monthly board meetings, on an ongoing
rotating basis.
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
The meeting was scheduled to adjourn by 11:00am PST -0800,
and was actually adjourned at 11:19am PST -0800.
End of minutes for the 16 Jan 2002 board meeting.