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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
21 August 2002
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am PDT -0700. A sufficient attendance
to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman at 10:08am. The
meeting was held by teleconference hosted by Jim Jagielski (Covalent):
2. Roll Call
Directors Present at Roll Call:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar
Roy T. Fielding
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie
Greg Stein
Randy Terbush
Directors Absent:
Sam Ruby
3. Minutes from the meeting of 17 July 2002
By general consent, the board minutes detailed in
board_minutes_2002_07_17.txt were approved.
4. Officer Reports
A. President [Brian]
Brian reported that he is investigating options to reduce the
bandwidth requirements of the ASF web sites. At present, we are
reaching around 4 million hits per day. Brian is also concerned about
and working the disk storage issues mentioned at the last board
meeting. Brian noted that mirroring would be a help to alleviate
some of the problems, but not all of them.
B. Treasurer [Randy]
Randy reported that he was in the process of ordering 'Quickbooks'
to provide better access to ASF fiscal records. Randy also noted
that the ASF received a $1000(US) Usenix award check. Randy
also reported that there were 2 outgoing payments: $775(US) for
ASF taxes and $250 to CSC for our annual corporate fee.
C. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that he has received via postal mail a personal
donation check, which will be forwarded to Randy. Jim also reported
that as of the meeting, he had not received the signed JSP agreement
from Jason Hunter. Jim and Roy will follow-up with Jason.
5. Committee Reports
A. Conference Planning [Ken]
Ken reported that the planning and organization for ApacheCon 2002
is slowly progressing. This resulted in a discussion regarding the
performance of Security Travel and possible future directions. Ken
also reported that the conference committee was investigating
possible "cross-pollination" between ApacheCon and COMDEX.
B. Fund-raising [Randy]
Randy had nothing to report, other than nothing really had been done
on this effort as of this meeting.
6. Special Orders
A. Request for use of feather mark from Bradford Learning / Covalent
Brian Beck (Bradford Learning) and Jim Harter (Covalent) are
seeking permission to use the Apache feather logo for Web-based
training courses on Apache 2.0. The logo appears in similar fashion
and location in each module throughout the course. Bradford Learning
and Covalent Systems are co-developers of this course. The usage is
in a Flash graphic, with
being a typical example (use the pre-filled login).
By unanimous vote, this request was approved. Dirk volunteered
to be the contact point for this request. It was suggested that
Dirk inquire on the feasibility of Bradford Learning actually
donating the graphic to the ASF.
7. Unfinished Business
A. Election of Officers
1) Chairman
nominees: Roy Fielding, Greg Stein
By majority vote, Greg Stein was elected as Chairmain.
2) President
nominees: Brian Behlendorf, Dirk-Willem van Gulik
By majority vote, Dirk-Willem van Gulik was elected as President.
3) Treasurer
nominees: Ken Coar, Randy Terbush
By majority vote, Randy Terbush was (re)elected as Treasurer.
4) Exec. V.P. and Secretary
nominees: Jim Jagielski
By unanimous vote, Jim Jagielski was (re)elected as Exec. V.P./
Therefore, the new officers for the ASF consist of:
Greg Stein: Chairman
Dirk-Willem van Gulik: President
Randy Terbush: Treasurer
Jim Jagielski: Exec. V.P./Secretary
Randy volunteered to investigate the procedure required to provide
the new officers with signatory authority on the ASF bank account.
Jim volunteered to investigate the procedure required to inform
CSC of the change in officers.
B) STV instead of FPP for members meeting votes
Executive summary: each voter lists all the people they want to see
elected in order of preference. Excess votes for people who have
already reached their quota (i.e. enough votes to ensure election)
and also for the candidate with the least votes are redistributed
to lower-numbered choices. Process is repeated until the required
number are elected. See:
There was much discussion over the relative "fairness" of STV over
FPP, and whether such a chance would require approval from the
members as well as a change in the bylaws. It was pointed out that
the present voting scheme could be interpreted as not completely
within the scope of the bylaws itself. The general consensus was that
STV was most likely the correct scheme to be used and the board
voted unanimously to proceed with the use of STV. Ben Laurie
volunteered to further investigate the impact of switching to STV.
C) PeerMetrics proposal for a project based on Rabbit (P2P)
Message-Id: <20020528165522.F18518@Lithium.MeepZor.Com>
forwarded from May 22, "Tim Motika" <>
Ken volunteered to provide further information regarding this
business as required, as well as follow-up on the proposal.
8. New Business
Brian proposed that the board to approve a budget for the purchase
of a disk array to increase capacity for the collabnet-hosted machines. The purpose would be to provide additional
storage and to serve as a backup solution as an alternative to a
tape drive solution. The board voted unanimously to approve a budget,
not to exceed $8000, for such a purchase.
9. Announcements
There were no announcements.
10. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 11:30am PDT -0700, the meeting actually adjorned
at 11:25am.
End of minutes for the 21 Aug 2002 board meeting.