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                    The Apache Software Foundation

              Board of Directors Interim Meeting Agenda

                           October 30, 2002

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00am PDT -0800 and began when a
    a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the
    chairman at 10:32.  The meeting was held by teleconference
    hosted by Bill Stoddard (IBM).

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Roy T. Fielding
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Bill Stoddard

    Directors Absent:

        Jim Jagielski
        Ben Laurie
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik


        Chuck Murcko

3. Officer Reports
    A. Assistant Treasurer Report [Chuck]

       Chuck reported that the ASF's checking account is located at a
       bank in Lincoln, NE, making interaction with the bank somewhat
       difficult. The bank had also undergone a merger and was missing
       some of the paperwork. Randy Terbush is the only person with
       signatory authority that has complete data on file. Further,
       the checking account has an interest rate of only 0.05%.
       Rather than attempting to reconstruct the missing paperwork,
       Chuck queried the Board about setting up a new account in
       Sedona, AZ, with the proper signatory authority, then having
       Randy transfer the ASF funds. The Board stated approval and
       suggested that the President [Dirk], Executive Vice President
       [Jim], and Assistant Treasurer [Chuck] have signing
       authority. Chuck stated that he would work to make that happen.
       Chuck also noted that he had received ASF paperwork from Randy,
       and from Ryan Lindsay at Covalent.

4. Special Orders

    A. ASF Bylaws Change

       Ken Coar proposed to alter the bylaws to move the membership
       application deadline to after the membership election. The
       following resolution was proposed:

          WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
          interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
          Foundation's purpose to make the nomination and election of
          new members more efficient,

          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bylaws of the
          Corporation be amended as follows, completely replacing the
          existing text of Section 4.1:

           Section 4.1. Admission of Members. To be eligible for
           membership, a person or entity must be nominated by a
           current member of the corporation and must complete a
           written membership application in such form as shall be
           adopted by the Board of Directors from time to time. The
           nomination and content of the membership application must
           be included in a notice to the members, if any, of the
           corporation at least ten (10) days prior to any vote on the
           applicant's admission, which notice may be by electronic
           means. The initial members of the corporation shall be
           admitted upon the affirmative vote of the Board of
           Directors of the Corporation at the initial meeting of the
           Board of Directors.  Thereafter, members of the corporation
           shall be admitted as members of the corporation only by a
           majority vote of the existing members of the corporation.

          with the new text:

           Section 4.1. Admission of Members. To be eligible for
           membership, a person or entity must be nominated by a
           current member of the corporation and must complete a
           written membership application in such form as shall be
           adopted by the Board of Directors from time to time. The
           nomination must be included in a notice to the members, if
           any, of the corporation at least ten (10) days prior to any
           vote on the applicant's admission, which notice may be by
           electronic means. The initial members of the corporation
           shall be admitted upon the affirmative vote of the Board of
           Directors of the Corporation at the initial meeting of the
           Board of Directors.  Thereafter, members of the corporation
           shall be admitted as members of the corporation only by a
           majority vote of the existing members of the corporation,
           and after receipt by the Secretary of a membership
           application completed by each such proposed member within
           thirty (30) days following the vote.

          and be it further

          RESOLVED, that this change to the bylaws shall become
          effective as of midnight GMT on Friday, 15 November 2002,
          and be it further

          RESOLVED, that this change to the bylaws shall be made known
          to the membership of the corporation by electronic mail to
          the members list by midnight GMT on Thursday, 31 October

       The discussion was relatively brief, noting that the change is
       to prevent the occurrence of a nominee filling out paperwork
       only to be later rejected for membership. It was mentioned that
       the stance becomes an invitation for membership from the ASF
       rather than an application for membership from a nominee, and
       also that this happens to be the first Bylaws change since the
       inception of the ASF.

       By unanimous vote, the above resolution passed.

    B. Establish an infrastructure board committee.

       The following resolution was proposed:

          WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
          interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
          Foundation's purpose to establish an ASF Board Committee
          charged with maintaining the general computing
          infrastructure of the ASF.

          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Board Committee,
          to be known as the "Apache Infrastructure Team", be and
          hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
          and be it further

          RESOLVED, that the Apache Infrastructure Team be and hereby
          is responsible for creating and upholding the computing
          policy for the Foundation; and be it further

          RESOLVED, that the Apache Infrastructure Team is charged
          with managing and maintaining the infrastructure resources
          of the Foundation; and be it further

          RESOLVED, that the Apache Infrastructure Team is charged
          with accepting infrastructure resource donations to the
          Foundation; and be it further

          RESOLVED, that the Apache Infrastructure Team is responsible
          for handling communication and coordination in relation to
          infrastructural issues; and be it further

          RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
          hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
          Apache Infrastructure Team:

            Brian Behlendorf (chair)
            Justin Erenkrantz
            Pier Paolo Fumagalli
            Ask Bjoern Hansen
            Aram Mirzadeh
            Steven Noels
            David Reid
            Sander Striker

       Discussion on this resolution focused around the need for such
       a Board Committee. Roy Fielding noted that such a committee
       might be best handled as a President's Committee since the
       President, rather than the Board, is in charge of operational
       aspects of the ASF. It was further discussed that such a team
       would be a good idea to create a focal point for long term
       initiatives, as a content point, and to create a sense of
       empowerment for the people interested in the technical
       infrastructure of the ASF.

       By general consent, this resolution was tabled, with a
       recommendation to the President to establish a President's
       Committee with the same goals and responsibilities.

5. Unfinished Business

    A. Sam Ruby was asked about his discussions with the PHP Group. He
       reported that he has been busy with other ASF activities, so
       he has not made any progress on this item yet.

6. New Business


7. Announcements


8. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 10:30 PDT -0800. The meeting was actually
    adjourned at 11:10am PST -0800.

End of agenda for the 30 Oct 2002 board meeting.
