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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

                           January 22, 2003

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10am PDT -0800 and was begun when
    a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized
    by the chairman at 10:10am.  The meeting was held by
    teleconference hosted by Jim Jagielski (Covalent):
    IRC #apacheboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Roy T. Fielding (arrived at 11:02am)
        Jim Jagielski
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Bill Stoddard

    Directors Absent:

        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Ben Laurie


        Chuck Murcko
        Davanum Srinivas

3. Minutes and supplements from previous meetings
    A. The meeting of December 18, 2002

       See board_minutes_2002_12_18.txt in board.
       These minutes were not approved at this time since not all directors
       had read and reviewed them.
4. Officer Reports
    A. Chairman [Greg]
       Greg reported on the refactoring of the XML Project and was mostly
       pleased with the current status of most of the ASF projects.
    B. President [Dirk]
       No report.
    C. Treasurer [Chuck]
       Chuck had nothing to report.
    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
       Jim reported that the ASF office had received some signed
       CLAs and License Assignments, mostly for the Jakarta
       subprojects.  These were noted to the subprojects as a matter
       of course.  Jim also reported that the POP3 Protocol module,
       which was developed by Ryan Bloom and a version of which is
       currently under CVS, is, in fact, covered under the Apache
       License.  There was some discussion of whether this was the

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache DB Project [Jason van Zyl]

       See Attachment A. By general consent, this report was
       recorded as entered and approved.

    B. Apache TCL Project [David Welton]

       See Attachment B. By general consent, this report was
       recorded as entered and approved.

    C. Conference Planning [Ken Coar]

       Ken reported on the growing frustration with Security Travel.
       Feedback on the conference itself has been favorable, yet
       Security's responsiveness on post-conference details has been
       less than acceptable at times.  Preliminary results indicate
       that ApacheCon 2002 may not show a profit.

    D. Security Team [Ben Laurie]

       See Attachment D. By general consent, this report was
       recorded as entered and approved.

    E. Ant Project [Conor MacNeill]

       See Attachment E. By general consent, this report was
       recorded as entered and approved.
       Discussed at this phase was the growing need for a universal
       set of Bylaws, or at least a boilerplate Bylaw that all
       projects and subprojects could use.  There was
       also some discussion regarding the use of 'authortags' in
       codebases and whether it was useful, beneficial, harmless
       or harmful.

    F. Avalon Project [Nicola Ken Barozzi]

       See Attachment F. By general consent, this report was
       recorded as entered and approved.

6. Other Reports
    A. Sam Ruby -- discussions with the PHP Group
       Sam reported that the PHP group, in general, would favor
       a move to v2.0 of the Apache License.  However, a move
       to more fully follow normal ASF project considerations
       would be difficult.  PHP enjoys its own infrastructure,
       CVS policies and community, separate and distinct from
       the ASF.  It was further discussed whether it made sense
       for PHP to be considered a "sister project" to the ASF
       rather than a "real" ASF project.  The general consent
       was that was the most likely end result but that
       discussion would continue.

    B. Status update on Peter Donald's suspension.
       The board was brought up to date on Mr. Donald's suspension.
       A key point was his insistance on certain statements being
       made out of context or even completely fabricated yet "forbidding"
       the board and others from posting the Emails and discussions
       which would prove matters once and for all.

7. Special Orders

    A. Creation of the Apache Cocoon Project
       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the Apache Cocoon framework,
       for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Cocoon PMC", be and
       hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
       be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Cocoon PMC be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of the Cocoon
       framework and related software components, subject to a
       revised charter, based on software licensed to the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Cocoon" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
       at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache Cocoon PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache Cocoon PMC; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Cocoon PMC (in alphabetical order by lastname):

          Nicola Ken Barozzi (
          Marcus Crafter (
          David Crossley (
          Torsten Curdt (
          Bertrand Delacr<E9>taz (
          Vadim Gritsenko (
          Christian Haul (
          Bernhard Huber (
          Matthew Langham (
          Berin Loritsch (
          Stefano Mazzocchi (
          Michael Melhem (
          John Morrison (
          Steven Noels (
          Andrew C. Oliver (
          Giacomo Pati (
          Konstantin Piroumian (
          Ovidiu Predescu (
          Jeremy Quinn (
          Gianugo Rabellino (
          Peter Royal (
          Diana Shannon (
          Sylvain Wallez (
          Jeff Turner (
          Carsten Ziegeler (
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Stefano Mazzocchi
       be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President,
       Apache Cocoon, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Cocoon PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Cocoon Project.
       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Cocoon PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the migration and rationalization of the XML PMC
       Cocoon subproject; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the XML Cocoon
       sub-project and encumbered upon the XML PMC are hereafter

       By Unanimous Vote, the above Resolution Passes.

    B. Creation of the Apache James Project

       Please see the additional commentary provided in Attachment G.

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the Apache James E-Mail server
       and the Apache Mailet API, for distribution at no charge to the
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache James PMC", be and
       hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
       be it further
       RESOLVED, that the James PMC be and hereby is responsible for
       the creation and maintenance of software related to the Apache
       James Mail and News server, the Apache Mailet message
       processing API, and related software components based on
       software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache James" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
       at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache James PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache James PMC; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache James PMC:

          Serge Knystautas
          Danny Angus
          Peter Goldstein
          Noel Bergman
          Charles Bennet
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Serge Knystautas
       be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President,
       James, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
       of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
       until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it
       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache James PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       James Project; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache James PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Jakarta
       PMC James subproject; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Jakarta
       James sub-project and encumbered upon the Jakarta PMC are
       hereafter discharged.

       By Unanimous Vote, the above Resolution Passes.

    C. Creation of the Web Services Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to Web Services, for distribution 
       at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Web Services PMC", be and hereby
       is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it

       RESOLVED, that  the Web Services PMC is be and hereby is responsible 
       for software related to the provision and discovery of application 
       program interfaces made available via HTTP (and others like SMTP, 
       JMS) and whose requests and responses are usually formatted in 
       XML.  The technologies relevant here are those typically associated 
       with "Web Services" by the popular IT press, such as SOAP, XML-RPC, 
       UDDI, WSDL, and others. Based on software licensed to the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Web Services" be and
       hereby is created, the person(s) holding such office to serve at
       the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Web Services PMC, and to have primary responsibility for management
       of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the
       Web Services PMC; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Web Services PMC:

          David Chappell
          Glen Daniels
          Anthony Elder
          Jeremy Hughes
          Tom Jordahl
          Erwin van der Koogh
          Ted Leung
          Steve Loughran
          Christian Geuer-Pollmann
          Axl Mattheus
          Nirmal Mukhi
          Scott Nichol
          Daniel Rall
          Sam Ruby
          Alek Slominski
          James Snell
          Davanum Srinivas
          Sanjiva Weerawarana

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Davanum Srinivas
       be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, 
       Web Services, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction 
       of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, 
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a 
       successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Web Services PMC be and hereby is tasked
       with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
       development and increased participation in the Web Services Project;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Web Services PMC be and hereby is tasked
       with the migration and rationalization of the XML PMC
       Axis, SOAP, Security, and XML-RPC subprojects; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the XML Axis,
       Soap, Security, and XML-RPC sub-projects and encumbered upon
       the Web Services PMC are hereafter discharged.

       By a vote of 6 For and 1 Against, the above Resolution Passes.

8. Unfinished Business

9. New Business

10. Announcements

    The following new members were elected to the Jakarta PMC:

        Nicola Ken Barozzi
        Robert Burrel Donkin
        Stephen Colebourne
        Martin Cooper
        Henri Gomez
        John Keyes
        Larry Isaacs
        Otis Gospodnetic
        Thomas Mahler
        Remy Maucherat
        Glenn Nielsen
        Andrew C Oliver
        Rob Oxspring
        Martin Poeschl
        Scott Sanders
        David Sean Taylor
        Glen Stampoultzis
        Mladen Turk
        James Turner
        Henri Yandell

11. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 11:30 PDT -0800; adjourned at 11:56am.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache DB Project

As yet there is no site or charter for but I wanted to
assure the board that the desire to bring to fruition
hasn't waned. I know that all the the PMC members have been busy with
their projects and I would like some things to happen before the site
is launched.

I would like the site to be generated as changes are made to the
individual projects in as much an automated fashion as possible. I
want to be notified of exceptions: I don't want anyone to have to
manage this manually. I do not want to foist yet another disparate,
incoherent website on an unsuspecting crowd. I would like to be an example of what an OSS website can be. I also
don't want this process to consume my life, or anyone else's.

To this end, over the last while I've been working on Maven, Plexus,
Continuum and have hired Bob McWhirter to improve Drools and create
Werkflow: the only OSSPetrinet-based workflow engine that I'm aware
of. I'm using all these tools as part of my daytime work but slight
adjustments have been made here and there to accomodate things I would
like for I would like the site and infrastructure to be
manageable from day one.

If there were projects that were planned to be released for the first
time on then I would certainly be guilty of not pushing
hard enough to get the site, charter and infrastructure in order. But
none of the projects that are initially taking part are being dealt
any life threatening blows due to the non-existence of the site.

I would like the PMC to have the time to get the project together as
we see fit. I realize that the DB PMC has not made much progress on
the infrastructure side but none of us have been idle. I am trying to
make some tools I think will be valuable and genuinely help. Axion,
Torque, and OJB are also getting in a lot better shape to the point
where real releases could be made available when the site launches
which I think is a good thing.

I myself can't commit to a date for the launch (someone else may want
to) as this is purely volunteer and my day job takes precendence but I
think it holds true that each of the PMC members want to see this

If it is the case that we must have something by a date to satisfy the
board then I will not personally commit and will let someone else
commit and take over the chair position. I feel I would rather wait
and make something worthfile then procure something to satisfy an
artificial requirement. As I noted before, I don't think any harm is
being done by not launching. As an aside I'm curious as to the history
surrounding the nascent Jakarta and XML projects? Were there in fact
deadlines or was the time taken to get things in order properly?

If we need things like the charter then we could probably borrow one
from an existing project and ratify it in short order, but I would
still like to wait on the launch of the site.


[1] Maven:
[2] Plexus: A application container based on Avalon. Maven will eventually
    be a Plexus application.
[3] Continuum: A continuous integration tool using Plexus, Drools, and Werkflow
[4] Drools: OO-Rete based rules engine.
[5] Werkflow: Petrinet-based workflow engine using Drools.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache TCL Project

The Apache Tcl project continues to move along, slowly, but surely.

Most of the recent work has gone into Rivet and mod_dtcl.  Thanks to
Randy Stanard, we now have a new logo for Rivet, and soon we hope to
have one for Apache Tcl as a whole (which will probably be some
combination of the Tcl feather plus the Apache one).  Rivet is now
available as a download, and we are working towards stabilizing it,
especially on the windows platform, in order to do a real release.

NeoWebScript is heading for mothballing, sooner or later.  mod_dtcl
will also be phased out in favor of Rivet as the latter continues to
stabilize.  This will help bring down the number of codebases to a
more manageable three, instead of the current 5.

After voting on the idea of accepting projects that are not
necessarily related to C code that ties together the web server and
Tcl, we have begun looking for interesting candidates, although to
date we haven't started down this path with any codebases.  We are
trying to be very selective.  Some of the projects we have talked with
include tclhttpd, tclxml, and the people responsible for starkits (a
system for deploying a tcl/tk system in one file).

There are no outstanding legal issues or with people involved in the

Attachment C: Status report for the Conference Planning Committee

There is no Attachment C.

Attachment D: Status report for the Security Team

The security team now has its own mailing list
(, for discussion of team business and _not_
security issues. is still the primary contact for security issues,
which are then dispatched to the security list for the appropriate
(sub-)project. These are being set up on a piecemeal basis, as needed
for new security issues, and are of the form
<project>, security@<project> or
<subproject>-security@<project> This diversity is
regrettable, but needed in order to match the list to the correct
audience, without breaking intuitiveness of naming. is subscribed to _all_ these mailing lists, so the
core security team remain aware of developments.

So far these lists only exist for httpd and Tomcat, but this is
probably a good thing, so we can work out any wrinkles in the plan
without having to modify dozens of lists to conform.

There is also a CVS repository, security, which is used to (manually)
track the status of reports. It is currently proposed to break this
into subdirectories for each (sub-)project, with group access as
appropriate to the subdirectory (which I support, but has not yet had
time for discussion).

I've also unilaterally adopted a numbering scheme for tracking
reports, of the form AST-yyyymmdd(-nn), with no complaints yet heard.

Although it is early days, it seems clear that this system has already
resulted in two clear positive benefits:

a) issues are not getting (permanently) dropped on the floor

b) issues are being dispatched to the project teams and are no longer
   summarily dealt with by the security core team.

Attachment E: Status report for the Ant Project

o Ant 1.5.2

  Recent discussions on the dev list has settled that 1.5.2 will
  primarily address the Jar update bug. Once this has been fixed,
  1.5.2 will be released and will include all other bug fixes
  committed to that date. That will then be the final 1.5 release
  barring discovery of new urgent problems.

o Ant 1.6

  Still expecting a release around Mid year. The strategy for this
  release will be to complete new core functionality in the first
  quarter and then leave the core to settle. Since these are core
  changes , I envisage a long beta cycle to get these changes well

  Recently an <import> task has been implemented. This is still
  experimental and has thrown up some issues regarding the resolution
  of file paths in the importedbuilds. It is not clear if import
  should be a straight include mechanism or it should support the
  composition of projects into larger projects, each with its own
  basedir and property namespaces. currently <import> does a bit of
  both theseroles.

  Other goals for new functionality in the Ant core include

  * Some form of ant library mechanism. We have pretty much settled on
    associatinglibraries with XML namespaces to give each library of
    tasks its own namespace toavoid collisions and to allow a build to
    specify the libraries it uses (via namespace declarations)

  * Support for polymorphic types. This may not be included in the 1.6
    release, if we consider that the core has already changed

  * Delayed Task construction, Top levels tasks, etc. These are
    implemented and seem relatively stable.

o site

  The site is live but still in development. This hasn't stopped us
  getting bug reports about its XHTML compliance :-). One of the Ant
  committers has developed a stylesheet for Anakia to give the site a
  Forrest look and feel (so called FakeForest).

  No decision has been taken to adopt Forrest at this time, however.

o Bylaws

  I haven't done much work on the bylaws so these will probably not be
  ready by end Jan, as stated in the last report.

  I think this is the area where the board can be of most
  assistance. As I said in that report, as more projects move to the
  Top level, it does not make sense for each project to develop a new
  set of bylaws, guidelines, etc. This is something I think should be
  standardised across projects. Not only would it eliminate
  duplication, it would reinforce the concept of an "Apache Way". If
  each project adopts its own version of the bylaws, that concept will
  be diluted and differences emerge.

o Legal Issues

  No new issues.

o Outstanding bugs and patches

  Stefan and I are working through the bug reports. Still a large
  number outstanding.

o Community

  Community on both the ant-user and ant-dev lists is very strong,
  with much active discussion taking place without any flamage.

Attachment F: Status report for the Avalon Project

Out project STATUS file

Diff between this and last report:

Additional info for the board

   * What code releases have been made?

     Phoenix has been released to fix some bugs.
     We will soon release Fortress.
     We now have a tentative roadmap to a single container, and Fortress
     will be the first step.

   * Any legal issues to bring to the board?

     AvalonDB, part of Avalon Apps, will want to move out of Apache
     and have the license be reassigned to the authors-contributors
     of that codebase. Pending the request of the authors for this,
     I'm asking if the board would have the intent to grant such
     a copyright change to the original authors, specifying if
     the adoption of an Apache-like license would influence this

   * Any cross-project issues that need to be addressed?

     We are progressively getting rid of projects that are not in scope.

     AltRMI has asked Incubator to be relocated, but has not asked
     for a target location.
     We will decide base-by basis about where to move them.

   * Any problems with committers, members, etc?

     There is growing unrest for some, due to uncertaincy about
     Peter Donald's status. In my past report I saw that the one
     that were originally were resisting change were partecipating
     in it actively. To be more precise this time, if we talk about
     changes in the technical project direction, it still applies.
     The problem is about new community rules we are deciding on.
     The focus on good code instead of good community is still
     very rooted in some committers.

   * Plans and expectations for the next period?

     For the first time in weeks, decisions started to appear without
     strong discussions, like the one about the project roadmap.
     This is a good sign, so I expect that we will follow that roadmap
     and work actively towards a container effort done with all the

     We will be probably creating a Component subproject where projects
     that use Avalon can contribute in maintaining the Avalon components
     they use. This would be the first step towards a future unified
     Component repository.

   * etc  (your own thoughts on what is important would be helpful!)

     The 3 month suspension of Peter Donald is coming to an end,
     and we don't see a resolution to the issue. This is
     starting to hurt.

     He hasn't appeared to change the same disruptive patterns seen
     before, and has again said that he was not informed about the
     reason of the suspension.

     I see two trends now, a positive one about the advancement of the
     community, and a negative one incentrated on the suspension of
     Peter Donald. Things are now moving (still slowly) in
     a single direction, except for the suspension afromentioned.

     A recent discussion on @author tags has ignited a very strong
     discussion [1].Recognition in the form of @author tags is so deeply
     rooted that it has been percieved by some as if all code and
     documents of the project were to be cleaned of any reference
     to committers.

     It's quite clear to me that it disturbes some that "perfectly
     good code" is being abandoned "just because it's a one-man
     codebase". My feeling is that it will change when we will
     see tangible results from the new effort.

     As for me, I'll try to keep a somewhat lower profile now
     that all major issues have been addressed, and concentrate
     on the application of these decisions, in any way I
     will feel that the community would prefer.



Attachment G: Supporting commentary for creating Apache James

The following text was received by the Board, in support of creating
the Apache James PMC.

Jakarta-James Proposal for adoption as an Apache top-level project


To the Board of the Apache Software Foundation.

We, the committers of the Jakarta sub-project jakarta-james have held a
vote and agreed to apply to you for elevation of our sub-project to  
the status of a top-level Apache project.

This document outlines details of our project, our community, and our
reasons for wanting to take this step.

Introduction to James:

James is a 100% Java mail and news server, evolving into a complete
electronic messaging solution that integrates the range of IETF
protocols, such as SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, and XXMP with unified user
account management and open storage mechanisms.

James provides highly configurable SMTP mail transport and local
delivery into POP3 or IMAP accounts, utilizing file system or database
storage configurable on a per-repository basis.

The jakarta-james sub-project hosts the Apache Mailet API specification
The Mailet API is a Java API providing a framework for the conditional
processing of electronic messages.

James implements the Mailet API, and as such is itself a platform for
Mailet applications.  Mailet applications include providing custom mail
processing, such as list servers, or providing gateways into other
systems, messaging systems such as NNTP, SMS or proprietary messaging,
or insertion into non-standard storage media.

James itself provides a number of mailets performing configurable
standard MTA services, such as aliasing and forwarding.

Reasons for our application:

James is a mature, self-determining project that is able to govern
itself under the auspices of the ASF Board in accordance with ASF
bylaws and guidelines.

As James consists primarily of the server which is an end-user product
we feel that top level project status, emphasizng its function rather
than its platform, would suit James well.  Top level project status
would also facilitate the ability to offer the Mailet API as a
separate specification, of which James would represent only a
reference implementation.

James would continue to work closely with the Avalon Project, and is
establishing ties with the Cocoon and BSF projects to integrate some
of their technologies within James.

        Project Management:

James has a small yet mature self-sustaining community.  We seldom seek
recourse to the Jakarta PMC, and equally seldom are we scrutinized by
them. We are perhaps not the most active project, and some of us may
feel that this sometimes causes James to be disregarded. Likewise,
apart from Avalon, we have few direct ties with other jakarta projects.

We believe that normalizing our relationship with the ASF Board
by reporting directly rather than through the Jakarta PMC, and
taking official control of all the issues we currently inherit and
"interpret" from Jakarta, would benefit James.

As outline above James is composed of three main areas.

        JAMES server
                Mailet API
                Mailet Applications

JAMES was originally envisioned and placed as a holding page on, before Jakarta was organized.  Individuals
(unfortunately names forgotten at this point) had submitted a proposal
to the (HTTP) servlets group at Sun to provide mail handling.  They
rejected the proposal for technical reasons.

Serge Knystautas later donated a Java SMTP server implementation that
became the original code base for JAMES.  The mailet API was heavily
discussed and finalized, the original code was massively re-factored
and improved, and a POP3 implementation was added.

JAMES was later re-factored to use the new Avalon code base.  JAMES also
received a donation of an NNTP implementation.  JAMES has slowly added
new mailets, improved reliability and scalability, SMTP AUTH,
FetchPOP, and other feature enhancements since then.

Our vision of the future for James contains five main foci,

1/ To continually improve the performance and functionality of the
core messaging services. Currently focusing on making IMAP stable and
increasing fault tolerance across the board.

2/ To promote the Mailet API as a standard API (providing portability
to mail-specific code) to all Java projects involved with processing
email both OS and commercial, this will involve further isolating the
Mailet API from any dependence on James or James' dependencies, and to
continually support, refine and enhance the Mailet API in response to
feedback from Mailet API users and Mailet developers, for example to
cover message domains other than e-mail.

3/ To build on James' Mailet packages in order to provide more, and
more sophisticated, behaviors which would be available to any
application implementing the Mailet API.

4/ Provide a common message repository abstraction to all of James'
protocol servers (e.g, SMTP, POP3, NNTP and IMAP) and support standard
repository data formats like maildir and mbox to ease migration to

5/ Provide a common user repository abstraction to all of James'
protocol servers.

These plans include:
- Providing functionality capable of reproducing services provided by
commercial and open source competitors such as Microsoft Exchange, or
- Implementing a number of related services defined by RFC's, such as
the email aspects of iCalendar and vCard to name but two.
- And offering greater interoperability with other mail applications,
such as sendmail.

Our Community:
The James community is small, but focused and self-sustaining,
comprised of six active committers, and six currently inactive.
Only one of the active committers, Serge Knystautas, has been
associated with the project since it started, and the continued
success of James is no longer dependent on his continued

Our developer community includes a number of Avalon contributors and
committers, and a number of people who are working with or on James in
a commercial setting.

Our user base is hard to quantify, but includes a wide cross-section
of different classes of users, from individuals through small
enterprises looking for big enterprise mail functionality, commercial
users adapting James or using James to provide bespoke services
through to students using James in their course work.

We believe that this represents a healthy interest in James, and the
fact that James continues to be of interest to so many groups in spite
of the existence of email server software with much higher profiles,
sendmail, Microsoft Exchange, etc., is perhaps better proof of its worth
than is its market share in comparison with those goliaths.

We believe, as we hope we have shown, that James is a mature and
worthwhile candidate for inclusion as a top level Apache project, and
hereby take the opportunity of presenting our proposal for
consideration by the Board of Directors.

On behalf of The James committers,

  Danny Angus
  Charles Bennet
  Noel Bergman
  Peter Goldstein
  Serge Knystautas

End of minutes for the 22 Jan 2003 board meeting.
