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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2003
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10am PDT -0700. A sufficient
attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman
at 10:05am, at which point the meeting was called to order. The
meeting was held by teleconference hosted by Jim Jagielski.
IRC #apacheboard on was used for backup purposes.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar (arrived at 10:08)
Mark Cox
Roy T. Fielding
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Directors (expected to be) Absent:
3. Minutes and supplements from previous meetings
A. The meeting of February 19, 2003
Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Sam Ruby]
B. The meeting of February 26, 2003
Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Sam Ruby]
C. The meeting of May 21, 2003
board_minutes_2003_05_21.txt in board
were approved by general consent.
D. The meeting of June 25, 2003
board_minutes_2003_06_25.txt in board
were approved by general consent.
4. Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Greg]
Greg reported that, organizationally, things are quiet within
the ASF. Not to say that there is not continued healthy
discussion within the ASF, notably on members@ and licensing@,
but that there are no items of concern.
Greg was reminded that the PHP group was awaiting some sort
of "write-up" on what needs to occur for the PHP project to
become more inline with other ASF projects. This was mentioned
during some offline discussions at LinuxTag.
B. President [Dirk]
Dirk had nothing to report. During the President's report, however,
the status of the new machine, Minotaur, was discussed. It was
noted that it should be online is very short order; final details
regarding physical access and the like were being completed.
C. Treasurer [Chuck]
No report
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Jim reported that both the clas.txt and members.txt files
under foundation CVS are being updated with the received signed
CLAs and membership applications. He also reported that checks to
United Layer, for co-location fees, were signed and were going
out via postal mail. The checks were for half of July and for
all of August (pre-pay).
5. Committee Reports
A. Apache DB Project [Jason van Zyl]
See Attachment A. Attachment A was approved by general consent and
accepted into the record.
B. Apache Incubator Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment B. Further discussion was held on the fact
that there are still no "hard and fast" graduation procedures
within the Incubator. Mention was made that Tapestry was
graduated with no one ensuring that all procedural aspects
were followed (received and filed paperwork, etc...). Attachment
B was approved by general consent and accepted into the record.
C. Apache Maven Project [Dion Gillard]
A report was not received.
D. Apache TCL Project [David Welton]
See Attachment D. Attachment D was approved by general consent and
accepted into the record.
E. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas]
See Attachment E. There was discussion regarding the dependency
between James and 'mailets' and whether those mailets "should
be" available via the ASF. The main concern was regarding the
impacts of having any ASF project being "dependent" on code that
is "only" available via outside sources and only of a non-free
nature. It was agreed that this is not the case with James, but
it is an issue which needs to be addressed. PHP and Zend may
be such a case. Jim reminded the board that one main reason why
the Apache License is written the way it is is to allow commercial
entities to use our code/products in "whatever" way they way, and
having ASF products be deeply dependent on non-open/non-free
items conflicts with this desire. Attachment E was approved by
general consent and accepted into the record.
F. Conference Planning [Ken Coar]
Ken reported that the CFP (Call For Papers) could go out as
soon as today. There was continued discussion regarding
the veracity of Security Travel and still-not-yet-received
speaker payments.
G. Security Team [Ben Laurie]
Ben reported that there was still some concern over the
logging and tracking of security issues, as well as the
list of ASF projects involved within the security
team. Discussion on whether members should sign "releases"
was held, with the result that it did not appear required
at present.
6. Special Orders
A. Discussion: PHP licensing
As noted in the Chairman report, Greg had not yet had this
discussion with the PHP Group, but would be doing so within
the next week or so.
B. Discussion: Spam Assassin (SA) group as an ASF project,
license/contributor questions. The general consent was
that SA would be a useful addition to the ASF, and that
the entry point for SA would be via the Incubator. Exit
point would like be a top-level project. It was noted
that the required forms and assignments would be required
for this to commence. There was some minor discussion
regarding the fact that one developer is 16 years of age
and whether he could legally signed the CLA. It was noted
that this is not an issue at present since it is likely
that his parents could (co) sign for him.
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 11:00 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 11:50.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache DB Project
[ received from John McNally ]
Torque did an alpha release of 3.1 in April and a couple bug fix
releases (3.0.1 and 3.0.2) in June.
OJB put up a 1.0rc3 release in May.
No problems to speak of. Mail list activity on both subprojects
indicates forward progress and no flame wars.
A presentation on OJB was given at javaone
Applying Open Source Web Technologies Together: Struts and OJB
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
The Apache Incubator Project is having the dubious honor of
"incubating" itself as well as other products. Regarding the
Incubator Project itself, there are still basic, fundamental
issues that ideally should have been resolved before it started
accepting products/projects. As such, things do not progress as
smoothly as anticipated. Nevertheless, the following projects
are being (or have been) incubated as we speak:
o AltRMI:
A transparent Remote Procedure Call bean.
o FtpServer:
A complete FTP Server based on Avalon principles.
o Lenya:
An Open-Source Content Management and publishing system. It is based
on open standards such as XML and XSLT.
o OpenORB:
An Open-Source CORBA framework implementation. (donation to
ASF/Avalon and licensing issues)
o Tapestry:
A complete framework offering an alternative to JSP & Velocity
scripting environments. (graduated to Jakarta)
In addition, discussion regarding the inclusion of XMLBeans into
the Incubator is progressing as well. So the good news is that the
Incubator *is* filling a void; the bad news is that we are still
determining the best way to do that. A good summary of some of these
issues was written by Nicola Ken Barozzi to
in Message-Id <>. Copies can be provided
as needed.
Finally, I have noted my intention to step down as PMC Chair, for
2 main reasons: First of all, I think that it's in the best interest
in the foundation to not have "the usual people" in various
"management-type" positions. Also, as Chair, I find myself not being
as vocal as usual (or as need be) regarding Incubator issues, mostly
of a concern (unfounded, I'm sure) that coming from the Chair, it
would carry more weight than it should. I have suggested Nicola
as replacement.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache TCL Project
Not much to report since our last comunique`. We finally have another
active committer as an ASF member, Damon Courtney, which we hope will
help to bridge the Apache and Tcl comunities.
Rivet - is alive and well, and continues to add users and
functionality, while retaining its compact, fast and light nature.
WebSH - mature. Lots of downloads, and few problem reports -
apparently it works quite well!
mod_tcl - not a lot of progress evident, but it also is downloaded
lots, so I guess it works pretty well.
NeoWebScript and mod_dtcl have finally been 'archived', and their
users pointed towards Rivet. This has had the added benefit of
eliminating mod_dtcl from the web site.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache James Project
Since becoming a TLP this past winter, the James community continues to
grow. We are publishing point releases regularly, had two nice articles
on IBM developerWorks, had a new committer join us, completed
infrastructure migration to TLP, and had our most active committer
become an ASF member!
James current stable release is 2.1.3 with an alpha release of 2.2. The
2.2 release branch incorporates some more useful features that have
languished in the experimental 3.x branch for some time. This trend of
migrating new functionality from 3.x to 2.x will continue, and
eventually I expect the 3.x branch shift to be mainly the migration to
the new Avalon release. We are currently discussing an improved site
and documentation creation process and separating the mailet API into an
independent release cycle.
James has a sister site as a depot for mailets, namely
Danny Angus, a committer and PMC member of James, maintains it. The PMC
had discussed creating a separate CVS repository to hold related tools,
but we believe the site is a suitable repository for mailets
and James-related tools as it avoids licensing and
committer-proliferation issues. We would be interested if the board
feels this is a good approach for Apache project-related tools.
We have no other issues to bring to the board. Thanks to infrastructure
for helping complete our migration to TLP, kudos for Noel Bergman for
becoming an ASF member, and welcome Vicenzo Gianferrari Pini as a new
James (and ASF) committer.
End of minutes for the 16 July 2003 board meeting.