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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                           August 20, 2003

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10am PDT -0700. A sufficient
    attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman
    at 10:04am, at which point the meeting was called to order.  The
    meeting was held by teleconference hosted by Jim Jagielski.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Mark Cox
        Roy T. Fielding
        Jim Jagielski
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

        Ben Laurie
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik



3. Minutes and supplements from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of February 19, 2003

       Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Sam Ruby]

    B. The meeting of February 26, 2003

       Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Sam Ruby]

    C. The meeting of July 16, 2003

       board_minutes_2003_07_16.txt in board
       were approved by general consent.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]
       Greg reported that the big news was the launch of the
       J2EE/Geronomi project under the Incubator.  There was
       significant interest in the project and a lot of good
       work had already been done.  Greg reported that there
       was also some good discussion regarding members' roles
       in the foundation.
    B. President [Dirk]
       No report.

    C. Treasurer [Chuck]
       No report.

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
       Jim reported that he is digging out from vacation and
       bringing the status of signed CLAs up to date.  Jim
       noted that we were getting close to the time when the
       next payment to United Layer would be due and reminded
       the board that payment required him to co-sign the
       check, due to the amount of the check.  This sparked
       discussion regarding the best way to accomplish this,
       such as auto-deductions from the ASF account.  It was
       decided that raising the limit before co-signing was
       required was the way to go.  Jim was to contact Chuck
       regarding getting this implemented.

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill]

       See Attachment A
       The Apache Ant Project Status Report was accepted
       as submitted and written by general consent.

    B. Apache HTTP Server Project [Sander Striker]

       See Attachment B
       The Apache HTTP Server Project Status Report was accepted
       as submitted and written by general consent.

    C. Apache Perl Project [Doug MacEachern]

       See Attachment C
       No report was received.  This sparked discussion regarding
       the current status of the Apache Perl Project.  Greg was
       to contact Doug regarding the project's status and Doug's
       present involvement with the project.

    D. Apache XML Project [Berin Lautenbach]

       See Attachment D
       The report sparked discussion regarding the distribution
       of encryption code and hooks within ASF projects.  Jim
       reminded the board of the legal opinion obtained by
       the HTTP Server Project back in September 2000 from
       McGlashan & Sarrail.  Jim was to scan and commit the summary
       findings.  Mark was to provide some background information
       as well.
       The Apache XML Project Status Report was accepted
       as submitted and written by general consent.

    E. Apache Cocoon Project [Steven Noels]

       See Attachment E
       The Apache Cocoon Project Status Report was accepted
       as submitted and written by general consent.

    F. Fund-raising Committee [Chuck Murcko]

       See Attachment F
       No report was received.

6. Special Orders
    It was noted that Greg was awaiting a resolution from the
    Apache DB Project regarding the project.

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

       It was desired that the Conferences Committee chair be empowered
       to change the composition of the committee without requiring
       ratification by the board.  Jim noted that the Conferences
       Committee was actually a PMC and not a Board Committee, so the
       chair already has this capability.

       There was discussion regarding the chair postion for the
       Apache Incubator and the Apache Commons projects.  Both
       current chairs (Jim and Ken, respectively) have offered
       to step down.  Despite suggested replacements, interest in
       each project to select/elect new chairs was minimal at
       best.  It was noted that it was requested within the Incubator
       project that Jim stay on "for a bit" while the level of
       activity within the Incubator was still high.  It was
       decided that maybe it was time anyway.  Both Jim and Ken
       were to try to reboot the "new chair" efforts in their
       respective projects.
9. Announcements

10. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 11:30 PDT -0700.  Adjourned at 11:14.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project

o Ant 1.5.3-1

This was a supplementary release made on April 16th. There was no functional
change. from Ant 1.5.3 - it just removed a copy of junit.jar which had
inadvertently been included in the Ant 1.5.3 build.

o Ant 1.5.4

This is scheduled for release in the next week. It addresses just two
particular problems - the change to the javah entry point in the latest JDK
release and the Visual Age tasks. The latter, being only compatible with JDK
1.1, were included to give users of this task a working release prior to the
Ant 1.6 release which depends on JDK 1.2+

o Ant 1.6

Ant 1.6 is the current development codebase (CVS head). There is no timeframe
yet on this release.

o site

The Ant site now includes the project bylaws.

o Legal Issues


o New committers

A new committer Peter Reilly has been added to the project and is making
valuable contributions to the operation of the Ant core.

o Community

No issues.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project

The PMC's membership was expanded with 5 the last three months.

The committership is active and sustaining continued code
improvements.  There have been several releases, both for the 1.3 and
the 2.0 line.  Security releases have outnumbered the regular releases
and caused some concerns about the release process.  Last quarter has
been relatively slow when it comes to developments specific to the 2.1

A record high market share for the HTTP Server of almost 64% was hit
this month.

All is well in HTTP Server land.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache XML Project

-- General Comments --

We've had a quarter with a fair bit of general activity. The XMLBeans
product has been accepted into incubation by the project as a
whole. The proposal generated a great level of discussion amongst the
xml project community, and ended in a positive result, with a clear
understanding of what issues the xml community feel need to be
addressed during the incubation process.

-- PMC --

The PMC has updated the charter document, and is going through a vote
process to formalise this new version. This will hopefully be
completed in the next few weeks.

Christian Geuer-Pollmann retired from the PMC and a replacement has
been nominated from the xml-security project (yet to be voted on
within the PMC).


Issues needing attention:

-- Legal --

The xml-security sub-project is starting work on C++ and Java
implementations of the W3C XML Encryption standard. Whilst not
implementing encryption algorithms directly, we will be making use of
other libraries that have such functionality.

After discussions with various parties within Apache, the xml-security
team understands that working on such an implementation will not cause
any export issues provided :

    * Only source code is released (i.e. no compiled versions of the
      libraries can be made available).
    * An e-mail is sent to Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
      informing them of the location of the code available for
      download. The format of this email can be found at

We seek the endorsement of the board for this approach, and would ask
who such an e-mail should come from.

-- Technical -- projects need to take advantage of the ASF mirroring
system. This will become more important as the infrastructure team
begins moving services to our new server. The project is currently
putting a plan together to do this over the next few months.


-- Axkit --

We recently released AxKit 1.6.2 (which included uploading a signed
tarball to's servers <grin/>). This was a minor bug fix
release, including features to "do the right thing" with external
resources (such as file metadata) stored in non-utf-8 encodings, and
adds attribute-value-templates to XSP. We have also added a unit test
suite (thanks to Kip Hampton for finally taking the stand to do this)
and it now runs nightly on as a smoke test for new
developments. Further work still goes into AxKit 2.0 (which will work
only on Apache 2.0), and we expect a 1.6.3 release to be not too far
around the corner due to a couple of important bug fixes in CVS. We
also gained a new committer, Mike Chamberlain, who is working mostly
on AxKit 2.0 now.

-- Batik --

The Batik project had a release in July just prior to the SVG Open
conference in Vancouver. The release came with a fairly large number
of bug fixes, improvements and a lot of work on the test
infrastructure. We will likely do a patch release in September as
there have been a couple important improvements done by Thomas
DeWeese? after the release and there are a few regressions to patch.

-- Commons --

The xml-commons project has made slow and quiet progress. The Xalan-J
and Xerces-J committers are collaborating on the xml-apis code to
maintain a branch that can be used to pass the JAXP 1.2 TCK for their
projects. We hope to make new maintenance releases soon of both the
resolver and which utilities, which just need some docs/release
manager volunteer time. - ShaneCurcuru

-- FOP --

There was a FOP release, 0.20.5 in July which has a few improvements
and bugfixes. This release is intended to be the last release from the
maintenance code branch. Unfortunately, progress on the main code
branch is very slow. The distribution directory has been migrated to
the new location to make the downloads mirrorable.

-- Forrest --

Forrest has been quietly progressing over the last few months. We hope
to make a 0.5 release soon, and not before time since 0.4 was back in
February. We have voted in 2 new committers. In addition, all Cocoon
developers have been granted commit access, reflecting strong
cross-project ties. No new dependencies or legal issues.

-- Xalan-C++ --

Xalan-C 1.6 was released on 11 August. Highlights include:

    * "Sane includes" changes.
    * Bug fixes.
    * FreeBSD and NetBSD? ports
    * Faster UTF-8 and UTF-16 serializers.

-- Xalan-J/XSLTC --

Xalan-J 2.5.1 was released in early June. The release included:

    * documentation updates and bug fixes
    * performance patches to the serializer and to XSLTC
    * An alternate binary distribution which contains XSLTC and
      Xalan-Interpretive in separate jar files. See: for more
      information on the packaging in the two distributions.

A great deal of effort in the quarter was spent improving performance
for the 2.5.1 release and beyond in the current version in CVS. The
improvement has been noted by some of our users, which means that it
is often more than a few percent. Finally, one new committer, Igor
Hersht, was accepted into the subproject.

-- Xerces-C++ --

Good progress being made. 2.4.0 planned for release in the autumn with
new features including persistent grammars. No new committers.

-- Xerces-J --

Xerces-J 2.5.0 was released in late July. As well as the usual
plethora of bugfixes, this release marked the completion of Xerces-J's
PSVI/XML Schema Component Model support via implementation of
annotation components. The product was also upgraded to conform to the
latest DOM level 3 Core and Load/Save? Working Drafts, and an
experimental XInclude partial implementation was added. Finally, one
new committer--K Venugopal--was accepted into the subproject.

-- Xerces-P --

Xerces-P made an experimental 2.3 release. This included support for
handling the config.status file of Xerces-C to improve cross platform
support. Two announcements were made from users who successfully
compiled the 2.3 release under Windows, however no binary release for
windows is available yet.

-- Xindice --

Xindice is still trying to put together the 1.1 release, so far with
mixed results and a couple of failed attempts. The good news is that
the community has got two new committers: Vadim Gritsenko and Kevin
O'Neill joined Xindice in late July, and results are encouraging, with
discussions and CVS commits flowing at a very good rate.

-- XML-Security --

The XML-Security sub-project has just release version 1.0.0 of the C++
library, supporting the W3C XML Digital Signature standard. Work will
now move to creating a C++ implementation of the XML Encryption

Work continues in the Java library to further develop encryption support.

There has also been a fair amount of discussion around the potential
legal ramifications for Apache of releasing a library that makes use
of encryption algorithms. (See legal issues above.)

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project

Here's the report on Cocoon's state of affairs. We do hope this gives
the board a feeling on how we are doing.

Let's first start with a brief run-through of the previous report
and see how we proceed:

1), 2), 3): no further action required or taken
4) recursive Cocoon charter: still needs to be worked upon
5) use of Cocoon brand by and ditto
6) ditto - work is slowly progressing with the infrastructure team to
   migrate the Cocoon wiki to ASF infrastructure, together with Steven
   Noels and Gianugo Rabellino from the Cocoon team - we believe it is
   fair to indicate that an ASF-operated shared and managed Java
   hosting service might accelerate this, and do hope the eventual
   migration of our Wiki might serve as an example to move further
   along that road.
7) solved: the XMLForms effort is being actively deprecated in favor of
   other form handling frameworks (JXForms and Woody).
8) transfer of HSSF (Excel) serializer from Cocoon -> POI: no further
   action has been taken yet.
9) Avalon Excalibur dependencies: Cocoon committers have now commit
   karma to an Avalon CVS module that hosts code in heavy use by the
   Cocoon project, making sure bugs can be fixed and patches applied
   in due time.
10) the Milestone release scheme has been applied successfully, and has
    resulted in a 2.1 release mid August.
11) Lenya incubation is still ongoing and monitored by the Cocoon PMC.
12), 13), 14): satisfactory ongoing.

New matter:

1) The Cocoon project has released a 2.1 version mid of August, and work
   is under its way to release a forthcoming 2.1.1 quickfix release.
2) Discussions are starting on the upcoming 2.2 development.
3) Most notable discussion was about the existence (and/or creation)
   of several overlapping ideas and frameworks for flow and form
   handling inside Cocoon, and even though the discussions were
   lenghty, at the verge of being flame-infested, the main discussion
   participants came to an agreement, showing off the maturity of the
   Cocoon community even when starting off from a discours of extreme
   technical dissonance.
4) As a result of all this, work is under its way to refactor and
   augment specific form handling code (Woody) into a truly
   community-owned artefact, and API changes have been allowed to make
   sure specific implementations (JS Flow with Continuations) leave
   room for alternatives, should the community see fit.
5) Several new committers since the previous report: Ugo Cei, Marc   
   Portier, Guido Casper, Reinhard Pötz, Upayavira and Joerg Heinicke.
   There's a de facto policy that all committers can subscribe to the
   PMC list, but formalization of this, and whether this means they
   can cast a binding PMC vote still needs to be discussed. There's a
   certain tendency that there should be no distinction between active
   committership and PMC membership. Lenya hasn't signed up any new
   committers since it went into incubation, yet.
6) The Cocoon project guidelines and revised charter are under
   construction, being based on a de-formalized branch of the Jakarta

Overall, the Cocoon project is a healthy and friendly community working
along the Apache spirit, and we expect no sudden problems to emerge.

Attachment F: Status report for the Fund-raising Committee

End of minutes for the 20 August 2003 board meeting.
