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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                          September 17, 2003

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10am PDT -0700. A sufficient
    attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman
    at 10:05am, at which point the meeting was called to order.  The
    meeting was held by teleconference hosted by Jim Jagielski.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present At Roll Call:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Mark Cox
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent At Roll Call:

        Roy T. Fielding
        Ben Laurie


        Chuck Murcko (Treasurer)

3. Minutes and supplements from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of February 19, 2003

       See board_minutes_2003_02_19.txt in board.
       This item was tabled.

    B. The meeting of February 26, 2003

       Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Sam Ruby]

       This item was tabled.

    C. The meeting of August 20, 2003

       See board_minutes_2003_08_20.txt in board.

       This item was tabled.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Things keep marching along quite well. The infrastructure team
       has lately "come into their own" and is doing a fantastic job.
       The new Geronimo podling is struggling with process questions,
       mostly based on the "httpd vs Jakarta" question, but also
       because their Incubation shepherds are not providing adequate
       guidance. This raises two questions to the Board:

         1) should we be concerned about unifying some/all aspects of
            PMCs' operations, charters, and governance?
         2) is there anything the Board can do to increase the
            productivity/operation of the Incubation process?

       There has also been some unsettling confusion around the WSRP4J
       and Pluto projects and their incubation, along with some
       questions relating to the existing Jetspeed project.
       The DB Project has finally started seeing some real traction
       which is great, given their long period of low-level activity.
       Commons is suffering some of the same issues, although a
       project (serf) has finally moved into the project. It will be
       interesting to see if the presence of code can stimulate
       Commons into some activity (which could be a learning point for
       the future).

    B. President [Dirk]

	No news on the spam assassin contribution; most remaining
	issues where clarified in a telecon with NAI - and the
	'corperate' CLA - as created for BEA is likely to help here.

	This month saw an unusually high number of PR questions related
	to (mostly) the SCO issue - though most journalists seemed
	almost disappointed by the presense of our committer/cla process
	and the absense of any worries/interest in linux/sco and the gpl.

       Infrastructure (report per Sander Striker):

	We have 3 new root users on minotaur and daedalus: Justin, Cliff 
	and Thom.

	We are rotating root duty per week now, as of last week.

	Account requests are not being honoured without signed CLAs 

	We've been offline for almost a full day when UL lost power.

	There is an effort for a unified wiki underway.

	A percentage of users has cleaned out their home directory on 
	daedalus, but we need to push for more people to do this.  
	The only people who require an account there are the ones
	helping out with mail.

	All PMC chairs were given CVSROOT access.  The rationale is
	that PMC chairs should be trusted and that it lowers the burden
	on root.

    C. Treasurer [Chuck]

	Current account balances are $2521.32 (checking), $101,762.81
	(business premium), and $586.41 (PayPal). $953.81 was moved from
	PayPal to checking on 9/8/2003. Checking account balance does not
	reflect 9/2003 colo charges of $1500.00 yet. I am awaiting receipts
	from Greg Stein for recent colo equipment purchase.

	PayPal income stream is $720.00 so far in September, $600.00 for
	August, and $355.00 for July. Encouraging news. Conversely, paper
	(check) donations received appear to be falling off.

	Chuck's credit card used for the PayPal account is expiring, so we
	will once again be limited to $500/month withdrawals from the
	account soon.

	NIH request for contribution has been received and filled out by
	the Wells Fargo branch VP and is returned for NIH processing.

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Jim reports that other than a slow but steady stream of
       incoming CLAs, there is little going on, ASF-office wise.
       In the past month we did receive 2 Software Grants:

          XMLBeans from BEA (William Klein)
          wsrp4j container/producer/pluto provider/JSR168 Jars
             from IBM (Dirk Wittuopp)

        The check for United Layer was co-signed and mailed
        on Sept 8, 2003.

5. Unfinished Business

6. Special Orders

    A. Alter the Chair of the Apache DB Project
       Resolution R1:
       WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache DB Project Management
       Committee (PMC) have recommended John McNally to serve as
       chairman of the Apache DB PMC; and

       WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache DB
       PMC, Jason van Zyl, has stepped down from his position as Vice
       President, Apache DB, in favor of John McNally's appointment to
       that position.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that John McNally be and hereby
       is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

       By unanimous consent, Resolution R1 was passed.

    B. Alter the Chair of the Apache Maven Project
       Resolution R2:
       WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Maven Project Management
       Committee (PMC) have recommended Jason van Zyl to serve as
       chairman of the Apache Maven PMC; and

       WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache Maven
       PMC, Dion Gillard, has stepped down from his position as Vice
       President, Apache Maven, in favor of Jason van Zyl's
       appointment to that position.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Jason van Zyl be and
       hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Maven, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
       of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
       until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
       There was discussion regarding the health of the Maven
       project as well as its use and non-use of ASF infrastructure.
       Due to these concerns, this resolution was tabled pending
       further investigation.

    C. Alter the Chair of the Apache Commons Project
       Resolution R3:
       WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Commons Project
       Management Committee (PMC) have recommended Justin Erenkrantz
       to serve as chairman of the Apache Commons PMC; and

       WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache
       Project PMC, Ken Coar, has stepped down from his position as
       Vice President, Apache Commons, in favor of Justin Erenkrantz's
       appointment to that position.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Justin Erenkrantz be and
       hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Commons, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
       of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
       until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       By unanimous consent, Resolution R3 was passed.

7. Committee Reports

    A. Apache APR Project [Cliff Woolley]

       See Attachment A
       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache Avalon Project [Berin Loritsch]

       No report received.

    C. Apache Commons Project [Ken Coar]

       Ken reported that things were quiet within Commons.
       He does expect things to "catch fire" with the
       move of apr_serf.
       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache Jakarta Project [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment D. In addition to the written report,
       Sam noted that Jakarta is attempting to "clean things
       up" and discussion regarding a "graveyard" for
       garbage collection of old code/subprojects/efforts
       is commencing.
       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache PHP Project [Rasmus Lerdorf]

       No report received.

    F. Apache Web Services Project [Davanum Srinivas]

       See Attachment F
       Approved by General Consent.

8. New Business

    A. Discussion of consistent PMC policies.
       It was the general consensus that such a list of
       consistent PMC policies would be beneficial, but that
       such a list should be quite small; only the bare
       minimum required.

    B. Discussion about ApacheCon 2002 and 2003.
       It was discussed that, as of this date, several AC2002
       speaker had still not gotten paid. This is having a
       somewhat chilling effect on obtaining speakers and
       exhibitors for AC2003.

    C. Discussion on ASF obtaining their own phone/web conferencing
       Jim noted that he has been investgating obtaining a
       phone/web conferencing system for the ASF. This is
       for not only board meetings but also to help with
       internal PMC discussions as well (which would be
       beneficial at times). Currently we are using donated
       services, but it might be a Good Idea for the ASF to
       obtain this for themselves. This was not considered
       a high priority item.

    D. Discussion on whether and when to hold a (Special) Members
       Meeting at ApacheCon 2003 in Vegas.
       It was decided that the ASF would indeed hold such a
       meeting to coincide with AC2003. Time and Location
       would be arranged with Planners via Jim.

    E. Discussion about Incubation procedures and projects. Is there
       anything the Board can do or recommend to assist? And/or do we
       feel the Incubator is moving forward properly?
       It was noted that the "energy level" within Incubator
       was low. An example was the fact that the Incubator PMC
       chair had requested to step down and getting the PMC
       members to take time to vote for a replacement was
       difficult. There was still discussion on whether the
       Incubator was even "needed", but the general consensus
       was that it most definately filled a need.

9. Announcements

10. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 11:30 PDT -0700. Adjourned at


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project

We have reached a big milestone in the APR project: we finally
tagged away APR 0.9 as a branch (to maintain compatibility with
existing applications, e.g. httpd 2.0) and have begun the
removal of all deprecated APIs and some final related cleanups
prior to APR 1.0.  httpd 2.1 has been ported to the APR 1.0
API and will continue to follow our latest developments.

We hope to begin tagging release candidates for APR 1.0 within
the next week or two, with a final release likely to be ready
sometime close to ApacheCon.

The apr-serf sub-project has been officially handed off to the
Apache Commons Project.

No new subprojects or particular problems to report... as with
last quarter, APR continues to be relatively controversy-free.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Avalon Project

[ no attachment ]

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Commons Project

[ no attachment ]

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

   Releases continue to be made and news continues to be posted to with archives back to 2000.

   Overall, progress within subprojects is proceeding merrily along with
   releases being made on a regular basis.  As compared to previous times,
   there is an amazing lack of flamage.

   There has been some discussion at the PMC level about how to handle
   stable subprojects, of which there are two kinds: useful and otherwise.
   In general, garbage collection has not been a strong point of the ASF.

   The code base for Pluto is available for consideration as a Jakarta
   subproject.  This was first mentioned as a candidate for incubation in 
   January.  This project has strong support from JetSpeed and near unamimous 
   consent within Jakarta - the sole dissenter apparently wants to eliminate
   NDAs from within the JCP as a prerequisite for accepting this code base.

   Beyond this, the near cancerous rate of growth of Jakarta seems to have
   been brought to a complete standstill.

   A number of nominations for new PMC members are being considered.
   I expect this round to be complete within a few days.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache PHP Project

[ no attachment ]

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

* Noteable happening's in WS

   [Charter] has been approved by WS-PMC 

* what code releases have been made? [since the last report]


* any new projects in process of being accepted?

   1. PMC has VOTE'ed to accept jUDDI as part of via
   2. PMC has VOTE'ed to accept WSRP4J/Charon as part of
      via Incubator.
   3. PMC has VOTE'ed to accept JaxMe as part of via

   See [WebServicesProjectProposals] for more information.

   We are also trying to setup a [WS-Commons] similar to xml-commons
   and jakarta-commons.

* any legal issues to bring to the board?

   No Progress on RSA with regard to OpenSAML

* any cross-project issues that need to be addressed?

   We will be renaming CVS modules to reflect that projects are part
   of (for example xml-axis will now be named ws-axis)

* any problems with committers, members, etc?

   Christian Geuer-Pollmann and Owen Burroughs have stepped down from
   the PMC as their work situation has changed. Erwin van der Koogh
   has not been able to participate in the PMC VOTE's. We need to
   shrink the PMC appropriately.

* plans and expectations for the next period?

   1. Initial planning for 2 new components (projects?/sub-projects?)
         1. WS-Security
         2. WS-SchemaAPI?

   2. Will start VOTE on WS-Commons Charter soon 

End of minutes for the September 17, 2003 board meeting.
