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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
October 22, 2003
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10am PDT -0700. A sufficient
attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by the chairman
at 10:08am, at which point the meeting was called to order. The
meeting was held by teleconference hosted by Jim Jagielski.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup purposes.
2. Roll Call
Directors Present At Roll:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar
Roy T. Fielding
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Jim Jagielski
Greg Stein
Directors Absent At Roll:
Mark Cox
Ben Laurie
Sam Ruby (arrived at 11:15)
Jennifer Machovec (IBM)
3. Minutes and supplements from previous meetings
A. The meeting of February 19, 2003
See board_minutes_2003_02_19.txt in board.
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of February 26, 2003
Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Sam Ruby]
C. The meeting of August 20, 2003
See board_minutes_2003_08_20.txt in board.
Approved by General Consent.
D. The meeting of September 17, 2003
Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Jim Jagielski]
4. Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Greg]
Greg reported that he was quite busy of the last
month on non-ASF related items. As such, he experienced
some delay in getting in touch with Jason van Zyl and
Doug MacEachern regarding the Maven and Perl projects,
respectively. Other than that, things had been
B. President [Dirk]
Dirk reported that he would respond to the
request from Tetsuya Kitahata (Terra-International, Inc.)
regarding an ASF Authorized Certification Program with
the response that this is not something the ASF does.
Although they are welcome and encourage to provide
training, etc... the ASF cannot "certify" or "authorize"
those programs.
Dirk also mentioned some concern over whether the
infrastructure team was setting or dictating aspects
of ASF policy that it should not. He mentioned that
he would encourage that "user interface" issues
and discussions be moved to the community at large,
rather than solely within infrastucture.
Dirk mentioned that the inclusion of Spam Assassin
was progressing.
C. Treasurer [Chuck]
No report due to Chuck's absense.
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
The ASF office has received over the last month several
signed CLAs relating to the Spam Assassin project, which
is being accepted into the ASF Incubator. Other CLAs have
also been received and logged. The infrastructure team
has suggested a web-based form to ease the workload on
this administrative task, one which the Secretary
whole-heartedly approves.
We received notice from Dunn & Bradstreet that they could
"not confirm" operation of the ASF. Basically, there was
no phone number associated with the ASF, although they
had on record the FAX and mail address. To resolve this,
I have given my home-office number (410-420-0140) as a
"telephone number of record" to them. We should simply
have the 1901 Munsey Drive address and contact information
as the address of record for the ASF.
Notice was sent to the list regarding the
Special ASF Members Meeting to be held November 16th and
6pm (local time) at Alexis Park in Las Vegas during the
ApacheCon event. A reminder, with actual room location will
be sent out later this week. Included will be an attached
Proxy form and a reminder of the duties required of an
ASF member.
5. Unfinished Business
6. Special Orders
A. Resolution to adopt a new version of the Apache License
Resolution R1:
WHEREAS, Project Management Committees within The Apache
Software Foundation have an immediate need for an approved
text to be used as a License for both software and
documentation; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable that such License be compatible with
the Free Software Foundation's General Public License; and
WHEREAS, public discussion of more extensive changes to the
license, known as the proposed 2.0 license, is not expected
to complete in time to satisfy the immediate need.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache License,
Version 1.2, attached hereto as Exhibit A, may be used by all
Project Management Committees within The Apache Software
Foundation for application to any of the work products of the
Foundation, defining the terms and conditions of
reproduction, distribution, and modification for those work
This was tabled until the ASF Board Meeting to be
held in November after review and discussion. However,
general discussion of License and CLAs issues was held
between the board and guess Jennifer Machovec (see below).
B. Resolution to Appoint new Chair of the Apache Incubator Project
Resolution R2:
WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Incubator Project Management
Committee (PMC) have appointed Nicola Ken Barozzi to serve as
chairman of the Apache Incubator PMC; and
WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache Incubator
PMC, Jim Jagielski, has stepped down from his position as Vice
President, Apache Incubator, in favor of Nicola Ken Barozzi's
appointment to that position.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Nicola Ken Barozzi be and
hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
Incubator, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
This was passed by Unanimous Consent.
C. Resolution to Set Date/Time and Location for Special ASF
Members Meeting:
Resolution R3:
WHEREAS, the many members of the Apache Software Foundation
will be attending ApacheCon 2003 to be held in Las Vegas,
Nevada; and
WHEREAS, it is beneficial for members to meet to discuss
issues which affect the Apache Software Foundation, over and
beyond the required Annual ASF Members Meetings.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a special ASF Members Meeting
shall be scheduled to take place on November 16, 2003 at 18:00
Pacific Time (Las Vegas local time) at the Alexis Park Hotel,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, in the Parthanon 4 Room.
This was passed by Unanimous Consent.
7. Committee Reports
A. Apache DB Project [John McNally]
No report.
B. Apache Incubator Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment B
Approved by General Consent.
C. Apache Maven Project [Dion Gillard]
See Attachment C. Also discussed at this time was
Maven's use/non-use of ASF infrastructure. Jim
volunteered to work with Infrastructure to obtain
a "wish list" of infrastructure requirements from
all PMCs (eg: Wiki's, jar repositories, etc..).
Approved by General Consent.
D. Apache TCL Project [David Welton]
See Attachment D. In the report it was noted
that Damon Courtney's membership application was
not sent in. Jim was to verify this.
Approved by General Consent.
E. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas]
See Attachment E
Approved by General Consent.
F. Conference Planning [Ken Coar]
Ken reported that due to small projected attendence to
some tutorials, they would either be cancelled or the
amount paid to the speakers would be reduced.
G. Security Team [Ben Laurie]
See Attachment G
Approved by General Consent.
8. New Business
The main topic of discussion was regarding general
CLA issues. Guest Jennifer Machovec provided 2 proposed
CLAs (see exhibit B and C), one for corporate
clients and the other for individuals. The concept is
that the company would provide to the ASF a full and
complete list if all employees so authorized to provide
IP to the ASF. The CLA would be the legal entity which
states that any IP from anyone on that list is
so contributed.
It was noted that this would increase the amount of
paperwork involved, as well as requiring ASF contributors
to more formally inform the ASF of changes to their
employment. There was also discussion on the requirement
of an actual signed copy, rather than accepting a
FAXed or other electronically verified copy.
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 11:30 PDT -0700. Adjourned at
Exhibit A: Proposed version 1.2 of the Apache License
Apache License
Version 1.2, October 2003
Copyright (C) 2003 The Apache Software Foundation.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
1. These terms and conditions for reproduction, distribution, and
modification (the "License") apply to any original work of
authorship (the "Work") containing a notice placed by the
copyright owner (the "Licensor") indicating that the Work is
licensed under the Apache License, Version 1.2.
2. Reproduction, distribution, and modification of the Work and
derivative works thereof, in source or binary forms, are permitted
provided that a copy of this License is included in any such
distribution and that all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the source code of the Work are retained
in the source code of any derivative work, excluding those notices
that only pertain to portions of the Work that have been excluded
from the derivative work.
3. This License does not grant permission to use the trademarks,
trade names, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary "fair use" while
describing the origin of the Work.
4. Disclaimer of Warranty. The Work is provided on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or
5. Limitation of Liability. Under no circumstances and under no legal
theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or
otherwise, shall the Licensor be liable to any person for any
direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of
any character arising as a result of this License or the use of
the Work including, without limitation, damages for loss of
goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any
and all other commercial damages or losses. This limitation of
liability shall not apply to liability for death or personal
injury resulting from Licensor's negligence to the extent
applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some jurisdictions do
not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may not
apply to you.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright (C) [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 1.2 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License.
Exhibit B: Proposed Apache Corporate CLA from Jennifer B Machovec
The Apache Software Foundation
Corporate Contributor License Agreement
Thank you for your interest in The Apache Software Foundation (the
"Foundation"). In order to clarify the intellectual property license
granted with contributions of software from any person or entity (the
"Contributor"), the Foundation must have a Contributor License Agreement
on file that has been signed by the Contributor, indicating agreement to
the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a
Contributor as well as that of the Foundation and does not change your
right to use your own contributions for any other purpose.
If you have not already done so, please complete this Agreement and send
the original signed Agreement to The Apache Software Foundation,
1901 Munsey Drive, Forest Hill, MD 21050-2747, U.S.A. Please read this
document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records.
Full name: COMPANY NAME E-Mail: ___________________
You and the Foundation hereby accept and agree to the following terms and
1. Your "Contributions" means all of your present and future contributions
of object code, source code and documentation to the Foundation, however
submitted to the Foundation, excluding any submissions that are
conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as "Not a
Contribution." In accordance with Sections 5 and 6 below, you should not
submit as a 'Contribution' code that is not your original creation.
2. You hereby grant to the Foundation a non-exclusive, irrevocable,
worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, transferable copyright license to
reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform,
sublicense and distribute (internally and externally, in object code and,
if included in your Contributions, source code form) your Contributions.
You grant to the Foundation the right to authorize others to do any of the
foregoing. Except for the rights granted to the Foundation in this
paragraph and the paragraph immediately below, you reserve all right, title
and interest in and to your Contributions.
3. You hereby grant to the Foundation and further grant to recipients of
your Contribution, direct or indirect, a non-exclusive, irrevocable except
as otherwise provided by this section, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free
patent license to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import, and otherwise
transfer your Contributions and derivative works thereof, where such
license applies only to those patent claims licensable by you that are
necessarily infringed by the Contribution(s) alone, or by the following
combinations when the infringement is caused by such Contribution:
i) the Contribution and the original work of authorship ("Work") licensed
by the Foundation to which you submitted such Contribution, and
ii) the Contribution and any then-existing publicly distributed version of
the Work.
Your patent grant shall terminate as to any party that institutes patent
litigation against you (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a
lawsuit) alleging that your Contribution and/or the Work, without
modification, constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, as of
the date such litigation is filed.
4. You represent that you are legally entitled to grant the above licenses.
You represent further that any employee making a Contribution to a Work
for which you have approved such employee’s participation, as designated on
Schedule A, is duly authorized to do so.
5. You represent that each of your Contributions is your original creation.
6. Should you wish to submit code that is not your original creation, you
may submit it to the Foundation separately from any Contribution,
identifying the complete details of its source and of any license or other
restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents, trademarks,
and license agreements) of which you are aware, and conspicuously marking
the code as 'Third Party Code.'
7. You are not expected to provide support for your Contributions, except
to the extent you desire to provide support. You may provide support for
free, for a fee, or not at all. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS ARE PROVIDED AS-IS,
By: __________________________________ Date: ________________
Title: _____________________________
Exhibit C: Proposed Apache Individual CLA from Jennifer B Machovec
The Apache Software Foundation
Contributor License Agreement
Thank you for your interest in The Apache Software Foundation (the
"Foundation"). In order to clarify the intellectual property license
granted with contributions of software from any person or entity (the
"Contributor"), the Foundation must have a Contributor License Agreement
on file that has been signed by the Contributor, indicating agreement to
the license terms below. This license is for your protection as a
Contributor as well as that of the Foundation and does not change your
right to use your own contributions for any other purpose.
If you have not already done so, please complete this Agreement and send
the original signed Agreement to The Apache Software Foundation,
1901 Munsey Drive, Forest Hill, MD 21050-2747, U.S.A. Please read this
document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records.
Full name: ____________________________ E-Mail: ___________________
Mailing Address: ______________________ Telephone: ___________________
_______________________________________ Facsimile: ___________________
_______________________________________ Country: ___________________
Employer: _____________________________________________________________
You and the Foundation hereby accept and agree to the following terms and
1. Your "Contributions" means all of your present and future contributions
of object code, source code and documentation to the Foundation, however
submitted to the Foundation, excluding any submissions that are
conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as "Not a
Contribution." In accordance with Sections 5 and 6 below, you should not
submit as a 'Contribution' code that is not your original creation.
2. You hereby grant to the Foundation a non-exclusive, irrevocable,
worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, transferable copyright license to
reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform,
sublicense and distribute (internally and externally, in object code and,
if included in your Contributions, source code form) your Contributions.
You grant to the Foundation the right to authorize others to do any of the
foregoing. Except for the rights granted to the Foundation in this
paragraph and the paragraph immediately below, you reserve all right, title
and interest in and to your Contributions.
3. You hereby grant to the Foundation and further grant to recipients of
your Contribution, direct or indirect, a non-exclusive, irrevocable (except
as otherwise provided by this section), worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free
patent license to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import, and otherwise
transfer your Contributions and derivative works thereof, where such
license applies only to those patent claims licensable by you that are
necessarily infringed by the Contribution(s) alone, or by the following
combinations when the infringement is caused by such Contribution:
i) the Contribution and the original work of authorship ("Work") licensed
by the Foundation to which you submitted such Contribution, and
ii) the Contribution and any then-existing publicly distributed version of
the Work.
Your patent grant shall terminate as to any party that institutes patent
litigation against you (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a
lawsuit) alleging that your Contribution and/or the Work, without
modification, constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, as of
the date such litigation is filed.
4. You represent that you are legally entitled to grant the above licenses.
If your employer(s) has rights to intellectual property that you create,
you represent that you have received permission to make your Contributions
on behalf of that employer, or that your employer has waived such rights
for your Contributions to the Foundation.
5. You represent that each of your Contributions is your original creation.
You represent that your Contribution submission(s) includes complete
details of any third-party license or other restriction (including, but not
limited to, related patents and trademarks) of which you are personally
aware and which are associated with any part of your Contribution(s)
(including a copy of any applicable license agreement). You agree to
notify the Foundation of any facts or circumstances that arise that you
are aware would make Your representations in this Agreement inaccurate in
any respect.
6. Should you wish to submit code that is not your original creation, you
may submit it to the Foundation separately from any Contribution,
identifying the complete details of its source and of any license or other
restriction (including, but not limited to, related patents, trademarks,
and license agreements) of which you are personally aware, and
conspicuously marking the code as 'Third Party Code.'
7. You are not expected to provide support for your Contributions, except
to the extent you desire to provide support. You may provide support for
free, for a fee, or not at all. Your Contributions are provided as-is,
with all faults defects and errors, and without warranty of any kind
(either express or implied) including, without limitation, any implied
warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any
warranty of non-infringement.
Please sign: __________________________________ Date: ________________
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache DB Project
[ no attachment ]
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
Jim Jagielski has asked to step down as the Chair of the Incubator
PMC. An election was held and the PMC has recommended that
the board appoint Nicola Ken Barozzi as replacement PMC Chair.
The Incubator web site is being significantly updated to better
reflect reality and to expressly state the requirements and
assumptions within the ASF and the Incubator.
Spam Assassin is being added to the Incubator fold. We are in
the process of receiving the required CLAs from all SA
contributors, and there are many of them. No "Mentor/Shepherd"
(see below) has been selected appointed yet (officially).
Pluto is also being added to the fold. At present, the s/w
base as been copyright assigned and licensed to the ASF. CLAs
of all contributors have also been submitted and received.
The Jakarta PMC has agreed to accept Pluto after successful
There is ongoing discussion within Incubator regarding its
function and role and how to best accomplish them. Discussion
regarding terminology (such as "Mentor" or "Shepherd") as
well as procedures are being (hopefully) finalized.
The current roster of the Incubator PMC consists of:
Aaron Bannert
Nicola Ken Barozzi (Chair select)
Noel Bergman
Ken Coar
Roy Fielding
B. W. Fitzpatrick
Paul Hammant
Ted Leung
Jim Jagielski
Sam Ruby
Leo Simmons
Davanum Srinivas
Greg Stein
Sander Striker
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Maven Project
Maven 1.0 RC1 was released 30 September. This was another quiet
release mostly fixing problems with plugins and adding functionality
that allows the automated download and installation of plugins. There
is also a Windows installer available.
Maven plugins are now being released on their own cycle, and many have
moved into the maven-plugins cvs module. This has allowed critical
bugfixes and improvements to get to the users much more quickly.
We are now working on RC2 which will focus on some impressive
performance and memory usage improvements, as well as fixing the
remaining known bugs. The distributions of maven releases were
consolidated from jakarta, ibiblio and and are all
now available via the mirrors and All
releases were pgp signed.
Brett Porter was voted as a new committer.
Our release schedule is available at
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache TCL Project
This quarter has gone relatively well for the Apache Tcl group.
Websh was featured favorably on the cover of Linux Magazin and in the
corresponding article inside.
Apache Rivet today released version 0.2.0 of the software, and has
seen quite a bit of activity, as well as a new committer, Andy Doerr.
Outstanding issues: Damon Courtney apparently has not sent in his
membership application. It's important that he do that in order to
vote in the upcoming elections at the member's meeting.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache James Project
What code releases have been made?
The past 3 months have been slower than normal for the James
project. We have integrated virtually all major changes in the 3.0
branch into 2.X branch and continue to release beta-quality 2.2
snapshots. Release 2.1.3 is still the last stable release. We are
still working with Avalon to figure out an appropriate container and
upgrade path so we can reconsile the 2.X and 3.X tree and simplify
our lives.
Some encouraging throughput numbers come out recently
although we recognize we need to improve outgoing performance to
meet our internal goal of handling ASF infrastructure load levels.
Legal issues:
Cross-project issues:
Noel and I have got JIRA running on ASF hardware, and we would like
to get (and some other domains while we're at it)
setup with HTTPS. I believe the board had approved this notion and
that one or more persons would negotiate getting the ASF cheap or
free server certs.
I'm unclear how infrastructure fits into the ASF organization, and
if/what the board's decision was on this matter. Any guidance about
who is responsible for this action item, and if it's something we
could take up on our own, is appreciated.
Any problems with committers, members, etc?
No. We've added one committer and hope to add some more, but we are
getting off-and-on patches from many people.
Plans and expectations for the next period?
I would hope we can get a known Avalon container adopted and resolve
our two branches. That said, this isn't easy and we're working with
the Avalon project to hopefully get this resolved. Thanks to
Stephen McConnell for his continued help with this.
Attachment F: Status report for the Conference Planning PMC
[ no attachment ]
Attachment G: Status report for the Security Team
[ Submitted by Mark Cox ]
New, valid (possible security issues), issues mailed to this quarter: 11. (2 of these were quickly
resolved as not issues)
This quarter we continued to do a poor job of responding to the
reporters of the issues; failing to track and follow up on the issues
properly when they were passed to a projects security team. In one
case a reporter published their (minor security) issue to Bugtraq
after not hearing from the Apache security team after 30 days.
End of agenda for the October 22, 2003 board meeting.