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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

			    April 21, 2004

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PDT -0700 and was begun at
    10:04 when a quorum was reconised by the chairman.  The meeting
    was held by teleconference, hosted by Sam Ruby and IBM:

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Mark Cox
        Sam Ruby (except 10:48-10:53)
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:

        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Ben Laurie


        Chuck Murcko (Treasurer) (until 10:18)

3. Minutes and supplements from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of November 16, 2003

       Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Brian Behlendorf]

    B. The meeting of February 18, 2004

       CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_02_18.txt
       Approved by General Consent.

    C. The meeting of March 17, 2004

       CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_03_17.txt
       Approved by General Consent.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Greg reported that the ASF is "moving along" and his resources
       have been directed at our relationship with lawyer Robin
       Wagner.  Robin is still happy to formalise a pro-bono
       relationship with the ASF and increase the number of hours she
       is able to spend.  There was some discussion about the creation
       of a new list for the legal discussions.

    B. President [Dirk]

       Postponed as Dirk was not present.

    C. Infrastructure [Sander]

       Sander gave a verbal infrastructure report.  Recent events have
       included minatour disk problems; new disks have been sourced.
       The new machines are now in the racks and are currently being
       tested.  There was some discussion with United Layers over
       power consumption, but this has been resolved without requiring
       any action.

    D. Treasurer [Chuck]

       Current balances (as of 04/21/2004):

       Paypal           $2399.79
       Checking          $150.84
       Premium Mkt.   $101679.24

       Chuck discussed the use of a lock-box service so that in the
       future checks could be sent directly to the bank.  

       Chuck left the meeting at 10:18pm.

    E. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Jim was not present.  Prior to the meeting Jim had 
       submitted the following report:

       "Notice was sent out to members regarding the scheduled
       ASF Members' Meeting (to be held May 18th).  We still
       need to nail down some aspects of the meeting, such

           o Exact time
	   o Will we be using Roy's voting tool?
	   o Usage of proxies
	   o Members of record (this is on my plate)

       On the office front, no ASF board related letters have
       been received, although we are getting FAXed and posted
       CLAs, which are being logged in, on average, once
       a week.  Covalent has a new Raindance account, so we'll
       start using that (assuming I'm still on the board after
       the next board election)."

       The board discussed various timezone issues associated with the
       meeting and agreed that the scheduled ASF members meeting would
       take place at 12 (noon) Pacific time.  The board agreed the
       the voting tool would be used.

5. Special Orders

    A. Change the Chair of the Incubator PMC

       WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache Incubator Project
       Management Committee (PMC) have recommended Noel J. Bergman to
       serve as chairman of the Apache Incubator PMC; and

       WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache
       Incubator PMC, Nicola Ken Barozzi, has stepped down from his
       position as Vice President, Apache Incubator, in favor of Noel
       J. Bergman's appointment to that position.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Noel J. Bergman be and
       hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Incubator, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       This was approved via Unanimous Vote.

6. Discussion Items

    A. Discussion: Gluecode

       A short discussion on Gluecode took place but there were no
       actions necessary.       

    B. Discussion: PR/Marketing

       The draft Marketing/PR plan (CVS board module
       'apache-marketing.txt') was discussed.  Note that file is ASF
       Confidential since it discusses a private arrangement with

       Greg talked about Susan and how it would be nice to make our
       relationship with her official so she is able to take necessary
       actions for PR and marketing purposes.  It was generally agreed
       to be a good idea to promote the purpose and direction of the
       ASF to give foundation credibility and visibility.  It was also
       thought that this will help with fundraising efforts.  While it
       would be good to have a VP level marketing position at some
       point it was proposed to make Susan a marketing director (no
       signatory, but a point person) possibly as soon as next month.

    C. Discussion: audit stuff

       There was a small discussion on the difference between having a
       CPA and someone who could sign off on an audit about
       Sarbanes-Oxley.  Chuck to work out what the ASF needs.
    D. Discussion: JBoss response

       The status of the JBoss response was discussed; the response
       has yet to be sent.

    E. Discussion: CLA update?

       There was a small discussion about the status of the proposed
       new CLA and concern that the progress of it had been stalled.
       Sam Ruby took an action to check on the status of this and work
       out what will be required to make the new CLA official.  The
       PMCs also need a reminder to be sent for pending CLAs.

    F. Discussion: Best Practices?

       This item was tabled for future discussion. 

    G. Discussion: Ken Coar's request to use the Apache trademarks

       Ken mentioned that he would like to use the Apache trademarks
       on items from CafePress to be made available to members for
       cost price.  The board will write a proposal to be approved by
       the board later which will give Ken the non-exclusive rights to
       use Apache trademarks on items sold to ASF members at cost for
       one year.

7. Committee Reports

    A. Apache DB Project [John McNally]

       See Attachment A
       Approved via General Consent.

    B. Apache Incubator Project [Nicola Ken Barozzi]

       See Attachment B
       Approved via General Consent.

    C. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas]

       See Attachment C
       Approved via General Consent.

    D. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl]

       See Attachment D
       Approved via General Consent.

    E. Apache Struts Project [Craig McClanahan]

       No report was received.  To be deferred until the next board meeting.

    F. Apache TCL Project [David Welton]

       See Attachment E
       Approved via General Consent.

    G. Conference Planning [Ken Coar]

       Ken gave a verbal report.  The conference planners are still
       trying for an ApacheCon USA in Las Vegas in November 2004.  The 
       Call for Papers is likely to be at the end of April.  In
       addition they are trying to help the O'Reilly Open Source
       Convention come up with speakers for an Apache Track.
       Approved via General Consent.

    H. Security Team [Ben Laurie]

       No report was received, to be deferred until the next board

8. Unfinished Business


9. New Business

    It was agreed by general consent to give a budget of US$100 a month
    to the Secretary for general office supplies.

10. Announcements


11. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 11:30 PST -0800.  Adjourned at
    11:16 PST.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache DB Project

* PMC Changes - 4 new additions to the PMC: Scott Eade, Brian
McCallister, Daniel Rall, Armin Weibel.

* OJB - OJB was close to release for much of this quarter.  The license
change and request by the Chair that they increase their PMC
participation were among the hold ups.  Both of these have been resolved
and release of 1.0 is imminent.

* Torque - Development continues in maintenance mode.

* Problems - No conflicts.  Mailing list traffic remains civil.

* Goals for next quarter - I'd like to see Axion's incubation progress
to completion, or at least be very close.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Here are the STATUS reports from the PPMCs that have sent it in. All
have been approved by the respective Mentors:

Status report from the Geronimo PPMC

* The project status file (/home/cvs/incubator-geronimo/STATUS)
   is up to date.

* Geir Magnusson is preparing a response to the JBoss letter for
   approval by the ASF Board. It concludes that there is no validity
   to the claims.

* Legal arrangements have been made to provide non-Members with access
   to the J2EE TCK. Certification testing will be starting imminently.

* No response has been received from Sun on the use of J2EE Schema
   documents and hence the project will keep these in its CVS as other
   projects do. If the matter is raised by Sun then they will be removed

* All code in the project has been converted to ASL 2.0

* Jacek Laskowski has been added as a committer

Within the next period (3 months) we expect to:
o Exit the incubator

o Release alpha and beta versions

o Progress with J2EE certification testing

Status report from the Directory PPMC

* The status file is NOT up to date.  I will add the extra details
   concerning Alan Cabrera's joining and the adoption of RMS shortly.

* We still have a dependency on Snacc4J which is being worked on as
   we speak.  This dependency is the only one holding the project in
   the incubator for the time being.  We expect have this resolved
   before another status report or two at the most.

* Since the last report the following has happened:
   - Alan Cabrera from Geronimo joined the team
   - added the RMS subproject which will work closely with Janus
   - skeletal frontend completed - it replies 'Busy' to all requests
   - cleaned up builds
   - created multiple JIRA projects one for each subproject
   - got website up to date
   - all projects are nicely progressing towards maturity

* Within the next period we hope to:
   - remove the snacc4j dependency completely
   - prepare for exiting the incubator
   - take on 1-2 more contributors and bring them up to speed

* Recommendations for smoother incubation:
   - At this point we have some questions concerning the graduation
     from the incubator.  I think we're the first project that will
     become a TLP to graduate.  Perhaps Geronimo may do it first
     then we have a model to emulate.  But in case that does not
     happen we would like to have an idea of the steps involved so
     we're poised for a graceful exit.

Status report for JuiCE

JuiCE is just entering incubation, and is currently in the process of
starting up.  We are currently waiting on CLAs from core developers to
enable us to get started.

   * is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)

Yes -

   * any legal, cross-project or personal issues
     that still need to be addressed?


   * what has been done for incubation since the last report?

JuiCE has only just entered the Incubator.  We are currently in the
process of getting infrastructure up and running, accounts set up and
code imported.

   * plans and expectations for the next period?

Getting code imported, web site setup and development started.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache James Project

What code releases have been made?
James 2.2a16-a18 are unofficial releases.  We are expecting to turn
the most recent build (a18) into an official release, assuming we find
no more bugs in the next few days.  The 3.0 merger is all but
complete, and I hope to have an unofficial 3.0 release before next
board report.

General FYI:
James is becoming a pretty useful SMTP routing/POP3 server.  Mailet
developer is easier, but I don't feel we are attracting enough
independent projects.  IMAP is considered in development because we
have only memory-based storage (basically, just a protocol impl).
NNTP is there, but doesn't seem widely used.  IMHO we are getting a
lot of user mailing list traffic, and it seems the demand for a
sendmail replacement is increasing.

Legal issues:
Minor request for feedback... have we crossed (or are nearing) a line
by making too many unofficial releases?

Our last voted release was May 2003 version 2.1.3.  Since then we've
put out 18 "alpha" test builds, many with significant new features.
Largely we were hoping to get the 3.0 branch out sooner and didn't
want to continue to support and work on the 2.x branch, but it's
always just easier to patch the known version.

Cross-project issues:
Relatively minor... I am interested in what role Jakarta commons (and
Commons TLP) plays in James.  We are growing several "utility" classes
that we feel could be useful to Java/email developers in general, and
want to split out from James.  If we split this out, can we create a
James "commons/sandbox" subproject, or try to move that into Jakarta
commons or commons TLP.  Many of our new developers are not Jakarta

We're also watching the standards discussion on members@ with
  The mailet API has been around for some time, will be getting many
facelifts, and separated into an independent subproject this year.
If/how there emerges a ASR-001 structure/process, we would expect to
follow/lead that.

Plans and expectations:
1. Make official release on 2.x branch
2. Make unofficial release on 3.x branch
3. Publish JIRA usage guidelines.
4. Later this summer migrate James server CVS -> SVN

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

o New Projects

There are no new projects this go around, but two projects that were
proposed last time have not been incorporated. The Javasrc project which
was part of the defuct Alexandria project was absorbed into Forrest so
we have as yet done nothing with it. The Mevenide project was migrated
to Codehaus instead of Apache which was the choice of the Mevenide

o PMC Changes

No new additions to the PMC.

No resignations from the PMC.

o New Committers

Trygve Laugstøl: For his work on the maven2 core.
CLA: sent, but not acknowledged.

Arnaud Heritier: For his work on the PDF plugin.
CLI: sent and acknowledged.

o Goings on

The release of the 1.0 rc2 happened and we are in the throws of
releasing an 1.0 rc3. Shortly after this the 1.0 final will be released.

In tandem with the 1.0 release a 2.0 alpha-1 will be released around May
1st which will become what is essentially a fact finding mission. The
maven2 alpha is functional but in the months of planned alpha before the
first beta all the use cases we have set forth will be discussed with
users and surveys will be released for feedback. I am hoping that this
will be an example of something that typically does not occur with open
source projects which is an entirely user driven alpha cycle which will
help to form the first beta of Maven2.


We are currently trying to setup the Maven plugins as a separate project
with separate committers in an attempt to open the gates, so to speak,
to more developers who have contributed to plugins but yet do not have
access the the Maven plugins repository. We are also thinking of
creating a little sandbox for plugin development.


The book is still chugging along and I have been working with the
Geronimo fellows to try help them get setup with Maven and would like
Geronimo to be one of the first projects to adopt Maven 2 and they seem
to be willing to work together to achieve this. David Blevins, the
author of OpenEJB, is writing the Geronimo book for O'Reilly so we are
working together on the Maven side of things for Geronimo. I expect the
adoption of Maven 2 by Geronimo will provide some impetus for users to
move forward once they see what can be done with a project the size of
Geronimo with Maven 2.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache TCL Project

Not a particularly active time for the Tcl projects, but work
continues.  We are talking about what to do with the 'DIO' database
interaction layer, which is some pretty good code that has come out of
the Rivet project.  We continue to work on Rivet, Websh is well
maintained and spoken for on its mailing list.  Rivet ought to have a
new release out soon with SQLite support, as well as maybe including
the codebase, which is in the public domain:

End of minutes for the April 21, 2004 board meeting.
