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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            May 26, 2004

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PDT -0700. At 10:10 a
    quorum was recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held by
    teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent:

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr.
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:



        Chuck Murcko (Treasurer)

3. Minutes and supplements from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of November 16, 2003

       Minutes are not yet available for approval. [Brian Behlendorf]

       The minutes are in "rough format" and it was suggested that they
       be formatted to be more in keeping with the format of the
       previous minutes.  Brian indicated that he would try to
       do the reformatting and Jim volunteered to help/finish
       if Brian needed it.

    B. The meeting of April 21, 2004

       CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_04_21.txt

       The approval of these minutes were tabled until the next

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Greg reported that, as the directors know, the ASF held a members
       meeting on May 18th in order to bring the members up to speed
       on any ASF related news, elect new members and elect a new board.
       The directors in attendance constitute the new board. Greg noted
       that, all in all, the meeting went well. There was some discussion
       over the actual mechanics of the meeting, and such topics as
       proxies when using the online voting tool (eg: Why even designate
       a proxy). This would be brought up and discussed on the members
       mailing list.

       Greg also reported that he was pleased to see the Avalon project
       working to address the problems and issues that it had
       suffered from in the past. He did note that it will be interesting
       to see how the formation of the ASF Excaliber PMC, if approved,
       would affect Avalon.

       Greg's final topic was concerning the generation of a marketing
       plan for the ASF, in anticipation of the formation of the Public
       Relations committee. A rough draft will be written and review and
       feedback will be requested of the board and, eventually, the

    B. President [Dirk]

       Dirk had no real news to report other than an update on the
       infrastructure, which was reported by Sander Striker:
       Infrastructure [Sander]

         Infrastructure is confronted with lack of people able to help
         out.  Last month most regular roots were unable to contribute
         anything with respect to day-to-day work as account creation,
         etc.  Noel has been very good in filling the gap, but that
         is far from ideal.  The root rotation file, where people with
         root access commit themselves for a week of duty, has gone
         Furthermore Infrastructure has been battling email issues
         related to spam.  Also the entire mail system has been migrated
         off of daedalus onto a new machine, hermes.  This is where
         other root resources went.
         An email was sent out to members@ asking for help in various
         areas, among which software development to automate/ease the
         tasks of the operators, and to smoothen the process of
         account/karma request handling.  To date there has been little

       Sander's report generated discussion on the best way to delegate
       power and responsibility to reduce the workload on the
       actual infrastructure team for such actions as creating
       accounts, PMC specifics (eg: mailing lists) and the like.
       Sam noted that the Email Sander referred to had a "generic"
       subject line and was therefore not likely read by most members
       since it didn't indicate the severity of the request.

    C. Treasurer [Chuck]

         We should now (or extremely shortly) be accepting contributions
         of salvaged cars from Car Program LLC. Our United Layer account
         is now on automatic payment.

         Current balances (as of 05/26/2004):

         Paypal           $2235.16
         Checking          $632.89
         Premium Mkt.   $100249.31
    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

         Not much to report this month.  We have received some CLAs
         from present and potential committers and infrastructure has
         been creating the accounts as required.  Now that we have
         elected 7 new members, I will be keeping an eye out on the
         (required) signed member applications.

         We did receive a "signed" CLA from the University of
         Memphis (Canty Robbins, Dir. of Purchasing) however with
         an amendment statement that requires our approval.  A scanned
         copy of the 2 page amendment was provided to the board.

       Greg reported that the above amended CLA was not yet
       discussed or reviewed with Robyn, due to the board
       election and the potential change of the board. Greg
       said that he would now restart the discussions with Robyn
       on the outstanding legal issues.

       There was some discussion over the efficiency in which the
       board is propagating information to the members.  It was
       noted, however, that the board mailing list is open to members
       and that it is a very good way for members who are so inclined
       to follow along with topics being considered and discussed
       by the board. It was also noted that Greg sends out (unofficial)
       board summary reports to the members mailing list as well. The
       use of actual board minutes were also discussed, but it
       was noted that the minutes aren't official until approved by
       the board, thus creating at least a one month delay. Jim noted
       that he could commit the draft minutes earlier and that the
       board could vote and and approve them on the mailing list,
       to reduce this delay.

5. Special Orders

    A. Appoint officers for the 2004-2005 term

       Below are the positions and current nominations.

         - Greg Stein
       Elected by Unanimous vote.

         - Dirk-Willem van Gulik
       Elected by a vote of 8 Yea and 1 Abstention

         - Chuck Murcko
       Elected by Unanimous vote

       Executive Vice President
         - Jim Jagielski
       Elected by a vote of 8 Yea and 1 Abstention

         - Jim Jagielski
       Elected by a vote of 8 Yea and 1 Abstention

    B. Public Relations Committee

         WHEREAS, The Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
         interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
         Foundation's purpose to establish an ASF Board Committee
         charged with handling public relations, managing the Apache
         brand and image, performing outreach and announcements, and
         raising funds as necessary tasks to sustain the operation of
         the Foundation and assist the creation and maintenance of
         open-source software for distribution at no charge to the

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Board Committee, to
         be known as the "Public Relations Committee", be and hereby is
         established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it

         RESOLVED, that the Public Relations Committee be and hereby is
         responsible for organization and oversight of efforts to handle
         public relations on behalf of The Apache Software Foundation,
         including trademark licensing and other issues regarding
         management of the Apache brand and raising of funds, but
         excluding the ApacheCon conferences (which shall remain a
         responsibility of the Apache Conference Planning Committee);
         and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the Brian W. Fitzpatrick shall serve at the
         direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Public
         Relations Committee and have primary responsibility for
         management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
         of the Public Relations Committee; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
         hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
         Public Relations Committee:

           Ken Coar
           Shane Curcuru
           Justin Erenkrantz
           Lars Eilebrecht
           Brian Fitzpatrick
           Jim Jagielski
           Geir Magnusson Jr.
           Greg Stein
           Susan Wu

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Apache
         Fund-Raising Committee is hereby terminated.

       This resolution created a lot of discussion. The main issue was
       whether it was appropriate for the 2 efforts of PR and Fundraising
       to be linked and performed by a single entity. At issue was not
       so much the oversight or potential conflict of interests but
       rather on the appearance to the community. The vote on this
       resolution was tabled pending further discussion on the
       mailing lists.

    C. Establish the Apache Excalibur Project

         WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
         interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
         Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
         Committee charged with creation and maintenance of embeddable
         software libraries related to component and service management,
         for distribution at no charge to the public.

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
         Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Excalibur PMC", be and
         hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
         be it further

         RESOLVED, that the Excalibur PMC be and hereby is responsible
         for the creation and maintenance of embeddable software
         libraries related to component and service management, based on
         software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Excalibur" be and
         hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
         the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
         Excalibur PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
         management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
         of the Excalibur PMC; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
         hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
         Excalibur PMC:

           Shash Chatterjee
           Peter Donald
           J Aaron Farr
           Alex Karasulu
           Berin Loritsch
           Michael Nash
           Leo Simons
           Hamilton Verissimo de Oliveira
           Carsten Ziegeler

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Leo Simons be and
         hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Excalibur,
         to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
         Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
         death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
         until a successor is appointed; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the initial Excalibur PMC be and hereby is
         tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
         encourage open development and increased participation in the
         Excalibur Project; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the initial Excalibur PMC be and hereby is
         tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Avalon PMC
         Fortress and Excalibur subprojects; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Avalon PMC
         Fortress and Excalibur subprojects and encumbered upon the
         Avalon PMC are hereafter discharged.

       By Unaninmous vote, the Excalibur PMC was approved.

    D. Establish the Apache Geronimo Project

         The Apache Incubator has voted to graduate the Apache Geronimo 
         project out of incubation and petition the board to create 
         a new top-level project, Apache Geronimo.  The community, in a
         close vote [which I think is very good and healthy] voted to
         suggest the following people be considered for PMC chair for
         Apache Geronimo in the following order :

             Geir Magnusson Jr
             David Blevins   

         The community asks that the board consider the following
         resolution :

         WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
         interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
         Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
         Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
         a certified implementation of the J2EE specification
         and related software and materials for distribution
         at no charge to the public.

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
         Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Geronimo PMC", be
         and hereby is established pursuant to the Bylaws of the
         Foundation; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the Apache Geronimo PMC be and hereby is
         responsible for the creation and maintenance of an open-source
         implementation of the J2EE specification as well as related
         software and other materials determined appropriate by
         the Apache Geronimo PMC licensed to the Foundation; and be
         it further

         RESOLVED, that the Apache Geronimo PMC is responsible for
         outreach and cooperation with other open-source projects whose
         purpose is deemed compatible with the work of the Apache
         Geronimo PMC; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Geronimo"
         be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
         serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
         of the Apache Geronimo PMC, and to have primary responsibility
         for management of the projects within the scope and
         responsibility of the Apache Geronimo PMC; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
         hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
         Apache Geronimo PMC and also constitute the list of initial
         committers :

           Jan Bartel
           David Blevins
           Jeremy Boynes
           Alan Cabrera
           Hiram Chirino
           Gianny Damour
           Ceki Gülcü
           Jules Gosnell
           Jim Jagielski
           David Jencks
           Jacek Laskowski
           Geir Magnusson Jr.
           Richard Monson-Haefel
           Aaron Mulder
           Bruce Snyder
           Davanum Srinivas
           James Strachan
           Dain Sundstrom
           Greg Wilkins

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Geir Magnusson be
         and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
         Geronimo, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
         direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
         Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
         disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

         RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Geronimo PMC be and hereby
         is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
         encourage open development and increased participation in the
         Apache Geronimo Project.

       By Unaninmous vote, the Apache Geronimo PMC was approved.

    E. Establish the Apache Forrest Project

         WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
         interests of the Apache Software Foundation and consistent with
         the Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
         Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
         open-source software for distribution at no charge to the
         public, with the purpose of generation of aggregated
         multi-channel documentation maintaining a separation of content
         and presentation.

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
         Committee, to be known as the "Apache Forrest PMC", be and
         hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
         be it further

         RESOLVED, that the Apache Forrest PMC be and hereby is
         responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
         related to generation of aggregated multi-channel documentation
         maintaining a separation of content and presentation, based on
         software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Forrest"
         be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
         serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
         of the Apache Forrest PMC, and to have primary responsibility
         for management of the projects within the scope of
         responsibility of the Apache Forrest PMC; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
         hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
         Apache Forrest PMC:

           Nicola Ken Barozzi <>
           Dave Brondsema <>
           David Crossley <>
           Antonio Gallardo <>
           Juan Jose Pablos <>

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mr David Crossley
         be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President,
         Apache Forrest, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
         direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
         Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
         disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

         RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Forrest PMC be and hereby is
         tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
         encourage open development and increased participation in the
         Forrest Project; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Forrest PMC be and hereby is
         tasked with the migration and rationalization of the XML PMC
         Forrest sub-project; and be it further

         RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the XML Forrest
         sub-project encumbered upon the XML PMC be hereafter

       By Unaninmous vote, the Apache Forrest PMC was approved.

6. Discussion Items

    A. Status of formal response to JBoss

       As previously mentioned, some legal issues had been tabled
       until after the election of the board. Now that this has been
       done, these issues will be resolved. Greg noted that at present,
       only himself was authorized to contact Robyn regarding legal
       work to be done on behalf of the ASF. To avoid any potential
       "bottlenecks," Geir and Brian was also added to the "approved"
       list of ASF contacts for Robyn.

       After this discussion, Geir reported that he would finish
       his draft of the response, ensuring that all references are
       actually part of the response (ie: no links), which would
       then be submitted to the board and Robyn for review.

    B. Status of TCK J2EE license

    C. Status of proposed CLAs

    D. Schedule for regular meetings

       The current schedule is (generally) the third Wednesday of
       every month. Sometimes it is altered to the fourth Wednesday,
       as detailed in cvs:committers/board/calendar.txt.

       Question: should this scheduling remain?

7. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill]

       See Attachment A

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    B. Apache Cocoon Project [Steven Noels]

       See Attachment B

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    C. Apache HTTP Server Project [Sander Striker]

       See Attachment C

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    D. Apache Logging Project [Ceki Gülcü]

       See Attachment D

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    E. Apache Perl Project [Doug MacEachern]

       See Attachment E

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    F. Apache XML Project [Berin Lautenbach]

       See Attachment F

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    G. Fund-Raising Committee [Chuck Murcko]

       See Attachment G

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    H. Apache Struts Project [Craig McClanahan]

       See Attachment H

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

    I. Apache Avalon Project [Aaron Farr]

       See Attachment I

       Discussion and Approval tabled due to time constraints.

8. Unfinished Business

9. New Business

10. Announcements

11. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 1200 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 12:08.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project


Ant 1.6.1 has been released addressing the few major bugs reported in Ant
1.6. The release has generated very few bug reports to date and has been
well received.

There has been recent discussion on Ant 1.7 features. As the 1.6.1 release
is proving very stable, there should be a reasonable development period for
1.7 to look at the usage and improvement of the new 1.6 features such as
<import>, antlibs, etc.


The community is healthy and there is no discord to report.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project


- Steven Noels has indicated his intention to step down from PMC chair.
Bertrand was nominated but indicated his lack of continous time in the next
few months. Nominations are still undergoing.

- Cocoon 2.1.5 was released May 25, 2004. Mostly a bugfix release (a problem
with the persistency of cached object was found and corrected) and further
migration of the Woody form framework to the Cocoon Forms framework.

- Pier Fumagalli reported the migration of (one of the most
important news sites) to a cocoon-based site in 3 weeks. Given the size
and load of that site, Pier is also finding (and correcting) several
misbehaviors in the core parts of the component handling system.

- The community sent congrats to the three new elected ASF members David,
Bertrand and Gianugo and to the new ASF director Stefano.

- Wiki spamming is becoming a serious problem. We are considering blocking
public write access to the wiki as a result. Also, we would like to move
the wiki from to the ASF-hosted wiki farm and operation
is undergoing. Given the popularity of ASF's websites, we wonder how the
Infrastructure team plans to handle Wiki spamming on the MoinMoin installation.

- On the social side, Christopher Oliver has decided to friendly quit the
project due to the legal friction generated by his patches to Rhino. No
flames were generated, even if this leaves us with a core piece of the cocoon
architecture as a non-official fork, basically with nobody maintaining it,
licensed under the MPL and hosted on a non-apache site (

Talks have been started with the Mozilla folks to relicense Rhino under an
ASF-redistribution-friendly license, and while there seems to be a genuine
willingness from their side, the administrative burden has been shifted back
to us, the energy contributed towards this effort is minimal, and we should
be careful not to let this become a permanent issue.


The Apache Lenya project has been busy the last few months to get the 1.2
release out. The project saw an increase in mailing list traffic for both the
user and developer lists; the number of sites deploying Lenya is growing. Dale
Christ was voted in as a new commiter, while Thorsten Scherler became an active
commiter again. A public demo site [1] turned out to be a useful resource for
users to try out Lenya and for developers to quickly confirm bug reports. A
Sprint [2] brought developers together for 2 days in Zurich to work on Repository
Integration. The sprint was very productive and will be repeated in the future.

The notion of translating the Lenya documentation came up, while a non-english
mailing list proposal was rejected over fracturing concerns.

The Lenya wiki is in the process of being separated from the Cocoon one.


Attachment C: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project

Basically nothing of significance to report to the Board from
the HTTP Server project for last quarter.  No legal issues,
no quarrels, few releases.

There have been the following releases:
 - apache-1.3.31
 - httpd-2.0.49
 - mod_python 3.1.3
 - Apache-Test 1.08, 1.09, 1.10 and 1.11

The documentation end is busy as always, as is httpd-test.

We've gained a few committers during last period as well as
expanded the PMC.

There has been some discussion on moving the code from CVS
to SVN; apache 1.3 is the first codebase to move over.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

* The log4j team is working feverishly towards an alpha release for
version 1.3 which will incorporate a large set of new features. We are
also working with projects dependent on log4j, such as
commons-logging, to ensure backward compatibility.

* Log4j's Chainsaw tool is now accessible via Java Web Start.  The
Logging Services PMC is committed to exploring and evaluating new
ideas for enhancing functionality and productivity of System
Administrators / Monitors.

* The log4cxx prokect updated its licence to Apache 2.0. It released
version 0.9.7, it's first version under the Apache Logging Services

* Log4net now supports building under the Mono Beta 1 runtime.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

-- Releases --

The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd

Nothing much happening on that track.  No new mod_perl 1.x releases
since the last report.


The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become
mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x.

Recent releases:

  1.99_13 - Mar 08, 2004


Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server.  It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications.

Recent releases:

  1.10 - April 18, 2004
  1.09 - March 8, 2004
  1.08 - February 24, 2004

-- Development --

Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy
pace. Now working on polishing the API so we can get ready for the 2.0
release hopefully somewhere in summer.

-- Users --

As always the mod_perl users list is thriving. Though usage is
declining a bit recently, with 1.5M or 4.8M sites depending on which
survey you look at.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache XML Project

General Comments

A fairly quiet quarter on the overall project front, although good
activity within most of the sub-projects. Much effort has gone into
discussion around the Federation proposal, and this is where the PMC
has been concentrating its efforts.

The project has voted in a new sub-project - JuiCE?. This is a JCE
provider based on OpenSSL? with an initial code-base donated by
Internet2. It is ramping up in the Incubator, although sorting out
CLAs for the initial committers has taken longer than expected. As we
transition to a Federated model, it is likely that this will move with
the XML-Security project - possibly into a security or crypto related

XMLBeans is also getting closer to release from Incubator, and is
currently working through how to ensure a balanced committer
group. Again, the Federation issue has caused some discussion around
whether XMLBeans will come out of the incubator as a TLP within the
XML Federation, or as a sub-project to start with.


The PMC has been focussed on executing the Federation proposal. Four
proposals are currently being concentrated on :

    * Xerces: There has been much discussion around how the language
      based parser implementations would come together in the overall
      project, and how other "sub-projects" might work in with
      them. This is not so much a discussion of whether or not it
      should be done as a discussion around how the mechanics will
    * AxKit: The AxKit team have done a lot of work detailing out an
      operating model for a new TLP. The team seems comfortable with
      the idea of a move, so I am hopeful we may have a resolution to
      put before the board at the next meeting. 
    * XML Graphics: Batik and FOP are looking to create a consolodated
      PMC. Batik has been very quiet lately (all committers otherwise
      engaged), which has lead to discussions as to whether or not to
      just go with FOP in the intial move.
    * Xalan: This started up using the same model as Xerces. Fairly
      much on hold whilst we work through the issues with Xerces.

Much of the effort with all of these has been around ensuring people
are very clear about what this means and why it is being done. Most of
the sub-projects are fairly comfortable with the way things work today
and need to be comfortable that we are not causing them unnecessary
overheads by heading down this path.

My feeling has been that it is important to take as much time as it
needs to ensure everyone is comfortable with what is going on, so I've
not been trying to push people into moving fast.

Issues needing attention:

The JuiCE? effort needs to put a submission to BIS for exporting
cryptographic code. We also need to make a submission to Sun
requesting a code signing certificate (to enable the crypto in the
provider in later JDKs). This will require a statement from the ASF
indicating that we understand we are bound by the US export
laws. Given we do understand this, the PMC chair will be signing on
behalf of the ASF.


Work continues toward a 1.7 release:

    * Optimized Provider class interfaces to reduce redundant
      processing during style extraction phase.
    * Fixed bug that resulted in undesireable redirection for certain
      URLs when the AxHandleDirs? option is set to On.
    * Accepted for review 2 user-submitted patches to extend the
      directory listing interface to allow for greater flexibility
      (richer metadata).
    * Additional smaller bug fixes/general code clean-up. 

Much discussion surrounding AxKit's potential migration to a Top-Level
Project resulted in a consensus for a proposed Mission Statement and
Project Guidelines. Details here:

More informally, the AxKit development team and larger users community
was excited to hear that one of our users, running modest hardware and
the latest version of AxKit, was able to cope with the load associated
with a good old fashioned Slashdotting without dropping a single


Some discussion has started on moving Batik to the XML Graphics Top
Level Project.


There were no official releases in the Commons project recently. We
have had some volunteers from Xalan helping out to migrate to the 2.0
license and fixing up some documentation. Note that if most XML
projects decide to move to their own PMCs that Commons will need to be
careful to either get enough attention from the PMC or should move to
the Xalan PMC (since Xalan re-ships most of the 'common' code here).


2 new committers: Clay Leeds and Simon Pepping.

Still working slowly towards a 1.0 developer release with no date in
sight, however. Changed to Apache Licence 2.0 for CVS HEAD and
alt-design branch, the maintenance branch is frozen and hasn't been


We continue to make solid steps towards the 0.6 release:

    * Changed to Apache License 2.0 in source files and commenced
      investigation of the distributed libaries.
    * Lots of work has been done to eliminate the copying of resources
      during build time
    * Forrestbot2 nearly ready for general use
    * Build system refactorings
    * Working on a more maintainable skin configuration system
    * Commenced discsussion (i.e. at internal Proposal stage) about
      Forrest becoming a top-level project


Xalan-C++ 1.8 was released on May 3, 2004.

Xalan-C++ version 1.8 is an implementation of the W3C Recommendations
for XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and the XML Path Language
(XPath) Version 1.0. It was tested for compatibility with the
Xerces-C++ XML parser version 2.5.0.

The release included:

    * Upgrade from Xerces-C 2.4 to Xerces-C 2.5
    * Build support for the new platforms Cygwin, HP-UX 11.00 on Itanium
    * Project files for supporting Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
    * Additional changes to the Xerces Deprecated DOM support. This is
      another step towards phasing out the support for Xerces Deprecated
      DOM. Users are encouraged to modify their applications to interface
      with the new Xerces DOM support. For more information on the effects
      of these changes to your build environment, see 
    * Implemented optimizations to significantly improve the
      throughput of the ICU-enabled "format-number" function.
    * Changes in the XML Serializer, the serializer will no longer put
      a newline after the xml header tag unless indent="yes". See
      bugzilla 24304 and 28386. 
    * Apache 2.0 License updates
    * Bug fixes 

Details are at

A new committer, Dmitry Hayes, was nominated and voted in as a
committer on Xalan-C++ on February 19, 2004.


Xalan-J 2.6.0 was released in February 29, 2004 (yes the 29-th). It
was tested for compatibility with the Xerces-Java XML parser version
2.6.2 which is packaged in the distribution.

The release included:

    * The usual bug fixes
    * Improvement in translet initialization time
    * Addition of a translet versioning mechanism
    * Changes that allow XSLTC to use other DTM implementations
    * Changes in the XML Serializer, the serializer will no longer put
      a newline after the xml header tag unless indent="yes". See
      bugzilla 24304.
    * Addition of a TransformThread? sample that demonstrates how to
      use different transformers on different threads and in different
    * Upgrade to Xerces-Java 2.6.2
    * Elimination of "enum" as a name to allow compilation under JDK 1.5
    * Upgrade to the Apache Software License Version 2.0 (some License
      clean up is continuing)

Two new committers have joined, Sarah McNamara?, and Joanne Tong who
were nominated and voted in as committers on Xalan-Java in late
February, and early March of 2004.


We released Xerces-C 2.5.0 on 16th February. This was primarily a bug
fix release, but as binary compatibility was not maintained a major
version number was used. We have switched over to using JIRA for issue
tracking and all bugs have been moved across from Bugzilla. We have
not yet migrated to the Apache 2.0 license; that is planned well in
advance of the next release. Xerces-C 2.6.0 will be out in the late
summer / early autumn.

Extensive discussion has been occuring over how Xerces would operate
as a top level project.


On February 20th, we released Xerces-J 2.6.2. As well as containing a
few performance improvements and several minor bug fixes, this release
fixes several bugs which a number of users encountered with version
2.6.1. Soon after this release we successfully completed migration to
the Apache 2.0 license.

Recently the committers decided that we would adopt JIRA for issue
tracking. Existing bug reports from Bugzilla have been migrated to
JIRA. The next Xerces-J release, 2.7.0, is planned in the near
future. Development items include the latest versions of SAX, DOM
Level 3, JAXP and XInclude.

In the last month or so, the committers in all the Xerces-*
communities have been discussing the possibility of converting Xerces
to a top-level project. We're hoping to have a resolution to present
to the Board by the next meeting; the consensus so far has been that
this is a good idea, though there are still some details with respect
to organization that need to be worked out.


Nothing to report for this period. No decision has been made on any
level wheter Xerces-P should be made a sub-project of Xerces-C.


    * Changed to Apache License 2.0
    * Obtained software grant for Xindice Eclipse plugin (currently in Attic)
    * Released Xindice 1.1b4 


Released 1.1 of both the C++ and Java libraries. In both cases, the
major advance has been an implementation of the W3C's XML Encryption

A large amount of performance work has been done by Raul Benito.

Finally, we voted in a new committer (Vishal Mahajan).

Attachment G: Status report for the Fund-Raising Committe

The last quarter saw the donation of a sizeable amount of new
hardware: 4 servers "loaned indefinitely" to us from IBM, spearheaded
by Sam Ruby.  HP donated a server in Europe by means of Gianugo
Rabellino, and Cliff Skolnick donated of a server to be setup by Ben
Laurie in the U.K as a CA.

The placement of Jinx's link and logo is still under discussion, with
efforts being made to improve communication on both sides.

Susan Wu has joined the committee on the press side and has already
sent out one press release, with a plan for regular releases in the

This will be the last board report for the fund-raising committee as
there has been a proposal to merge fund-raising and press activities
under a Public Relations committee.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Avalon Project

While Avalon isn't on the list of projects to report, I wanted to at
least give a small status report in light of some of the recent
proposals sent from this direction.  Current status:

1. Excalibur TLP Proposal.
   This was submitted to the board last week by Leo Simons.  The
   proposal has the full support of the Avalon PMC.  The new project
   would take control of the Excalibur and Fortress codebases from

2. Merlin TLP Proposal.
   WITHDRAWN.  At the same time of the Excalibur TLP proposal, there
   was a Merlin TLP proposal from Avalon.  This proposal has been
   withdrawn by the Merlin team and Avalon PMC.

3. Avalon status in general.
   Avalon will continue to support the core Avalon framework and the
   Merlin container as the "reference implementation" of Avalon.
   The Phoenix codebase has been moved into SVN along with the rest of
   Avalon but remains fairly inactive.  Any other for significant
   changes in Avalon (ie: an Avalon "federation" project, etc.) have
   been dropped for the time being.

It was mentioned before that Avalon needed a bit of a "kick" to get
things back into order again.  Well, there's been plenty of kicking and
I hope that with the Excalibur TLP we'll start seeing even more positive

I'd also like to thank the board for your advice and patience while
we've dealt with these proposals and matters.

End of minutes for the May 26, 2004 board meeting.
