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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

			    July 21, 2004

1. Call to order

    The meeting began at 10:12 PDT (GMT-7) on conference call line
    graciously supplied by IBM via Sam Ruby, and there was parallel
    conversation and minute taking by geir on irc channel #asfboard

2. Roll Call

    Directors (expected to be) Present:

        Ken Coar
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr.
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:

        Brian Behlendorf


        Chuck Murcko (Treasurer)

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of November 16, 2003

       Tabled waiting for reformatting

    B. The meeting of June 23, 2004

       Tabled for 1 month for director review and addition.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Greg reported that most recent activity had been in Avalon, 
       Incubator, Infrastructure and JCP-related, with the biggest 
       being Avalon and JCP. Avalon appears to be correcting itself 
       due to a committer voluntarily resigning from PMC and 
       relinquishing commit rights.  Therefore,  Avalon seems to be 
       moving forward, working on next steps, and he feels that no 
       board action is required at this time.  The JCP activity was
       noted to be specific to the ASFs J2EE SATCK license, and
       deferred comment to later as it was a discussion point for
       the board meeting.

       Sam noted that there was extensive discussion about the role
       of the board in proposing new projects.  Agreement by Greg
       with Dirk suggesting and taking as action item making this
       a discussion point for the next members meeting.  Jim noted
       we need to find a balance between dividing between members and

    B. President [Dirk]

       Dirk reported nothing specific as new.  From last meeting, there
       were issues with the CLA and AL, and which document governs 
       contributions.  Dirk believes that all concerns have been cleared
       up, although there may be a few more formal letters asking for 

       Jim offered to assist Dirk in a formal position letter pertaining 
       to this subject.

    C. Treasurer [Chuck]

       Chuck noted that contributions were down this summer, current invoices are
       done and the car donation scheme is in progress.  He also has
       faxes of 501(c)3 papers going to Roy and Jim.

       Current balances (as of 07/20/2004):

       Paypal           $1822.97
       Checking          $500.00
       Premium Mkt.    $98474.91

       Greg noted that balances have sunk below $100k, which lowers interest
       rate on the account.  Dirk noted the $38k limit as the floor
       for the account.
    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Jim reported CLA registration were up to date as of previous
       Saturday, with a steady-state stream of 3-5 a week.  There are 
       no big problems with current process, although noted that the 
       process isn't currently scalable.

       Questions and discussions revolved around what small things can 
       be done to improve process and help scale.  The biggest problem 
       according to Jim had to do with handwritten faxes, and Dirk offered
       to take up investigation on how a form-based PDF can help 
       alleviate the problem.

       Jim also noted that he's starting to get more phone calls asking
       to speak w/ individuals - he advises them to send email. 
       Discussion centered around adding a new phone line to add an 
       answering machine - Jim will look into it.
    E.  Infrastructure (requested of Sander by Dirk)

       One issue - one of the new IBM boxes not functioning correctly,
       and budget is needed for switch and UPS, but still working through
       so no current action items. 

5. Special Orders

    A. Policy on Passing through of Restrictions to licensees

       WHEREAS, It is the intent of the ASF to provide its members and
       licensees substantial freedom in the use of ASF programs and to
       avoid imposing any restrictions on the use of ASF Programs
       under the ASF license that would conflict with the Open Source
       Definition maintained by the Open Source Initiative.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ASF may only agree to
       pass along restrictions upon a licensee's use of ASF programs
       under the ASF license if the ASF is advised by its legal
       counsel that it is required to do so by law, and the commitment
       is approved by the ASF Board of Directors; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the ASF may only pass along notices to its
       licensees that may restrict a licensee's use of an ASF program
       under the ASF license, or otherwise limit a licensee's freedom
       in any respect, if the ASF is advised by its legal counsel that
       it is required to do so by law, and the notice is approved by
       the ASF Board of Directors.  As an example, the ASF may not
       pass along notices purporting to restrict the ability of a
       licensee to make truthful statements regarding programs that
       are based on the ASF program, unless the conditions set forth
       above are met; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the ASF may pass along offers of additional
       rights or benefits to its licensees, in addition to the rights
       included in the ASF license.  As an example, the ASF may pass
       along a notice that a trademark license is available from a
       third party for use with the ASF program, provided that the
       trademark license is reasonable, and offered to all ASF program
       licensees on a nondiscriminatory basis, and also provided that
       use of the ASF program under the ASF license is not conditioned
       upon the trademark license.

       Some ASF programs are designed to be compatible with industry
       standards and are tested by the ASF to verify compliance with
       the standard.  Since compatibility with standards is important,
       and since the ASF license does not address claims of
       compatibility, it is acceptable, and not inconsistent with this
       policy, for the ASF program to include an additional license
       restriction that prohibits a licensee from making false claims
       of compatibility with the industry standard.  However, such
       restriction may not restrict the licensees right to use, modify
       or distribute the program.  As an example, an ASF program that
       is designed to implement a Java specification and tested to
       verify conformance with the speciification may include an
       additional license restriction prohibiting the licensee from
       misrepresenting the conformance of the modified program.
       Therefore a licensee may accurately describe a program as
       having been tested for conformance by the ASF if the code that
       implements the specification has not been modified, or a
       licensee may accurately describe a program as being compatible
       if no modifications have been made that would affect

       Geir noted that the resolution was somewhat complicated and
       he had not enough time to read through, and asked that it be 
       tabled until next month.  There was no opposition.

       Discussion later in the meeting returned to this issue, and it
       was agreed to table and discuss at member's meeting in 
       November 2004.

    B. Returning the J2EE TCK due to NOTICE issues

       WHEREAS, the requirements of the J2EE TCK licence are deemed
       onerous and inconsistent with the principles and operation of
       The Apache Software Foundation (the ASF), and

       WHEREAS, the additional requirements imposed by the J2EE TCK
       licence are in violation of and forbidden by revision 2.6 of
       the JSPA, which is the version currently in force and to which
       Sun Microsystems Inc. (Sun) and the ASF are signatory, and

       WHEREAS, the TCK licensed thereunder has not been used to
       certify any releases made by the ASF or its projects, and

       WHEREAS, the licence may be deemed null and void by virtue of
       the JSPA violation, and contractual requirements not having been
       met; to wit, Sun not having provided the ASF with a fully
       executed copy of the contract,

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ASF shall immediately
       cease all use of the J2EE TCK, destroy or return all copies of it,
       notify Sun that the ASF therewith considers the contract null and
       void, and initiate the process of obtaining a new licence that is
       acceptable to the ASF and compliant with the terms of the JSPA.

       Discussion revolved around necessity of such a move given the 
       ongoing negotiations.  As part of the discussion, we came to 
       the following statement of agreement supported 
       unanimously by all of those in attendance :

       "The current NOTICE [in the J2EE SATCK] is unacceptable, and the 
        board will continue to instruct geir to continue working with sun
        to get it fixed"

       Note that at this point, Jim had left the meeting.

       As this special order B "Returning the TCK due to NOTICE issues",
       it was rejected by vote :

       against : dirk, geir, stefano, greg, sander
       for : ken, sam
       absent : brian, jim

    C. Establish the Apache XML Graphics Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the conversion of XML formats
       to graphical output, for distribution at no charge to the

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache XML Graphics PMC",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache XML Graphics PMC be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software for
       managing the conversion of XML formats to graphical output, and
       for related software components, based on software licensed to
       the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache XML
       Graphics" be and hereby is created, the person holding such
       office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as
       the chair of the Apache XML Graphics PMC, and to have primary
       responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
       of responsibility of the Apache XML Graphics PMC; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache XML Graphics PMC:

         Chris Bowditch
	 Thomas DeWeese
	 Christian Geisert
	 Clay Leeds
	 Jeremias Maerki
	 Glen Mazza
	 Simon Pepping
	 Joerg Pietschmann

       Maerki be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice
       President, Apache XML Graphics, to serve in accordance with and
       subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache XML Graphics PMC be and
       hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended
       to encourage open development and increased participation in
       the Apache XML Graphics Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Batik and
       FOP sub-projects and encumbered upon the Apache XML PMC are
       hereafter discharged.

       Board discussed Special Order C, establishment of XML graphics
       project.  There are concerns that the PMC is 'fresh', not ASF 
       members included, and unknown in general by the board.  Dirk
       volunteered to help get some understanding of the group and
       report back.

       By unanimous consent, Special Order C was tabled.

       At this point, Ken noted for the record :

       [15:14] <RoUS> let the record show that the board voted 
       unanimously that geir has the authority to perform all actions 
       regarding the J2EE TCK negociation, including returning the tck 
       at any time without requiring recourse to board discussion.

6. Discussion Items

     Due to time limitations, all discussion items were tabled.

    A. J2EE TCK License Update

    B. Non-disclosure for membership

    C. D&O Insurance

    D. Policy for CLAs and non-committers 

7. Committee Reports

     Due to time limitations, all discussion items were tabled and set
     for approval via list.

    A. Apache DB Project [John McNally]

       See Attachment A

    B. Apache Geronimo Project [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache Struts Project [Craig McClanahan]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache TCL Project [David Welton]

       See Attachment G

    H. Conference Planning Committee [Ken Coar]

       See Attachment H

    I. Security Team [Ben Laurie]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache Jakarta Project [Henri Yandell]

       See Attachment J

    K. Apache Avalon Project [J Aaron Farr]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daniel Quinlan]

       See Attachment L

8. Unfinished Business

9. New Business

10. Announcements

11. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 1200 PDT -0700.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:17 PDT


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache DB Project

Torque has not had much new development though bug fixes have been
committed. The user list remains active.

OJB has the big news this quarter, achieving 1.0 release.  New members
of the PMC include: Matthew Baird, Thomas Dudziak, and Brian
McCallister.  And two new committers: Martin Kalen and Robert Sfeir.

DB is currently sponsoring the Axion project within incubator which
has stagnated, but showed signs of progress again last week with a
request for creation of cvs module and mailing lists.

That's it.  No controversy to report.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

The Geronimo project is moving along.  After the push for TLP status,
there was slight 'relaxation' in organizational activity due to a few
factors, the main one being due to professional changes and commitments
outside of the project for a few major committers (people got jobs,
people got new jobs, etc).  I think that this is just part of the
normal ebb and flow of volunteer life.

Despite that, much progress has been made technically as well as in
terms of community outreach and engagement.   We also are discussing
our policy for comitters, both the requirements for new ones, and
possibly a proactive stance towards inactive ones.  In terms of the
goal of certification of compatibility, work is in progress and we feel
that it's slipping a little from our goal of 'in the third quarter' to
probably 'at the end of the third quarter'.

Technical Progress
Here's a partial list of the technical progress made by the project :

  - JTA: transaction recovery partly works using ObjectWeb
    HOWL logger.  Pluggable framework for recovery in place.

  - J2EECA: inbound adapters can be deployed against mdbs in
    OpenEJB and deliver messages: JMS inbound and outbound
    works with ActiveMQ.

  - EJB timer: Support in geronimo for generic transactional
    timer services.  Used in OpenEJB ejb timer support
    (currently stateless session and mdb only).

  - JSR 88 Deployment - working

  - Message Driven Beans - done

  - Support for old deployment descriptors - done

  - EAR deployment - done

External Community Engagement

 - Spring : formed a close working relationship with the Spring
   application framework community.  Spring can now be hosted
   and managed by the Geronimo Container (not J2EE stack),
   providing to Spring users with the management and deployment
   features of Geronimo the Container.

 - ActiveMQ, targeted as the JMS implementation, is working well
   with Geronimo.  This is listed as community engagement as our
   original connection was James Strachan, Geronimo member and
   ActiveMQ founder and our current interactions involve more
   people on both sides

 - Apache Webservices : our planned collaboration with AWS is now
   working.  AWS community members are bringing AWS to Geronimo
   and working on the integration pieces.  An AWS member is being
   considered for Geronimo committer status.

 - ObjectWeb HOWL : we are using the HOWL project for transaction
   logging and recovery.  HOWL is a logging project at ObjectWeb
   with significant participation by Geronimo members.

 - OSCON : Geronimo will be well represented at OSCON via 3 talks
   (IIRC) and a "collaborative community" BOF presented by
   ObjectWeb and the ASF.

 - EJB3 EG : the ASF is represented on the EJB3 expert group by Jeremy
   Boynes, and there is a 'lurker' group at Geronimo providing advice
   and support.  Further, David Blevins, a Geronimo member, is an
   independent expert on the EG.

Community Development

One of our first orders of business has been to continue to increase
our committers.  To that end, we are currently discussing the offering
of commit status to an individual from AWS.  There's no bad outcome
possible - it's all about timing and being sure of alignment with

Besides the continuing technical, community and committer work, our
next order of business is finalizing project guidelines.  So far, there
has been no issues to be resolved via appeal to law - it's a good
community that has had no trouble resolving differences - but we know
that there will be a time.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Nicola Ken Barozzi stepped down as Incubator PMC Chair, and was
replaced by Noel J. Bergman.  We thank Nicola Ken for his efforts in
helping to recast the Incubator to best fulfill its designated

Since the last report to the Board, several projects have graduate
from the Incubator, including: Geronimo, XML-Beans, SpamAssassin, and
Pluto.  Lenya appears ready to fly the nest, and may have a proposal
for the Board, although one is not ready at the time of this writing.

Significant entries into the Incubator include Beehive and MyFaces (a
JavaServer Faces implementation).  The long awaited Axion database
project appears ready to begin incubation.  A project sponsored by the
HTTP Server PMC for integrating Apache Web Server with ISO/ECMA CLI has
also begun incubation.

A few projects seem stalled in the Incubator, and are not responding
to requests for status.  We may have to cull the herd in a few cases,
but these appear to have failed to attract/build a community, and
seem relatively inactive.

Infrastructure bottlenecks are effecting the Incubator.  I say this
without pointing fingers, since as a member of the Infrastructure
Team, I am one of the people responsible for being or removing those
bottlenecks.  It is simply that we can create a rash of requests for
project resources, and we (the Infrastructure Team) are short-staffed.
One thing that should help will be improved scripts for mailing list

The Incubator has worked with the newly formed PRC to help establish
some guidelines, so that the PRC can help ensure that any PR related
to Incubator projects makes clear the project's status.  We have also
had discussions related to trying to make sure that projects really
are begun Incubation before they are used for PR purposes.

Licensing and other IP related issues remain a topic of discussion.
It would help to have some legal resource(s) participating with the

All in all, the Incubator seems to be finding its stride and proving a
good asset for the Foundation.

                           - 0 -

Here are the STATUS reports from the PPMCs that have sent one in.

Status report for WSRP4J

* is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)

  The cwiki file on the incubator site is  up to date as well as the
STATUS file in the project directory.

* any legal, cross-project or personal issues
that still need to be addressed?


* what has been done for incubation since the last report?

  1.  Annointed a new committer: sgoldstein
  2.  Various bug fixes.
  3.  Restructured the website and added the Portals logo.
  4.  Migrated to the new moinmoin wiki.

* plans and expectations for the next period?

  1. Continue development work on outstanding WSRP 1.0 items
     (see TODO wiki:
  2. Continue to build the community by encouraging developers
     to contribute code.  We are building a user population, but few
     outside developers have made code contributions.
  3. Will probably ask for a vote to graduate from the Incubator into

* any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you?


* etc (your own thoughts on what is important would be helpful!)

Status report from the Directory PPMC

Since the last report:

  * Alan Cabrera has joined us to write the stub compiler for Snickers.
  * We have resusitated the original LDAPd code base right before we
entered the incubator to have a running server.  This is there for
people to be able to play around with as server: fire it up and kick the
tires.  Of course all the package names and other aspects of the server
have been adjusted to convey that it is now a part of Apache.
  * We have begun to focus specifically on Snickers after a
recommendation by Nicola and Noel.  The goal is to lift this sole IP
issue from the project to prepare us to exit the incubator.  At the
present time the decoder half of the BER codec is complete and working
well.  We should have the encoder half complete soon since it is already
under way.
  * The server front end is ready and comes up in the new Eve server.
The only problem at this point is that it returns busy for every
response.   This will remain the case until we pull the new backend
subsystem out of the sandbox to complete the new server.
  * Thanks to Vincent we have a new website look and feel using Maven
out of the box.   We also have been discussing a better ontological
organization to the site to reflect the role of our subprojects within
the overall effort.

Status report for Depot

1). Is the STATUS file up to date?

2). Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be
   No,  all files licensed, all commiters have singed CLA

3). What has been done for incubation since the last report?
   * Site update.
   * Packages renamed to "depot"

4). Plans and expectations for the next period?
   * Delete unused under developed code.
   * Complete Download manger for use by gump and others.
   * Support "directory artifacts" for use by antworks and others.

5). Any recommendations for how incubation could run more smoothly for you?

Status report for Beehive

* Beehive's initial source code contribution was made on Friday, 19 July.
* All mailing lists and the SVN directory are completely up and running.
* We still need to get CLAs from three of the committers, but the rest
are working fine.
* Requests for JIRA and a wiki page are pending.
* So, basic infrastructure stuff is in good it's time to
start helping people understand the code base and how they can best
contribute to it.

Status report for JuiCE

Status report for JuiCE for the Incubator

JuiCE has stalled waiting on a set of changes to the CLA proposed by Uni
of Memphis being approved by the ASF.  Without this approval, Walter
Hoehn cannot get commit access to the repository.  As he is one of the
key developers we need this sorted out before we can really ramp up.

   * is the STATUS file up to date? (also post link)

Yes -

   * any legal, cross-project or personal issues
     that still need to be addressed?


   * what has been done for incubation since the last report?

One account (for Noah Levitt) has been created, and the source code has
been imported into SVN.

   * plans and expectations for the next period?

Hopefully sort out the CLA for Memphis Uni and get development going again.

Status report for HTTPD-CLI

In March '04, the httpd PMC referred the mod_aspdotnet contribution
(Code Grant ack'ed in rev 1.7 of foundation/grants.txt) for incubation.

The project was recently picked back up, with Will Rowe now having
the cycles to devote to the care and feeding required of incubation.
Ian Holsman, also an httpd PMC member, stepped up to co-shepherd
the incubation.

Invites to the interested parties were sent last week to join the mailing
list, followed by an invitation to the dev@httpd
community.  The status page/ip incubation template was created, with
Ian managing the site.  Will has imported the initial contribution into
SVN (under asf/incubator/httpd/cli/).

Next steps are documented in status, first posts will be sent to this
list this week.  mod_aspdotnet should have an initial release soon,
followed by the refactoring of code to support an Apache.Web model
that is entirely independent of the Microsoft ASP.NET technology,
usable in C# with one of several CLI environments, including mono.

The cli-dev team would like to thank Noel and Sander for their advise
and handholding through initial mailing list creation, SVN setup, and
general guidance on the incubation process.

Status report for HTTPD-CLI

  * The Axion development team has (lazily) approved to sign the software
grant.  The comment period on this has expired. The grant should be signed
and faxed this week.

  * A request has been made to infrastructure to create the db-axion CVS
module, as well as the axion-dev and axion-user mailing lists.

  * Some members of the infrastruture team have volunteered to assist in
importing the Axion CVS tree (with history) from Tigris to Apache.

  * Once the appropriate infrastructure pieces are in place, we need to:
(1) cut a terminal release from Tigris, (2) move the code base and
discussion over to those apache resources.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache James Project

Pretty quiet quarter:

What code releases have been made?
James 2.2.0 was officially released.

Legal issues:
Nothing that requires board attention.

Cross-project issues:
I would like to claim we're working on a 3.0 release that will
incorporate a newer published release of Avalon, but I can't say I
know precisely what that means or gets us (besides known source code
we're running on as 2.x runs against unreleased/inaccessible code).

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

o New projects

None, but the maven-components repository is now fleshed out with the
makings for maven2. There is a lot of code that has been added over the
last couple months.

o New PMC members


o New Committers

John D. Casey (maven - core)
Tryve Laugstol (maven - core)

o Goings on

We finally managed to release the 1.0 of Maven and now we're forging
ahead preparing the the alpha-1 release of Maven 2. I waited until the
1.0 was released before doing the alpha-1 of Maven 2. Brett Porter
forged on to complete the release while myself, Michal, Emmanuel, Trygve
and John Casey worked on Maven 2. Maven 2 has the distinct difference of
originally entirely written by myself. So in terms of developer
involvement there is a stark difference between maven 1 and maven 2.
With Maven 1 users are essentially at the mercy of what Brett and I know
about Maven 1 whereas off the hop with Maven 2 we've got 5 people in
maven land in addition to a half dozen other folks who could manage
their way around Maven as it's a plexus application (a container akin to
phoenix and merlin but made specifically for embeddability and Maven 2).

I am also preparing to release Continuum which is a continuous
integration tool for Maven projects. I hired one of the committers, who
is a student, for the summer to finish the first release of Maven and
it's now finished and will be released the alpha-1 of Maven 2.

We are also planning on doing a release soon of Maven Wagon and Maven
SCM. Maven Wagon is used extensively in Maven 2 and Maven SCM is used
extensively in Continuum.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

We have started a reorganization of our repository. The goals of the refactoring 
are to better support subprojects  with their own release cycles and building 
Struts with Apache Maven. 

An initial draft of the reorganization is being done under Subversion on a 
private server, with all discussions taking place on the public DEV list. We will 
be ready to move the work to an Apache server soon, now that we have a 
consensus in favor of Subversion and Maven. 

We completed a draft of Apache Struts bylaws and developer guidelines, which 
is available at <>.

There was a discussion on the DEV list regarding the "bar" for Committership. 
The consensus is to keep the bar set fairly high and wait until a contributor has 
submitted a good number of useful patches directly to Struts. 

Our latest stable release is still 1.1 (29 June 2003). We issued a 1.2.1 release 
on 11 July 2004, which is currently catagorized as a beta. We anticipate 1.2.1 
(or a 1.2.2) being promoted to GA over the next 30 days. 

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache TCL Project

Not much to report.  We added Pat Thoyts as a committer to take care
of Rivet on windows, which has been something that needed doing for a
long time, but that no one else had resources to handle.  Ronnie
Brunner has kept our web site up to date and functioning with some
improved code for the Websh section.  We released a new Rivet version
some months ago.  A new version in the works will have a compatibility
layer for the tcl standard library's cgi handler, making Rivet useful
to more people.

Attachment H: Status report for the Conference Planning Committee

o Security Travel has been selected to produce the ApacheCon/US
  series of conferences for five years; Software and Support Verlag
  has been chosen to do the next conference in Europe.  Contracts
  for both are being negociated.
o The Call for Participation has been sent out; fifty two (52)
  submissions have been received to date.
o We are working with OSCOM to provide content for the ApacheTracks
  streams there.

We will be holding the scheduling meeting for ApacheCon 2004/US
around 7 August 2004.

Attachment I: Status report for the Security Team

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

=== Status ===

Prior to his departure, Geir started some discussion (PMC list) concerning
Jakarta charter revisions and the various documents describing the
governance of Jakarta. The current documents are quite out of date in
places - "The number of PMC seats is set at seven". Expect more on this.

The PMC resolved a lack of oversight issue concerning the tomcat-security
list, and two committers have stepped up to moderate it. Equally, the
General list turned out to be lacking many moderators, so one of the
themes for the next month may be to double-check our moderation coverage.

Discussions on improved download pages to make it easier for user's to
download distributions and more obvious on how to handle PGP/MD5
signatures have occured on the general list.

Dion Gillard has volunteered to be a Junior Apmail Apprentice to try and
take some of common workload off of infrastructure.

=== Releases ===

==== April ====
 * Commons Net 1.2.0
 * Jetspeed 1.5
 * Tapestry 3.0
 * Velocity 1.4

==== May ====

 * Cactus 1.6, 1.6.1
 * Commons IO 1.0
 * Commons Net 1.2.1
 * Tomcat 5.0.24
 * Slide 2.0
 * Velocity Tools 1.1

==== June ====

 * Commons Collections 2.1.1, 3.1
 * Commons DBCP 1.2, 1.2.1
 * Commons Logging 1.0.4
 * Commons Net 1.2.2
 * Commons Pool 1.2
 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Beta

==== July ====

 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Stable
 * Commons Betwixt 0.5
 * HiveMind 1.0-beta-1

=== Community changes ===

==== May ====

The following were all added to the Jakarta PMC:

 * Jeff Dever
 * Mark Diggory
 * James Taylor
 * Mark Thomas
 * Michael Becke
 * Oleg Kalnichevski
 * Steve Cohen
 * Adrian Sutton
 * Ortwin Gluck
 * Daniel Florey
 * Martin Holz

==== June ====

 * Emmanuel Bourg joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Matthew Inger joins as a Jakarta committer.
 * Knut Wannheden joins as a committer to HiveMind.
 * Roy Winston joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Geir Magnusson Jr resigning as PMC Chair, Henri Yandell taking over.

==== July ====

 * Travis Savo joins as a committer.
 * James M. Mason joins as a committer to Slide.

Four new PMC members have been voted on to the PMC and will be passed onto
the board when they have all replied.

=== Subproject news ===

(** implies report based on the mailing lists by the chair)

==== Alexandria ** ====

(dormant project)

==== BCEL ** ====

User list is active, Dev list is less so.

==== BSF ** ====

Again, User list is active, Dev list is less so.

==== Cactus ** ====

User list very active, dev list very quiet, mainly automated emails. I
believe a Cactus-2 is in the planning.

==== Commons ** ====

Commons has, as always, been very active. Outside of the components
themselves, work over the last quarter has gone into the build and site
generation system using Maven.

 * Chain was promoted from the Sandbox to Commons Proper.

==== Commons HttpClient ====

 * 2.0.1 and 3.0 alpha 2 releases are planned for the near future.
 * HttpClient plans to move to the Jakarta level after version 3.0

==== ECS ** ====

The developer list has been quiet for the last quarter. Occasional
questions are asked on the user list.

==== HiveMind ====

HiveMind is moving steadily towards an initial beta release.

==== JMeter ** ====

Very active user and dev lists. The JMeter sub-community appears to be
busily working on bugfixing.

==== Lucene ====

Lucene 1.4 Final has been released.

==== ORO ====

Pattern matching engine factories were added in response to needs
expressed by Commons, including a wrapper for J2SE 1.4 java.util.regex.
Also, subpackages were separated out into separate jars for users who need
only one pattern matching engine and are sensitive to jar file size.  A
combined jar with everything is still provided as users fall into two
camps on this issues.  More discussion of ORO has occurred on commons-dev
than on oro-dev recently.  There's no ETA for the next release, which will
probably be version 2.1.

==== POI ====

Work on the next release of POI has been ongoing, but no release date has
been set.

==== Regexp ====

Nothing happened this month. No release date for the next release, 1.4,
has been set.

==== Slide ====

Slide 2.1 release is under preparation including lots of nice new
features. A first beta is to be expected in August. CVS will branch with
the release of this beta.

==== Taglibs ** ====

The sub-community is largely dealing with user queries concerning JSTL and
the Standard tag-library, Apache's implementation of JSTL. A new version
of the String taglib was released in May. A new sandbox taglib, datagrid,
was also added in May.

==== Tapestry ====

Work on the next release of Tapestry, Tapestry 3.1, based on a new
infrastructure provided by HiveMind, has begun.  In addition, some
annoyances in the final Tapestry 3.0 release may result in a 3.0.1 bugfix

==== Tomcat ====

The Tomcat CVS has branched, creating a TOMCAT_5_0 branch for continuing
maintenance on Tomcat 5.0.x releases, and allowing work on Tomcat 5.1 to
begin.  For some discussion about Tomcat 5.1 features and changes, search
the tomcat-dev mailing list archives for threads whose subject contains

==== Turbine ====

To make the creation of Web applications using Turbine easier, a plugin
for Maven has been designed and is currently tested in the 2.3 branch of
the Turbine framework. Some work towards the 2.4 release is going on, but
no release date has been set.

==== Velocity  ====

Both user and dev lists are active, but project is stable and widely used.

Upcoming plan is to release a new core 1.4.1 because of a non-backwards
compatible change made to in the 1.4 release that prevents people from
using a 'word' token in a directive other than in #macro() call or a
#foreach().  This bit users of the Webwork framework (and probably others)
and will revert back with a log notice that the feature is deprecated.

After that is planned the core 1.5 release of current features in CVS, and
then a large pile of new features in patch form including floating-point
support as core 1.6.

The Tools part of the project is at version 1.1.

==== Watchdog ====

The PMC discussed the status of Watchdog.  It is a dormant project with no
active committers.  However, it is still used by Tomcat as part of
Tomcat's release testing.  In addition, the PMC would like to retain the
option of future work on Watchdog, so the web site and accompanying
materials will not be removed.  A dormancy notice has been placed on the
Watchdog web page and the mailing list subscription links replaced with a
note to use general@jakarta.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Avalon Project

Status Report for Avalon: July 21 2004

Stephen McConnell has resigned from the PMC and resigned his committer
status within Avalon.

The Avalon PMC and developer community are currently discussing "next
steps" though things have calmed down considerably over the last two
days (since Stephen's resignation).  There are a number of decisions
being considered which include:

  * Some internal restructuring of Avalon to partition the traditional
    framework development from newer container (merlin) development

  * Separating new Merlin development out into a new project, either
    directly to a TLP or to the incubator.

  * Possibly "freezing" or otherwise shutting down Avalon, particularly
    framework development (which is fairly stable).

And a host of other options.

The good news that I do want to report is that I am confident with
Stephen's resignation the remainder of the community is capable of
finding a path forward in the best interest of the ASF, the developers,
and our users.  We will be consulting with the newly formed Excalibur
project and other Avalon dependent projects during this restructuring
process.  Currently I believe we're all a little drained from recent
events and need a few days to regroup.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project

Highlights of Events from the last month:

  * Pre-releases: SpamAssassin 3.0.0-pre1, SpamAssassin 3.0.0-pre2

    The project is zeroing in on our 3.0.0 release, we've completed the
    first set of mass-checks (contributors submit corpora results and
    they are used to train the score optimizer).  pre3 should be coming
    out in the next few days, followed by the second set of mass-checks,
    and then we will put out a release candidate.

  * New committer: Henry Stern (author of the perceptron that will do
    the score optimizations for SpamAssassin 3.0)

  * ASF integration (moving from the incubator to TLP status and
    transitioning away from a few bits of remaining non-ASF
    infrastructure) continues at a slow, but steady pace.  The web site
    is completely transitioned and under SVN control, lists are moving
    from incubator to TLP, we're in the process of moving the domain registration.

    Two issues: a private non-ASF list that has been used for
    communication with other anti-spammers (privacy is competing with
    transparency) and Jira's non-open-source licensing resulted in a
    veto on moving to Jira, and the ASF bugzilla is reportedly
    undersupported, so we're still using our own bugzilla (supported by
    our committers and a contributor at an ISP) for the time being.

  * We can't claim credit for the integration work, but we have heard
    that installing SpamAssassin on the ASF mail servers has helped
    quite a bit, and we have helped out a bit with DNSBL selection.  :-)

  * We are holding a logo contest to replace our old project logo:

End of agenda for the July 21, 2004 board meeting.
