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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                          September 22, 2004

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PDT -0700 and was begun at
    10:05 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held via
    teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent:

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr.
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker (left at 11:20)

    Directors  Absent:




3. Minutes from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of June 23, 2004

       CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_06_23.txt

       Approved by general consent.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       The past month seems to be characterized by continuing
       legal-related and policy issues. From determining whether we're
       okay with Playboy being a mirror, to taking positions against
       patent-encumbered standards, to handling of CLAs, author tags,
       copyright lines, patents, and the list goes on.
       I find it very disappointing just how much time is going into
       legal stuff nowadays. My personal feeling is that we are
       falling too far into the "cover our ass" territory. I believe
       that part of this is an effort to protect a limited few of our
       downstream consumers rather than the public at large; thus, I
       feel that our time tradeoffs are not being as publicly-minded
       as we could be.
       My preference would be to see us back up and reassess the
       extent and the limits of what we are attempting to accomplish
       with our legal arrangements; that we should review them with an
       eye towards maximizing efficiency for ourselves and the public;
       that we should set a looser regime and get back to coding.

    B. President [Dirk]

       Without echoing Greg his words above - I'd like to add that we
       also need to think to what extend executive committee's which
       IMHO have considerable more leway on operational issues that
       normal PMC's can and should be expected to set rather than only
       follow policy.

    C. Infrastructure [Sander]

       Sander reported that Infrastructure is finding itself
       steadily overworked, as well as there being confusion over
       how much authority Infrastructure has; he pointed to the
       mirroring policy as a prime example.  He was happy to
       report that additional volunteers have joined, especially

    D. Treasurer [Chuck]
       no report submitted.

    E. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       There has been a steady influx of CLAs (both Corp. and
       Individual) over the last month.  The ASF office received a
       letter from Penelope S. Wilson, Intellectual Property
       Counsel for EMC Corporation which can be summarized
       as an "anti-CLA:" "EMC hereby disclaims any and all intent
       to make contributions to Apache, as defined in the Apache
       2.0 license terms, unless EMC formally identifies its intention
       to do so..." The letter was scanned and placed in the
       foundation CVS under the Records directory as
       'EMC-notcontribution.pdf.' Receipt of the letter
       was noted and discussed on the ASF board and member
       mailing lists.

       After Jim's report there was an extended discussion expanding
       on Greg's point that "we" tend to be focusing on issues that
       we really shouldn't be concentrating on.  "We" seem to be
       bothering with details that we shouldn't concern ourselves
       with as well as, more importantly, treating any and all
       legal considerations as having the same weight. As a result,
       we seem to be almost "gun shy" in making some decisions and
       reacting in a "knee jerk" behavior with others.  The general
       agreement was that we should trust our instincts and our
       experience, and allow others to do the same.

5. Special Orders

    A. Establish the Apache Lenya Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to content management, for
       distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Lenya PMC", be and
       hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
       be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Lenya PMC be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to content management, based on software licensed to
       the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Lenya" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
       at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache Lenya PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache Lenya PMC; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Lenya PMC:

         Edith Chevier          (
         Dale Christ            (
         Christian Egli         (
         Andreas Hartmann       (
         Rolf Kulemann          (
         Gregor J. Rothfuss     (
         Thorsten Scherler      (
         Michael Wechner        (
         Steven Noels           (
         Stefano Mazzocchi      (

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Rolf Kulemann be
       and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Lenya, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
       of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
       until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it
       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Lenya PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Lenya Project; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Lenya PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the migration and rationalization of the incubating
       Apache Lenya project; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the incubating
       Apache Lenya project encumbered upon the incubator PMC be
       hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 5 A, A Resolution to Establish the Apache Lenya Project,
       was passed by Unanimous Vote.

    B. Establish the Apache Metro Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of an
       open-source software platform supporting secure component
       publication, discovery, composition, deployment, and
       management, for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Metro PMC", be and
       hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
       be it further

       RESOLVED, that the "Apache Metro PMC" be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
       platform supporting component publication, discovery,
       composition, deployment, and management, based on software
       licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Metro" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
       at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache Metro PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache Metro PMC; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Metro PMC:

         Timothy Bennett        (
         J Aaron Farr           (
         Cameron Fieber         (
         Niclas Hedhman         (
         Alex Karasulu          (
         Stephen McConnell      (
         Andreas Oberhack       (

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Niclas Hedhman be
       and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Metro, to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction
       of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation
       until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Metro PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Metro community.

       This proposed resolution resulted in an extended discussion
       regarding Metro, Avalon and Excaliber.  The general agreement
       was that creating a TLP in an effort to "force" the projects
       and committers to behave was unwise and un-deserved.  Forcing
       Metro into Incubation was discussed, but no decision was
       made on that topic.  Also discussed was the presense of a
       certain individual on the proposed PMC, and the fragmenting
       and unhealthy environment he tends to bring to projects.

       It was unanimously agreed that the Metro Project proposal
       would be rejected.  Greg was to send an Email to the Avalon
       PMC (including any proposed Metro PMC members) indicating the
       board's very strong direction that, regarding Metro, that
       including Stephen McConnell on any proposed PMC would cause
       serious reservations within the board.  To the Avalon PMC,
       the email would describe the board's serious concern that
       Avalon itself is being ignored, despite the fact that
       other ASF projects (eg: Cocoon and James) are dependent
       on it; Avalon needs to perform it's duties or find another
       ASF project (eg: Excalibur) to "take over", or some other
       viable solution.  Forking off Metro and leaving Avalon
       in its present state is not a solution.

       It was also unanimously agreed that Greg's letter would be
       him speaking *as* the board and would, in the strongest
       terms, clearly express the board's growing dissatisfaction
       with near-constant issues with Avalon.

    C. Establish the Apache XML Graphics Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the conversion of XML formats
       to graphical output, for distribution at no charge to the

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache XML Graphics PMC",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache XML Graphics PMC be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software for
       managing the conversion of XML formats to graphical output, and
       for related software components, based on software licensed to
       the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache XML
       Graphics" be and hereby is created, the person holding such
       office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as
       the chair of the Apache XML Graphics PMC, and to have primary
       responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
       of responsibility of the Apache XML Graphics PMC; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache XML Graphics PMC:

         Chris Bowditch         (
         Thomas DeWeese         (
         Christian Geisert      (
         Clay Leeds             (
         Jeremias Maerki        (
         Glen Mazza             (
         Simon Pepping          (
         Joerg Pietschmann      (

       Maerki be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice
       President, Apache XML Graphics, to serve in accordance with and
       subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
       Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
       removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache XML Graphics PMC be and
       hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended
       to encourage open development and increased participation in
       the Apache XML Graphics Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Batik and
       FOP sub-projects and encumbered upon the Apache XML PMC are
       hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 5 C, A Resolution to Establish the Apache XML Graphics
       Project, was tabled due to time constraints.

    D. Establish the Apache Xalan Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to XSLT processors, for
       distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Xalan PMC", be and
       hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
       be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Xalan PMC be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to creation and maintenance of open-source software
       related to XSLT processors based on software licensed to the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Xalan" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
       at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache Xalan PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache Xalan PMC; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Xalan PMC:
         Arun Yadav <Arun.Yadav@Sun.COM>
         Christine Li <>
         Dmitry Hayes <>
         Henry Zongaro <>
         Joanne Tong <>
         Matthew Hoyt <>
         Ramesh Mandava <Ramesh.Mandava@Sun.COM>
         Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.Pericasgeertsen@Sun.COM>

       <> appointed to the office of Vice President,
       Apache Xalan, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Xalan PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Xalan Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Xalan PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache XML
       PMC Xalan subproject; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the XML Xalan
       sub-project and encumbered upon the Apache XML PMC are
       hereafter discharged.

       Special Order 5 D, A Resolution to Establish the Apache Xalan Project,
       was tabled due to time constraints.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache APR Project [Cliff Woolley]

       See Attachment A

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache Avalon Project [J Aaron Farr]

       See Attachment B

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Excalibur Project [Leo Simons]

       See Attachment C

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig]

       See Attachment D

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache Jakarta Project [Henri Yandell]

       See Attachment E

       It was agreed that more reports, from the various subprojects,
       need to be provided.  There are quite a few large subprojects
       which warrant much more in-depth reporting.

       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Portals Project [Santiago Gala]

       See Attachment F

       Approved by General Consent.

    G. Apache Web Services Project [Davanum Srinivas]

       See Attachment G

       Approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cliff Schmidt]

       See Attachment H

       Approved by General Consent.

7. Discussion Items

    A. Visibility of CLAs

       Desired action: a decision on "how far" visibility reaches.
       Members, officers, committers, and/or the public.  Possible
       alternative: delegate this decision to the incubator.

       This discussion item was tabled.

    B. Backlog of legal issues

       Desired action: establishment of a legal committee/project
       which frequently reports to the board.

       * Intalio agreement for OpenORB
       * CLA amendment from U of Memphis
       * J2EE SATCK agreements?
       * Apache trademarks?
       * response to JBoss letter received October 31, 2003
       * D&O Insurance?
       * Response to EMC letter dated August 24, 2004
       * Converting currently documents (CLA, CCLA) to PDF format

       Recommended set of actions arrived at by Robyn Wagner, Greg
       Stein, and Brian Behlendorf:

       * Invite Robyn to board@ (and possibly board-private@)
         Non-privileged communication amongst ASF members.

       * Rename legal@ to legal-internal@, limiting membership to
         Board and Robyn only, for attorney-client privilege.  
         Potentially invite other trusted legal advisors.

       * Encourage the use of for discussions
         related to legal issues that do not require special privilege
         or limitation to ASF members. Turn off licensing@, move
         discussion to community@.

       * Create a shell account for Robyn, with apmember group access,
         and access to all CVS and SVN repositories.  Give her
         instructions on access and time to get acquainted with

       * Status and work items to be managed via the
         foundation/legal/STATUS file rather than an issue tracker or
         other means.

       The fact that our bias is to head towards maximal internal
       transparancy to ASF members was expressed, and the above is
       intended to balance that with the legal concept of attorney/
       client privilege.  Robyn will also be at ApacheCon.

       This discussion item was tabled, but will be discussed
       on the mailing list.

    C. More rigorous application of CLA

       The issue of provenance for contributions is becoming more
       and more visible.  Contributions directly from committers
       are already covered, since we have ICLAs from them.  However,
       contributions received through the mailing lists or the
       bug databases are still an issue we should consider.  For
       the bug databases, which require signin in order to make a
       submission, a click-through page could be added saying 'you
       click on this then you agree to <terms>' could be added.
       What end-goal do we want, and how much effort do we want to
       devote to it?
       This discussion item was tabled, but will be discussed
       on the mailing list.

    D. Expectations of committers dealing with contributions

       More on the whole CLA issue.. are committers who are going
       to commit a contribution responsible for determining whether
       the contributor has filed an ICLA?

       This discussion item was tabled, but will be discussed
       on the mailing list.

    E. Copyright notices on imported files

       We need to determine what needs to be done with regard to
       copyright notices in imported files (such as the Derby
       sources), and in files or contributions originating outside
       the ASF in general.  Perhaps changing the [IC]CLA forms to
       assign copyright rather than licensing it, or changing the
       copyright notice we add to apply to the project rather than
       the individual file (Jennifer's suggestion), or ...

       This discussion item was tabled, but will be discussed
       on the mailing list.

    F. Confirming that the current stance on @author tags as
       per Greg's email message of February is still appropriate
       (Recommend strongly that @author is avoided; but leave it to
       each PMC to make the final call with their respective

       This was confirmed.

    G. Normalisation of document location
       Some entity (the incubator?) should be responsible for the
       normative versions of documents, and references should
       point there.  For example, multiple projects seem to have
       their own copies of the CLA forms, which are out of synch
       with the actual approved ones.

       This discussion item was tabled, but will be discussed
       on the mailing list.

8. Unfinished Business

9. New Business

10. Announcements

11. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 1200 PDT -0700.  Adjourned at 12:24.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project

A few new committers on the APR project this quarter; no
particular problems to report.

The only real news item this month in the APR Project is that
APR 1.0.0 was finally released on September 1, 2004!  Many of
us still haven't gotten back from the party.  :)

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Avalon Project

There has been little activity in Avalon since the Board tabled
discussion of the Metro TLP proposal last meeting.

No new releases, committers, or PMC members to report.

A vote suggested on the Avalon user mailing list to grant commit
rights for Stephen McConnell resulted in a decision to hold off until
notice about the Metro project.  Stephen has been actively submitting
patches since his commit rights were revoked.

There has been some activity on the C# port of Avalon but it is still
mostly the work of a single committer -- Hamilton Verissimo de
Oliveira.  There has also been some activity surrounding our Ant-based
build system dubbed 'Magic' and quite a bit of healthy discussion
about Avalon and Merlin/Metro improvements on the user list.

In summary, the Avalon community at the moment is "holding its breath"
in anticipation of the Metro TLP.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project

There is not much to report for the Excalibur project.

* We've settled on our bylaws (,
  to be relocated to a more permanent location of course);
* Leif Mortenson did a lot of work on our instrumentation packages,
  which are pending release;
* Some interesting experiments with the fortress codebase involving
  Aspect-Oriented Programming;
* several small bugfixes, both in Excalibur and some of our dependencies.

No releases, no new committers, no changes in the PMC. No problems.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Gump Project

Gump code was migrated to SVN[1], with Gump metadata continuing to
remain in CVS[2] (to be less of a community barrier, until SVN usage
has matured as the norm with ASF-wide). At this same time
'traditional' Gump (the Java/Shell/XSLT/Perl combination) was finally
archived. Python Gump is re-structuring itself (within SVN) to attempt
to become more intuitive to new users.

The Gump PMC voted to allow 'Gumped artifacts' to be publically
available in a repository. These artifacts are to be specifically
marked as '-gump' so as to attempt remove/reduce any confusion with
releases. Also, each directory listing in the repository is to be
marked with a disclaimer explaining that the contents can not be
trusted, and are not releases. [3]

The Gump PMC voted to grant 'root access' to (a
non-member) to Brutus. Since Brutus is managed by the Gump team (and
is standalone/untrusted) infrastructure felt this did not constitute a
security concern.

After some discussion on regarding the need for
PMC oversight of mailing lists, the Gump PMC voted to sponsor The intent is to discuss "Python w.r.t ASF", and
allow the various Python projects to collaborate. Unfortuantely, the
request has sat (seemingly untouched) in JIRA since August 4th
2004. [5]

Nicola Ken Barozzi has resigned from the Gump PMC.  We want to thank
him for his past contributions and are happy that he still wants to
keep in touch by retaining his committer status.

Gump now can generate XHTML output directly without the need of a
Forrest webapp (although still a supported option). This reduction in
dependency is intended to ease Gump installation (and hence adoption)
by new users.

Gump has received some technical improvements recently. Gump was
migrated from Python 2.2 to Python 2.3 (and benefits from many new
language features). Multithreading support for CVS|SVN downloads
removed latency delays from Gump's total run time. MySQL integration
(for historical results data) is currently live. RDF is generated
describing projects and their interactions (at dependency level) using
a work-in-progress Gump Ontology.

Gump's current focus is on opening itself up to more developers (via
documentation) and new users.  As part of reaching beyond Java Mono
1.0 has been installed on Brutus and we are collaborating with the
NAnt[4] community to take on .NET projects.

Along these lines, and with little to no help from the Gump community,
Peter Janes took Python Gump and integrated it with Perforce [6]. He
supplied patches that added Perforce repository capabilities to
complement CVS and SVN. This patch included documentation [7] [8] and
was very high quality work.

Gump now build artifacts and stores them in an online repository, and
(as such) can build projects using historical artifacts in it's
repository. This will allow Gump to smooth out the problems of
'prerequisite failure' Further, Gump also works with Depot to download
artifacts from artifact repositories to automate package processing,
and/or allow cascaded Gumps. None of this code is well tested/mature
at this point, and some problem reports exist.

[4] - the build tool used by most open source .NET projects.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

=== Status ===

This is a 2 month report due to the month-late report at the July board 

The PMC bylaws have been updated to match the current practice. Most 
notably, we removed the 7-member limitation and monthly meetings, making 
the Jakarta PMC (on paper) less of a board and more of a group of active 

Turbine-JCS is planning to request promotion to a full Jakarta subproject. 
JCS is a Java cache.

HttpClient's promotion from Commons to Jakarta subproject is still planned 
once a 3.0 final release has been made.

The PMC discussed whether action on protection of the Jakarta trademark 
was needed, though no action has been taken. It was agreed (through lack 
of argument) that projects should be referred to as Apache Xxxx and not 
Apache Jakarta Xxxx or some other combination. A side-effect of the 
conversation saw the sites mentioning Tomcat change to refer to it 
as "Apache Tomcat".

=== Possible plans for the next quarter ===

Robert Burrel Donkin has volunteered to migrate ECS over to SVN as a trial 

I (Henri Yandell) plan to organize improvements to the Jakarta download 
page, which is in dire need of improvements.

=== Releases ===

==== September ====
  * 19 September 2004 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 alpha2 Released
  * 16 September 2004 - DataGrid, Mailer and RDC Taglibs Released in
                        the sandbox
  * 15 September 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.2-alpha Released
  * 12 September 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-rc-2 Released
  * 9 September 2004 - Jelly 1.0-beta-4 Released
  * 9 September 2004 - Digester 1.6 Released
  * 7 September 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.1 Released
  * 7 September 2004 - Commons JEXL 1.0 Released

==== August ====
  * 31 August 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.0 Released
  * 28 August 2004 - Tomcat 5.0.28 Released
  * 26 August 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-rc-1 Released
  * 25 August 2004 - Commons Validator 1.1.3 Released
  * 22 August 2004 - Commons Launcher 1.1 Released
  * 15 August 2004 - Commons Attributes 2.1 Released
  * 02 August 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-beta-2
  * 02 August 2004 - Commons BeanUtils 1.7
  * 01 August 2004 - Commons JXPath 1.2
  * 01 August 2004 - Commons HttpClient 2.0.1

==== July ====
  * 26 July 2004 - JK 1.2.6 Released
  * 21 July 2004 - Standard Taglibs 1.1.1 and 1.0.6 Released
  * 10 July 2004 - Commons Codec 1.3

=== Community changes ===

===== New PMC members =====

  * 14 August 2004 - Ingo Brunberg
  * 14 August 2004 - Unico Hommes
  * 14 August 2004 - Simon Kitching
  * 14 August 2004 - Stefan Lutzkendorf

===== New Committers =====

  * 13 September 2004 - James Carman (jcarman)
  * 13 September 2004 - Peter Courcoux (pcourcoux) - Turbine
  * 07 September 2004 - Peter Rossbach (pero) - Tomcat
  * 03 September 2004 - Shinsuke Sugaya (shinsuke) - Jetspeed (still
                        in Jakarta CVS)
  * 03 September 2004 - Paul Ferraro (pferraro)
  * 09 August    2004 - Davide Savazzi (dsavazzi) - Slide
  * 09 August    2004 - Ryan Rhodes (rrhodes) - Slide
  * 31 July      2004 - Daniel Naber (dnaber) - Lucene

=== Infrastructure news ===

Henning Schmiedehausen is moderating the Turbine JCS list.

=== Subproject news ===

(** implies report based on the mailing lists by the chair)

==== **Commons ====

Both Jelly and Math are close to a 1.0 release. Grant is going to leave 
the sandbox to fold back into Maven.

==== **Taglibs ====

After a lot of domination by the JSTL implementation, the Taglibs project 
has some new activity with the announcement of three new taglibs in the 
sandbox. Mailer2, a complete rewrite of a previous Mailer taglib; 
DataGrid, a taglib for tabular representation; and RDC, Reusable Dialog 
Components, a taglib for voice applications.

==== Tomcat ====

Tomcat 5.5 is the next branch in the Tomcat 5.x major release. While it 
supports the same Servlet and JSP Specification versions as Tomcat 5.0.x, 
there are significant changes in many areas under the hood.  To indicate 
the magnitude of these changes, which include backwards-incompatible 
changes such as removal of some internal APIs and the default dependency 
on J2SE 5.0, we chose 5.5 as the branch number as opposed to 5.1.  We hope 
to improve the stability of the 5.5 releases this month, although a 
"stable" release cannot be announced until J2SE 5.0 Final Customer 
Shipment is available.  However, please note that multiple users (as well 
as Tomcat developers) have been using Tomcat 5.0 and 5.5 on J2SE 5.0 for 
months, without any serious issues.

==== Watchdog ====

It was announced to the general Jakarta community that starting with 
Tomcat 5.5, Tomcat no longer uses Watchdog.  Tomcat was the only known 
user of the Watchdog product, so now the Watchdog project is completely 

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

In general, activity has been positive. I have been able to give more
time to the project. In addition, Raphael Luta, a long timer which had
to left, came back to activity asking for PMC membership. In the while
David Taylor has kept the leadership, with Carsten and the rest of the
team doing an amazing job.

New PMC member
- - Raphael Luta

New Committers
- - Scott Goldstein (primarily WSRP4J, though welcome to go further)
- - Shinsuke Sugaya (Jetspeed 1 and 2 )

* Fusion code for running JSR-168 portlets inside Jetspeed-1.
* JCMS was voted as a subproject for incubation, bringing the CMS
  bridges as a portlet application.
* Jetspeed is approaching the 1.6 release, enabling it to run JSR-168
  portlet applications.
* Jetspeed 2 is approaching a milestone alpha release, a kind of
  "Technology Preview". It will likely happen before year's end.
* Pluto plans the 1.0.1 release, bug fix, clarification and

* The site was moved to subversion, following Pluto

* The move of Jetspeed to subversion is planned for just after
  releasing Jetspeed 1.6 and Jetspeed-2 M1
* The request for incubation of the JCMS code base will come shortly
  - heading for the Incubator, with Raphael Luta as mentor.
* Cleanup of mail lists still under jakarta
* Graduation of wsrp4j

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

1. Noteable Happening's

   There was a face-to-face meeting (held in Colombo, Sri Lanka hosted
   by the Lanka Software Foundation) to discuss and architect Axis2, a
   major re-write of the Axis SOAP engine. We're designing it a
   language independent manner as much as possible and then doing a
   Java implementation first with the idea of the C++ implementation
   following suit ASAP. In addition to the base SOAP engine there will
   be implementations of WS-Security, WS-Secure Conversation,
   WS-Trust, WS-Reliable Messaging, WS-Atomic Transactions and
   WS-Coordination at least on top of the base engine. All of these
   projects already exist on top of the current Axis and they will be
   re-targtted to the new and improved Axis.

   Details of the meeting and links to the minutes and design
   documents etc. can be found at:

2. Code Releases [since the last report]

   * JaxMe 0.3, with surprisingly many responses from the users, in
     particular bug reports, but also a lot of patches with high

   * JaxMe 0.3.1, in response to bug reports. 

   * Axis/C++ released several new versions - v1.2 and currently at
     v1.3beta. v1.3 final is due out fairly soon. After a few more 1.*
     releases (basically after the 1.* family is stable and matured)
     we hope to shift focus to Axis2/C++.

3. New Projects

4. Legal Issues

5. Cross-Project Issues

6. Problems with committers, members, projects etc?

7. Miscellaneous

   * Sandesha 

     We have started re-structuring Sandesha with the aim of
     supporting WS-RM Spec completely on top of the existing axis and
     also to provide complete support on top of Axis 2 - new

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project

Actions taken in the last quarter:
1. TLP and Incubator-graduation transition 
  - web site moved to
  - mailing lists moved to
  - updated all files (readme's, url references
    site docs) to reflect Incubator graduation. 
  - TODO: move from cvs: xml-xmlbeans 
  - TODO: xmlbeans charter 
2. Created v1.0.3 release after graduation
3. Added two new committers
4. Confirmed to have XMLBeans tutorial and session 
   at ApacheCon US 2004
5. Agreed on process for voting on new committers.
   Nominations and forthcoming vote are announced
   publicly (dev list).  Most discussion occurs 
   on dev list.  However, pmc list is where actual
   votes are posted.  Results posted on -dev list.
6. Thanks to Vadim Gritsenko, we now have site stats 
7. Hosted the second annual XMLBeans BOF at OSCON.
8. Participated in JavaOne panel on Java-XML binding.
Intentions for next quarter:
1. Get XMLBeans charter agreed on and approved
2. Get a project logo
3. Work with XML community to define XML federation
4. Release new distribution, either another v1 
   update or an early-release of v2 
5. Use ApacheCon to further cultivate active 
   developer community (future committers).
   We're out of the Incubator and doing well with 
   community, but we could still improve the diversity 
   of those who are actively contributing/committing 
6. Discuss when we will be ready to move to svn.
   Latest consensus was to wait until next major 

End of minutes for the September 22, 2004 board meeting.
