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The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2004
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PDT -0700 and was begun at
10:06 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held via
teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent:
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Brian Behlendorf
Ken Coar
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr.
Stefano Mazzocchi
Greg Stein
Sander Striker
Directors Absent:
Sam Ruby
Chuck Murcko
At 11:00 Greg had to leave the meeting and Jim took over
as meeting chair.
3. Minutes from previous meetings
A. The meeting of July 21, 2004
CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_07_21.txt
Approved by General Consent.
B. The meeting of August 18, 2004
CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_08_18.txt
Approved by General Consent.
C. The meeting of September 22, 2004
CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_09_22.txt
Approved by General Consent.
4. Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Greg]
The ASF appears to be moving along, producing code and
resolving other issues, as we would hope and expect.
B. President [Dirk]
Dirk reported that the ASF also appears to be moving
along quite well. Infrastructure support still can
be a bottleneck, but issues are being resolved.
C. Treasurer [Chuck]
Chuck reported that following account balances:
Business Account: $93,750.94
Checking Account: $ 5,500.00
PayPal Account: $ 1,255.51
Chuck also reported that the ASF taxes were in the process
of being completed and submitted, after requesting and
receiving a submission extension.
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
We continue to get a few CLAs occasionally. Sometimes
we receive unreadable ones, which is a pain.
We received a letter from "Car Program, LLC," the company
handling car donations for the ASF. We have met the
requirements for the "optional listing" on their
website, and should be active
November 2004. If we decide we do not want to be listed
on the site, we need to let them know. I will forward
this info to the Fund Raising Committee.
5. Special Orders
A. Establish the Apache XML Graphics Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to the conversion of XML formats
to graphical output, for distribution at no charge to the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache XML Graphics PMC",
be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache XML Graphics PMC be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software for
managing the conversion of XML formats to graphical output, and
for related software components, based on software licensed to
the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache XML
Graphics" be and hereby is created, the person holding such
office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as
the chair of the Apache XML Graphics PMC, and to have primary
responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
of responsibility of the Apache XML Graphics PMC; and be it
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache XML Graphics PMC:
Chris Bowditch (
Thomas DeWeese (
Christian Geisert (
Clay Leeds (
Keiron Liddle (
Jeremias Maerki (
Glen Mazza (
Simon Pepping (
Joerg Pietschmann (
Maerki be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice
President, Apache XML Graphics, to serve in accordance with and
subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache XML Graphics PMC be and
hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended
to encourage open development and increased participation in
the Apache XML Graphics Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Batik and
FOP sub-projects and encumbered upon the Apache XML PMC are
hereafter discharged.
RESOLUTION 5A, Establish the Apache XML Graphics Project, was
APPROVED by Unanimous Vote.
Both Dirk and Stefano agreed to join the PMC and Dev list to
monitor progress.
B. Establish the Apache Xalan Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
open-source software related to XSLT processors, for
distribution at no charge to the public.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Xalan PMC", be and
hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Xalan PMC be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
related to creation and maintenance of open-source software
related to XSLT processors based on software licensed to the
Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Xalan" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
Apache Xalan PMC, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
of the Apache Xalan PMC; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Xalan PMC:
Brian Minchau <>
Arun Yadav <Arun.Yadav@Sun.COM>
Dmitry Hayes <>
Henry Zongaro <>
Matthew Hoyt <>
Ramesh Mandava <Ramesh.Mandava@Sun.COM>
Santiago Pericas-Geertsen <Santiago.Pericasgeertsen@Sun.COM>
Berin Lautenbach <>
John Gentilin <>
<> appointed to the office of Vice President,
Apache Xalan, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Xalan PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Xalan Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Xalan PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache XML
PMC Xalan subproject; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the XML Xalan
sub-project and encumbered upon the Apache XML PMC are
hereafter discharged.
RESOLUTION 5B, Establish the Apache Xalan Project, was
APPROVED by Unanimous Vote.
C. Establish the Date and Time for the ASF Member's Meeting
Jim proposes a time-slot of November 14th, 4:30pm
(Las Vegas time) @ the Alexis Park for the Annual ASF
Members Meeting. This has been confirmed as available.
The proposed date and time were approved by the board. Therefore,
the ASF Board has schedule an ASF Special Member's Meeting for
November 14th, 2004 at 4:30pm (Las Vegas local time). Jim
will send out such notice and reminders of new-member
nominations and proxy requests to the members list.
D. Affirm Intent to Own Copyright to all ASF Distributions
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose that the Foundation receives assignment
of copyright of all contributions to the Foundation
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors does
affirm that ownership of copyright by the ASF is in the best interest of
the Foundation, and will work to create documentation and agreements
for contributors to the ASF incorporating this basic principle.
The above resolution created some discussion, not on the
basic principles, but on how it would affect the current
impact on new and proposed projects. In particular, such basic
questions as whether this meant that any and all
new projects would have to be "delayed for inclusion" until
the legal ramifications of owning copyright and how it
affects the current codebase of all ASF projects. A vote
was held on whether the ASF should, for the short time being,
continue "business as usual" regarding the form and wording
of the ASF Copyright statement as well as accepting new
projects, codebases and contributions, until such time that
these questions are answered to satisfaction. A vote of Yea
was for continuing "business as usual;" Nay was for holding
off until the questions have been answered.
Yea: Brian, Dirk, Jim, Stefano, Sander
Nay: Ken, Geir
By majority vote, the issue passed. It should be noted that
all directors agreed very strongly that the copyright issue
is extremely important and a high priority issue to be
resolved. It is expected that discussion will be held via
the mailing lists regarding this in anticipation of a final
resolution in time for the November board meeting.
E. Appoint Brian W. Fitzpatrick as a Vice President of the PRC
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish the office of "Vice
President, Public Relations;" and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Public Relations"
be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
of the Apache Public Relations Committee, and to have primary
responsibility for management of public relations, press, and
fundraising activites within the scope of responsibility of the
Public Relations Committee; and be it further
RESOLVED, that Brian W. Fitzpatrick be and hereby is appointed
to the office of Vice President, Public Relations, to serve in
accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
a successor is appointed.
RESOLUTION 5E, Appoint Brian W. Fitzpatrick as a Vice President
of the PRC, was APPROVED by Unanimous Vote.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache DB Project [John McNally]
See Attachment A
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
B. Apache Geronimo Project [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment B
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
C. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman]
See Attachment C
There was discussion regarding the fact that the Directory
PPMC has added "subprojects." It was agreed that all Incubator
projects should be flat, not hierarchical. Even well established
ASF projects have troubles as umbrella projects, and it is
quite reasonable to assume that Incubator projects will have
extreme difficulty being an umbrella PPMC.
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
D. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas]
See Attachment D
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
E. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl]
See Attachment E
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
F. Apache Struts Project [Craig McClanahan]
See Attachment F
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
G. Apache TCL Project [David Welton]
See Attachment G
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
H. Conference Planning [Ken Coar]
See Attachment H
It was noted, for the record, that the ASF does not currently
have a written contract with Security Travel regarding ApacheCon 2004.
Instead, the ASF has been working under a verbal agreement with ST.
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
I. Security Team [Ben Laurie]
No report was provided. It was agreed that Greg or Dirk
would send a polite but firm reminder that these reports
are required, and that the Security Team does not have
a good track record of providing these reports.
J. Apache Avalon Project [J Aaron Farr]
See Attachment J
Project Report Approved by General Consent.
7. Discussion Items
There was continued dicussion regarding the LGPL and
the depth at which an ASF project/codebase can require
it. There was also continued discussion on how the LGPL
is interpreted in a Java environment and whether such
basic Java concepts as extending a Class or implementing
an Interface marks the essential LGPL distinction between
using a function and being "based" on it.
8. Unfinished Business
9. New Business
10. Announcements
11. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 1200 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 11:43.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache DB Project
The DB project continues with its primary task of oversight of the OJB
and Torque subprojects. The mailing lists for both projects remain
active and with no conflict to note. OJB released a 1.0.1 maintenance
release and continues work towards a 1.0.2 release as well as a 1.1
release. Torque has tagged a couple release candidates this quarter,
but the 3.1.1 release will likely fall into the first week of next
The PMC recently voted for the nomination of Henning P. Schmiedehausen
to serve on the PMC and is awaiting acceptance prior to official
notification. The PMC also voted to update its bylaws. The changes
were primarily to clarify the status quo. I'll finish the report with
the resulting text:
Project Management Committee Bylaws
The Project Management Committee (PMC) was formed by the Apache Board
on 17 July 2002. The bylaws were last amended on 7 October
2004. There is no preset number of seats on the PMC. The PMC will
strive to add every committer within DB that, in the opinion of the
PMC as determined by a vote, displays the capability and desire to
help guide the DB project. The PMC will present the board with a
recommendation of a chairperson from amongst their ranks. The list of
current members can be found in our <a href="./whoweare.html"> Project
The PMC is responsible for the strategic direction and success of the
DB Project. This governing body is expected to ensure the project's
welfare and guide its overall direction. The PMC may not necessarily
participate in the day-to-day coding but is involved in the overall
development plans, the alleviation of any bottlenecks, the resolution
of conflicts, and the overall technical success of the project.
The PMC is responsible for any and all official releases by any part
of the DB project. Implicit approval by the PMC for a release can be
assumed if at least three committers voting for the release also serve
on the PMC and there are no negative votes. Explicit approval by vote
on the PMC mailing list is required prior to the release, if the
preceeding conditions are not met. The PMC must be notified of all
The PMC is answerable to the Apache Board with its Chairman serving as
primary liaison.
The PMC discusses issues and determines strategic direction via mail
list. Discussions and votes specific to a particular codebase
associated with a subproject generally occur on subproject dev lists.
All binding votes happen on the PMC list except release votes can
occur on the subproject dev list with a summary of results posted to
the PMC list.
The call for a vote on issues not detailed here may specify
requirements for passage. The minimum and default requirement for a
passing vote is simple majority of PMC members casting ballots. The
default voting period is 10 days and the minimum is 7 days unless the
success or failure is arithmetically known.
PMC members may resign at any time. A committer will remain on the DB
PMC until removed by desire of the committer, action of the board, or
vote by the PMC. The Chairman may resign as Chairman at any time
without resigning membership to the PMC. The chairperson will serve
until voluntary resignation, action of the board, or vote by the PMC.
The Chairman or any member may be removed from the PMC by a 3/4 vote
of the PMC.
In order to be elected to the PMC, a person must have served as a <a
href="roles.html">Committer</a> and be nominated by a PMC Member. The
nominee must receive 3/4 positive vote with a minimum of 3 positive
votes. Abstaining or non-participating PMC voters do not affect the
Creation of Subprojects
PMC members may propose the creation of new subprojects. Creation of a
new subproject requires approval by 3/4 positve vote with a minimum of
3 positive votes of the PMC. Abstaining PMC voters do not affect the
result. New code enters the DB project in accordance with ASF policy.
(End of bylaws text)
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project
The Geronimo community is returning to healthy activity after
a brief slowdown during the summer. I attribute the slowdown
due to summer doldrums, and that a few major contributors
found gainful employment during the summer and were focused
on the new jobs.
The project released milestone release M2, considered by the
projects as a 'technology refresh' for the larger community.
This release included :
- many bugfixes
- EAR deployment support (major feature)
- simplified deployment
- MDB support
- JACC support
- EJB 2.1 timers
- hot deployment of WARs and RARs
The big news is that the TCK work is now going formally, with
steady progress being made. We have established a private
email list and private SVN repository accessible to those that
have signed the NDA. Progress on the TCK testing is going well.
We have completed major sections of testing, and working on
continuing development of the pieces that are missing, as well
as fixing bugs in the code that is there.
Another bright spot is that we've been successful in working
with the Apache Tomcat community in bringing basic Tomcat support
to Geronimo. We are working to increase the integration to let
users of Geronimo + Tomcat take advantage of all the deployment
and management features of Geronimo.
On the community front, while we have no new committers, the
new activity is bringing both new people, and thus we are
starting to identify new candidates, as well as bringing back
older committers that had gone inactive.
We are struggling with the licensing of JavaMail, as we don't
want to implement this JSR due to the widely held opinion that
the spec is insufficient for correct implementation, and there
is no source to reference. I am [still] working with Sun on
this. It appears that a complete fix of the Sun binary license
won't be possible, so another alternative is being explored.
Specifically, instead of transferring the RI to the ASF, Sun could
contribute a copy to help bootstrap a compatible independent
implementation of the software. There are difficulties with this
proposal (hardheaded obstinacy, IMO), but work is still going on.
On the lighter side, I'll note that according to a recent survey
by The Middleware Company, Geronimo is [amazingly] now more widely
used in production than Sybase and Borland :)
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
Since the last report to the Board, Lenya has become ready to fly the
nest; and new projects such as Agila, Derby, JackRabbit and iBATIS
have begun Incubation.
Infrastructure bottlenecks continue to effect the Incubator. I say
this without pointing fingers, since as a member of the Infrastructure
Team, I am one of the people responsible for being or removing those
bottlenecks. It is simply that we can create a rash of requests for
project resources, and we (the Infrastructure Team) are short-staffed.
One thing that should help will be improved scripts for mailing list
creation. Hopefully, we will have some time at the Hack-a-thon to
work those tools.
Licensing and other IP related issues were reported as an on-going
topic of discussion in the last report, at which time I mentioned that
it would help to have some legal resource(s) participating with the
Incubator. IP issues have come up this quarter that make it even more
imperative that we have sufficient legal resources working with the
Incubator, and the ASF in general, to address IP issues.
- 0 -
The list of projects in the Incubator is at
Here are the STATUS reports from the PPMCs that have sent one in.
Status report from the Directory PPMC
Our last report was posted here:
Since then we have ...
o Vetted all IP issues within the project, namely where Snacc4J was
concerned. Snickers, the Snacc4J replacement subproject, now
supports BER and, in a branch maintained by Alan Cabrera, DER as
well. Alan Cabrera has been progressing on his ASN.1 compiler but
for the time being we have hand coded LDAP stubs. We have also
integrated the new Snickers based LDAP provider as the default BER
codec for the ldap-common project. This is a major step for us on
the path toward exiting the incubator.
o We have retrofitted the old LDAPd code base with the newly modified
ldap-common code along with Snickers. This primitive precursor to
Eve now runs as it did while at sourceforge however there are no IP
issues with this functional server. Users can now kick the tires
on an LDAP server that works. We however see this server as more
of a demo rather than the real deal which will be Eve.
o We have also made progress on another major aspect that demonstrates
the viability of this project: building community. BTW, all new
committers have signed and submitted their CLAs which are on file
and software grants were submitted where appropriate. We have
added three new committers to the project of which two are still
- Trustin Lee joined us to work on the frontend networking code
and is making progress adding UDP support to the new SEDA
subproject. He will be continuing to work on making Eve's
front end code serve as a gateway/proxy server to other LDAP
servers soon.
- Enrique Rodriguez became a committer as well and is working on
the new integrated Kerberos server which plugs into Eve for
network authentication. He is also persuing the goal of
writing wrappers for Eve to embed Eve into OSGi containers.
- Niclas Hedman became a commiter and started work on decoupling
Eve's backend from Merlin, however some Avalon commitments have
taken his time.
o We have begun to pull the backend subsystem out of the sandbox:
this is almost complete. A new schema subsystem design has been
added while making the move. I have also removed all depenencies
on Avalon and Merlin while maintaining the wrappers for Merlin.
o Vincent continues to maintain Janus and is getting into some of the
LDAP code base while writing unit test cases for them. Vincent is
also working on getting all projects rigged into Gump.
o We added two new subprojects. The first is called the SEDA
framework. It is basically the LDAP frontend networking code with
all LDAP dependencies removed so it can run any protocol. In fact
it can run multiple protocols on the same plumbing. This is what
Trustin is working on most of all. The second subproject is a
Kerberos server that Enrique and I had been working on just toying
with from within Eve but it wound up being something very
attractive so we added it to our project rather than leaving it out
there. We don't expect these projects to stay under the directory
umbrella forever. We feel this way especially since SEDA can be
reused anywhere a Java based protocol server is needed and the
Kerberos server can run in stand alone mode one day. Until then we
are comfortable having them here indefinately.
o On the Naming subproject front, Phil Steitz has integrated Naming
with Gump. Phil has been very busy in jakarta-commons working on
getting an excellent new addition, the commons math project, out
the door. Meanwhile he has been supporting inquiries about Naming
and Jira issues posted on it.
Conclusions and goals ...
[We] are doing really well and are very close to our goals. Perhaps
before ApacheCon or by the next status report at the latest we should
have all of Eve's parts up and running. Meanwhile we're growing the
community and getting more comfortable working together to support our
code base. More people are contacting us about various directory
subprojects than before so ... if we build it they will come.
Status report for Beehive
Status file is up to date; see,
or when site is
Code & Infrastructure
- initial code drop was made in mid-July. Ongoing development is very
- over the last three months, we've set up svn, jira, the web site and
a wiki.
- we're just starting to make more use of jira.
- docs and tutorials have been recently contributed
- all code shows ASF copyright notice.
- software grant, individual CLAs, and corporate CLAs, are in place
for all active committers (one initial committer has no account
while we wait for his employer to complete review of CLA and CCLA)
- Web services metadata subproject has participation from key members
of Axis community; however, NetUI and Controls subprojects are still
primarily driven by BEA employees. We expect this to begin to
change after getting out an initial release for the community to
experiment with and digest. We have several ApacheCon presentations
that we also hope will invite more non-BEA developers to be actively
Release Plans
- The community has decided to cut a pre-1.0 release out for ApacheCon.
This release will follow the incubation release rules requiring a)
incubator disclaimer in README and from any download links, b)
filename to include 'incubating', and c) ppmc vote (providing the
incubator pmc approval since all interested incubator pmc members
should be on the beehive ppmc mailing list.
- We've also had a generic release plan proposed and discussed. Also
work has started on a roadmap document to make it easier for new
developers to get the big picture and figure out where they can help.
Status report for MyFaces
All needed CLAs are on file. A code grant is in transit. Accounts for
the committers have been created. Mailing lists are
created. Committers are subscribed. The Jira setup for the project is
being finalized. The project incubator page is created. Committers are
preparing the SourceForge CVS for import to Apache.
One account's credentials were lost in transit (grantsmith). Request
to root@ to resend the credentials to an alternate address was made
Status report for iBATIS
All needed CLAs are on file. Code grants are in transit. Accounts for
the committers are created. Mailing lists are created. Committers are
subscribing. The Jira setup for the project is being finalized. The
project incubator page is created. Committers are preparing the
SourceForge CVS and third-party SVN for import to Apache.
Status report for JackRabbit
The Jackrabbit project has completed all of the Incubator checklist
items in terms of moving to Apache and getting the IP transfer done.
With the help of Maven, we have a full website set up at
with a few link bugs due to the svn/viewcvs integration. Our big
task from now to graduation is to get the community more involved
in development, planning features, integrating with some of the DB
projects, and scoping out interesting applications to build on top
of the interface.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache James Project
Mostly quiet quarter. No releases, nothing particularly exciting
except for watching the Avalon project like a Red Sox fan.
We are planning to import a Java mime parser, add it as a subproject
and incorporate into James at some point. This is still early on, and
we've run by the incubator checklist. No issues, but just wanted to
mention it.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Maven Project
o New projects
o New PMC members
o New Committers
Felipe Leme (plugins)
Carlos Sanchez (m1 plugins / m2 core)
o Goings on
Brett is preparing for a 1.0.1 release shortly and a 1.1 release soon
afterward. The 1.1 release will be the first 1.x release to
incorporate code from m2. Post 1.1 maven1 and maven2 will share the
same tools for generating maven's datamodel which is the first step in
the merger of maven2 code back into maven1.
Maven2 development is continuing as per usual and we're shooting for a
first alpha release in late Q1 2004.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Struts Project
The Struts community has recently released Struts 1.2.4 as the latest
stable version, focused on cleaning up deprecations from previous versions,
refactoring utility classes to improve separability of the core framework
from view tier dependencies, and incorporating the latest Commons libraries
on which we are dependent.
We recently completed a migration of our source code repository from
CVS to Subversion, and are leveraging its capabilities to refactor the
source code into separately releaseable components. The first such
separate release is likely to be the Struts-Faces integration library
(an adapter between Struts and JavaServer Faces).
The community is busy planning an evolutionary path that focuses on
fundamentally backwards compatible improvements, and a revolutionary
("Struts 2") path that will leverage the industry wide lessons in how
web application frameworks should architected in the four years
since Struts was created. The discussions are proceeding harmoniously
and productively.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache TCL Project
Not a lot to say here. All projects are more or less in maintainance
mode for the moment. Questions on mailing lists are answered
promptly, which indicates that everyone is active and available, but
working on other things.
Attachment H: Status report for the Conference Planning
ApacheCon 2004 US is less than a month away. This year we have
more than doubled the number of tutorials being offered, having
them on both Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, the lateness
of publishing the schedule, and some suboptimal tutorial titling,
and who knows what other causes, have resulted in registrations
being disappointingly low.
As of today, there are 245 people registered for the conference.
This includes the speakers, however, and so is misleading.
Historically, there is an uptick in registrations during the
last few weeks before the conference, but I doubt we'll get
many more than 500 delegates, if that.
For keynote speakers, we have Wil Wheaton opening on Monday,
Miguel de Icaza on Tuesday, and Doc Searls closing on Wednesday.
There will also be a Sun keynoter, but, as usual, Sun is quite
delinquent on providing details.
IBM is back as a sponsor, primarily as a result of the Derby
submission and IBM's Data Management Systems' marketing department's
support. IBM will be sponsoring the Hackathon, and (according to
current plans) an interesting contest challenge. The fact that
there will be a contest will be broadly announced shortly; the
actual terms of the contest will be announced at the opening plenary,
submission deadline to be Tuesday evening, and prizes to be
awarded during the closing plenary. The top prize is a maximally
tricked-out latest-model ThinkPad.
The Java Community Process is a sponsor again this year, and in
fact they want to sponsor several thousand dollars' worth of
ApacheCon 2005 Europe is tentatively scheduled for 18 July 2005,
in Stuttgart, Germany.
We have received requests from Brasil to bring an ApacheCon event
there (no surprise, this is not new).
Attachment I: Status report for the Security Team
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Avalon Project
In response to the Board's comments and recommendations of 23 Sept
"The Board hereby requests that the Avalon PMC step up and properly
manage the Avalon framework. Support your existing users of that
framework, including the other projects at the ASF."
The Avalon PMC, in its current condition, is not capable of complying
with this request. Consequently, the PMC is working with the
Excalibur project to transfer the Avalon framework code and other
Avalon utilities (LogKit and Cornerstone) to Excalibur which has shown
a willingness and capacity to perform such support.
With respect to the Merlin TLP, the proposals have been withdrawn.
The Merlin developers have decided to not further seek TLP status in
the ASF but rather create a fork of Merlin dubbed Metro to be hosted
at [1].
Seeing as the development of existing software under Avalon now has or
will soon have new hosts, we recommend to the Board the Avalon project
be closed. With that in mind, the following points should be noted:
1. The Apache James project currently uses Avalon Phoenix which has
not been under active development or support for some time.
There is a fork of Phoenix at called Loom. A
support solution for James (either hosting Phoenix itself or
migrating to Loom) should be found before Avalon's closure.
2. The Metro fork has been announced but is not yet active. We
would prefer that Avalon not be closed until the fork is active
and Merlin users have been notified.
3. The transfer of code between Avalon and Excalibur has not yet
taken place, though positive votes on the matter have occurred in
both projects.
4. We have not yet determined what site resources if any should
remain available following Avalon's closure. An example "closed"
Avalon site is at . We are
unaware of any policy or precedent we should turn to for this
Consequently, we ask the Board give the Avalon PMC until the next
Board meeting (14 November 2004) to handle the points above before
official closure of the project. At that time, the Avalon project
resources (site, svn repository, mailing lists, wiki, jira, ...) can
be deactivated or made read-only by the infrastructure group.
We appreciate the patience and support of the Board on this matter.
End of minutes for the October 20, 2004 board meeting.