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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                          November 14, 2004

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 19:00 PST -0800 and was begin when
    a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
    the chairman.  The meeting was called to order at 19:23. The meeting
    was held in person at the ApacheCon conference in Las Vegas.

    The meeting itself was held in 2 sessions.  At 21:44 the meeting
    was called into recess.  The meeting was reconvened on November 15,
    2004 at 12:09.
2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Brian Behlendorf
        Ken Coar
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr.
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:



        Kevin Crowston of Syracuse (investigating the process
         and procedures of Open Source)
        Shane Curcuru
        Vadim Gritsenko
        Chuck Murcko (Treasurer)
        Ted Leung
        Robyn Wagner (Counsel)

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    A. The meeting of October 20, 2004

       CVS - board/board_minutes_2004_10_20.txt
       The approval of minutes was tabled.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Greg stated that there was really nothing to report,
       over and beyond what was reported at the ASF Members
       Meeting.  In general, the ASF was meeting some
       challenges, and operating well.

    B. President [Dirk]

       Dirk reported that he was keeping track on the
       efforts and discussions underway within the European
       Union (EU) regarding software patents.  According to
       Dirk, of particular interest was the fact that German
       political parties united in their support against
       patents, which is in conflict with the German EU
       Council vote.  Poland has also withdrawn support.

    C. Infrastructure [Sander]

       Infrastructure benefits a lot from the face to face meetings at
       ApacheCon.  Work is getting done.

       David Reid and Ben Laurie have been working on the CA and things
       are looking very promissing.  We will be able to offload all the
       adding and removing people from groups.  This will require that
       all services are exposed via HTTP, so there is a lot work that
       needs to be done.  With the moving of several projects to SVN,
       this goal will be easier to reach, given that shell accounts
       won't be needed anymore to do actual development.

       People do actually volunteer, but it is hard to actually parallellize
       a lot of the tasks given the centralized knowledge.

       Services are being moved around and off nagoya, since the machine
       is being retired.

       Infrastructure is budgetting $5k for the acquisition of a UPS
       for the US colo.

    D. Treasurer [Chuck]
       Assets of the Foundation have remained relatively flat in 2004,
       the first full year in which the Foundation has paid for
       colocation charges. Additional expenses were incurred for
       corporate filing charges, accounting services, office supplies,
       and equipment replacement and procurement, totalling (with colo
       charges) $22166.89 over the 12 month period 11/15/03-11/14/04.

       Contributions breakdown (by percentage):

       Corporate (by check)     35%
       Private (by check)       20%
       Private (by PayPal)      45%

       Note: The PayPal contribution includes a very small percentage of
         contributions received as micropayments from VA Linux

       Assets Summary 11/15/03-11/14/04:

       11/15/03 total assets                     $100954.46
       Contribution income 11/15/03-11/14/04      $20134.86
       Expenses                                  ($22166.89)
          Colo charges        $18000.00
          Corporate filing      $588.00
          Accountant            $575.00
          Office supplies       $330.00
          Capital equipment    $2673.89
       11/14/04 total assets                      $98922.43

       Current balances (as of 11/13/2004):

       Paypal           $1494.06
       Checking         $4644.00
       Premium Mkt.    $92784.37

       Total           $98922.43

       Chuck also reported that, as of that date, the
       ASF had not received any funds from the Car Donation
       company which we have signed on with, even though
       at least one car has been donated.

    E. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Jim's report centered around what ASF information should
       be deemed "public" versus "private." In particular, should
       the list of all received CLAs be made public or not.  The
       debate within the board was twofold.  The first issue was
       the reason and rationale for making the information public.
       One reason mentioned was that it allowed 3rd parties to
       verify that they could use ASF software by checking code
       with the CLAs.  Some within the board thought that this
       was not a compelling reason; instead, 3rd parties should
       simply trust that the ASF was doing its job and obtaining
       the required "approvals" for folding in patches and code
       from contributors;  if the 3rd parties did not trust
       that, then they were under no obligation to use ASF code.
       These 2 points of view were never resolved.
       The second issue was whether there was any expectation
       of "privacy" regarding CLAs; in other words, did the
       simple act of signing and submitting a CLA to the ASF,
       knowing what the ASF is, imply that the information could
       be open and public, as is the code itself.
       During the 2nd session it was generally agreed that it was
       in the best interest of the ASF, and the community especially,
       if the list of CLAs were made public, but with special consideration
       made for those who did not want their "legal" names made public
       (and they would therefore be noted by their pseudonym).  This
       information was to be made public by January 1, 2005.  Dirk
       and Jim were to inform the community of this in sufficient time
       for people to provide pseudonyms if required.  The format would
       like follow the semi-public Projects and Committers pages
       Jim has under
5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill]

       See Attachment A

       Apache Ant Project approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache Cocoon Project [Sylvain Wallez]

       See Attachment B

       Apache Cocoon Project approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley]

       See Attachment C

       Apache Forrest Project approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache HTTP Server Project [Sander Striker]

       See Attachment D

       The report was slightly modified to reflect that the
       Apache 1.3 line had had 1 "official" release (1.3.33)
       and one non-official release (1.3.32).
       Apache HTTP Server approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache Lenya Project [Rolf Kulemann]

       See Attachment E

       Apache Lenya Project approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Logging Project [Ceki Gülcü]

       See Attachment F

       No report was submitted.

    G. Apache Perl Project [Doug MacEachern]

       See Attachment G

       It was noted, again, that the Perl Project report was
       not submitted by the current Perl PMC Chair, but instead
       by Stas Bekman.  The board decided to ask the PMC to
       reconsider its choice of PMC chair.  Jim volunteered
       to follow up with the Perl PMC in this regard.
       Apache Perl Project approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache XML Project [Berin Lautenbach]

       See Attachment H

       Apache XML Project approved by General Consent.

    I. Public Relations Committee [Brian Fitzpatrick]

       See Attachment I

       No report was submitted.

    J. Apache XML Graphics Project [Jeremias Maerki]

       See Attachment J

       Apache XML Graphics Project approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

    A. Establish guidelines for handling copyright notices.  (This is
       the same resolution informally voted on two weeks before the

         WHEREAS, the copyright of contributions to The Apache
         Software Foundation remains with the contribution's original
         owner(s) unless explicitly assigned to the Foundation in

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that for the case of copyright
         notices in files contributed and licensed to The Apache
         Software Foundation but naming another copyright holder, the
         preferred handling is for the copyright holder to either
         remove such notices, or place them in a separate file for
         inclusion in a per-project COPYRIGHT file, or to include with
         the contribution written permission for the Foundation to
         make such removal or relocation of the notices; and be it

         RESOLVED, that files licensed to The Apache Software
         Foundation shall be labeled with the following notice,
         suitably amended to reflect the year of contribution and any
         subsequent years of original publication:

           Copyright [yyyy] The Apache Software Foundation or its
           licensors, as applicable.

           Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at


           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
           specific language governing permissions and limitations
           under the License.

       Special Order A, Establish guidelines for handling copyright notices,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote.
    B. Affirm Intent to Own Copyright to all ASF Distributions

         WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
         interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
         Foundation's purpose that the Foundation receives assignment
         of copyright of all contributions to the Foundation

         NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors
         does affirm that ownership of copyright by the ASF is in the
         best interest of the Foundation, and will work to create
         documentation and agreements for contributors to the ASF
         incorporating this basic principle.

        Special Order B, Affirm Intent to Own Copyright to all ASF 
        Distributions, was tabled.
    C.  Approve new version of Corporate CLA

        Still a placeholder.  For information, the version we'll vote on
        will be: 

        Special Order C, Approve new version of Corporate CLA, was tabled.
        However, it was noted that the proposed Corporate CLA was accepted
        but not ratified.
    D.  Termination of the Avalon PMC

        WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it no longer in the best
        interest of the Foundation to continue the Apache Avalon project
        due to the separation of the community into new projects

        WHEREAS, the Avalon PMC is unable to further fulfill the
        responsibilities of creation, maintenance, and support of the
        Avalon software

        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Apache Avalon Project is
        hereby terminated; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the Excalibur PMC be and hereby is tasked with
        maintenance of the Avalon framework software; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the Apache Avalon PMC be and hereby is no longer
        responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related to
        component and service management, based on software licensed to the
        Foundation; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Avalon" is
        hereby terminated; and be it further

        RESOLVED, that the Apache Avalon PMC is hereby terminated. 

        Special Order D, a Resolution for the Termination of the Avalon PMC,
        was approved by Unanimous Vote.
7. Discussion Items

    A. Conferences and ConCom

       The board expressed its extreme displeasure with the work
       done by Security Travel regarding ApacheCon.  There was
       debate on whether the board should restrict ConCom from
       renewing any contract or agreement with ST.  The general
       consent was that this restriction was not going to be
       placed, but that the board withheld the right to do so.
       The ConCom was tasked with "determining the look, feel
       and direction of ApacheCon" and submitting that to the
       board.  The ConCom was further tasked with coming up
       with creative new ideas regarding what we want ApacheCon
       to be (ie: what is the major focus of ApacheCon? A
       revenue source? A community building effort? etc...)
8. Unfinished Business

    No unfinished business
9. New Business

    No new business.
10. Announcements

    No announcements.
11. Adjournment

    The 2-session meeting was formally adjourned at 13:22, November 15,


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project

The Ant project is in a stable phase of development and there have not been
any major events in the last three months, such as new releases or significant

o Ant 1.6.2

Ant 1.6.2 was released on July 16th, 2004

There have been no major issues with the release to date.

o Ant 1.7 (CVS Head)

CVS head development continues, of course. There is currently no planned 
release date for Ant 1.7.  

o Nightly builds

Nightly builds are still inactive. 

o Legal Issues

No legal issues

o Community

All well on the community front. 

Dominique Devienne is being added as a new committer. He is a long-time member
of the Ant community. Martijn Kruithof has recently been nominated for

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project


- The 3rd Cocoon GetTogether, yearly meeting of Cocoon users and
  developers, whas held as is usual now in Gent (Belgium) in early
  october. That was again a great success with 140 people coming from
  17 countries, an active hackaton and interesting presentations.

- There was a relative traffic slowdown on the dev list during spring
  and summer, mostly because people were very busy. After the
  GetTogether, the activity on the dev list raised back to its usual
  traffic and lots of interesting discussions are happening.

- We have two new committers, Ralph Goers and Leszek Gawron.

- Cocoon 2.1.6, is planned to be released next week, this is a
  maintainance release while development continues on the 2.2 branch.

- Lenya is no more a in the Cocoon TLP as it successfully exited
  incubation and moved to top-level.

- The death of Avalon and the fact that our component manager is
  considered as deprecated by the Excalibur project led us to fork it.
  These are only 15 source files, which allow us to master the
  foundations on which Cocoon is built.


The legal issues we had with the Rhino fork supporting continuations
are about to be solved, as the Mozilla Rhino team has added
continuation support in the official Rhino, and Cocoon will therefore
abandon the fork in favor in the official distribution.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project

Issues needing board attention

New committers and new PMC members
* Two existing committers are now also PMC members, so now all active
  committers are on the PMC:
    Ross Gardler <>
    Thorsten Scherler <>
* Elected a new committer and PMC member:
    Rick Tessner <>

General status
* The section of our draft bylaws dealing with new committers and new
  PMC members has been completed, so now we can finally vote some new
  people in.
* As discussed last quarter, we turned our attention to enhance
  the top-level ASF docs, especially the "how-it-works" document.
  Where possible our project guidelines are simply referring.

Issues still to be dealt with by the Forrest PMC
* Still not yet completed our project bylaws, but it is a lot closer
  than last quarter.
* Handling sudden growth of the project is an ongoing issue.

* Released Forrest-0.6 on 2004-10-15
* Working on a plugins system and restructured our SVN.  This will
  make it easier for users to add features and to contribute in
  smaller and more manageable chunks.
* We seem to have a big influx of new users.

General observations during last quarter
* Apache Infrastructure needs more help. There is a backlog,
  especially with root creating new committer accounts.
* We declined the kind offer from the PRC to assist with promotion of
  the project. We feel that we are too small to bear the load of many
  new users that would ensue from an official press release. So we
  want to grow steadily, then make a bigger splash when we reach the
  Forrest-1.0 release.
* Despite this low-profile, we are getting a stack of new users, and
  not sufficient new developers to ease the load. We are gradually
  recruiting new committers. If any other project has smart solutions
  and hints for steadily growing a project, then we would be pleased
  to help to enhance the top-level docs at /dev/ and Incubator, to
  assist current and future PMCs.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project

Since the previous board report there have been 3 releases of the 2.0 line
and a single release of the 1.3 line.
As usual, all a combination of security fixes and a regular release.  For
some reason security issues have a way of turning up in the middle of a
release process.  Taking appropiate action to security issues has interfered
with getting the actual cutting of a release of the 2.1 line (in the form of
an alpha); which leaves the 2.1 line without any releases to date.

At ApacheCon all the Apache HTTP Server modules are being converted to
Subversion.  The modules are locked down and no CVS commits are possible
as of now.  The Subversion repository will be opened for commits during
the ApacheCon.

mod_aspdotnet graduated from the Incubator and will be moved once the
SVN module is opened.

There is a new module coming in, mod_arm4, providing something one
can think of as SNMP on steroids:
  "The Application Response Measurement (ARM) standard describes a common
   method for integrating enterprise applications as manageable entities.
   The ARM standard allows users to extend their enterprise management
   tools directly to applications creating a comprehensive end-to-end
   management capability that includes measuring application availability,
   application performance, application usage, and end-to-end transaction
   response time."

Other than that nothing to report.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project

Issues needing Board attention
* Make sure Lenya PMC chair has access to necessary files in
  /foundation and /board to do his PMC job (?)

New commiters and new PMC members
* We voted 3 new commiters

         - Andreas Kuckartz
         - Wolfgang Kaltz
         - Torsten Schlabach
* We welcomed Antonio Gallardo as a new Lenya PMC member

General status
* Switched from CVS to SVN

* Lenya was graduated from an incubator project to an Apache TLP.

* TLP move is almost complete. SVN, mailinglists and web space moved
  from incubator space to Lenya's own TLP resources. Wiki still needs
  to be moved.

* Website is currently being updated

* New commiters sent their CLAs and accounts are almost setup. CLAs
  sometimes seem to get lost. Andreas and Torsten are still trying to
  get their CLAs on file.

* The Lenya community is preparing the 1.2.1 release. This release
  contains a lot of bug fixes since 1.2 and a refactored build
  process, which lowers the entry barrier for new users.  After we
  cleaned up the website and the docs we will release maybe in a few

* Users actively support the 1.2.1 release with testing and filing
  bugzilla reports

* Lenya 1.4 branch was created. We plan to integrate a JCR repository
  (JackRabbit). After the 1.2.1 release we will concentrate on the
  repo integration.

* External WYSIWYG editor (Kupu, BXE) integration has been improved.
  We use svn:externals to circumvent separate checkouts for users.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

-- Releases --

The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd

Nothing much happening on that track.  No new mod_perl 1.x releases
since the last report.


The mod_perl 1.99 series is a development track designed to become
mod_perl 2.0; it works with httpd 2.0.x.

Recent releases:

  1.99_15 - Aug 20, 2004
  1.99_16 - Aug 22, 2004
  1.99_17 - Oct 22, 2004
Apache::Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server.  It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications.

Recent releases:

  1.13 - Aug 20, 2004
  1.14 - Oct 12, 2004
  1.15 - Oct 22, 2004
-- Development --
Development on mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Test is moving at a healthy
pace. Now working on polishing the API so we can get ready for the 2.0
release hopefully somewhere in summer.

-- Users --

The mod_perl users list is thriving.

Usage stats continue to decline, with 1.5M or 4.7M sites depending on
which survey you look at.

The advocacy list, revived back August, is back to the dormant state

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache XML Project

General Comments

A reasonably quiet quarter.  The foundation progresses, and 
XML Graphics (comprising Fob and Batik) and Xalan have now 
been approved by the board as TLPs.  Activity has been 
picked up again for Xerces, so we are coming close to 
the end of the road.

This report is not as complete as it normally would be.  
The delinquent PMC chair neglected to take into account 
the fact the board meeting was brought forward a week, 
and so has somewhat failed in his duty.

Issues needing attention

The JuiCE sub-project in the incubator is still waiting 
on action on the corpriate CLA from uni of memphis.


Due to the slowdown in the AxKit project, both in terms 
of community and the developers, we have decided to 
re-merge the dev and users lists to ensure that users 
are aware that we are actually doing some things to 
the code. I have emailed infrastructure with the request 
to migrate the users list to Apache infrastructure 
(currently hosted on my personal DSL line) so we can 
proceed with the merge. I await a response (unless it 
got lost by my spam filters). In the meantime bugs are 
being fixed, and we are working with the XML::LibXML 
developers to resolve the libxml input filters conflicts 
with other perl and PHP projects and should resolve that 
issue soon.

We also need to work on migrating to Apache 
infrastructure as I am moving to Canada in about 6 weeks 
and so the urgency of this has increased. I will try and 
coordinate with infrastructure@ on this. This is complicated 
by the hosting of a number of non-apache open source 
projects on the domain.




Released Xerces 2.6 at the end of September. Many bug fixes. 
Moved to 2.0 license. Ongoing discussions ragrding moving 
Xerces to a top level project. 

Proposed charter being finalised now.


Xerces-J 2.7.0 is still a work in progress.  The completion 
of this release is pending on the donation of the portions of 
JAXP 1.3 developed by Sun Microsystems for the JAXP 
1.3 reference implementation.  In October, Sun expressed their 
interest in donating this work to Apache and the community 
began discussing how best to integrate the code in Xerces (as 
well as in Xalan and XML-Commons).  

Our understanding is that Apache and Sun are attempting to 
work out the details of a software grant for this code, 
and that both parties are committed to the resolution of these 
issues.  Since JAXP is of central importance to Xerces-J, the 
community ardently hopes that these final hurdles will be 
resolved soon so that we can begin the integration work and 
soon thereafter release Xerces 2.7.0.

We have one new committer to report: Ankit Pasricha was voted 
in during the last weeks of October.

Discussion has continued on the migration of Xerces-* to a 
top-level project.  The composition and chairmanship of the 
PMC and the proposed charter are being reviewed and finalized.  
We're hopeful that a motion to transform Xerces to a TLP may be 
moved within days.




The Java library is now progressing towards a 1.2 release, with 
RC-1 currently being reported on by users.  Work has been 
concentrating on an XKMS implementation within the C++ library, 
and Berin Lautenbach has been doing interoperability testing 
with the C++ code and the W3C workging group on the XKMS standard.  
We now have a full implementation of X-KISS and work has commenced 
on X-KRSS.

Attachment I: Status report for the Public Relations Committee

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Committee

--- General Comments --

This is our first status report as new TLP. So far, we have the TLP
creation form sent to the infrastructure people and have started to
prepare a website for the XML Graphics project which will go live as
soon as we have the necessary infrastructure. On top of the todo list
is also the project charter.

--- PMC arrivals, departures ---

No changes. Initial PMC list is still valid.

--- Issues needing attention ---

* Is it ok if we report at the same schedule as the XML project?
  (Feb, May, Aug, Nov)

--- Batik ---

No releases. More license header changes.

Submitted a build of Batik for testing against SVG 1.2

Some rearchitecting underway to support SVG 1.1 & 1.2

--- FOP ---

No releases, but steady progress.

New committer: Luca Furini

End of minutes for the November 14, 2004 board meeting.
