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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                            July 28, 2005

1. Call to order

    The meeting is scheduled for 10:00 PDT -0700 and was begun at
    10:07 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held by
    teleconference, hosted by IBM.

    IRC #asfboard on will be used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Ken Coar
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:

        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Ben Laurie


        Geir Magnusson Jr.
        Cliff Schmidt

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:

    Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.

    A. The meeting of June 22, 2005

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_06_22.txt

       Due to the fact that some directors had not yet reviewed
       the minutes, this was tabled.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

    B. President [Sander]

       Notable news is that the original directive on software patents was
       rejected by the EU Parliament on July 6th.  Given the turmoil around
       software patents, and the many questions that trickle in, I'd like
       to get a FAQ on the ASF's position on the website.

       ApacheCon EU has come and gone; the V.P. Conference Planning
       will have more on that in the committee report.

       I'll be prioritizing internal affairs and external affairs in
       that order, during my term, trying to find a good balance
       between raising awareness of the ASF and internal issues like

       i. Infrastructure [Sander]

          During ApacheCon Martin Kraemer and David Reid have made significant
          progress on the ASF Certificate Authority.  There are high hopes to
          have the full system (including authentication for version control,
          mailing list archives, etc), before next ApacheCon.

          A call for volunteers for the Search Committee for an external sys
          admin was issued.  The search committee is to be responsible for:

           - finding/soliciting candidates, by whatever means;
           - selecting candidates;
           - reporting progress of the search to the Boad;
           - and finally, recommending candidates to the Board

         The search will go on until the search committee is satisfied it has
         seen enough viable candidates.
         Responses to the call for volunteers have been sparse, but there
         are four volunteers to serve on the committee:

           Erik Abele
           David Reid
           Scott Sanders
           Sander Temme

         Justin Erenkrantz has stepped back from Infrastructure, due
         to time constraints.  Given the amount of energy he has put
         into Infrastructure over time, I at least owe him a thank you

         Before ApacheCon EU, during a mini-Infrathon, and during ApacheCon EU
         the Infrastructure team has addressed the situation which caused the
         version control tool to wedge.  It is therefor believed the final
         argument against migrating to Subversion has been overcome.

         For the rest of the news from Infrastructure I am going to refer to
         a mail sent out by Leo Simons to all committers.
         Message-ID: <>

    C. Treasurer [Justin]

       The treasurer transition continues.  I have been added as a
       signatory to the Wells Fargo accounts and I have a set of checks.
       As of July 24th, the books have not been sent to me, nor do I have
       access to our PayPal account.  I do have a call scheduled with Chuck
       when I return to the US on July 27.

       In this next month, we will wrap up the transition.  The highest
       priority items (in rough order) are acquiring the books, obtaining
       access to the PayPal account, and ensuring that our 2004 taxes are
       filed properly.  (AFAIK, our IRS extension is until Aug. 15.)

       Per the resolution below, I recommend the creation of the Audit

       Pursuant to the July 1 board IRC discussion, we will raise the
       individual signatory limit for checks to US$5,000.

       I also strongly recommend that the ASF obtain a credit card for
       official business.  This will significantly streamline the
       reimbursement procedures, allow us to obtain a FedEx account, and
       permit us to lift the $500/month withdrawal limit from PayPal.

       A further review of current action items for the treasurer is
       available in STATUS.

       Current balances as of 7/25/2005:

       Paypal               N/A
       Checking             $25,135.41  (-$1,906.14)
       Premium Mkt.        $100,701.53  (+$  106.72)
       Total               $125,836.94

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Other than the normal submission of CLAs and the occasional software
       grant, we have not received any correspondence which requires board

       I have been looking into D&O Insurance for the ASF, with the possible
       "bundling" of more traditional property replacement insurance. Both
       brokers initially contacted (The Weiner Company and CCBsure) require
       a copy of our financials before they can work out quotes for us.
       Justin is working on obtaining these for me. There was also
       some interest in the ASF obtaining its own overnight delivery
       accounts (eg: FedEx). FedEx, UPS and DHL all require a credit
       card (at least) to open a corporate account. Justin indicated
       that we may be able to obtain one with our Wells Fargo account,
       although it would likely be one of those debit-credit cards.
       In the meantime, we can continue to use my FedEx account.

    E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt]

       See Special Orders for two proposed resolutions.
       The first resolution allows PMCs to develop and distribute 
       software that depends on the presence of LGPL-licensed 
       libraries, *without* distributing the libraries themselves.
       After numerous discussions with the FSF, other LGPL licensors, 
       and ASF counsel, Larry Rosen, it appears that such a policy 
       should not impact the product licensing.  In order to allow
       PMCs to apply this policy to all useful LGPL-licensed 
       libraries, the resolution does not require the PMCs to get
       an agreement from each copyright owner, but instead requires
       the PMC to register the use of the particular LGPL library
       with the VP of Legal Affairs.  See my post to the board@ 
       list for more details ("My recommendation for an ASF policy on 
       the LGPL").

       The second resolution allows PMCs to redistribute MPL/NPL-
       licensed executables.  The key difference between the MPL/NPL
       and the LGPL regarding redistribution requirements is that the
       MPL/NPL allows redistribution under any license (provided that
       the distributor complies with the applicable terms of the 
       MPL/NPL); the LGPL requires redistribution of either the source
       or executable of the library to be licensed only under the LGPL.
       While the MPL 1.0, MPL 1.1, NPL 1.0, and NPL 1.1 are nearly
       identical in their treatment of redistribution of executables, 
       it is important to note that the NPL licenses are not OSI-
       approved, as they discriminate in favor of Netscape, weakening 
       the terms that Netscape has to comply with relative to other 
       users.  See my post to the board@ list for more details ("MPL/NPL
       Issue: My recommendation for an ASF policy on the MPL/NPL").
       NOTE: Larry Rosen has agreed with my analysis of the MPL/NPL
       licenses as described in the referenced post; however, yesterday 
       he suggested that I confirm that Mitchell Baker also agrees 
       (author of the licenses).  I have not yet received her response. 
       This could be a reason to table this resolution. 

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Conference Planning [Ken Coar]

       Ken provided a verbal report, no written report was submitted.
       ApaheCon EU was deemed successful.  There were more attendees
       than expected.

       There has been discussion about future conferences outside of
       the US, namely in Asia and South America.

    B. Apache DB Project [John McNally]

       See Attachment B

    C. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu]

       See Attachment C

    D. Apache Geronimo Project [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment D

    E. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman]

       See Attachment E

    F. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas]

       See Attachment F

    G. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl]

       See Attachment G

    H. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler]

       See Attachment H

    I. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper]

       See Attachment I

    J. Apache TCL Project [David Welton]

       See Attachment J
    K. Security Team [Ben Laurie]

       See Attachment K

    L. Apache Tomcat Project [Remy Maucherat]

       See Attachment L

    M. Apache Portals Project [Santiago Gala]

       See Attachment M

    N. Apache Lucene Project [Doug Cutting]

       See Attachment N
    O. Apache Web services Project [Davanum Srinivas]
       See Attachment O

6. Special Orders

    A. Creation of standing audit committee

       WHEREAS, The Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish an ASF Board Committee
       charged with auditing the finances of the Foundation.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Board Committee, to
       be known as the "Audit Committee", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the Audit Committee be and hereby is
       responsible for conducting and having oversight of efforts to
       audit the finances of The Apache Software Foundation with full
       and complete access to all financial records; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the committee be compsed of five members with one
       member being a 'financial expert', noting that the persons holding
       the office of President and Treasurer are hereby excluded from
       membership to prevent possible conflicts of interests; and be
       it further

       RESOLVED, that Jim Jagielski shall serve at the direction of
       the Board of Directors as the chair of the Audit Committee and
       have primary responsibility for managing the Audit Committee;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Audit Committee:

          Jim Jagielski
          Serge Knystautas
          Gianugo Rabellino
          Henri Yandell
          Cliff Woolley

       Special Order 6A, Creation of standing audit committee, was
       Approved by Unanimous Consent.

    B. Rename pmc lists to private

       WHEREAS, Project Management Committees (PMCs) within
       The Apache Software Foundation are required to conduct their
       normal business on public mailing lists for their project; and

       WHEREAS, the Foundation provides each PMC with a private list
       called "pmc" for sensitive discussions for which a public
       discussion is prevented by statute or contractual restraints
       on the Foundation; and

       WHEREAS, mailing list names are standardized to make it easier
       for project oversight and administration; and

       WHEREAS, volunteers on Foundation projects frequently make the
       mistake of misdirecting public discussion to the "pmc" lists
       because the name implies a group of people rather than a type
       of discussion.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Infrastructure
       Committee be and hereby is directed to rename all "pmc" lists
       to private@project and to use the name "private" for all such
       future lists; and let it further be

       RESOLVED, that all Project Management Committees within The
       Apache Software Foundation shall restrict their communication
       on private mailing lists to issues that cannot be discussed in
       public, such as discussion of pre-disclosure security problems,
       pre-agreement discussions with third parties that require
       confidentiality, discussion of nominees for project or
       Foundation membership, and personal conflicts among project

       Special Order 6B, Rename pmc lists to private, was
       Approved by Unanimous Consent.

    C. Appoint Susan Wu as Chief Media Officer

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish the office of "Chief Media
       Officer" and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Chief Media Officer" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
       the direction of the Vice President, Public Relations as primary
       liaison with the press and media within the scope of
       responsibility of the Public Relations Committee; and be it

       RESOLVED, that Susan Wu be and hereby is appointed to the
       office of Chief Media Officer, to serve in accordance with and
       subject to the direction of the Vice President, Public Relations
       and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
       retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor
       is appointed.

       Special Order 6C, Appoint Susan Wu as Chief Media Officer, was
       Approved by Unanimous Consent.

    D. Creation of the Apache Beehive Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of Java
       enterprise application frameworks focused on ease-of-use via
       highly toolable metadata-driven programming models for
       distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Beehive Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to the Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Beehive Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of Java enterprise
       application frameworks focused on ease-of-use via highly
       toolable metadata-driven programming models as well as related
       software and other materials determined appropriate by the
       Apache Beehive Project licensed to the Foundation; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Beehive Project is responsible for
       outreach and cooperation with other open-source projects whose
       purpose is deemed compatible with the work of the Apache
       Beehive Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Beehive"
       be and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Beehive Project, and to have primary
       responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
       and responsibility of the Apache Beehive Project; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Beehive Project and also constitute the list of initial

         Rich Feit
         Kyle Marvin
         Eddie O'Neil
         Daryl Olander
         Cliff Schmidt
         Davanum Srinivas
         Ken Tam

       and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Beehive, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Beehive Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Beehive Project.

       Special Order 6D, Creation of the Apache Beehive Project, was
       Approved by Unanimous Consent.

    E. Allow product dependencies on LGPL-licensed libraries

       WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within
       The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve 
       their mission through the use of existing LGPL-licensed 
       libraries as a product dependency; and

       WHEREAS, research into the impact of distributing ASF products 
       that depend on the presence of LGPL-licensed libraries has 
       indicated that the product licensing terms are not affected by
       such a dependency; and

       WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy continues to require
       all intellectual property distributed by the ASF be licensed 
       under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may develop and
       distribute products that depend on the presence of 
       LGPL-licensed libraries; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that PMCs will register such use of an LGPL-licensed
       library with the Vice President of Legal Affairs prior to the 
       PMC's next regularly scheduled Board report, and in no case 
       less than one week prior to the distribution of the applicable
       product(s); and be it further
       RESOLVED, that PMCs must continue to ensure they do not 
       distribute LGPL-licensed libraries or any other intellectual
       property that cannot be strictly licensed under the Apache 
       License, Version 2.0.

       Discussion occurred that raised questions: Is the FSF position
       public?  Will downstream users be comfortable with this?  The
       conclusion was to give 3rd parties time to react to this
       proposed resolution prior to voting on it.  Resolution 6E
       was tabled with general consent.

    F. Allow redistribution of MPL- and NPL-licensed executables

       WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within
       The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve 
       their mission through the use and redistribution of existing 
       software executables that are licensed under the Mozilla Public
       License (MPL) or Netscape Public License (NPL); and

       WHEREAS, research into the impact of distributing MPL- and 
       NPL-licensed executables indicated that such distribution 
       is allowed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0,
       only if specific entries made in the NOTICE file and if the
       associated source code complies with the applicable terms of 
       the MPL/NPL; and

       WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy continues to require
       all intellectual property distributed by the ASF be licensed 
       under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may use and 
       redistribute software executables that are licensed under the 
       MPL 1.0, MPL 1.1, NPL 1.0, or NPL 1.1; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that PMCs must ensure such redistribution only occurs
       after entries are made in the associated product's NOTICE file 
       in compliance with the terms of the MPL/NPL, and that the 
       associated source code also complies with the applicable terms 
       of the MPL/NPL.

       Resolution 6F was tabled with general consent.  Questions arose
       why MPL 1.0 was not ok before.  It is suggested to get feedback 
       from Mitchel Baker.

       Action Item: Review earlier arguments why MPL 1.0 was not ok.

7. Discussion Items

    A. Require 3 PGP signatures for a release, ensuring 3 votes from
       a PMC.

       Conclusion of this discussion was that it was too much of an
       extra burden on the projects to make this a requirement.

8. Review of Current Action Items
9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business

11. Announcements

12. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 PDT -0700.  Adjourned at 12:03.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache DB Project


Torque produced a release candidate, torque-3.2-rc1.  OJB did not have
a release this quarter, though the project is healthy and work
continues on a 1.1 release.


Torque is in the process of converting to svn, likely complete by the
date of board meeting.


Thomas Fischer is added to the PMC.

Derby is in the process of graduating from the incubator.

At my request for volunteers for PMC chair, Brian McCallister raised
his hand.  The PMC has not discussed this further or voted on this
yet, but it is likely to come as a request in the next board meeting.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Directory Project


It's been smooth sailing for us at the Directory Project.  We have
taken our time deciding upon some recent candidates which have been
posting patches regularly.  The community of contributors and users is
growing in a rapid pace.  We definitely realize that we have to grow
the committership to keep up with the influx of patches and user
questions.  Our last committer Emmanuel Lecharny turned out to be a
heavy hitter so we must be doing something right :).

As of our last report 9 different commercial companies have started to
integrate Apache Directory Server into their products.  This list
includes Atlassian for their JIRA and Confluence products.  We're
excited obviously about this.

Technical Strides

Within our sandbox is a almost complete rewrite by Emmanuel for our
ASN.1 codecs which should be 5x faster than what we have in place
today.  We also have an OSGi version of the server sitting in the
sandbox ready to be unleashed.

We have standardized our logging and have stabilized several aspects
of the server and our networking layer (MINA):

o MINA 0.7.3 has been released
o Apache Directory Server has been completely refactored with imminent
  0.9.1 release
o Removed AspectJ dependency in ApacheDS
o Preparing to use OSGi based container for ApDS
o Preparing to switch to new ASN.1 libraries in releases subsequent to

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project
It's been an interesting quarter for the Apache Geronimo project,
with several highlights to note :

Technology News :

- Most significantly, the project was able to pass all automated
  tests of the J2EE TCK.  This is a major milestone
  and a significant achievement for any organization, especially
  a community of volunteers like Apache Geronimo.  We expect to
  announce a fully J2EE 1.4 certified version Real Soon Now.

- The IBM Corporation has contributed an administration console
  for Geronimo.  This came from the Gluecode JOE product, and
  the community is now working to integrate with Geronimo.

- We believe we have finished integration of Apache Tomcat into
  the project, making it a choice for users for the servlet
  container, along with our original choice, Jetty.

- We now also have an implementation of the just-completed JSR-208,
  Java Business Integration, integrated as a module for Geronimo.
  We plan to get the TCK from Sun and certify the combined

Community News :

- We have added a new committer, John Sisson.  He is hard at work
  and is also helping with the TCK work.

- We have added Jeff Genender to the PMC.  Jeremy Boynes has
  resigned from the PMC.

- JavaOne : we had good representation of the project at JavaOne
  with a significant percentage of the committer team attending the
  conference.  Further, we had one regular technical session
  on Geronimo at the conference, as well as a BOF.

- In early May,  IBM acquired Gluecode Inc, a company focused on
  commercial products and support based on Apache Geronimo.  In
  doing so, we believe this is a vote of support for Apache
  Geronimo and are anticipating that such a move by IBM will
  help bring new community members to the project.  For example,
  we have seen signs of this with Trifork, a J2EE vendor,
  approaching the project with the intent of contributing and
  building products based on Geronimo.  Further, BEA announced
  at JavaOne that their commercial tool products will support
  Apache Geronimo

Upcoming :

- the team is hard at work on the M4 release, which we hope
  will be our last milestone release before the final push for
  our 1.0

- We have just kicked off discussion about adopting a formal set
  of project guidelines.  We hope that this will help with
  resolution of issues going forward.

Other :

- The Geronimo PMC is currently having internal discussions to
  address internal communication and process issues.  Among other
  things, we were asked by the ASF Board to investigate two issues
  of concern to the PMC.  The general opinion is that we have
  done so and are awaiting discussion of resolution from the board.
  Given the sensitive nature of those issues and the public status
  of this report, please refer to the PMC list archive for further
  information or discuss with any PMC member.  If a formal response
  is requested from the board on this issue, it will be provided.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The Incubator continues to see good progress in a number of projects
and their communities, with more projects graduating to TLP status, or
to existing TLPs.

IP issues continue to be a major aspect of life in the Incubator.  We
welcome Cliff Schmidt's appointment as VP of Legal Affairs, and look
forward to his help.  Congratulations, Cliff.

A number of new projects have entered the Incubator, with a
corresponding increase in the Incubator PMC.  The Incubator PMC has
established the policy that an ASF Member who is a Mentor or Committer
on an Incubator project is automatically entitled to be on the
Incubator PMC pending acceptance by the Member and board notification.

Continued thanks to our manual ForrestBot, David Crossley, for helping
to keep the web site built, and to others contributing their time.

                           - 0 -

The list of projects in the Incubator is at  Here are the STATUS reports
from the PPMCs.  Several projects are missing, as noted below, and are
again reminded.

Status Report from the Agila PPMC

Agila has been moving slowly, but there is clear interest with the  
addition of the Twister project, a pure BPEL engine, and the addition  
of a new Agila committer, Chris Lim.  There are other individuals we  
are looking at.

At ApacheCon EU, we were approached by another workflow engine that  
would consider coming to the project.  As our goal is to build a  
strong workflow/BPM community, this was welcomed and I look forward  
to some follow-up

It's clear I need to dedicate some additional time to Agila, both in  
code and community.

Status Report for AltRMI

Status Report from the Beehive PPMC

[Note: Beehive is currently preparing to ask for TLP status]

Beehive did a 1.0m1 incubating milestone release on June 6/2005.  With
the recent finalization of JSR-181 (Annotated Java Web Services) and
its associated TCK, the wheels are turning to get Beehive certified as
181 compliant.

The big news, we're in the middle of a vote to graduate from the
Incubator to TLP status.  We are well poised to do a 1.0 final release
should that vote pass.

There has been increased traffic on the dev list, and we're seeing
ongoing interest from other projects (Geronimo, Struts, etc) in a
variety of forums -- a session at JavaOne a few weeks ago was well
attended.  We are also in the midst of a vote for a new committer.

Status Report from the Derby PPMC

[Note: Derby is about to leave the Incubator, and enter the DB PMC]

Here is what Derby has been up to in Q2 (April-June).

Derby added Tomohito Nakayama as a new committer.
[Early Q3 note: two more committers were added and derby-dev is voting 
on another.]

Plans were completed for a 10.1 incubator release and candidate jars 
were made available for testing and review.  [Early Q3 note: the vote 
passed for the candidate and Andrew McIntyre requested permission from to make it available as an incubator release.]

The Derby community is thriving. Today shows that the 
derby-dev list is up to 225 subscribers and derby-user up to 322 (both 
figures include digest subscribers).

There is heavy development activity on both the code front and the doc 

Many code challenges are being worked on via the derby-dev list and the 
number of Derby developers working on Jira issues has increased to 36 
(the number in the derby-developers Jira group).

One doc challenge is how to make a DITA stylesheet, which is under the 
CPL license, available on to improve the 
format of the html documentation. A Derby mentor advised asking the 
author if he would be willing to license that particular file to the ASF 
under the Apache License. It turns out the DITA Toolkit team is 
interested in releasing the Toolkit itself under the Apache license, and 
hopefully all details will get worked out in Q3.

Status Report for FtpServer

Status Report from the Graffito PPMC

* The main news in this quarter is that we have expanded the committer
  base beyond the original contributors with the addition of Oliver
  Kiessler and Sandro Boehme.

* Both are busily working on building support for JCR (through

* Work is also underway to use Graffito as a native CMS engine
  in Jetspeed 2.

Status Report from the Harmony PPMC

In it's first month+ of existence, Harmony has attracted quite a bit  
of attention, and we are now settling down to resolve some of the  
issues we've identified in the beginning.  We have on our website our  
proposed policy framework to monitor contributions and technology  
contributions.  This policy is in addition to the standard ASF policy  
and we do not believe that it will cause any concerns.  It will be  
posted for review by the Apache Incubator PMC before it goes into  
effect, but we're working to get the last nips and tucks done.

On the technology side, there's been a slow start, in part due to the  
contribution framework getting established, but I plan to push hard  
for contributions now that we're almost done and people can get a  
sense of how things work.

We have the following outstanding issue that I will be talking to the  
Apache Incubator PMC about - parts of the community have asked that  
we change our default license for mail list contributions to a  
license compatible with the GPL, as the Apache License is deemed  
incompatible by the FSF.  It's in our interest to ensure that we can  
have the broadest participation possible, but also recognize that we  
wish to balance that with the aspects of the Apache License that are  
important to us.  Expect more on this soon.

Status Report from the Jackrabbit PPMC

Jackrabbit has attracted public interest from many different
projects, both open source and commercial in nature, and has over
250 people reading the developer list.  During the past quarter
we added one new committer, Edgar Poce, and cleared the minimum
threshold of three independent committers.

The big news is that JCR, the Content Repository for Java
Technology 1.0 API, has been completed by the JSR 170 expert group
and received final approval from the J2SE/EE executive committee
at the end of May.  We are currently working on restructuring the
Jackrabbit project directories in preparation of an eagerly
anticipated first release candidate and passing the official TCK,
at which point we are hoping to graduate from Incubator to
TLP status for the 1.0 release.

Status Report from the JDO PPMC

New committers were added to the project: Matthew Adams, Xcalia; Erik
Bengtson, JPOX. We might have a quorum of independent committers: Sun,
Xcalia, JPOX, tech@spree although I'd like to see more commit action
from everyone.

JIRA accounts have been set up for everyone who needs them.

The API sub-project has been synchronized with the latest version of
the specification. The TCK sub-project is about 80% complete. Still
lacks full testing for O/R mapping and detached objects.

The Apache JDO web site is now active at

Status Report regarding Juice

Juice: Still no signs of life. We need to decide how/when to shut this down.

Status Report regarding log4net

Status Report regarding log4php

Status Report regarding lucene4c

The implementation strategy has been changed from a pure C port to  
wrapping a C library around a GCJ compiled version of the Java code,  
and we've added a new committer (Paul Querna).  Unfortunately  
progress has slowed recently due to "Real Life (tm)", but hopefully  
it will pick up again soon.

Status Report regarding Oscar

Just getting started.  Has a number of IP and external community
issues to address.

Status Report from the Roller PPMC

Development status

- Work is proceeding on Roller 2.0, which will be ready in August. The 
main (and possibly only) new feature of Roller 2.0 will be group 
blogging support -- this is a big feature and requires a very large 
number of changes to the code base and user interface
- Work is proceeding on Roller 1.3, which will be ready this month. The 
main feature will be better theme management.
- Roller 1.2 was released from Java.Net as a totally non-Apache 
release, but using code from the Apache incubator's Subversion 
repository (we hope to do the same thing for 1.3, but that's up for 

Licensing issues

Roller requires several LGPL components and we're working to resolve 
LGPL issues. We have been discussing this challenging issue in depth, 
here is a summary of the apparent consensus:

- We hope that ASF will come to some agreement with either FSF or 
Hibernate folks which will allow us to continue to use Hibernate
- We are investigating ways to download our dependencies at 
build/install time, so that we don't have to distribute LGPL jars (but 
other work is taking priority right now)
- We're willing to wait out the LGPL issue for a reasonable period of 
time, as long as there is some way for us to continue to make releases 
to our existing user community

Infrastructure issues

- Roller code base has been moved into the Apache incubator's 
  Subversion archive
- Roller project is now using Apache incubator dev and user mailing 
- A draft of our STATUS file has been created and is ready for review 
  by mentor
- We're not listed on any of the incubator pages yet (can we fix this?)

Status Report from the STDCXX PPMC

stdcxx: Mailing lists have been created, initial accounts have been created 
for the stdcxx committers (where CLAs have been received), and Subversion 
directories have been created.  Roy has just sent the 'welcome' email to 
stdcxx-dev@.  In other words, real progress can be made now.

There was an issue regarding a RogueWave press release regarding STDCXX that
had an unapproved ASF quote in it.  The PRC is following up on this and is
educating folks to ensure that it does not happen again.

Status Report regarding TSIK

- MSFT and IBM have confirmed that they don't have patents on WS-Security
- Verisign is almost ready on their side to make a code drop and send
  paperwork (probably in a week or so).
- Their code does not have any SAML, so we don't have to chase RSA 
  Security for now.

Status Report regarding Woden

- Infra work is done
- Committers are chugging along with some prototype work
- There is a conscious effort to address Axis2 team's needs.

Status Report regarding WSRP4J

WSRP4J has completed all graduation requirements except community
participation.  Things have been improving in this area recently.  We
added a new committer, Diego Louzan, in February.  I have also met
with various users from the higher education domain, and we have
agreed that it would be beneficial for them to become more involved.

We also have a Google Summer of Code student, Diego, who is working on
two major areas: mavenizing and refactoring.  The refactoring work
will remove dependencies on Pluto as well as provide better separation
of code among Producer, Consumer, and Common components.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache James Project

James had no releases, has merged the tree, has 2 new committers, had
two Google awards accepted.  Generally, James is sputtering along in a
sustained manner, trying to stay current with SMTP trends, and get a
community active enough to do more than support our user base.

**No releases, but merged**
We have merged all changes back into trunk and are continuing
development there.  We expect this will reduce some of the headaches
of development from trying to maintain two code branches (which is
much like a gerbil wheel
We have a test build out of the merged codebase, no bugs have been
reported back, and intend to officially release at some point.

**2 New committers**
Welcoming Stefano Bagnara and Mike Heath to the ASF.  CLAs are getting
processed and accounts setup, but we expect they will soon be working
on feature improvement and refactoring needs.

**2 Google awards**
We were fortunate to have 2 James-related Google Summer of Code
proposals accepted.  One by Anne Srivnas for a web-based admin console
and one by Anagha Mudigonda for fast-fail support.  Danny Angus is
overseeing their integration into the project (community and

**External Dependencies**
I'm anxiously awaiting a resolution on the Hibernate/LGPL situation,
and we're watching the other frameworks/architectures that are
developing in the ASF, mainly MINA and Geronimo's framework.

We also tried and have to date failed to create a group to discuss
Java mail processing standards with JBoss.  We talked to them about
it, everyone seemed interested, then we created the mailing list and
didn't invite them.  We'll get that part figured out soon enough. :)

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

* MyFaces has a growing and very healthy community
* JavaServer Faces and MyFaces are getting more and more attention
* One ASF internal problem (see point 'Community' below)

Latest News

At the JavaOne Oracle officially anounced their plans to support
MyFaces by making the Oracle ADF components (i.e. Oracle's JavaServer
Faces Component Set) open source and "donating" them to the ASF. We
had some interesting talks with employees of Oracle. Legal concerns
are solved on their side and they are willing to go through the
Incubator with their stuff. The integration will be done step-by-step,
but will take quite some time. There are many technical issues not yet
solved and making the ADF components fit into the MyFaces source
structure will be a challenge for all of us.  Coverage of MyFaces at
the JavaOne was very good (mentioned in many sessions) and attention
has been growing since then. We had our all-time-high regarding page
hits during last week with nearly 44000:

Our community is still growing: 2 new committers since the last status
report.  PROBLEM: Our account creation requests are still pending,
although both CLAs have been filed for weeks. Account requests where
done like defined in (mail to root
already sent twice) but there was no response or activity yet.

We are currently in contact with @infra to prepare the transfer of
domain "" to Apache Dotster.

Complete reorg of project structure is finished now. MyFaces has been
divided into several sub-trees within the SVN repository and the build
process was redesigned completely. With that, the implementation can
be built completely seperate of the component set.

No official release since last report because of the reorg (see

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

This has been another busy quarter in the Struts community. Progress is
being made towards a 1.3 release of Struts "Classic", and work is
continuing on Struts Shale. The Tiles component is in the process of being
transformed into a Struts-independent package.

On the people front, Wendy Smoak has joined us as a committer, and we are
in the process of adding Gary VanMatre. We are also in the process of
adding Hubert Rabago as a new PMC member, being in the 72 hour waiting
period at the time of writing.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache TCL Project

There isn't a lot to report in the Tcl world this quarter.  Both Rivet
and Websh are in maintainance mode, but doing well in that questions
are promptly answered on the mailing lists and new code is added as
needs be.

The VP of Apache Tcl has been very busy this quarter because he was
very busy preparing for, and marrying Ilenia B., his wife as of July

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

Attachment L: Status Report for the Apache Tomcat Project

Development activities:
After the release of Tomcat 5.5.9 in March, the focus has been on
feature additions. A new Tomcat 5.5.10 build has just been released
incorporating all these changes. We will also likely bootstrap a new
branch (Tomcat 6.0.x) to implement the new specifications very soon.

We plan to migrate to the new infrastucture (mailing lists, website,
and maybe also at the same time repository migration to SVN) in
conjunction with a new stable build, it seems in
september. Discussions are still ongoing, and have been slowed down by
the summer.

There have been no new committers, and no PMC membership changes.

Attachment M: Board Report for Apache Portals Project

Executive Summary
Pluto keeps releasing minor bugfixes, jetspeed released 1.6, the last stable
version of the 1 series, and keeps releasing milestone builds towards 2.0. We
completed migration towards jira and subversion, except for incubating wsrp4j.

General Progress
Interest in jetspeed has been raising steadily. The portlet spec is getting
awareness and traction from vendors and companies. Jetspeed 1 is more and more
stable and supporting JSR-168 portlets since 1.6. Jetspeed 2 gets closer to
the release and is fairly stable now, lacking mostly documentation, bugfix and
performance work. Pluto has been fixing bugs and releasing minor RC builds on
its way towards 1.0.1. 
Two Google SummerOfCode grants were accepted to work in the project. One for
jetspeed, mentored by Santiago Gala, to get an ajax rendered for the
jetspeed-2 portal. Other for wsrp4j, under incubation, to be mentored by Julie
MacNaught, in order to refactor the donated code and have a better build

Jetspeed released 1.6, with JSR-168 support, in May. Two milestone builds (M2
and M3) in our way towards version 2. Pluto released minor bugfix release
candidates, 1.0.1-rc3 recently, and work is under way, with 1.0.1-rc4, for a
1.0.1 release. Work for a refactored 1.1 release, which will focus on having
cleaner portlet container to portal APIs is about to become the focus.

Open Issues
- WSRP4J problems with regards to Oasis IP policies have been detected. No
  further action will be taken until global conversations with the parties
  involved yield some fruit.
- A bridge to code portlets using php is being developed. It requires php
  sources to build, as it uses jni. Clarify licensing issues.

Changes in Committership
  Craig Doremus (Pluto), in February
  Diego Louzan (WSRP4J), in February

Changes in PMC membership
  Nick Lothian (Pluto) in January
  Ate Douma (Jetspeed), in February  

Attachment N: Board Report for Apache Lucene Project

Attachment O: Board Report for Apache Web Services Project

Status Update on WS-Security discussions that affect WSS4J and
incubation of TSIK are as follows:
- Versign will start the process of paperwork on their side.
- Both Microsoft and IBM have informed us that they don't have any
  patents in WS-Security

End of agenda for the July 28, 2005 board meeting.
