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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                           August 17, 2005

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at
    10:07 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held by teleconference,
    hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.

    IRC #asfboard on will be used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Ken Coar
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Jim Jagielski
        Ben Laurie
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Sander Striker
        Stefano Mazzocchi


        Cliff Schmidt

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:

    Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.

    A. The meeting of June 22, 2005

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_06_22.txt
       Approved by General Consent.

    B. The meeting of July 28, 2005

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_07_28.txt  [not yet available]

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the "size" of the
       ASF. Many aspects of size can be (and are) handled just
       fine. Things like code size, a high traffic site, lots of
       email, and hardware capacity are all managed fine. However, we
       are now seeing issues around communication and project growth.
       As communities grow, consensus can be harder to reach. As a
       consensus-driven organization, growth can severely hamper what
       we are trying to accomplish. The number of stakeholders
       increases and/or the number of people willing to "pitch in"
       serve to slow down or derail effective consensus gathering. The
       typical response is to appoint an authority who can attempt to
       gather consenus, but can decide by fiat when needed. This runs
       counter to our culture, so another solution may be needed (with
       a requisite amount of navel-gazing to reach that point).
       Project growth places a transient burden on our infrastructure
       team, but it places a continuous, non-terminating burden on the
       Board to review those projects' quarterly reports. This burden
       is already quite noticable during Board meetings, and it will
       simply continue to grow. New structure may be required to
       handle the growth, and we have talked about possibilities. As
       an experiment to increase efficiency of review during Board
       meetings, this month we will assign Directors to shepherd
       reports during the meeting. All Directors are responsible for
       all reports, but this extra focus should ensure Directors are
       truly involved, and it will ensure that all reports get
       specific, detailed attention.

    B. President [Sander]

    C. Treasurer [Justin]

       Thanks to Robyn, we received a copy of QuickBooks Pro and it is now

       I now have access to the Paypal accounts.

       Paperwork for obtaining credit cards from Wells Fargo are pending.

       In the last few days, I have had several conversations with Wells Fargo
       about our banking situation and how we can optimize both our fees
       and our services.  An email detailing these discussions and our
       options will be posted to the board mailing list before the meeting.

       A further review of current action items for the treasurer is
       available in STATUS.

       Current balances as of 8/16/2005:

       Paypal               $ 5,894.35  (+$  422.57 since 6/2005)
       Checking             $25,135.41  (-$3,009.46)
       Premium Mkt.        $100,701.53  (+$  111.21)
       Total               $131,731.29

       Jim asked Justin if he was still looking into moving the
       ASF bank accounts to a different bank, to allow for better
       physical access for more directors (ie: a bank with a
       wider range of branch locations). Justin indicated that
       at present it made sense to stay with Wells Fargo, but we
       may re-investigate moving at some point.
    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       The last month has been relatively quiet, ASF-office-wise.
       I've received hardcopies of some previously received
       FAXed documentation, as well including the agreement
       signed by Sander regarding our SURFnet colo, and the
       Spamhaus DNSBL Data Feed Subscription/Agreement signed
       by Justin.

       D&O investigation on hold, while we get the ASF financials
       in usable format. Full status in STATUS.

    E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt]

       I've inserted slightly edited versions of the same MPL/NPL
       and LGPL resolutions, which were tabled last month.

       Since last month's meeting, I have:
         - confirmed with a second member of ASF's legal counsel
           that the proposed LGPL policy does not put our product
           licensing at risk;
         - posted and discussed the proposed LGPL policy on the 
           legal-discuss list, where no new concerns were raised 
           about the licensing ramifications; however there was 
           concern raised by both outside lawyers and Apache 
           committers that dependencies on LGPL libraries was not 
           in the best interests of some Apache users;
         - engaged with representatives of the Mozilla Foundation
           to discuss the proposed MPL/NPL licensing policy.  While
           they have *not* yet formally indicated their agreement
           with our interpretation, they have not yet raised any
           new concerns.
       Future action items include resolving the BXA/crypto issue 
       and investigating and proposing policies for the CPL, EPL,
       and CDDL licenses. 

       Finally, one of my short-term objectives is to overhaul the
       legal STATUS file to reflect the current priorities and 

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Ken]

       See Attachment A

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache Cocoon Project [Sylvain Wallez / Justin]

       See Attachment B

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Dirk]

       See Attachment C

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache HTTP Server Project [Sander Striker / Jim]

       See Attachment D

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache Lenya Project [Gregor Rothfuss / Ben]

       See Attachment E

       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Logging Project [Mark Womack / Stefano]

       See Attachment F

       No Report Submitted
    G. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Sam]

       See Attachment G

       It was noted that Infrastructure is using Apache::Qpsmtpd
       which has been very successful. Jim mentioned that the
       "lessons learned" were being folded into the
       Google SoC SMTP protocol module effort.
       Approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Greg]

       See Attachment H

       Approved by General Consent.

    I. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Stefano]

       See Attachment I

       Approved by General Consent.

    J. Apache XML Project [Berin Lautenbach / Jim]

       See Attachment J

       Jim noted that according to the report, it appears
       that the project may be in danger of stagnation. The
       report notes that people are "too busy" for example.
       However, the report also states that they hope to
       reinvigorate the project.
       Approved by General Consent.

    K. Apache XML Graphics Project [Jeremias Maerki / Dirk]

       See Attachment K

       Approved by General Consent.

    L. Public Relations Committee [Brian W. Fitzpatrick / Sam]

       See Attachment L

       Approved by General Consent.

    M. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Justin]

       See Attachment M

       Approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

    A. Change the HTTP Server Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the membership of the Apache HTTP Server Project
       Management Committee (PMC) have nominated Roy T. Fielding to
       serve as chairman of the Apache HTTP Server PMC; and

       WHEREAS, the previously appointed chairman of the Apache HTTP
       Server PMC, Sander Striker, has resigned his position as Vice
       President, Apache HTTP Server, in favor of Roy T. Fielding's
       appointment to that position.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Roy T. Fielding be and
       hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       HTTP Server, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 6A, Change the HTTP Server Project Chair, was
       Approved by Unanimous Consent.
    B. Allow redistribution of MPL- and NPL-licensed executables

       WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within
       The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve 
       their mission through the use and redistribution of the  
       executable form of existing source code licensed under the 
       Mozilla Public License (MPL) or Netscape Public License (NPL); 

       WHEREAS, it is the ASF's interpretation that the MPL and NPL
       licenses permit distribution of such executables under the 
       terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0, provided the terms
       applicable to the associated source code have been complied 
       with and that appropriate entries made in the ASF 
       distribution's NOTICE file; and

       WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy discourages the 
       distribution of intellectual property by the ASF under terms
       beyond those stated in the Apache License, Version 2.0.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may use and 
       redistribute the executable form of existing source code 
       licensed under the MPL 1.0, MPL 1.1, NPL 1.0, or NPL 1.1; 
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that PMCs must ensure such redistribution only 
       occurs after appropriate entries have been made in the ASF
       distribution's NOTICE file and only if the PMC finds that 
       the MPL/NPL terms applicable to the associated source code 
       appear to have been satisfied.

       Special Order 6B, Allow redistribution of MPL- and NPL-licensed
       executables, was Approved by Unanimous Consent.
    C. Allow product dependencies on LGPL-licensed libraries

       WHEREAS, some Project Management Committees (PMCs) within
       The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expect to better serve 
       their mission through the occasional dependency on existing 
       LGPL-licensed libraries when no other practical alternative
       exists under terms covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0; 

       WHEREAS, research into the impact of distributing ASF products 
       that depend on the presence of LGPL-licensed libraries  
       indicates that the product licensing terms are not affected by
       such a dependency; and

       WHEREAS, the current ASF licensing policy discourages the 
       distribution of intellectual property by the ASF under terms
       beyond those stated in the Apache License, Version 2.0.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that PMCs may develop and
       distribute products that depend on the presence of 
       LGPL-licensed libraries when no other practical alternative
       exists under terms covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0; 
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that PMCs will register such use of an LGPL-licensed
       library with the Vice President of Legal Affairs prior to the 
       PMC's next regularly scheduled Board report, and in no case 
       less than two weeks prior to the distribution of the 
       applicable product(s); and be it further

       RESOLVED, that PMCs will continue to reevaluate whether a
       practical alternative exists under terms covered by the Apache
       License, Version 2.0, which could be substituted in place of 
       the LGPL-licensed library; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that PMCs must continue to ensure that they do not 
       distribute LGPL-licensed libraries or any other intellectual
       property that is only available under licenses with terms 
       beyond those stated in the Apache License, Version 2.0.

       Special Order 6C, Allow product dependencies on LGPL-licensed
       libraries, was Tabled. The main discussion points were
       whether the permission of dependencies invalidated the
       spirit of the ASF and the Apache License. Discussion was
       to be continued on the Board mailing list.
7. Discussion Items

    A. Copyright notices
       The Board is to create a Resolution detailing our
       position on this issue. Justin volunteered to craft
       this resolution.

    B. Retain counsel to review our 501(c)3 legal status
       Justin volunteered to take the time to review this
       issue and determine the course of action.

8. Review of Current Action Items
    Items in the Board STATUS file were reviewed. Updates
    are folded into the file for accounting and historical
9. Unfinished Business

    No Unfinished Business.
10. New Business

    No New Business.
11. Announcements

    No Announcements.
12. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 12:06.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project

Status Report for the Ant project

o Releases

Ant 1.6.4 was released on May 19, 2005
Ant 1.6.5 was released on June 2, 2005 and is the current release.

Both Ant 1.6.4 and Ant 1.6.5 are bug fix releases. 

o Ant 1.7

Ant 1.7 development continues in the CVS head. We have recently voted
to migrate the Ant core to Subversion. This will be added to the 
existing Ant SVN repository which was set up for the Antlibs subproject.

We have also closed the Ant 1.6 branch after the Ant 1.6.5 release and
will not be creating any subsequent Ant 1.6.x releases.

o Subversion conversion

We'll be working with Henri Yandell to perform the conversion.

o Legal Issues


o Committers?PMC

No new committers or PMC members have been added since the last 
status report.

o Community

Community is healthy - no issues.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project

- No new release in this quarter. Cocoon 2.1.8 should be released
  shortly though.
- We have two new committers, Helma van der Linden and Jorg Heymans
- Daniel Fagerstrom joined the PMC
- Nicola Ken Barozzi left the PMC
- we have 3 Google Summer of Code students working on Cocoon. They
  each have write access to a separate sandbox in the Cocoon svn
  repository, allowing them to work efficiently without having the
  full committer privileges.
- has been set up and hosts live demos of
  Cocoon and a Cocoon-based CMS (Daisy) for the docs (see below).
- a important documentation effort has started, based on a live CMS
  that eases the document writer's job and allows non-committers to
  participate in the process.

The NPL issue we have with Rhino has been taken care of by Cliff
Schmidt (great job BTW!) and we're now waiting for the official policy
statement from the board.

The next major release of Cocoon is very likely to be using OSGi, and
a number of Cocoon committers are participating in the Oscar
incubation, which looks like a very interesting cross-project effort.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project

Issues needing board attention

New committers and new PMC members
Diwaker Gupta <diwaker>  [2005-07-19]
Tim Williams <twilliams> [2005-07-20]
Cyriaque Dupoirieux (received CLA, account still not established)

General community status
* ApacheCon was a great success. Our first presentation about Forrest.
Two of our committers combined well to present an overview. There was
plenty of interest at the BoF.

* The mailing lists seem to be gaining momentum. Capable new developers
are assisting and contributing.

* Ongoing discussion of what it means to be a committer at Forrest
and the ASF in general. Good to see people involved who are not yet

Issues still to be dealt with by the Forrest PMC
* Continue our project guidelines document.

Progress of the project
* Apache Forrest 0.7 was released on 2005-06-23. An architecture for
Plugins which enables a smaller Forrest core and the ability to add
new features in a modular way.

* Moved our Jira Issues over from
Thanks to Outerthought and Steven Noels for providing the service.
Thanks to Jeff Turner for the flawless export/import.

* is established and starting to demonstrate
some of our wares.

* We have one Google Summer of Code person working with us to assist
with enabling Forrest to be used with Eclipse.

General observations during last quarter
* The delay with creating new committer accounts is causing anguish.
Are there ways that the PMC can assist?

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project

The Apache HTTP Server Project almost did a lot of things this past
quarter.  We have made no official changes to the PMC, but that will
change soon once some invites have been accepted.  We published one
alpha release called httpd 2.1.6. Other releases are expected soon
after the next release of APR.

libapreq2-2.06-dev was released this quarter.  Nothing else to report
from there, other than increased demand to see it integrated into the
httpd distribution.

We have added several restricted-scope committers for the Google
Summer of Code projects that are progressing well and are adding life
back into the developers mailing list.  We moved mod_mbox back to the
main list where it is now getting significant updates.

Sander Striker has decided to step down as chair and VP of the HTTP
server project after having been volunteered into being President of
ASF.  Roy Fielding has been asked to come out of retirement and be the new
conveyer of choice words between our project and the board.  However,
Roy is going on vacation for the next two weeks with limited e-mail

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project

- Lenya continues to release maintenance versions of lenya 1.2 on a 2
  month schedule. We have begun to release alpha versions of 1.4 as well
- No new committers in the report period
- we have 2 Google Summer of Code students working on Lenya. They each
  have write access to a separate sandbox in the Lenya svn repository,
  allowing them to work efficiently without having the full committer
- has been set up and hosts live demos of

We are gearing up for the 1.4 release and have made good progress with
jackrabbitt integration.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Logging Project

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Perl Project

-- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
Nothing much happening on that track.  No new mod_perl 1.x releases
since the last report.
mod_perl 1.0 was migrated to subversion on May 23, 2005 thanks to
the efforts of Philippe Chiasson and the Infrastructure team.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
May 20, 2005 marked the official release of mod_perl 2.0.
Recent releases:
  2.0.1 - June 17, 2005
  2.0.0 - May 20, 2005
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server.  It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.
Recent releases:
  1.25 - June 17, 2005
  1.24 - May 20, 2005
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community.
We added a new committer this quarter - Philip Gollucci - who
has shown strong dedication to mod_perl, and other related projects
such as httpd-apreq, as well as the ability to integrate seamlessly
with our development process.
Other than that, bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves
forward as usual.

-- Users --

The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving.

The release of 2.0.0 was greatly anticipated but seems to have
affected our userbase only minimally - most httpd 2.0 users had
migrated their codebase using pre-releases and worked out the
kinks beforehand.  In general, users continue to associate
mod_perl with quality, robust code, and are simply pleased to
have a 2.0.0 release to show to their employers.

On an interesting note, the ASF's incoming mail service is being
handled by mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Qpsmtpd.  Prior to switching
to mod_perl 2.0 the services were handled usign qpsmtpd-forkserver
and were running continuous load averages > 70, with processes
hanging and segfaulting, resulting in service delays and outages.
Using mod_perl 2.0 and Apache::Qpsmptd the load averages are
closer to 0.7, the mail service is no longer lagging, and
everyone seems happy with the change.

All of us over in mod_perl land are just happy to be doing our
part to support the ASF.

-- PMC --

Philip Gollucci was added as a committer on July 14, 2005, further
expanding the number of active developers committed to mod_perl's

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project

Two people have resigned from the Apache Xalan PMC:
   Matt Hoyt (Resigned from PMC on June 30, 2005)
   Berin Lautenbach (Resigned from PMC on August 7, 2005)
although both are still committers for Apache Xalan.

The PMC now has these members:
   Arun Yadav
   Brian Minchau (Chairperson)
   Dmitry Hayes
   Henry Zongaro
   John Gentilin
   Ramesh Mandava
   Santiago Pericas-Geertsen

As part of migration from an XML subproject to a top
level project the webpage
now exists. It is a rather small page but points to
the home pages of the two XSLT processors that previously
existed, as well as an HTML page of the Apache Xalan Charter.


Xerces-C has announced the Xerces-C 2.7 for the end of August,
Xalan-C committers are starting discussions for a Xalan-C 1.10
release for around the end of August, but this still needs to
be proposed and voted on.

The upcomming release would have:
  > XML 1.1 support
  > Serializer redesign
  > performance fixes
  > support for Xerces-C 2.7 XML parser
  > the usual bug fixes


A monthly tele-conference continues. It is open to all active
Xalan-J committers to discuss JIRA issues.
The Apache Xalan PMC chairperson was made aware
that there were concerns about the possibility of decisions
being made at this meeting. No "decisions" or votes are made
at this meeting. Decisions or votes are done on the appropriate
mailing list and follow the Apache Xalan Charter.
These meetings are purely technical.

Xalan-J 2.7 was released August 8, 2005. The previous release
was Xalan-J 2.6 on February 29, 2004, about 17 months before.

New features in the 2.7 release are:
  > Support for JAXP 1.3 (thanks to Sun for donating JAXP 1.3)
    including new default error handling behavior required as
    part of JAXP 1.3 support.
  > Support for XML 1.1 in input XML documents, output XML
    documents and stylesheets themselves (previously only
    XML 1.0 was supported)
  > Updates to the SQL extension an SQL samples to support
    the Apache Derby database.
  > Support for alternate BSF (Bean Scripting Framework)
  > The code that does the serialization (writes the output
    to a file) was separated into an independent serializer.jar
    that can be used to write out a DOM, or SAX events into
    a file, or stream of characters without dependencies
    on any XSLT processor. Perhaps in the future Xerces-J will
    use this serializer.
  > Minor restructuring of the source and binary distributions.
  > Various performance fixes, and memory leak fixes, and others.
    A full list is at
  > Upgrade to Xerces-J 2.7.1 and a new version of xml-commons

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project


The appropriate parts of JAXP 1.3 have now been integrated. 2.7 and 2.71
(which contains several fixes for schema related bugs as well as a fix
for a bug related to XInclude) have been released


More progress has been made on the build system and work on implementing
the final draft of DOM Level 3 is underway. We are releasing a bug fix
release, 2.7, at the end of the month.


The only committer on Xerces-P does not have a lot of time at the moment
so we are investigating what should happen with the project.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache XML Project


Again, the PMC and general lists have been very quiet.  Everyone has
been too busy on other things to look at how to move the overall
federation forward.

Given a high work load elsewhere, the chair of the PMC has announced
his intention to resign for the chair.  This appears to be an ideal
opportunity to reconstitute the PMC now that the Federation has been
running for a while and get some new people in who are focussed on the
Federation itself.


XML Commons has been migrated to SVN.

XML Commons Externals is now updated to the latest JAXP version 1.3
and released, after bugfixes, as 1.3.02 (which is used by the latest
releases of Xerces-J 2.7.1 and Xalan-J 2.7.0). It is planned to move
additional W3C-licensed packages to Externals from Batik.

There are no other events worth mentioning for the other parts of XML
Commons (Resolver for example). They have been very quiet in the last


AxKit is preparing for a 1.7 release in the very near future, and is
going through a testing phase in preparation.

Once the release is out, the code base will be converting to SVN.

We're also investigating a new codebase for AxKit 2.0, but this is
preliminary stages just now.


Xindice was converted from CVS to Subversion, site updated to reflect
this. Little developer activity this quarter, most questions on user
list are anwered.

One of those who are answering questions is Todd Byrne
<>, who is also author of several patches. He is
on the short 'committer candidates list'.


Version 1.2 of the The C++ library has been released, and includes new
code for XKMS message handling code.  Since the release, a large
amount of work has been concentrated on optimisation of the library to
better handle "normal" use cases.  For the Java library, a 1.3beta has
been cut, incorporating the new JSR 105 API + a number of performance

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project

General Comments

All of XML Graphics is now on Subversion.

Current PMC watch items:

* MPL/NPL issues (Mozilla's Rhino in Batik)
* Better documentation of the sources and licenses of external
  dependencies in Batik. Everything is in order but not very well
  documented. W3C-licensed code in Batik is about to be moved into XML
  Commons Externals just like the other W3C-licensed packages
  (DOM-related) used by Xerces/Xalan. XML Commons is now also migrated
  to SVN and the move will happen very soon. WIP.
* Creation of a XML Graphics Commons (shared code between Batik and FOP)
  is imminent.


No releases. Mostly bugfixing against Batik 1.6 and some tweaking. The
SVG 1.2 branch became the new trunk. Fixes for JDK 1.5 compatibility.
DOM Level 3 support in the trunk.


No releases. We are finally planning a first preview release of the
redesigned FOP (not feature-complete) which should be available within
about one or two months. Progress is good, the community has started to
review the new code and we've managed to attract a few new contributors.
We're on the right track now.

Attachment L: Status Report for the Public Relations Committee

The PRC has seen quite a bit of activity over the last few months.

Gluecode/IBM donated booth space to us for JavaOne and it was staffed
by ASF volunteers.  We printed up folded brochures to hand out as well
as some signage for the booth.

A "light" version of this booth was setup and staffed at ApacheCon

We still haven't come up with a comprehensive budget, but discussions
continue slowly.

The Google Adwords Grant ended on 7/25/2005.  Our total grant
"expenditures" were $13,212.08.  This comprised 20,577 click-throughs
and 1,045,418 impressions.  Apache James was the big ad "winner" with
$6,041.60 "spent".

Google's Summmer of code program kicked off with Apache mentoring 38
individuals as part of the program.  Upon completion, this will result
in a $19,000 donation to the ASF (based on $500 per award mentored,
whether or not the award was successfully completed).

We renewed our license agreement with the "Rodent's Cache" for another

We licensed the ASF logo for use on KernelConcepts T-shirts at the
rate of 1 EUR per shirt sold.

We appointed Susie as our Chief Media Officer via board resolution in

We continue to monitor press releases and work with companies crafting
releases around ASF software.

Attachment M: Status Report for the Apache Maven Project

New projects

 No new projects

New PMC members

 No new PMC members

New Committers

 * Kenney Westerhof
 * Stephane Nicoll


 * Maven 2.0-alpha-3 (beta-1 coming soon)
 * Continuum 1.0-alpha-3 (alpha-4 coming soon)
 * A raft of Maven 2.x plug-ins which are now being tracked here:

Goings On

 There has been a great deal of activity in Maven land of late. The
 mailing lists are hopping and we've got a ton of involvement from the
 community. If you look at the plug-in matrix link you'll see all
 sorts of people are involved in getting Maven 2.x up to speed.

 The Maven community has expressed some interest in Oscar. The
 consideration of using OSGi as the component model instead of of
 Plexus which is currently used as the component model for Maven 2.x.

 We have a new website which is now being created by our new tools:

End of minutes for the August 17, 2005 board meeting.
