Links: 2005 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 21, 2005
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at
10:03 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held by teleconference,
hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on will be used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Ken Coar
Justin Erenkrantz
Dirk-Willem van Gulik (joined at 10:10)
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie
Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Sander Striker
Directors Absent:
Cliff Schmidt
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:
Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.
A. The meeting of July 28, 2005
SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_07_28.txt [not yet available]
Due to the unavailability of the minutes, this was tabled.
B. The meeting of August 17, 2005
SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_08_17.txt
Due to the fact that some directors had not yet reviewed
the minutes, this was tabled.
4. Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Greg]
This past month, I attended the FOSSSL conference where I was
invited to give a keynote about the Foundation. This is about
the third time that I've given such a talk, and I've been
finding that there is a lot of interest in how we operate, what
we do, where Apache, and Open Source in general, are heading,
and what sort of role we play in the larger community. I have
found these types of talks are very good for the Foundation in
spreading awareness and in helping to fulfill our missions
around outreach and education.
There are some high-level issues around licensing, intellectual
property, and community. Each of these are being handled at the
appropriate level, with the right stakeholders.
B. President [Sander]
Infrastructure is taking longer times to handle requests, because
the people that are mainly taking care of the infrastructure are
unable to dedicate the same time as before.
The need for hired help becomes more pressing, yet there has been
little progress made in the Search Committee. Leo Simons has made
himself available to also sit on the committee, with the intent to
get the ball moving.
C. Treasurer [Justin]
In the last month, we continued the transition of the Treasurer
position. Most notably, we have switched to a new set of accounts
which will allow us to earn 'credits' that will offset our monthly fees
and enable the lockbox service. Paperwork is pending for the lockbox
with Wells Fargo. Credit cards have been received and activated. Bill
Pay and QuickBooks access to the Wells Fargo accounts have been
activated. Finally, due to our officer transitions, Chuck and Dirk no
longer have access to ASF accounts.
A directory in the private Subversion repository was created (with
Director-only access) containing detailed financial information,
including past electronic bank statements.
Jim now has online access to the Wells Fargo accounts and has also
received access to the Wells CEO system to perform wire transfers.
There are a similiar set of items pending that either need to be
shipped to Sander or require his attention when he returns.
I hope to work with the Audit Committee in the next month to start the
preparation for an external audit.
As mentioned in Section 7 of the agenda, a budget for 2005 has been
drafted and is submitted for approval to the Board. Work will continue
to refine the budget items for 2006 FY in preparation for a December
Current Balances as of 9/20/2005:
Paypal $ 7,137.43 (+$1,243.08)
Checking $27,912.92 (+$2,777.51)
Savings $100,941.36 (+$ 101.10)
Total $135,991.71
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
I have received the ASF Credit Card, and am in the process of creating
an ASF FedEx account. After discussions with the 2 insurance brokers,
they have agreed to at least start the preliminaries regarding D&O
insurance using the last 3 months worth of bank statements. They
will still require full financials before the policy can be
written, but at least this will allow us to compare policies.
Other than the steady input of iCLAs (and the occasional CCLA
and Software Grant), we have received no mailings requiring
board attention.
E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt]
COPYRIGHT NOTICES: I have gotten Jason, Larry, Robyn, and
even Eben Moglen to all agree that we should be fine
with no copyright notice at the top of each source file,
and instead just include a licensing notice similar to
what Roy recently posted to the Board@ list. The issue
that isn't quite solved yet is the mechanics of ensuring
any COPYRIGHT file or section of the NOTICE file is in
sync with the CLAs and agreements from outside contributors.
BXA/CRYPTO: I now have an understanding of the open source
exception to the crypto export requirements. I've read
through the relevant docs at,, and
a legal opinion from McGlashan & Sarrail dated
September 13, 2000, which I found in /foundation/Records/BXA.
There was a minor (generally favorable) change to the
TSU exception (the one that applies to open source) last
December. The bottom line is that there appears to be no
problem with distributing source or binaries as long as we
give appropriate notice to the BXA/BIS. My next step is to
get an updated opinion from Jason and publish guidelines to
LGPL: There's the legal requirements side of this issue and
the policy side (as with so many things). I believe I have
already completed the due dilligence on the legal
requirements side; however, during conversations with Eben
Moglen I've found that he plans to publish a document that
is explicit about the issues or non-issues with Java and
the LGPL. I will be sending him my view of these issues
this week, which I hope will influence what ends up in his
document. On the policy side, we need to stop treating the
LGPL differently from other licenses, and instead determine
what our policy is for taking dependencies on and
distributing third-party IP.
THIRD-PARTY IP: Any time we bring in third-party IP that is
not licensed under the Apache License, we have two choices:
a) sublicense the work under the Apache License (if we have
the rights to do so), or b) distribute the Apache product
under each applicable license and make that clear to our
users. We've been trying to say we're only doing a) so far.
However, in my view we are obviously not consistently doing
this, nor do I think it is practical to do so. So, I'm now
thinking the best way to address issues of shipping CPL,
MPL, CDDL, LGPL, etc. is to stop trying to sublicense them
under the Apache License and instead create and implement
a policy that allows us to distribute products that contain
IP under some set of license terms (including terms outside
the scope of the Apache License).
5. Committee Reports
A. Apache APR Project [Cliff Woolley / Sander]
See Attachment A
Approved by General Consent.
B. Apache Excalibur Project [J Aaron Farr / Greg]
No report received or submitted.
C. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Sam]
See Attachment C
Approved by General Consent.
D. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted / Stefano]
See Attachment D
Approved by General Consent.
E. Apache Infrastructure Team [Sander Striker]
Sander submitted an oral report, noting that Infrastructure
was very busy. Leo Simons sent an Email to committers@
asking for volunteers to help.
Approved by General Consent.
F. Apache Jakarta Project [Henri Yandell / Ben]
See Attachment F
Approved by General Consent.
G. Apache Lucene Project [Doug Cutting / Jim]
See Attachment G
Approved by General Consent.
H. Apache Portals Project [Santiago Gala / Dirk]
See Attachment H
Approved by General Consent.
I. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daniel Quinlan / Justin]
See Attachment I
Approved by General Consent.
J. Apache Tomcat Project [Remy Maucherat / Ken]
See Attachment J
It was noted that the report was extremely short and
low on information, especially for a new TLP. Ken
was to request that the Tomcat PMC submit more
detailed reports in the future.
Approved by General Consent.
K. Apache Web Services Project [Davinum Srinivas / Sander]
See Attachment K
Approved by General Consent.
L. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cliff Schmidt / Dirk]
See Attachment L
Approved by General Consent.
M. Apache Logging Project [Mark Womack / Sam]
See Attachment M
Approved by General Consent.
6. Special Orders
A. Change the Chair of the Apache DB Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed John
McNally to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
resignation of John McNally from the office of Vice President,
Apache DB;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that John McNally is relieved
and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
office of Vice President, Apache DB, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Brian McCallister be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB, to serve
in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
a successor is appointed.
The above resolution, to Change the Chair of the Apache DB
Project to Brian McCallister was approved by unanimous
7. Discussion Items
A. Budget
It was recommended that the review of the budget continue on the
board@ mailing list. Further discussion would be held at
a special board meeting, set for September 29, 2005.
B. Copyright notices
Discussion on Copyright notices was tabled, but it was agreed
that discussion could start and continue on the board@
and licensing mailing lists.
C. Apache Geronimo project
There was significant discussion on the problems within
the Geronimo project. The general consent was that there
was an undue amount of tension and non-ASF-like behavior
within the project. There was additional discussion
on whether matters were improving, getting worse or staying
even. Some directors indicated their beliefs that matters
were not getting better and that direct action was required
to avoid Geronimo declining any further. It was reported by
the current Geronimo PMC chair that, in his opinion,
Geronimo had "turned around" and was starting to get
better. This resulted in discussion on how the board should
best proceed. It was agreed that this discussion should
be continued at a special board meeting, scheduled for
September 29th, 2005.
D. Retain counsel to review our 501(c)3 legal status
Justin indicated his desire that the ASF proceed with
retaining counsel to review and ensure our 501(c)3
status. The board agreed that this was required, and
Justin was tasked with further investigation into this
matter. A status update was to be provided on September
29, 2005.
8. Review of Current Action Items
Tabled, due to time.
9. Unfinished Business
10. New Business
11. Announcements
12. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 12:50.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project
This quarter in APR-land, we added Garrett Rooney as a new PMC member
and Colm MacCarthaigh as a new committer. APR and APR-util 1.2.1 were
released in mid-August; versions 1.2.0 were not released due to a
showstopper bug on win32 (if I recall correctly).
We seem to be getting a reasonably steady stream of people coming
through sending in patches and reporting bugs, so I consider that to
be a good thing.
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Gump Project
* we are using vmgump and our zone at helios, we managed to get
Mono on vmgump and Kaffe on helios working well enough to get
reasonable results.
* is still more or less dormant because we
couldn't find the time to install a Gump instance there.
* metadata have been moved to svn, we are a svn-only project now.
* Work continues on Gump3. It is slowly and steadily progressing
into a codebase that does useful stuff.
* Brett Porter has been added to the PMC. It was about time.
* still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.
* no releases.
* our two Google SoC projects finished with results that we
are quite happy with. On the other hand we feel we didn't
manage to involve the students with the community as we wanted
to do. The reasons for this are not totally clear to us -
having at least three PMC members (Leo, Adam and Stefan) go
through major changes IRL hasn't helped.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project
[ received Aug 17, 2005 ]
Since our July report, the iBATIS PMC has nominated four new
committers, Sven Boden, Jeff Butler, Nathan Maves, and Brice Ruth.
Three have submitted CLAs that await acknowledgement by the Secretary,
and the fourth (Brice Ruth) is awaiting creation of his account by
root. The team is beginning to make plans for a 3.0 release series,
which may also include implementations for PHP and Ruby.
[ received Sep 20, 2005 ]
Since our August Report,the iBATIS PMC has nominated one new
committer, Jon Tirsen. Jon has a keen interest in open source, iBATIS,
and the Ruby programming language. Jon's been in has been working on a
port of iBATIS to Ruby, which we hope will become our third
implementation of Apache iBATIS, joining the Java and C# products.
One of our PMC members, Clinton Begin, will be presenting a talk
on iBATIS at ApacheCon 2005 San Diego.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Infrastructure Team
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
=== Status ===
Various issues of note occurred this month:
* POI legal issue (in bugzilla) - A POI contributor had submitted a
Bugzilla entry that was based on documentation on a website that
should not have legally been there. The attached files were
removed by the admin and a suitable comment inserted. This legally
issue is effectively closed as it's a big grey legal tightrope and
all that's left to see is if the pain has put the contributor off
of contributing again.
* BeanUtils legal issue (in code) - Sam Ruby raised a concern over
code in Commons BeanUtils described in the code as "Package
private support methods (copied from java.beans.Introspector)",
ie) were we legally covered.
Based on the bug entry, Niall Pemberton rewrote the code in
question (he was not party to the conversation on pmc@ though),
which may or may not be enough, but was probably desirable from a
technical point of view anyway. The issue is still open and being
dealt with on the members@ and pmc@jakarta lists.
* HttpClient renaming query - Commons HttpClient is seeking to move
from Commons to a full Jakarta subproject. They're had their own
mailing lists for a long time and this is something we should have
done a long time ago. The name 'Jakarta Http' was raised and
disapproval quickly voiced by other projects with whom it would
cause confusion. Expect more on this in the next report.
* Silk subproject - 'Apache Jakarta Silk' was chosen as the name for
a new subproject to contain Web components. Various parts of
Commons and Taglibs will form the initial codebase. The name was
passed to the PRC who raised questions on potential clashes with
other products/companies. This issue is still open.
* Commons Sandbox - It's become increasingly obvious that the
Commons Sandbox governance needs some attention. Discussions at
the ApacheCon EU brought forth the idea of a 'commons/dormant'
status, and many of the sandbox components have been moved to
that. Various legal issues are becoming more well known, such as
the need to sign software grants, and the recently added
commons-proxy is in the process of that, and a new commons-csv
component will be doing the same thing.
==== Inactivity ====
Managing inactivity is becoming a critical issue. The promotion of the
larger, more noticeably vibrant subcommunities from the Jakarta
umbrella has made it a lot more obvious where there are gaping holes
of inactivity. The community is reacting to deal with that, sometimes
naturally, sometimes with a nudge and on some occasions it looks like
we'll probably just need a state of dormancy for codebases. Here's a
quick list that affects 50% of the subprojects:
* Taglibs. This is teetering dangerously close to inactivity. Three
active committers, but they're largely focused on one or two of
the components. The solution is going to be to move the active
concerns to the Silk subproject and archive all of the inactive
components. This community's coma is largely induced by the
release of JSTL a few years back, a new standard that replicated
much of the work that was there.
* BCEL activity increased a lot, commits are largely from one person
though there are other Apache committers replying on the lists.
* Failure to improve BSF PMC oversight this quarter (chair's fault),
a critical issue for the next quarter.
* ORO, Regexp, ECS are all completely inactive. Watchdog and
Alexandria are finished.
=== Releases ===
* 08 September 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-6 released
* 02 September 2005 - Turbine Stratum 1.0 Released
* 29 August 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-5 Released
* 24 August 2005 - JMeter 2.1 released
* 23 August 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-3 Released
* 17 August 2005 - Cactus 1.7.1 Released
* 11 August 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-4 Released
* 04 August 2005 - Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib graduated
from Sandbox to Proper
* 01 August 2005 - Right Commons-Cli 1.0 Jar Now In Java Repository
* 26 July 2005 - Commons Betwixt 0.7 Released
* 26 July 2005 - Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib 1.0 Released
* 25 July 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-3 Released
* 24 July 2005 - Apache Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.10-alpha Released
* 10 July 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-2 Released
* 28 June 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-beta-2 Released
* 26 June 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc3 Released
* 25 June 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-1 Released
=== Community changes ===
==== PMC additions ====
* Jul 17 - Brett Porter
* Aug 21 - Peter Lin
* Aug 21 - Sebastian Bazley
* Aug 21 - Torsten Curdt
* Sep 12 - Niall Pemberton
==== New committers ====
* Jul 14 - Achim Huegen (Hivemind)
* Jul 14 - Rahul Akolkar (Taglibs)
=== Infrastructure news ===
SVN Migrations:
* Slide, Turbine, Tapestry, Cactus, Taglibs, JCS all done
* POI, JMeter left to migrate
=== Subproject news ===
==== Agila (under incubation) ====
Slowly growing. 4 committers, August has seen 9 threads or so (with
patches) from a new user, so a nice sign there. Another project,
Twister, merged in relatively quietly in April/May.
==== Cactus ====
Cactus 1.7.1 Release: this was a minor release with some bug fixes and
minor improvements, specially in the Maven plugin.
The upcoming Cactus 1.8 will introduce major changes, like full
integration with Cargo and (hopefully) being built by Maven (or Maven 2).
==== Commons Betwixt ====
Commons Betwixt 0.7 Release: this was a feature release consolidating
a lot of new functionality added in the months since 0.6.
The ratio of users to active committers remains too low. More
developers but since patchers are interested in adding the bit of
functionality they need for their project, it's hard to convert
developers into committers.
Some interesting new directions coming from db and webservices at
Apache. Some interesting talks with members of the wider
start-from-java community but these may lead in novel directions.
==== Commons CLI ====
(* summarized from
The 1.0 jar file published on ibiblio at was overwritten at some
point by a snapshot of later code; therefore any project that uses
Maven to build code which declares a dependency on commons-cli 1.0 may
have downloaded and cached the incorrect file. The snapshot contained
a number of API differences.
The old 1.0 jar was renamed to commons-cli-20040117.000000.jar and a
correct commons-cli-1.0.jar put in place.
==== Commons Email ====
With a few remaining issues resolved, CfV for Version 1.0 is again
under way. The commons-email team expects a release in September.
==== Commons HttpClient ====
Apparently many users have started switching to 3.0 release
candidates, as bug reports have seen an increase recently. The team is
tackling the real issues and is looking forward to a stable release
During the development of the 4.0 code questions about a new project
scope arose and will eventually lead to a new name of the project. A
new [
project charter] is underway.
GSOC: The student Samit Jain has contributed substantial code to
support RFC-2965 (Cookie2). Development of this feature is still
ongoing on a separate SVN branch and will not be included before
release 3.1.
==== Commons Math (GSOC summary) ====
Xiaogang Zhang successfully completed his Summer of Code project,
contributing significant additions and enhancements to the
commons-math numerical analysis package and the beginnings of a
transform package. Most of these improvements have been committed to
svn trunk and will be included in version 1.2. Some of his
contributions are still in review / revision. He also contributed
enhancements and bug fixes outside of the scope of his SOC project,
which will be included in the 1.1 release in preparation.
==== Commons Sandbox ====
* Commons Exec started, seeded with code from Ant's Exec task.
* Commons Proxy started (more info needed?)
* Commons SCXML started, seeded with code from the Reusable Dialog
Components (RDC) Taglib. Commons SCXML is a reference
implementation of the
[ W3C State Chart XML
Working Draft].
* Inactive projects have been moved to a dormant repository
==== Hivemind ====
(* No report from Hivemind, so notes from the chair. Hivemind will
have a report in the next quarterly report)
Nothing obvious to worry about with respect to Hivemind. It's ticking
along with Howard, James, Achim and Knut all creating tasks/closing
bugs. It's releasing a steady stream of alpha and beta's to reach a
goal of a stable 1.1 release prior to Tapestry's next release. Looking
at the last quarter's report from Hivemind, the major item to report
is that Achim successfully became a committer.
==== JMeter ====
24 August 2005 - JMeter 2.1 released.
Release 2.1 includes an additional script format - smaller, more
compact, more readable - based on Xstream.
There are updates to the JMS, JDBC, WSDL and XML processing.
Also a new config item, CSV DataSet for easier test parameterisation.
Still need to move code to SVN. The test migration showed up a few
minor issues with the tool.
Sebastian Bazley and Peter Lin elected to the Jakarta PMC.
==== Taglibs (RDC) ====
Reusable Dialog Components (RDC) Taglib 1.0 was released on 26th July
2005. The RDC Taglib showed growing community interest over the months
preceding the 1.0 release, with multiple contributions from users and
it became evident that an initial 1.0 release would give users
something to work with. Accordingly, Jakarta now offers a framework
that allows speech, cross-channel and potentially, multi-modal
applications to be developed using existing web application authoring
The RDC release resulted in the RDC Taglib being deemed to have
graduated Taglibs Sandbox, and is now part of Taglibs Proper.
The activity around the RDC Taglib has also been instrumental in the
birth of a new Commons Sandbox component, Commons SCXML. We envision
the next minor RDC release to incorporate State Chart XML for the
dialog controller over a group of RDCs.
==== Tapestry ====
(* No report from Tapestry, so notes from the chair, Tapestry will
have a report in the next quarterly report)
Tapestry 4.0 is the obvious target with 6 beta releases this
quarter. Howard brought up the desire to do weekly beta releases to
the PMC, which has raised some discussion that is not yet closed.
==== Tomcat ====
This is probably the final time Tomcat will be mentioned in a Jakarta
board report. But just for the record, the Tomcat team plans to
complete its TLP move during this month. That move includes both the
CVS repositories, which have already been partially migrated to SVN
outside the Jakarta SVN tree, and the web site materials. We will be
putting up with dedicated download, mailing list,
and other pages. We plan to replace the Jakarta pages that are
specific to Tomcat with a redirect to the pages, in
whatever the infrastructure team thinks is the most appropriate
This, of course, is no subtitute for a proper Tomcat PMC report to the
board. One will be created and submitted as appropriate.
I personally and the Tomcat PMC team in general would like to thank
the Jakarta PMC for its help and support during the past years, and
for its assistance with the migration to TLP.
==== Turbine ====
2. September 2005 - Turbine Stratum 1.0 released
The Turbine team has decided to do some actual software paleontology and
prepared a release of the long standing Turbine 2.3.x component layer called
"Stratum". This release is intended as a closure to replace all the
alpha and beta versions floating around. There is no further development
beyond the 1.0 version planned.
Building an official release of this component will allow all users of the
Turbine 2.3 framework to build on a non-beta version and also give access to
official release documentation from the Turbine project web site.
11. September 2005 - Turbine 2.3.2 RC 1 available
12. September 2005 - M.E.T.A. (Maven Environment for Turbine
Applications) 1.3 RC1 available
CfV for these two releases is currently scheduled for Mon, Sep. 19th.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project
Our apologies from the Lucene PMC for the lateness of this report.
We've been negligent in our Board reporting duties since going to TLP.
The Lucene project status is brief:
The Lucene Java project has been working towards the 1.9/2.0 release,
but has made no releases in this reporting period. Nutch has been
very active releasing an 0.7 version with much activity on the MapReduce
(mapred) branch to be merged to trunk in the near future. MapReduce is
a distributed computing layer inspired by Google to enable jobs
acting on enormous datasets to be divided among nodes.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Portals Project
Executive Summary
Relatively quiet quarter. Bug fixing, user questions, etc. Mostly
business as usual.
General Progress
Two Google "Summers of Code" grants, one in WSRP4J, mentored by Julie
MacNaught, another one in Jetspeed, mentored by Santiago Gala.
Rising activity in Pluto, with two new committers voted and 1.0.1-rc4
candidate release.
Jetspeed uses 1.0.1-rc4 now, we were using a snapshot build due to the
need of a bug fix until rc4 was released.
Jetspeed spawned a repository module (bridges) containing helping code
for the use of different web frameworks in portlet programming.
Initially it contains velocity, struts, jsf, perl and php code, and soon
it will contain a python bridge too.
Graffito (incubating) and latest Jetspeed-2 HEAD are in sync again,
after some changes in Jetspeed broke the integration.
pluto 1.0.1-RC4 was released Aug 9, and 1.0.1 is about to be released.
The 1.0.1 release is the HEAD of the development, and just includes
bugfixes on the 1.0 implementation. A code refactoring is under a 1.1
branch, that will be released after 1.0.1, when developers are satisfied
with the results.
Open Issues
WSRP4J has a test migration to svn, pending tests and our "go" for infra
to move it.
The IP policy in Oasis issue around the WSRP standard is about the only
remaining issue holding WSRP4J from a graduation from incubator.
Changes in Committership
Two new committers (just voted in) in Pluto, pending our request for
Ulrich Kuester
Zheng Zhong
Changes in PMC membership
No changes
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project
Highlights of Events from June to now:
* SpamAssassin 3.1.0 was released on September 14th.
* Working to create a rule-development sub-project to help facilitate
rule acceptance for SpamAssassin.
* We have an open query with legal regarding US export control status of
SpamAssassin and what, if any, action we need to take in that regard.
* Currently in discussions with Yahoo! regarding their proposed DKIM
standard and its patent licensing, which appears to be ASL friendly, at
this stage.
* ASF Integration: has now been transferred to the ASF
* Added two new committers, waiting for infrastructure to create
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project
- Tomcat 5.5.12 release soon
- migration to SVN is due to be completed next week
- web opening soon
- mailing list migration planned
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project
The WS project had 5 Google Summer of Code projects. Four of them (RSS,
JMX, Guththila, Kandula) have been successfully completed but the fifth
person did not work out as he didn't put much time (as he was employed
elsewhere during the summer).
Scout : Release 0.5 was made that passes the TCK for JAXR as
part of J2EE 1.4. Thanks to Geir for managing the release.
Sandesha : 1.0-RC1 release was made on 07-12-2005.
Sandesha : 1.0 Release was made on 07-29-2005.
JaxMe : 0.5 Release was made on 09-08-2005.
Woden incubator progress slower than expected over summer, but plan now
agreed with milestone deliverables each month to complete WSDL 2.0
functionality by December. WS PMC voted to accept the Synapse project
into the WS PMC upon successful graduation from incubation. There is a
lot of discussion on how best to get TSIK (under incubation) and WSS4J
to work together.
Attachment L: Status Report for the Apache XMLBeans Project
1. Added a new committer: Yana Kadiyska, a long-time contributor to
2. Added a new PMC member: Radu Preotiuc-Pietro, who has been a
committer for several months. There are now nine PMC members.
3. Discussed concerns about the licensing of the JSR-173 RI, on which
XMLBeans currrently depends. The RI was licensed by BEA, under
terms that they thought would be compatible with ASF distributions.
Members of the PMC raised the issue with BEA, and they are now
investigating options to relicense it. Until that happens, this
remains an open issue.
Attachment M: Status Report for the Apache Logging Project
Projects listed in alphabetical order.
PMC Report
* The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under incubation:
log4net, log4php.
* The PMC is hoping to move all Logging Services projects to the SVN
repository by the end of September. A migration plan is currently
under discussion.
* A BoF session on Logging Services was submitted to the conference
committee for ApacheCon US 2005.
* In general, the PMC is pleased to report a high level of livelihood,
with increased development, testing, and planning levels. There has
been consistent involvement and good communication with both
committers and outside contributors in various aspects.
log4cxx Report
* Progress continues towards a 0.9.8 release, as tracked by JIRA
issue LOGCXX-62. Most major issues have been resolved. The reamining
work involves restoring functionality that was temporarily disabled
while pervasive changes were made.
* The log4cxx team continues to seek additional committers among current
contributors, and hopes to add one committer over the next month or so.
log4j Report
* On June 23rd, log4j v1.2.11 was released. This was primarily a
maintenance release focused on ensuring the build process included
some previously missing components.
* The log4j team is planning to release v1.2.12 in early September. There
have already been several release candidates for this version, and good
feedback from testers. This release contains one major new feature, a
built-in TRACE logging level, which has long been requested by users, and
which should allow for easier compatability with java.util.logging and
Jakarta Commons-Logging. The other focus of this release, which will
hopefully be the final log4j 1.2 version, is to ensure compile- and
run-time compatability with old JDKs.
* As soon as v1.2.12 is released and the SVN migration is complete,
the log4j team plans to accelerate work on v1.3, a major new release.
Significant work remains on log4j 1.3, but the goal of a 2005 release
is still in sight.
log4net Report
* The log4net project is still in incubation, but it is active. The
Logging Services PMC is currently voting on a new committer,
Rob Grabowski (, and the vote seems likely to pass.
This would bring the number of active committers to 4, helping meet
incubator exit criteria.
* The log4net committers are working towards the next maintenance release
with a focus on code quality and improving the available end user
log4php Report
* No report submitted, will follow up with subproject.
End of minutes for the September 21, 2005 board meeting.