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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                           October 26, 2005

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at
    10:05 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held by teleconference,
    hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Ken Coar
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker

    Directors Absent:

        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Ben Laurie
        Jim Jagielski


        Geir Magnusson Jr.
        Eddie O'Neil
        Cliff Schmidt

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:

    Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.

    A. The meeting of July 28, 2005

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_07_28.txt  [not yet available]

    B. The meeting of August 17, 2005

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_08_17.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. The meeting of September 21, 2005

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_09_21.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. The meeting of September 29, 2005

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_09_29.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Apache activities and processes appear to be operating as we
       would expect and hope. Most items are being handled by the PMCs
       and other committees as appropriate. The Board has a couple
       major outstanding items to take care of (working with the
       Geronimo PMC and the Treasurer transition).

    B. President [Sander]

       An observation this month is that the ASF is not using the potential
       it has for exposure optimally.  At several conferences multiple
       ASF members are present and it would be not too hard to have
       flyers present at conferences.  An option could be to pre-distribute
       flyers to known frequent conference go-ers.

       Infrastructure is still operational.  It is clear that the
       knowledge of the infrastructure of a whole is not centrally
       available.  It is hard to create a job description that includes
       all the ins and outs of managing our infrastructure.  Due to
       this fact, the Infrastructure Search Committee is now focussing
       on first making a decent inventory of what we do and how we do
       it.  This by defining an RFP to have an external party do the
       inventory, documentation and possible automation over a period
       of 3 months time.  The RFP is still a work in progress.

       David Reid has excused himself from the Infrastructure Search

       Theo Schlossnagle has reiterated that OmniTI is offering their 
       software to run the mailservers of the ASF.  Apple has donated
       two machines for the purpose of running our mail.  Once both
       machines are hooked up, we can pursue this offer.

    C. Treasurer [Justin]

       As seen below in our balances, the PayPal limits have now been
       removed and I have rebalanced our accounts to try to generate as
       much interest as possible while minimizing bank fees.

       At the special meeting on the 29th, we passed a set of
       authorizations which should allow operation of the foundation
       until the end of the year.

       Sander has now received his credit card, key fob, and signature

       Messages have been left to our WF contact regarding the set up of
       our lockbox, QuickBooks access, and various other minor topics.
       Hopefully, these will be resolved shortly.

       One notable short-term high-priority item is to start drafting
       the 2006 budget so that the Board can set the relative budget
       priorities for the next year.

       One final item is to close out the Treasurer transition and to
       consequently work in coordination with the Audit Committee to
       certify our past books.

       Current Balances as of 10/25/2005:

       Paypal               $    18.68  (-$ 7,118.75)
       Checking             $15,001.23  (-$12,911.69)
       Savings             $119,108.55  (+$18,167.19)
       Total               $134,128.46  (-$ 1,863.25)

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Jim would like to schedule the annual ASF Member's Meeting
       to coincide with ApacheCon, as we have done in the past.
       Once a date is approved, Jim will start the normal process
       for the meeting (eg: notices to members, request for new
       member nominations, etc...).

       There has been no letters or deliveries sent to the ASF
       office requiring board attention.

    E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt]

       ADDITIONAL COUNSEL: I have signed an agreement with Eben 
          Moglen of the Software Freedom Law Center to have them
          offer the ASF pro bono legal services.  The first job
          will be to work with Justin on renewing our 501(c)(3)
          status and some of the thorny issues we need to resolve
          to get our books in order.

       BXA/CRYPTO: While I was working on a draft crypto policy, 
          I was notified that the Perl PMC (and Tomcat?) may not
          have sent notification to the Bureau of Industry and 
          Security (BIS, formerly known as BXA).  This has 
          required me to try out specific guidance on these two 
          projects, which will hopefully make the formal policy
          more robust.  I'm still working with the Perl and 
          Tomcat PMCs to help solve their immediate issues.  Most
          of the relevant discussion has been cc'd to 

       COPYRIGHT NOTICES: Last month I reported that I was getting
          general agreement from our counsel to move to a policy 
          that requires only a licensing notice, but not a 
          copyright notice at the top of each source file.  I
          regret to say that I have made very little progress on 
          this issue since last month.  I'll have this ready for 
          next board meeting.  

       LGPL: Last month I reported that this issue needs to be 
          addressed within the context of an overall policy stating
          what licenses are acceptable for ASF distributions to 
          take dependencies on and distribute (see "Third Party IP"
          issue below).  Ten days ago, I sent Eben Moglen (in his
          role as general counsel for the FSF) a five-page document
          (including a developer-focused FAQ) on my interpretation 
          of exactly what the LGPL allows and does not allow related
          to Java dependencies and distribution requirements.  He 
          has not given me feedback on this yet, but has been 
          talking about releasing a similar position paper on behalf
          of the FSF.      

       THIRD-PARTY IP: Last month I reported that most of the 
          licenses we thought we could sublicense under the Apache 
          License (including the CPL) can really only be distributed 
          under their own license.  So, we now need to figure out what
          makes a license okay to include in an Apache distribution.  
          I've made very little progress on this in the last month, but 
          I hope to have a policy written, discussed, and ready for 
          approval by the December board meeting.

       ASF LEGAL POLICY DOC: Although I did not make as much progress
          as I'd hoped on the copyright notice and third-party IP 
          issues over the last month, I did write up and outline for
          an overall legal policy doc to address these issues and 
          others.  The outline (including a brief preview of where
          the document was probably headed) was sent to legal-discuss.

5. Committee Reports

    A. Conference Planning Committee [Ken Coar]

       See Attachment A

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache DB Project [Brian McCallister / Stefano]

       See Attachment B

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Ken]

       See Attachment C

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache Geronimo Project [Geir Magnusson Jr. / Jim]

       See Attachment D

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman / Ben]

       See Attachment E

       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache James Project [Serge Kynstautas / Sam]

       See Attachment F

       Action Item: Sam to chase down minutes

    G. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Dirk]

       See Attachment G

       Action Item: Stefano
         1) PMCs are to notify the PRC when there are press releases
         2) PRC should monitor for ASF related press

       Approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Sander]

       See Attachment H

       Approved by General Consent.

    I. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Justin]

       See Attachment I

       Approved by General Consent.

    J. Apache TCL Project [David Welton / Greg]

       See Attachment J

       Action Item: Greg to track down report

    K. Apache Security Team [Ben Laurie]

       See Attachment K

       Action Item: Sander to track down report

    L. Apache Excalibur Project [J Aaron Farr / Dirk]

       See Attachment L
       Approved by General Consent.

    M. Apache Web Services Project [Davanum Srinivas / Sander]
       See Attachment M

       Approved by General Consent.

    N. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Justin]
       See Attachment N

       Approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

    A. Update Public Relations Committee Membership

       WHEREAS, the Public Relations Committee (PRC) of
       The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve
       its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the PRC is a Board-appointed committee whose 
       membership must be approved by Board resolution.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF
       members be added as Public Relations Committee members:
          Ian Holsman <>
          Yoav Shapira <>

       Special Order 6A, Update Public Relations Committee Membership,
       was Approved by Unanimous Consent.
    B. Changing the Apache Geronimo Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Geir
       Magnusson Jr. to the office of Vice President, Apache Geronimo,

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
       resignation of Geir Magnusson Jr. from the office of Vice
       President, Apache Geronimo; and

       WHEREAS, it is the Board's belief that the Apache Geronimo
       project requires careful monitoring and guidance at this time;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Geir Magnusson Jr is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache Geronimo, and

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ken Coar be and
       hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
       Geronimo, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 6B, Changing the Apache Geronimo Project Chair,
       was Approved with five yes votes and one abstention.
7. Discussion Items

    A. Apache Geronimo

    B. Set date for Annual ASF Member's Meeting @ ApacheCon.
       Proposed date: Dec. 11, 2005 (Sunday evening)

       Action Item: Greg to direct Jim to make Sunday evening official

    C. Courier Service

       Action Item: Justin and Greg to send plan by next board meeting.

    D. Infrastructure search committee candidate funding

8. Review of Current Action Items

9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business

    Request was made for $1200 for press releases, Justin is OKed for $1500

11. Announcements

12. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 12:04.


Attachment A: Status report for the Conference Planning Committee

The ApacheCon 2005/US conference is moving along well.  FCP is doing
an impressive job of arranging for sponsors and other support; it's
quite refreshing.  At the moment there are approximately 100 paid

The delay in payments and information from S&SV for ApacheCon 2005/EU
has been blamed on personnel disruptions and vacations in their
organisation.  There have been ongoing problems with funds being wired
from Germany; at this point I'm only aware of one person who has yet
to be reimbursed.

In the future, we (the ASF) are probably not going to run the
conference Web site.  (Which comes as a huge relief to lots of people,
not least me.)  What other restructuring of our operations will happen
remain to be discussed and seen.  There have been agitations that we
do things in significantly different ways, but very little in the way
of followup from the proponents.  One person has suggested that we
contract FCP for all conferences worldwide for the next few year, with
a suitably edited (and penalty-barbed) agreement.  It's certainly the
easy way out, and absent serious discussion of alternatives on the
concom@ list I may take it.  The issue of whether S&SV should do the
next European conference has come up; S&SV themselves seem to think
they're going to be doing it.  That's still being discussed.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache DB Project

With Derby's graduation from the incubator the DB project has three
products on which to report.

Derby added 3 new PMC members immediately:  Jean T. Anderson, Daniel
John Debrunner, and Tomohito Nakayama.  Recently a fourth was nominated
and David Van Couvering is awaiting acknowledgement by a board member. 
Three new Derby committers were added in July: David Van Couvering,
Bernt Johnsen and Oyvind Bakksjo.  Derby graduated out of the Apache
Incubator at the end of July to join the DB Project, and it made its
first official release,, available on August 3. The developer
and user communities are both thriving with 242 and 356 subscribers,
respectively.  There has been a increase in proposal collaboration since
the creation of the Derby wiki in September.

OJB has added a committer, Vadim Gritsenko, and is preparing for a
release in the near future.  They are delaying conversion to svn until
the 1.0.4 release can be made. The Torque project is busily working
towards its 3.2 release. It has put out two RCs and a final release is
expected near the end of October.  The code repository has been moved
from CVS to Subversion.  The project is currently encouraging longtime
contributors to become committers; Thomas Vandahl has been voted in as a
committer. The users list shows an active and growing community around
Torque. There has been some restructuring of documentation, though that
is still seen as an area needing improvement.

Finally, at my request that someone else be given the helm, the DB PMC
voted that Brian McCallister be appointed Chair and I submitted a draft
proposal to that effect in August.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

On the people front we added the following new committers:

* Stefan Zoerner
* Ersin Er

We also added a new member to the PMC who has been a long time committer
on the project (since graduation):

* Emmanuel Lecharny

Besides this we're working towards a 1.0 release as rapidly as we can. 
We have released two feature releases since our last report: 0.9.1 and
0.9.2.  We have a few more of these to go until a 1.0.

Generally speaking everything is going well with the project which seems
to be growing steadily.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project


1) M5 release - this is the first fully J2EE 1.4 certified
   release of Apache Geronimo. This was the basic goal of the
   project since it's founding, and we are very proud to have
   achieved this in only a little over 2 years.

2) Apache Tomcat is fully supported and certified - as part
   of the M5 release, we now offer Apache Tomcat as an
   option as the web container in the server.  Along with
   Jetty, this is fully certified as compatible.

3) Added two new committers, Sachin Patel and Matt Hogstrom.
   These are two great developers who are adding quite a lot
   in the areas of tooling and performance.

4) Added  Eclipse plug-in to project - we now have our tooling
   efforts off to an excellent start with Eclipse support for
   creating, deploying and debugging applications for

5) Added "DayTrader" performance application - DayTrader is a
   J2EE application designed to test the real-world usage of
   J2EE functionality.  We expect to use DayTrader to help
   improve performance and tune Apache Geronimo

6) Addition of XDoclet2 plug-in - another addition to our
   tooling effort, we now have work underway to supply a
   XDoclet2 plug-in for Geronimo

7) Create new subproject - dev tools - home for our tooling
   efforts, this subproject contains the new eclipse plug-in
   and XDoclet2 plug-in.

8) Logo contest - we have run and completed a contest for the
   project logo.  We are currently finalizing formal contribution
   of all rights to the logo to the ASF by the creator.

9) General steady progress made in community growth as evidenced
   by downloads and mail list traffic and diversity


1) Major effort will be focused on upcoming 1.0 release, targetted
   for ApacheCon 2005

2) Expect our community to continue to grow now that we've reached
   the certification milestone.  The server now is usable as a
   J2EE server, and this will garner both users and contributors.
   For example, we're expecting new contributions to the project,
   such as code forming a starting point for a new CORBA implementation
   to get us free of the Sun JDK ORB.

3) Continued work on project guidelines and governance, such as
   outstanding discussions surrounding PMC chair succession.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The Incubator continues to see good progress in a number of projects and
their communities.

This quarter saw continued development of our communities.  A major and
happy surprise was the resurrection of the ftpserver project from total

One general issue has come up with a certain amount of contention.  What do
we do when we have outside communities and ASF Members who want to establish
a project in some problem domain, and some third party feels that we are
invading their turf.  I have my own view --- even internally, we do little
about inter-project competition, e.g., Ant and Maven --- but we can probably
expect to have this issue come up now and then.

Continued thanks to our manual ForrestBot, David Crossley, for helping to
keep the web site built, and to others contributing their time.

                           - 0 -

The list of projects in the Incubator is at  Here are the STATUS reports from the
PPMCs.  The drafts were collected at  All but WSRP4J
provided a status report.

On a related note, I and other members of the infrastructure team remain
rather displeased that e-mail sent by us to more than a few ASF lists as
necessary to notify them of something, bounces because the projects have had
moderated posting disabled for their list(s).  We must correct this problem,
either by adding every ASF Officer, Director and infrastructure team member
to the allowed list for every mailing list, or by requiring moderated lists.

=== Agila ===

 * Moving very slowly, I hope to inject some activity in the upcoming
 * No new recent committers

=== AltRMI ===

Perhaps moving out of Incubator (and Apache). Destined for /archive ?

=== Felix ===
 * Name was changed from Oscar to Felix
 * Mailing list, svn and other resources modified to reflect the name change
 * Accepted contribution from TBennet for maven 2 OSGi plugin
 * Evaluating offer by Domoware to donate Universal plug-and-play OSGi
 * Since inception several people have joined the mailing list
 * Committer involvement and activity needs to improve however this is just
    the first quarter
 * [OT] OSGi R4 released at OSGi World Congress

=== FtpServer ===

Much interest and new life.  Rana is back and making changes. Three or four
non-committers are contributing in mind share and patches. Healthy debate on
component architecture reminiscent of traditional Apache conversations.

=== Graffito ===

Lot of work underway :
 * working on JCR mapping for Graffito objects
 * port under way for using Graffito for storing Jetspeed page descriptions
in a Graffito managed repository (effort lead by Jetspeed team)
 * several new names have appeared on mailing-list and start contributing
patches and join the design discussions

We plan to have a Graffito binary bundled with upcoming Jetspeed 2 M4
release (required if PSML integration is complete for M4).  If
community development continues its progress as expected, I think
we'll add couple of new committers this quarter and probably ask for
exiting Incubator early next year.

=== Harmony ===

Project is moving along.  Recent quarter has focused on creating the
contribution and committer process for the project.  The result has been the
creation of an "Authorized Contributor Questionnaire" to allow contributors
to declare what portions of the project codebase they could have problems
working in due to contraints imposed on them through prior work. (For
example, being under NDA to an employer.)  We also have worked out the
process for accepting "bulk contributions", those works that have been
created elsewhere and are being donated to Harmony.  This process builds on
the standard Apache Incubator process - a CCLA or SG is still required and

Other highlights :

 * We have accepted 3 new code contributions
  * Componentization proof of concept
  * "bootVM" a new basic VM nucleus
  * "JCHEVM", a re-licensing of JCVM
 * We have added two new committers
 * We expect to continue to add new committers and new code at an
    accelerating rate

=== Jackrabbit ===

The Apache Jackrabbit podling is slowly recovering from the impact of
finalizing JSR 170, initializing JSR 283 (the next JCR specification
revision EG), and the summer holiday schedule.  We are in the process
of reconfiguring our source directories for an eventual 1.0 release
and Maven 2 support.  No new committers were added this quarter,
though we expect more to be added soon.

=== JDO ===

Project is doing very well.  There is ample activity and I expect that JDO
will be able to graduate from the Incubator in the upcoming quarter.

 * Project has active committers from 4 different companies, and 2 with
    unknown affiliation.
 * Project has an active contributor from an unknown affiliation.
 * Project status information is up to date.
 * Project is discussing near-term release of code.

=== JuiCE ===
No signs of life. There is some interest in WSS4J to use parts for the code
with a modified version of Bouncy Castle to speed things up. Let's see the
people involved start contributing.

=== log4net ===
 * Log4net has elected Rob Grabowski ( as a new
    committer. This brings the number of active committers to 3,
    helping meet incubator exit criteria.
 * We have recently migrated from CVS to SVN.
 * We are working towards the next maintenance release  with a focus on code
    quality and improving the available end user documentation.

=== log4php ===
 * All reported bugs have been fixed so it's time to prepare the first
    stable release.
 * The new php5 version of log4php is ready for the initial import into svn
    repository. At first, it will support only a minimal set of

=== Lucene ===

The latest release is still 1.4.3.  We are preparing for release of version
1.9.  A LOT of good contributions and patched have been submitted to JIRA
and the lists are increasingly more active.  We/I plan on going through as
many contributions and patches in the coming weeks (October/November),
reviewing and committing them, and then making a release.

=== Lucene4c ===

Not much has happened in the last few months.  Most participants have been
off working on other things.  Considering the lack of interest in the
project recently, we may want to think about closing it down until such time
as developers have the time and energy to turn it into a more useful
product, which seems to be a necessary first step in order to turn it into a
sustainable community.

=== mod_ftp ===

The infrastructure work has been completed: mailing lists and SVN repos have
been requested and created.

The IP clearances for the module codebase have been received and filed, and
the source code has been imported into the mod_ftp SVN repo. Work has
started on changing the build environment to a more "normal" ASF module

=== Roller ===

   * Developed minor Roller 1.3 release and voted to release it
   * Developed major Roller 2.0 release with group blogging an new UI
   * Added new committer Elias Torres
   * Added status page on incubator site:

=== stdcxx ===

Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 9/2005:

This is the first quarterly report for stdcxx.

Since the  inception of  the stdcxx podling  the stdcxx  community has
substantially completed  the migration of  the project from  the Rogue
Wave infrastructure to the  Apache infrastructure. Notably, the source
code   of  the   library,   the  accompanying   utility  programs,   a
comprehensive set of example programs, as well as the complete project
documentation in HTML have been transferred to Subversion.  All source
files  have  been modified  to  reflect  the  Apache license.   A  bug
tracking database has  been created in Jira and  is being actively and
extensively used  to track issues  and tasks. The  appropriate mailing
lists  have been  created. All  new stdcxx  committers  have submitted
their Contributor License Agreements.

In September the stdcxx development community with the approval of the
Incubator PMC published the first  and final snapshot of the initially
contributed sources, labeled version 4.1.2.

At this time  the stdcxx community is working  toward version 4.1.3 of
the project. The goals of this  effort are to migrate the project test
suite from the Rogue Wave test  harness to the new stdcxx test driver,
to complete the transfer of the  tests from the Rogue Wave source code
repository to  Subversion, and to  complete the implementation  of the
configuration  and build  infrastructure for  Microsoft  Windows.  The
estimated time-frame  for reaching  these goals is  the first  half of

The objective of the stdcxx community  for the next quarter is to work
on  further  increasing  the  visibility of  the  project,  attracting
additional   contributors,  and  growing   the  active   community  of
developers around it.

=== Synapse ===

The Synapse project had a F2F meeting in Cupertino, CA to get initial views
on direction and overall relationship to Axis2 etc.. The notes are
[ here]. The community is slowly
starting to discuss stuff and get going in the
mailing list; since its only been a few weeks since the start it will take
more time to get fully functional and effective.

We expect to have a much more interesting report by the next F2F.

=== TSIK ===

While the TSIK project has not gained momentum as quickly as initially
hoped, there has been some usable interaction with on how to
modularize TSIK, to both break out components for potential common use, as
well as reuse existing ASF code (SOAP messaging stack, for example).

The next few months will be crucial for TSIK. There is increasing interest
in various types of identity protocols -- federated or not -- and how they
are usable within web services (see TSIK road map for further discussion).
This could be an area where TSIK could be a driving force.

=== Woden ===

We posted a Woden milestone plan in September covering M1 at end-Sept
through to M5 in Jan 2006. Completion of the initial project objective, full
WSDL 2.0 functionality, is targetted for M4 end-Nov. M1 was release on Mon 3
Oct and included most but not all of the planned scopd. M3 and M4 will be
busy periods. M5 and future plans will emerge as we approach M4 and start
thinking about other Woden objectives like WSDL 1.1 conversion and StAX XML
parsing for the Axis community. We are using the woden-dev mailing list for
communication and discussion and recently held our first conference call -
although not all participants could make the call, it helped confirm the
Milestone plan and resolve some technical issues. Most of the development is
currently being done by 2 committers and this may continue up to M3/M4, by
which time we will have a suitable base for others to start building on.

=== WSRP4J ===


However, Santiago Gala provided a report to the Board last month as part of
the Portals quarterly report
04512.30199.26.camel@localhost%3e).  From what I can see on the mail
archives, essentially nothing has happened since.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache James Project

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

New projects

  No new projects

New PMC members

  No new PMC members

New Committers

  * Fabrizio Giustina
  * Vincent Siveton
  * Lukas Theussl


  * Maven 2.0-beta-1
  * Maven 2.0-beta-2
  * Maven 2.0-beta-3
  * Maven 2.0-RC
  * Maven 2.0
  * Continuum 1.0-alpha-4
  * Continuum 1.0-beta-1

  * A raft of Maven 2.x plug-ins which are now being tracked here:

Goings On

  Things cruised along nicely toward the release of Maven 2.x. Our
  mailing lists are going ballistic and we have more involvement from
  volunteers then we've ever had in the history of the project. In
  doing the documentation for the release, for example, five different
  people contributed significant amounts of documentation and we
  simply can't keep up with the number of patches coming in. Our JIRA
  issues for Maven 2.x has pretty much caught up to our issue count
  for Maven 1.x which is well over 1200. We've closed out several
  hundred issues over the last couple months.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

 * TCK tests passed successfully for the very first time.
 * First official final release 1.1.0 published.
 * Growing and healthy community.
 * New component set ("Tobago") to be incubated.

Latest News
 * August 25: We finally got access to the JSF 1.1 TCK (Thanks to Geir
    Magnusson for his sedulous efforts!)
 * September 12: We passed all TCK tests successfully for the first time.
 * September 19: We were able to publish our first official final
    release 1.1.0.

 * Still growing: 8 new committers since the last status report and
    many contributors sending patches.
 * Healthy: 636 subscribers and 40 mails per day on our user list.
    Peak of 100000 hits per day on our website.
 * Efficient: After just two weeks of good teamwork we where able to
    pass all TCK tests.

The company Atanion ( wants to contribute their
component set named "Tobago" ( to the
ASF. They will go through the Incubator process
( As the developers
of Tobago have already been very active in our community, we have
already granted them committer rights to MyFaces. The sourcebase will
be reviewed in the incubator process.

Transfer of domain "" to Apache Dotster has not yet happend
due to lack of time. We will contact @infra again on this.

The restructuring payed off. We now have a clear separation between
API, implementation, examples, component set ("Tomahawk") and sandbox.

 * Latest release 1.1.0, published on September 19 was... Well, let's
    call it a little "bumpy". Although stable and TCK tested there was
    a showstopper due to a missing configuration file. A workaournd is
    available, but the problem could have been avoided with more
    careful release candidate testing. Perhaps we where a little bit
    too euphoric after having passed the TCK. ;-)

 * Release candiate testing for next release (1.1.1) is currently in progress.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

The Struts community continues to make steady progress toward the 1.3.0
release of "Struts Classic" and the 1.0.0 release of "Struts Shale", our
offering for JavaServer Faces developers (JSR-127). We've added three
new committers: Greg Reddin, Laurie Harper and Sean Schofield. Greg has
been working on Standalone Tiles, Laurie has been working with on the
Struts Classic release, and Sean is an Apache MyFaces committer who also
been working on Struts Shale. We've moved our website and development
infrastructure to Maven as our primary build, and the initial draft of
our Mavenized website is online at Our nightly builds
are now running on our Solaris 10 zone on helios. Active development is
also taking place on our Standalone Tiles and Struts Ti efforts in the
sandbox, including a substantial contribution to Struts Ti from the
Beehive PageFlow folks.

Members of our community have also been invited to particpate in two
Java web framework working groups. One group, "Clarity", would like to
create a best-of-breed framework that combines the features of Spring
MVC, Struts Classic, Struts Ti, Beehive and WebWork. The "Java Web
Alignment Group" has a similar charter, but they are trying to involve a
broader range of frameworks. Both groups are still at the "hand waving"
stage, and there is nothing concrete to report. The groups are already
intermixing, and we hope the consolidation efforts will themselves
consolidate. :)

The underlying issue is that there is not a clear migration path to
JSR-127 from frameworks like Struts Classic. Since many teams have
several years of development vested in "classic" frameworks, it may be
some time before the new formal standard displaces the entrenched de
facto standard. These working groups would like to consolidate the
classic frameworks so as to clear the road toward "next generation" web

Despite these "interesting times", the Struts community remains united
and amicable. Some of us are "scouting ahead" with Strut Shale and
Struts Ti, while others trudge along with Struts Classic, but we all
share the same path.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache TCL Project

Attachment K: Status Report for the Security Team

Attachment L: Status Report for the Apache Excalibur Project

This is a belated Excalibur report (originally scheduled to report in

Items of note

     * No new committers.
     * No new PMC members.
     * Releases:
             Fortress 1.2 and related components. [1]

We finally got a full release out thanks to Shash Chatterjee. In
general, activity is still relatively low and the mailing lists
relatively quiet. Excalibur, for the most part, remains in maintenance
mode at the moment.

Attachment M: Status Report for the Apache Web services Project

- Added 3 new PMC Members (Eran Chinthaka, Sal Campana and Samisa 
- Axis2/C effort was initiated last month. The discussions with this 
  regard are taking place over the axis-c-dev list. There has been some 
  active development implementing AXIOM in C. Like in the Java Axis 
  front, Axis2C effort would run in parallel with Axis C++ 1.x effort.
- Apache Axis released v1.3 on Oct 11
- Apache Axis2 released v0.92 on Sept 26. Cranking on towards a 1.0 
- JaxMe: Build system was changed from Ant to Maven by Nacho McDowell. 
  Two Gump issues have been resolved with the help of Stefan Bodewig.
- XML-RPC: No active development. Bug reports are handled, though.
- WSIF: No active development. Maintenance mode, minor patches, and 
  updates (to the latest Axis, WSDL4J etc.)
- WSRF/Pubscribe: Working towards 1.1 releases
- Muse: announced a new MUWS client library which will be included in 
  the next release of Muse
- For reports on Woden/TSIK/Synapse, please see Attachment E.
- Kandula and Sandesha folks are working on Axis2 based versions of the
  respective specifications
- Scout: There is debate on how closely this project should depend on
  juddi project. Jonas folks have patches against Scout for using 
  xmlbeans (instead of juddi)
- Addressing: May have to be updated after the W3C spec is finalized.
  Axis2 has its own WS-Addressing implementation based on AXIOM in Axis2

Attachment N: Status Report for the Apache Xalan Project

In the last report (Aug 12, 2005) it was reported that
Matt Hoyt and Berin Lautenbach had resigned
their Xalan PMC membership.

Since then Christine Li, an active committer was
unanimously voted in by the Xalan PMC members,
and she became a new Xalan PMC member on Oct 13, 2005.
This was announced publicly at:

The PMC now has these members:
   Arun Yadav
   Brian Minchau (Chairperson)
   Christine Li
   Dmitry Hayes
   Henry Zongaro
   John Gentilin
   Ramesh Mandava
   Santiago Pericas-Geertsen

Brian Minchau's tenure as Chairperson is up. He has been
Chairperson for over one year. The process has started to
pick a new PMC Chairperson from among the PMC members.
That process should be complete within three weeks and the
person elected by the Xalan PMC will be recommended to
the ASF board for approval for the next one year term.


Xalan-C 1.10 was released on October 22, 2005.

The release inlcudes:
  > Support for XML 1.1 and Namespaces in XML 1.1
  > Improved and stabilized C pluggable memory management functionality
  > Xalan XML serializer redesign for better performance ans stability
  > performance fixes
  > Upgrade from Xerces-C 2.6 to Xerces-C 2.7
  > Support for IBM XLC 7.0 compiler on Linux.
  > the usual bug fixes

For more details please refer to :


There has been no significant increase in JIRA issues
since the new Xalan-J 2.7.0 release on Aug 8 2005. It is
possible that a few regressions will be fixed in a
2.7.1 release, but that point-release is not yet in plan.

End of minutes for the October 26, 2005 board meeting.
