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- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
December 21, 2005
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at
10:04 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held by teleconference,
hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Ken Coar
Justin Erenkrantz
Jim Jagielski
Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Directors Absent:
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Ben Laurie
Sander Striker
Brian Fitzpatrick (arrived 11:15)
Geir Magnusson Jr.
Cliff Schmidt
Davanum Srinivas (arrived 11:26)
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:
Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.
A. The meeting of July 28, 2005
SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_07_28.txt [not yet available]
B. The meeting of November 16, 2005
SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_11_16.txt [not yet available]
4. Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Greg]
Greg reported that since the members meeting, there was
no other additional information to report.
B. President [Sander]
No report.
C. Treasurer [Justin]
I have received the QuickBooks files and am continuing the internal
review of the books to ensure all of the data is accurate and
supportable. I have received past deposit item images directly from
Wells Fargo and am in the process of sorting through that information.
A steady stream of donations continues to be received. Notably,
I have deposited the sizable donation from Google and is reflected
in the balance info below.
We now have a lockbox set up. The address to send donations to is:
The Apache Software Foundation
Dept. 9660
Los Angeles, CA 90084-9660
Contrary to what we heard initially, this address will not accept
FedEx or other packages. Any items sent here that are not processable
by Wells Fargo will be sent to me via USPS.
Karen from SFLC and I had a phone conversation with Scott Becker
from HBE - the accounting firm which filed our taxes until 2003.
We confirmed that there was no pending return that they were
working on.
Karen and I, based on all currently available information, believe
that the ASF received less than $75,000 over the three prior years
for both 2003-2004FY and 2004-2005FY. Therefore, the ASF had no need
to file returns for those tax years. 2005-2006FY will require a tax
return (due in August).
I will need to coordinate with IBM for reimbursement for ApacheCon
hardship cases.
Current Balances as of 12/21/2005:
Paypal $ 608.58 (+$ 273.08)
Checking $24,334.45 (+$ 7,222.69)
Savings $169,494.79 (+$50,201.98)
Total $194,437.82 (+$57,697.75)
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
On December 11, 2005, we had a special ASF Member's Meeting
in San Diego, coinciding with ApacheCon US 2005. 87 (out of
151) members were in attendence (in person and proxy). During
the meeting, 33 new members were elected to the ranks of the ASF.
They are noted below. Those marked with a '*' have, as of this
date, accepted membership:
Jean Anderson* Stephane Bailliez* Donald J. Brown*
Stephen Colebourne Bruno Dumon* Scott Eade*
Antonio Gallardo* Ross Gardler Christian Geisert*
Philip M. Gollucci Henri Gomez* Adam Jack
Tom Jordahl* Hiroaki Kawai Antoine Levy-Lambert
Nick Kew* Costin Manolache Brian McCallister*
David Nuescheler Eddie O'Neil Srinath Perera*
Joerg Pietschmann* Reinhard Poetz Eric Pugh
Paul Querna* Jeremy Quinn Garrett Rooney*
Gregor J. Rothfuss Alek Slominski* Phil Steitz*
Mladen Turk* Jeff Turner* Michael Wechner*
There was some discussion regarding getting outsourced
help in scanning all ASF documents (membership applications,
iCLAs, CCLAs, etc...) so that they can be committed to SVN
and thus be available to all officers as needed. A budget is
being worked on for this effort.
The signed D&O Insurance Application has been received
from Greg. Jim will fill the rest of it out and send
in to obtain a quote. There was some discussion on, due the
the number of officers we have, if it made sense to look
into "just" Director's Insurance. Jim would as about this,
to see what the price difference would be; but the current
baseline is to proceed with full D&O.
As usual, the steady stream of iCLAs, with the occasional CCLA
and/or License Grant, are being received and filed. No items
requiring board attention have been received within the
last month.
E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff Schmidt]
PATENT ISSUES: I had a second meeting with Microsoft about
possible improvements to the patent licenses that they
have stated would apply to various WS specifications at
OASIS. Details can be found in my summary post to
legal-internal on 6 Dec 05 (Message-Id:
<>. I've
since asked them about the possibility of issuing a
Covenant not to enforce patent claims, similar to what they
recently did for Office 2003 Reference Schemas. No
response on that one just yet.
GPLv3 COMPATIBILITY: Eben Moglen and RMS have each personally
asked that the ASF participate in the GPLv3 input/feedback
process, primarily to help ensure compatibility between
the GPL and Apache licenses. I plan to attend the first
GPLv3 conference at MIT in January for that purpose.
THIRD-PARTY IP: After talking with 20+ ASF members at ApacheCon
about a proposed licensing policy, I am now ready to float
something formal by the membership. The short version is
that I believe we need to draw the licensing line at the
ability for our users to redistribute all parts of an
official ASF distribution under their own license, as long
as it does not violate the copyright owner's license. I'm
working up a list of how this would impact the top 30 OSI-
approved licenses and a few others, but I can tell you it
would exclude both the LGPL and the Sun Binary Code
License, which is currently used in Apache James.
LAME LIST: In prior reports I said I expected to have a policy
written on crypto export and copyright notices. I'm late
on both. I am now able to projects with the correct
procedure for crypto, but I still need to get it formally
F. V.P. of JCP [Geir Magnusson]
This is the first update in joining the rotation. I'll follow
Cliff's style this time...
EC : The Exec Committee front is rather quiet. The main issues
that have been pending before the EC are mainly procedural,
such as discussion over whether or not the EC should allow
electronic voting on "advisory proposals" that are not
JSR related. These are non-binding votes in which the EC
"advises" the PMO (Program Managent Office of the JCP) on
things we'd like them to do. Another issue that has been
in discussion for about 12 months now are the so-called
"Purple JSRs", triggered by JSRs 235, 236, and 237, which
attempted to couple existing commercial development activity
in products to JSRs in a way that allowed for the products
to continue in parallel with the JSR. The core issues in
dispute were concerns about convergence with the eventual
spec, concerns about IP licensing between the expert group
members and the public before the spec was complete, and
the rights of EGs to have legal agreements outside of the
legal framework of the JSPA. I stayed out of the core debate
for the most part, and just ensured that "Open Source"
wasn't abused as a motivation within these discussions, as
it was attempted to be mixed into the issue list. Our
voting record over the last quarter was very good, and
we voted positively for all new proposed JSRs.
WEBSITE : There is a new JCP website now available at that documents (or is in process of
documenting current practice and status. This will
continue to improve over time.
INTERNAL : There is a new group of people interested in participating
more in the ASFs JCP activities. This group includes both
members and non-members, and most discussion is happening
at This is a very positive development
broadening the support for out activities and getting more people
participating in all aspects of this at the ASF. In the
New Year, I'll be taking better inventory of the projects
that are implementing JSRs, and assist them in ensuring
that claims of successful implementation are backed by passing
TCKs. One of the key elements of our solid reputation with Sun
has been our respect for license terms of specs and such, and I
wish for this to continue. This is proactive - there is no
indication that there are any problems at this point.
JSR REPS : We've had a few additions in the last few months and a few
changes. We had resistance from one Expert Group as to
a change, but this appears to be resolved, and should be completed
this week.
SUN ISSUES : There are two pending Sun issues. The first is the
recent set of statements from Sun regarding J2SE TCK IP and
licensing. We have held a [long] discussion with Sun regarding
implications of their statements on distribution of our binaries
and source, and a statement summarizing this discussion will be
coming ASAP. Internally, the preparation surrounding that discussion
was held on legal-internal. The second issue is regarding the
so-called "tainting" of developers who have seen source code for
J2SE under Sun's Java Research License. Our efforts to have the
license improved have been successful, and the license is now
much clearer on residual knowledge. However, there have been
public and private statements from Sun that cast some doubt
on this, and the intention is to clear it up unambiguously. I
believe that both of these issues, while focused on J2SE (i.e.
Harmony) are applicable to all implementations of JSRs at the
ASF, as well as any that have been available in source from Sun
under their non-open source licenses.
5. Committee Reports
A. Apache APR Project [Cliff Woolley / Ben]
See Attachment A
No report received or submitted. Ben to contact
Cliff regarding status.
B. Apache Excalibur Project [J. Aaron Farr / Dirk]
See Attachment B
Approved by General Consent.
C. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Ken]
See Attachment C
Approved by General Consent.
D. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted / Greg]
See Attachment D
Approved by General Consent.
E. Infrastructure Team [Sander Striker]
See Attachment E
No report received or submitted. Sander to be contacted
regarding status.
F. Apache Jakarta Project [Henri Yandell / Justin]
See Attachment F
Approved by General Consent.
G. Apache Lucene Project [Doug Cutting / Stefano]
See Attachment G
No report received or submitted. Stefano to contact
Doug regarding status.
H. Apache Portals Project [Santiago Gala / Jim]
See Attachment H
Approved by General Consent.
I. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daniel Quinlan / Sam]
See Attachment I
Approved by General Consent.
J. Apache Tomcat Project [Remy Maucherat / Greg]
See Attachment J
No report received or submitted. Greg to contact
Remy regarding status.
K. Apache Web Services Project [Davanum Srinivas / Ben]
See Attachment K
There was some discussion regarding the fact that the Web
Services PMC appears to be "mutating" into an umbrella
PMC. Dims reported that he was looking into "pruning"
opportunities within the PMC to either remove old
efforts or move efforts to TLP status. He did not that
the PMC is currently setup so that committers have
flexibility in working on all the various projects
with the PMC as their interests move them.
Approved by General Consent.
L. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cliff Schmidt]
See Attachment L
Approved by General Consent.
M. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Ken]
See Attachment M
Approved by General Consent.
N. Apache Public Relations Committee [Brian Fitzpatrick / Sam]
See Attachment N
Approved by General Consent.
6. Special Orders
A. Creation of Bylaw Recommendation Committee
WHEREAS, The Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
Foundation's purpose to establish an ASF Secretary Committee
charged with reviewing the current ASF bylaws.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that an ASF Secretary Committee, to
be known as the "Bylaws Committee", be and hereby is
established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it
RESOLVED, that the Bylaws Committee be and hereby is
responsible for conducting and having oversight of efforts to
review the bylaws of The Apache Software Foundation in order
to provide to the board recommendations regarding any
amendments or revisions of such; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the committee be initially composed of five members;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Jim Jagielski shall serve at the direction of
the Board of Directors as the chair of the Bylaws Committee and
have primary responsibility for managing the Bylaws Committee;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Bylaws Committee:
Noel Bergman
Shane Curcuru
Jim Jagielski
Greg Stein
William A. Rowe, Jr.
The above resolution was removed, since such a resolution is
not required in order to create this effort. Instead, Jim
was directed to organize such as committee, as per
his role as EVP/Secretary.
7. Discussion Items
8. Review of Current Action Items
9. Unfinished Business
10. New Business
Ken took the opportunity to report to the board an
early and preliminary assessment of ApacheCon US 2005. Ken
reported that there was no real bad reports regarding the
show, and that attendees and especially speakers and
sponsors were very happy with how the show was managed.
The show appears to have been in the black 6 weeks
before the start of the show. It is expected that FCP will
be doing next year's US ApacheCon, and there was some
preliminary discussion in having an ApacheCon Sri Lanka.
11. Announcements
12. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 PDT -0700. Adjourned at 12:46.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project
Items of note
No new committers.
No new PMC members.
No new releases.
Despite the quiet situation, we've actually had a little activity
pick up on the mailing lists (compared to essentially none). There's
some desire to get another release out in the beginning of next year.
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Gump Project
* vmgump ran into trouble after a kernel update. Many thanks to
Noel and Leo for reviving it.
* is still more or less dormant because we
couldn't find the time to install a Gump instance there.
* Work continues on Gump3. It is slowly and steadily progressing
into a codebase that does useful stuff.
* Bill Barker has been added to the PMC.
* still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.
* no releases.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project
Since our September Report, iBATIS.NET has posted new distributions of
our Data Mapper and Data Access products (version 1.3.0 and version
1.7.0) along with a major update of the Java version of our reference
applications (v5.0). One of our PMC members, Clinton Begin, presented
a well-attended talk at ApacheCon US regarding iBATIS.
Currently, there are implementations of iBATIS for two languages, Java
and C#. We were following a potential candidate for a Ruby
implementation, but that process has stalled for the time being. We
are now reviewing the work of two other developers who are interested
in an iBATIS PHP implementation. A key issue is being able to
collaborate with new developers outside of the ASF, so that we can
determine whether a developer would make a good ASF committer.
Attachment E: Status report for the Infrastructure Team
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project
=== Status ===
==== Follow up on last months issues ====
* Commons BeanUtils. A better understanding of the issue now exists.
6 methods (3 fixed by Niall by refactoring to use other code, 3 as
yet unchanged) were introduced from a patch by Craig many eons ago.
Geir's going to talk to Sun to ask what they would like us to do.
* Commons HttpClient is to move to Jakarta Http Components.
* The Silk naming issue for the desired Jakarta Web Components project
is still unresolved.
* Commons Sandbox. More sandbox'd components moved to dormancy.
* Inactivity. Commons is actively discussing methods to improve the
development process so it can grow its community again. Subprojects
with a greater inactivity are not being resolved yet.
* BSF PMC oversight is now resolved (there are 3 committers on the
PMC now)
==== New issues ====
* There were legal issues regarding the JCS codebase. GPL (jisp),
Sleepycat (berkeley db) and LGPL (jgroups) codebases were
found. The former two have been deleted, the LGPL dependency (an
optional feature) has not currently been deleted. Waiting for
Cliff's official LGPL statement.
* There was a legal-come-personal issue to do with the POI mailing
list. At least some of the board should be aware of this and the
PMC is waiting on a draft question to be written for
* I am actively pushing subprojects to move to TLP, with the intent
of making Jakarta more Commons-like so that Commons and the rest
of Jakarta may fold into a single community.
=== Releases ===
* 18 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-2 Released
* 17 December 2005 - Commons Configuration 1.2 Released
* 07 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-1 Released
* 03 December 2005 - Commons Net 1.4.1 Released
* 15 November 2005 - Commons Validator 1.2.0 Released
* 14 November 2005 - Velocity Tools 1.2 Released
* 13 November 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-13 Released
* 01 November 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-12 Released
* 26 October 2005 - HiveMind 1.1 Released
* 17 October 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-11 Released
* 11 October 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0rc4 Released
* 10 October 2005 - Commons IO 1.1 Released
* 09 October 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-10 Released
* 04 October 2005 - JMeter 2.1.1 released
* 03 October 2005 - Turbine M.E.T.A. 1.3 Released
* 03 October 2005 - Turbine 2.3.2 Released
* 25 September 2005 - Tapestry 1.1-beta-8 Released
* 24 September 2005 - HiveMind 1.1-rc-1 Released
* 19 September 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-beta-7 released
=== Community changes ===
* 14th December 2005 - Jacob Lund (Slide)
* 21st November 2005 - Andy Oliver (POI)
* 26th September 2005 - Will Glass-Husain (Velocity)
* 26th September 2005 - Nathan Bubna (Velocity)
* 26th September 2005 - Felipe Lame (Taglibs)
* 28th September 2005 - Rony Flatscher (BSF)
* 28th September 2005 - Dave Brosius (BCEL)
* 28th September 2005 - Knut Wannheden (Hivemind)
* 28th September 2005 - Sanjiva Weerawarana (BSF)
==== New committers ====
* 29th July 2005 - Kenney Westerhof (Cactus)
* 6th October 2005 - Brian Stansberry (Commons)
* 4th December 2005 - Jesse Kuhnert (Tapestry)
* 11th December 2005 - Joerg Schaible (Commons)
=== Infrastructure news ===
* Howard Lewis Ship updated the jakarta-site2 build scripts and
stylesheets to generate a site RSS feed and to make it easier to
add news items.
* POI, JMeter migrated to SVN. All of Jakarta is now in SVN.
=== Subproject news ===
==== Commons Sandbox ====
Commons-CSV was recently added to the sandbox, based on a code grant from
Netcetera in Switzerland.
==== Commons Configuration ====
See next quarter. Only just released.
==== Commons HttpClient ====
* 3.0rc4 was released in October as a number of small bugs continued
to roll in since rc3.
* A vote on 3.0 final has been held and a release should follow by
the end of December.
* Work on Jakarta HttpComponents has continued and should pick up
following the release of HttpClient 3.0. Presently Jakarta
HttpComponents committers are working toward the first ALPHA
release of the HttpCore components, which will form the foundation
of Jakarta HttpClient 4.0. The HttpCore components are currently
undergoing a peer code review and are being optimized for
performance and memory footprint
==== Commons IO ====
Commons-IO released version 1.1. This had a number of new features
including accessing the free space on a hard disk without using a
native call, and reading and writing line-based files.
==== Commons Net ====
No report. Will ensure it has one next quarter.
==== Commons Validator ====
No report. Will ensure it has one next quarter.
==== HiveMind ====
HiveMind has released a 1.1 final release.
==== Tapestry ====
Tapestry has attempted the unusual feat of regular, weekly beta
releases. Two new committers, Jesse Kuhnert and Kent Tong (pending
CLA), have been voted onto the project. A first release candidate for
4.0 has been created, and final 4.0 release is expected shortly.
==== Turbine ====
After two release candidates, the Turbine team released v 2.3.2 of the
Turbine framework. This is a bug fix release for the 2.3 branch of the
framework. Also an updated version of the Maven Environment for
Turbine Applications (M.E.T.A.) to support this version was released.
==== Velocity Tools ====
VelocityTools 1.2 was released to more publicity than its predecessor
thanks to an interview article on Yahoo's InfoWorld. It incorporates
a wide variety of new tools, bug fixes, and miscellaneous improvements
and is fully compatible with the Struts 1.2.x series. The release of
1.2 also frees the developers to begin experimenting more seriously
with some significant architectural changes. At this point it seems
likely that the next version will need to be 2.0, though there is
still a possibility of a 1.3 release if Velocity 1.5 comes out soon.
The subproject continues to gain new users and would like to add
another committer or two if only some of our handful of erstwhile
contributors would step up their effort.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Portals Project
Executive Summary
Busy quarter, with Jetspeed 2.0 released, while pluto is making steady
progress towards a refactored 1.1. Two portals-related tutorials and one
session during ApacheCON US 2005
General Progress
After WSRP4J finished migration to svn, all portal (or prospective
portals) modules are stored in subversion.
Rising activity in Pluto, with 1.0.1 release. Jetspeed uses 1.0.1 now.
Strong discussions, in the general list, on how to partition and share
different modules in jetspeed, pluto, etc.
pluto 1.0.1
pluto-1.1 -RC
Open Issues
The IP policy in Oasis issue around the WSRP standard is about the only
remaining issue holding WSRP4J from a graduation from incubator. During
conversations at San Diego with Noel J. Bergman, Davanum Srinivas and
Cliff Schmidt a procedure to deal with the issue was outlined, and we
will proceed shortly with it.
Changes in Committership
No changes, except that the two new committers quoted in the last report
are effectively in.
Changes in PMC membership
No changes
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project
Well, even though our bullets were written and I was at the Hackathon,
I somehow failed to get this in before the meeting. I assume I should
check this into January at this point...
* On December 6, 2005, we released SpamAssassin 3.0.5, a maintenance
* We moved from our BZ install to There are
still some outstanding issues, but it's 95+% complete.
* We (still) have an open query with legal regarding US export
control status of SpamAssassin and what, if any, action we need to
take in that regard.
* Infrastructure created to encourage and facilitate SpamAssassin
rule development in the new SpamAssassin rule project.
* Added several new committers on the rule-development side of the
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project
* Axis2C: Two milestone releases were done in this period, M0.1 and M0.2.
M0.1 contained the initial C implementation of AXIOM. M0.2 was released
with many improvements to AXIOM, LibXML parser wrapper and a PHP binding
for OM.
* Sandesha2: Sandesha2 0.9 was released on 5th of December. Sandesha2 is a
new implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging protocol on top of Apache Axis2.
* Axis2 released v0.93 on Dec 02, 2005
* Woden (Incubator): original milestone plan, was too ambitious, and hence
updated to reflect Woden's new schedule. Woden milestone 2 was declared.
Milestone 2 contains parsing logic for WSDL 2.0 interface and binding
elements and components, and validation logic for the WSDL 2.0 types element
and interface element and component.
* TSIK (Incubator): The TSIK incubation plan is off to a slow start. The TSIK
committers used the ApacheCon 2005 gathering to drum up interest. A few
people (including developers) expressed informal interest in moving
("porting") TSIK into a non-Java toolkit usable by the Ruby or Python crowd
as a 100% pure library.
* JaxMe: A plugin for Maven2 was developed.
* WSIF: Misc. bug fixes and maybe a bug release towards the end of year.
* XML-RPC: A bug fix release 2.0.1 is approaching, due to several contributed
patches. A proposal for XML-RPC 3 was published, receiving mostly positive
* PMC decided to sponsor Tuscany project for incubation based on the rewritten
proposal (after feedback from general@incubator)
* Axis 1.4 branch has been cut, but not yet released. (Needed for Geronimo)
* Need to increase interaction with incubator PMC and updating the status
files for incubation etc. Easy way is for me to do it. Trying to follow more
difficult path of delegation.
* Our web site needs quite a bit of cleanup. On my TODO list. incubation and
infrastructure work is taking its toll
* XmlSchema (XML Schema Parser) and Policy (WS-Policy parser) are two new
libraries under webservices/commons. Joint effort of folks working on Axis2,
WSS4J, Woden.
* Synapse project is close to graduating from incubator - all the code in SVN
HEAD was written from scratch, has a diverse community etc.
* Few committers attended the Indigo/WCF plugfest in Redmond, excellent interop
results for Axis2/Sandesha/WSS4J.
* Big thanks to Apachecon folks, we had a great time with 4 talks and 1
tutorial. Lots of interest in the new Axis2 effort.
* Paul Fremantle has been added to the WS PMC
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project
* Resolved JSR-173 RI licensing issue. BEA licensed the necessary
parts under the Apache License; so, there is no longer any licensing
issue there.
* Released XMLBeans 2.1.0, which includes the relicensing mentioned
above, plus some minor fixes.
* Still waiting on the incubating C++ XMLBeans subproject to get
started. I saw a couple of the initial committers attached to the
proposal at ApacheCon -- they believe they should be getting
something started very soon. I'd be more concerned if any company
was out issuing press releases about it without having done anything
yet, but it doesn't appear that has been the case.
* No new committers or PMC members this quarter, but still a very
active user and developer community.
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
Preparing for a 2.7 release. We must fix a serious bug in the
callbacks - XMLSting::transcode() was being called instead of using
the builting UTF-8 transcoder.
Beginning to track Xerces-C-3.0 so that we can have a release as soon
as Xerces-C releases.
Have begun discussing with Xerces-C how to organize a Perl-based test
suite of all the Xerces-C API.
Work is continuing on 3.0. We are looking at end of Q1 or the
beginning of Q2 2006.
The period following the 2.7.0 and 2.7.1 releases has been relatively
quiet. Since the 2.7.1 release committers have been steadily fixing
bugs reported by the community. Over the fall Xerces-J was migrated
from CVS to SVN and both the Xerces-J [1] and Xerces2-J [2] web sites
were moved over to the domain. Among the developers
there has been some discussion on possible content for a 2.8.0
release. There's no release plan yet but we're hoping to have one in
place for the new year.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Committee
The ASF was given a free booth at JavaOne by IBM/Gluecode. The booth
was staffed by ASF members, and collateral was designed, purchased,
and distributed.
Logo and brand management continue to consume PRC time and resources.
We still haven't formulated an official logo usage policy.
A Public Relations budget was proposed and rejected before being
passed along to the board.
A press release from Roguewave regarding their code donation to the
incubator (stdcxx) was released with an inaccurate quote from the ASF
and after much drama, a retraction was issued by Roguewave.
Susan was granted the title "Chief Media Officer" by means of a board
resolution over the summer.
The PRC has continued to improve its process for doing press releases
as well as its process for interacting with the press.
Covalent has again indicated a desire to grant an award in the ASF's
name, but no action has been taken yet.
The PRC continues to be short on resources.
End of minutes for the December 21, 2005 board meeting.