Links: 2006 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2006
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at
10:07 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held by teleconference,
hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Ken Coar
Justin Erenkrantz
Jim Jagielski
Ben Laurie (arrived 10:14, left 10:40)
Stefano Mazzocchi
Sam Ruby
Greg Stein
Sander Striker
Directors Absent:
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Cliff Schmidt
3. Minutes from previous meetings
Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:
Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.
A. The meeting of July 28, 2005
SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_07_28.txt
Approval of the minutes for the meeting of
July 28, 2005 were tabled.
B. The meeting of November 16, 2005
SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_11_16.txt
The minutes of meeting of November 16, 2005 were
approved by General Consent.
C. The meeting of December 21, 2005
SVN - board/board_minutes_2005_12_21.txt
Approval of the minutes for the meeting of
December 21, 2005 were tabled.
4. Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Greg]
Over the past month, the Foundation has performed its annual
navel-gazing. This time, triggered by a multitude of donations
arriving within the Incubator. Discussion moved from there to
the Members list and even some bits on the PRC list. The net
result is some further thoughts on growth, relationships with
corporations, and new policies/procedures within the Incubator
and the PRC. While these can take a lot of time and energy, we
usually come out ahead. Step by step, we're continuing to move
the Foundation in directions that will enable us to provide
great products to our ever-increasing user community.
B. President [Sander]
Infrastructure is in the same shape as it was a while back. It
is isn't in any worse or better shape in my opinion. The same
complaint here and there. A couple of people have stepped back,
while others are doing more. The concerning bit is that there
are cases where Justin and others have to jump back in.
The Infrastructure Search Committee has recommended we hire
OSU OSL per notes of their final meeting:
"We will recommend to the board to investigate entering into a
relationship with OSUOSL for infrastructure outsourcing. The
starting point for such further investigation will be the RFP
that we sent out and the proposal that OSUOSL sent us in response.
We recommend the board considers contracting OSUOSL for a
three-month period with the possibility of a one-month extension.
The eyeball figure of $5000 per month that OSUOSL mentioned
sounds to us like it could potentially be a very reasonable rate,
depending on how much work they are planning to do."
Sander was questioned why the committee chose OSUOSL. He
mentioned that the main reasons where that they use pro-
fessional sysadmins, and since we have non-standard infra-
structure setups, they would be able to more easily align with
our methods than others, who would likely require us to
align with methods they are comfortable with.
With that the Committees task is done, with exception to some
administrivia. The Committee will be dissolved as soon as these
are taken care of.
We are going to receive help in the email department from OmniTI.
This has been blocking on me. An appointment with SURFnet has
been scheduled to set up the remaining Apple X-Serve including
out of band access.
Jim mentioned that OmniTI is physically close to where
he is (about 45 minutes away) so if things pop up that require
one of the board to be present at OmniTI, he could be
C. Treasurer [Justin]
We continue to receive a small but steady stream of donations,
but we are now seeing donations appear directly at our lockbox.
We have processed all outstanding reimbursements for ApacheCon US
2005 hardship cases and have submitted an invoice to IBM for
payment to cover our incurred costs.
We have conducted some other wire transfers to pay outstanding
debts incurred by individuals on the ASF's behalf. Jim and Sander
now have access to the wire transfer facilities and other online
banking services.
Over the next month, I will be coordinating with Jim to process
our thank you letters for donations over $250 made during the
last calendar year.
My initial review of the QuickBooks files is now completed. As
time permits, I will try to work with the Audit Committee to
provide them whatever materials they require.
Current Balances as of 1/17/2006:
Paypal $ 949.01 (+$ 340.43)
Checking $23,369.17 (-$ 965.28)
Savings $169,787.26 (+$ 292.47)
Total $194,105.44 (-$ 332.38)
Justin mentioned that it appears that the Foundation will
need to do taxes this year.
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
All newly elected ASF Members, from the December 2005 Members
Meeting, have returned their signed member applications in time
for them to be officially entered in as members.
A D&O Insurnace application was sent to St. Pauls/Travelers for
quotes but as of this date we have not yet received a response,
due to the time it takes for them to generate one.
A mailing list to support the Bylaws Recommendation "committee" was
requested via the JIRA interface to infrastructure.
We received our longest FAX ever: a 40 page monster from BEA which
listed each and every file in their Tuscany codebase donation.
Other than the traditional influx of iCLAs, CCLAs and software
grants, no items or notices have been received at the ASF office
requiring board attention.
Jim additionally reported that the ASF received our annual
invoice from CSC, which was forwarded to Justin for payment.
Justin reported that the invoice had been paid.
E. V.P. of Legal Affairs [Cliff]
GPLv3: I just finished attending the GPLv3 conference at MIT,
during which the first "discussion draft" of the GPLv3
was presented. The most relevant news is that the current
discussion draft includes a "License Compatibility"
section that allows the inclusion of Apache-Licensed (v2.0)
independent works within GPLv3-licensed programs. This
section may change within the next year, but it remains
clear that Eben and RMS will continue to make this sort
of compatibility with the Apache License a priority. The
other news is that I have accepted an invitation to
represent the ASF on one the GPLv3 "discussion committees".
THIRD-PARTY IP: I will be sending out a draft policy on third-
party IP to the board@ list this Friday, January 20th.
Cliff further reported that the Copyright Notice Policy
was still being worked on, and will be finished some time
after the completion of the 3rd Party License Policy
5. Committee Reports
A. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Stefano]
See Attachment A
Approved by General Consent.
B. Conference Planning [Ken Coar]
See Attachment B
Ken further reported that, regarding the 2006/EU show,
a venue location of Amsterdam is no longer in the running,
due to the expense of doing a conference there.
Approved by General Consent.
C. Apache DB Project [Brian McCallister / Sam]
See Attachment C
Approved by General Consent.
D. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Greg]
See Attachment D
Approved by General Consent.
E. Apache Geronimo Project [Ken Coar]
See Attachment E
Approved by General Consent.
F. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Sander]
See Attachment F
It was noted that the Incubator reports are very large,
due to the large number of podlings that comprise the
report list. Jim suggested that we make the Incubator
reports monthly, but alternate which podlings are included
in each monthly report, much as we do with the ASF TLP.
This suggestion was approved by all.
There was a question regarding why Roller was being released
from a non-ASF site. Sander volunteered to investigate,
but it was assumed by the board that this was due to
the Hibernate dependency issue.
Approved by General Consent.
G. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas / Justin]
See Attachment G
Approved by General Consent.
H. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Jim]
See Attachment H
It was noted that a number of new (sub)projects under
Maven where codebases moved from Codehaus. Jim was to
check with Jason to ensure that all IP clearance issues
have been resolved.
Approved by General Consent.
I. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Jim]
See Attachment I
Approved by General Consent.
J. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Justin]
See Attachment J
Approved by General Consent.
K. Apache TCL Project [David Welton / Sam]
See Attachment K
Approved by General Consent.
L. Security Team [Ben Laurie]
See Attachment L
There was no report yet again. The board expressed
concern that the Security Team consistantly neglects
to file reports. Sander was to talk to Ben about this
M. Apache Logging Project [Mark Womack / Greg]
See Attachment M
Approved by General Consent.
N. Apache Portable Runtime Project [Cliff Woolley / Greg]
See Attachment N
Approved by General Consent.
6. Special Orders
A. Change the Chair of the Apache Portable Runtime Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Cliff
Woolley to the office of Vice President, Apache Portable
Runtime Project, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
resignation of Cliff Woolley from the office of Vice President,
Apache Portable Runtime Project;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Cliff Woolley is relieved
and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the
office of Vice President, Apache Portable Runtime Project, and
and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache
Portable Runtime Project, to serve in accordance with and
subject to the direction of the Board of Directors and the
Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation, retirement,
removal or disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.
Resolution 6A, a Resolution to Change the Chair of the Apache
Portable Runtime Project from Cliff Woolley to Garrett Rooney
was approved by Unanimous Consent.
7. Discussion Items
8. Review of Current Action Items
9. Unfinished Business
10. New Business
11. Announcements
12. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific). Adjourned at
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project
- Making progress toward a 1.0.1 patch release
- Building relationships with other Apache projects
- Quiet user community
Beehive has spent the last three months bug fixing and has approved an
intention to release a 1.0.1 patch release in the next few weeks which
includes nearly 100 bug fixes.
Since our last report, Struts and WebWork have announced their merger
for Struts Action 2.0, and the NetUI sub-project in Beehive is working
through Rich Feit and others to integrate our metadata for web flow
into the future of Action 2.0. Rich has also become a Struts
committer in support of this and other Struts efforts.
We have also made slow but steady progress in the Web Service Metadata
sub-project and hope to pass the JSR-181 TCK in the next quarter.
Have discussed with other ASF projects moving some Beehive-specific
code for annotation processing into a new Jakarta project. Have yet
to write a proposal to actually do this.
- Up to 12,000 website page views a day
- Quiet user / developer community. We expect the user community
traffic to pick-up as the Java 5 VM becomes more widely used.
Tmax Soft has announced an intention to donate effort to build JSR-109
support for Beehive WSM
Attachment B: Status report for Conference Planning
We are still awaiting financial results from FCP for ApacheCon
2005/US, but they aren't overdue as yet. FCP's records show payment
in full having been made to all 2005/US speakers, totalling some
Several individuals, including Rich Bowen, Danese Cooper, Shane
Curcuru, and Noel Bergman, have been hammering out a 'generic'
contract for use with S&SV for 2006/US, FCP for 2006/US, and any other
conferences going forward. Among other things, it spells
responsibilities out quite clearly, and includes penalty clauses for
delinquent payments. AFAIK it's still being passed by ASF counsel,
and so neither FCP nor S&SV have had a chance to see it and.. comment.
S&SV is lining up possible venues for the concom to consider for
2006/EU, which is tentatively planned for the end of May.
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache DB Project
* Added Craig Russell
* Added David Van Couvering
* Released version
* Decided on a logo
* Released version 3.2
* Added Thomas Vandahl as a committer
* Released version 1.0.4
* Finished moving to subversion
* Graduated incubator
* Added Martin van den Memt as a committer
* Presently preparing for a 1.0 release
* In process of officially withdrawing support for Axion and asking
incubator to remove resources
* Some concern has been expressed about DB becoming an umbrella
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Directory Project
In general it's been a good and quiet quarter. Here are some
relatively notable things:
People and Community
(FYI MINA is our network library which we use for implementing
protocols for ApacheDS)
o New committer on MINA: Niklas Thering
o MINA activity is picking up. We had to request a mailing list just
for MINA: 2/3 of the traffic on the dev list was MINA dev traffic.
o There are two candidates being considered as I write this email for
MINA committers
o Up to now we have knowledge of the following protocols being
implemented using MINA
- ldap[s],
- radius,
- kerberos,
- changepw,
- syslog,
- dns,
- dhcp,
- XMPP (jabber),
- ntp,
- nntp,
- bunch of simple protocols (echo, reverse, sysdate etc.)
o A few MINA releases (a series of 0.8 bug fix releases and a 0.9)
o A couple ApacheDS releases (0.9.2 and 0.9.3)
o We are preparing for a 1.0 release candidate around mid January
with most (98%) of the LDAPv3 functionality.
OpenGroup ( graciously donated their services to
certify ApacheDS for LDAPv3. We intend to certify ApacheDS in 1.1 with
full LDAPv3 support in the 1.2 stable release this summer. CA's eTrust
Directory, IBM's Tivoli, SUN's Java System Directory, Novell's
eDirectory and Oracle's OID are the only LDAPv3 servers that have
passed this certification.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project
The Apache Geronimo project released version 1.0 in January, and is
currently discussing/working on 1.01 with the goal of releasing it
Q1CY2006. Development work on JEE 5 will be starting in this
timeframe as well. Positive feedback and testimonials have been
coming in from the user community.
A number of external projects with connexions to Geronimo have applied
or will be applying to the incubator. Despite the fact that some have
been accepted alread and are in incubation, there is still some
uncertainty about their evential destinations if Geronimo is not to
become an umbrella.
John Sisson, Matt Hogstrom, and Sachin Paten were added to the
Geronimo PMC in December 2005.
Community issues appear to be generally improving, but there are
still some areas of concern. Time will tell, hopefully.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
The Incubator continues to see good progress in a number of projects and
their communities.
Several items of note from this past quarter:
We have had some discussion regarding the rate of growth, how to
manage it, how to ensure proper oversight. We have not finalized
any policy changes, but should do so shortly. There is a sometimes
not-so-subtle- tension between oversight and nimbleness, and we're
trying to give as much of the latter as possible without sacrificing
the former.
We have also had a discussion regarding importing external codebases,
with the conclusion that where possible, we DO want to import the
entire history.
This will require some help from Infrastructure to help us swizzle the
imported authors into some canonical format that won't collide with our
ASF author namespace.
People are unhappy with the state of building the web site. There are two
possible paths: switching our content to anakia format, or improvement in
the usability of Forrest. Which path we take will depend upon the energy
invested by those who want to help effect the change.
Jean T. Anderson has helped to revise the Incubator Guidelines, although
we will have to continue the process.
- 0 -
The list of projects in the Incubator is at Here are the STATUS reports from the
PPMCs. The drafts were collected at Axion never
began Incubation, despite having been approved by the DB PMC, and will
likely be removed from the list in this quarter. AltRMI and FTPServer
failed to provide quarterly reports. AltRMI has gained no traction, and is
likely to leave the Incubator to go elsewhere. FTPServer has added two new
Committers, and we see continued activity to revitalize a once dormant
project. Several projects below have graduated, and are noted as such, but
until they participate by updating their Incubator documents to indicate
that fact, I will continue to ping them. PMCs must help to maintain the
content for the podlings that they have sponsored, or we will never be able
to scale.
I addressed the e-mail delivery problem I mentioned in the last quarterly
report by adding myself to the allow list for every PMC mailing list.
The full status of incubation is at In summary we're most
of the way through incubation now, things have been progressing very well;
the code is clean and using only Apache-compliant libraries, it has the
correct copyright notices and is in the org.apache.activemq namespace and is
generally working well now. We've got the software grants sorted and most
developers have their CLAs on file and accounts created (we've a few more to
do once we know the CLAs are on file).
We've voted on a milestone release which should go out soon once we've
figured out the practicalities of doing an incuabtor milestone release. Our
main outstanding issue now is creating the full website at Apache - which
should be done in the next week or two - for now there is a simple home
Has already graduated.
Project is moving along with an interested core continuing to work on the
software. Progress is still slow in terms of community building. Recent
additions to the incubator in areas of SOA such as Tuscany, ServiceMix,
Celtix etc offer an opportunity for Agila's workflow and BPEL
Mostly a quarter of contributions and new committers that came with them:
Domoware Contribution
HttpService Contribution
WireAdmin Contribution
M2 plugin and archetype for OSGi projects completed
Organized repository structure
R4 released and ASL compatible
Might want to list the new committers here:
Rob Walker
Graffito has nicely grown recently with activity encouraged by the final
release of Jetspeed 2.0 and good progress made on the JCR support though
We've just added a new committer :
Alexandru Popescu
and some existing Portals committers also actively contributing to the
integration of Graffito with Portals.
Harmony project has moved out of it's initial phase in which it formalized
contribution and other governance issues and has now accepted two major
class library code contributions, one from IBM and one from Intel. Work
continues on those two codebases, with topics ranging from bug fixing,
enhancements, as well as other topics such as how to organize test framework
and documentation.
Two releases of snapshots are imminent, one of a basic VM implementation
(JCHEVM) and one of the current classlibrary. We are doing this to make it
easier for users to work with the software.
Our focus in the upcoming quarter is to continue our emphasis on community
building through adding new committers and expaning the scope of our
activities to include other kinds of committers (test, documentation, qa...)
and continue to solicit donations to our codebase as well.
Has already graduated.
Jackrabbit added four new committers to the project this quarter:
Serge Huber
Felix Meschberger
Brian Moseley
Angela Schreiber
in recognition of their outstanding and sustained contributions to the
project. Jukka Zitting has volunteered to be the RM for our first set of
incubating releases. We plan to seek graduation from incubator as soon as we
have a track record for a successful release vote.
A few more people are interested from WSS4J and XML-Security projects. We
are trying to formalize a plan to revive this project. Werner (from wss4j)
has patches in his sandbox, we are working to get him commit privileges. We
have received a certificate from SUN for signing the juice jar so that it
can be dropped in just like any other JSSE provider's jar.
The log4net project is still in incubation, but it is active. The Logging
Services PMC has elected Rob Grabowski ( as a new
committer. This would brings the number of active committers to 4, helping
meet incubator exit criteria.
The log4net committers are working on compatibility with the .NET 2.0
releases from Microsoft and Mono.
Some minor bug fixes committed.
Added new php5 classes to start coding log4php using the new php5 object
Lucene4c is stalled for the time being. I (Garrett Rooney) simply don't have
the time to work on it, and nobody else has jumped up and started
contributing. If there's some official way to move it to a "dormant" state
until such time as someone feels motivated to work on it again I'd be in
favor of that. (added by Otis Gospodnetic on behalf of Garret Rooney)
Work is progressing on folding the mod_ftp build system into the normal,
generic Apache 2 build environment. Additional logging and debugging were
added to the present codebase. Creation of the test suite is also
Has already graduated.
We currently have a critical dependency on Hibernate which needs to be
resolved. There have been several offers to replace Hibernate with Apache
License compatible products, including JDO. Craig Russell is actively
working on a JDO implemenation that should be able to replace Hibernate. We
have just removed one other LGPL dependeny on "FindBugs".
While the remaining LGPL dependencies are being resolved, the project has
continued to move forward by making releases through the
site, including the 2.0.1 release on 5 January 2006. The release is clearly
marked "2.0-incubating". The 2.1-dev codebase is being tested in production
at the site.
Aside from dependencies, the biggest issues we have to resolve now are
moving the documentation (JSP Wiki) and issue tracking (JIRA) from their
current homes to the ASF.
During incubation, we've added one new committer, Matt Schmidt, bringing the
tally to seven committers and PPMC members.
The full status of incubation is at In summary we're most
of the way through incubation now, things have been progressing very well;
the code is clean and using mostly Apache-compliant libraries (more on that
below), it has the correct copyright notices and is in the
org.apache.servicemix namespace and is generally working well now. We've got
the software grants sorted and most developers have their CLAs on file and
accounts created (we've a few more to do once we know the CLAs are on file).
Our main outstanding issues are now
creating the website at Apache (should be done in the next week or so)
getting a definitive answer on if we are allowed to use CDDL software such
as the JAXB2 Reference Implementation. We have so far not seen a definitive
answer anywhere and so are continuing to use it unless we are given
guidenence that we should not.
Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 12/2005:
This is the second quarterly report for stdcxx.
The stdcxx community has spent the last three months working toward version
4.1.3 of the project. The major accomplishments thus far include the
completion of the test suite driver (STDCXX-4), the migration of a large
number (but not all) of stdcxx tests from the Rogue C++ Standard Library
test suite to this driver and to the ASF Subversion repository (STDCXX-4),
and the creation of a Windows configuration and build infrastructure
The successful completion of these objectives marks an important milestone
for the stdcxx project. To facilitate the migration of existing users of the
Rogue Wave C++ Standard Library to stdcxx, the stdcxx community is currently
in the process of releasing version 4.1.3 of the project. This release has
been scheduled to coincide with the release of the Rogue Wave C++ Standard
Library 4.1.3 on which stdcxx is based. A vote to release stdcxx 4.1.3 is
under way on stdcxx-dev.
In other news, the stdcxx PPMC recently voted to extend an offer of
committership to Anton Pevtsov. Anton is the author of the Windows build
infrastructure and his help with porting the test suite over the last few
months has been essential. In addition, in preparation for graduation and
the forming of a PMC, the stdcxx PPMC has started to discuss expanding its
membership from the current 5 (including 3 mentors) to involve other active
Going forward, the most important goals of the growing stdcxx community
continue to be to increase the visibility of the project and further
increase the number as well as diversity of its users, contributors, and
committers, finish porting the stdcxx test suite, and implement a complete
test harness for the project to facilitate automated nightly testing. Other
goals include expanding the set of platforms to Apple Darwin and other
BSD-based operating systems, enhancing support for the C++ Standard Library
extensions described in the (Draft) Technical Report on C++ Library
Martin Sebor
The Synapse project is progressing well. We have met the target
functionality for an M1 release, have voted on it and hope to release it
during January. We have had a number of votes and hold a regularly scheduled
IRC chat that is well attended by a core team of contributors. The M1
release offers a useful set of functionality, has a codebase that is 100%
new code developed by the community under the CLA and ASL2. The release
offers users the ability to route, transform and log web service messages
passing thru the Synapse intermediary. It utilises a number of existing
Apache projects including Axis2.
There is a simple Wiki based website for Synapse documentation. We are
improving the junit test coverage and javadoc in an ongoing basis.
The community is diverse but most of the code has come from members of two
companies. There is however active participation from a few other companies
on the mailing list and in the IRC chats. We expect to nurture that more and
expect to see increased participation as awareness grows with the upcoming
M1 release.
The project aims to join as a sub-project of the Web Services project and
attracts participation from committers of Axis2 in particulare. We are
tracking our progress at
The incubation task are all done and the MyFaces PMC has voted to accept
Tobago as a MyFaces subproject. Therefore the incubator sign-off is pending.
The slowly growing community has reported many bugs and suggestions since
the incubation.
The maven2 migration of Tobago is completed. When MyFaces is migrated to
maven2 too, a common code base will be set up to share.
Tobago runs with the current version of MyFaces. However some minor bugs
have to be fixed with the upcoming new version of MyFaces. The Tobago
developers expect a release soon after this. A release plan will be setup
when Tobago is an own project in the MyFaces category of Jira.
Interest is waning a bit. We have not been able to hook TSIK onto any of the
dependency chains (example Axis->WSS4J) that we have. We may have to
seriously consider the worst case scenario of stopping incubation.
Project is just starting incubation. CLAs are on file for the initial
committers. A CCLA has been received for the initial contributions of C++
and Java implementations and the code has been imported into SVN. Activity
is starting on the development mailing list and includes new contributors to
the project.
WADI is in the very early phases of incubation, working through issues
related to the transfer from Codehaus to the ASF. Progress has been slow due
to holiday break as well as engineering and social issues surrounding the
Geronimo 1.0 release, for which there is a strong community interest in
having WADI properly working and integrated.
There is focued mentor attention in helping this community make the move
from Codehaus to the ASF.
The WSDL 2.0 processor being developed by this incubator project is
progressing according to the Milestone plan on the Woden web site. We are
still aiming for an initial release around April 2006 and hopefully,
promotion from incubation. M2 delivered December 9th includes most of the
WSDL parsing logic and about one third of the WSDL validation. M3 due
January 20th will complete the parsing logic and most of the validation. Web
site documentation and expansion of the junit test suite are also due in M3.
Other goals of the project will be addressed after M3. So far, the code has
been developed by two committers, both from IBM. M2 was the first code base
suitable for broader participation. We have two potential contributors from
other organizations who have offered help recently and the Woden wiki now
has a list of the main outstanding tasks that need to be completed. We will
be liaising more closely with those potential contributors to expand the
collaboration on the project.
Another key development is that the WSDL 2.0 became a W3C Candidate
Recommendation on January 6, 2006. We are likely to see increased
participation in Woden and engage in interoperability testing with other
Nothing much happened in the project; the activity is very low - we voted in
a new committer (Vishal Goenka) to get more active. WSRP4J is still in the
move from the WS to the portals project (move of mailing lists is missing).
We hope to get a more active community in the near future by incorporating
the GSoC code.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache James Project
No releases, no new committers, no new PMC members.
We're supporting our user base and working out some bugs. I keep
expecting we'll be making a release, and hopefully that'll happen
soon, as well as another PMC member or two before too long.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Maven Project
Goings on
* ApacheCon was a good experience for many of the Maven
developers. We chatted with OSGi folks about how Maven might be
used utilzed by OSGi developers. We chatted with Jeff McAffer of
the Eclipse PDE team and discussed how some Maven technologies
might be integrated into Eclipse in particular their Update
Manager. We also chatted with some Cocoon developers about
trying to help them convert their build over to Maven 2.x.
* Activity in the community has been steadily increasing. We have
one of the most active mailing lists (if not the most right now:
would be cool to link in Ken's page here) and we are attempting
to answer users questions by capturing them in a FAQ document
which we want to process and turn into static
documentation. We're experimenting with parsing content right
now of Confluence i.e. making static sites from a Wiki.
* We have been working on a new Development Process for the Maven
project which we hope to flesh out over the next release, create
some automated tools for, and share with other projects that use
Maven to try and help with a process of development, documenting
and releasing.
* We have been experimenting with some automation tools for issue
management and documentation creation. We have created a little
Jira Ruby Gem for automating some aspects of our issue
management. We're also working on a patch server and submission
tools which will take patches and documentation from users
directly from the Maven 2.x CLI and create JIRA issues and stow
the patch somewhere we can easily process it.
* We are also working on trying to setup a structure where all our
Maven plug-ins get some sort of review for the time of the Board
report because that gives some visilbility to outside observers
like the Board but it also helps us keep track of plug-in
status. We don't have a clear way of dealing with this right now
but we hope to automate something by the next board report.
New Projects
* Maven Repository Manager
* Surefire codebase from Codehaus
* Doxia codebase from Codehaus
* SVN space for shared Maven code
New PMC Membmers
* Lukas Theussl
New Committers
* Dan Tran
* Edwin L Punzalan
* Mike Perham
* Johnny R Ruiz III
* Maven 2.0.1
* Maven 2.0.2
* Continuum 1.0.1
* Continuum 1.0.2
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project
* Release 1.1.1 published
* Growing and healthy community
* Tobago incubation soon to be signed-off
* Ongoing disussions and preliminary talks with Oracle people about
ADF donation. Public drop of ADF Faces source code now available.
* Transfer of "" domain in progress
* Migration to Maven2
* Latest release: 1.1.1, published on October 27 (after 3 release
* Growing: 1 new committer since the last status report
* Healthy: 737 subscribers and 44 mails per day on our user list, 306
subscribers and 30 mails per day on our dev list. Up to 16000 page
views per day on our website.
The Tobago JSF component set was successfully incubated
( All incubation
tasks are done. The MyFaces PMC has voted to accept the component set
as a MyFaces subproject. Incubator sign-off is pending.
ADF donation
Reminder: Oracle wants to donate their ADF Faces JSF component set to
the ASF. Now, Oracle people have brought some movement into ADF
donation issue by releasing a public source code drop of ADF Faces on
Jan 7, 2006. ( Some
disussions and preliminary talks are still necessary before incubation
process can be initiated.
Transfer of domain "" to Apache Dotster has not yet happend
due to lack of time. We will contact @infra again on this.
Complete refactoring of our build process and migration to Maven2 is
currently in progress.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Struts Project
The last quarter has been an eventful one in the Struts community. In
terms of releases, we released Struts 1.2.8, primarily to fix an XSS
vulnerability; Struts Scripting 1.0.1 is the first GA release of this
component; and Struts Shale 1.0.0 is the first Alpha release of our
newest framework.
In the wake of the web framework "unification" discussions mentioned
in our last board report, the Struts team and the WebWork team have
agreed to join forces. There have been numerous interactions between
the teams, and the team members, for some time now, and we are
confident that the merger will work well. The plan is for WebWork to
come to the ASF, and for it to provide the underpinnings for a Struts
Action Framework 2.0. We anticipate that the IP clearance process will
begin shortly, now that WebWork 2.2 has been released.
On the people front, we added Wendy Smoak as a PMC member, and Rich
Feit, Patrick Lightbody and Jason Carreira have joined us as
committers. Also, a record seven Struts committers managed to be in
the same place at the same time at ApacheCon in December, leading to
some very fruitful discussions.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache TCL Project
Not much to report - Rivet is closing in on a 1.0 release. It's been
a long time coming... but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and don't like
the idea of having something labeled 1.0 unless it's really ready.
Being somewhat of a niche these days, I was particularly proud to come
across these guys, who are using Rivet:
Whereas Websh works with both 1.3 and 2.0, Rivet developers have
mostly fallen into the "it works for me camp" and not sunk time into
2.0 compatibility (integrating Tcl threads with Apache threads
promises some headaches), but someone has now stepped up and started
work on that, from outside the core group, which is something else I'm
pleased with.
In short, things are chugging along at a leisurely pace, but do
continue to be active.
Attachment L: Status report for the Security Team
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Logging Project
PMC Report
* The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under
incubation: log4net, log4php.
* All Logging Services projects and respositories have been converted
to subversion as planned. Much thanks and gratitude to Henri
Yandell for helping us sort it out and doing the actual conversion.
* The Logging Services ApacheCon BoF session was lightly attended.
Members of the various subprojects were able to meet and exchange
* New committers have been added for log4cxx (Andreas Fester) and
log4net (Rob Grabowski). These communities continue to grow.
log4cxx Report
* Andreas Fester was added as a committer and has been improving the
automake build.
* Progress toward a 0.10 release (formerly 0.9.8) has been slow due to
the recent log4j compatibility effort.
log4j Report
* Version 1.2.12 and 1.2.13 were released since the last board report.
Various features and bug fixes were included. No more releases on
the 1.2 branch are planned at this time.
* Work on version 1.3 is ongoing and has increased in recent weeks
with a focus on restoring binary and source compatibility with
version 1.2. Monthly builds are planned and will be used to get
feedback from the user community before achieving the beta
milestone. Current plan is to release version 1.3 by mid-year 2006.
log4net Report
* The log4net project is still in incubation, but it is active. The
Logging Services PMC has elected Rob Grabowski
( as a new committer. This would brings the
number of active committers to 4, helping meet incubator exit
* The log4net committers are working on compatibility with the .NET
2.0 releases from Microsoft and Mono.
log4php Report
* The log4php project is still in incubation, with low activity. Some
minor bug fixes commited.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Portable Runtime Project
This quarter, we added a new PMC member: Colm MacCarthaigh. David
Reid has asked to step down from the PMC, citing a lack of time for
contribution. Following suit, I (Cliff Woolley) have just notified
the PMC of my intention to step down as well for the same reason. I
have asked them for nominations for a replacement PMC Chair. I will
remain active and in the post until such time as a new Chair is
selected and approved by the board, at which time I will convert my
PMC membership to emeritus status.
Fortunately, with the new blood coming on board as of late, progress
is still being made. APR 1.2.2 and APR-util 1.2.2 were released this
quarter. Also, the HTTP Server Project shipped a new version of
httpd, which had the side effect of bringing the APR 1.0+ API into
potentially much broader visibility.
End of minutes for the January 18, 2006 board meeting.