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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                            March 15, 2006

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at
    10:04 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held by teleconference,
    hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors  Present:

        Ken Coar
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik (joined 10:38)
        Jim Jagielski
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker (left at 11:00)

    Directors Absent:

        Ben Laurie


        Cliff Schmidt
        Henri Yandell

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:

    Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.

    A. The meeting of January 18, 2006

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2006_01_18.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. The meeting of February 15, 2006

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2006_02_15.txt


4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       As with the past few months, much of the activity of the
       Directors has been advising our PMCs (such as Geronimo,
       Incubator, and others). I believe this is the right place for
       us to be. A number of PMCs have been asking for legal opinions
       and policy, which our VP of Legal Affairs has been working
       through. A discussion about security disclosure policy
       generated a long thread on the board list, but that list has
       been relatively quiet the past month. In a broader sense, the
       ASF appears healthy, and given this month's Treasurer's report,
       we're in good financial shape.

    B. President [Sander]

       Overall there is being made progress on the Infrastructural front.
       Ajax has finally been upgraded.  It's been doing better since the
       upgrade, load and I/O wise.

       Several harddrives have failed and have been replaced, courtesy of

       We've also experienced harddrive failure on helios, and have an
       offer pending on a hardware service contract from Sun.  If this
       doesn't come through by next Tuesday, a service contract will be
       obtained by the ASF directly.

       OmniTI has set up Ecelerity on our Xserves.  The mail setup can be
       finalized once the current mail administrators are available to
       coordinate with OmniTI.  Contract still needs to be finalized.

       I haven't had feedback on the contract from OSU/OSL.  I'm aiming
       for them to start no later than April 1st 2006.

       All pending paperwork should be resolved by next friday.

       There was discussion regarding the issue of a Exec Director
       for the ASF, and whether that has dropped in priority. The
       general consensus of the board was that a SysAdmin should
       be the first priority for the foundation followed by some
       sort of secretarial support for the Secretary and Treasurer.
    C. Treasurer [Justin]

       Reimbursements for ApacheCon 2005 US hardship cases from IBM has
       been received.  We have received our $19,000 payment from Google
       for our Summer of Code involvement.   We have also received over
       $19,000 from FCP for our ApacheCon US 2005 proceeds.  Many thanks
       to all involved who made these programs a success on our end!

       I have filed paperwork (again) with Wells Fargo to enable Auto-Pay
       of our credit cards.  There have been mixups regarding payments,
       but this should now be resolved going forward.

       I have provided Jim with the list of donors that need thank you
       letters for donations over $250 made during the last calendar year.

       Our fiscal year closes on April 30th.  I'll have a budget drafted
       for review at the April meeting.  I'll also start exploring options
       to handle preparing our taxes or whether I should do it myself.

       Current Balances as of 3/13/2006:

       Paypal               $ 1,383.17 (+$     0.00) (*as of 2/13/2006)
       Checking             $31,597.57 (+$10,258.63)
       Savings             $200,345.29 (+$30,265.05)
       Total               $233,326.03 (+$40,523.68)

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Checks from the Car Donation service are still being received
       at the ASF office, instead of being sent directly to the
       lockbox address. I have resent to them a Change of
       Address request. The checks that we have received will be sent
       to the lockbox later this week.

       The donor letters, referred to above, had been sent out via US
       Postal mail on March 3, 2006.

       Our agent at St. Paul/Travelers has requested additional financial
       information regarding our D&O Insurance quote. I obtained the
       info from SVN and provided it to them last week.

       The next ASF Annual Members Meeting should be scheduled for
       this May. I will propose several dates on the members@ list
       and organize the meeting.

       We have not received at the ASF offices any items or correspondance
       requiring board attention.

    E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff]

       THIRD-PARTY IP: After nearly two months of review on the 
            board@ list and one month of review by pmcs@, I've
            finally posted the latest draft of the third-party
            licensing policy to the legal-discuss list.  My goal
            is to get all new comments or concerns collected by
            the end of the month, and resolve all issues to get  
            a final, official, v1.0 release in April.  I will 
            also be trying to solicit user comments through the
            feather blog and a brief pointer sent to a few of 
            the project user lists.  However, I would also like 
            to explicitly verify that there is a consensus from
            the Board in support of the guiding principles* 
            behind the policy and the resulting license criteria**.

       LICENSING HEADER, ETC: Now that the third-party policy 
            doc is out there, my next major project is to draft
            and get our counsel to approve a document that 
            updates our source code licensing header,  
            describes where to place copyright notices, various 
            third-party licenses, explains how to deal with 
            crypto export issues, and more.  Although I think it
            will be useful to our committers to have this all in 
            one document, I won't hold up getting a resolution on
            the license header/copyright notice issue to wait for
            the rest of the document.

    F. VP of JCP [Geir]

        Nothing of significant concern has happened since the 
        last JCP report.

        The JCP EC has voted to advise the JCP Project Management
        Office (PMO) to allow for electronic voting of  non-JSR 
        proposals (process proposals).  (I say "advise the PMO" 
        because the EC can't actually tell the PMO what to do, 
        just advise...)  The intent is to help get things done 
        faster, as it doesn't require quorum at monthly meetings, 
        or the inevitable delay of "let me go ask my lawyer" 
        both of which conspire to take simple issues and turn 
        them into many-month long marathons.

        In terms of JSRs, the ASF voted to support several new JSRs, 
        some with controversy, such as the OSGi proposal from IBM.  
        Comments and discussion can be found on  
        We are taking the position that we have an interest in the 
        technology because we have a community implementing it, are 
        interested in seeing bridges built between two technical 
        communities (JSR-277 - modularity) and the new JSR, but we 
        don't want to simply see an external spec "rubberstamped" - 
        we want the expert group to have input.

        We have asked to join two JSRs : JSR-199, the Compiler API JSR 
        and JSR-291, the OSGi JSR.  Torsten Curdt will represent us for 
        199 (which is almost complete) and two members of the Felix 
        community will represent us in 291.

        Current outstanding issue is getting TCKs from Sun for ActiveMQ 
        (JMS) and ServiceMix (JBI) podlings.  Our app for the JBI TCK 
        has been approved, but still need to get the License addendum 
        completed (waiting on Sun).  JMS is proving more difficult, as 
        there is internal Sun confusion about if the TCK can be separately 
        licensed (it can) and what to do.  I've fought this battle before 
        with them at Gluecode, so I'm pretty confident that it's just a 
        matter of grinding it through. 

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache APR Project [Garrett Rooney / Ben]

       See Attachment A

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache Excalibur Project [J. Aaron Farr / Sam]

       See Attachment B

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Dirk]

       See Attachment C

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted / Greg]

       See Attachment D

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Infrastructure Team [Sander Striker]

       See Attachment E

       Sander provided an overview of the current state of the
       ASF Infrastructure, as summarized in the President's
       report above.

       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Jakarta Project [Henri Yandell / Jim]

       See Attachment F

       It was noted that since Tapestry is now a TLP, a request
       will be made to them to submit a report for next month's
       board meeting.

       Approved by General Consent.

    G. Apache Lucene Project [Doug Cutting / Justin]

       See Attachment G

       Approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache Portals Project [Santago Gala / Ken]

       See Attachment H

       No report submitted or presented.

    I. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Daniel Quinlan / Stefano]

       See Attachment I

       Approved by General Consent.

    J. Apache Tomcat Project [Remy Maucherat / Sam]

       See Attachment J

       Approved by General Consent.

    K. Apache Web Services Project [Davanum Srinivas / Greg]

       See Attachment K

       Approved by General Consent.

    L. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cliff Schmidt]

       See Attachment L

       Approved by General Consent.

    M. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman / Jim]

       See Attachment M

       During the review of the project report, the board discussed
       the idea of providing guidance to the Incubator that, even
       though podlings could have more than one mentor, one mentor
       should be noted as the "lead mentor" or the "point man" for
       the podling. This will provide more clear direction and
       procedures for the podling. Jim volunteered to relay this to
       the Incubator PMC.

       Approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

    A. Establish the Apache Jackrabbit Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the Content Repository for Java
       Technology API and its implementation as the Apache Jackrabbit
       content repository, for distribution at no charge to the

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Jackrabbit PMC", be
       and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Jackrabbit PMC be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of open-source
       software and documentation related to the Content Repository
       for Java Technology API and its implementation as the Apache
       Jackrabbit content repository and tool sets, based on software
       licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache
       Jackrabbit" be and hereby is created, the person holding such
       office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as
       the chair of the Apache Jackrabbit PMC, and to have primary
       responsibility for management of the projects within the scope
       of responsibility of the Apache Jackrabbit PMC; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Jackrabbit PMC:

         Tobias Bocanegra   <>
         Roy T. Fielding    <>
         Stefan Guggisberg  <>
         Serge Huber        <>
         Felix Meschberger  <>
         Brian Moseley      <>
         David Nuescheler   <>
         Dominique Pfister  <>
         Peeter Piegaze     <>
         Edgar Poce         <>
         Marcel Reutegger   <>
         Paul Russell       <>
         Angela Schreiber   <>
         Sylvain Wallez     <>
         Jukka Zitting      <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Roy T. Fielding be
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Jackrabbit, to serve
       in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
       a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Jackrabbit PMC be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Apache Jackrabbit Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Incubator PMC shall, upon deciding
       that the Jackrabbit incubating project has graduated, transfer
       all oversight and responsibility for the Jackrabbit incubating
       project and its artifacts to the Apache Jackrabbit PMC.

       Resolution 6A, Establish the Apache Jackrabbit Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote.

7. Discussion Items


8. Review of Current Action Items

9. Unfinished Business


10. New Business


11. Announcements

    Stefano announced that Ben Hyde has accepted a position with

12. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific). Adjourned at 11:25.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project

Just to get it out of the way, the only issue in APR that currently
requires board attention is the forthcoming licensing policy.
Anything that can be done to get the policy finalized would be greatly
appreciated, as dealing with licensing issues (see the section later
in this report concerning GDBM and Berkeley DB) without an official
policy to refer to is rather difficult.  That said, I'm sure
everything that can be done in that department is being done, so just
keep doing what you're doing.  On with the rest of the report.

Since it's last board report the APR project has been through a few
small changes.

As noted in our last report, our former PMC chair, Cliff Woolley,
stepped down and he has now been replaced by a new chair, Garrett

We voted to give commit access to Max Bowsher.  His paperwork has made
it's way through the system, and he has now been set up with his
commit access.  A few other developers were nominated for commit
access, and one committer has been nominated for PMC membership, but
those votes are still ongoing at this time.  It seems that there has
been an upswing in contributions from the APR community recently, so
it seems likely that in the near future we will be able to recruit
some more active developers from these new contributors.

We made several attempts to release new versions off of our 0.9.x and
1.2.x branches, but a variety of problems were found at the last
minute preventing them from being made publicly available.  On the
bright side, those releases spurred a few developers into making a
number of fixes, so hopefully a new set of releases will be available

There have been a few debates on the development list concerning what
sort of software is suitable for inclusion in APR and APR-Util.
Specifically, there was some concern from a few people about the
memcache client code that was added to APR-Util fairly recently.
While most APR developers thought it was sufficiently small and useful
to warrant inclusion, there were others who felt that it was not
suitable for inclusion in a portable runtime because unlike other
systems (APR-Util's DBM or DBD layers, for example) it only works with
a single server implementation and doesn't allow you to write code
that portably makes use of multiple cache implementations.  The
conflict has resolved itself on its own, by virtue of the fact that
another server using the memcache client protocol has appeared, but
the issue of what is suitable to include in APR/APR-Util and what is
not is clearly one that will require more discussion among the

The other significant issue has been with our handling of the various
DBM libraries the APR-Util DBM code links against.  For some time we
have had the ability to link against Berkeley DB and GDBM, which are
under the SleepyCat license and the GPL, respectively.  After reading
the initial drafts of the proposed ASF licensing policy it seemed
clear that the default behavior of the build system with regard to
determining which libraries to link against should change, avoiding
linking against anything with a viral license unless the user
specifically requested it.  These changes have been made, and are
simply awaiting a release.  It's important to note that legally
speaking we have always been in the clear, as we have never been
distributing Berkeley DB or GDBM ourselves, but it was felt that it
was too easy for users to end up inadvertantly linking against
libraries with unwelcome license requirements, and thus the change in

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project

Items of note
    * No new committers.
    * No new PMC members.
    * No new releases.

The majority of work in Excalibur lately has been with various small
bug fixes and updating the build to support Maven 2.  There is
interest in putting together a release within the next quarter.
Otherwise, things are quiet (very quiet).

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Gump Project


    * Sander Temme has installed Gump on one of the donated Macs, see

    * is still more or less dormant because we
      couldn't find the time to install a Gump instance there.


    * After JUnit started to require Java 5 to compile, we finally
      switched to use it on vmgump.  The alternative would have been
      to be content with 35% success.


    * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.

    * no releases.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

Since our December Report, iBATIS has nominated one new committer,
Chad Humphries, and another committer, Rob Grabowski, has joined the
PMC. The project now hosts implementations for Java and C#, and we
hope to add Ruby. Several PMC members have shown an intertest in
working with Ruby, and a new "committer-in-waiting", Jon Tirsen, has a
Ruby implementation that he would like to donate to the foundation.
However, Jon's CLA seems to be stuck in limbo. It was sent to post
office box several weeks ago, but it is still not on file. If the
postal mail has been collected recently, and the Secretary does not
have the CLA, please let the iBATIS PMC know, and we will ask Jon to
fax in another copy. Jon has a CCLA on file, but we are looking for
his individual CLA.

Attachment E: Status report for the Infrastructure Team

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

=== Status ===

This quarter has been quiet on the release front - nothing for a month and
a half - however there is a lot lining up for the next quarter.
Reorganization discussions are underway on general@ and commons-dev@
mailing lists and Tapestry is now a TLP (with this becoming
visible/enacted in the next quarter).

Other subprojects are worthy of mention on the TLP subject.

 * Slide is in favour of moving to TLP, but lacks the activity to get there.
 * Cactus/JMeter are in favour of proposing a TLP to the
   board - though again low on activity.
 * Turbine and Velocity are both against moving to TLP. One of those reasons
   is a lack of activity.

In the next quarter I intend to make some time available to help get Slide
and Cactus/JMeter to the point of a proposal.

==== Follow up on last months issues ====

 * The Silk name has been dropped and will instead be called Jakarta Web
   Components. I could never get a solid answer on trademark handling.
 * Inactivity. We continue to move forward in recognizing and labelling
   areas of inactivity.

=== Releases ===
 * 29 January 2006 - HiveMind 1.1.1 Released
 * 07 January 2006 - Tapestry 4.0 (final) Released
 * 28 December 2005 - Tapestry 4.0-rc-3 Released
 * 23 December 2005 - Commons FileUpload 1.1 Released
 * 20 December 2005 - Commons Math 1.1 Released
 * 20 December 2005 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 Released

=== Community changes ===

==== New Committers ====

 * Dennis Lundberg
 * Sandy McArthur
 * Max Pfingsthorn
 * Jorg Schaible

==== New PMC ====

 * Mario Ivankovits
 * Rahul Akolkar
 * Oliver Heger
 * Siegfried Goeschl

=== Infrastructure news ===

Alexandria mailing list shut down.

=== Subproject news ===

==== Commons Configuration ====
Commons Configuration 1.2 was released in December 2005. This release mainly
addressed some bugs related to file-based configurations and reloading
strategies. There were only a few new features, e. g. a new configuration
type or validation support in XMLConfiguration. At the moment work is in
progress on some often requested features, especially support for XPATH
syntax. So the next release will certainly be a feature release.

==== Commons FileUpload ====

After a protracted period of inactivity, FileUpload 1.1 was released just
before Christmas 2005. Future work on FileUpload is targetted at a 2.0
release, with associated necessary API changes.

==== Commons Net ====
Version 1.4.1 released in December 2005 to restore JDK 1.3 compatibility,
enabling VFS to be released as JDK 1.3 compatible.

==== Commons Math ====
Version 1.1 was released in December 2005.  This release included
numerous bug fixes and enhancements in the random data generation,
numerics and matrix packages.

==== Commons Validator ====
Validator 1.2.0 was released in November 2005. The main new piece of
functionality in this version had been in place for some time, however it
had been held up by the number of outstanding bugs. A concerted effort on
bugs (non-enhancement) in the second half of 2005 made the 1.2.0 release
possible and currently bugs are being tackled in a timely manner with a
validator 1.2.1 maintenace release planned shortly.

==== HiveMind ====

HiveMind has released version 1.1.1, which was a bug fix release.
Conceptual work for version 1.2 has started.

==== HttpComponents ====

With the stable release of HttpClient 3.0 a major milestone has been
reached. At the same time development of the HttpClient 2.x branch is
discontinued. 2.x users are encouraged to migrate.

Roland Weber joined the team of committers. He is working hard on
http-async. A lot of effort is going into the design of http-core and
http-async currently.

The content and design of new project website is shaping up.

==== Tapestry ====

- no report -

[chair] - Tapestry released the 4.0 release they've been building up to
for 9 months or so; agreed on the move to TLP and are hard at work on 4.1.
There's an interesting thread going on about whether to backport 4.1 fixes
to 3.x.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project

[ Received January 19th - was for missing December report ]
News from Lucene land:

- New PMC member Andrzej Bialecki (already Nutch committer) voted in

- We had a vote for Stefan Groschupf to become a Nutch committer, but it
looks like there are some reservations about the quality of his patches,
so he may not get voted in

- Nutch's MapReduce branch has been merged into trunk, while branches
with previous releases are getting patched as needed

- Doug Cutting proposed that Nutch's components for distributed
computing (MapReduce and NDFS) be decoupled from Nutch and form a new
Lucene sub-project named Hadoop

- Incubator received a proposal for Solr, a Lucene-based search server,
originally donated by CNET, I think, and led by Yonik Seeley (Lucene
committer).  I believe Solr would become a Lucene sub-project upon

[ Received March 15th ]

This year Lucene has released versions 1.9 and a bug fix 1.9.1 of Java
Lucene.  Hadoop has been very active, with its split from Nutch.  In
incubation are Lucene4c and Lucene.NET.   Lucene4c has withered with no
activity recently.  Lucene.NET is finally picking up and getting its act
together with the incubation process.  Java Lucene 2.0 is now in active
development and we are expecting a release of it in the near future.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project

- SpamAssassin 3.1.1 was released.

- One new committer added: Kevin A. McGrail.

- (actually happened December) One new PMC member added: Sidney Markowitz

- The rules project is making good progress.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project

- two new committers: jhook, ralf
- Tomcat 5.5.15 stable was released
- Tomcat 5.5.16 was released
- Tomcat 6 planning and development was start
- JSP 2.1 support is in developement
- a new clustering module is in development, based around a new
  component for group communication named Tribes, which will support
  more options, including primary/secondary node session replication
- the new AJP APR connector has been put in production use for the ASF
  JIRA installation, and the two bugs found in the process have been

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

- Both Axis (using the Addressing add-on) and Axis2 successfully passed
  the WS-Addressing test suite

- Woden was demonstrated at the W3C Web Service Description Working
  Group F2F Meeting on Feb 28, 2006 during the Technical Plenary Week in
  Cannes, Mandelieu, France

- JaxMe released v0.5.1 on Jan 6, 2006

- Axis2 released v0.94 on Jan 11, 2006

- XML-RPC released v3.0a1 on Feb 18, 2006

- Woden released 1.0 M4 on Mar 7, 2006

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project

 * Added Lawrence Jones as an XMLBeans committer

 * No new major development lately -- mainly bug fixes lately
   to the 2.1 release.  Should be releasing a 2.1.1 in next 

 * Related to the note above, there has recently been a drop in 
   traffic on the dev list (other than lots of jira activity).  
   However, the user list is stronger than ever.

 * xmlbeanscxx folks are slowly getting started.

 * I'm thinking it's about time I step down as XMLBeans PMC 
   chair.  I'm not actively involved in the project, but have 
   been doing my best to handle chair responsibilities.  I think 
   the project would benefit from having an active committer take 
   my place, while I stay on as a PMC member.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

The Incubator will switch over to providing monthly reports to reduce the
size of each one, with roughly 1/3 of projects reporting each month.  We did
not reach 1/3 this month, but will pick up the pace next month.

Currently, we are revisiting Incubator policy with an eye to streamline
procedures, provide more oversight, and improve clarity and scalability.
There is some dicussion and difference of opinion on how many Mentors should
be necesary, but I'm sure that we will soon come to a consensus.

Less debate on the idea that a Mentor is an Incubator PMC member who is
providing oversight and guidance.  ASF Members can automatically join the
Incubator PMC upon request.  The Incubator PMC has also chosen to elect
non-Members to the PMC.

An IP claim was made this month regarding some code contributed to Harmony.
Harmony has not provided a report this month, but is actively and properly
addressing the matter.

Related to the Incubator only because we are the entry portal for projects,
we are seeing increasing pressure caused by the fact that JIRA cannot import
projects from existing JIRA instances.  A number of projects have external
issue tracking in JIRA that would like to have their issues migrated.  It
has not been a high priority for Atlassian, but perhaps we're starting to
see enough of an outcry from some of projects for things to change.  Plus,
with the underlying OFBiz technology becoming an ASF project, perhaps we can
get more hands involved in that layer of code.  An alternative would be to
host multiple JIRA instances, just as we currently host two instances of
bugzilla, the extra one being for SpamAssassin, although the RAM footprint
for that alternative could prove prohibitive.

JackRabbit has applied to the Board for TLP status.  The Incubator PMC has
voted to endorse the petition, and wishes the project much success.

Other projects are also doing quite well.  Were it not for the licensing
issue related to its use of Hibernate, I would consider Roller to be in pole
position for TLP status.

Below are contributed reports from those projects reporting this month.
JackRabbit is expected to graduate.  Kabuki and OFBiz should provide reports
next quarter.  I'll ask ActiveMQ, ServiceMix and Cayanne to submit more
detailed information again this quarter.



We have successfully released the 4.0-M4 milestone release of ActiveMQ and
are actively seeking feedback on if ActiveMQ can leave the incubator.


Cayenne just entered the incubator.


Jackrabbit accomplished its first official incubating release with version
0.9 of the Apache Jackrabbit reference implementation and JCR-RMI tools. Day
Software has confirmed that the version 0.9 jars have passed the JCR 1.0 TCK
with the current exclude list.

We are now getting reorganized for graduation from the Incubator to our own
top-level project at the Apache Software Foundation. The Jackrabbit
committers voted on March 11, 2006, to request graduation. In addition, we
made a call to refresh the list of active committers for an accurate
presentation to the board; Stefano Mazzocchi, Gianugo Rabellino, Tim Reilly,
and Andrew Savory have requested emeritus status, meaning that they won't be
listed on the initial project management committee but are welcome to come
back if they choose to rejoin the project at a later time.


We have created the mailing lists and source repository but are still
waiting for initial committer accounts to be created. The contributed source
code has been changed to the Apache license and source packages renamed
appropriately. As soon as a majority of the initial committers have write
access to the repository, the source will be moved to the Apache servers.


The OFBiz project has commenced incubation in a slow-but-steady way, as can
be seen here:

Most of the infrastructure is set up and waiting to be transitioned, but the
concensus seems to be to take things slowly. There are a fair number of
people using the infrastructure, and making a mess of it for very long would
create problems for users.

All of the original committers bar Si Chen (who has sent his CLA in, and is
waiting for it to be processed) have got their accounts.

Work is ongoing to eliminate any LGPL code, although it appears there are
some technical obstacles:

(I'm not much of a Java guy, so anyone willing to help out there is welcome
to have at it!)

In terms of collecting CLA's, there is a lot of work to be done, but the
OFBiz guys are chipping away at it:

For those interested in technical developments, Si Chen does a weekly
roundup of interesting changes here:


We are in the process of preparing a milestone release.

End of minutes for the March 15, 2006 board meeting.
