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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                            April 26, 2006

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 PST -0800 and was begun at
    10:02 when a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held by teleconference,
    hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Ken Coar
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Jim Jagielski
        Stefano Mazzocchi
        Sam Ruby
        Greg Stein

    Directors Absent:

        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Ben Laurie
        Sander Striker


        Cliff Schmidt
        Henri Yandell

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes in Subversion are found under the URL:

    Append the minutes URIs to that to access them through the Web.

    A. The meeting of March 15, 2006

       SVN - board/board_minutes_2006_03_15.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Greg reported that all has been pretty quiet. He did note
       his keynote at EclipseCon, in which we talked about the
       ASF and Open Source in general.

    B. President [Sander]

       Status on OSU OSL and contracting Joe Schaeffer.  Contract
       details with OSU OSL are being finalized today.  Contract for
       Joe will be available tomorrow.  Joe has already started.
       Secretarial service is still pending.

    C. Treasurer [Justin]

       Our fiscal year closes on April 30th.  Based on preliminary
       calculations, we are over 33.3% of public support for 2005-2006FY.
       Preliminary P&L statements for 2005-2006FY are submitted as
       Attachment O.

       Based on these numbers for 2005-2006FY and prior discussions, I
       have drafted Attachment P which is submitted as initial spending
       allocations for 2006-2007FY.  Additional allocations may be
       approved as required throughout the new fiscal year.

       Due to the fact that most accountants that I have talked to have
       been either non-responsive or indicated that we are either too
       small or too large to be handled by them, I'm going to do a
       first-cut pass at our 990 return in the next month.  My goal is
       to have the preliminary 990 return available for review by the
       Annual Members' Meeting.  If trouble is encountered during this
       prelimary drafting, I will pursue another round of accountant
       quotes.  However, an accountant will not be able to collect
       information whereas I am expected to provide all information to
       the accountant.  Therefore, I feel that it's best to take a
       preliminary pass on our own to try to ensure that we have all
       requisite information.  Ultimately, accuracy and fidelity of the
       return does rest with the Board and Treasurer not an accountant.

       Current Balances as of 4/24/2006:

       Paypal              $    437.39 (-$   945.78)
       Checking            $ 17,275.75 (-$14,321.82)
       Savings             $225,670.95 (+$25,325.66)
       Total               $243,384.09 (+$10,058.06)

       Justin additionally reported that we are expecting an
       addition $25k from ApacheCon US 2005.

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       The membership was queried regarding the date and format
       of the annual ASF members meeting. The main discussion topics
       were whether it should be in May and completely virtual,
       or whether we should hold off until June (to match up with
       AC Europe) and have some sort of hybrid meeting. There was
       very little response, but the majority of those who did
       respond indicated that they would prefer it NOT be a
       hybrid. In any case, we will definitely need to use the
       voter tool, and not use paper ballots at all (even for
       the new member elections). Jim will be offline June 18-24th
       and would prefer it not be scheduled during that time. One
       possibility would be to start the meeting, virtually, on
       June 16th and recess the meeting until some time during
       AC Europe, where the meeting could continue and end via
       a hybrid setup (in-person and IRC).

       So far, 2 of the sent-out "Thank You For Your Donation"
       letters have been returned as undeliverable: Front Gate
       Tickets and Jason S. Friedman. I am holding onto these
       and will forward to Justin.

       No updates yet on the D&O Insurance, so I am looking at
       other brokers. Other than the normal *CLA/Grants/etc
       paperwork, we've received no correspondence requiring
       board attention.
    E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff]

       Cliff reported that the 3rd Party License report will
       likely be officially released later on this month (April),
       at which point he will start on the Copyright/Header
       issues. Regarding the 3rd Party License report, it is
       fully expected that, even though discussed and reviewed,
       there will be further discussions upon release. The board's
       stand is that we should release it "as is" and retify
       things if required. All new projects will need to adhere
       to the policy; existing projects will be given time to
       bring their codebases up to policy standards.

       The board expressed their appreciation to Cliff for
       a Job Well Done.

    F. VP of JCP [Geir]

       No report.

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Stefano]

       See Attachment A

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Conference Planning [Ken Coar]

       See Attachment B

       Ken reported that things are on-track for the Dublin
       show. The next US ApacheCon will be in Austin, TX.

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache DB Project [Brian McCallister / Sam]

       See Attachment C

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Greg]

       See Attachment D

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache Geronimo Project [Ken Coar]

       See Attachment E

       It was asked if code contributions to Geronimo were
       bypassing the Incubator. The main issue is whether the
       sponsor gets to select the final destination of the
       It was noted that Trifork/Yoko split off and it was asked
       if this effectively caused the commit list to be reduced.
       It was reported that no one has lost commit access.
       The question was raised on whether the timeline for
       persons to go from committer to PMC membership was out-of-line
       with that seen in other projects. It was reported that this
       was actively being watched, but no action has been taken, or
       is required, at this time.
       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman / Dirk]

       See Attachment F

       Greg was to ask for reports for Abdula and AltRMI.
       Stefano noted that Harmony was "growing like a weed" but in
       a good way. Henri and Cliff confirmed that releasing Roller
       under ASF infrastructure was awaiting the final release of the
       3rd Party (LGPL) Policy and that appropriate discussions are

       Approved by General Consent.

    G. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas / Sander]

       See Attachment G

       Approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Jim]

       See Attachment H

       Jim was asked to verify that the appropriate IP clearance
       forms have been complete for all codebases from Codehaus.
       Jim contacted Jason and he indicated that both he (Jason)
       and Brett Porter have ensured that all committers have iCLAs
       on file for the Codehaus plugins referred to in the report.
       Approved by General Consent.

    I. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Justin]

       See Attachment I

       Approved by General Consent.

    J. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Ben]

       See Attachment J

       Greg expressed concern over the splitting of the user mailing
       Approved by General Consent.

    K. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard Lewis Ship / Sam]

       See Attachment K

       Approved by General Consent.

    L. Apache TCL Project [David Welton / Greg]

       See Attachment L

       Approved by General Consent.

    M. Security Team [Ben Laurie]

       See Attachment M

       There was no report. Sander was tasked with getting a
       security report.

    N. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Roy Fielding / Sander]

       See Attachment N

       Approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

    A. Change of XMLBeans PMC Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Cliff
       Schmidt to the office of Vice President, Apache XMLBeans 
       Project, and

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
       resignation of Cliff Schmidt from the office of Vice
       President, Apache XMLBeans Project;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Cliff Schmidt is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache XMLBeans Project, and

       be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President,
       Apache XMLBeans Project, to serve in accordance with and subject
       to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed.

       Special Order 6A, Change of XMLBeans PMC Chair, was approved
       via Unanimous Vote.

    B. Establish the Apache HiveMind Project
       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software based on the HiveMind services and
       configuration microkernel, for distribution at no charge to the

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "HiveMind PMC", be and
       hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
       be it further

       RESOLVED, that the HiveMind PMC be and hereby is responsible
       for the creation and maintenance of software related to
       creation and maintenance of open-source software and
       documentation related to the HiveMind Framework based on
       software licensed to the Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, HiveMind" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
       the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       HiveMind PMC, and to have primary responsibility for management
       of the projects within the scope of responsibility of the
       HiveMind PMC; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       HiveMind PMC:

         James Carman (
         Achim Huegen (
         Harish Krishnaswamy (
         Howard M. Lewis Ship (
         Knut Wannheden (

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that James Carman be
       appointed to the office of Vice President, HiveMind, to serve
       in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
       a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial HiveMind PMC be and hereby is tasked
       with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to encourage open
       development and increased participation in the HiveMind
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial HiveMind PMC be and hereby is tasked
       with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Jakarta
       PMC HiveMind subproject; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Jakarta
       HiveMind sub-project and encumbered upon the Apache Jakarta PMC
       are hereafter discharged.

       There was some discussion regarding the self-referential/
       recursive nature of the charter. The concern was that it
       does not adequately define the exact definition of the
       project, nor provide adequate controls over what aspects
       would fall under the charter of the project. It was agreed
       that this is hardly unique to HiveMind. The board decided to
       leave the resolution "as is" since normal PMC and board
       oversight should be sufficient to avoid any problems.

       Special Order 6B, Establish the Apache HiveMind Project, was approved
       via Unanimous Vote.

7. Discussion Items

    A. Annual Members Meeting
       As reported in his report, Jim queried the membership regarding
       member meeting dates and formats. Based on the little feedback
       provided, the board decided to have a IRC-based members meeting,
       set for either June 13-15 (primary) or June 6-8 (secondary). Jim
       was to close the loop with the membership, obtain feedback and
       then officially schedule the meeting.

    B. Copyright dates in source files

       As noted in Cliff's report, this issue is currently being
       worked on. It was noted that it is against ASF policy,
       as well as simply wrong, to change Copyright dates when the
       files/codebases have not undergone "substantial" or
       "significant" change.

    C. OSI Membership Model

8. Review of Current Action Items

    o Tapestry Reports had not received:
      This has been resolved, since they have since been received.

    o Ken to get Portals Report:
      Ken is working the issue.

    o Jim to inform Incubator regarding "Lead Mentor" requirement:
      Jim has done so, and there has been some discussion within
      the Incubator. The main issue is that the concept of Lead
      Mentor appears to be opposed to the idea of "all are equals."
      It was noted that Lead Mentor is simply a device to ensure
      a single point-of-contact for administrative purposes.
      Incubator has agreed.

    o Sys Admin Help:
      Sander is working the issue.

    o cli-dev (sub)project:
      Justin to inform them that it is time to shut this down.

    o Beehive Chair Change:
      Greg to inform the Beehive PMC of the change of chair.

9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business

11. Announcements

12. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific).  Adjourned at 11:43.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

Quarterly Report from Apache Beehive to the Apache Board Beehive PMC

April 26, 2006

- In all, a pretty quiet quarter
- Released a 1.0.1 patch release
- Growing activity in the user community
- Requested the JSR-181 TCK

Shipped a 1.0.1 release in early February with about 100 bug fixes. 
Currently working toward what will likely become a 1.1 release
sometime in the next few months; so far, this consists mostly of
incremental fixes to 1.0 and a few small features. Need to add more
substance to this and put additional features in plan.

We have requested the JSR-181 TCK through Geir.  Are awaiting word on
the status of that request.

- Growing activity in the user community in particular from people
starting to use Beehive to build apps.  Have also received several
questions about Maven support, which was added to the sandbox this

Attachment B: Status report for the Conference Planning

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache DB Project

New PMC Members:
* Michelle Caisse
* Michael Bouschen

New Committers:
* Bryan Pendleton (Derby)
* Rick Hillegas (Derby)
* Knut Anders Hatlen (Derby)

* JDO 2 API Released

Incubator Activity:
* Cayenne entered incubation sponsored by the DB project. Bill
Dudney, Jim Jagielski, Jean Anderson, and Brian McCallister are
serving as mentors.

* OpenJPA entered incubation under sponsorship of the Incubator PMC.
This is not a DB project but is closely related to the DB project and
hopefully we will all be able to help each other out more.

* Support for Axion's incubation has been officially withdrawn by the
DB project.

Noteworthy Events:
* JDO 2 JSR passes in the Java Community Process. API's, TCK, and RI
are all open source.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

We've added two new PMC members (szoerner and ersiner) and a couple of
committers to MINA (proyal and niklas).  MINA has a new dev list because
of all the traffic it's been having.

Other than this we have had a steady stream of releases for MINA and
ApacheDS.  Looks like we're stalling a little bit on Naming but you
never know when it will fire back up.  ApacheDS 1.0 RC1 has released
with an RC2 to follow shortly.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Geroniomo Project

his report covers the period from 2006-01-18 through 2006-04-18.

- ---------
Presentations about Apache Geronimo were given variously by
Dain Sundstrom, Aaron Mulder, Matt Hogstrom, and Jeff at JAOO
and The Server Side Symposium.

A lot of work went into giving the Geronimo Web a major facelift.

The issue of having a Confluence wiki hosted on Apache hardware
was raised again, since the vast majority of opinions polled on
the dev list favoured keeping the Geronimo documentation in that
format.  Some progress has been made, but at the moment the
documentation is still hosted at a third-party Confluence
installation offsite.

In this period, 422 JIRA issues were created, 205 were closed,
and 14 closed ones were reopened.  (The reopened ones were not
necessarily closed during this interval.)

- ----
Jason Dillon and Kevan Lee Miller were invited to join the PMC,
and both accepted.

A number of individuals who have been given commit karma in
the past have subsequently largely disappeared from the
project.  Although the PMC hasn't yet decided what to do
about that sort of situation, it has been a major factor
in several PMC members' opinions that an invitation to join
the PMC should not be considered for some indefinite interval
after karma has been granted.  Since I personally disagree
strongly with that position and am not satisfied that anyone
has identified any harmful effects, I do not consider the issue
yet closed.

Although the subject of project bylaws/guidelines has come
up several times, and various people are ruminating on the
issue, no concrete progress has been made on that front.

The PMC voted to offer commit karma to Hernan Cunico, and he
accepted.  There are other karma votes currently in progress.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Not too much to report this month, other than projects settling into the
task of Incubation.

It appears that Felix may apply for TLP status at the May Board meeting.

       --- Noel



The ActiveMQ project is progressing toward graduation and things are moving
along well. Below are the highlights of activity on the project:

 * Added Nabble forums as an alternative to ASF mailing lists
 * Added Nathan Mittler from Amazon as a committer
 * Working on the ActiveMQ 4.0 RC2 release candidate

Currently working to accept a donation from Amazon for the ActiveMQ C++ API

ADF Faces

ADF Faces incubation has started in the last weeks. The code repository has
been setup, the committer access has been granted, we are now waiting for an
import of a current code drop into the repository.

This will take some time as all package names are changed over to an Apache
like structure, and the ASL license is adopted as mentioned in the proposal.

Mailing lists have been setup, and mailing list traffic is slowly picking up



The Cayenne project is setting up its infrastructure. Existing mailing lists
were successfully migrated to Apache this month and are remain active. All
but one ICLA have been recorded and account requests submitted. We are also
working on getting our JIRA migration done and are hoping to be part of the
Confluence-as-a-document-editor trial.

We are preparing our last non-Apache release (1.2, currently in beta). Our
first step after this release will be to repackage everything to the
org.apache.cayenne namespace and release a new "apache" version to indicate
backwards compatibility will no longer be maintained.

We also have at least one LGPL issue, which is with a non-essential optional
platform binary build (Launch4J). This is a relatively-new feature (the
ability to run the Cayenne Modeler as a native binary) and, worse case, we
can remove the feature to get rid of the dependency. However, a number of
potential replacements with compatible licenses have been identified and
will be evaluated as a first attempt to solve the issue.


 * Entire Felix build process migrated to Maven (M2).
 * Mangen contributed by Rob Walker for managing bundle dependencies
 * Several of the UPnP people are now committers and contributions
  have made their way into the repo with respective [C]CLAs.
 * Preparing for an initial release from the incubator
 * OSGi Alliance re-licensed R4 sources as ASL, not just ASL-compatible.
 * Worked with OSGi CTO BJ Hargrave to commit R4 core and compendium ASL
  sources to Felix repo with M2 build/deployment.
 * Wire Admin and Service Binder contributed and Humberto Cervantes a
 * Migrated Service Binder and related tutorial/examples to Felix repo
  with M2 build/deployment.
 * Dependency Manager contributed and Marcel Offermans a committer.
 * Additionally, Xenotron patch contribution by Peter Neubauer.
 * Created daemons and installers with nice packaging for soon to be
  released initial versions
 * Committed new OSGi Bundle Repository service, which is an OSGi
  Alliance sanctioned bundle repository based on previous OBR work.
 * Committed two new shell-related bundles, Shell GUI and Shell GUI
  Plugins, that provide a simple GUI front end for Felix.
 * PPMC is starting to estabilish policy around committership and
  membership (showing its autonomous nature)
 * Upayavira became a new mentor an has greatly accellerated the project
 * Many new committerss:
  * Francesco Furfari
  * Stefano Lenzi
  * Rob Walker
  * Marcel Offermans
  * Matteo Demuru
  * Humberto Cervantes
  * Karl Pauls

Quoting Upayavira: "Now, that shows signs of a healthy community. Adding
seven committers in one quarter :)"


* We are still working on our JCR support. This support is mainly done with
an object/Content mapping. We hope to finalize the first release of this
subproject for the ASF Europe Conf. This tools could be use in other open
source project.

* Sword Technologies is working on the workflow service and the first
Graffito module (personalized news management with syndication). The code
will be donate in May to the ASF.

* Still working with the Jetspeed team to see how to build a common release
for the ASF Europe Conf.

* We want to promote and make some "marketing" to increase the community


Harmony is going well, so well that it is not easy to sum up all the things
happening. There is, however, currently nothing requiring board or incubator
PMC attention. Highlights for the last quarter:
 * no releases.
 * We have welcomed one new PPMC member:
  * Tim Ellison
 * we have welcomed three new committers:
  * Mikhail Loenko
  * George Harley
  * Stepan Mishura
and expect to add quite a few more in the next quarter.

we have received and processed several more bulk contributions from
different parties, including for beans, regex, math, jndi, logging, prefs,
sql, math(again), crypto, and rmi (twice), hundreds upon hundreds of unit
tests, an eclipse plugin for doing harmony development, and more. Our
framework for accepting these contributions (based on jira, svn, and faxes
and documented on the harmony website) seems to be working well.

there was concern over a potential copyright infringement within our JCHEVM
component. This concern has been addressed by receiving a code donation for
the potentially infringing files, without having to resort to lawyers and to
the mutual satisfaction of all parties and under the watchful eye of the
Incubator PMC.

we have begun collaborating with the SableVM community, which has relicensed
its VM under the ALv2 (the related previous potential licensing/copyright
issues have been resolved without having to resort to lawyers and to the
mutual satisfaction of all parties and under the watchful eye of the
Incubator PMC).

we have seen a lot of discussion on how to do testing, how to use jira,
etc, as more and more developers gear up to contribute to the project. These
kinds of discussions are going well and the collaborative consensus-based
process is emerging.

we have identified the (future) need for some serious build and testing
server infrastructure but have not approached the infrastructure team about
this yet. IBM is currently hosting a Maven Continuum server to run the
harmony tests, and sending the results to our mailing lists.


Good activity in the previous quarter. Werner Dittman was voted in as a
committer and has been refactoring the initial code into a more long term
format. A test build has also been created on a Win32 platform.

The team involved in this are all committers on the xml-security project.
Over the next quarter we will be looking to promote this from the Incubator
into the xml project as a part of xml-security.


Now that the initial committer list has their Apache accounts, the project
will be beginning real soon now. No other news to report at this time.


The log4net team is putting together release 1.2.10. The release has been
approved by the Logging PMC and is now waiting for approval by the Incubator
PMC. This release includes a number of fixes for the current 1.2.9 release.
One of these is a fix for a security issues that was raised through We would like to thank Mark Cox from the security team
for his help managing this issue.


The Lokahi project is still setting up its infrastructure: Subversion has
been set up with proper commit privileges, and the initial code import just
took place a couple of days ago. The Lokahi name has been cleared as far as
trademark usage goes.


There has been no activity since the last report. At some point soon we will
likely want to officially mark this project as dormant.


Lucene.Net has recently gotten into the swing of things. George Aroush has
officially moved the project from Sourceforge to the ASF repository. A very
active contributor from the Sourceforge project has been proposed and is
pending the receipt of his CLA.


Ode is currently adding a new round of commiters to its developer base. The
Software grants for both donations from Intalio and Sybase have arrived and
both have been checked in.

The community is actively discussing development plans for the two code


The OFBiz team continues to gather individual contributor license agreements
(iCLAs) from people who have contributed to the project in the past: this
effort is nearly complete, and we expect to import OFBiz code into the ASF
Subversion repository soon. You can see the progress of getting iCLAs at

In addition, the OFBiz PPMC has been setup and all initial committers and
mentors subscribed to it. OFBiz management discussions have been taking
place on that list for a few weeks now.

In summary, things are progressing well. No major issues at this time.


Roller development has been proceeding at a steady pace. The mailing lists
seem to be getting more active with new users cropping up all the time. IBM
DeveloperWorks now uses Roller for their blogs, LinPro AS is working on a
large number of installations and North Carolina State Unversity is support
to go live with campus-wide student blogs powered by Roller before the end
of this month.

A Roller 2.2 release candidate was created on the 2nd to last Thursday of
March (per our release cycle), we've gone through 5 release candidates now
and a vote was called today (April 18th) for release.

For Roller 2.3, Allen Gilliland has been doing some major refactoring work
in the Roller backend. Dave Johnson has been working on smaller issues
including support for both weblog entry summary and content. A 2.3 release
candidate may be appearing on Thursday, since it's the 2nd to last.

Looking forward, a new development roadmap has been prepared that covers
Roller 2.3, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 releases. Dave's Roller talk was accepted at
ApacheCon EU in June 2006.

Other issues: LGPL issues are still unresolved and holding up graduation.


The ServiceMix project is progressing along. Below are the recent project

 * Added Nabble forums as an alternative to ASF mailing lists
 * Currently preparing the ServiceMix 3.0 M1 milestone release


The Solr team has been focusing on preparing its first release candidate out
of the incubator, and is getting fairly close: maybe another couple of weeks
before we vote. All committers and mentors are on the solr-dev mailing list,
where discussion has been taking place. All ASF resources (Subversion,
mailing list, etc.) seem to have been created and are functioning well. We
have also been taking this time to re-think our distro contents, e.g. where
to put examples, whether to package Tomcat for an out-of-the-box working
webapp, etc: those discussions have been taking place on the solr-dev list,
which is public, and everyone is welcome to join.


The Synapse team continues to work towards an M2 release and graduation.

WebWork 2

The last quarter has seen the creation of the WebWork 2 podling and rapid
progress. Our focus has been on migrating code, resources, developers, IP,
and community over to the ASF.

Code: we have imported the code into the Incubator SVN, and have renamed
packages, taglib prefixes, and any other references to the old WebWork
project over to the new Struts Action Framework 2 project, where the final
location of the code will be.

Resources: We've migrated the code to the Apache SVN, setup and migrated
JIRA tickets to the new server, and are in the process of
migration wiki documentation.

Developers: The core WebWork 2 developers have been given accounts and
access to the podling, voted in through the proposal. We plan to vote the
remaining committers in one-by-one through the Struts PMC, serving as the
IPMC for the podling.

IP: The OpenSymphony organization, who owns the copyright on the WebWork 2
project, has delivered a code grant allowing us to change the copyright.
Additionally, we've removed most of the LGPL source code (usually in the
form of Javascript libraries) and have developed an optional build that
compiles integration code depending on LGPL jars, in accordance to the draft
IP policy document.

Community: The WebWork 2 developers have joined the Struts mailing lists and
have been very active in participating with both development and user
threads. They have been just as, if not more, active committing to the code
repository as Struts committers, and when conflicts arise, they are very
quick to come to a solution in a positive way. In addition, several Struts
committers have joined OpenSymphony forums, chat rooms, and projects further
strengthening the relationship.

We are definitely planning on exiting the Incubator this next quarter,
possibly within weeks. We see a bright future for the Struts Action project,
and hope to facilitate a new spirit of cooperation within the competitive
landscape of Java web application frameworks.


The WADI podling has decided to retire and not complete incubation. This
decision was made by the participants, supported by the sponsoring Geronimo
PMC, and announced to the Incubator PMC. The project will continue at [WWW]


Yoko is currently adding a new round of commiters to its developer base. The
Software grant for the donation from IONA arrived and the code base has been
checked in. The codebase from the original Trifork donation has been moved
from Geronimo to Yoko.

The community is actively discussing development plans for the two code
bases. Look to see intense discussions at JavaOne and ApacheCon EU.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache James Project

One test release (not official), one new committer (Bernd Fondermann),
one new PMC member (Stefano Bago).

There are commits, JIRA issues getting resolved, more traffic, and
generally more interest these days.  Maybe we can thank JBoss/RedHat for
building a Java mail server.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Everything is going along well with the Maven projects. I think we're
up there in activity on mailing lists and we're still getting a steady
increase in community participation. One item of note is that many of
the core developers put aside a good chunk of time to get out a free
Maven Book.

New Projects
* maven-changes-plugin from the Codehaus Mojo project
* Move NUnit plugin into the Plugins Sandbox
* Move C# plugins in the Plugins Sandbox
* Move maven-changelog-plugin from the Codehaus Mojo project
* Bring the maven-surefire-report-plugin over from the Codehaus Mojo project
* Bring maven-jxr-plugin over from the Codehaus Mojo project
* Bring maven-dependency-plugin over from the Codehaus Mojo project

New PMC Members
* Stephane Nicoll
* Fabrizio Giustina

New Committers
* Chris Stevenson
* Brian Fox
* Torbjorn Eikli Smorgrav
* Fabrice Bellingard
* Maria Odea Ching
* John Tolentino
* Jesse McConnell
* Milos Kleint

* Maven 2.0.3
* Maven 2.0.4
* How to list all the plug-ins?

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

 * No new release published since last report, next release (1.1.2) soon
 * Growing and healthy community
 * Tobago moving out of incubator
 * ADF Faces incubated
 * Transfer of "" domain to ASF is done

 * Latest release: still 1.1.1, published on October 27, 2005
 * 1.1.2 was close to releasing in February, but release testing
   was stopped because the community decided to do a massive refactoring
   first. This refactoring affects the use of code, that is shared between
   core implementation and the Tomahawk component set. To be able to have
   independent release cycles for MyFaces Core and MyFaces Tomahawk it was
   necessary to cut the runtime dependency to those shared classes for
   The refactoring was successful and we are currently preparing the new
   release (testing, TCK, vote). We are confident to be able to release by
   end of April.

 * Growing: 4 new committers since the last status report
 * Healthy: 806 subscribers and 47 mails per day on our user list, 327
   subscribers and 33 mails per day on our dev list. Up to 32000 page
   per day on our website.

The Tobago JSF component set
was successfully voted out of the incubator and the community is currently
doing the move out of the incubator.

ADF Faces
The ADF Faces component set (aka Oracles ADF donation to the ASF) was
successfully incubated:

Transfer of domain "" to Apache Dotster is done.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

The Struts community has been a busy one this last quarter. In terms of
releases, we released Struts 1.2.9, primarily to fix a reported
vulnerability, and Shale 1.0.2 Alpha. We also made available Struts Action
1.3.1 Test Build, the first completed build in the Struts Action 1.3 line.

After voting to accept WebWork 2, we have made progress towards removing
external dependencies with non-compatible licenses, and migrating the code
base from OpenSymphony to Struts.

We have decided to move all of the Struts components to JIRA for issue
tracking, and to Maven 2 for our build system. There has been much
discussion of splitting the user mailing list into multiple lists, based
on sub-project, but no consensus has been reached.

On the people front, we added Gary VanMatre to the PMC, and five new
committers (Alexandru Popescu, Rene Gielen, Rainer Hermanns, Toby Jee, and
Ian Roughley) as part of bringing WebWork 2 into the fold.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry has been in a state of transition away from a Jakarta
sub-project and to an Apache top level project.

Two new PMC members / committers have been added: Andreas Andreou and
Brian K. Wallace. Andreas has been active in the external Tacos
project (Ajax components for Tapestry). He and Brian have been
actively mentoring and supplying patches for months.

Bug fix releases of Tapestry 3 (release 3.0.4) and Tapestry 4 (release
4.0.1) have been released. These efforts have been spearheaded by
Jesse Kuhnert and Brian K. Wallace.

We've succesfully moved the SVN repository out from under the Jakarta
project. Howard Lewis Ship has taken over responsibility for granting
SVN access karma to Tapestry team members.

We're beginning to formulate rules and procedures for breaking the
Tapestry project into individual sub-projects. We are facing a large
amount of work to convert from an Ant-based build to a Maven2-based
build, primarily in terms of documentation (reams of which are
currently in Forrest XML format).

We are working on a new logo for Tapestry and expect to debut the new web site when it is ready. Our remaining
transfer tasks concern other bits of infrastructure to move out from
under Jakarta: the Tapestry wiki, and the Tapestry mailing lists.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache TCL Project

Not a great deal to report this quarter, as there hasn't been a lot of
activity.  There has been some work towards a Rivet 2.0 by a new
contributor, and some improvements to Websh.

Attachment M: Status report for the Security Team

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project

Over the past month, Apache Jackrabbit completed its graduation from
incubator, moved to its new home at, and made
our big 1.0 release using the mirrors.

The only thing of board interest is that we have implemented the
file header proposed on legal-discuss last year.

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

Attachment O: Preliminary 2005-2006FY P&L Report

                           May '05 - Apr 06

   Interest Income                $2,303.56
   Program Income
     Code Awards                 $19,000.00
     Conference                  $28,699.54
     Total Program Income        $47,699.54
   Contributions Income
     Unrestricted                $94,374.48
   Unrelated Business Income         $43.74

   Total Income                 $144,421.32


   Bank Service Charges           $1,413.57
   Finance Charge                     $4.94
   Licenses and Permits             $608.00
   Office Supplies                  $757.37
   PayPal Charges                   $326.36
   Postage and Delivery             $222.81
   Printing and Reproduction      $2,236.20
   Program Expenses
     Hardware Purchases           $1,401.69
     Colocation expense          $20,750.00
     Program Expenses - Other    -$1,082.42
     Total Program Expenses      $21,069.27
   Telephone                      $1,265.99

   Total Expense                 $27,904.51

   Net Income                   $116,516.81

Attachment P: Proposed Initial 2006-2007FY Spending Allocations

   Bank Service Charges           $3,500.00
   Licenses and Permits             $350.00
   Office Supplies                $1,000.00
   PayPal Charges             (% of Paypal)
   Postage and Delivery             $500.00
   Program Expenses
     Hardware Purchases           $3,000.00
     Colocation expense (.5yr)   $10,500.00
     Sysadmin Position (.5yr)    $30,000.00
     Sysadmin Contract (.5yr)    $30,000.00

   Total Expense                 $78,850.00

End of minutes for the April 26, 2006 board meeting.
