Links: 2006 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2006
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and was begun when
a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
the chairman at 10:02. The meeting was held by teleconference,
hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent:
US Number : 800-531-3250
International : 303-928-2693
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Ken Coar (arrived 10:21)
Justin Erenkrantz
Dirk-Willem van Gulik
Jim Jagielski
Sam Ruby
Cliff Schmidt
Greg Stein
Sander Striker (arrived 10:03 due to Skype issues)
Henri Yandell
Directors Absent:
3. Minutes from previous meetings
4. Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Greg]
The organization continues to move forward with its business.
There have been no significant discussions at the Board level,
and only a bit at the Members level. The attention of a number
of Directors has been focused on the Geronimo project and the
PRC, but the Vice Presidents have been handling the situations
responsibly and appropriately.
B. President [Sander]
Closure on OSU OSL in sight. Expect to be concluded by next board
meeting latest.
Work on Infrastructure progressing slowly. There has been more
focus on day to day maintenance than anything else. A start has
been made at seperating 'websites' and 'people'. Planning on
repurposing machines and moving services has stalled a bit. In
part by the lack of clarity on moving or not.
C. Treasurer [Justin]
Work progresses on preparing our tax returns. Counsel has
contacted the IRS and the ruling was "More is better" - so we
will be collecting information for all officers and Directors for
inclusion. The filing deadline is September 15th.
We have had some confusion over where Car Program should send our
checks. Jim received some checks from them and passed them along
to our lockbox where they were deposited.
ALL Directors and Officers MUST fill in
This needs to be completed ASAP.
See Attachment O for Q1 FY2006-2007 P&L report.
Current balances (as of 08/15/2006):
Paypal $ 971.97 (+$ 187.83)
Checking $ 13,367.62 (-$ 1,169.37)
Savings $200,000.00 (-$ 6,941.05)
Total $214,339.59 (-$ 5,583.85)
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]
Office-wise, this has been a slow month. For some reason, the
checks from Car Program were not being sent to the lockbox
address, and were instead being returned to the Car
Program offices. I've contacted them and they have started
delivering them again to the Munsey Drive address. I will
simply continue sending them to the lockbox myself, and
not tempt fate in trying to get Car Program to update the
delivery address again.
I have an update on the insurance issue, which will be
provided at the meeting.
I've contacted a few local secretarial services to help
offload some of the more mundane tasks. Our situation is
unique enough (and "techie" enough) that they kind of glaze
over when I describe the tasks. No doubt we need some sort
of web interface/automation if we want to be able to widen
the pool of potential service providers in this area. We
currently have 2 proposals.
Jim reported to the board that the ASF has a new Director's
and Officer's (D&O) insurance policy. Justin should be
expecting the invoice in a day or so. Jim will scan and
commit the D&O paperwork.
E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff]
LICENSING HEADER: About to move the deadline back to Nov 1st
due to my slowness in getting out an email to committers@
pointing to new policy. However, many projects are
already switching over from pointers on legal-discuss.
CRYPTO EXPORT DOCS: Lots of work with APR and especially
James on fine-tuning the format for the email reports and
web page. Have updated the docs to reflect this. Pretty
much done now -- just need to include this on the
committers@ email (see above re: license header).
THIRD-PARTY LICENSING POLICY: Haven't gotten to this yet, but
hoping to make minor revisions and make enforcement
approach clear in doc (as described in previous reports)
and then call it final, and ideally have it included in
same email to committers as alerts on src header and
crypto docs. (No change since last month)
PATENT LICENSING IN CCLAS: I've continued to do some
research and have some discussions with various companies
and other open source organizations on this topic. I
still hope to have a report comparing the options by the
end of this month.
STANDARDS LICENSING: A large software company will be soon
be releasing a new patent license (actually a promise
not to sue), under which several specifications will be
covered. Much of our feedback has been incorporated
into the latest draft. I expect we will be satisfied
with the final result (TBA this month).
F. VP of JCP [Geir]
[ due this month ]
5. Committee Reports
A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Henri]
See Attachment A
Approved by General Consent
B. Apache Cocoon Project [Reinhard Poetz / Cliff]
See Attachment B
Approved by General Consent
C. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Ken]
See Attachment C
Approved by General Consent
D. Apache HTTP Server Project [Roy T. Fielding / Sander]
See Attachment D
Approved by General Consent
E. Apache Lenya Project [Gregor J. Rothfuss / Greg]
See Attachment E
Henri asked if we care about the sporadic labelling projects
have for Bylaws, Guidelines, Charter? It was agreed that the
resolutions that create the projects will specify the
legal name, but the concept for all of them are the same.
Approved by General Consent
F. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Jim]
See Attachment F
Approved by General Consent
G. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Justin]
See Attachment G
Approved by General Consent
H. Public Relations Committee [Brian Fitzpatrick / Sam]
See Attachment H
Jim noted that the report did not include notice of Fitz's
request to step down, even though they are not yet ready to
propose a replacement yet.
Approved by General Consent
I. Apache Santuario Project [Berin Lautenbach / Dirk]
See Attachment I
Dirk suggested that we should have them report back next month;
the project as reported no action while established 2 months ago.
Approved by General Consent
J. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Henri]
See Attachment J
No report provided. Henri to follow up with Brian.
K. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Justin]
See Attachment K
Jim commented on the FAX comment in the report: it likely it
happened last week while I was out on vacation. We had a power
hit and the FAX went offline something like Wed. nite or
so. The old policy (any officer can acceptiCLAs) and the new
soon-to-be-announced policy (acceptance of scanned images) should
resolve all these cases.
Approved by General Consent
L. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Dirk]
See Attachment L
Approved by General Consent
M. Apache XML Graphics Project [Jeremias Maerki / Ken]
See Attachment M
Approved by General Consent
N. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman / Sander]
See Attachment N
Greg suggested that for future reports, we should have a short,
one-line description of what the project is. Unlike established
projects, many of these are unknown, so it is hard to know what
something like "Abdera" is trying to accomplish. Jim also
suggested that they include the name(s) of the Mentor(s).
Basically, the board is requesting a short admin overview from:
Greg also noted the number of dormant projects and would like
to see some closure.
Approved by General Consent
6. Special Orders
A. Resolution to change the Chair of the Jackrabbit PMC
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Roy
T. Fielding to the office of Vice President, Apache Jackrabbit,
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
resignation of Roy T. Fielding from the office of Vice
President, Apache Jackrabbit;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Roy T. Fielding is
relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
the office of Vice President, Apache Jackrabbit, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jukka Zitting be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Jackrabbit,
to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special Order 6A, Change the Chair of the Jackrabbit PMC, was
approved by Unanimous Vote.
B. Resolution to approve contract with Jon Jagielski
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary to
contract a secretarial and organizational agency to support the
work of the Secretary, and
WHEREAS, the identification of an agency which meets the
service and technical requirements of the Apache Software
Foundation has been difficult, and
WHEREAS, Jon Jagielski has been determined to meet the
requirements of the Foundation;
NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Treasurer of the Apache
Software Foundation, Justin Erenkrantz, is hereby directed to
proceed with contracting Jon Jagielski for the secretarial and
organizational services necessary to support the work of the
Special Order 6B, Contract out for Secretarial Support, was
approved by a vote of 8 Yeas and 1 Abstention (Jim Jagielski).
7. Discussion Items
Ken noted that ApacheCon Asia was, by all initial counts,
a big success. He will have more information within a month or
8. Review of Current Action Items
9. Unfinished Business
10. New Business
A. Someone has suggested, very cautiously and with great
sensitivity, the possibility of arranging freelance
contracts for Apache people, potentially with a percentage
of the contract being donated to the ASF. How would
we feel about this sort of thing?
Discussion: The actual "mechanics" of such a thing were
discussed, and the board wondered why it was even required.
It was noted that we already had processes in place
for such a "job announcement" capability. It was agreed
that this could be more visible and well-noted on the
11. Announcements
12. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific). Adjourned at 11:20am.
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project
o Current Release
The current release remains Ant 1.6.5 which was released on June 2,
2005. There have been no releases since the previous board report.
o Ant 1.7
Kev Jackson will be the release manager for Ant 1.7 (supported by
Antoine Levy-Lambert). The release plan was proposed and agreed at the
end of July. An alpha build has been produced for initial testing
o Development Activities
Upcoming development activities will be focussed on the Ant 1.7 release
and releasing associated libraries.
o Legal Issues
o PMC/Committers
Kev Jackson was added to the PMC by a PMC vote in early August.
o Community
No issues.
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project
Releases / Ongoing work
- After a long time of work we have started to release milestone
artifacts based on our trunk. After moving our build system to
Maven 2 we are able to release Cocoon in smaller chunks. This has
the big benefit that people can assemble what they need from Cocoon
based on binary artifacts. Additionally we can start to have
different release cycles for different parts of our codebase.
- Having said this we plan to release our most important artifacts
every 6 weeks. Our goal is to enter into a time-based release cycle
instead of a feature-based. In the past we identified a
feature-based release cylce as the major reason for not to release.
- We plan to release Cocoon 2.1.10 soon which might be the last
release of our 2.1.x branch.
- Google accepted the GSoC proposal "Repeater Pagination, Google
Maps and Ajax Support" of Matthias Epheser.
- We voted in 4 new committers: Andreas Hochsteger, Jason Jonston,
Peter Hunsberger, Ard Schrijvers
- At the time of writing this, Peter Hunsberger has accepted our
invitation to become PMC member. The invitations to the others are
- Daniel Fagerstrom and Peter Royal have become ASF members.
- Arje Cahn has started preprations for the 5th anual Cocoon
GetTogether which will take place in Amsterdam from October 2nd to
October 4h.
We have started to work on changing the license headers of our source
files in order to comply with the new source header policy.
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project
Issues needing board attention
Changes in the PMC membership
New committer/PMC member Gavin McDonald <gmcdonald>
General status
The project still feels a nice place to be. Collaborative and
Some developers are participating more on the mail lists.
Most committers seem to be very busy, but obviously still have time to
dedicate to the project. Multiple committers are attending to tasks
such as fine-tuning the release process and regularly publishing the
Issues still to be dealt with by the Forrest PMC
Continue with our project guidelines docs.
Progress of the project
Updated our source license headers.
Investigated possibilities for distributing optional plugins that have
ASF-licensed bridge-code connecting to non-distributed products.
Reviewed and documented our release procedure in readiness for the
upcoming release.
Discussed our monthly IRC sessions. Since then, these seem to be on
hold. The project has not yet decided how to conduct future sessions.
Started to re-organise the website navigation to improve before
As mentioned last time, the next release is still not yet
ready. Progress is being made.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project
The Apache HTTP server project has had another active quarter in which
multiple products were released for GA. We have no board-level issues
at this time.
In the last three months, we have added Philip M. Gollucci to the PMC
and Brian Pane has resigned due to lack of free time. We have added
Bojan Smojver as a committer to the apreq library.
httpd 1.3.36 was released on May 17. After that, all of the source
file headers on our httpd release branches were updated in accordance
with the recent board resolution and are present in our current
releases. However, we have not yet updated the source file headers in
our subprojects.
A serious but difficult-to-exploit security vulnerability in
mod_rewrite was discovered by an external developer, reported via the
security mailing list on July 22nd, and patches prepared in private
before simultaneous publication of the vulnerability and release of
the fixed versions of httpd 2.2.3, 2.0.59, and 1.3.37 on July 27-28.
The security process seems to be working smoothly.
The apreq subproject successfully released libapreq2-2.08 on August 9.
mod_aspdotnet is being retired from the httpd project after an attempt
to release it failed to attract sufficient +1 votes. The project's
champion, Will Rowe, is researching an alternative home and structure
for future development.
The mod_python subproject successfully released mod_python 3.2.10 on
August 7.
There have been a number of conversations about updating our
documentation and BIS notice procedures related to the presence of
mod_ssl in httpd 2.x and the future addition of ssl code to APR. This
has been coordinated with Cliff Schmidt and should result in a new
export license information page sometime soon.
We have also had some discussion about updating our release package
naming to reflect the official product name for consistency with
NOTICE and BIS notifications. That is on hold while we try to figure
out what our official product name should be, given that the product
now serves more than just HTTP.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project
The last three months have been a busy time at Lenya. A lot of code
was written, and major progress made on trunk. A short list of
* almost all content is now referenced by UUID
* built-in Lucene index gets updated every time a document changes
* more code moved to modules
* arbitrary, configurable meta data introduced
* unit tests are run nightly again
The PMC discussed, voted on and published its guidelines at
No new committers have been added in the period, but some users show
promise for the next period.
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Logging Project
* The Logging Services PMC continues to track projects under
incubation: log4net, log4php.
* Mark Womack resigned as PMC chair and Curt Arnold was appointed by
the Board after nomination by the PMC to assume the office.
* There has been some recent discussion on a recurring topic of
logging for Javascript. There are several log4j-like Javascript
implementations in the wild and the authors of at least one of them
has expressed an interest in contributing to an ASF effort in that
space. The next step would be to attempt to gather a Javascript
logging interest group to decide what, if anything, that would be
beneficial for Logging Services to do in that space.
* Logging Services is currently structured as a "umbrella" project.
There was some discussion long time ago about modifying the bylaws
of the project so that it is a single project with multiple products
and I expect to reraise the issue shortly.
log4cxx Report
* An initial ASF release of log4cxx is long overdue. There ponly some
minor bug fixes this quarter and there still needs to be a
coordinated sprint to address the few remaining issues that have
been blocking a release. The user community remains healthy, but
development has been resource starved.
log4j Report
* A log4j 1.2.14 release candidate is expected shortly. The consensus
had been to end the log4j 1.2 version with log4j 1.2.13, however
there have been several significant concurrency issues repeated
encountered by the user community and fixed in the SVN that should
justify reconsidering that decision.
* A log4j 1.3 alpha 9 release is also expected shortly. Several
binary compatibility issues with log4j 1.2 have been resolved since
the last release. A contributed alternative set of appenders that
address some reentrancy and concurrency issues were moved from the
sandbox to the trunk for wider distribution and feedback.
log4net Report
* The log4net project is still in incubation.
* Work continues on the next point release containing minor bug
fixes. We are evaluating several enhancements that take advantage of
the new features in .NET 2.0. This raises backwards compatibility
* We have an open ended discussion on the use and storage of strong
name assembly signing keys. This may need further discussion at
wider level, and probably requires some sort of consensus amongst
all the .NET projects.
log4php Report
* No report available from log4php committers in time for this report.
The mailing list have been very quiet with only 7 messages on the
user list and no messages on the development list.
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Perl Project
-- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
Nothing much happening on that track. No new mod_perl 1.x releases
since the last report.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
no new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP and
no new Apache-Test releases since the last report
--- Apache-SizeLimt --
Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments. historically, the project maintained separate versions
for mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0, each of which was distributed as part of the
bundle of mod_perl core software. this quarter saw Apache-SizeLimit
spun off into its own repository and marked its first release as an
independent distribution.
o Apache-SizeLimt 0.90 - July 17, 2006
our hope is that development of Apache-SizeLimit will continue beyond
the initial flurry of activity surrounding this release, eventually
merging the separate 1.0 and 2.0 codebases into a single distribution.
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community -
bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual.
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy
has happened since the last report.
-- PMC --
the pmc invited three new committers to join various areas of the
project this quarter
o Frank Wiles (docs)
o Fred Moyer (docs)
o Dave Rolsky (Apache-SizeLimit)
Attachment H: Status report for the Public Relations
Apache Public Relations Committe Quarterly Board Report, August 2006
The PRC continues to discuss several issues as detailed below, and we
believe we are making progress. There are no issues requiring direct
attention from the Board at this time.
Sponsorship Program
We have made progress in determining the levels of sponsorship to be
made available, identifying some initial sponsors at various levels,
and discussing publicity around sponsorship. We hope to make the
finalized program, including guidelines for new sponsors and
announcement of the first one or two actual sponsors, public by
ApacheCon US 2006 later this year.
Jim Jagielski is taking ownership of this effort. Jim and Susan will
be working on pulling together the needed components of the sponsorship
program, based upon a proposal that was sent to the PRC list on July 17th.
We have made progress towards creating and publishing some public
relations documentation. We hope to establish a wiki in the near
future (possibly two, one for public consumption and one for private
debate) where we publish guidelines related to press releases, logo
usage, trademarks, working with the PRC, and more. The name space for
this is likely to be something like, analogous to
the dev documentation at
Logo Usage
We continue to monitor instance of inappropriate Apache logo usage
within and outside the Foundation, and correct these situations in a
professional way as soon as possible. This quarter we had an
interesting case with a custom Jackrabbit logo that is still being
resolved. Overall we believe we are dealing with these situations
efficiently and professionally, and that we have established a fairly
routine process for doing so.
As part of our efforts to create more documentation around our work, we
will create and publish an official logo guideline policy, in part based
off of the earlier guidance we provided to the Geronimo logo contest.
We will coordinate our efforts with the Legal Affairs group at the ASF.
Trade Shows
The Foundation officially participated with a booth presence at OSCON. We
had a professionally created banner that was donated by Covalent. The booth
functioned well as a central meeting point for all of the various ASF
attendees at OSCON, and we will look to have a similar presence at other
non-ASF conferences and events in the future. Currently, the banner is
being stored for us by Covalent, so in the case that we will need to access
it in the future, members are encouraged to email Jim Jagielski.
Covalent has also agreed to donate funds for the purposes of us developing
collateral for distribution at events. We envision developing three pieces
of collateral:
- a one page flyer relating to "What is the ASF and how you can
- a one page flyer relating to the Incubator: "What is the Incubator
and how does it work?"
- a one page flyer listing all of our projects and perhaps a one
line summary about what each does.
Vendor Relations
We issued a press release to announce the release of Geronimo version 1.1.
We have continued to provide guidance to vendors such as Virtuas and IBM
about their promotional activities around Geronimo. We are aware of the
"Open Source Marketing Group's" effort to create a vendor support group to
Geronimo. To date, we have given them the advice that any usage of the word
"Geronimo" in their name or URL will not be approved.
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
Real Life took over this month for a number of people, so not much in
the way of action. Some preparations for the Java 1.4 and C++ 1.3
releases of the XML security library.
Now that the infrastructure basics are in place, we need to focus some
time on revamping the web site and agreeing some project guidelines
and approaches.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
Xerces-P has been fully integrated into Xerces-C with the intention of
becoming a sub-project of Xerces-C instead of a stand-alone project.
The goal would be that all language bindings of Xerces-C would simply
be sub-projects and not full projects. Xerces-p would keep it's own
mailing lists, but the web site's would be merged as well as the SVN
repsoitories. Currently the website merging has not been started but
the SVN merging is already completed.
The perl test-suite would then be adapted to become a general purpose
test-suite of the full Xerces-C functionality. This has begun, but is
only partially completed due to a lack of core Xerces-C knowledge on
the part of the main Xerces-P developers.
Bug and docs fixes for DOM Level 3 and new build system have now been
completed (no known bugs). Work is continuing on an XInclude
implementation. A DOM Events implementation has contributed and now
needs review. We had hoped to release last quarter but this proved to
be too optimistic. We hope to do a major release (3.0) in the next
couple of months after XInlcude is completed.
Work is just getting started on an implementation of StAX (JSR 173). A
couple new contributors have volunteered to help out in this
effort. This includes a student participating in the Google Summer of
Code program who is currently working on the SAX and DOM
implementations of the XMLStreamReader.
In July the committers agreed that it is time to move to a common
serialization code base with Xalan and to deprecate Xerces' native
serializer. The Xalan serializer started as a copy of the Xerces
serializer but diverged over time and for years two similarly capable
serializers were being developed. More effort was devoted to improving
the performance and fixing bugs in the Xalan version and after a
comparison of the two serializers in 2004 [1] it became clear to the
developers that moving to the Xalan serializer was the best way
forward. We plan to work with the Xalan community to continue
improving this code base.
-- Additions to original report
XML Commons
We have expressed interest in pulling the commons code into Xerces.
This is one of several options that the XML PMC and others are
currently considering.
CLAs and fax machine
Every time we have to get a CLA off someone its ends up being a long
and painful experience. It seems the fax machine has some issues!
Normally I put this down to user error but this time the CLA came from
someone who lived in my town and I personally saw them try and send
it. Can we check out this fax machine and ensure its operating
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache XML Project
General business
A discussion is ongoing on the XML PMC with regard to the board
suggestion to dismantle the PMC sending the projects to various other
PMCs. While there is general agreement on moving forward, there have
been a few proposals/discussions, the most important issues belonging
to XML Commons, which might be split between Jakarta and Xerces/
Xalan, the third option being pursuing the "external API" project as
discussed on the incubator list.
A few concerns have been raised here and there about other stuff, such
as what to do with hibernated/dead projects (Crimson, Xang, Xerces 1,
stylebook) and how to deal with the committer issue (case in point
being XML Commons Resolver, which is still somewhat maintained by Norm
Walsh). Moreover, there is the issue of what to do with the site and
the federation idea as a whole (makes sense to keep a PMC just for
All things considered, a possible roadmap is the following:
- move AxKit ASAP (there is consensus both from Matt and from the
Perl PMC)
- move Xindice (even though it might be worth considering if it makes
sense to keep it alive at all)
- talk about the issues with XML Commons and try to find a solution
- decide what to do with regard to the federation altogether
AxKit: Major progress at last! Aside from a couple of patches to AxKit
1.x (to support the new XML::LibXML/LibXSLT callbacks, and support
xsp:expr returning complex structures), I have started work on AxKit2
and got a remarkable amount of work done.
AxKit2 is entirely different from 1.x. It is no longer built on
mod_perl (or Apache). It comes as a self contained httpd, so that
installation is a matter of extracting the tarball and running "./
axkit". So far we have XSP and XSLT working, and a patch for
XPathScript coming (waiting to find out CLA status).
Todd answered couple of questions on user list; and that's it for a
current quarter.
XML Commons
Only very few minor tweaks on the JAXP code. Nothing else happened.
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project
General Comments
Keiron Liddle has left the PMC due to his lack of time to attend to
XMLGraphics matters. He has a standing invitation to rejoin at any
time should he become active again. No new committers. No new
PMC-level issues. The project continues to suffer from the "no longer
a hype" problem, i.e. user interest is high, contributor interest
rather low.
XML Graphics Commons
Addition of a small XMP framework (Adobe's eXtensible Metadata
Platform) used primarily by FOP to support the PDF/A and PDF/X
standards, but possibly useful stand-alone once it is extended a
The big news is the addition of an animation engine for Batik. Besides
that there's the usual bugfixing and the occasional feature to be
added. No releases since the last report but a new release is coming
in sight with animated SVG available. Batik still has a few
administrative tasks to resolve until the next release (new license
policy etc.).
A lot of bugfixing has happened further stabilizing the new code. New
features added include support for PDF/A-1b and PDF/X-3:2003 PDF
profiles and page-number-citation-last (the latter from XSL 1.1). No
code was released during the past three months, but a stable release
is on the radar. However, it won't be version 1.0. For that a few
features have been identified to be missing.
Our two GSoC students are implementing "float" support and support for
auto table layout.Code implementing before-float support has been
committed into a branch; the side-float case is being investigated on
a Wiki page. Both projects will make an important addition to FOP's
feature set.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
Lots of activity in the past month:
- Discussion of Celtixfire, Wicket, Qpid, and other proposed
- Discussion of how to allow the use of Maven without co-mingling of
Incubator artifacts with other Apache artifacts. Henri is in the
process of setting up a separate repository just for Incubator
- Recent discussion of Specifications as projects under ASF
governance, catalyzed by the Qpid and JINI proposals.
- On-going discussion on how best to bring established Open Source
projects under Incubation without undue inconvenience to their
existing user communities.
- A lot of work by Robert Burrell Donkin on Incubator Documentation.
=== Abdera ===
Work continues on the 0.1.0 release, with luck it should be released
Stephen Duncan is still working with his employer about getting a CLA
Work on an Atom Publishing Protocol client implementation has begun.
There are no current issues that require the board's attention.
=== Heraldry ===
- Mailing lists up
- Started getting CLAs from various people
- SVN Space Created
- Some people met up at OSCON
=== Lokahi ===
Lokahi is quietly chugging along towards a 0.1 milestone release: the
vote is currently under way.
We believe there are no issues requiring the attention of the Board.
=== OpenEJB ===
OpenEJB discussion is happening on the Incubator mailing list, but the
resources from codehaus have not yet been moved over, as they wait for
some committers to still file CLAs. The latest ETA was to move
everything over this week.
=== ServiceMix ===
ServiceMix has released its second milestone at the end of June.
Another release is planned for end of August / beginning September.
The main plan for the comming months is to release a 3.0 final, by
improving test/samples/documentation.
The TCK for JBI has been given to committers that have asked for it
and have signed the NDA. While we are waiting for a specific mailing
list / svn tree to put TCK specific resources, some work has been
Lots of people seem interesting in contributing to ServiceMix and/or
becoming commiters, so there is a good chance that the developer
community will grew in the following months. We are in the process of
accepting several code contributions: an Eclipse plugin for ServiceMix
which would complete the tooling based on Maven 2, and some new JBI
=== stdcxx ===
Stdcxx status report for the calendar quarter ending in 8/2006:
This is the fourth quarterly report for stdcxx.
The stdcxx community is currently in the process of voting in a new
committer, Farid Zaripov. Farid has contributed several important
pieces of the test driver and recently has has been enhancing the test
suite in the area of containers with focus on exception safety. In
addition we are hoping to put Farid's extensive Windows experience to
good use when enhancing our Windows build infrastructure.
The team continues to make progress migrating the Rogue Wave C++
Standard Library test harness and test suite to the Apache stdcxx test
driver: a total of 117 of the 329 tests have been migrated so far.
The plan for the next three months is to continue migrating the test
suite, extend our support to include additional platforms such as IBM
z/OS, Cray UNICOS, and others, and to enhance our implementation with
the C++ Standard Library extensions described in the Technical Report
on C++ Library Extensions. Recently we have also been in discussions
with Tuscany developers about their adoption of stdcxx. We look
forward to working with the team to make this as smooth as possible.
Finally, we plan to continue increase the visibility of the project
and attract more developers to the project and to further increase the
diversity of the community.
=== Solr ===
The Incubation [ STATUS]
file is up-to-date, with all items in the project setup category long
since completed.
Technical: Solr is both maturing and gaining new capabilities, such as
highlighted context snippets, and JSON output support. See
Community: Solr is seeing good growth in the number of users and
contributors, and we are in the process of voting in a new committer.
Other community building efforts include Yonik Seeley's talk at
ApacheCon EU, Chris Hostetter's scheduled talk at ApacheCon US, and
articles written by other Solr contributors such as
ml on
=== Synapse ===
Synapse development continues apace, and they had asked about
graduation, but upon examination of their mailing lists, there was
very little discussion. Much of the discussion was happening in
weekly IRC chats, and there was very little collatoral discussion from
the IRC participants, and certainly not from non-participants.
It was agreed that they would start emphasizing use of e-mail.
Subsequently, they have had some discussion about ceasing their IRC
chats, but it appears to be a habit that will take some time to break.
The good news is that they do concur that this is a valid issue, and
want to resolve it.
=== TSIK ===
TSIK has had no message traffic since May, and appears to be dormant.
=== Tuscany ===
Tuscany is focusing on community building. In the last quarter we have
released, with the Incubator PMC's permission, milestone versions of
both the Java and C++ runtimes and have used those to attract
developers to the community. Since the last report we have voted in
five new committers, Raymond Feng, Brent Daniel, Kelvin Goodson,
Meeraj Kunnumpurath and Andrew Borley and have other people actively
contributing. However, the majority of committers are still employed
by one company and additional effort is being made to attract
independent developers.
There has been a significant change in the OSOA specification effort
with the availability of intended to provide
additional transparency. We have confirmation that specification work
is done under an agreement that explicitly states that such work is
not confidential.
Plan for the next quarter is to diversify the community. We do not
believe there are any issues that require the attention of the board.
=== Woden ===
The Woden community appears to be small, but active. Discussion
appears to be happening on the list, although they are also holding
teleconferences (with summaries posted to the mailing list). They are
planning milestone for sometime in the next two months.
=== WSRP4J ===
WSRP4J was transfered from WS to Portals --- why the lists aren't
under the Incubator is a good question. The project currently appears
to be languishing, if not outright neglected. Almost none of the
listed committers (
appear to be maintaining any presence. I don't know what, if any,
work is being done on WSRP 2.0, and if that is being done elsewhere in
vendor space, rather than on WSRP4J in the open.
=== Yoko ===
This is the first quarterly report of Yoko. Our goal for this project
was to provide a light weight ORB implementation, an RMI
implementation & also web services capabilities for the CORBA clients
& servers.
We have completed most of the work for having a fully functional ORB &
there have been interest among other projects to use Yoko in their
projects. We are planning to start a vote for our first milestone
release shortly.
Our objective for the next quarter is to work on further increasing
the visibility of the project, attracting additional contributors, and
growing the active community of developers around it.
Attachment O: Quarterly Profit-and-Loss Report (Q1 FY2006-2007)
The Apache Software Foundation
Profit & Loss
May through July 2006
May - Jul 06
Ordinary Income/Expense
Interest Income 1,402.16
Contributions Income
Unrestricted 2,104.76
Total Contributions Income 2,104.76
Total Income 3,506.92
Bank Service Charges 824.97
PayPal Charges 76.42
Program Expenses
Infrastructure Staff 15,100.00
Hardware Purchases 5,941.51
Colocation Expenses 5,550.00
Total Program Expenses 26,591.51
Travel & Ent
Lodging 91.98
Travel 435.20
Total Travel & Ent 527.18
Total Expense 28,020.08
Net Ordinary Income -24,513.16
Net Income -24,513.16
End of minutes for the August 16, 2006 board meeting.