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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                           October 25, 2006

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and was begun when
    a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
    the Chair at 10:05.  The meeting was held by teleconference,
    hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent:

            US Number       : 800-531-3250
            International   : 303-928-2693

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Ken Coar
        Justin Erenkrantz
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Sam Ruby
        Cliff Schmidt
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker
        Henri Yandell

    Directors Absent:



         Shane Curcuru
         Geir Magnusson Jr

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of July 19, 2006

       SVN - {private}/foundation/board/board_minutes_2006_07_19.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. The meeting of August 16, 2006

       SVN - {private}/foundation/board/board_minutes_2006_08_16.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. The meeting of September 20, 2006

       SVN - {private}/foundation/board/board_minutes_2006_09_20.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Over the past month, the Foundation has seen a couple
       challenges related to the Incubator and to our position around
       patent grants in our CLAs. The Incubator has been getting a lot
       of projects, and some of them seem quite static or even nearly
       unwilling to leave. In an informal Board meeting at ApacheCon,
       the Board came up with a slight change in reporting for the
       Incubator which will hopefully focus the podlings on their
       goal. Regarding the patents, discussion continues on the legal
       minutae and interpretation of the language in our CLAs. It is a
       very difficult problem, especially in terms of getting some of
       the legal folks to contribute solid opinion in writing.

       It was further reported that a main concern is the amount
       of legal discussions being held offlist. Efforts will be
       made to strongly encourage our legal counsel to use the
       mailing lists more often.
    B. President [Sander]

       At ApacheCon presented 'State of the feather'; I was
       personally impressed with the sheer number of things
       that have been going on since last December from a birds
       eye point of view alone.

       At ApacheCon the Infrastructure Team sat down and discussed
       status quo, past mistakes, and future planning.

       A non-trivial portion of the ASF infrastructure has been
       moved from the UnitedLayer colo in San Francisco, CA to the
       OSU OSL colo in Corvallis, OR, over the weekend of the 20th
       and Monday.

       Minotaur was a known to be in risk of failure and it has indeed
       not survived the move.  It is in the process of being (temporarily)
       replaced by another machine.  Due to this Justin and Joe have
       been staying longer in Corvallis than originally planned. Two
       machines are down, fireswamp, which hosts, and
       loki, which runs gump on vmware. Final cost involved with the move
       (flights, car rental, hotel) will be in next report.

       The board expressed its appreciation to the Infrastructure team,
       especially Justin and Joe, for their efforts during this
       move. Greg indicated that he would be at OSU OSL on Friday (on
       non-ASF business) but could help with some remaining move
    C. Treasurer [Justin]

       As Jim mentions, we have received some checks, but they have not yet
       arrived at our lockbox so are not reflected in our balances below.
       We should expect next month's balances to be more robust.

       I have submitted a partial invoice to Google for their donation
       under the newly announced sponsorship program.

       Current balances (as of 10/24/2006):

        Paypal             $    912.55 (-$    508.47)
        Checking           $  1,328.54 (-$  4,112.04)
        Savings            $200,480.03 (-$     22.61)
        Total              $202,721.12 (-$  4,643.12)

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       The previous month was spent mostly bringing the new secretarial
       assistant up to speed, and making the transition for him to
       do most of the iCLA logging and scanning. His report is added below.
       We did receive 2 checks, one from the Car Program service and
       the other from Google for the GSoC effort. These have been
       forwarded to the lockbox address.
       The D&O Insurance policy was scanned and added to the
       foundation SVN repo, under legal.
       The ASF Sponsorship program was announced at ApacheCon US 2006.
       2 companies have already signed up as sponsors: Google at
       the Platinum level and Covalent at the Silver level (minimal).
       We should plan on having a members meeting, held via irc,
       sometime late November or early December, to allow for
       voting in new members, as well as keeping the members up
       to date.
       Secretarial Assistant Report:
         The first part of the month of September was spent setting
         up my system with the various accoutrements necessary for the work,
         e.g. Tortoise SVN and my ASF system accounts. After my system was
         sufficiently prepared most of my time was spent adding ICLAs. For
         September I added and scanned thirty-eight ICLAs. I also scanned six
         CCLAs. A lot of time was spent scanning old membership applications, I
         scanned 139 applications. The remainder will be scanned in
         October. The scanned documents are stored on my computer and
         will be added to the SVN location when complete. The scanned
         documents are in PDF format. This resulted in scans that were
         somewhat small in size but of good readable quality.
    E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff]

       Cliff reported that during ApacheCon, the CCLA issue was further
       discussed with many people, especially Roy and Doug Cutting. Both
       Roy and Doug were happy with the approach taken and Roy committed
       to "writing up" what his intents were with the CCLA, so that
       misinterpretation of the letter and spirit of the CCLA no longer
       Cliff indicated his desire to create a sort of Legal Committee,
       similar to the PRC or Security Team, to allow for a wider
       range of volunteers to help with the various legal issues and
       questions still being worked on. His hope is also that this
       will provide an opportunity for him to resign from the VP of
       Legal Affairs position after a period of time.
       Cliff reported that a number of Universities and Colleges have
       contacted him regarding their own efforts in creating suitable
       licenses for their open source educational software. Cliff
       suggested that the ASF possible provide feedback and insights
       regarding our experiences with the AL as well as the iCLA and
    F. VP of JCP [Geir]
  	  1) We have secured a few more TCK licenses recently, most notably :
	  * Java EE 5 TCK license (used by Geronimo)
	  * JPA 1.0 (Java Persistence API) TCK license (used
	    by OpenJPA podling as well as the ORB subproject
	    of the DB project)
	  * JSF (Java Server Faces) 1.2 TCK license (for use
	    by the MyFaces project.

	  Further, we are currently working on the Java SE 5 TCK (for the 
	  eventual Apache Harmony project), which is on course for having 
	  identical terms as our existing Java EE license.  We have been 
	  granted the scholarship for the support for Java SE 5 and I have 
	  had one draft of the TCK license, so there is measurable progress.

	  2) On the JCP front, the Executive Committee has kicked off a new 
	  effort for improving the JCP process, called JSR-306.  This is a 
	  JSR with the Exec committee members as it's expert group, and the 
	  goal is several changes to the JSPA and to the JCP process document.  
	  In summary, the goals are to
	   * further improve the transparency of the process;
	   * further optimize the average duration of JSRs;
	   * how can individuals best participate in the process;

      as well as of a potentially more fundamental nature:
	   * allowing non-Java implementations of a JSR's specification;
	   * ability to create liaison relationships with other
	     standards organizations;
	   * easing the migration of pre--existing technology
	     towards an agreed upon standard;
	   * the availability of TCK and associated licensing
	     information upon completion of a JSR.

	  Currently, we've just kicked this off, so there's nothing really 
	  there to report, or engage the Apache community.  As always, I 
	  advocate friendliness towards open source licensing and open 
	  project governance.

	  3) There was an outstanding issue with the Derby project from 
	  the July board meeting, where there was some concern about 
	  code for "JDBC v4" entering the codebase, and the constraints 
	  that various licensing regimes of the JCP placed upon the community.  
	  At the end of the day, the community did work it out to general 
	  satisfaction, and more importantly, I expect the DB PMC will 
	  recognize and proactively deal with similar situations going 
	  forward.  I have no remaining concerns here, and I don't believe 
	  the board needs to concern itself about this issue any further.

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Justin]

       See Attachment A

       Approved by General Consent

    B. Apache Conferences Project [Ken Coar]

       See Attachment B

       No report submitted.

    C. Apache DB Project [Brian McCallister / Henri]

       See Attachment C

       [ approved: bayard jim rubys jerenkrantz gstein striker
           JE: Can future JSPA revs make this sort of gymanstics not necessary
               when things are under a JCP spec?
       Approved by General Consent

    D. Apache Directory Project [Alex Karasulu / Jim]

       See Attachment D

       Jim is to confirm that Mitosis and Triplesec have done software
       grants and that the required IP Clearance procedures for
       the Incubator have been performed.
       Approved by General Consent

    E. Apache Geronimo Project [Ken Coar]

       See Attachment E

       No report submitted.

    F. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Sam, Jim]

       See Attachment F

       Henri noted that OpenEJB is now in our main JIRA - kudos to dblevins 
       for coming up with a migration tool. The board expressed hope that
       the tool could be used for other projects.
       Henri also suggested that Incubator reports also include
       the name of the person submitting the report (either Mentor
       or PPMC member). Justin originally did not see the need for
       this, but the board decided that this made sense after all
       and was a good idea.
       Approved by General Consent

    G. Apache James Project [Serge Knystautas / Greg]

       See Attachment G

       Justin asked if the board should be concerned about statement in
       the report "[t]he group didn't seem to want to let me go" and
       whether this indicated anything the board should monitor. After
       discussion the board did not consider this an issue or
       Approved by General Consent

    H. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Dirk]

       See Attachment H

       No report submitted.

    I. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Sander]

       See Attachment I

       The board noted that we have previously informed MyFaces that
       'Tomahawk' was unacceptable. This will be re-done since the
       report indicates that the name is still being used.
       Approved by General Consent

    J. Security Team [Mark Cox / Cliff]

       See Attachment J

       It was noted that the board should suggest to Mark to work
       on growing the committee.
       Approved by General Consent

    K. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Henri]

       See Attachment K

       Approved by General Consent

    L. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Cliff]

       See Attachment L

       There was some discussion regarding the statement regarding the
       Tapestry 5 development and the effect on the "minority" and
       "majority". The concern was that these terms could be very subjective.
       Henri noted that it would be easy to see that the people upset at the
       T3->T4 migration pains would be sensitive to the proposed reinvention again 
       for T5. After discussion the board determined that this is
       really a technical decision, although we need to ensure that the
       developer and user community are not being ignored.
       Approved by General Consent

    M. Apache TCL Project [David N. Welton / Dirk]

       See Attachment M

       Approved by General Consent

    N. Apache HiveMind Project [James Carman / Sam]

       See Attachment N

       It was noted that both the main Apache and Jakarta sites
       have been updated to reflect TLP status of HiveMind.
       Approved by General Consent

    O. Public Relations Committee [Brian Fitzpatrick / Justin]

       See Attachment O

       Approved by General Consent

6. Special Orders

    A. Establish the Apache Velocity Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to the Velocity template engine,
       for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Velocity Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Velocity Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to the Velocity template engine; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Velocity" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
       the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache Velocity Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache Velocity Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Velocity Project:

         * Will Glass-Husain (
         * Geir Magnusson Jr. (
         * Daniel L. Rall (
         * Henning Schmiedehausen (
         * Nathan Bubna (
         * Marin A. Jnsson (

       Schmiedehausen be appointed to the office of Vice President,
       Velocity, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Velocity Project be and
       hereby is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended
       to encourage open development and increased participation in
       the Velocity Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Velocity Project be and
       hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the
       Apache Jakarta Velocity, Velocity Tools and DVSL subprojects;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Jakarta
       Velocity, Velocity Tools, and DVSL subprojects and encumbered
       upon the Apache Jakarta Project are hereafter discharged.

      Special Order 6A, Establishing the Apache Velocity Project, was
      approved by Unanimous Vote.

    B. Establish the Apache MINA Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to networked applications, for
       distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache MINA Project", be
       and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache MINA Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       libraries and tools related to the construction and management
       of networked applications, implementations of standards-based
       protocols using said libraries (be it de-facto or otherwise),
       all based on software licensed to the Foundation; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, MINA" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
       the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache MINA Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache MINA Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache MINA Project:

         * Peter Royal <>
         * Alex Karasulu <>
         * Dave Irving <>
         * Trustin Lee <>
         * Niklas Therning <>
         * Emmanuel Lecharny <>
         * Julien Vermillard <>
         * Ersin Er <>
         * Enrique Rodriguez <>

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Trustin Lee be and
       hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, MINA, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache MINA Project be and hereby is
       tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       MINA Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache MINA Project be and hereby is
       tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Directory Project's MINA subproject; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the MINA
       sub-project encumbered upon the Apache Directory Project be
       hereafter discharged.

      Special Order 6B, Establishing the Apache MINA Project, was
      approved by Unanimous Vote.

    C. Change the Apache DB Project Chair

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Brian
       McCallister to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project,

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
       resignation of Brian McCallister from the office of Vice
       President, Apache DB Project;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Brian McCallister is
       relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
       the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project, and

       BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jean Anderson be and hereby is
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache DB Project,
       to serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
       until a successor is appointed.

      Special Order 6C, Changing the Apache DB Project Chair, was
      approved by Unanimous Vote.

    D. Change of Public Relations Committee Chair

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Brian
      Fitzpatrick as chair, Public Relations Committee, and

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the
      resignation of Brian Fitzpatrick as chair, Public Relations 

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Brian Fitzpatrick is
      relieved and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of
      chair, Public Relations Committee, and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jim Jagielski be and hereby is
      appointed chair, Public Relations Committee, to serve at the
      direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Public 
      Relations Committee and have primary responsibility for managing 
      the Public Relations Committee.

      Special Order 6D, Changing the Public Relations Committee Chair, was
      approved by Unanimous Vote.

    E. Establish the Apache Harmony project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software implementing Java virtual machines,
       related class libraries, and other software that is commonly
       associated with Java platforms, for distribution at no charge
       to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Harmony Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Harmony Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to Java virtual machines, related class libraries, and
       other software commonly associated with Java platform
       implementations; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Harmony" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at
       the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
       Apache Harmony Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility
       of the Apache Harmony Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Harmony Project:

         * Nathan Beyer       (
         * Tim Ellison        (
         * Mark Hindess       (
         * George Harley      (
         * Mikhail Loenko     (
         * Geir Magnusson Jr. (
         * Stepan Mishura     (
         * Weldon Washburn    (
         * Paulex Yang        (

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Geir Magnusson Jr
       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Harmony, to serve
       in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
       resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until
       a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Harmony Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
       encourage open development and increased participation in the
       Harmony Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Harmony Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Harmony podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Harmony podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       PMC are hereafter discharged.

      Special Order 6E, Establishing the Apache Harmony Project, was
      approved by Unanimous Vote.

7. Discussion Items

    A. The board discussed whether it made sense to scheduled a Special
    Members meeting for the express purpose of allowing for new
    members to be nominated and elected. Jim proposed the week of
    December 3rd. Jim will query the membership and gauge whether one
    is warranted or not.

8. Unfinished Business

9. New Business

10. Review of Current Action Items

    - Jim to talk to Alex about IP clearance for Mitosis and TripleSec.
    - Henri to send global reminders for notification about IP clearance
    - Greg to talk to Noel about Incubator reports: add who field
    - Dirk will submit/ping Maven for a report next month
    - Sander will talk to MyFaces about Tomahawk
    - Sander will talk to Mark about growing the security cmte
    - Dirk will note concern about possible community issue instead of
      just a technical issue (with HENRI supporting) regarding Tapestry
    - Ken to submit reports for Concom and Geronimo next month

11. Announcements

12. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific). Adjourned at 11:51.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

- A quiet quarter, though there have been a few interesting threads on
- Discussion is underway about a new patch release
- Slowly discussing future directions

The community is pretty quiet; there are patches for bugs /
enhancements coming in from existing committers.  Adding new
committers is a challenge.  There are people presumably using the code
(see Vadim's stats page on documentation page views), but given user@
traffic they are pretty quiet about it.

Discussing a new patch release -- probably 1.0.2 -- that will likely
ship in the next two weeks.

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Conferences Project

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache DB Project

       Derby released version in early October.

Derby and JDBC 4.0:

Some interesting thing have happened with regard to Sun's decision to
include Derby as part of the Java Development Kit version 1.6 (or 6.0,
depends on where you look). There was a bit of a chicken and egg
problem where the we wanted this to happen so tried to work towards
getting a JDBC 4.0 (the JDBC version for JDK 1.6) release out in the
right time frame, but not being able to make a release against the new
APIs until after JDK 1.6 was released.

At one point some code was checked in which made Derby unreleasable
under the licensing terms of the JDBC 4 specification. The short
summary is that until jdk 1.6 is released, there is some code
implementing its features in the repository, which is legally alright,
but which cannot be included in a binary distribution. The
release includes this code in source format, with instructions on how
to make use of it. After jdk 1.6 is released it is expected that Derby
will cut another release on the 10.2 branch which includes compiled
JDBC 4 apis.

Geir Magnusson, Jr., has done extraordinary work navigating JCP
licensing and arranging for this to happen. Not everyone on the DB PMC
is satisfied with the current situation, and an ongoing effort is
underway to make sure things like this are handled better in the
future. Geir has stated his intention to more fully explore the
situation in the JCP Committee report, so I will leave the deeper
licensing details to Geir.

ApacheCon US:
       There were a number of excellent talks on DB subprojects at
       ApacheCon US this month!

I (Brian McCallister) have announced my intention to step down as PMC
chair when a new chair has been selected.

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Directory Project


A couple release candidates for long term evaluation were made
available: 1.0-RC3, and 1.0-RC4.  Finally just today we released the
official 1.0 GA release.  We're holding off on the announcements until
ApacheCon in just a couple days when we will issue a press release
thanks to the help of Sally and the PRC.


ApacheDS 1.0 has also passed all certification tests from the Open
Group.  As you may know from an earlier Directory board report the
Open Group donated their time and waived the cost of certifying
ApacheDS with their LDAPv3 product standard.  Various certification
docs have been fax/scanned and put into the directory PMC area in

Donations and Software Grants

Recently, my company Solarsis Group LLC., donated an LDAP multimaster
replication product called Mitosis Pro which will be integrated into
ApacheDS.  It will *NOT* be it's own subproject.  The Mitosis
(non-pro) edition was a Safehaus [0] community project located here
[1].  Mitosis was an open source project originally kicked off by
Trustin Lee, Emmanuel Lecharny and myself who are all Directory
committers.  The committers and I agreed to donate Mitosis to the ASF
since an LDAP server without "out of the box" replication is a sad

Another project called Triplesec [2] was also granted to the ASF.
Triplesec is a strong identity management platform built on top of
ApacheDS leveraging it's LDAP and Kerberos server.  This identity
management product also performs two factor authentication using a
J2ME mobile client.

Because both projects were ASL 2.0 and composed completely of Apache
Directory committers the PMC voted to import them.

These projects are now in the process of being relocated with package
name changes.  Again the Mitosis code will be integrated directly into
the ApacheDS code base.  Triplesec will become it's own subproject.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

--- September Report

Since the last report, there has been significant progress made by
individual projects within the Incubator (below).

Traffic on has been significant, with
contributions and oversight by many ASF Members and Directors.
General Incubator topics of discussion have included:

 - the pros and cons of using IRC as a communication tool
 - Specifications as a project type
 - Discussion related to governance and structure of the proposed
   JINI incubation, which has aspects of a specification and an
   implementation of the specification.
 - Establishing a Maven repository *just* for Incubator artifacts
 - Continued work on improving the Incubator documentation

One project, Felix, proposed graduation, and was asked to provide a
draft of the request that would come before the Board, and was also
asked --- a bit of a subtle change in how people have generally viewed
releases from projects in the Incubator --- to demonstrate a release,
so that people would be comfortable that they knew how to put out a
release conforming to ASF policy.  The Board should expect to see the
request at the October meeting.

QPid ( was accepted for
Incubation (actually, immediately prior to the August report).

Wicket ( was accepted
for Incubation.



The ActiveMQ community continues to grow as evidenced by the mailing
list volumes. Each month mailing list volumes continues to grow. Last
month we had 574 emails sent to the developer list and 905 email sent
to the user list! We have also seen a big increase in the amount of
patches and contributions submitted from non ActiveMQ committers.

A large amount of development work and community interest has been
around the Native clients used to access the Messaging broker. Tim
Bish's excellent work on the STOMP c++ client has earned him an
invitation to become an ActiveMQ committer. Amazon did a in house c++
client to ActiveMQ and that source code donation was accepted and
committed to the source tree.

All the source headers in the 2 active branches have be update to
comply with the new policies outline at:

The Apache ActiveMQ 4.0.1 has successfully been released. For more
information about the release, see:
Development continues on the next 4.1 release. In tandem, the 4.0
branch has continued to stabilize and a 4.0.2 release should be ready

The project has discussed graduating and feels that ActiveMQ is ready
and would prefer to become a TLP. Once the 4.0.2 release is completed
expect more serious discussions regarding graduation to pop up on the
incubator mailing lists.


ADF Faces

The ADF Faces / Trinidad project solved lot's of todos. We repackaged
the software to get rid of adf inside the namespace. We also renamed
some of the JSF components. We managed to get a website and deployed
it the the incubator site. We created a first RC of our maven2
plugins, which is currently under review phase by some Incubator PMC
members. The size of committers is grwoing. Added two new committers
to the project during the last three month. Users (or developers)
action is much beyond from just sending questions. Jira is a important
fact of this community, where users apply patches to. The community is
still growing. In August we had 438 sent to the developers list. In
July it have been 266.



Finished tasks:

Finished switch to the ASF infrastructure.

Finished relicensing files.

Received CLAs from all contributors but Gary Jarrel

Released Cayenne 1.2 externally to Apache

Voted for a new PPMC member (member's acceptance is still pending)

Mentored 3 students as a part of Summer of Code

Switched the code to Maven

Had discussions with Geronimo project on JPA integration.


Will rewrite those few pieces by Gary Jarrel to finish out IP issues,

Will release Apache Podling Cayenne 2.0 in a week or two.



The CeltiXfire project is moving along quickly now. In the last few
weeks accounts have been created and the initial source code has been
checked in.  The code is now under very active development. There has
been lots of discussion on the dev list between the different
developers on several topics including tooling, configuration, release
packaging, and REST support. We are currently working to define a set
of criteria for our first milestone.

In addition to coding, there has been some effort to get a website up
and going, but we're currently debating the best tools for the
job. Also, we've also discussed whether or not we want to change the
name, but their has been no clear consensus.



Work continues on the next point release containing minor bug
fixes. We are evaluating several enhancements that take advantage of
the new features in .NET 2.0. This raises backwards compatibility

We have an open ended discussion on the use and storage of strong name
assembly signing keys. This may need further discussion at wider
level, and probably requires some sort of consensus amongst all the
.NET projects.



No important news to report. Mailing lists still maintain low



There's been a lot of activity and progress on Ode in the past 3
months. We all agreed on a codebase to start from (the former PXE) and
refactoring has been done to implement new integration interfaces
between the engine and the outside world. This allowed us to integrate
Axis2 and ServiceMix as communication layers (there've been
propositions for an XFire implementation as well) and to have a
distribution for both.

The development is active and we already have something fairly
complete and stable. We're now working on including more tests and
automatizing them as much as possible in the form of a BPEL test
gamut. Then tests could be contributed quite easily by
non-developers. We also have to change our persistence layer to
replace Hibernate with something more Apache license friendly. OpenJPA
has been mentioned several times. There's also an issue around BPEL4W
1.1 license and patents that we need to clear out by checking what is
required by each party and address it on legal-discuss.

Finally, we need to start attracting more users by advertising
ourselves.  We've made a very simple site so we also have to create
more documentation and build a "real" site. A user mailing-list has
also been created. Once the legal and licensing issues are cleared, we
could also start thinking about a first incubator release.



The OFBiz community has now completed all the tasks required by the
incubation process. Since the last board report, the following items
has been completed:

source code moved to the Apache Incubator SVN server (since

web site cleaned up and migrated to the Apache Incubator server (since

the collection of iCLAs is finally completed: we have now all the 74
iCLAs needed to perform the license switch from MIT to ASL2.0; this
task has been a big challenge for the community

migration from MIT to ASL2.0 is now complete: the OFBiz project is now
distributed under the ASL2.0: all the OFBiz files have been updated to
reflect the new license, the NOTICE and LICENSE file are in the SVN

With the above items the OFBiz community has completed all the
mandatory tasks for incubation: see the status page for details



Work is progressing on updating the build system so that it is
possible to have it folded right into the 2.2.x or trunk version of
httpd. The httpd PMC is being contacted to determine where the module
should go, since there is currently discussion and debate on the
concept of module "sub-projects" with httpd.

We have an offer from Noirin Plunkett to convert the current docs to
the current httpd format. This is also something that should be done
before graduation.

In hindsite, the mod_ftp podling should have been in place just to do
the IP vetting, in which case it would have graduated long ago (this
is how it would have been done if submitted today). Lesson learned.



The code arrived this quarter, and that helped the community as
there's now something to discuss.  :) The initial code drop emerged
from BEA and is now actively being worked on.  There have been
community discussions on new features, documentation, and release
numbering.  The community decided to use cwiki and adding
documentation for the project.

The community added two new committers (Kevin Sutter and David
Wisneski) who are actively committing code to the tree.

We are currently working with the Spring community to address
integration issues and to ensure that OpenJPA plugs into a Spring
persistence container environment appropriately. Work is also ongoing
to build user-focused release downloads and to integrate with the
Apache continuous-integration facilities.


We've just heard from Matt who's a release manager for Apache Geronimo
1.1.1 that the last reason to keep OpenEJB at Codehaus had been
cleared and we're ready to move JIRA and repos to ASF.

Three new people have showed their interest in the code and started to
contribute - Mohammed Nour, Rick McGuire and Jay D. McHugh.

SVN as successfully been moved from Codehaus to Apache.

Jira migration is being coordinated. This will be a migration to a new
instance in ASF similar to Cayenne. However, we'd really like to run
in the main instance. To facilitate this, work on a Jira migration
tool is also underway. We hope that this will be useful to other
projects migrating or whom have migrated.

--- October Report

In the recent period, there was a lot of sound and fury related to
committer lists, specifically related to CFX, and how a project is
bootstrapped in general.  On the former, I've spoken at length with
many of the parties involved, and feel that it was a combination of
misunderstandings, overreactions and aggressive attitudes, but lacking
in mal-intent on any party.  On the general case, we have discussed
revised processes to make bootstrapping more defined and clarified,
and should formally adopt them this month.

We're also in the process of voting on Harmony's request to graduate
from the Incubator.  Some controversy around that due to two issues.
First, is a pro-forma "release" really necessary and useful in all
cases or sometimes just theater, as is claimed for this case?  Second,
the vote is being held on harmony-dev@, and some people feel that all
such votes must be held only on general@.

Projects have included their start date and one line description at
the Board's request.  Please note that this has always been available


Entered incubation in February 2005.
Workflow engine

Nothing new on Agila for quite a while. All activity has been
transfered to Ode. The Jakarta PMC has voted to retire the project.


Entered the Incubator in Feb, 2003
Remote Procedure Call support

No activity, and the Incubator PMC should vote to render it dormant.


Project name - CXF

Description - SOA enabling framework, web services toolkit (Celtix and
XFire merge)

Date of entry - August, 2006

Top three items to resolve -

1) Diversity - Active commiters are 90% IONA people

2) Growth of community - related to diversity, we have not yet had the
   opportunity to add additional commiters. The traffic on the dev list
   is "steady."

3) Demonstrations of apache processes - working on a milestone 1
   release, etc...

Community aspects:

Jason van Zyl resigned as Mentor. We have three other mentors, but may
be bringing a forth on board.

Setup two "spaces" on confluence to hold developer docs (and the
project home page) and user docs. We'd like to encourage more people
to help out there.

Voted to start deploying periodic SNAPSHOTS to the maven2 snapshot
repository to help other projects like yoko, geronimo, servicemix,
etc...  take dependencies on and integrate CXF

Voted to officially name the project CXF instead of CeltiXfire

PPMC setup and functioning, process started to get other non-active
commiters more involved.

Have reached out to Geronimo folks to help "pick their brains" about
the required features for better JCA support.

Started working with the Yoko project to get them to update from using
Celtix to CXF.

Code aspects:

Getting close to finalizing the code for milestone 1. Most required
features are now working.

Some performance testing was done. Some performance problems were
identified and fixed.

Working on defining what the final kits will look like. (what is
included, what the user is expected to already have, etc...)

Started discussing some architectural changes, especially in regard to
the tooling, for after milestone 1.


Had some discussion at ApacheCon about the rhino/js jars that are NPL
and what to do with them. Still somewhat unresolved.


July 2005
OSGi implementation


Proper wiki/web page created by Marcel Offermans and Ronald

Manuel Santillan, Jose L. Ruiz, and Juan C. Duenas added as committers
for their work with JMX and OSGi (i.e., JMood).

Didier Donsez added as a committer for his long-time work around OSGi
and Felix.


Contribution of the JMood project for another approach to JMX/OSGi
integration from Manuel Santillan, Jose L. Ruiz, and Juan C. Duenas.

Contribution of extensive set of example code from Didier Donsez.

Contribution of log service implementation from Dale Peakall.

Major framework enhancements to the Felix framework around security
from Karl Pauls.

Specification compliance improvements for the framework around native
library loading by Arnaud Quiblier and Richard Hall.

Work on implementing the framework resolver algorithm using a generic
capability/requirement model was committed into Richard Hall's
sandbox; work continues on try to modify this new resolver to support

Continued enhancements to iPOJO from Clement Escoffier.

Work on a Maven-based testing harness for Felix by Alex Karasulu.

Licensing and other issues

Attempt for gradution was post-poned to concentrate on creating a
release that addresses any and all outstanding obstacles for release.

Removed dependency for the time being until a
proper licensed version is available from the OSGi Alliance.


March 2003
FTP server

Lack of community is the major problem.

Development on FtpServer is slowly progressing. Currently the focus is
mostly on filling the gaps when it comes to automatic testing.


Graffito is a framework for content-based applications, especially in
portlet environments. Graffito entered incubation on September 20,

Top three items to resolve before graduation:

Upgrade to the latest license header and copyright notice policy

Create an incubating Graffito release

Move the JCR mapping component to the Jackrabbit project

Graffito activity has increased noticeably since the last report,
especially due to interest from within the Jackrabbit community. New
bug reports and patches are also being contributed.

Jukka Zitting was voted in as a new mentor for the project. He will
accompany Raphael Luta in that role.

Given positive feedback from both communities, we are evaluating
options for moving the JCR mapping component from Graffito into the
Jackrabbit project.  This would expose the component to a wider JCR
developer community and a larger audience of potential users.

There has been renewed discussion on producing incubating releases of
the Graffito components

Edgar Poce has been working on a related JCR-based wysiwyg portlet
prototype, using the Graffito mailing list for design discussions, but
the implementation approach differs from the Graffito portlet model,
so at least for now the tool is not being integrated into Graffito



Entered incubation in May, 2005. Apache Harmony is primarily focused
on the creation of an independent, compatible implementation of Java
SE 5.

The project has voted to ask to graduate from the Incubator, and is
currently discussion the topic with the Incubator PMC.

Progress continues in both code and community:


The project has added 6 new committers

The project has added 3 committers to the PPMC

Diversity continues to increase in participants

Pure development list traffic hit a record of 1961 message with a
combined volume of JIRA and commit messages of 2851

The ApacheCon technical session and BOF on Harmony were reasonably

Our interaction with the Yoko community has been constructive in terms
of community - they elected a Harmony commmitter to be a Yoko
committer - as well as technology (see below)

We have the support with the external MX4J project to "gently fork"
their codebase as the foundation for our JMX 1.2 extentions as
required by the Java SE 5 spec


The project is in the process of updating it's license headers in the
codebase. The classlibrary and DRLVM virtual machine have been
updated, with the rest still in progress.

Classlibrary coverage has reached 94%

DRLVM is stablizing and running at a reasonable level of performance

We've incorporated the binary milestone from Yoko as our
implementation of pCORBA, and will update with their release when that

We've accepted several tool contributions (javah, javap) and expect to
produce a JDK snapshot complete with javac, javap, javah, rmic and

JBoss now "runs" on Harmony (for certain values of "runs")

MX4J as source (it has the Apache License) will be integrated into the
project codebase as the starting point for our required JMX
implementation in the classlibrary.


July 2006
Identity Management

While progress has still been a bit slow, some good milestones have
been reached in the past month.

Majority of commiters from initial proposal now have accounts

Project page updated as well as now linked to from the Incubator's

Code contribution of the Ruby identity provider has been made

Yadis test code has been checked in

Ruby OpenID plugin has been contributed

We're also now very close to having the OpenID and Yadis libraries
contributed to the project, just waiting on two or three more accounts
to be created.


April 2004
Java Crypto

No activity in months.  Appears dormant.


Feb 2005

The project is dormant. Retired during ApacheCon.


March 2006
Lucene for .NET environment.

Lucene.Net continues to grow. Recently Lucene.Net 1.9.1 "final" was
released. In addition, Lucene.Net 2.0 is now in "beta". The mailing
list is seeing more traffic with questions, bug reports and
enhancement requests. In September, Jeff Rodenburg was added as a
committer to Lucene.Net. And finally, a new logo Lucene.Net logo was
added to the incubation site (


XAP is a declarative framework for building, deploying and maintaining
Ajax-based rich internet applications with the goal of dramatically
simplifying Ajax application development. XAP entered incubation in
May 2006.

Top three items to resolve before graduation:

Bring the codebase to a level that contributors can make contributions
without significant pain;

Create a XAP incubating release with proper packaging and quality

Engage a higher level of community activity and contribution


Various discussions on the XAP dev list on technical issues such as
application initialization and DOM model;

Attended ApacheCon and gave a lightening talk on XAP

A session called "Introduction to XAP" was presented at AjaxWorld
Conference and the upcoming Ajax Experience conference

Various third party expressed interest in learning more about XAP, but
complained that not easy to get infomation and not easy to figure out
what XAP code does.


Achieved milestone 3: added more widgets and streamlined

Various bug submission and JS unit tests submitted by Trevor Oldak

Update demo applications with improved performance

Working towards the next milestone: more widgets and some appealing
demos to attract more developers

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache James Project

I am pleased to report to the board that the James community is very
active.  The mailing lists are heavily used, and we've had 5 release
candidates in the past few months and are in the process of voting to
make 2.3.0 RC5 an official final release.

New committer: Joachim Draeger
New PMC member: Bernd Fondermann
New PMC member: Norman Maurer

I also informed the PMC this month that I intend to resign as chair.  My
time has been very stretched as of late, and the community is active and
has been hard to stay on top of.

The group didn't seem to want to let me go, so we're trying to delegate
tasks like moderator, JIRA admin duties, unsub from all other mailing
lists, etc... to see how that goes.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

 * Growing community
 * New releases
 * JSF 1.2

One new PMC member: Mario Ivankovits
Two new committers: Cagatay Civici, Lance Frohman

MyFaces Core
Latest MyFaces Core (API + Impl) release 1.1.4 was published on
September 18, 2006.

MyFaces Tomahawk
Next release 1.1.4 of sub project MyFaces Tomahawk (JSF component
library) will be published within the next days.

MyFaces Tobago
Latest MyFaces Tobago sub project (JSF component library) release
1.0.8 was published on September 20, 2006.

JSF 1.2
About 50% of work is done to make MyFaces JSF 1.2 (JSR-252)
compatible. We are expecting to get access to the TCK within the
next weeks.

Attachment J: Status report for the Security Team

There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds
arriving at These continue to be dealt with
promptly by the security team.  For July-Sep 2006 we had 44 non-SPAM
requests (out of about 1670 messages that made it through the

 32% (14) Actual report of a vulnerability (both valid and invalid)
 27% (12) Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
 27% (12) User asks support question
 10% ( 4) Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
  4% ( 2) User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault

Still outstanding is some requests to fix the committee info and
outreach to some projects to understand how to interface with us.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

Much of the focus in this quarter has been in driving Struts 2 forward, with
help from a growing number of contributors. Struts 2.0.1 was elevated from a
development build to a Beta release shortly after ApacheCon, thus marking our
first public release in the Struts 2 family. We also have a snazzy new logo
that signals the integration of Struts and WebWork into Struts 2!

Activity has also increased on Tiles 2 (a.k.a. Standalone Tiles), as this
moves towards its first release, and development continues on the Struts
1.3.x line, with the General Availability (GA) release of Struts 1.3.5 in
this quarter.

The Struts team made the most of ApacheCon US this year. Both a tutorial and
a session on Struts 2 were offered, as well as a Struts BOF. We also took
advantage of the opportunity to create a press release announcing our Struts
2.0.1 development build, since this is a significant milestone, bringing
together two successful web frameworks, together with their respective
communities, into a coherent whole.

Consistent with the increase in activity, and with the unification of the
Struts and WebWork communities, we have added eight people to the PMC this
quarter, namely Patrick Lightbody, Jason Carreira, Laurie Harper, Alexandru
Popescu, Rene Gielen, Rainer Hermanns, Toby Jee, and Ian Roughley. We have
also added three new committers: Antonio Petrelli, Nils-Helge Garli, and
David DeWolf.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project

Tapestry is now well established as a top-level domain, with two
distinct sub-sections for Tapestry 4 and Tapestry 5.

Tapestry 4.1 progress continues, headed by Jesse Kuhnert and Andreas
Andreou. The 4.1.1 release is nearly ready. A lot of stabilization and
refinement of the new Ajax-oriented APIs has been completed. Snapshot
builds of the release have been published to the private Maven repository
on a constant basis to early users. The remaining action items include
additional Dojo widget components, as well as documentation and bug fixing.

Tapestry 5 progress has also been great. Tapestry 5 is shaping up to be a
compelling and highly productive platform for web application development.
A minority of the user community is upset at the lack of backwards
compatibility to Tapestry 4, the majority are very excited by the new

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache TCL Project

All quiet on the Tcl front.

We had a security issue with mod_tcl this quarter, which we did manage
to get fixed and updated.  It's probably time to archive that project
in any case.

In terms of community, not a lot is happening.  We have a few people
interested in Rivet, but basically things are quiet there, too.  There
are people using that code commercially, but they're kind of quiet
about it, so that unfortunately doesn't have too much effect on the
community and visibility of the project.

So, as usual, not much to say.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache HiveMind Project

The HiveMind team is working on the architecture for HiveMind 2.0.

The HiveMind TLP move is still in progress.  The website content has been
moved, but we still need to get the containing websites (Apache main and
Jakarta) updated to reflect the move.

We are also in the process of cutting a 1.1.2 release.

Attachment O: Status report for the Public Relations Committee

- Jim presented the ASF sponsorship policy/project @ apachecon.

- ASF sponsorship program is now softlaunched, and is being driven by
  Shane + Jim

- Chair Replacement: Jim expected to be assigned as chair

- Fresh Blood. We have received several applications from members to
  join the PRC (see separate email for the list). This should help us get
  the momentum back.

- Several PR announcements from Apachecon. Thanks to Sally K for driving

- Geronimo PR Handling (Azul) -- Shane

- Contacts from Journalists/Analysts.. Thanks again to Sally K + others

Still Working on:

- choosing how to structure the PRC group moving forward to best achieve
  its goals (all). It is expected that the board will be re-establishing
  the PRC as a way to help this process along.

- Logo Policy Guide (Susie)
    Susie has a initial draft, which is looking great. This should
    help us with a lot of the mundane stuff that PRC handles, waiting for
   feedback from people before it progresses

- Novel Market Start  (no one assigned)

- PRC Toolkit proposal from David Reid. (for handling press releases and
  things like that)

- Establishment of a repository and JIRA area to help PRC keeping the balls
  in the air (Thanks David Reid, Jim is following up)

- creation of a public-facing website (no  one assigned)

End of minutes for the October 25, 2006 board meeting.
