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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

                          December 20, 2006

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and was begun when
    a sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was recognized by
    the Chair at 10:05.  The meeting was held by teleconference,
    hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent:

            US Number       : 800-531-3250
            International   : 303-928-2693

    IRC #asfboard on was used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Justin Erenkrantz
        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
        Jim Jagielski
        Cliff Schmidt
        Greg Stein
        Sander Striker
        Henri Yandell

    Directors Absent:

        Ken Coar
        Sam Ruby
        Sander Striker


        Geir Magnusson Jr

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of October 25, 2006

       See: board_minutes_2006_10_25.txt

       Minutes of the meeting of October 25, 2006 were approved by
       General Consent.

    B. The meeting of November 15, 2006

       See: board_minutes_2006_11_15.txt

       Note: Still awaiting confirmation from Geir regarding
       what in his report he wanted published.

       These minutes were tabled, while awaiting feedback from

4. Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Greg]

       Greg had nothing too much to report. He remains happy with the
       progress of the foundation.

    B. President [Sander]

       No report.

    C. Treasurer [Justin]

       As seen in the balances below, Google's partial sponsorship check
       has arrived.  We have not received any other payments for the
       program; so, I am not comfortable asking for the remainder of the
       agreed-upon sum from Google without jeopardizing our public
       charity status until more sponsorships are received.  I know Jim
       has had some conversations with potential sponsors lately, so
       the outlook isn't bleak - I would expect some progress to occur
       after folks return from winter vacations next month.

       As mentioned last month, I have migrated my 'treasurer setup' to
       a new machine and upgraded to QuickBooks 2007.

       A steady stream of lockbox payments have arrived.  However, I
       have not yet had time to figure out how to produce the donor
       listing reports yet with the new version of QB - I will try to do
       so soon. Last year, I did it manually; but I think there's a way
       to get the report done automatically from QB.

       Current balances (as of 12/19/2006):

        Paypal             $  1,255.28 (+$    691.55)
        Checking           $ 38,878.87 (+$ 21,829.88)
        Savings            $201,429.41 (+$ 10,457.29)
        Total              $241,563.56 (+$ 32,978.72)

       During Justin's talk, Jim was asked to provide updated information
       regarding the Sponsorship program. Jim reported that the Sponsorship
       page is now online and linked to the main ASF page. He has
       also been in contact with other protential sponsors. Work still
       needs to be done on the Thanks page and the logos.

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Jim]

       Good progress is being made in scanning and archiving all ASF
       documentation.  As a reminder, newly received iCLAs, CCLAs
       and grants get immediately recorded and scanned/archived.  Older
       documents are being scanned in semi-priority order,  with
       important ASF docs (like incorporation papers, etc), followed
       by grants, CCLAs and iCLAs.

       We are anticipating receiving the list of Donation Acknowledgement
       recipients from Justin.  These are the "thank you" letters that
       we are required to send out to those who have donated above
       a certain level.

       This week we received a check from Car Program LLC and a bill
       from CSC.  The check is being forwarded to the lockbox and
       the bill was paid using the ASF credit card.

       We have received no correspondance that requires board
       attention... Things have been slow, but steady.

    E. VP of Legal Affairs [Cliff]

        CLA UPDATE: I sent an update to legal-discuss last week to 
            let everyone know that the plan is to publish a document
            that describes the original intention behind some of the
            ambiguities in the CLA and then to discuss the idea of
            a new version.  Roy has agreed to write the "original
            intention" doc based on what statements he had made about
            the CLA's interpretation while he was ASF chair.

        GPLv3 COMPATIBILITY: The SFLC contacted me about the latest
            proposed changes to the patent licensing in the next 
            draft of GPLv3.  I am reviewing now to ensure these 
            changes would still allow Apache-Licensed works to be
            included in GPLv3-licensed works.

        STANDARDS LICENSING: I reviewed the BPEL specification patent
            licenses for Apache ODE.  The licenses would not be 
            acceptable by the ASF; however, there do not currently 
            appear to be any patents to license.  So, I see no problem 
            with ODE implementing the BPEL spec.  Another spec reviewed
            was the Yahoo-submitted IETF RFC on DomainKeys.  Noel
            submitted this to legal-internal by Noel for review during
            ApacheCon US.  I reviewed and commented on it there; while
            not ideal, it appears reasonable and should not hold back
            our development.  My analyses for both BPEL and DomainKeys
            was approved by our legal counsel on legal-internal. 

    F. VP of JCP [Geir]

        Changes to the JSPA : There is an ongoing JSR consisting of 
        EC members targetted at modifying the JSPA for the JCP.  Of 
        main interest to us is discussion surrounding "ex-ante disclosure"
        of all IP licensing terms for each JSR at time of JSR completion
        so that an implementor has a complete undestanding of any IP
        licensing issues they will encounter.  While the EGs confidentiality
        rules prevent disclosing details on the public board minutes, 
        just note that it's of interest to the ASF, and I'm working to
        help increase the amount of up-front exposure required by the JCP

        General : Things are generally smooth, with nothign requiring board
        action at this time.  We have two outstanding requests for new JSRs
        (web services related).

        Java SE TCK : Negotiations continue.  There is little progress 
        to report in the public minutes.  I've proposed a "two phase"
        approach in which we'd receive the TCK to get started under
        restrictive terms,  and continue final term negotiations, 
        but haven't yet received a formal answer.  Current trend is 
        negative, and have asked for a decision by 12/31.

5. Committee Reports

    A. Apache APR Project [Garrett Rooney / Henri]

       See Attachment A

       Greg suggested that they submit a short report in January
       regarding potential solutions for the MD4/MD5 problem. One
       possible suggestion was whether they should ask RSA for a grant.

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache Excalibur Project [J. Aaron Farr / Jim]

       See Attachment B

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Gump Project [Stefan Bodewig / Greg]

       See Attachment C

       Justin asked if we should dedicate more resources for Gump builds.
       A beefier machine would likely address any concerns. Justin will
       discuss this with the project and Infrastructure.

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache Harmony Project [Geir Magnusson Jr.]

       See Attachment D

       Justin asked what criteria was used to guage 'dev list participation'.
       Geir responded just the number of messages to the list.

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache iBATIS Project [Ted Husted / Sander]

       See Attachment E

       There was discussion at this time regarding if the board needed
       to encourage ConCom or the actual ASF projects to have the
       ApacheCon events better "spread-out" the visibility of all
       ASF projects (this in response to the note in the iBATIS report
       about a tutorial being cancelled). The general feeling was that
       although ApacheCon is a great place to do that, sessions about
       "popular" projects are the most well attended and have the better
       "draw"; it was agreed that ConCom should consider how to provide
       a better mix.

       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Jackrabbit Project [Jukka Zitting / Cliff]

       See Attachment F

       Approved by General Consent.

    G. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / Justin]

       See Attachment G

       Sam (via pre-meeting communication) indicated his "kudos" on the
       POI move. Greg noted that any PMC change requires a board
       acknowledgement, even a removal. The "trimming" of the size of
       Jakarta was discussed, with Henri providing some information
       that things are still progressing well.

       Approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache Labs Project [Stefano Mazzocchi / Dirk]

       See Attachment H

       Justin noted that there was discussion on-list about the technical
       tradeoffs of the current zone policy, but it was agreed that there
       was no need for the board to interfere at this point.

       Approved by General Consent.

    I. Apache Lucene Project [Doug Cutting / Greg]

       See Attachment I

       Approved by General Consent.

    J. Apache Portals Project [Santiago Gala / Dirk]

       See Attachment J

       No report provided. Greg noted that their September report noted
       a possible chair change to address the relatively poor
       submissions of reports.

    K. Apache SpamAssassin Project [Justin Mason / Justin]

       See Attachment K

       Justin asked if there was any PR about the Linux New Media Aware
       received by SpamAssassin. Jim reported that there was none
       from the PRC, nor was any requested. The board noted that
       the projects should be encouraged to work with the PRC and
       to update the "News" area of the site when noteworthy events
       or awards happen.

       Approved by General Consent.

    L. Apache Tomcat Project [Yoav Shapira / Ken]

       See Attachment L

       Justin asked if the security team (aka was
       involved regarding the "security" issue noted in the Tomcat
       report. Yoav, via out-of-meeting correspondance, indicated that
       they were.

       Approved by General Consent.

    M. Apache Web Services Project [Davanum Srinivas / Jim]

       See Attachment M

       Approved by General Consent.

    N. Apache XMLBeans Project [Cezar Andrei / Cliff]

       See Attachment N

       Approved by General Consent.

    O. Apache Incubator Project [Noel Bergman / Henri]

       See Attachment O

       There was discussion regarding Woden and whether its
       current level of diversity was adequate. It was noted that
       IBM and WSO2 have the "majority respresentation" but that,
       considering the Mentors of the podlings, the board trusts
       them (and the Incubator itself) to ensure diversity.

       Henri noted that log4php hasn't had a commit in 10 months and
       looks to only have the one committer.

       Justin noted that Wicket would like a license inclusion
       exception for small files. The board agreed that this made sense.

       Approved by General Consent.

    P. Conferences Committee [Ken Coar]

       See Attachment P

       Justin provided a short post-report activity for ConCom:
           1. Atlanta in Dec has been chosen as 2007 US site.
           2. Venue decision for 2008 US should happen today (Wed).
       Approved by General Consent.

    Q. Apache Velocity Project [Henning Schmiedehausen / Sander]

       See Attachment Q

       Approved by General Consent.

6. Special Orders

    A. Update Apache Security Team Membership

       WHEREAS, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Board Commmittee,
       known as the Apache Security Team expects to better serve
       its purpose through the periodic update of its membership; and

       WHEREAS, the Apache Security Team is a Board-appointed committee
       whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF
       members be added as Apache Security Team members:

          * Lars Eilebrecht     (
          * William A. Rowe     (
          * Sander Striker      (

       Special Order 6A, Updating the Apache Security Team Membership, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote.

    B. Establish Apache Open for Business Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to enterprise automation, for
       distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "The Apache Open For
       Business Project" (also known as "Apache OFBiz"), be and
       hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation;
       and be it further

       RESOLVED, that The Apache Open For Business Project be and
       hereby is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
       a software project related to generic enterprise information
       automation such as enterprise resource planning, customer
       relationship management, materials requirements planning,
       enterprise asset management, enterprise content management
       and electronic commerce that can be used as a basis for
       custom solutions, industry specific products, and other
       higher level systems; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Open For
       Business" be and hereby is created, the person holding such
       office to serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as
       the chair of The Apache Open For Business Project, and to have
       primary responsibility for management of the projects within
       the scope of responsibility of The Apache Open For Business
       Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of The
       Apache Open For Business Project:

         * David E. Jones     (
         * Jacopo Cappellato  (
         * Si Chen            (
         * Andy Zeneski       (
         * Hans Bakker        (
         * Al Byers           (
         * Yoav Shapira       (
         * David Welton       (

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that David E. Jones be
       and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice President, Open
       For Business, to serve in accordance with and subject to the
       direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Open For Business Project be
       and hereby is tasked with the migration and rationalization of
       the Apache Incubator Open For Business podling; and be it

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Open For Business podling encumbered upon the Apache
       Incubator PMC are hereafter discharged.

       There was some discussion on whether this project was
       "umbrella-like". It was agreed that the current setup of
       the project was such that the "overlap" of all aspects of
       the project was sufficient that it was not a concern.

       Special Order 6B, Establishment of the Apache Open for Business
       Project, was approved by Unanimous Vote.

    C. Establish Apache Cayenne Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
       purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
       the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
       object-relational mapping (ORM) and remoting services, for
       distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "The Apache Cayenne Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that The Apache Cayenne Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of a software
       project related to object-relational mapping (ORM) and remoting
       services; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Cayenne" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of The Apache
       Cayenne Project, and to have primary responsibility for
       management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
       The Apache Cayenne Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of The
       Apache Cayenne Project:

         * Andrus Adamchik     (
         * Bill Dudney         (
         * Michael Gentry      (
         * Tore Halset         (
         * Mike Kienenberger   (

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Andrus (Andrei)
       Adamchik be and hereby is appointed to the office of Vice
       President, Cayenne, to serve in accordance with and subject to
       the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the
       Foundation until death, resignation, retirement, removal or
       disqualification, or until a successor is appointed; and be it

       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Cayenne Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Incubator Cayenne podling; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Apache
       Incubator Cayenne podling encumbered upon the Apache Incubator
       PMC are hereafter discharged.

       It was noted that there were no ASF members on the PMC list
       and this generated minor concern with the board. Jim volunteered
       to "keep an eye" on the new project.

       Special Order 6C, Establishment of the Apache Cayenne Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote.

    D. Establish Apache Tiles Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
       of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
       establish a Project Management Committee charged with the creation
       and maintenance of open-source software related to the continued
       implementation of the page composition and layout management
       framework currently known as Apache Struts Tiles, for distribution at
       no charge to the public.
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management Committee
       (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Tiles Project", be and hereby is
       established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the Apache Tiles Project be and hereby is responsible
       for the creation and maintenance of software related to the Tiles
       template framework; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Tiles" be and
       hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve at the
       direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the Apache Tiles
       Project, and to have primary responsibility for management of the
       projects within the scope of responsibility of the Apache Tiles
       Project; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and hereby are
       appointed to serve as the initial members of the Apache Tiles 
           * Antonio Petrelli    (
           * Craig McClanahan    (
           * David H. DeWolf     (
           * Greg Reddin         (
           * Nathan Bubna        (
           * Wendy Smoak         (
       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Greg Reddin be
       appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Tiles, to serve in
       accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
       Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death, resignation,
       retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a successor is
       appointed; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Tiles Project be and hereby is
       tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache Struts
       Tiles sub-project; and be it further
       RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Struts Tiles 
       sub-project and encumbered upon the Apache Struts PMC are hereafter

       Special Order 6D, Establishment of the Apache Tiles Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote.

7. Discussion Items

8. Review Outstanding Action Items

    SAM: release management for HiveMind

    GSTEIN: talk to Noel about user/dev mailing lists for podlings
            ==> noel says "post to general"

    SAM: talk to santuario about the podling

    SANDER: find out about grant w.r.t Xerces

    Jim reported that he had redirected Jason and the Maven
    PMC to the PRC regarding the use of the Maven mark.

9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business

11. Announcements

12. Adjournment

    Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific). Adjourned at 11:30.


Attachment A: Status report for the Apache APR Project

APR currently has a few legal issues that need to be resolved, but
other than that there are no issues that currently require the board

Since the last board report we released APR 1.2.8 and 0.9.13, two bug
fix releases that as far as I can tell have been well received, with
no catastrophic problems being found post-release.  There has also
been the usual series of bug fixes and new patches, but there has been
no substantial work towards a new major version or anything of that
sort.  While people have ideas for what an APR 2.0 would do, actual
coding work seems to be hung up waiting on someone having a burning
need for one of these new features, so APR 1.x seems to be APR 2.x's
biggest enemy.  It works well enough for what people require.

There have been no new committers added, and no changes to the
membership of the PMC.

In the legal realm we still have the Crypto notification paperwork to
file.  I will be taking care of that this weekend, and I wish to make
it clear that it's solely my fault that it's taken this long to get

Additionally, in October some questions were raised about the legality
of the MD4/MD5 code we currently have in our tree (and have had for
approximately 10 years).  Looking over the mailing list archives there
appears to be some lack of consensus as to what needs to happen,
although there are a number of people who feel we need clarification
from RSA about the issue.  I plan to reread the mailing list threads
and post a summary to the list asking for input as to the proper
approach to take.  Note that there is also an alternative
implementation that we may be able to use, but it seems kind of scary
to replace such old and well tested code.

The only other issue currently facing the APR project remains the fact
that there are few active developers, and keeping on top of patches
and whatnot can be difficult.  Specifically, we have some fairly large
contributions (the one that sticks out in my mind is the apr
threadpool stuff) that have not yet been integrated simply because of
a lack of interested developers with suitable free time.  I hope this
issue will work itself out over time as more new developers present

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Excalibur Project

Items of note

No new committers.
No new PMC members.
No new releases.

 Jorg Heymans started a release process just before ApacheCon US but
 it has stalled.  I've sent an email to the list and I think we'll get
 it released before the end of the month.

 Otherwise, not much activity.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Gump Project


   * We had a little outage after the colo migration since vmgump
     didn't come up properly.  Yet another reason to look forward to
     the beefer machine Justin hinted at last time.


   * Stefano has set up a Gump build running on top of Harmony[1]
     which currently is stuck by not finding a javac command line
     compatible compiler.

   * Much of the gump side of Maven2 support is done, Bill Barker now
     also wants to give the Maven side a try - we need to make Maven
     use the jars created by gump instead of those from any local or
     remote repository.  There is hope.

   * sourceforge has found a new way to keep us moving stuff around.
     They are now moving the subversion repositories to virtual hosts
     per project, which means changing descriptors and deleting
     working copies on all Gump instances again.  Won't be the last


   * Sander Temme has been added to the PMC on 2006-12-01.

   * still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.

   * no releases.


Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Harmony Project

Issues requiring the Board's attention: none.

We have now completed our second full month of TLP, and with the
recent creation of our Solaris Zone, we have no outstanding
infrastructure requests, and thank the ASF infrastructure team
for helping us with our transition from the Incubator.  We plan
on adding a few new mail lists, one for our community-distributed
build/test system alerts, and eventually one for users.

The project continues to make progress towards it's primary goal
of a complete implementation of Java SE 5.  We have over 96% of the
Java SE 5 class library complete, and the virtual machine continues
to make substantial progress.  We look forward to securing the JCK
for Java SE 6 to start integrating it into our build/test frameworks
as to immediately begin testing the portions of the classlibrary that
we believe are spec complete.

While I can't quantify the VM as I can the class library in terms of
measurable completeness, it's clear we're making good progress due to
the continued improvements in stability, functionality and performance.
We also have quite a bit of progress in the area of documentation and
website, with a committed set of community members focused on that.

In the last month we completed substantial work on our "JDK tools"
part of the project, which is the code and build infrastructure for
the additional programs that come with the runtime environment in the
"Java Development Kit" (aka JDK).  As of now, we have a JDK that has
"java" (the runtime), "javac" (the Java language to bytecode compiler,
based on the Eclipse ECJ compiler), "javah" (C header and stub file
generator), and "keytool" (used for manipulating keys and certificates),
and will continue to work to complete the full toolchain.

Mid November, a user identified a potential vulnerability in the
codebase pertaining to a thread being able to mine values owned by
other threads in the so-called "ThreadLocal" storage.  This was
identified on the private@ list, and after the PMC determined that
there was no real need continued discussion in secrecy, we moved the
discussion to the public list and resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

On the community front, things are fairly static.  We are seeing a small
drop in our dev list participation numbers, but there are no known reasons
why, other than seasonal variability.

In late November, Sun announced the creation of their open source Java
project called "OpenJDK".  They will be releasing over the next 6
months the source code to Java SE 6, under the GPLv2 and
GPLv2+Classpath Exception licenses.  As of now, they have released
their "javac" Java-language-to-bytecode compiler and their VM to the
community under the GPLv2 license.  Currently, they are still working
out the details regarding their community structure.  We expect that
this action will have at least a short term affect on our community,
simply because it's a more advanced codebase, and an alternative
community for people to participate in.  Overall, though, this is a
positive thing for the open source Java ecosystem, and we'll continue
to look for ways to bridge the two communities.

One final community note - the Apache Gump project has been working
towards using Harmony as a "base" for their activities, and with the
recent completion of the "javac" compiler in Harmony, we're hoping
that we'll soon start seeing full Gump runs on the Harmony JDK.

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache iBATIS Project

Since our September 2006 report, the Apache iBATIS project has marked
version 2.2.0 for Java as a "General Availability" release, and we
have also made version 2.3.0 available for testing.

For some time, iBATIS has included a "Data Access Objects" framework.
However, most people in the community now use other solutions,
especially Spring, to serve the same purpose. We've been discussing
deprecating and archiving the DAO component on and off for over a
year. As of iBATIS for Java 2.3.0, the DAO framework is deprecated.

Since the beginning, the iBATIS for Java release manager has been
Clinton Begin. However, these latest releases were managed by Jeff
Butler, from beginning to end. The entire group congratulates both
Jeff and Clinton for broadening support for the critical task of

A new release of iBATIS for .NET is expected early in 2007. iBATIS.NET
1.5.1 is the current "best available" release and was voted GA in
August 2006. The 1.5.x series is available for both .NET 1.1 and .NET
2.0. We expect that the next release of iBATIS.NET to begin the 2.0.x
series. After surveying the user community, we decided to support .NET
2.0 only starting with our own version 2.x.

The new iBATIS for Ruby product is in the community-building stages,
and we are beginning to receive patches from the general public.

Unfortunately, the iBATIS tutorial for ApacheCon US 2006 was among
those that were cancelled. Other proposals by iBATIS group members
that would have covered iBATIS were passed over by the ConCom, so the
iBATIS project was not represented. Hopefully, we will have better
luck in 2007.

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Jackrabbit Project

Apache Jackrabbit is a fully conforming implementation of the Content
Repository for Java Technology API (JCR, specified in JSR 170).

The Apache Jackrabbit project has progressed nicely since the September
status report. We have no board-level issues at this time.

o Releases

  We have released two versions of Apache Jackrabbit: 1.1 in October and
  1.1.1 in December.

  The 1.2 release is scheduled to happen by the end of the year.

o Community

  No new committers have been added since September. One contributor
  was just elected for committership, but the process is still pending
  on us receiving the required CLAs.

  The number of active contributors has grown lately, and I expect
  to see new committers being elected in near future. Most notably we've
  seen a number of contributions from employees of Cognifide, a consulting
  company with JCR expertise. A CCLA has been requested.

  There were two short Apache Jackrabbit presentations during the
  ApacheCon US and some discussion on potential cooperation with other
  related Apache projects.

o Development

  The Jackrabbit build environment was recently upgraded to Maven 2 along
  with a restructuring of the Jackrabbit component projects.

  An initial clustering implementation was added to Jackrabbit core and
  will go out as a beta feature in the 1.2 release.

  The Jackrabbit dependencies to Apache Lucene and Apache Derby were
  upgraded to more recent versions.

  A number of forward-looking design discussions have occurred on the
  mailing list, often based on feedback from outside the core development

o Infrastructure

  We've requested a Solaris zone for setting up nightly builds and
  automating integration tests and Maven reporting.

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

First of all I like to mention that I haven't be able to spent the
time I wanted to spend, which is something I will try to improve.
I like to request special attention is given to the POI subproject
section in the report.
Another improvement should be that the majority of the report should
come from the community, which I am totally failing to delegate atm.
I will start actively persuing additions to the board report by our
Jakarta committers when events occur. I don't see this as a community
problem, the failure is completely mine.


Austin was my first visit to apachecon and it was a great experience
to meet the people I haven't met in person yet. One of the things I
had planned was the Jakarta BOF, where I had the idea to give a
presentation and get feedback on other peoples thoughts about
It gave me some more insight in projects I didn't have too
much knowledge about and the nature of the BOF turned out to be more
of free discussion and thought outlet.
On my todo list is to extract the points that were identified as
needing attention and send them to the general list for discussion.
Most important on that list is the identity of Jakarta, easy access
information of the state the projects are in and Jakarta being more
proactive of getting people aboard on the less active or non active
projects. Another idea the recently popped up is having experienced
mentors "assigned" to projects. With a 100+ projects this seems
like a good idea (see JCS for an example of this)


New pmc members:

Nick Burch
Roland Weber

Change :
Dany Angus requested to be removed from the PMC. Not acted upon this
yet, since he is an ASF member, a change in the committee-info.txt
probably is sufficient.

New committers :

Jurgen Hoffmann was voted on to be able to commit to Jakarta.
He earned this because of his devotion on Turbine.
Antoine Levy-Lambert, so he can work on Slide (on his own request and
voted on by the PMC).

Releases :

- HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0-alpha3
- Commons Digester 1.8
- Commons Discovery 0.4
- Commons DbUtils 1.1
- Commons Validator 1.3.1
- Commons HttpClient 3.1-beta1
- BSF 2.4.0
- Commons Lang 2.2
- Commons Configuration 1.3

Not yet project commons-ssl:

There were announcements on the httpcomponents list (and on the
tomcat list) about a release of commons-ssl, which in real life isn't
 a commons project at all, but an external project, with the
intention of joining Jakarta. An CLA is on file and currently an
envelope is on the way to Jim, since his employer wants to have a
signed copy back. I asked Julius Davies if he could start a proposal
on the Jakarta to discuss if we could sponsor the donation. The
thread kind of died and I will restart the thread when the paperwork
is handled.
place. Julies fixed the naming of commons-ssl by calling it
Not-Yet-Commons-ssl, with giving an explenation.
Link can be found here :

Projects (currently 15 main projects)


Bcel hardly has any activity and during the BOF I learned that
Torsten Curdt adopted BCEL. With the Google summer of code Torsten
mentored 1 person working on BCEL and BCEL supports 1.5 now.
It could be worth investigating if the 2 forks of BCEL that are out
there (Findbugs and AspectJ) can be merged back to BCEL itself,
however Torsten said that both forks probably don't want to invest
there time in a merge, since the current situation works for them.
Currently BCEL is considered legacy and since projects are using it,
it is still maintained. If there are signals of people wanting to
become active, we will definitely take that opportunity.


After about 4 years of no releases, BSF finally got their release,
which was in the Apachecon press release. Since the release things
have become a bit more quiet and the user list still points to fact
that not a lot of users have picked up on the release yet, since
there were problems with the downloadscript. It will probably also
take time to get the users back that were lost in the past by not
having any releases.
Personal note : I would like to thank the BSF committers for doing
a great job.


Cactus is currently unmaintained. There are still users, but most
questions don't get an answer. A lot of people also are wondering
if maven2 will be supported and with what j2ee versions cactus will
work. There is definitely work to do here (Cargo integration comes to


Commons has 33 proper, 11 sandbox and 16 dormant subprojects.

Currently there is a huge release boom going on at commons. After
past problems with votes not getting any attention I think things
have picked up for the better and most votes get attention. The
situation is still not perfect and still needs focus.


ECS is mature / dormant. The dev list had it's last noise in August.
The user list didn't have any traffic since April, which kind of
looks like there isn't a user base. Will make this an agenda item.


Currently has 3 subprojects : httpasync, httpclient and httpcore.
There is lots of activity from developers and from users. Also there
are regular releases.


As mentioned in previous board reports there was a vote about a
release, but no release has happened just yet.
Henning Schmiedenhausen offered to mentor the currently active
release manager Aaron Smuts. Besides that there isn't much
development activity in JCS. There is some user traffic and questions
get answered.


Lot's of developer activity and user activity at JMeter. The only
thing that is a bit worrying is that Sebastian Bazley is the only
committer. I've added this to my todo list to see if there are other
candidates to help him out.


Very little activity and no developer activity.
ORO is very mature. Added to the agenda to see where to go from here.


There is lot's of activity in POI on developer and user side.
Most of the work is done by Nick Burch. Recently a release
vote was held, without any visible result. By accident I stumbled on
the release announcement made on the POI user list.
There was no vote result posted, no checking of the release itself
and the PMC wasn't notified of that result.
There are currently several issues at POI :

- The Jakarta PMC Members that supposed to represent POI and thus
 (at least) giving oversight to what happens in POI, don't provide
 that oversight.
- It feels like they are acting as a separate entity in Jakarta and
 even the ASF itself.
- There seems to be some legal thing in place where people who want
 to become a committer need to "swear" that they are not under an
 NDA from Micrsoft about the office document format. At Apachecon
 I talked to Jim about this and he isn't aware of anything in place
 from the board pov (I can confirm that even from the PMC pov we
 don't have any records of those statements). Besides that we have
 an ICLA/CCLA to cover this situation.
- svn karma is separate from the rest of Jakarta, because of above
 legal reasons (in March there was voted to open up Jakart svn
 karma, POI objected to this, so there karma is handled separately.

With the release going bad, I decided to start a vote on the general
list to open up svn karma for POI.
The initial goal I have with this vote, is to make sure that they
finally completely join Jakarta, without any exceptions. As a side
effect it will remove the psychological barrier that exists when
it concerns POI. We trust them to with svn karma for Jakarta
and they don't trust us with svn karma. There shouldn't be a need
for distrust or this separation.
The thing I was warned for with this vote, is that the legal issue
would surface and indeed it did. The highest legal priority currently
is, at least in my view, the releases that don't conform to ASF
standards. If we solve that my next step was (based on the feedback),
starting with clearing up and fixing the legal situation for
contributing and committing to POI (if that is needed at all).
People in the threads refer to the Harmony case, where they require
something similar. The big difference is that the PMC handles this
and in the POI case no one handles this (at least to my knowledge).

The vote is still up untill next friday / saturday.

If there are any questions, let me know. Henri is monitoring and
participating in the thread and Jim was informed about the thread.


Very little activity and no developer activity.
Regexp is very mature. Added to the agenda to see where to go from


Antoine Levy-Lambert requested karma for Jakarta to be able to work
on Slide. Slide still has a user base, but is lacking developers, so
we welcomed his request. Antoine said he needed time to get into the
code base, so it might take time to get really productive.
User questions are mainly answered by other users and some questions
stay unanswered


Has 20 proper, 5 sandbox and 8 deprecated tag libraries.
Currently there is a discussion going about going beyond the spec
with the standards taglib. Some patching is taking place in the
standard taglib and in the RDC taglib. There are regular questions
on the user list and all questions are answered.


Turbine exists of 3 subprojects : core, fulcrum and stratum.
There is activity from multiple people (svn and wiki), but
Jurgen Hoffmann is the one with most cycled to spare for
Turbine development. User list seems healthy, where most
questions get answers.


The board approved the establishement of the TLP Velocity project.
Since you already 2 board reports about Velocity, I don't think
it's useful to add a status update. I am aware of the reports and
I have no items to add on the todo's of the move.

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Labs Project

The Apache Labs project was created Nov 18, 2006 and so far we have 6
labs that were created and one lab that was proposed, got negative
feedback from a few PMC members and the lab proponent decided to
withdraw the proposition.

The negative votes were due to the fact that some of the PMC members
believed that the proposed codebase didn't fit the labs charter because
it was an already established codebase (not released but already used in
production) and that the lab proponent was explicitly looking for ways
to engage a bigger community. It was proposed that the incubator was
better suited for that kind of activity.

It is worth mentioning, though, that there seems to be a perceptual gap
between labs and the incubator and such proposal made it very explicit:
the incubator is perceived, by some committers, as a very heavy-weight
social ecosystem, poorly fitted to transition a committer one-man-show
into a open development community.

While it is not something that Labs can fix, it is something that
graduating labs will have to confront and it is useful for the board to
realize that an impedance mismatch between the planned evolutionary work
flow for a lab and the reality of committers perception exists.

Whether or not this is going to change as a few graduating labs go thru
this process is hard to predict, but in the realm of possibilities.

From a technological note, the labs are already exhibiting a wide range
of technologies (C, java, python, javascript).

From an organizational point of view, each lab has its own DOAP
descriptor. We also wrote a little DOAPizer tool[1] to help the
submission process. We have not have any complains about such
requirements as lab PIs don't seem to mind the existing 'metadata tax'.

From a charter point of view, it has been vocally suggested that the 'no
releases' restriction should be lifted because it makes it substantially
harder for labs to gather attention.

Again, labs seem to be perceived as a better fit than the incubator for
projects that want to attract more usage and developers, but labs is
really about research, rather than community building. I have personally
stated that I'm not going to allow a re-evaluation of the charting rules
before at least 12 months time, time that would allow us to understand
better what is really a problem and what is just a committer's
perception. This seems to have stabilized this matter, at least for now.

On a PR/publishing point of view, a lot of effort went into making sure
that the[2] web site look modern, fresh, fast and it was
very easy for a distributed group to maintain. There is already evidence
that people like the site and find it easy to modify and adjust. There
is still work to do in the automation of web pages generation from DOAP
descriptors, but given the current number of labs, there is no hurry and
we will let things emerge organically.

From an infrastructure point of view, the infrastructure was created
timely, the only problem was the creation of the solaris zone that is
still not available and we don't have an ETA on that.

I've seen the same thing happening for Harmony and I wonder if we are
running out of resources for zones. I think it would be worthwhile for
the board to have a clear understanding of the project zone situation.
If/when the board has such understanding, it would be useful for it to
be reported back to the projects asking for zones and currently on hold.


Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Lucene Project


The Lucene project added one new PMC member, Sami Siren.


Lucene Java is a search-engine toolkit.  Development was active, with
over 60 Jira issues resolved.  Several IBM employees have started
contributing significantly this quarter, including one new committer,
Michael McCandless.  The website was ported to Forrest.


Nutch is a web-search engine: crawler, indexer and search runtime.
Nutch made a 0.8.1 release in September.  One new committer was added,
Chris Mattmann.  Development was active with over 50 issues resolved.


Hadoop is a scalable distributed computing platform.  Its monthly
release schedule has continued.  Development has been very active, with
over 200 issues resolved this quarter.  Support has improved for
Amazon's computing services, making it easier for folks to experiment
without purchasing hundreds of machines.


Solr is an enterprise search server, in incubation.  Development is
steady, with around 20 issues resolved this quarter.  Solr now has
committers from a variety of institutions and should soon graduate.


Lucy will develop a shared C-based core for ports of Lucene to other
languages, such as Perl, Python and Ruby.  Some initial steps were made
this quarter.


Lucene.Net is an incubator project providing a C# port of Lucene.  It
still has only one active developer.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Portals Project

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache SpamAssassin Project

- We won 'Best Linux-based Anti-spam Solution' at the Linux New Media
  Awards 2006, winning 69% of the vote!

- SpamAssassin 3.1.6 was released in October, swiftly followed by a
  quick-fix 3.1.7 release -- we're allowed one brown-bag moment per
  stable release branch ;)

- SpamAssassin 3.2.0 is rapidly nearing release -- we're getting to the
  stage where we could start performing the time-consuming
  score-generation process with the current code and ruleset.  We'll
  probably do this in January (although haven't yet put it to a vote...)

- we added ASF member Tony Finch as a committer.

- no change to the PMC composition.

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Tomcat Project

Issues requiring the Board's attention: none.

Work continues apache on Tomcat 6 and the mod_jk connector.  Both
products have done multiple alpha- and beta-level releases since the
last Board report.  Both have received increased testing from the
committers as well as outside contributors, resulting in some
interesting issues discovered and addressed.  We hope to have a stable
mod_jk release, 1.2.20, in the next week or two, as well as another
alpha-level build of Tomcat (6.0.6), and the first stable Tomcat 6
release before the next Board report.

Several of the fixes found in Tomcat 6 have been back-ported to Tomcat
5.x as well, but there has been no 5.x release since 5.5.20 in September.

On December 7th a possible security issue was reported to us by the
Struts PMC, which had been notified of it earlier.  After some
discussion, we concluded this was a fairly minor issue with
responsibility on both the Tomcat and Struts sides.  There was a patch
available in SVN within a day or so, and it was back-ported to
previous Tomcat branches as well.  I think we were all pretty pleased
with the efficiency and speed of communication between the projects.

Because the issue has yet to be publicly announced and this Board
report may become public before the issue is announced, we are
omitting the actual details here.  The Tomcat PMC will be glad to
provide any details required, and the discussions are archived on the
mailing list archives of,, and

Trademarks / Legal
A couple of days ago we noted that was calling their
product Tomcat.NET.  We contacted them, CCing the PRC for its records,
and Octazen immediately agreed to relabel their product and clarify
the page as to their relationship to Apache Tomcat.  So this issue was
resolved pleasantly and quickly.

Not much going on here: no new committers, no new PMC members, but no
one resigning or leaving either ;)

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Web Services Project

- Axis C++ supports the generation of C stubs for Document/Literal
  style. Tested on OS/400.
- The Apache Muse team released a new major version (2.0) on September
  29th. Muse 2.0 offers an implementation of the latest ratified
  versions of WSRF, WSN, and WSDM, for both Axis2 and OSGi-based
  applications. The team is planning a 2.1 maintenance release for
  December 14th.
- Axis2 released v1.1 on 13th November 2006
- Apache WSS4J released v1.5.1 on 11th December 2006
- Apache Rampart released v1.1 on 11th December 2006
- Synapse folks are working on a plan to exit incubation and join WS PMC
- Axis2 may release a v1.1.1 next week.
- Somewhat related note, Cliff sent out an email about Apache ODE's
  implementation of BPEL spec, indicating that we are good to go as
  there are no specific claims/patents we are aware of.

Attachment N: Status report for the Apache XMLBeans Project

Development continues on the same trend, there was an upgrade to use the
latest version of Saxon 8.8 for XPath/XQuery support in XMLBeans and a
more flexible Schema generator and bug fixes related to xml saving,
error handling of type system, dates and duration. Traffic on the
mailing lists is at the same levels, though new users are asking
questions, sometimes quite advanced.

There were no new releases, though it's probably a good time to start
thinking of a new minor release.

There were no new committers or PMC changes.

Status for XMLBeanscxx subproject:
  1) 2 committers granted karma
  2) initial code drop into ASF
  3) some discussions w/ other Apache projects re: usage of xmlbeanscxx

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Projects in the Incubator have been very busy.  Tuscany, Qpid, Felix, CXF,
Synapse, Yoko, OpenJPA and Abdera have all been going through Incubator
releases in the past month.

Cayenne and OFBiz are proposed to Board to move to TLP status.  At least a
couple of other projects should be getting ready to do so.

No major conflicts in the past month.  Just a lot of work.

Reports are missing from ActiveMQ and log4php.


=== ODE ===

Apache ODE is an implementation of the BPEL4WS and WS-BPEL specifications
for web services orchestration.
ODE entered incubation in March 2006.

Activity related to incubation:
 * Thanks to Cliff Schmidt, we've finally cleared the BPEL4WS and WS-BPEL
specifications intellectual property and patents issues. See for details.
 * We're almost finished replacing Hibernate with OpenJPA, Hibernate is our
last license-related issue.

Activity related to project development:
 * We've created a much better site at We
still need to add more documentation but the principal is already there.
 * We've added a connector for JBI (ServiceMix) and another one with SCA
(Tuscany) is in progress.
 * Development is still very active, we've added more features and also
improved stability.

To complete before graduation:
 * Now that most IP issues have been resolved we need to release. This will
hopefully help us for the next point.
 * We need to attract more committers and encourage diversity.

So the plan for the next period is to finish the transition to OpenJPA and
build a release most probably in January.

=== OFBiz ===

Apache OFBiz ("The Apache Open For Business Project") is an open source
enterprise automation software project.[[BR]]
OFBiz entered incubation in January 2006.

Top items to resolve before graduation:
 * the OFBiz community has completed all the incubation's tasks, the
Incubator has positively voted for the graduation of OFBiz podling and the
text of the the board resolution has been sent to the ASF Board.

What has been done for incubation since the last report:
 * the Incubator vote has approved the Apache OFBiz 4.0.0 TS5 test snapshot
 * the Incubator has positively voted for the graduation of OFBiz podling

Plans and expectations for the next period
 * we are all hoping to get a positive vote for graduating OFBiz to a TLP
during the next ASF Board meeting (happening on 20, December)
 * if OFBiz will graduate, we will work, together with the Infrastructure
guys to the migration of mailing lists, issue tracker, svn server, web site

See the Incubator status page
( for more details.

=== log4net ===

log4net is an implementation of the Apache log4j for the .NET Framework.

Incubating since: 2004-01-15

Items to complete before graduation:

 * Continue to expand the community


 * User mailing list maintaining good activity
 * We have an open ended discussion on the use and storage of strong name
assembly signing keys. This may need further discussion at wider level, and
probably requires some sort of consensus amongst all the Apache .NET


 * No important development news to report.
 * The next planned release will be a point release fixing issues reported
since the last release.
 * Several user contributed patches are waiting to be reviewed and

=== NMaven ===

NMaven develops plugins and integration for Maven to make building and using
.NET languages a first-class citizen in Maven.

Incubating since: 2006-11-17

This is the first report for this podling.

Completed setup:
 * Mailing lists and ppmc established
 * SVN area set up
 * Software grant and CLA received, account created
 * Moved existing Maven sandbox code to the podling
 * Reach out to to look for additional contributors
 * Tidied up and imported NMaven code
 * Some discussion has started to take place about the best way forward

Next steps:
 * start working on a roadmap and looking for further interest

=== Wicket ===

Web development framework focusing on pure OO coding, making the creation of
new components very easy. Wicket entered the incubator in October 2006.

Top three items to resolve

 * Get a Wicket site on
 * Make the code base license policy compliant
 * Settle into ASF context more

Community aspects:

 * Development list gets more activity
 * Job listings are rising
 * Sister project becomes community driven

Code aspects:

 * Work on 1.3 has started
 * Work continues steadily on 2.0


 * Removed LGPL date picker component from extensions (1.3 branch, 2.0 still
 * Started to replace License headers in source files
 * Discussion on css/javascript/html file license headers. Wicket contains
and distributes many (small) css, javascript and html files that are also
downloaded to the browser. Point of dispute is the fact that the license is
larger than several of the files, and that it increases the download sizes
of resources for all users of Wicket applications.


 * Work has started to generate the website using confluence

=== UIMA ===

UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video.

Things are proceeding well, there is a lot of activity on the dev list, a
lot of coding activity.  We're pretty much settled in with the Apache
infrastructure, have figured out how we want to use Jira in conjunction with
SVN etc.

Some recent activity:

 * Infrastructure setup complete, barring some minor JIRA admin issues
 * Website in good shape now, using Anakia
 * Settled on Confluence for Wiki
 * M2 build done
 * Documentation has been converted to Doc``Book, although there are still
some formatting issues to address
 * Sample code has been updated
 * Moving known issues from previous issue tracking systems to Jira
 * Created sandbox as a place to contribute UIMA analysis components,
 * We've posted messages at the previous UIMA download locations notifying
our user base that development has moved to the ASF incubator

Our priorities for the coming weeks:

 * We are hoping to be able to do our first Apache incubator release early
next year.  There is a __lot__ of work to be done to make that happen, and
we're still in the process of figuring out what that work is exactly ;-)
 * Get the sandbox off to a running start
 * Discuss ways to attract new committers

=== Woden ===

Woden is a Java class library for reading, validating, manipulating,
creating and writing WSDL documents, initially to support WSDL 2.0 and with
the longer term aim of supporting past, present and future versions of WSDL.

Woden entered the Incubator in April 2005. The Woden team have made six
releases since then and have been included in the release of the Apache
Axis2 project. Our current set of active committers consists of four from
IBM, one from WSO2 and one from University of Moratuwa. If there are any
concerns on whether we would graduate if a vote was put to the Incubator
PMC, then it is diversity of the committer base. We would appreciate
feedback on this point.

Recent activity since our last report in August:

 * Woden M6 was released in October which introduced a StAX parser based
implementation of the Woden API and improved the compliance with the WSDL
2.0 specification.
 * In November, three of the Woden committers attended the W3C Web Services
Description Working Group "Second Interoperability Event on WSDL 2.0" in
Dinard, France. Two others participated remotely. Some highlights of the
  * Fixed numerous Woden bugs,
  * Added a number of good test cases,
  * Conducted a message exchange testing,
  * Identified a number of ambiguities and potential issudes in
  * Generally ate too much :-)
 * In Novermber, we added one more committer, Graham Turrell, subsequent to
his contribution of significant patches in the area of a URI resolution
 * Woden M6 jar has been included in the Axis2 1.1 release.
 * We have a healthy dev list with a large increase in activity recently.
 * Woden has  made progress lately wrt conformance to the WSDL 2.0 spec,
which can be seen in the WSDL working group's dashboard [1]

Our immediate priorities are:

 * deliver M7 to rollup the significant progress made during the interop
 * continue development of Woden extension mechanism so that specifications
that extend the core WSDL spec can extend Woden to parse and validate their


=== OpenEJB ===

OpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable, and extendable EJB
Container System and EJB Server.

Incubating since: 2006-07-10

Additions to the PPMC: David Blevins, David Jencks
Additions to the committer roster: Rick McGuire, Mohammed Nour (not yet

All remaining infra has been migrated to ASF hardware:
 * Confluence
 * Website

As hoped the JIRA migration tool we created has helped other Incubator
projects migrate as well, most recently Ivy.

All IP was cleared.

Recent new contributors: Manu George and Filippo Diotalevi contributed their
first patches.

Recent activity has centered around producing a 2.2-incubating release. The
spread of workload and commitment to getting all of the process right
(including updates to the source headers) was very encouraging. A vote was
held, and recently passed, including the 3 binding votes from the incubator
PMC (by the mentors of the podling).

=== OpenJPA ===

OpenJPA made good progress this quarter.  The community completed its
first release (0.9.6) under guidance from the Incubator PMC and the
Mentors.  This took a couple of attempts and was a good learning
experience for all involved.

Two new committers were added (Bryan Noll and Srinivasa Segu).

The project has completed requisite IP clearance steps and updated its
status / website.  Now, the focus is on growing and diversifying
the community.

=== Cayenne ===

Apache Cayenne is component-oriented persistence framework, providing
object-relational mapping (ORM), remoting services, and a JPA-compatible
persistence provider (JSR-220). Cayenne entered incubation in March 2006.

Top items to resolve before graduation:

 * The Cayenne community has completed all incubator tasks, the Incubator
has voted for the graduation of the Apache Cayenne podling, and the text of
the board resolution has been sent to the ASF Board.

What has been done for incubation since the last report:

 * We rewrote remaining code (originally by Gary Jarrel) to finish out IP
 * We released Apache Cayenne 2.0.1.
 * We added Tore Halset as a Cayenne PPMC member.
 * We added Malcolm Edgar as as Cayenne committer.
 * We worked through the graduation process and the Incubator PMC has voted
to recommend Cayenne for graduation to the ASF Board.

Plans and expectations for the next period

 * We expect to graduate Cayenne to a TLP during the December 20th ASF Board

=== ADF Faces / Trinidad ===

Apache Trinidad is a library of JavaServer Faces components, runnable with
every JSF-compliant implementation.

The Trinidad (ADF Faces) project solved lot's of todos. We also worked on
lot's of jira issue, like:

 * Improving the client side validation
 * Moving some internal classes to API
 * cleanup of notices and licenses for compliance with the ASF
 * improved PDA support (got patches from users here)
 * JSF 1.2 compliant

One of the biggest technical working points these days is the
JSF 1.2 branch to be compliant against a JSF 1.2 impl. One of the artifacts
(the maven plugins) is currently used by the MyFaces team to work on their
JSF 1.2 impl.
We added a new committer to the project.

=== mod_ftp ===

mod_ftp is an FTP protocol module for Apache 2.0 and 2.2.

Incubating since: 2005-08-06
Mentor: Jim Jagielski

Additions to the PPMC: None
Additions to the committer roster: None

Recent activity has been around tying up the loose ends for graduation.
Also significant work has been done in porting to the latest rev of APR,
to allow for building against 2.2. More work is required on this front,
but this should not affect graduation.

Documentation has undergone serious improvement, both in the form of
normal httpd server docs as well as traditional README-type docs.

Attachment P: Status report for the Conferences Committee

[ delivered to the Board on November 15, 2006 ]

ApacheCon US took place in Austin, Texas this year from October 9-13.
The first two days were devoted to tutorials and the last three to
conference sessions.  There were 5 concurrent tracks of one-hour
sessions during the conference proper, with a 6th track on the last
day for business-oriented content.

There some problems with marketing so the sponsor participation was
lighter than anticipated.  Nevertheless, the conference should turn a
slight profit (awaiting final numbers from SCP).  IBM was a sponsor,
this time with involvement from a high-enough level within the company
that there's hope for some continuity rather than being at the mercy
of individual department budgets and plans.

There were approximately 500 people in attendance, including a large
influx from the local area.

The traditional 'hackathon' occurred on the two tutorial days.  For
the remainder of the week, the hackathon area remained available, and
was directly adjacent to the exhibit area.  Since the tables all had
power, they were frequently in use, and often by people collaborating
rather than just individuals.  The Apache Geronimo project, for
example, had a number of people sharing a table almost continuously.
There was no hard network available, only wifi, but that didn't seem
to be an issue for anyone.  On the second day of the tutorials, an
802.11a network was set up, which had a surprising number of people
using it.

This conference makes the second the ASF has done with this producer.
The ASF has entered into a three-year contract with them for all
U.S. and European conferences.

The next full ApacheCon will be in Amsterdam at the end of April 2007;
the site and dates for the next U.S. ApacheCon have not yet been

The growth in attendee numbers is essentially flat, although there
were problems with the marketing for Austin.  With a longer-term
relationship with the producer assured, the conference is expected to
become steadily more 'reliable' in terms of travel and education
planning, and the attendance is expected to grow gradually.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project

General information

The Velocity project is busy moving out of the Jakarta umbrella and into
top-level status. Since the last report we have successfully moved the
SVN repository with the help of infrastructure and also set up a commits
mailing list.

For the TLP itself we are in process of setting up a web site which then
links all the project web sites together. This should be done till the
end of December.

The Velocity project currently has no board-level issues at this time.

New Committers / PMC members

Claude Brisson <> was voted in as a committer to the
Velocity Tools project (and in turn to the Velocity project as a whole)
on Dec, 1st. His CLA has been sent in and recorded.

No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.

Velocity Engine project

The Velocity engine project voted and released 1.5-beta2 on November

According to the discussion on the infrastructure mailing list, we moved
this beta release together with all other voted beta releases (currently
only 1.5 beta1) into the mirrored distribution tree at

The engine project fully expects to keep its early Q1 '07 release date.

Velocity Tools project

Velocity Tools is gearing up towards the 1.3 release. No beta or final
releases were made since the last board report.

Velocity DVSL

There were no changes in the DVSL code base. No DVSL development
happened in the last month.

End of minutes for the December 20, 2006 board meeting.
