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                    The Apache Software Foundation

                  Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

                            Jan. 16, 2008

1. Call to order

    The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and began at
    10:02 when sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
    recognized by the chairman.  The meeting was held by
    teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.

    IRC #asfboard on were be used for backup

2. Roll Call

    Directors Present:

        Justin Erenkrantz
        J Aaron Farr
        Jim Jagielski
        Geir Magnusson Jr
        William Rowe Jr
        Sam Ruby
        Henning Schmiedehausen
        Greg Stein
        Henri Yandell

    Directors Absent:



        Lars Eilebrecht
        Doug Cutting
        Sally Khudairi (arrived 10:37, left 11:10)
        Kevan Miller
        Matt Hogstrom

3. Minutes from previous meetings

    Minutes (in Subversion) are found under the URL:

    A. The meeting of Nov. 14, 2007

       See: board_minutes_2007_11_14.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. The meeting of Dec. 19, 2007

       See: board_minutes_2007_12_19.txt

       Approved by General Consent.

4. Executive Officer Reports

    A. Chairman [Jim]

       2007 saw pretty impressive growth within the ASF, both in membership
       as well as projects and committers. Resulting from the 2 members
       meetings held last year, we increased our membership ranks by 56
       new members. 32 were from the November elections alone, and they

           Andrei Adamchik      Rahul Akolkar        Matt Benson
           Tobias Bocanegra     Nick Burch           Alan Cabrera
           Arjé Cahn            Jacopo Cappellato    Hiram Chirino
           Martijn Dashorst     Tim Ellison          Manfred Geiler
           Gary Gregory         Stefan Guggisberg    Grant Ingersoll
           Kevin Jackson        David E. Jones       David Jencks
           Dennis Lundberg      Felix Meschberger    Kevan Miller
           Guillaume Nodet      Daryl C. W. O'Shea   Owen O'Malley
           Ajith Ranabahu       Marcel Reutegger     Matthieu Riou
           Martin Sebor         Angela Schreiber     Bruce Snyder
           Thomas Vandahl       Matthias Wessendorf

       We also graduated 15 TLPs:

           Apache ActiveMQ (Incubator) - January 2007
           Apache Roller (Incubator) - February 2007
           Apache Felix (Incubator) - March 2007
           Apache OpenEJB (Incubator) - May 2007
           Apache OpenJPA (Incubator) - May 2007
           Apache Turbine (Jakarta) - May 2007
           Apache POI (Jakarta) - May 2007
           Apache Quetzalcoatl (HTTP Server) - June 2007
           Apache Wicket (Incubator) - June 2007
           Apache Commons (Jakarta) - June 2007
           Apache ODE (Incubator) - July 2007
           Apache ServiceMix (Incubator) - September 2007
           Apache HttpComponents (Jakarta) - November 2007
           Apache C++ Standard Library Project (Incubator) - November 2007
           Apache Synapse Project (WS) - December 2007

       2007 was also significant because we saw the Sponsorship program
       really kick in gear. Currently we have 2 Platinum Sponsors (Google and
       Yahoo!), 1 Gold (HP), 1 Silver (Covalent) and 3 Bronze (AirPlus
       International, Tetsuya Kitahata, and Two Sigma Investments).
       Infrastructure also did very noteworthy upgrades and improvements
       over the past year.

       As mentioned in previous minutes, the board elections (and
       subsequent officer nominations) saw the larger turnover in
       directors and officers in the history of the ASF. Even with all this,
       from an oversight point-of-view, I see no potential problems
       with us scaling to handle this growth or ensuring that 2008 is
       easily as "successful" as 2007 was.

    B. President [Justin]

       It's now been about six months since I took over the position
       of President.  In this time, I've tried to familiarize myself
       with all of our operational aspects across the foundation.

       One observation is that I feel we're not doing as good a job as we
       should in following through with all the balls that are in the air.
       This observation is not necessarily restricted to any one area,
       but seems to be a cross-cutting concern across the entire foundation.
       It is not necessarily for a lack of direction (or knowing what to
       do), but a lack of resources to help execute the ideas.

       I'd like to begin discussions on how to resolve this and be able
       to help provide execution resources where needed.  Therefore,
       I'd like to start from the top down and start with seeking
       an Executive Assistant to directly help me execute my tasks.
       Such a resource would be tasked as I deem appropriate to help
       execute our mission across all areas of the foundation.

       Our infrastructure continues to grow.  We are currently dealing
       with a rash of hardware failures.  Issues with vendors has
       created difficulties in acquiring replacement parts and service.
       A number of folks (including Directors) have complained about the
       poor turnaround time for infrastructure requests - this has
       prompted a number of internal discussions within infrastructure
       as how to proceed.  But, we do not have a lot of resources to
       spare for hands-on infrastructure, so we'll need to be prepared
       to augment our infrastructure resources if the Board considers
       that a priority.

       During the discussion, it was agreed that this was a good
       compromise, it was requested that Justin produce a written
       job description, as as the person that Justin had in mind was
       the current secretary assistant, first a three way call with
       the current secretary, the secretary assistant and the president
       was in order, and a search for a new secretary assistant needs
       to be initiated.

    C. Treasurer [J Aaron]

       Nothing exceptional to report for the beginning of the year.  As
       requested, I'm providing a more detailed report of the finances

          Paypal                         $  4,491.38  ($+   573.45)
          Checking                       $132,585.28  ($- 3,836.65)
          Savings                        $156,182.98  ($+   248.54)
          Total                          $293,259.64  ($- 3,014.66)

             Contract Payments           $  5,800.00
             CC Expenses                 $  3,431.61
             Stone Circle                $  4,075.35 [1]
             Banking Fees                $    109.54
             TOTAL                       $ 13,416.50

             Donations via Lockbox       $  5,638.35 [2]
             Paypal Donations            $    573.45
             Stone Circle                $  3,941.50 [3]
             TOTAL                       $ 10,152.30

          [1] Payment for Amsterdam Media Training class
          [2] Largest single donation: $2000 from Mediapolis, Inc.
          [3] ApacheCon US 2006 Proceeds

       On a personal note, I had a hard-drive failure which wiped out my
       Quickbooks install (more specifically corrupted the Parallels
       Windows image).  I have not yet gotten Quickbooks back up and
       running.  Intend to get this worked out before next reporting
       cycle.  Note that we have recent backups of our QuickBook data in
       svn, so our data is still fine.  It's just my setup which is

       During the discussion, a question was asked as to whether
       the balance split between the checking and savings was right.
       The answer was yes.

    D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Sam]

       Approved board minutes were posted to the website, and new board
       minutes were generated in ample time for review for this meeting.
       The above shouldn't have been noteworthy, but sadly, it is.

       Reverified expectations with the Secretary assistant.  In summary,
       FAXes should typically be handled within a week, and questions and
       issues addressed to secretary@ should be addressed within a week.
       In the event that the latter does not happen, I will get involved
       and the expectation is that once that occurs all such issues will
       get resolved within a week.  In the event that issues arrise that
       would prevent any of the above from occuring (example: vacation),
       it is the responsibility of the assistant to bring such things
       to my attention, preferably in advance.

       I've heard no word on my access to the foundation's funds, or on
       the credit card.  Last I recall it was Aaron's todo?  This is not
       an issue at this time, the concern is that down the road should
       it ever become an issue, it may very well be an urgent one.  Is
       this something I should follow up on?

5. Additional Officer Reports

    A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby]

       See Attachment 1

       Request was made that legal/status be updated.

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]

       See Attachment 2

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Bill]

       See Attachment 3

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Henri]

       See Attachment 4

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache Audit Project [Henri Yandell]

       See Attachment 5

       Various ideas were presented on how to fix this committee.
       Henri has todo.

       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]

       See Attachment 6

       Some confusion over the report; this was cleared up when
       it was explained that "project" meant "ASF" in this context.

       Additional feedback on the report: it needs a Sally/HALO component.
       Clarify that branding is a PRC (not HALO) responsibility.
       Aaron volunteers to help.

       Approved by General Consent.

6. Committee Reports

    A. Apache ActiveMQ Project [Hiram Chirino / Henning]

       See Attachment A

       Henning to follow up with James on a number of new committers.

       Approved by General Consent.

    B. Apache Beehive Project [Eddie O'Neil / Geir]

       See Attachment B

       Approved by General Consent.

    C. Apache Cxx Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Jim]

       See Attachment C

       Approved by General Consent.

    D. Apache DB Project [Jean T. Anderson / J. Aaron]

       See Attachment D

       Approved by General Consent.

    E. Apache Directory Project [Emmanuel Lecharny / Sam]

       See Attachment E

       Approved by General Consent.

    F. Apache Geronimo Project [Matt Hogstrom / Greg]

       See Attachment F

       Approved by General Consent.

    G. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Justin]

       See Attachment G

       Approved by General Consent.

    H. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Henning]

       See Attachment H

       Approved by General Consent.

    I. Apache Jakarta Project [Martin van den Bemt / J. Aaron]

       See Attachment I

       Geir owes them an answer re their TCK

       Approved by General Consent.

    J. Apache JAMES Project [Danny Angus / Sam]

       See Attachment J

       Approved by General Consent.

    K. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / Henri]

       See Attachment K

       Jim has todo to seek out obtaining Maven reports consistently

       Approved by General Consent.

    L. Apache MINA Project [Trustin Lee / Justin]

       See Attachment L

       Approved by General Consent.

    M. Apache MyFaces Project [Manfred Geiler / Bill]

       See Attachment M

       Approved by General Consent.

    N. Apache ODE Project [Matthieu Riou / Geir]

       See Attachment N

       Approved by General Consent.

    O. Apache OpenEJB Project [David Blevins / Jim]

       See Attachment O

       Approved by General Consent.

    P. Apache OpenJPA Project [Craig Russell / Greg]

       See Attachment P

       Approved by General Consent.

    Q. Apache Shale Project [Craig R. McClanahan / Justin]

       See Attachment Q

       Approved by General Consent.

    R. Apache Struts Project [Martin Cooper / Bill]

       See Attachment R

       Approved by General Consent.

    S. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / Sam]

       See Attachment S

       Approved by General Consent.

    T. Apache Tapestry Project [Howard M. Lewis Ship / Greg]

       See Attachment T

       Jim to take Tapestry branding issue to the PRC

       Approved by General Consent.

    U. Apache Tcl Project [David N. Welton / Henri]

       See Attachment U

       Approved by General Consent.

7. Special Orders

    A. Sponsorship of ASF Hackathon Europe 2008

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of a budget request
       and corresponding report from the Conference Planning committee
       for the Hackathon at ApacheCon Europe 2008; and

       WHEREAS, the 2-day Hackathon costs for ApacheCon Europe 2008 are
       180 Euro + VAT (Super Early Bird), 200 Euro + VAT (Early Bird),
       and 225 Euro + VAT (Regular and On-site), and 1-day registrations
       are half this cost; and

       WHEREAS, the Conference Planning committee has chosen by vote to
       recommend that the ASF covers some of the cost for committers (and
       invited contributors) to attend the Hackathon at ApacheCon Europe
       2008. With an estimated number of 60-110 Hackathon attendees the
       requested funds are estimated to be within 8400-15400 Euro;

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ASF reduces the ApacheCon
       Europe 2008 Hackathon fee for committers and invited contributors
       by reimbursing the ApacheCon producer 140 Euro for each 2-day, or
       70 Euro for each 1-day Hackathon registration at ApacheCon Europe 2008
       by an ASF committer or invited contributor (plus VAT if applicable,
       offset by a refund request of the VAT).

       Special order 7A, Sponsorship of ASF Hackathon Europe 2008, was
       approved by Unanimous Vote.

    B. Change the Apache Geronimo Project Chair

        WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed
        Matt Hogstrom to the office of Vice President, Apache Geronimo, and

        WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
        of Matt Hogstrom from the office of Vice President, Apache
        Geronimo, and

        WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Geronimo
        project has chosen by vote to recommend Kevan Miller as
        the successor to the post;

        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Matt Hogstrom is relieved
        and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
        of Vice President, Apache Geronimo, and

        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Kevan Miller be and hereby is
        appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Geronimo, to
        serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
        Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
        death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
        until a successor is appointed.

       Special order 7B, Change the Apache Geronimo Project Chair,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote.

    C. Establish the Apache Hadoop Project

       WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
       interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
       Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
       Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
       open-source software related to a distributed computing
       platform, including a distributed filesystem and an
       implementation of the map/reduce distributed computing
       metaphor, for distribution at no charge to the public.

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
       Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Hadoop Project",
       be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
       Foundation; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Hadoop Project be and hereby is
       responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
       related to a distributed computing platform, including a
       distributed filesystem and an implementation of the map/reduce
       distributed computing metaphor; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Hadoop" be
       and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
       serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
       of the Apache Hadoop Project, and to have primary responsibility
       for management of the projects within the scope of
       responsibility of the Apache Hadoop Project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
       hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
       Apache Hadoop Project:

         * Andrzej Bialecki             <>
         * Doug Cutting                 <>
         * Nigel Daley                  <>
         * Jim Kellerman                <>
         * Owen O'Malley                <>
         * Enis Soztutar                <>
         * Michael Stack                <>
         * Christophe Taton             <>
         * Thomas E. White              <>

       be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Hadoop, to
       serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
       Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
       death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
       or until a successor is appointed; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Apache Hadoop Project be and hereby
       is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
       Lucene Hadoop sub-project; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
       Lucene Hadoop sub-project encumbered upon the
       Apache Lucene Project are hereafter discharged.

       Special order 7C, Establish the Apache Hadoop Project,
       was approved by Unanimous Vote.

8. Discussion Items

    Sam presented the following for discussion: "Reciprocal" licenses and
    Scripting languages

       This isn't so much a legal issue as a policy issue, so I'd appreciate
       feedback from the rest of the board.

       For compiled languages, reciprocal clauses in licenses like MPL
       and CDDL are a key differentiator from licenses like BSD and the
       Apache License, Version 2.0.  For scripting languages, this isn't
       as burdensome, or potentially even relevant at all.

       But there is another difference that may be relevant to some, and
       that is that the Apache License is sublicensable.  Including in
       a distribution, or otherwise having a dependency on MPL licensed
       source code (for example: FCKEditor by Cocoon) prevents the
       package as a whole from being transparently sublicenced, something
       that is a core value of our business friendly licence.

       I see two ways of looking at this issue.  One is that such licenses
       do not prevent us from licensing our works under the license of our
       choice, so it should be allowed, if properly labeled.  The other
       is that it is yet another step down the slippery slope that erodes
       the foundation's core values.

    In the interest of time, further discussion was directed to the board@
    mailing list.

9. Review Outstanding Action Items

     We discussed the status of ASF joining Android.  Greg is watching

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Announcements

13. Adjournment

    Meeting adjourned by 11:57 (Pacific)


Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs

The requested FAQ additions have been completed and posted.  These
additions did attract quite a few comments of support, and everybody had
more than ample time to comment.  I've seen no negative fallout as of yet
of these additions.  I mention this because these additions were initially
controversial, but my impression is that over time some of the participants
simply got less vocal rather than converted.

Jason Schultz has left his staff attorney position at the EFF.  Fred von
Lohmann of the EFF has agreed to support us in his place.

We have been informed of a potential tradmark infringment issue.  I shoud
have more details by the next meeting.

There is a backlog of items that need to be addressed, preferably in
parallel rather than serially.  Rather than waste report time on what
I perceive to be the biggest item, namely competing the Third Party
Licensing policy, time permitting, I've added a discussion item in the
hopes that we can come to a quick consensus on the approach.  If quick
consensus isn't achievable here, then the hope is that this will serve
as a heads up so that the interested parties can participate in the
discussion on legal-discuss.

Other items in the backlog:
  Third Party Licensing:
    Minor update to to add OSOA as category A
    Additional updates to cover notices of optional dependencies (log4cxx, apr)
    Need a policy on whether depencencies on Ruby Gems are permissable (Buildr)
  WSRP4J licensing issues (Portals)
  Fork FAQ

Attachment 2: Report from the VP of JCP

Since the 19th of December, there isn't much to report due to the
general (and very welcome) slowdown.  The MyFaces PMC opened it's
TCK list to members of Apache Geronimo to assist with testing
collaboration, and so far, all appears to be working well.

The JCP EC held it's January conference call on Tues, Jan 15th,
2008 and while there is no tangible results from the December
f2f meeting, the dicussion related was promising, if not
positive.  It was made clear that all parties, including Sun,
understand the seriousness of the situation and the firmness
of resolve among many of the EC to resolve in a satisfactory
manner, and I expect that the February meeting will have
what has been described as a "positive" agenda item that
will result in forward motion.

I look forward to finally reporting something positive next

Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project

There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds arriving
at These continue to be dealt with promptly by the
security team.  For Dec 2007:

2       Support question
1       Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
3       Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
8       Vulnerability report

For HTTPD Security, this month saw the completion of some
vulnerabilities reported via SecurityReason, but all moderate or low
severity, and finally fixing the security list moderator.

Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project

  General News

  * Contracts for 2007

    The contract addendum for ApacheCon Europe 2007 and the addendum
    for ApacheCon US 2007 have been added to the foundation repository.

  Conference Overview

  * ApacheCon Europe 2008
    Location and date: Amsterdam, April 7-11, 2008
    Lead: Noirin Shirley
    Co-Lead: Lars Eilebrecht
    Planning list:
    Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.

  * ApacheCon US 2008
    Location and date: New Orleans, November 3-7, 2008
    Lead: Shane Curcuru
    Co-Lead: Noel J. Bergman
    Planning list:
    Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.

  * Apache Track or ApacheCon Peru 2008
    Location and date: Lima, Peru, October 18, 2008
    An Apache-related conference or track may be co-hosted with the
    VISION 2008. No final decision has been made yet.

  * OSSummit Asia 2008 (joint-conference with Eclipse Foundation)
    Location and date: (location and date to be defined)
    Leaders: J Aaron Farr, Justin Erenkrantz, Noirin Shirley
    Planning list:
    Producer/Owner: OSSummit LLC

  ApacheCon Europe 2008 News

  * Registration has been opened, and a formal announcement and press
    release will be made soon.

  ApacheCon US 2008 News

  No news since last board report.

  ApacheCon Peru 2008 News

  * There have been some further discussions with the organizers of
    the VISION 2008 conference. It will be held in Lima 15-17 October,
    with an Open Source Day on 18 October. If and how the ASF
    participates has not been decided yet.

  OSSummit Asia 2008 News

  * There have been further conference calls and discussions, but no
    final decision about a new location and date have been made yet.

Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project

  No activity this month.

Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project

For this month's report, we asked HALO to provide a summary of
their efforts over the last month, as well as a summary of
the agreement that we have with them (a response from member
requests when this contract was announced). The following is the
report from HALO:

As promised, below is a summary of our activities to date ... keep in mind
that things in the PR world tend to shut down for about three weeks during
the December/New Year timeframe. I'm offering an additional month of service
gratis to the ASF as we had a slow start.

Many of the items below are in progress and/or ongoing projects. Items of
note include: 1) 2008 Kickoff press release (draft forthcoming) which will
be issued no later than 23 January, as well as 2) a slight shift in
ApacheCon media relations. I will continue to write the press
releases/announcements for the conference (per usual), exclusively on behalf
of the ASF. I will manage ASF PR activities at the conference (Media
Training included) but will *not* be representing the conference itself, nor
its producers. I think this makes the relationship absolutely clear, and
that my focus will remain on the ASF's initiatives.

ACTIVITY: Project Launch
DESCRIPTION: Strategic Plan; Program Timeline, Press Audit; Crafting
Messages; Hone Positioning; Writing and Editing Press Pak;
Drafting/Editing/Disseminating News Releases; Maintaining Media/Analyst
Contacts; Media Relations and Introductory Liaison; and Pursuing Editorial
Calendar Opportunities.

ACTIVITY: Strategic Planning
 - Communications Plan/Announcement Schedule (finalizing dates)
 - Researching/Updating Editorial Calendar Opportunities

ACTIVITY: Content Development
 - Revised ASF boilerplate
 - Reviewed/Edited Press Release: Synapse 1.1 announcement
 - Edited Press Release: 13 December - Yahoo! Platinum Sponsorship
 - Drafting Press Release: ASF New Year kickoff
 - Drafting Press Release: ApacheCon Registration Open*
 - Reviewing/Updating ASF/Top-level Project/activity positioning
 - Drafting Copy deck: Website News section/second tier page
 - Researching Archives: ASF-issued press releases post June 1999

ACTIVITY: Outreach & Liaison
 - Purchased new media lists (will be updated quarterly)
 - Honing database (ongoing): additional media, influencers, and bloggers
 - Contacting industry analysts (pre-report time)/influencers: RedMonk,
   Gartner Group, Forrester, The451, ZapThink, O'Reilly, InfoWorld,
   Elemental Media Coordination: Yahoo!, Mark Logic, Radar Networks,
   IT Conversations
 - ASF Sponsor Liaison: HP

 - Developing "How to Work with the PRC" (will be part of Intermediate
   Media Training offered at ApacheCon)
 - Developing Announcement Guidelines, Tips, and Timeframes

*NOTE: HALO will be writing all press-related materials for ApacheCon on
behalf of the ASF exclusively, and will manage ASF PR activities at the
conference, but will *not* be representing the conference itself, nor its
producers. All Media and Community Partner outreach will now be the
responsibility of Stone Circle Productions.

Attachment A: Status report for the Apache ActiveMQ Project

 * Nicky Sandhu and Hadrian Zbarcea were voted in and accepted
   becoming ActiveMQ committers
 * A code grant was accepted for an NMS implementation that access
   Tibco EMS.
 * The development and user lists continue to stay vibrant.

 * ActiveMQ 5.0 continues to stabilize and should produce a 5.0.1 bug
   fix release shortly.
 * NMS subproject refactored to make each NMS implementation
   independently versioned.

 * ActiveMQ 5.0.0
 * Camel 1.2.0
 * CMS 1.2
 * ActiveMQ CPP 2.1.1
 * ActiveMQ CPP 2.1.2
 * ActiveMQ CPP 2.1.3

Attachment B: Status report for the Apache Beehive Project

All's quiet in Beehive land -- this quarter is similar to the previous
ones with minimal commit activity, no new releases, and no new
committers.  Commits have been focused on incremental bug fixing with
little momentum toward new features / releases.  Queries on the user@
list generally receive responses in a timely manner.

Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Cxx Standard Library Project

This is the second stdcxx Board report since graduating on 11/15.

Notable changes since the last report (2007/12):

  Owing to the holidays the project activity has been on the low side
  since the last report. Development list activity was down by about
  37% in comparison to November, Subversion commits by 43%.

  While little progress has been made so far on INFRA-1421 to move
  stdcxx out of the incubator and to its TLP destination a move of
  the Subversion repository is being planned for Saturday 1/12 (see
  INFRA-1423). The remaining subtasks are still waiting to be picked
  up by volunteers with sufficient permissions.

Future plans:

  Continuing to work toward a maintenance release for 4.2.0 expected
  in the February to March 2008 timeframe. A discussion has begun on
  reimplementing the stdcxx web site to use Apache Forrest or some
  similar authoring tool (STDCXX-686).


  16 committers  (unchanged)
  11 PMC members (unchanged)

Mailing List Activity for December 2007:

  stdcxx-commits:  56 (- 42) posts
  stdcxx-dev:     273 (-155) posts
  stdcxx-user:      0 (unchanged)

  Ken Coar's Apache Software Foundation Mailing Lists page
  ( normally used to gather
  list subscription data for this report is incomplete and no data for
  stdcxx is available at this time.

Bug Tracking:

  Total issues: 693 (+ 14)
  Outstanding:  263 (-  3)
  Resolved:      87 (+  5)
  Closed:       343 (+ 12)

Planned releases:

  4.2.1  February/March 2008
  4.3.0  Summer/Fall 2008
  5.0    Winter 2008

Release history:

  4.2.0  October 29, 2007 (incubating)
  4.1.3  January 30, 2006 (incubating)
  4.1.2  September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)

Attachment D: Status report for the Apache DB Project

During the last quarter in Apache DB, we added one new PMC member and
worked on two software releases. Many attended ApacheCon US in Atlanta,
and there were two presentations. There are no gnarly issues that
require board attention. Details are below.

New PMC Member:

- Laura Stewart


- Derby (released on December 10, 2007)
- Torque 3.3-RC3 (released on January 11, 2008)


There were two Derby sessions at ApacheCon US in Atlanta in November:
- Rick Hillegas presented on "Saucer Separation".
- Jeanfrancois Arcand and Francois Orsini presented on "Real-Time RIA's
  with Apache Derby and Grizzly Comet".

Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Directory Project

Happy new year !!

Those last three months were pretty busy, trying to change things
into the core server. We are still in the middle of this process.

We are happy to have one more new committer!


No release at all since september, which is a little bit disapointing
if we consider that we wanted to release every 3 months. Maybe a
little bit too optimistic vision, considering the size of the project...

ADS is on its way to 2.0, expected for Apache Conference EU. It will be
a major rewrite of many internal parts of the server :
 - Replacement of the JNDI API with our own API
 - Addition of cursors to deal with entries from the backend
 - New configuration (already done, thanks to David and Alex)
 - New installers, with silent installers
 - Many bug fixes, and other features.

The documentation is being reworked toward 2.0 now that the configuration
has been totally rewritten. We expect to have an updated documentation
available by Apache Conference too !

Studio is supposed to be released soon (we are expecting a 1.1 version
every now and then as soon as the migration from ant to maven is
done). Many bugs have been fixed, and some few internal features have
been added. The main workshop is the migration from ant to maven.

Triplesec : Still in hibernation. We are waiting spring to wake it up ...

Kerberos : A third of the rewrite being done in august has been imported
into trunk. This is not finished yet, as we have more urgent tasks
on our plates. Still to be completed by june, I think.


Another addition to our team : Felix Knecht. He is a committer from
cocoon, and has a deep knowledge about Maven. He is being very active
moving Studio from ant to maven, which will have a deep impact on the
project, as we will be able to build all the pieces together. This is
important as we have some common libraries we would like to be sure
they don't break any single project using them.

More than being a maven Guru, he is also quite experienced, and we all
benefit from his insights, when it comes to code rules... definitively
a valuable addition !

Apache Directory Studio has been downloaded more than 17 400 times last
year. This is a bare minimum, as we have no ideas about how many people
are installing the plugin directly into Eclipse. However, we should not
get too excited about this number, as many people will downloaded the
tool more than once. Anyways, this is quite a success for such a
specialized tool !

Around 20 more users have subscribed to the users mailing list since
september ( 97 against 80 ).

The number of downloads is also increasing a lot lately : from 2000
downloads a month in junuary up to 13000 last december ! The curve is
quite impressive


The only little problem is that we have no idea about which part is due
to ADS, Studio and maybe MINA...

Some very important things has happened since the Köln Ldap Conference :
we are now working hand to hand with the OpenLdap people, which is a
great thing, as they have a deep knowledge on Ldap. Lot of informations
have been exchanged lately, and we may work together on replication. One
of our common target will be to be able to replicate data between ADS
and OpenLdap.


We are now targeting a ADS 2.0 in the next 3 months. This is done
through tactical moves : we have created a bigbang branch in which we
are practicing heart surgery, while the trunk contains the 'stabilized'
version. The idea is to periodically merge bigbang with the trunk, when
some big piece of work has been completed. This is important for other
committers who are not necessarilly involved into the bigbang challenge,
as they are impacted.

We are not exactly adding some new features to the server, but more
important, we are trying to rise the server to a point were it will be
easier to do so. The 2.0 version should be more reliable, faster, and
easier to use.

Studio will be extended to have a remote schema handling : it should be
possible to dynamically manipulate a running server schema in 2.0.

Another addition will be a new configuration manager, able to handle
different versions of the file, depending on the remote server version.


Not a lot of new bugs have been found lately. Not that the server is
perfect or that "we have found the last bug!", but the obvious bugs have
been found and mostly fixed. We still have a 100 bugs to fix.

The main issue we have currently is the documentation which is a little
bit sparse and confusing. The Basic user Guide is pretty much ok, but we
still have to work hard on the Augmented User Guide and Developper
Guide. Some of our committers are currently handling this big issue.

Installers are also a big concern. We have delivered installers for
Windows, Linux, Mac and Solaris, but they are all graphical installers.
As ADS is a server, we need a silent mode installer for those platforms.
This is a work-in-progress...


This was really an interesting year, as we saw a lot of talented people
joining us. Studio is a real success, and ADS is slowly but steadily
progressing toward more stability. Things are going pretty well. We still
have a lot of work to do, but this is a pleasant journey !

The big challenge we will face now is to use ADS for real, starting by
Apache itself !

Attachment F: Status report for the Apache Geronimo Project

Apache Geronimo Board Report

The Apache Geronimo Project has released Geronimo 2.0.2 in October. Currently
we are working on the 2.1 release for January 2008 (or so). Geronimo voted to
accept project Yoko as a sub-project in Geronimo from Incubator. There are no
community issues for the Board's attention. Details follow.

   - Geronimo
     2.0.2 was released in October - Release Manager - Kevan Miller.
     2.1 is in process

- Transaction manager and connector framework 2.0.2 including bug fixes was
  released in October.

- 1.2 with IMAP client support and rewritten POP3 cllient was released on
- The javamail provider jars 1.3 were released in December with new IMAP
  functionality, improved POP3 functionality, OSGI packaging, and bug fixes.

- Draft performance report for Apache Geronimo 2.0.2 was made available in
  early December. Final version is pending.

- Genesis 1.3 was released in December suppporting some legal files

- The first GShell release, 1.0-alpha-1, was in December.

- XBean 3.2 incorporating bug fixes and some new functionality was released
  in October.

- Several specs were released including bug fixes and OSGI packaging info,
  including Activation, Javamail, Servlet-2.5 and stax-api.

*JUGs and Conferences*
   * Ireland Java Users Group was attended by Jeff Genender
   * EclipseWorld 2007 was attended by Tim McConnell, where he presented two
   * courses related to the Geronimo Eclipse plugin

*New Committers*
- Erik Craig
- Alexey Petrenko
- Lars Kuhne

*PMC Additions / Changes*
- Jay McHugh
- Voted Kevan Miller as new PMC chair as a recommendation to the Board

Attachment G: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project

Status Report for the Apache HttpComponents project, January 2008
[monthly reporting schedule through February]

-- Status --

There are no items needing immediate attention of the board except to note
that we are currently in the process of drafting our own PMC bylaws.

-- Releases --

No releases since last report.

We are working on releasing HttpCore 4.0 beta1 very soon.

-- Community --

No arrivals or departures.

We have made a lot of modifications to the web site to improve navigation
and make it easier for users to find the documentation we have on the site
and on the wiki. We still need to add a useful Get Involved page and
developer documentation, to lower the bar for new contributors and to
spread the knowledge better among the existing committers.

-- Migration --

Since the end of December 2007, we no longer depend on Jakarta resources.

Items done:
        - moved Subversion content
                - updated Subversion and mail references in Maven
                - updated Gump metadata
        - moved all sections of the web site
                - set up redirect from the site at Jakarta
                - updated site references in Maven
        - moved download area to dist/httpcomponents/
                - set up download redirect from dist/jakarta/
        - consolidated archive at dist/httpcomponents/
                - set up archive redirect from dist/jakarta/
                - set up archive redirect from dist/commons/
        - created DOAPs for HttpCore and HttpClient 4.0
        - updated DOAPs for Commons HttpClient 3.1
        - updated external mail archives

Items still in work:
        - move of Wiki, see
        - creating the bylaws, we're still operating under Jakarta bylaws

-- Development --

We are currently using Maven 2 for generating and deploying the main web site
and the component specific sites, and Maven 1 for generating and deploying
the HttpClient 3.1 site. There are some kinks to the Maven 2 deployment
process. We will consider to move to a Subversion based deployment for the
main web site. Component specific sites and the 3.1 site are typically only
redeployed after releases and include extensive generated content like
JavaDocs and cross-referenced sources, these make little sense in Subversion.

The release of HttpCore 4.0 beta1 is imminent. This can be considered a major
milestone, as it marks the beginning of API stability in HttpCore. We have made
significant and incompatible improvements to the API after each of the six
alphas, and have finally reached a point where we are reasonably comfortable
with it.

In HttpClient, we were able to resolve a long-standing deficiency in the
interrupt handling of the thread-safe connection manager by using Java 5
features. The decision to upgrade the Java requirement proved really useful

Attachment H: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project

Yoko (CORBA implementation) has been dissolved, with parts going Geronimo
and CXF.  The FtpServer project has been graduated as a sub-project of MINA,
where there is a community interested in maintaining that code base as a
MINA implementation of the FTP protocol.

There has been discussion of various processes, with Robert Burrell Donkin
and Craig Russell continuing their on-going efforts to provide improved
Incubator documentation.

Bill Stoddard has taken a lead role in helping to bring the BlueSky project
from China into the Incubator.  The acceptance vote into the Incubator has
just passed.  It will be very interesting to see the social evolution of the
community, in terms of open source culture and language.  I sensed some
trust issues during the discussions, and earnest forthrightness on the part
of those proposing the project.

We have several pending proposals, including BENNU, which would be a
successor to the m0n0wall project.  Those in the "oh, not another Java
project" camp might want to come over and participate.  :-)



Description - Buildr is a build system for Java applications written in

Date of Entry - Nov. 2007

* Development

We're working toward Buildr 1.3 which will hopefully become our first Apache
release. The main focus of this release is multi-language support with the
big addition of Scala. It also opens the door for other languages. The work
done around JRuby is also coming to fruition with, for example, the
possibility of writing tests with RSpec to run against your Java classes.

* Community

A very steady stream of patches is coming from a steadily increasing
community of users. We've had contributions for EAR support, JRuby, fixes
around IDE tasks, ... We're monitoring closely the advanced users that
submit patches consistently, to see if we can attract a few of them to
become committers.

* Issues before graduation

When 1.3 is ready, we'll have to face all the issues surrounding the release
of Ruby code. Hopefully, when all these issues have been ironed out, our
main problems will be solved. From then it's business as usual: continuing
to build a healthy community around Buildr.


Project Name - Apache CXF

Description - SOA enabling framework, web services toolkit

Date of Entry - August 2006

Items to resolve before graduation:

Finalize/cleanup the PPMC and committer list to reflect actual
participation. We'll be starting those discussions and stuff shortly with
hopes to start graduation discussions shortly there after. Dan Kulp had a
"face to face" chat with Jim Jagielski at ApacheCon about how to proceed
with this.

Community aspects:

Worked with Geronimo and Yoko projects to break Yoko into parts bringing the
webservices stuff into CXF. Initial bits of code have been "svn cp" into

Started discussions with Dain (and OpenEJB) about adding soap encoding and
JAX-RPC support into CXF. Work on that has started with contributions from

Lots of traffic on the cxf-user list. That's a good thing. Some of them are
digging into CXF code and submitting patches and suggestions. That's an even
better thing. We need to find ways to get more of that.

Code aspects:

Released 2.0.3-incubator fixing over 70 issues found by users.

Preparing 2.0.4-incubator to be released soon fixing another 50+ issues.

2.1 work is progressing well.



Imperius has been incubating since November 2007.

Imperius is a rule-based infrastructure management tool

Infrastructure has been set up. Mailing lists are operational.

The repository has been set up, and the first code drop has arrived.  Work
is underway to organize the repository into a maven-friendly structure.  The
website is operational.


Two of the original committers have had accounts created. We are still
for the arrival of ICLAs for the others before creating accounts for them.



JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.

JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.

JSPWiki 2.6 LGPL was finally released just before Christmas, so the
could finally be moved to the Apache Incubation SVN. The code is
to be transferred to the Apache repository within the next few weeks.

The incubator web site was also created.


The developer and user mailing lists continue to have strong activity,
with a few dozen active participants and over a hundred monitoring
the lists.



Sanselan has been in incubation since September 2007.

Sanselan is a pure-java image library for reading and writing a variety of
image formats.

The community is still small, with a few more members now compared to the

The code base has been imported and the package names have been changed to
org.apache.sanselan. Work continues on scrubbing the code and organizing it
into maven.

A release is being prepared.


UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such
as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.

Some recent activity:

Version 2.2.1 was released 12/2008, our third incubator release. We were the
first ones to follow the new incubator guidelines for distributing from
w.a.o/dist/incubator/{podling}. As part of this release, we also changed our
download pages to use the Apache mirroring mechanisms. Robert Burrell Donkin
was extremely helpful to us in this process, joining our dev mailing list
and being very responsive - Thanks Robert!.

A member of the team attended ApacheCon 2007 US and presented UIMA in the
"fast track" incubator presentations. Included in that presentation, which
is available on this wiki, are slides describing UIMA use in several
projects, and its adoption by several commercial companies.

A software grant for UIMA-EE, an extension to UIMA that uses JMS and Apache
ActiveMQ to enable additional, more flexible scaleout capabilities, was
submitted to the ASF, and has recently been received. Temis, a commercial
company using UIMA, has expressed interest in joining the development work
around this new capability, and we welcome their participation.

The Cas Editor is now ready for its first release inside the UIMA project,
some short test which roughly followed the test plan were successful. The
release should be out this month.

Items to complete before graduation:

We still need to attract more new committers. We're trying to spark even
more activity in the sandbox to get people to contribute.


We continue to do outreach to attract new contributors, which may become
committers. The donation of UIMA-EE is facilitating this.

There's a good amount of traffic on both the dev and user list.


RCF is a rich component set for JSF which supports AJAX. We are in the
process of analyzing and removing undesired dependencies of our code to be
compliant in the OpenSource world.


Tika ( is a toolkit for detecting and
extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using
existing parser Libraries. Tika entered incubation on March 22nd, 2007. The
previous report to the board can be found at


No new committers since the last report, activity has been moderate but
steady, leading to the 0.1 release.


Tika 0.1 (incubating) has just been released.

Chris Mattmann intends to use that release in Nutch, That's good progress
towards Tika's goal of providing data extraction functionality to other

A new Tika logo was created by Google Highly Open Participation student,
hasn't been integrated yet.

Issues before graduation:

Now that the first release is out, we need to work on growing the community
and figuring out how to best interact with external parser projects.

Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project

== December 2007 Board Report ==

=== Status ===

The downsizing of Jakarta continued this quarter.
HttpComponents became TLP and has finished moving all the resources
to their own TLP. We wish them all the best with their new identity!
Slide was retired (see Slide section for more details), with a notice
on the Slide page (see

The main focus this quarter will be (re)starting discussions about the
future of the mature components/libraries like ORO, Regexp, BCEL (maintained)
and ECS (not maintained)

=== Releases ===

  * 29 September 2007 - JMeter 2.3 final
  * 9 October 2007 - !HttpComponents !HttpCore 4.0 alpha 6
  * 7 November 2007 - !HttpComponents !HttpClient 4.0 alpha 2
  * 30 November 2007 - JMeter 2.3.1 final

=== Community changes ===

No changes in the community

=== Subproject news ===

==== BCEL ====

Has no active development, but is maintained. A release to support
jdk 1.5 is pending, depending if there is going to be feedback.

==== BSF ====

There is an outstanding request for the TCK for scripting.
Geir expressed the concern that this TCK could be part of the JDK 1.6
TCK and not independ. We are still waiting for the definitive answer
on this.

==== Cactus ====

Development has picked up after Apachecon Atlanta and Petar is
working towards a release.

==== ECS ====

No activity and not maintained. As with BCEL it is probably best to
retire the project or see if it can find a home at Apache Commons.

==== HttpComponents ====

HttpComponents released one alpha each for HttpCore and HttpClient
as a Jakarta sub-project. A TLP proposal was submitted for the
November board meeting and accepted. Starting December 2007,
HttpComponents submits separate board reports as a TLP.

By end of December 2007, HttpComponents is no longer using Jakarta
resources. Mailing lists, SVN, website, dist, and archive have been
moved. The HttpComponents Wiki still has Jakarta in it's name, but it
is a separate Wiki.

==== JCS ====

No developer activity going on at this moment, though there is user
activity on the dev and user lists.

==== JMeter ====

JMeter released 2.3 and 2.3.1 final.

==== ORO ====

Since the mature nature hardly any activity (it is maintained). There
are still a lot of users and bug reports are actively monitored and
acted upon. Since the library nature of the subproject it is
definitely worth investigating if Apache Commons can be the new home
for this library.

==== Regexp ====

See ORO.

==== Slide ====

Due to the lack of a developer community, Slide has been retired on
It is thus no longer actively maintained or supported by the ASF.
Subversion, Bugzilla, and one of the mailing lists will remain open
for a transition period.
Slide users will be pointed to Apache Jackrabbit as a replacement.

Every few weeks, somebody inquires about a separate WebDAV client
project on a mailing list of Slide, Jackrabbit, Commons, or
HttpComponents. There are some people, some of which are Apache
committers, who expressed some interest to put in some time, if
others are with them. But nobody seems to want to take the lead
and request a sandbox or lab project in which to start. The presence
of two separate codebases (Jackrabbit, Slide) from which one could
start doesn't help. Jackrabbit is alive, Slide is used in the wild.

==== Taglibs ====

Development is still taking place, although not at a high priority.
Bug fixing took place on the Standard Taglib and there is the
intention to make a final release after all bugfixing is done.

Attachment J: Status report for the Apache JAMES Project

Since the last James report was filed James has had, as you know, a
change of PMC chair, I (Danny Angus) replaced Serge Knystautas in the
role. I'm sure I speak for the whole PMC when I say that we'd like to
take every opportunity to have our gratitude for Serge's efforts

Bernd Fondermann has overseen James' participation in the "Google
Highly Open Participation Contest" with all of the proposed James task
having been claimed and worked on. These, in brief, are a review and
update of our FAQ, an installation guide to lead new users through the
minefield of configurations involved in any email set-up and James in
particular, and an "outreach" piece comparing the customizations
available in James with other OS mail servers.

Commits have been few over the holiday, this may just be because of
the holiday and the distration of the PMC chair election, or it may
reflect the fall-out from the tensions we have experienced within our
community. However the work done in recent months on modularisation
and IMAP is expected to continue in the new year.

Subsequent to my election by the PMC I have received unqualifed support
from everyone involved, which leads me to believe that we can come
together and revitalise James community in 2008, key to this will be
the establishment of consensus around a road map and some achievable
goals which we can unite behind.

Consensus may not be easy to achieve, as a more mature project James
lacks a single visionary leader, but I believe that enough good will
and motivation exists that we will be able to agree goals and move
forwards successfully in 2008.

Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Maven Project

Attachment L: Status report for the Apache MINA Project

We cut four minor releases: 1.0.7, 1.0.8, 1.1.4 and 1.1.5.  The new
releases contain backward-compatible minor improvements and bug fixes.

FtpServer project has been graduated from the Incubator into the MINA
project.  It is in progress to merge the two web sites into one
seamlessly, and other infrastructure-related changes are being
discussed.  Niklas Gustavsson joined the MINA PMC as the lead of the
FtpServer project.

Jeff Genender, a member of the foundation and a MINA enthusiast,
joined the MINA PMC.  His primary focus is to implement high
performance asynchronous HTTP client implementation, along with HTTP
server implementation.  These client-server implementations are not a
stand-alone application but a library on top of the MINA framework, so
it will be the best fit together.

There was a serious discussion about changing logging framework of
MINA 2 in the mailing list, and we concluded to stick to the current
logging framework (i.e. SLF4J).  Instead, Trustin Lee will provide a
tool that converts a JAR which depends on a logging framework A into a
new JAR which depends on a logging framework B.  Maarten Bosteels is
also working with SLF4J team to make it more friendly with more
logging frameworks such as java.util.logging, which will simplify MINA
logging significantly.  The bottom line is that we will be able to
resolve every community member's concern with MINA 2 hopefully.

The community itself seems to be growing up and up steadily.  Please
refer to the traffic graph:  We
are seeing decreased traffic on December 2007, but it's probably due
to holidays.

Julien Vermillard and Trustin Lee finished implementation of APR
transport.  This means MINA now can utilize ASF's high performance
cross platform library for network operations.  It seems to perform
10% better than the Sun epoll NIO provider.  Switching from NIO to APR
takes just a few minutes.

JMX integration has been rewritten, which means all MINA-based
applications are manageable via JMX very easily.

Synchronous reader API has been implemented.  MINA is basically an
asynchronous framework so some client developers will benefit from
this new feature.

The OSGi integration issue reported in the last report has been resolved.

We need to finish migration of FtpServer and release MINA 2.0.0-M1
this quarter to catch up the users' demand.  We might need more
committers who has good will for keeping MINA project run.

Attachment M: Status report for the Apache MyFaces Project

MyFaces Quaterly Report January 2008

 * Active community, some additions
 * New releases
 * New "commons" sub project
 * JSR-301 code donation by Oracle
 * "Translated messages" donation by Oracle

 * Three new committers since last report
 * no new PMC members since last report

 * MyFaces sub projects with releases since the last report:
    - MyFaces Tobago
    - MyFaces Trinidad (JSF 1.1 branch)
    - MyFaces Trinidad (JSF 1.2 branch)

MyFaces "Commons" Sub Project
 * After controversial yet productive discussions the MyFaces community
   introduced the new sub project "Apache MyFaces Commons". This will be
   the haven for convenient JSF stuff that is useful for application
   developers as well as JSF component developers. MyFaces Commons will
   be independent of the actual JSF implementation and JSF component

JSR-301 code donation
 * IP clearance of donation of JSR-301 (JSF 1.2 portlet bridge) reference
   implementation [1] ended up in the new sub project "Apache MyFaces
   Portlet Bridge" [2].

"Translated messages" donation by Oracle
 * IP clearance for donation of "Translated messages for the Apache
   MyFaces Trinidad component library" [3] was done.

Manfred Geiler


Attachment N: Status report for the Apache ODE Project

There are no specific issue relevant to the board at the moment.

* Release

A minor release 1.1.1 should be issued in the coming days, we're
currently voting on it. We've also working on backward compatibility
of our trunk to release it later on without too much hassles for our

* Development

The main feature addition has been "external variables" that allow
storing BPEL variables externally to the process engine (in a DB, or
via REST calls). We also have a specification to support REST with BPEL
by adding a few extensions and we're planning on implementing it soon.
Support for BPEL extensions has been finalized. Work on SimPEL, our
simple process execution language, has started, the language is now
almost settled after very interesting discussions.

* Community

Nothing really new on the community side,. We see new users arriving
regularly which is healthy. All the discussions around SimPEL have been
pretty passionate but never conflicting, giving good karma to all our
dev community.

Attachment O: Status report for the Apache OpenEJB Project

The release of OpenEJB 3.0 beta 1 at the end of September showed an mild but
noticeable increase in user traffic which has continued since.  Several
usability improvements and related new features have been added, particularly
around a returning user from years ago Alex St. Croix.  Alex has already
written some blog entries, created a couple video tutorials, and has a
downloadable PDF of using OpenEJB embedded in Tomcat which is a dozen pages
and growing.  This is all very good for OpenEJB and we are very excited to
see user activity of this nature again.

Web Services support has been added to OpenEJB in both standalone and Tomcat
embedded modes, and significant work as been contributed to the CXF project
as a result to add new features required by OpenEJB but not already present,
such as rpc/encoded web services.

The ability to embed OpenEJB into Tomcat has been re-expanded from
temporarily just supporting Tomcat 6.0 to now version 5.5 as well including
annotation processing support which is usually a v6.0.x and higher feature.
Support for older versions was lost when the integration was reworked and
improved over the OpenEJB 1.0 approach, however post OpenEJB 3.0 beta 1
release, requests from users of older Tomcat versions began coming in showing
that the ability to support pre Tomcat 6 users is still very important.

The documentation has been reorganized significantly.  A new confluence space
as been created dedicated entirely to the OpenEJB 3.0.x codebase and
reintegrated back into the main website.  Several new examples have been
created as well.  A major issue with the documentation was that most of the
new documents weren't linked into the main site, were just loose pages, and
had no "center" to bind them all together.  The creation of dedicated 3.0.x
space with it's own index and new left navigation section has dramatically
improved this.

Jonathan Gallimore, a newer contributor, recently contributed another large
patch to the Eclipse plugin he's been working on that takes an EJB 2.x
application and adds the annotations to the source code required to turn it
into an EJB 3.0 application, removing the equivalent xml as it goes.
Jonathan has done great work, but we could be doing better as he is largely
working alone and isn't getting the benefit of working closely with existing
committers.  It's always difficult to pull people in when there isn't a
strong intersection with existing code/people.

Release work on OpenEJB 3.0 beta 2 has begun.  There was a perpetual state of
"going to release" through late November and all December, however all the
open issues have been cleared and the general mood is "it's over-ready."
We've branched and have begun helping other projects to release some of the
things we have dependencies on such as the Geronimo Transaction
Manager/Connector and the XBean libraries.  All is going well and we should
see OpenEJB 3.0 beta 2 put up for vote this month.

On a general note, OpenEJB celebrated it's eighth year of existence in
December.  As a personal comment from someone who's been on the project the
entire time, I [David Blevins] have never seen the project in such good
shape.  A major challenge going forward will be releasing the 3.0 final and
getting OpenEJB back on people's radar.

Attachment P: Status report for the Apache OpenJPA Project


OpenJPA has shipped a maintenance release, OpenJPA 1.0.1.

There are no board issues at the moment.


EasyBeans has integrated OpenJPA to provide JPA services. EasyBeans is
an open source, lightweight and modular EJB3 container hosted by the
OW2 consortium. EasyBeans is the EJB container
of the JOnAS application server.
OpenJPA is the default persistence provider in some JOnAS packages.

OpenJPA is experiencing a slowdown in email activity as the year end
approaches. Happy New Year.

The assumption is that this is a seasonal variance. An analysis will
be made in one year's time.

Several new contributors have uploded patches to JIRA issues.

The community is working well together. Questions from the community
are answered promptly, often resulting in a JIRA being filed.


There has been little traffic on the openjpa-private alias, reflecting
the relative calm of the project.

The PMC continues to track contributors with an eye toward making them
committers, and committers PMC members.


OpenJPA 1.0.1 has shipped. The maintenance branch 1.0.x
currently is tracking bugs fixed in the trunk and currently has a few
patches. Once a need for another release is identified, a volunteer
will be recruited to release the update while work goes on in the trunk.

Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Shale Project

Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Struts Project

Work on Struts 2 continues apace. During this last quarter, we released
Struts 2.0.11 as GA, and produced a first test build of the Struts 2.1 code
line. Struts 1 is garnering less attention these days, but there is still a
rivulet of bug fixes and other patches, albeit without any releases this

At ApacheCon in Atlanta, our own Don Brown presented an excellent session
entitled "Go Light with Apache Struts 2 and REST", fitting in nicely with a
number of other REST-related sessions at the conference. The combined
Roller / Struts 2 BOF had fewer attendees than we might have hoped for, but
resulted in some productive discussion. Disappointingly, the Struts-related
tutorials were canceled due to insufficient sign-ups.

During this quarter, we added Musachy Barroso to the PMC, and removed Henri
Yandell at his request. No new committers joined us this quarter.

Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project

Notable Happenings
We elected a new committer - Oleg Kalnichevski.

Progress on TLP
We are still (as of Jan 14th) waiting for the Infrastructure for our
TLP to happen. You can track progress here: [WWW]
We are planning to do a PR once the new site is up and running. In
discussion with PRC about this.

1.1.1 release
The project is planning a 1.1.1 release by end of January 2008

Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Tapestry Project


The Tapestry PMC has expanded, voting committers Andreas Andreou and Marcus
Schulte up to PMC status.

The PMC is actively discussing members of the community who may be extended
an invitation to become committers.

Tapestry 4.1

Work has been started which should allow any JavaScript library to serve as
the "core" library used on the client by Tapestry. This would be accomplished
via a set of configurable plugins and common base set of JavaScript library
functions which can be mixed in with specific implementations tailored
to the desired JavaScript library.

Other than the new JavaScript library support the majority of work being done
is bug fixing in Tapestry and OGNL.

Tapestry 5

Two preview releases of Tapestry 5: 5.0.6 and 5.0.7 have been released, with
work on 5.0.8 continuing at a brisk pace. The latest releases fill in some
gaps in the functionality and have started to introduce Ajax features.

Community support is still strong, with an active mailing list, several
off-Apache component libraries under development, and lots of bugs being
filed and fixed.

Some questions about the licensing of certain JavaScript libraries bundled
within Tapestry has been raised, which may require some clarification, and
possibly, a switch in libraries.

Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Tcl Project

Tcl has actually done a little bit better this time around: we added
Massimo Manghi as a committer and PMC member, and Valery Masiutsin as
a committer, both of whom have done some valuable work bringing the
codebase up to date.  This has been a positive influence, and is
something that I'm personally happy to see.

We're hoping for a Rivet 2.0 release sometime in the first half of
2008.  Websh continues to be ably maintained.

End of minutes for the Jan. 16, 2008 board meeting.
