Links: 2008 - All years
- Original The Apache Software Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2008
1. Call to order
The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 (Pacific) and begin at
10:02 when sufficient attendance to constitute a quorum was
recognized by the chairman. The meeting was held by
teleconference, hosted by Jim Jagielski and Covalent.
IRC #asfboard on was used for backup
2. Roll Call
Directors Present:
Justin Erenkrantz
J Aaron Farr
Jim Jagielski
Geir Magnusson Jr
William Rowe Jr
Sam Ruby
Henning Schmiedehausen
Greg Stein
Henri Yandell
Directors Absent:
Brett Porter
Sander Striker
Jason van Zyl (dropped off at 11:08)
3. Minutes from previous meetings
No minutes were available to be approved.
4. Executive Officer Reports
A. Chairman [Jim]
From a PMC and project point of view, the ASF appears
quite healthy. There is a wide range of efforts underway,
with PMCs varying from very quiet to very active. I do not
consider that a Bad Thing. As long as PMCs are still able
to provide oversight, respond to the developer and user
community and are able to "kick-start" themselves if a
release is required (able to get the required 3 +1s for
a release), then non-activity (measured as time between
releases) is not troublesome.
From a community point of view, things don't look so
rosy. We seem to be in yet another phase of navel gazing,
prompted by various Emails on the board and member mailing
lists (eg: 3rd party licensing and release guidelines).
What is particularly "unsettling" about some of these is
how quickly they degrade into personal attacks, or extremely
bitter and antagonistic tirades. Debate, of course, is
good, as long as it results in either re-validation of
beliefs and/or guidelines, or in changes to address the
shortcomings or problems that caused the debate to commence
in the first place. It is, of course, quite possible that
we have accepted as rule some aspects which are really
more valuable guidelines than anything else, but that does
not diminish their usefulness. If they were learned by experience,
then there is a rationale behind them. After all, you don't
just change a section of code that does something a specific
way without looking over the mailing list archives and
learning why it's coded the way it is first.
In any case, we are in an interesting situation. We are
always accepting into the Incubator new projects, and
a key aspect of the Incubator process is to indoctrinate
those projects into the various ASF processes, procedures,
rules and guidelines. Yet we have a very vocal subset of
members who feel that many of those very rules that are key
to podlings graduating from the Incubator should be removed
or redfined. Personally, I feel that the more we grow, and
the more varied the membership, we will need to basically
refine what our core tenets are. This is not a concern...
my only concern is that we do so as adults and as peers.
B. President [Justin]
First off, thanks to the Board for approving the purchase of
the backup equipment off-cycle of a meeting. All of the
equipment should be delivered soon and we hope to bring
the system online before ApacheCon EU in early April.
The first new machine in our ASF-wide machine update plan is
now nearing roll-out. JIRA and Confluence have already been
migrated to the new machine, and our Bugzilla instance is
scheduled to complete its migration by the end of this week.
Many kudos to those involved in helping with the migration!
Once this is complete, we'll start on the next machine in
the plan.
As you may know, over the past few years, the infrastructure
team has been relying upon Sun equipment obtained through our
own funds or donated from Sun. However, problems internal to
Sun have arisen that make it impossible for us to obtain
service or support for any of these machines. Progress has
been repeatedly promised by Sun and their resellers, but as of
this date, no substantive resolution has been accomplished. We
currently have machines that have their 'trouble' light on and
for which we can't obtain service. The infrastructure team has
come to the conclusion that we should switch to another vendor,
but the issue remains how to secure support for the equipment
we currently have.
Earlier this month, I attended an NSF Workshop on Free/Open
Source Software Repositories and Research Infrastructures. As
the title suggests, out of this came good discussions with
researchers on how to best make Apache's data available to
researchers. After discussing with a number of corporations
and research institutions, we decided to provide our data to a
team of researchers led by Kevin Crowston from Syracuse
University. We will make our raw data available to them, and
future requests for our data will be handled through them
rather than going through us. We're currently setting up the
process on how to efficiently transfer our data to them.
On a positive note, we have seen some new volunteers step up
and contribute to our infrastructure. We've tried to utilize
this new blood in an effective manner that keeps them engaged
and interested. So far, a few folks have seemed to 'stick' and
we're hopeful they continue to contribute in the months ahead.
On a slightly more sour note, we have seen some people who have
concerns about our infrastructure and choose not to bring these
issues directly to the team. Instead, these concerns have been
brought up on a number of other lists besides the ones used by
infrastructure. Replies that these concerns should be brought
up on the appropriate list have so far been rebuffed. I'd
greatly appreciate feedback on how to handle this situation.
Finally, as an outcome of discussions from our last meeting,
there is a resolution in this meeting for the creation of an
Executive Assistant position. A job description was posted for
review. This initial contract will run for six months after
which we can examine the effectiveness of the position.
C. Treasurer [J Aaron]
For the report, I've broken out the credit card expenses. I've
also included expenses on our business card that have not yet
been paid (just under $3,000 USD) which would be why the
numbers don't completely add up correctly in this report. I'll
consider how to better report this for next month.
Paypal $ 9,728.01 ($+ 5,236.63) [1]
Checking $101,242.73 ($-31,342.55)
Savings $156,417.81 ($+ 238.00)
Total $267,388.55 ($-25,871.09)
Contractor Payments $10,244.44
Infrastructure $23,711.28
Banking Fees $ 233.62
Fed Ex $ 449.12
TOTAL $34,638.46
Donations via Lockbox $ 560.40
Paypal Donations $ 5,236.63
TOTAL $ 5,797.03
[1] Including new Bronze Sponsor
We discussed the status of the outstanding invoice for Sally.
D. Exec. V.P. and Secretary [Sam]
Worked with Justin in drafting a revised set of responsibilities
for the secretary-assist position.
Investigated efax options. Some offerings are free for a low
number of FAXes. What we want is something we can depend on,
so a one line, for fee service seems appropriate. The cost
works out to be about ten US cents per page, with a monthly
minimum of 200 pages (i.e. $20). We perhaps could do better,
but at these rates, we aren't cost sensitive.
The plans are to start this concurrent with the renewal of
the secretary assistant contract, with a new non-toll-free
phone number.
I still do not have access to the Wells Fargo account. Still
no urgency to the issue at the moment, but at some point it
needs to be resolved.
We agreed to proceed with eFax using Justin's credit card.
5. Additional Officer Reports
A. VP of Legal Affairs [Sam Ruby]
See Attachment 1
Approved by General Consent.
B. VP of JCP [Geir Magnusson Jr]
See Attachment 2
Approved by General Consent.
C. Apache Security Team Project [Mark Cox / Will]
See Attachment 3
Approved by General Consent.
D. Apache Conference Planning Project [Lars Eilebrecht / Jim]
See Attachment 4
The blocking issue on the Hong-Kong conference is cost.
Approved by General Consent.
E. Apache Audit Project [Henri Yandell]
See Attachment 5
While there is nothing urgent at this time, it was suggested that
it might be a good idea to spend this time doing prep work, and
front-load the activities. Perhaps time could be spent nailing
down the process now?
Approved by General Consent.
F. Apache Public Relations Project [Jim Jagielski]
See Attachment 6
It was noted that it is time to start reaching out to
sponsors for renewal.
Approved by General Consent.
6. Committee Reports
A. Apache Ant Project [Conor MacNeill / Justin]
See Attachment A
Approved by General Consent.
B. Apache C++ Standard Library Project [Martin Sebor / Greg]
See Attachment B
Approved by General Consent.
C. Apache Cocoon Project [Reinhard Poetz / Sam]
See Attachment C
Sam to follow up with Reinhard re: crypto.
Approved by General Consent.
D. Apache Forrest Project [David Crossley / Geir]
See Attachment D
Approved by General Consent.
E. Apache Hadoop Project [Owen O'Malley / Henning]
See Attachment E
Approved by General Consent.
F. Apache HiveMind Project [James Carman / Henri]
See Attachment F
We discussed the health of the project. The consensus was
that while it is not exactly healthy, it is not harmful.
Henri to follow up with James re: crypto-policy.
Approved by General Consent.
G. Apache HTTP Server Project [Roy T. Fielding / J Aaron]
See Attachment G
Approved by General Consent.
H. Apache HttpComponents Project [Erik Abele / Justin]
See Attachment H
Approved by General Consent.
I. Apache Incubator Project [Noel J. Bergman / Will]
See Attachment I
Bill to get with incubator crew to make crypto an explict
checkbox as a process change.
We discussed "nudging" a few projects onto graduation, and
decided that that was a mentor todo, not a board todo.
Approved by General Consent.
J. Apache Lenya Project [Gregor J. Rothfuss / Jim]
Jim to follow up with Gregor on Crypto
See Attachment J
Approved by General Consent.
K. Apache Logging Project [Curt Arnold / Henri]
See Attachment K
Approved by General Consent.
L. Apache Maven Project [Jason van Zyl / J Aaron]
See Attachment L
Aaron to follow up with Jason on Crypto notice requirements,
will discuss on legal-internal whether or not maven is
liable for the packages it distributes, or can simply be
viewed as a common carrier.
Approved by General Consent.
M. Apache Perl Project [Geoffrey Young / Henning]
See Attachment M
Approved by General Consent.
N. Apache POI Project [Nick Burch / Greg]
See Attachment N
Approved by General Consent.
O. Apache Roller Project [Dave Johnson / Sam]
See Attachment O
Sam to follow up with Dave on Crypto policy.
Approved by General Consent.
P. Apache Santuario Project [Berin Lautenbach / Geir]
See Attachment P
It was noted that there was no notice requirements on each
release if the crypto status did not change.
Approved by General Consent.
Q. Apache Shale Project [Craig R. McClanahan / J Aaron]
See Attachment Q
Henri to follow up with Craig on Crypto policy.
Approved by General Consent.
R. Apache Synapse Project [Paul Fremantle / Justin]
See Attachment R
Approved by General Consent.
S. Apache Turbine Project [Scott Eade / Will]
See Attachment S
Approved by General Consent.
T. Apache Velocity Project [Will Glass-Husain / Geir]
See Attachment T
Approved by General Consent.
U. Apache Xalan Project [Brian Minchau / Jim]
See Attachment U
Approved by General Consent.
V. Apache Xerces Project [Gareth Reakes / Henning]
See Attachment V
Minutes unavailble in time for the meeting.
Gareth indicated that the would be ready for the
next meeting.
W. Apache XML Project [Gianugo Rabellino / Greg]
See Attachment W
Approved by General Consent.
X. Apache XML Graphics Project [Jeremias Maerki / Sam]
See Attachment X
Sam to follow up with Jeremias re: crypto.
Approved by General Consent.
7. Special Orders
A. Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Doug Cutting
to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
of Doug Cutting from the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene,
WHEREAS, the Project Management Committee of the Apache Lucene
project has chosen by vote to recommend Grant Ingersoll as the
successor to the post;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Doug Cutting is relieved and
discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
of Vice President, Apache Lucene, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Grant Ingersoll be and hereby is
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Lucene, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or
until a successor is appointed.
Special order 7A, Change the Apache Lucene Project Chair,
was approved by Unanimous Vote.
B. Establish the Apache Continuum Project
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
interests of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's
purpose to establish a Project Management Committee charged with
the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to
the domain of continuous integration.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache Continuum Project", be
and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the Foundation; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that the Apache Continuum Project be and hereby is
responsible for the creation and maintenance of software related
to the domain of continuous integration based on software licensed
to the Foundation; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache Continuum" be
and hereby is created, the person holding such office to serve
at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair of the
Apache Continuum Project, and to have primary responsibility for
management of the projects within the scope of responsibility of
the Apache Continuum Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
Apache Continuum PMC:
- Maria Odea Ching (
- Joakim Erdfelt (
- Olivier Lamy (
- Trygve Laugstol (
- Jesse McConnell (
- Brett Porter (
- Edwin Punzalan (
- Carlos Sanchez (
- Wendy Smoak (
- Rahul Thakur (
- Emmanuel Venisse (
- Kenney Westerhof (
- Andrew Williams (
appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Continuum, to
serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
successor is appointed; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Continuum PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
encourage open development and increased participation in the
Apache Continuum Project; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the initial Apache Continuum PMC be and hereby is
tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
Maven PMC Continuum subproject; and be it further
RESOLVED, that all responsibility pertaining to the Maven Continuum
sub-project and encumbered upon the Apache Maven PMC
are hereafter discharged.
Special order 7B, Establish the Apache Continuum Project,
was approved by Unanimous Vote.
C. Resolution for Executive Assistant
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary to
contract a position to support the work of the President, and
WHEREAS, Jon Jagielski has been determined to meet the
requirements of the Foundation;
NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the President of The Apache
Software Foundation, Justin Erenkrantz, is hereby directed to
proceed with contracting Jon Jagielski for the services
necessary to support the work of the President.
Special order 7C, Resolution for Executive Assistant, was
approved with 8 Yes votes and one Abstention.
D. Resolution for Secretarial Assistant
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary to
contract a secretarial and organizational agency to support the
work of the Secretary, and
WHEREAS the current Secretarial Assistant has resigned their
position in order to accept the Executive Assistant
position, and
WHEREAS, the identification of an agency which meets the
service and technical requirements of the Apache Software
Foundation has been difficult, and
WHEREAS, Catherine Ruby has been determined to meet the
requirements of the Foundation;
NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman of The Apache
Software Foundation, Jim Jagielski, is hereby directed to
proceed with contracting Catherine Ruby for the services
necessary to support the work of the Secretary.
Special order 7D, Resolution for Secretary Assistant, was
approved with 8 Yes votes and one Abstention.
E. Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership
WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee of The Apache Software
Foundation (ASF) expects to better serve its purpose through the
periodic update of its membership; and
WHEREAS, the Legal Affairs Committee is an Executive Committee
whose membership must be approved by Board resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following ASF member be
added as a Legal Affairs Committee member:
Henri Yandell <>
Special order 7D, Update Legal Affairs Committee Membership,
was approved by Unanimous Vote.
8. Discussion Items
A. Brett Porter wants to make a request of the board regarding the
Maven repository. Brett will be available during the meeting
to inform and discuss this.
B. Justin Mason called the board's attention to a patent claim by
Trend Micro towards Barracuda Networks. Some background is
available at
Justin asked about an official statement from the ASF which
resulted in a short discussion on the board list. Henning
volunteered to bounce this "officially" to legal for discussion
to find out whether we should have / have / don't have an
official opinion about this.
9. Review Outstanding Action Items
10. Unfinished Business
Henning to try to pursue "Apache Attic"
11. New Business
12. Announcements
13. Adjournment
Scheduled to adjourn by 12:00 (Pacific)
Attachment 1: Report from the VP of Legal Affairs
Last month, I mentioned a potential trademark infringment issue that was
brought to our attention. I contacted the individual requesting more
information, and have not heard back. Until I hear more, I have no
plans of pursing this further.
Sun continues to ignore our request that the licence headers be restored
on the portions of Glassfish. I have sent a third request (the first
was in September) that Sun follow the FSF's recommendations on this matter.
If Sun continues to drag their feed on this matter, it is time to explore
other options to get Sun to comply.
While this work has been ongoing for some time, this month there has
been a marked uptick in the export classification activities and general
awareness of these ECCN related issues.
Most of the efforts of this month were on trying to refine the ASF's
Third Party Licensing policy, primarily by attempting to create an
informal poll. I seeded this with three hypothetical positions, and
mostly people were divided into two camps. One camp didn't see much
of a dividing line between the first two positions, but clearly saw
position three as distinct and reacted negatively towards it. The
other saw little difference between positions two and three, but reacted
equally negatively to position 1 as the first camp did to position 3.
A bare minimum that I believe that we can achieve ready consensus on is
a policy that all sofware developed at the ASF from here on is to be licensed
under the Apache License, Version 2.0, and that we will take no actions
that limit our ability to distribute our software under this license.
Roy has indicated that this may not have been the policy in the distant
past, but as near as I can tell, it has been the way that we have been
operating for quite some time now, hence the conclusion that this should
be able to readily gain consensus.
One world view is that that bare minimum is not enough. One can argue
that it makes little sense if our software is licensed under a pragmatic
license if that sofware is entangled with dependencies that effectively
eliminate all the pragmatic aspects of our license.
The other world view is that our software is, well, soft; i.e., maleable.
Our licensees are welcome to modify, combine, and optionally contribute
back to our code bases. Furthermore, no matter how hard we try, our
licensees are operate under a variety of different constraints or have a
differing interpretations of license compatibility.
Choosing between these two world views is difficult; but given that the
former can only be executed if there are ample exceptions for "system" or
"soft" dependencies -- concepts that are both undefinable and all too open
to gaming -- clearly the latter is easiest to understand and administer.
Or there is a belief that a "spec" from an industry consortia and with
no independent implementations somehow makes copyright and patent issues
less relevant. In any case, add to all this the evident divide, and the
first world view becomes not only harder to understand and administer,
it becomes absolutely unworkable. Simply put, an excemption for "system"
dependencies that is based on a "I'll know it when I see it" policy doesn't
work if a substantial portion of the people who may be drawn upon to express
an opinion on the subject simply don't believe that any such distinction is
either necessary or even makes sense as a policy.
Therefore it appears that the only workable policy is one where we continue
to require PMCs to compile a comprehensive set of LICENSEs to accompany each
of our releases so that our licensees can make an informed decision. That,
and perhaps to we can increase our efforts to educate PMCs as to the effects
such dependencies have on community size.
While this approach is workable, it is one that may be difficult to reverse.
Hence, a slow and cautious approach is warranted. Should there be any
as of yet unexpressed feedback, now would be a good time to provide it.
I have reviewed the minutes for the meetings of 2005/06/22 and 2007/03/28
establishing the VP of Legal Affairs and the Legal Affairs Committee
respectively, and believe that no board resolution and/or explicit approval
is required for the Legal Affairs Committee to proceed on this matter.
Attachment 2: Report from the VP of JCP
At the end of last month :
"I look forward to finally reporting something positive next
I can only say that this has to wait until next week when the February
JCP EC call happens, as we have an unsusually long gap in the schedule
this month. I am expecting a proposal from Sun on how to break the
logjam. I have no expectations - tensds to help avoid disappointment :)
In other actvities, things have been quiet. There was one request for a
TCK update (Jaxws?), a few additions to people asking to participate
in various projects' TCK testing.
Attachment 3: Status report for the Apache Security Team Project
There continues to be a steady stream of reports of various kinds arriving
at These continue to be dealt with promptly by the
security team. For Jan 2008:
1 Support question
3 Security vulnerability question, but not a vulnerability report
1 Phishing/spam/attacks point to site "powered by Apache"
1 User was hacked, but it wasn't ASF software at fault
3 Vulnerability report
This month the press reported thousands of Apache HTTP on Linux
servers being compromised and used to serve malicious files to visiting
Windows clients. Although initial reports were sketchy, in the end the
evidence pointed to the machines being compromised through leaked passwords
and not through any ASF or third party software installed. The Security
Team gave a short press statement which was used in some stories.
Attachment 4: Status report for the Apache Conference Planning Project
General News
* no general news
Conference Overview
* ApacheCon Europe 2008
Location and date: Amsterdam, April 7-11, 2008
Lead: Noirin Shirley
Co-Lead: Lars Eilebrecht
Planning list:
Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.
* ApacheCon US 2008
Location and date: New Orleans, November 3-7, 2008
Lead: Shane Curcuru
Co-Lead: Noel J. Bergman
Planning list:
Producer: Stone Circle Productions, Inc.
* Apache Track or ApacheCon Peru 2008
Location and date: Lima, Peru, October 18, 2008
An Apache-related conference or track may be co-hosted with the
VISION 2008. No final decision has been made yet.
* OSSummit Asia 2008 (joint-conference with Eclipse Foundation)
Location and date: (location and date to be defined)
Leaders: J Aaron Farr, Justin Erenkrantz, Noirin Shirley
Planning list:
Producer/Owner: OSSummit LLC
ApacheCon Europe 2008 News
* A press release about ApacheCon Europe was published 23 January.
* ApacheCon Europe 2008 Hackathon Sponsorship: The ASF board has
approved the special resolution of ConCom to sponsor the Hackathon
at ApacheCon Europe 2008.
ApacheCon US 2008 News
* Unfortunately due to reduced volunteer attention, the CFP is not yet
opened, but will be soon. Shane and Ken are currently working on
getting the CFP ready by end of February. The deadline for the CFP
will be the week of ApacheCon Europe 2008 as the planning meeting
will be held the weekend following the conference.
ApacheCon Peru 2008 News
No news since last board report.
OSSummit Asia 2008 News
* The last conference call was held Feb 13th. Final date and location
are still being determined, though Shanghai in early December seems
most likely. There are several other open source events in China
this spring. The planners have expressed interest in cooperating
with these events to promote OSSummit.
Attachment 5: Status report for the Apache Audit Project
No activity this month.
Attachment 6: Status report for the Apache Public Relations Project
The last month has seen normal PRC activities: handling requests
and questions about logos and trademarks, responding to media inquiries,
etc. Yoav and J. Aaron have taken the lead on crafting an Acceptable
Logo and Trademark Usage document, that we can place on the website
and share.
On the Sponsorship side we added one new Bronze sponsor (Matt Mullenweg)
and are in discussions with a potential Silver Sponsor. It should
be noted that renewals for Google, HP, Covalent and Tetsuya Kitahata
are coming up quickly (currently expire June 1, 2008).
Below is the activity report from HALO:
= = =
ACTIVITY: Strategic Planning
- Communications Plan/Announcement Schedule (finalizing dates)
- Researching/Updating Editorial Calendar Opportunities
ACTIVITY: Content Development
- Revised ASF boilerplate
- Reviewed/Edited Press Release: Synapse 1.1 announcement
- Edited Press Release: 13 December - Yahoo! Platinum Sponsorship
- Issued Press Release: ASF 2007 Year In Review
- Issued Press Release: ApacheCon Registration Open
- Reviewing/Updating ASF/TLP/activity positioning
- Drafting Copy deck: Website News section/second tier page
- Researching Archives: ASF-issued press releases post June 1999
[awaiting PRNewsire announcements]
- Drafted Press Release: Apache Synapse as TLP/v1.1.1 Available
ACTIVITY: Outreach & Liaison
- Purchased new media lists (will be updated quarterly)
- Honing database (ongoing): additional media, influencers, and bloggers
- Face-to-Face Meeting with analysts at Forrester and Gartner
- Contacting industry analysts/influencers: RedMonk, Gartner Group,
Forrester, The451, ZapThink, O'Reilly, InfoWorld, Elemental
- Media Coordination: Yahoo!, Mark Logic, Radar Networks, IT Conversations
- ASF Sponsor Liaison: HP > onto ApacheCon sponsorship
- Outreach to Tim Berners-Lee re: clarification on "Apache/W3C relations"
- Coordinate with Arje Cahn and Hippo PR team to translate/distribute
ApacheCon press release in Dutch
- Liaising with Delia Frees re: ApacheCon Business Track panel sponsorship
- Response to Markus Stiegler, XDEV Software, re: CeBIT; liaise with
Charel Morris
- Forwarding contact - Ilan Rabinovitch re: SCALE;
liaise with Charel Morris
- Forwarding contact Armijn Hemel re: Dutch Java Users Group and Utrecht
Linux Users Group; liaise with Charel Morris
ACTIVITY: Media Training
- Secured Michael Cote/RedMonk as partner for Media Training cover the
ASF's activities during ApacheCon [NOTE: may need backup for ApacheCon
Europe due to possible scheduling conflict]
- Developing "How to Work with the PRC" (will be part of Intermediate Media
Training offered at ApacheCon)
- Developing Announcement Guidelines, Tips, and Timeframes
ACTIVITY: Media Relations/Coordination
- Elise Ackerman/San Jose Mercury News re: Doug Cutting on Wikia Search
- Joe Barr/ re: Security Infestation
- Dennis Byron/ re: ASF 2007 Year in Review (article will appear
in 15 February newsletter on Open Source); podcast to be scheduled
- Dennis Byron/ re: Sun-MySQL acquisition
- Clint Boulton/eWeek re: Oracle-BEA acquisition
[NOTE: not sure if this should be posted as a
"Covalent press release" ...]
Attachment A: Status report for the Apache Ant Project
Here is the Ant status report for this quarter. I did not submit a
status report for the previous quarter - my apologies. I had a
somewhat busy period at work and I don't think I received the reminder.
Nevertheless, mea culpa.
o Current Releases
Ant 1.7 was released on December 19, 2006.
The release is currently now over 1 year old so it can be considered a
very successful, stable release.
An Ant 1.7.1 release is in the works and is undergoing final testing
across different platforms.
The major development within the Ant project has been the integration of
the Ivy project after its graduation from the Incubator around October
2007. This has resulted in the addition of the Ivy committers to the Ant
Xavier Hanin
Maarten Coene
Gilles Scokart
Export Notification policy
My thanks to Stefan Bodewig for ensuring both the Ant and Ivy project
outputs have the required Export Control Notifications in place.
o Development Activities
The addition of the Ivy project has spurred a lot of discussions on the
Ant dev list including ways to make Ant easier to use, etc.
o Community
There are no problems in the Ant community.
I should note that there is a lot of discussion in the wider Java
development community (blogs, etc) about the use of Ant v Maven, etc. I
believe each project presents users with different tradeoffs and
benefits, which is healthy.
No other issues.
Attachment B: Status report for the Apache C++ Standard Library Project
This is the third stdcxx Board report since graduating on 11/15.
Starting with next report we will be reporting on a quarterly
Notable changes since the last report (2008/1):
The project activity has picked up quite a bit since the January
report, both in terms of the number of commits as well as on the
mailing lists. Migration out of Incubator and into TLP (INFRA-1421)
has been completed. Some progress has been made on redesigning and
reimplementing the project site using Apache Forrest (STDCXX-686).
BIS Export Control Classification:
Apache C++ Standard Library contains no encryption source code nor
does it make use of any third party encryption software.
Future plans:
We are making progress, albeit slowly, toward the 4.2.1 release.
The expected timeframe for this maintenance release is February to
March 2008. Next week we look forward to attending the Microsoft
Open Source Software Labs meeting in Redmond.
The active community remains small and dominated by contributors
from Rogue Wave, despite efforts to reach out to other developers.
16 committers (unchanged)
11 PMC members (unchanged)
Mailing List Activity Changes Since December 2007:
commits: 18 (+4) subscribers, 4.38 (+1.80) posts/day
dev: 56 (+4) subscribers, 6.48 (-0.93) posts/day
issues: 10 subscribers, 12.95 posts/day
user: 46 (+6) subscribers, 0.10 (-0.18) posts/day
Bug Tracking Changes Since January 2008:
Total issues: 729 (+ 36)
Outstanding: 273 (+ 10)
Resolved: 95 (+ 5)
Closed: 361 (+ 18)
Planned releases:
4.2.1 February/March 2008
4.3.0 Summer/Fall 2008
5.0 Winter 2008
Release history:
4.2.0 October 29, 2007 (incubating)
4.1.3 January 30, 2006 (incubating)
4.1.2 September 7, 2005 (snapshot, incubating)
Attachment C: Status report for the Apache Cocoon Project
- Cocoon 2.1.11 was released on 2008/01/09.
- The final release of Cocoon 2.2 is expected for February/March.
- The Cocoon sample web application got a new skin following the style of
the new website.
- There have been some experiments with completly removing all dependencies
on Avalon/Excalibur and providing a Java API for pipelines in the whiteboard
section of our SVN repository.
- nothing that requires board attention
- The Export Notification Policy reminder from the board didn't
show anything to be done from the Cocoon PMC.
Attachment D: Status report for the Apache Forrest Project
Apache Forrest mission is software for generation of aggregated multi-channel
documentation maintaining a separation of content and presentation.
Issues needing board attention
Changes in the PMC membership
General status
Progress has been generally slow this quarter. Most developers seem busy with
other stuff.
Most issues on the user mail list are being attended to by various developers.
That list is also quiet.
Progress of the project
A committer is working on a branch to utilise an updated Apache FOP.
An initial proposal for a "Windows installer".
An issue was raised about Forrest including some not-yet-released Cocoon code.
Forrest PMC needs to follow up to summarise. We already attend to legalities
of included products on a day-to-day basis, and some efforts have been made
to better document our licensing situation.
Started to attend to "Export Notification policy". Commenced review of our
SVN, added Forrest entry to "exports" page, encouraged PMC to help with
review, waiting for more input before sending BIS email. See FOR-1069.
No releases since 0.8 on 2007-04-18.
Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Hadoop Project
The top-level project completed the split of Hadoop out of Lucene and
into a TLP. The subproject that was Hadoop, is now called Hadoop
Core. We have also moved HBase into a sub-project from being in Hadoop
Core's contrib directory. Although Core and HBase have many ties, the
contributor list and code base is largely disjoint between them and
the split will reduce the heavy traffic on both development lists.
Hadoop Core has released 0.16.0, 0.15.3, and 0.15.2. As we move toward
more stability, we've moved our feature freezes to every 3 months
(beginning of Jan, Apr, July, and Oct). Development has been very
active, including adding user permissions to HDFS. (Fixed Jira counts:
23 unreleased, 180 for 0.16.0, 4 for 0.15.3, and 15 for 0.15.2)
HBase, which is a distributed storage system for structured data, has
become a subproject of Hadoop. We have added Bryan Duxbury as a
committer. Development has been very active (Fixed Jira counts: 7
unreleased, 142 for 0.16.0)
Attachment F: Status report for the Apache HiveMind Project
The HiveMind project has remained quite inactive during the last 3
months. There are currently no active developers on the project.
However, some of the users have expressed interest in becoming
contributors. They have been asked to begin providing patches to JIRA
After I sent this out to the development list for review (Feb 9th),
the JIRA issues started to get some attention. In particular, Johan
Lindquist and Jochen Zimmerman started commenting and attaching
Attachment G: Status report for the Apache HTTP Server Project
The Apache HTTP server project has made progress through the quarter
without any significant issues. We have no board-level issues at this
We have added two PMC members, Guenter Knauf and Tony Stevenson, and
three committers: Davi Arnaut, Issac Goldstand, and Niklas Edmundsson.
We released Apache HTTP Server 2.2.8, 2.0.63, and 1.3.41.
We have not done any releases for flood, libapreq, mod_arm4,
mod_bw, mod_cache_requester, mod_mbox, mod_pop3, mod_smtpd,
mod_wombat, or mod_ftp, though the latter has seen quite a bit
of activity from William Rowe Jr. getting it ready for release
testing as well as some new contributors showing interest.
We have decided to accept another protocol implementation in
the form of mod_dns (most likely to be renamed mod_named); a
software grant has been received and the incubator clearance
should be complete before the board meeting.
Justin and Roy participated in the IETF httpbis WG meetings
at the 70th IETF meeting in December.
Roy Fielding, Yves Lafon and Julian Reschke will share editorship of
the proposed replacement for RFC 2616, partitioned into seven drafts.
More information on that effort can be found at
Our ECCN classifications are complete and current, though we are
still listed as responsible for Apache mod_python. That listing
will remain until Apache Quetzalcoatl has a website.
Attachment H: Status report for the Apache HttpComponents Project
-- Status --
There are no items needing immediate attention of the board though it is
worth to note that we had one release since the last report in January and
that we are eagerly working on the crypto export requirements as well as
finalizing our own project bylaws. See below for more details.
-- Releases --
We have had one release since last report:
24 January 2008 - HttpComponents HttpCore 4.0 beta 1
-- Community --
No arrivals or departures.
As soon as the remaining tasks from the TLP migration are completed, we
will probably be able to dedicate some effort to the improvement of our
entry level documentation.
Also, Google Android has been updated from HttpClient 3.1 to 4.0 alpha
which will hopefully give the new codebase additional visibility and
perhaps attract some more contributors.
-- Migration --
Items done:
- moved old wiki including relevant content to new one
- adjusted links on main website to point to the new wiki
- drafted and approved project charter
- drafted project bylaws
Items still in work:
- finalize and approve project bylaws
- re-instate deployment of website via Subversion
(currently deployed by Maven due to TLP migration)
-- Development --
HttpCore beta1 has been released. We already have a few minor and compatible
modifications in the queue for the next beta. We are receiving a lot of input
for module-nio, both suggestions and patches for extensions, especially from
the Limewire developers.
HttpClient alpha3 will be released shortly. A new module has been added to
provide multipart support based on mime4j from the Apache James project.
It's dragging in a few additional dependencies, but is also way better than
maintaining duplicate functionality. The problem of NTLM support is still
open, and augmented by the lack of developer cycles. We will probably end
up with a solution based on the existing code with NTLMv1 support only.
We are aware that a potential usage of JCIFS (which is licensed under the
LGPL) would violate the ASFs Third-Party Licensing Policy and are therefore
not planning anymore on using it.
In response to the global request to examine the crypto export classification
and notification requirements for each project, we've identified the relevant
code parts:
a) HttpCore 4.x
Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) for HTTPS support
b) HttpClient 4.x
Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) for HTTPS support
c) HttpClient 2.x / 3.x
Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) for HTTPS support
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) for NTLM authentication
We will update the ASF Product Classification Matrix today and send out the
required notifications as soon as the changes are published.
Attachment I: Status report for the Apache Incubator Project
One issue that came up during the past month is regarding the use of
org.apache.* package spaces when someone takes ASF code and forks it
downstream, releasing a non-ASF codebase using org.apache.* as the
namespace. I suggested that the appropriate venue for the discussion was
with the Legal Committee, and that no one in the Incubator was authorized by
the ASF to provide legal advice, neither on behalf of the ASF nor users of
our code. The topic has not been raised on the legal mailing lists as yet.
In the specific case of the package(s) in mind, we may end up resurrecting a
stalled project. We will see how it goes.
A number of projects have been informally or formally proposed for
Incubation. Those that we have voted on to accept are:
Thrift -
CouchDB -
PDFBox -
CXF and Tuscany did incubation releases. A number of projects are properly
recording their IP forms within the Incubator structure.
There has been a discussion of source control systems, with some people
vocally expressing interest in using another SCM. We have tried to make it
clear that projects are not free to choose and/or run alternate critical
infrastructure, especially source control, and that the Incubator is not the
correct venue to discuss the adoption of a new source control system for the
ASF. We've also tried to explain ASF practices regarding collaborative
development, independent of technology choice.
February 2008 Board reports for Incubator Projects:
=== Abdera ===
Abdera is an implementation of the Atom Syndication Format and Atom
Publishing Protocol standards.
The Abdera project is preparing release 0.4.0 which includes many new
features and improvements including a new StreamWriter interface and a
complete refactoring of the Atompub server APIs. The community has
continued to grow with patches for bugs and improvements being actively
submitted by members of the user community. Once the 0.4.0 release it out
the door, the Abdera PMC will likely begin working towards graduation.
=== Lokahi ===
Lokahi is a configuration and management console for Apache httpd, tomcat
and other web server infrastructure.
Incubating since: 2006-01-07
Testing on the MySQL port is continuing. A Fast Feather presentation on
Lokahi was given at Apachecon in Atlanta. Recently talk (and some code) has
begun around templating of configuration files, specifically for Apache
Httpd at this time. And the need to extend Lokahi to manage Geronimo has
been mentioned.
Obstacles to graduation:
* community - now includes authors outside of the original dev
community, but additional committers are sought.
* licensing - oracle-only back end is now 95% of the way to an alternate
MySQL backend, and soon to be enhanced with license agnostic interfaces
=== NMaven ===
NMaven develops plugins and integration for Maven to make building and using
.NET languages a first-class citizen in Maven.
Incubating since: 2006-11-17
Items to resolve before graduation
* More active committer involvement. We have two active committers from
different organizations but need at least one more.
* We are currently voting on our first release.
* We have brought NMaven fully in line with Maven architecture. This took a
major rewrite of the code.
* Steady increase of mailing list subscribers over this period (from 35 to
* We lost a lot of features when we rewrote the code so the plan is to
start reimplementing these features.
* Proceed with frequent release cycle
=== PDFBox ===
PDFBox is an open source Java PDF library for working with PDF documents.
PDFBox entered incubation on February 7th, 2008.
The PDFBox project has just entered incubation, and we're currently setting
up the project infrastructure. A question about the licensing of the JAI
dependency was voiced on the mailing list.
=== RAT ===
RAT is auditing and comprehension for source code and binary releases.
RAT entered incubation in October 2007 but only in the last few weeks
started to setup the required infrastructure. Most of this is now in place
and the IP clearance for the code import is being worked upon now.
=== Sling ===
Sling is a framework to develop content centric web applications based on
the idea of modularizing the rendering of HTTP resources.
Sling entered incubation on September 5th, 2007.
* The Sling PPMC voted and passed the "Community Roles and Processes"
* Paddy Hannon added as Committer and member of the PPMC
* The Sling API has been finalized and the project migrated to the new API.
* Creation of the Sling Launchpad, based on the former microsling module,
provides a ready to run configuration of Sling.
* General stabilization of the API and implementation, should lead to a
first release soon.
* No export control notifications are needed for Apache Sling.
Issues before graduation
* Make an incubating Sling release.
* Grow a more diverse community (so far commits mostly from Day employees).
Licensing and other issues
* none
=== Tuscany ===
Tuscany simplifies the development, deployment and management of distributed
applications built as compositions of service components. These components
may be implemented with a range of technologies and connected using a
variety of communication protocols. Tuscany implements relevant open
standards including, but not limited to, the SCA and SDO standards defined
by the OASIS OpenCSA member section.
Incubating since: 2005-11-30
Top issues?
* Graduation discussion
* Getting the wiki to handle Chinese characters in order to support Chinese
Community aspects:
* There has been open discussion about what are the next steps towards
graduating Tuscany as a TLP, trying to address concerns raised by the IPMC
related to the level of diversity in Tuscany.
* Voted in Rajini Sivaram as new committer
* Community involvement continues apace - users are answering mailing list
questions, providing patches, and being voted in as committers
* Users feedback indicates real usage of Tuscany in production
Releases since last report:
* Java SCA 1.0.1 and Java SCA 1.1 released
Ongoing work:
* SDO 1.1 is being worked on
* A Native SCA, SDO and DAS release is slowly being worked on
* The Java SCA 1.2 release contents are being discussed
* Links with other Apache projects continue to be forged and lots of
exciting new features are being worked on\!
* On going discussion about the JSR235 incubator proposal and having a new
podling dedicated to SDO
=== Woden ===
On 8th December 2007 Woden graduated from Incubation to a sub-project of
Apache Web Services. The results of the IPMC vote were 8 +1s, no 0s, no -1s.
This will be the last Woden report to the Incubator. From the Woden team,
thankyou to the IPMC for guiding us to the Apache Way.
=== XAP ===
XAP is an XML-based declarative framework for creating Ajax applications.
* There was some movement to make a few more people committers who have
been filing numerous bugs and bug fixes, we need to follow up on that.
* Lack of activity on the mailing lists is a problem; we will have to do
better there.
* I (James M) was onsite at a real customer creating a production
deployment. Ran into some bugs and performance issues, especially in IE6,
which have been fixed and rolled into the XAP codebase. In particular data
centric widgets like tables and comboBoxes should perform better,
application startup time is greatly reduced and some stability issues with
table were addressed. (No more crashing)
* We are starting the process of doing another release that incorporates
these changes.
Issues before graduation
* Aforementioned community issues as well as community diversity.
Attachment J: Status report for the Apache Lenya Project
Issues needing board attention
Changes in the PMC membership
General status
Lenya 2.0 is released! Woohoo!
Issues still to be dealt with by the Lenya PMC
None at this time.
Progress of the project
After we struggled for a long time to get 2.0 out, we finally did this
quarter, and things have picked up steam since then. It appears that
we overcame some psychological barriers ;)
A vote to branch 2.0 from trunk is currently underway, as is a vote
for a 2.0.1 release. Several nice cleanups are taking place, such as
the removal of XSP from Lenya, performance improvements, and bug
fixes. We are also discussing the scope of 2.1 development.
Attachment K: Status report for the Apache Logging Project
log4cxx is very close to having a viable 0.10.0 release candidate
after years of Real Soon Now. I was hoping to beat the
reporting deadline, but came up a little short.
log4j has a couple of issues that warrant a 1.2.16 maintenance
release however the log4cxx push has taken priority. log4j 2.0
development is still just a good intention.
log4net has had steady flow of fixes to long standing bugs
and is likely due for a new release.
log4php has had no development or mailing list activity
and appears to have drifted back off into dormancy
after restarting incubation last summer.
chainsaw needs a concentrated push to release.
Mailing lists have been active, but development outside
of the log4cxx push and log4net maintenance has
been minimal. Several committers and PMC
members have had no activity this quarter
and there are no obvious candidates for additional
PMC members or committers.
Curt Arnold and Ron Grabowski are both expecting
to attend the Microsoft compatibility lab
the week of February 25th.
* Export Notifications
The log4cxx, log4j and log4net code bases were reviewed
and did not appear to require a notice. Chainsaw
and log4php were not reviewed, but are considered
unlikely to contain issues.
log4cxx depends on APR-Util which requires a notice
due to the SSL abstraction, however log4cxx does
not use that feature in APR-Util.
log4net when compiled for the .NET Compact Framework 1.0
calls Win32's CryptGenRandom for random numbers, but no
other methods from the platform's encryption API.
log4j had no identified issues.
Attachment L: Status report for the Apache Maven Project
* General Information
1) Henri Yandell resigned as a committer due to not having enough time
2) We have released quite a few plugins and shared components that hadn't
been released in a while.
3) A new 2.0.x patch has been released that seems to be pretty stable.
4) Work on 2.1 alpha-1 is progressing and we are driving towards a release
as soon as things are stabilized.
5) A new archetype codebase has been moved to trunk and is in the process
of being released.
6) some debate occurred about the possibility of changing voting timeframes
for alpha releases. No consensus for change has yet been reached.
* New PMC Members
* Dan Fabulich
* PMC Members going Emeritus
* Mike Perham
* New Committers
* Nicolas de Loof (Sunday November 25th 2007)
* Alexandru Popescu (Saturday December 1st 2007)
* Releases
* Maven 2.0.8 (Tuesday November 27th, 2007)
* Maven WAR Plugin 2.1-alpha-1 (Wednesday October 24th, 2007)
* Maven Changes Plugin 2.0-beta-3 (Thursday October 25th, 2007)
* Maven Release Plugin 2.0-beta-7 (Thursday October 25th, 2007)
* Maven Source Plugin 2.0.4 (Sunday November 11th, 2007)
* Maven Help Plugin 2.0.2 (Tuesday November 27th, 2007)
* Maven Site Plugin 2.0-beta-6 (Wednesday November 28th, 2007)
* Maven Clean Plugin 2.2 (Monday December 3th, 2007)
* Maven Dependency Tree 1.1 (Wednesday December 19th, 2007)
* Maven Invoker plugin 1.1 (Thursday December 20th, 2007)
* Maven Test Tools 1.0-alpha-2 (Tuesday January 1st, 2008))
* Maven Archiver 2.3 (Monday January 7th, 2008)
* Maven PMD Plugin 2.3 (Tuesday January 8th, 2008)
* Maven Common Artifact Filters 1.0 (Saturday January 12th, 2008)
* Maven Jar Plugin 2.2 (Tuesday January 16th, 2008)
* Maven Surefire 2.4 (Tuesday January 16th, 2008)
* 1.0-beta-2 (Saturday September 22nd, 2007)
* 1.0-beta-3 (Thursday November 1st, 2007)
* 1.0-beta-4 (Wednesday November 14th, 2007)
* 1.0 (Tuesday November 27th, 2007)
* 1.1-beta-3 (Wednesday September 26th, 2007)
* 1.1-beta-4 (Tuesday October 30th, 2007)
* 1.1 (Friday November 23th, 2007)
* Doxia 1.0-alpha-10 (Friday November 2nd, 2007)
* Doxia-sitetools 1.0-alpha-10 (Tuesday November 6th, 2007)
* Maven Shared IO 1.1 (Saturday November 24th 2007)
* Maven Shared File Management 1.2 (Wednesday November 28th, 2007)
* Maven Archiver 2.3 (Monday January 7th, 2008)
* Maven Common Artifact Filters (Sat January 12th, 2008)
* Maven Plugin Testing Harness (Tue, January 1st, 2008)
* Maven Test Tools (Tue, January 1st, 2008)
* Maven Dependency Analyzer (Tue, January 15th, 2008)
* Maven Dependency Tree (Wed, December 19th, 2007)
Attachment M: Status report for the Apache Perl Project
-- mod_perl 1.0 --
The mod_perl 1.x is a maintenance track designed to work with httpd
No new mod_perl 1.x releases since the last report.
--- mod_perl 2.0 --
mod_perl 2.X is designed to work with all httpd 2.X branches.
We are currently working through a release candidate which addresses
changes in perl 5.10 that cause some bit of trouble with the most
recent mod_perl 2.0 release. We expect a release soon.
No new mod_perl 2.x releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Test --
Apache-Test provides a framework which allows module writers to write
test suites than can query a running mod_perl enabled server. It is
used by mod_perl, httpd and several third party applications, and
includes support for Apache modules written in C, mod_perl, PHP
and Parrot.
Apache-Test 1.30 was released 26 Nov 2007. 1.30 contained a small
number of new features and bug fixes.
--- Apache-SizeLimit --
Apache-SizeLimit is a popular component in most mod_perl production
environments. It is used to kill off large httpd child processes
based on various environmental triggers.
No new Apache-SizeLimit releases since the last report.
--- Apache-Reload --
Apache-Reload is a popular component in most mod_perl development
environments, used to refresh compiled code in the perl interpreter
without completely restarting httpd.
We have not yet released Apache-Reload.
-- Development --
mod_perl continues to be an active and healthy development community -
bugs are found, bugs are fixed, development moves forward as usual.
-- Users --
The mod_perl users list is, as always, thriving. nothing noteworthy
has happened since the last report.
-- PMC --
there was a brief discussion over whether mod_perl properly marked
the proper incoming data fields (it probably does not) and whether
this behavior warrants a CVE report. the conclusion was that
while mod_perl may have a bug, it's not mod_perl proper that contains
a security vulnerability - the offending code (if there were any)
would be written by a user.
our BIS notice was sent Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:27:10 -0400 (see the perl
200511 board report). the source to page
was modified to add the binary files our project is exporting.
Attachment N: Status report for the Apache POI Project
OOXML Support
We started work on adding support for Office Open XML (ooxml), the new xml
file format introduced with Office 2007. We are mostly concentrating on
excel support, but we do have text extractors for all formats. All work is
being currently done in a svn branch.
We have been collaborating with the openxml4j project, who produce an asl v2
licensed library which works with the zip container of ooxml files.
It looks like the licensing questions around the use of the xsds for ooxml
are mostly answered, and hopefully we'll be ok to ship them fairly soon.
We released 3.0.2 earlier this month. It contains an impressive list of bug
fixes compared to 3.0.1, and a fair few small new features
We're planning another release in the summer, to fit within our aim of a
release every 6 months. This may just be another 3.0.x version, or might
include the ooxml support, depending on if it's ready for merging back into
trunk by then.
We added one new committer, Ugo Cei. There are a few contributors who are
submitting good patches, who we may well offer committership too in the near
The lists remain nicely active. We have also have a poi session at ApacheCon
Attachment O: Status report for the Apache Roller Project
* Apache Roller 4.0 released!
Roller 4.0 is a major new release that upgrades Roller to Jave SE 5,
Struts 2, Velocity 1.5 and OpenJPA. It's the first release that does
not require Hibernate or any other LGPL code to run. It was released
on December 5, 2007 and announced on the Roller mailing lists and the
project blog.
We've made enough bug fixes in the Roller 4.0 branch that it's
probable time to start thinking about a bug 4.0.1 bug fix release.
Here's the list of issues fixed for 4.0.1.
* Roller 4.1 development, now in trunk
Roller 4.1 development is underway and since the Roller 4.0 release,
we have merged the work into the trunk. The proposal to externalize
user management has been implemented, as has the proposal to add a Tag Data
API so other apps can get Roller's tag cloud data.
* Apache Roller 3.1 completed, 3.1.1 RC6 ready for testing
No change in 3.1.1 status since last report. We still have not gotten
votes for release.
We shipped 3.1 on April 23, 2007. A number of significant problems
(including an XSS bug) were found and fixed. We are now testing a fix
release known as 3.1.1 RC6, made available October 4, 2007
(announcement here:
* Some post graduation work still TBD
No change in status. JIRA is still hosted externally.
Apache Roller graduated back in March and announced graduation and the
Apache Roller 3.1 release on April 23, 2007. However, we've still got
some work to do. We're still waiting for our JIRA instance to be setup
* Community health
Community health is good, but activity has slowed a little during Fall
of 2007. Developers and users are active on the mailing lists,
reporting bugs, submitting patches and seeking support. A talk on
Advanced Apache Roller has been accepted for ApacheCon EU 2008.
Attachment P: Status report for the Apache Santuario Project
Very little activity this quarter. Mostly relating to the Java library
around bug fixes and user queries.
No activity on the C++ library front.
For crypto policy, work needs to be done to bring both libraries into full
compliance. However notification was sent (for both libraries) to the
appropriate authorities in 2004, so we should be covered. (Of course this
does not obviate the requirement to uplift to full policy compliance.)
Attachment Q: Status report for the Apache Shale Project
The Shale project has had another slow quarter. The libraries have seemed
to stabilize with not may reported issues. There has not been a lot of new
development resulting in the community to question the future of the
There has been talk of Shale merging with MyFaces but we are not sure that
would be beneficial long term. Several committers are on both projects so
both projects are represented well. The lack of activity by the project
members might change in the near future leading to more time to contribute
to the project.
However, due to the non-commercial backing of the project, we realize the
Shale community should be looking for new volunteers to help grow the
project. Struts, a similar project, seems to have remained strong by
bringing in new volunteers.
We are already seeing positive effects of bringing in new member Rahul
Akolkar. He has recently joined the Shale PMC and we have benefited from
the experiences that he brings from other apache communities.
We realize that we are due for a new release but are struggling to gain
momentum. We are targeting a new release for the next quarter.
Attachment R: Status report for the Apache Synapse Project
= Progress on TLP =
The Infra team did a fantastic job helping us finish off the TLP move
(Thanks Joe et al!), and we got the new website in place, moved SVN and
updated the main site. The PR went out with the help of Jim,
Sally and the PRC, and was picked up by a number of news sites and blogs.
= Notable Happenings =
We elected a new committer - Andreas Veithen. Awaiting account setup.
We also did a 1.1.1 release including improved clustering support plus
numerous other improvements. Unfortunately there was a slight hiccup with
the Maven distribution, so we also ended up doing a 1.1.2 release.
= Export controls =
We have updated the page with
Apache Synapse information, and informed the US export controls.
Our next release will include the cryptography information in the README.
Attachment S: Status report for the Apache Turbine Project
There has been good progress towards resolving the outstanding ECCN
issues within the Turbine project. See below for details.
The final tasks relating to Turbine becoming a TLP have finally
been completed - the mirrored downloads and archived releases have
been moved from jakarta to turbine directories.
Other than this the Turbine project continues on with a fairly low
level of activity.
The Turbine project has no board-level issues at this time.
ECCN Status and activity
While this issue has been highlighted by Bill for the current
round of reports, it has been on our radar for some time now.
The following areas had the potential to require ECCN registration
due to their use of a "symmetric algorithm employing a key length
exceeding 56 bits" and/or because they "were designed to work with
strong cryptographic libraries":
1. fulcrum-crypto - used the cryptix library to implement Unix crypt()
2. The Crypto Service in Turbine Core, from which fulcrum-crypto was
extracted - also used the cryptix library to implement Unix crypt()
3. fulcrum-yaafi - supports decryption of strongly encrypted
configuration files
4. fulcrum-pbe - supports strong encryption/decryption of files
In particular, the following actions have taken place:
* the cryptix dependency has been removed from fulcrum-crypto and
Turbine core's Crypto Service (replaced with from the
JetSpeed Portal project).
* the exposed interfaces and underlying implementation of
fulcrum-yaafi and fulcrum-pbe have been modified to ensure that
only DES (56 bit key length) can be used (strong encryption was
never used but was available through the exposed interfaces).
It is our understanding that after our next release of the following
components, no aspects of the Apache Turbine project will require
ECCN registration:
* fulcrum-crypto-1.0.7 - ETA some time in the next few weeks
* turbine-2.3.3 - ETA some time in the next month or so
* fulcrum-yaafi-1.0.6 - ETA some time in the next few weeks
* fulcrum-pbe-1.0.0 - Not yet a released component so no release
required in order to comply.
Community changes
No new committers were voted in since the last board report.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
Turbine core project
The Turbine Core trunk and turbine-site modules have been updated to ASL
2.0 - this was long overdue and is in preparation for a future release.
The changes to fulcrum-crypto have been backported to the Crypto Service
so as to eliminate the ECCN registration requirement for Turbine core.
We are working on releasing Turbine 2.3.3 - this has primarily been
waiting on the DB Project's Torque 3.3 release which is likely to appear
in the next couple of weeks.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Fulcrum component project
Mostly ECCN related activity, but progress on migrating from Maven 1.x
to Maven 2.x for project builds has commenced.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
META project
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Attachment T: Status report for the Apache Velocity Project
Velocity remains a mature product. At the moment, development is
primarily focused on the tools project. User mailing list traffic
remains at 1-2 messages a day with responses generally answered
Nathan Bubna oversaw our involvement in Google's GHOP program in
November/December 2007. We had several students make useful
contributions to our documentation and logos. Many thanks to the
participants and to Google.
The Velocity project currently has no board-level issues at this
As requested, the PMC chair has reviewed the ASF notes on export
notification. Since Velocity has no crypto code, and no links
or dependencies on such code, these requirements do not apply to
our project.
We have a new committer, but have not formally announced it as his
CLA has not yet been received.
No new PMC members were voted in since the last board report.
Minor activity fixing some bugs. There are several patches received
by users in the last couple of weeks that need review.
No beta or final releases were made since the last board report.
Velocity tools has released 2.0-beta1. We hope to release 2.0 by
Texen has been refactored to separate out ant task from main code.
The code is ready for a point release in the not too distant future.
Texen currently has an unresolved Gump issue.
No activity this past quarter.
Attachment U: Status report for the Apache Xalan Project
Nothing to report.
Xalan-J 2.7.1 was released on November 27, 2007
This release contains:
1) Support for DOM Level 3 serialization
2) Upgrade to Xerces-J 2.9.0
3) Bug fixes
The user community has noted that the Xalan-J 2.7.1
distribution contains a back level release of
Xerces-J. Xerces-J 2.9.1 became available on
September 15, 2007. The level of Apache BCEL is
also downlevel at 5.1. Version 5.2 was released
in June of 2006.
These two will be upgraded in the next release.
Although not discussed by the PMC, I am not aware
of any cryptographic code in the Apache Xalan
distributions. The PMC will visit this issue before
the next board meeting.
Attachment V: Status report for the Apache Xerces Project
Attachment W: Status report for the Apache XML Project
General business
Nothing much going on in the XML project. We are waiting to see what
happens with Apache Attic to see if either Xindice or AxKit might be good
candidates. The Export Notification Policy reminder from the board didn't
show anything to be done from the XML PMC side. Nothing else requiring
board attention at the moment.
Xindice made a 1.2m1 release on December 1st. There has been little
activity since then.
Nothing new to report - no activity since last time.
Attachment X: Status report for the Apache XML Graphics Project
General Comments
There are no project-level issues. The project continues to live off a
relatively small set of active committers. The PMC chair is a little
concerned about the number of active committers in the Batik area. The
1.7 release was basically performed by a single committer. However,
oversight is still guaranteed. User activity is steady and support is
The whole project has now dropped support for Java 1.3 and requires
Java 1.4 after the release of Batik 1.7. We're looking towards other
projects to find long-term, joint solutions for PDF generation, font
and metadata handling (most notably PDFBox and Tika).
XML Graphics Commons
A redesign of the image loading code in FOP resulted in a new image
loading framework in Commons. It is highly extensible and supports
loading all sorts of images (bitmap, vector) and converting them to a
format supported by the consumer. Besides that, smaller bugfixes
happened, as well as a few improvements for the XMP metadata handling
Version 1.7 was released. An XML editor component with syntax
highlighting was donated and integrated. But the release preparations
(bugfixing, documentation etc.) dominated the whole last reporting
period. Besides that the development front is relatively quiet
especially since the release.
The most notable changes in the last three months were: improvements
and bugfixes for tables, the integration of a new image loading
framework, various small improvement with font handling. Besides that
the usual bugfix or feature here and there. Things currently underway
are improved page layout, GOCA support (Java2D paintings) for AFP
output and a processing feedback mechanism. The next release (0.95) is
targeted for the end of February or beginning of March.
End of minutes for the February 20, 2008 board meeting.